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15 octobre 2015 4 15 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
Chammal : Inauguration d’une salle de lutte contre le piégeage


15/10/2015 Sources : État-major des armées


En Irak, lorsqu’ils se replient et abandonnent les positions aux Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI), les terroristes de Daech piègent les villages à l’aide d’Engins explosifs improvisés (IED) pour rendre difficile la progression des forces irakienne et retarder le retour à la vie normale pour les Irakiens.


Le 6 octobre 2015 dans la région de Bagdad, l’ambassadeur de France en Irak a inauguré un nouvel espace pédagogique comportant une salle de lutte contre le piégeage et un véhicule d’instruction réalisé par le Détachement d’instruction opérationnelle (DIO) 13 au profit des forces de défense irakiennes. Cette action s’inscrit dans le cadre de la formation et du conseil fourni aux FSI par l’opération Chammal.


Les militaires du DIO 13 ont débuté une formation au profit de leurs homologues irakiens. Ce stage vise à acquérir les techniques de la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (CIED). Pendant cette formation, tout est mis en œuvre par le détachement français pour réaliser une instruction correspondant aux risques et aux menaces rencontrées par leurs homologues sur le terrain dans les zones contrôlées par le groupe terroriste Daech. À l’issue du stage, les 25 stagiaires irakiens seront engagés en opérations.


Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise 700 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un appui (aérien et formation) aux forces irakiennes dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech. Le dispositif complet est actuellement structuré autour de douze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, trois Mirage 2000D et trois Mirage 2000N), d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 et de la FAA Cassard.

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6 novembre 2014 4 06 /11 /novembre /2014 19:50
New facility to help in fight against IEDs opens in the Netherlands


Soesterberg - 04 November, 2014 European Defence Agency


A new facility designed to help in the fight against Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) was officially opened today in the Netherlands. The Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL) provides a permanent technical exploitation training capability in the Dutch town of Soesterberg. Under the project a further two deployable laboratories could be procured for use in future operations.


JDEAL, which was facilitated by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and lead nation the Netherlands, focuses on training the full range of skills needed for technical exploitation. This involves the recording and analysing of information related to events, scenes, technical components, and material used in IED attacks. The project makes use of equipment and knowledge gained from the EDA developed Counter-IED Technical Exploitation Laboratory previously deployed with ISAF in Kabul.

Alongside the Netherlands, ten other EDA Member States – Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden – plus Norway have joined the project. Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States and the NATO Counter-IED Centre of Excellence have also sent observers.

Warrant Officer Bert Westers, from the Dutch armed forces, was previously stationed at the laboratory in Afghanistan and will now act as a trainer at JDEAL. He commented: “This new facility allows us to maintain and build on the skills and experiences that we gained in Kabul. It also helps to improve our forces’ ability to deal with threats from IEDs in the future.”


Education, research, and deployable capabilities

The training facility will host both national and multina­tional training events, tailored to the needs of the Member States involved. Alongside the training aspect, JDEAL is intended to be a platform for research and development and is specifically designed for subprojects to be launched under its framework. It will also work closely with other actors and cooperative bodies working in the counter-IED field.

In a second step the establish­ment of two deployable laboratories is planned, in order to have at least one available for upcoming operations/missions by the second half of 2015.



The JDEAL project will work across the entire scope of IED exploitation. This includes detailed visual examination and high quality image capture; technical exploitation report­ing; biometric analysis (latent finger print recovery); elec­trical circuitry (primarily radio parts); document and me­dia recovery (focused on the mobile phones often used as IED triggering devices); chemical analysis; mechanical exploitation as well as other material exploitation. This is done in close cooperation with intelligence services, which can use the results to attack the networks involved in manufacturing the IEDs.

The JDEAL project was born out of the EDA developed mul­tinational counter-IED Exploitation Laboratory (MNTEL), which was deployed in Kabul under French management. During the laboratory’s three year deployment in Af­ghanistan more than 6 000 IEDs were forensically ex­amined, providing invaluable support to law enforce­ment and leading to numerous terrorist prosecutions.


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14 octobre 2014 2 14 /10 /octobre /2014 16:20
JIEDDO hosts competition to identify future IED detection technologies


10/09/2014 Defence IQ Press


The Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) has partnered with the Army Research Lab and the Maneuver Battle Lab at the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, to host a "Culvert Denial Challenge," where 20 defence contractors are competing to provide the latest technologies to defeat IEDs.


There are two challenges with ten contractors focusing on one each – there’s a surveillance challenge and an inspection challenge.

The objective of the competition is to “find some technology that will either improve upon current systems or can be added or provide new capability to culvert IED problems," said Matthew Way, a JIEDDO programme integrator.

For the surveillance challenge, vendors make use of unmanned systems, micro-radar technologies, seismic sensors, and hyperspectral imaging. They are monitoring a culvert for an eight-hour period that encompasses day, evening and night hours.

"Once we've secured a culvert, we wanted technology that can maintain security over that area," Way said. "The competition really focuses on their ability to distinguish, per the solicitation, between nefarious activity and something that is benign -- just regular patterns of life."

Vendors in the inspection challenge are demonstrating potential solutions using quadcopters, ground robots, canines, and electromagnetic sensors. They are tasked with various scenarios such as difficult terrain, night inspection, and a long culvert that challenges communication links.

"We are really measuring how quickly they can get into a culvert area and tell me if it's clear or not clear," he said. "The second component that we are scoring them on is, once they've done that, how accurately can they identify particular items that may be threats in the region."

Companies competing include EFW (Elbit), L-3 Communications, Niitek, Primal Innovation, QinetiQ, iRobot, K2 Solutions, Lockheed Martin, and Pearson Engineering.

Bringing together senior international military, police forces and defence industry, from Europe, North America, the Middle East and Africa, EOD & CIED 2014 will offer high level discussion on the key challenges facing the CIED/EOD community and engage in debate on the strategies and new technologies available for future force development. Find out more by following the link below.


  EOD & C-IED 2014
View the conference agenda here.

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25 septembre 2014 4 25 /09 /septembre /2014 16:35
AUS: New Counter Improvised Explosive Device facilities to support ADF


25 September 2014 Pacific Sentinel


Defence will enhance the Australian Defence Force’s Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) capability with a $25 million facilities program for the testing, evaluation, training and sustainment of Force Protection Electronic Countermeasures equipment.


Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence Darren Chester MP said the facilities project would significantly improve counter IED capabilities and meet Defence capability requirements to 2050.


“Improvised Explosive Devices remain a key threat to the safety of our Australian Defence Force personnel operating in areas of conflict,” Mr Chester said.


“The facilities delivered under this project will enable the Defence Force to maintain technologically advanced counter IED equipment, which will ensure our soldiers have the highest level of force protection when on operations.


“The ADF has been working to counter IEDs for many years and our personnel are among the best in the world at managing this threat.”


The facilities and infrastructure works have been referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works.


Due to the importance of these facilities, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works has agreed for works to be started at a number of sites around the country. Works at Edinburgh in South Australia, Watsonia in Victoria and Moorebank in NSW have already been completed and work at other sites is ongoing.


“The main element of the project is a specialised test and evaluation facility at Nurrungar, South Australia,” Mr Chester said.


“Defence has worked closely with local Indigenous stakeholders to ensure the work will not adversely impact culturally sensitive sites.


“Contracts for the facilities and infrastructure works will be tendered to the open market in due course and the Commonwealth’s Indigenous Opportunities policy will apply.


“This capital investment will bring economic benefits for industry in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland over the next 18 months.”


Subject to Parliamentary approval, construction at Nurrungar is scheduled to commence in mid 2015 and is expected to be completed by early 2016.



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7 août 2014 4 07 /08 /août /2014 12:50
From MNTEL to JDEAL: Counter-IED lab arrives in the Netherlands


Soesterberg - 29 July, 2014 European Defence Agency

The EDA-developed Multinational Theatre Exploitation Laboratory Demonstrator, or MNTEL (D), arrived in the Netherlands on 24 July from Afghanistan, where it was deployed since 2011.


The laboratory will now form part of a new EDA-supported initiative, the Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL), providing a permanent technical exploitation training facility in the Netherlands to support counter-IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) efforts. JDEAL will also provide up to two deployable Level 2 technical exploitation labs which will be available for international missions and operations involving the Member States participating in the project.


Building on the experiences of Afghanistan

The MNTEL (D) has been located in Kabul since November 2011, initially at Camp Warehouse at the operations centre for the multinational International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), and then at Kabul International Airport since March 2013. In the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations it was under French management, which assumed lead nation responsibility for the project. During its deployment more than 6,000 exhibits were forensically examined.



The equipment from the MNTEL will now be moved to Soesterberg, Netherlands where the new JDEAL training facility will be located. The Netherlands will act as lead nation for the new project, which will officially launch in September 2014. This redeployment has been carried out according to the detailed exit strategy planned and has been completed ahead of the fixed deadlines.


Continuing the fight against IEDs

Improvised Explosive Devices have been the single largest killer of coalition soldiers by a significant margin, and have also killed and injured thousands of the local Afghan population. The MNTEL (D) has proved an effective tool in the fight against IEDs, and the follow on JDEAL initiative will ensure that the capability, and that the lessons learned and experience gained in Afghanistan, will continue to be used for this purpose. 


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