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28 juillet 2015 2 28 /07 /juillet /2015 09:50
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photo EDA


25 juillet 2015 par Henri Weill - Ainsi va le monde !


Claude-France Arnould, directrice exécutive de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED) depuis 2011, vient d'être nommée ambassadrice de France auprès du royaume de Belgique. Cette diplomate avait, précédemment, dirigé les affaires internationales et stratégiques au Secrétariat général de la défense nationale. Elle remplace à ce poste un fils de légionnaire, Bernard Valéro.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
Cours pilote du CESD : Les enjeux de l’espace pour la PSDC


18.03.2015 IHEDN


Dans le cadre de ses activités au sein du Collège européen de sécurité et de défense (CESD), l’IHEDN a organisé un cours spécialisé consacré aux enjeux de l’espace pour la Politique de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC), qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles du 10 au 12 mars 2015.


Durant ces trois journées, 25 auditeurs ont été formés aux enjeux de l’espace, en matière de défense et de sécurité.


Les interventions, rythmant ce cours, ont été conçues de sorte à donner la parole à 15 conférenciers, représentant l’ensemble des acteurs institutionnels en charge d’activités dans le domaine spatial.


Les interventions du Commandement interarmées de l'espace (CIE), de l’état-major des armées et du Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES) ont permis de présenter la position française en matière de doctrine spatiale et de développement capacitaire. Un créneau fut également retenu pour l’intervention de groupes industriels leaders dans le domaine spatial. 


La direction des programmes de navigation par satellite européen de la Commission européenne (DG Marché intérieur), l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) et le Centre satellitaire de l’Union européenne (EU SATCEN) se sont également exprimés.. 


Madame Claude-France ARNOULD, envoyée spéciale pour l’espace au sein du Service européen pour l’Action extérieure (SEAE) a clôturé ce cours.

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11 février 2015 3 11 /02 /février /2015 08:50
EDA releases 2014 annual report


Brussels - 10 February, 2015 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency has just released its 2014 annual report. The document highlights the Agency’s achievements during the past year and showcases the progress made on key programmes and projects.


Working on the taskings set by the December 2013 European Council, where Heads of State and Government addressed defence issues, the European Defence Agency has made significant progress on the four key capability programmes identified by Member States. It also developed innovative proposals to incentivise and promote cooperation, while maintaining its efforts in multiple domains such as training and exercises, standardisation or research & technology.



The Agency’s annual report aims to provide EDA’s stakeholders with a clear and transparent overview of its activities in the field of capability development, armament cooperation, research and technology, industry and market as well as coordination with other European institutions and partners. The document also includes updated facts and figures on the Agency’s activity in 2014.


The 2014 annual report is available for download HERE.

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17 janvier 2015 6 17 /01 /janvier /2015 12:50
Three ways to reindustrialise Europe with dual-use technologies


Brussels - 09 January, 2015 by Claude-France Arnould - Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency


Widely used in everything from tennis rackets to Formula 1 cars, carbon fibre was originally developed by the UK Ministry of Defence in the early 1960s for military applications. Back then an esoteric and expensive material, it’s become price-competitive with its intense strength and durability for its weight. Similarly, head-up displays were developed to enable fast jet pilots to have key information presented in their view of the outside world, rather than having to frequently look down into the cockpit. This technology has progressively spread into civil aviation and more recently into cars, with the advantage of always keeping one’s eyes on the road.

These are only two of many examples illustrating how defence research can benefit the global economy and power Europe’s re-industrialisation. Reciprocally, the fast development of technologies in the civilian world can be essential to the emergence of cutting-edge defence systems.

The difficult times our economies are facing today mean that Europe is losing ground to its faster-growing Asian and American counterparts. This concern of the defence community is shared by Heads of State and Government: in this context, it is of paramount importance to invest in all the technologies and production capabilities that are essential to maintain Europe’s competitiveness.

However, Europe still suffers from legal and psychological barriers between civilian and military research – barriers that our competitors do not have. These limitations seriously hamper our capability to “cross-fertilise” developments from both worlds. The issue has been acknowledged at the highest level: in December 2013, the European Council itself tasked the European Defence Agency and other bodies to better exploit civil-military synergies. This issue should be tackled in three ways:


1/ Desegmentation of civil and military research

If we want the civilian and defence worlds to effectively cross-feed each other, then it is necessary to proceed with the desegmentation of civil and military research. By allowing funding to flow from one side to the other, major spin-offs between defence and civil research could be achieved. It is worth remembering that few technologies are military or civil by nature, especially at low technological readiness. Only when applied and used in a given system does a specific technology become military or commercial.

Today, this cross-fertilisation is limited by several factors, such as the legitimate confidentiality surrounding sensitive defence applications, but also the competitive advantage that might result from a cutting-edge civil technology. However, security regulations and intellectual property rights are here to address this issue. The main barrier is the lack of a comprehensive policy approach for all parties involved.


2/ Optimisation and prioritisation of technology-based production capabilities

The application of innovative technologies often requires considerable investments to move from the lab to serial production. And very often, such investments are only viable if this production is designed to address all potential markets: civil, defence and space. The European Defence Agency, in close cooperation with the Commission and industry, is investigating which key enabling technologies need a priority and focused investment effort to sustain the European supply chain. These are technologies such as components (silicum, gallium arsenide, infrared detectors), carbon fibre or optical devices. Europeans need to invest in these domains to levelthe playing field then to define priorities on related key industrial capabilities.

Meanwhile, it is essential to optimise available resources. The civil, space and defence domains need to be addressed together by a comprehensive business plan to yield cost savings while boosting innovation capabilities. This is the only way forward if we want to see Europe re-industrialise.


3/ Increase funding for defence research

Defence research budgets have been cut by 20% over the last six years. The risk is real to lose the ability to reach critical mass in a number of technology areas. This would not only jeopardise Europe’s strategic autonomy, but would also impede the long-term competitiveness of its high-tech commercial industry. It has been said that defence and space are to aviation what Formula One is to the automotive industry: a formidable cradle of innovation and technological breakthroughs.

The situation is all the more worrying since, according to a study commissioned by the European Defence Agency, the multiplier effect on GDP growth for an investment in defence research & technology is 12 to 20 times higher than in other areas of public spending. Therefore, investment in defence R&T must be a logical component of any comprehensive growth policy.

The Agency is also supporting Member States by contributing to the Commission’s work on an R&T Preparatory Action related to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), as called for by the December 2013 European Council. If successful, this Preparatory Action could give birth to a wider defence research programme at European level, the impact of which will be all more the important since cross-fertilisation with other European research and innovation initiatives will be maximised. The benefits can be enormous, both for the civilian and defence sectors.



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24 décembre 2014 3 24 /12 /décembre /2014 12:50
Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, with former Chief Executive Nick Witney

Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, with former Chief Executive Nick Witney


22/12/2014, Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


L'espagnol Jorge Domecq, actuellement ambassadeur de l'Espagne à l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE) pourrait remplacer Claude-France Arnould à la tête de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED).


Un Espagnol à la place d'une Française à la tête de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED) lors des trois prochaines années. c'est ce qui dessinerait, selon des sources étatiques françaises. En tout cas, la haute représentante pour la politique extérieure et la sécurité de l'Union européenne, Federica Mogherini propose aux Etats membres l'espagnol Jorge Domecq, actuellement ambassadeur de l'Espagne à l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE) et choisi parmi cinq candidats.

Il pourrait remplacer Claude-France Arnould, dont le mandat s'achève le 15 janvier prochain (2011-2015). Les 27 Etats membres de l'AED, créé en 2004, ont jusqu'au 9 janvier pour approuver le choix de Federica Mogherini. La décision sera prise à la majorité qualifiée des 2/3 des votes pondérés des Etats membres participants à l'AED. Le vote à la majorité qualifiée accorde une plus grande souplesse de fonctionnement à l'Agence et incite les Etats membres à rechercher l'accord le plus large possible avec l'ensemble des partenaires.


Un diplomate de carrière à la tête de l'AED

Né en 1960 à Jerez de la Frontera, Jorge Domecq a fait toute sa carrière dans la diplomatie qu'il a rejoint en 1985 au service de l'Espagne. Avant d'être nommé à l'OSCE en mars 2014, il était ambassadeur aux Philippines (2011-2014). Il a également été directeur général de l'ONU en charge des droits de l'homme.

L'AED, qui a géré en 2013 un modeste budget de 30,5 millions d'euros, a pour mission d'améliorer les capacités de défense de l'Union européenne et de combler les lacunes capacitaires identifiées et persistantes en Europe. Elle développe en outre la coopération des Etats membres participants aux programmes d'armement, renforce la compétitivité de l'industrie européenne de défense et constitue progressivement un véritable marché européen des équipements de défense. Enfin, elle coordonne et planifie des activités de R&T de défense communes pour garantir un accès durable aux capacités technologiques nécessaires aux besoins futurs de nos forces armées.

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23 décembre 2014 2 23 /12 /décembre /2014 17:50
An Airbus A330 MRTT tanker aircraft refuels an Airbus A400M - photo Airbus DS

An Airbus A330 MRTT tanker aircraft refuels an Airbus A400M - photo Airbus DS


23/12/2014 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Les Pays-Bas, la Pologne et la Norvège vont négocier avec Airbus en vue d'acquérir dans le cadre d'une commande groupée quatre avions ravitailleurs A330 MRTT. Enfin, un pas vers la mutualisation des équipements de défense.

Enfin, un pas vers la mutualisation de équipements militaires. Ainsi, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne et la Norvège vont négocier avec Airbus en vue d'acquérir dans le cadre d'une commande groupée et via l'Agence d'armement européenne (OCCAR) quatre avions ravitailleurs A330 MRTT, ont déclaré vendredi des responsables européens. "Les Pays-Bas, la Pologne et la Norvège ont décidé de préparer des négociations avec Airbus Defence & Space en vue de l'acquisition d'une flotte d'avions A330 multirôles de transport et de ravitaillement en vol", a annoncé dans un communiqué l'Agence européenne de défense (AED). L'objectif est de parvenir à un contrat signé fin 2015.

Le ministère néerlandais de la Défense a précisé que le consortium envisageait d'acheter quatre appareils, qui seraient exploités en commun par les trois pays, ajoutant que d'autres nations pourraient rejoindre le projet par la suite. Peut-être la Belgique, voire l'Espagne, selon nos informations. Pour l'heure, les Belges souhaiteraient simplement acheter des heures de vol. Ce qui est possible, selon l'AED. En attendant de nouveaux entrants, une première capacité opérationnelle est attendue en 2019, a précisé l'AED.


Vers une flotte d'avions ravitailleurs européens mutualisés

Dix pays européens - Belgique, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal et Norvège - avaient signé en novembre 2012 un accord pour que l'Europe se dote d'ici à 2020 d'une capacité commune d'avions multirôle de ravitaillement en vol et de transport. "Ces dix pays signataires et d'autres futurs contributeurs feront l'acquisition ou utiliseront en commun une flotte d'aéronefs destinée à répondre au besoin de ravitaillement en vol des Européens en opérations, dans le même esprit que le Commandement du transport aérien européen (EATC)", avait alors souligné un communiqué du ministère de la Défense.

Inauguré en septembre 2010, l'EATC, dont le commandement est basé à Eindhoven (Pays-Bas), permet aux armées allemande, belge, française et néerlandaise de partager leurs moyens de transport aériens. Ce qui a été le cas avec succès pour l'opération Harmattan en Libye. "L'EATC a montré sa pertinence lors d'Harmattan", avait confirmé en octobre 2012 devant les députés le chef d'état- major de l'armée de l'air, le général Denis Mercier. Pour autant, en matière de ravitaillement, "l'Europe ne dispose pas de capacités pouvant assurer son autonomie comme l'avait montré l'opération Harmattan menée en Libye en 2011 où 75 % du ravitaillement en vol avait été opéré par d'autres que les Européens", a précisé le communiqué.


Près de 10 milliards d'économies grâce à la mutualisation

La directrice exécutive de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED), Claude-France Arnould, avait quant à elle estimé en janvier 2013 devant la commission des affaires étrangères et de la défense du Sénat, que "si nous nous mettions ensemble au niveau européen, nous pourrions faire 1,8 milliard d'euros d'économies dans le spatial, 5,5 milliards dans les programmes de véhicules blindés, et 2,3 milliards sur dix ans pour les frégates". Soit 9,6 milliards d'euros d'économies.

Le 13 décembre 2012, 26 pays membres de l'AED avaient indiqué qu'ils allaient systématiquement passer en revue leurs programmes en vue de favoriser dans le cadre d'un code de bonne conduite le "pooling and sharing" (union et partage) des capacité de défense dans leurs prochains achats. "Le code de conduite peut être un vrai tournant", avait assuré Claude-France Arnould. Sans aucun succès notoire jusqu'à la volonté exprimée récemment par les Pays-Bas, la Pologne et la Norvège d'acquérir quatre A330 MRTT.

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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 19:50
Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, with former Chief Executive Nick Witney

Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, with former Chief Executive Nick Witney


Brussels - 18 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) held a special joint academic session yesterday at EDA premises to mark the Agency’s 10-year anniversary. The event gathered over 150 participants.


We decided to have an academic session because we wanted not only to celebrate, but also to debate about how we see the role EDA and the development of European defence capabilities in the future”, EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould underlined in her opening remarks. This was echoed by Hans-Bernhard Weisserth, Head of ESDC: “Celebrating anniversaries is a great opportunity to look back, but we also need to think about the way ahead”, he stressed.


Food for thought

Moderated by Sven Biscop, Director of the Egmont Institute, two panel discussions were held. The first one was dedicated to the geopolitical and economic context of European defence cooperation. “The EDA was founded in an era of extraordinary optimism for EU cooperation”, recalled Nick Witney, Senior Fellow at the European Council for Foreign Relations and former EDA Chief Executive (2004-2007). “But now more than ever, in these times of budget austerity, we need to make the maximum use of the Common Security and Defence Policy”, he added. 

We need a collective approach to crisis management”,
underlined Jamie Shea, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges. EDA and NATO can really work on synergies thank to the good cooperation we have in place”, he said. Meanwhile, Joylon Howorth from Yale University pointed out that Europe needs a credible and autonomous military deterrent”  if it wants to fully play its role of regional power.


Capability development

The second session focused on capability development. Tim Rowntree, OCCAR Director, provided examples of tangible cooperation programs at EU-level and pointed out that the Organisation stood “ready to bring to support the collaborative programs of tomorrow”. Meanwhile, Claude-France Arnould made the case for increased cooperation through the European Defence Agency: “Cooperation through EDA is not a threat to sovereignty”, she stressed, “and the Agency has been specifically designed to allow cooperation from two Member States upwards”. 

Brooks Tigner, Security Europe editor and EU/NATO Affairs Analyst for IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly, suggested that “the upcoming Preparatory Action for CSDP-related research could have a real effect in boosting EU defence capabilities”. 


A unique book

The event also gave Claude-France Arnould an opportunity to roll-out the special book published by the Agency to commemorate EDA’s 10-year anniversary. “This is the result of several months of archive research, interviews with key actors from inside and outside the Agency, as well as external contributions from various high-level European defence experts”, she underlined. 

Titled “10 Years of Working Together”, the book is divided into three main sections covering the history of the Agency, its main success stories and independent viewpoints from key government, military and industry leaders. You can discover the digital version of this book by following this link. Chapters dedicated to the history of the Agency are available here and here.


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16 décembre 2014 2 16 /12 /décembre /2014 18:51
EDA marks 10th anniversary with special academic session


Brussels - 16 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) will hold a special joint academic session tomorrow at EDA premises to mark the Agency’s 10-year anniversary.


The event itself will be divided into two main sessions. The first one will focus on the geopolitical and economic context of European defence cooperation and will gather policy experts from NATO, the European External Action Service as well as academics. A second panel will be decdicated to European capabilities and will bring together EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould with OCCAR Director Tim Rowntree.


A unique book

At the end of this event, Claude-France Arnould will officially roll-out the special book published by the Agency to commemorate its 10th birthday. It offers an exclusive insight into EDA’s history, puts forward the Agency’s achievements and gathers a wide selection of independent views from key government, industry and academic experts. An online version of this publication is available here.


To follow the conference in real-time, tune in on Twitter tomorrow at 5.30PM (Brussels time) using the hashtag #10yearsEDA.

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16 décembre 2014 2 16 /12 /décembre /2014 18:50
EDA Chief Executive speaks at Berlin Security Conference


Berlin - 04 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould attended the Berlin Security Conference on 2 December 2014. She took the opportunity to share her views on European defence matters.


"Defence cooperation is a necessity, though not fully translated into action yet", Claude-France Arnould stressed. She also shared a few remarks based on her four-year experience as Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency. For instance, she pointed out the increasing discrepancy between top-level political guidance and working-level implementation, as well as the fact that the Agency is generally underused.

She also underlined the natural tendency to oppose cooperation and sovereignty, as well as the increasing role of the European Commission in defence matters. Meanwhile, Claude-France Arnould stressed the need to broaden the scope of stakeholders beyond defence ministries when it comes to defence cooperation. She reminded the audience that innovative funding solutions are required in order to harmonise procurement calendars to support cooperative programmes, thus underlining the work undertaken in EDA on the notion of pooled procurement. "Member States have a fully-equipped toolbox at their disposal with the European Defence Agency: now is the time to use it", she concluded. 


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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 07:50
  EDA signs Security Arrangement with OCCAR


Bonn - 09 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


European Defence Agency (EDA) Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould and Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'ARmement (OCCAR) Director Tim Rowntree have signed a Security Arrangement between their respective organisations on 8 December 2014. The event took place at OCCAR headquarters in Bonn, in the margins of the biannual meeting of the chiefs of the two partners organisations.


In 2012, EDA and OCCAR signed an administrative arrangement that established the framework of their partnership in the fied of European defence capabilities development and armaments cooperation.

The EDA-OCCAR Security Arrangement complements this Administrative Arrangement as well as the Security Agreement between the European Union and OCCAR. It details the protection and exchange of classified information. The overall aim is to facilitate and further develop cooperation opportunities between the two organizations.


More information

EDA and OCCAR build links, seeking efficiencies through cooperation

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2 décembre 2014 2 02 /12 /décembre /2014 17:50
Building European military capabilities - SEDE


02-12-2014 SEDE



The Subcommittee will exchange views with General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO and Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive, European Defence Agency, on military capability development in Europe, after the Wales NATO Summit and before the 2015 European Council.


When : 3 December 2014

Further information
Draft agenda and meeting documents

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29 novembre 2014 6 29 /11 /novembre /2014 17:50
EDA Chief Executive visits Republic of Serbia


Belgrade - 26 November, 2014 European Defence Agency


EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould travelled to Belgrade on 24 November to discuss cooperation opportunities with the Republic of Serbia.


At the invitation of Mr. Zoran Đordević, State Secretary, she attended high-level meetings with a number of defence officials including Mr. Bratislav Gasic, Defence Minister, as well as the State Secretary and a number of other officials from the Serbian Ministry of Defence.


Claude-France Arnould received briefings on the Republic of Serbia’s engagement in Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions, as well as on the operational, technological and industrial capabilities of the country.


One of the main objectives of this visit was to assess the implementation of the administrative arrangement signed in December 2013 by the European Defence Agency and the Republic of Serbia. Both parties identified tangible cooperation opportunities in a number of fields, including Counter-Improvised explosive devices (C-IED) initiatives, protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, medical support and unmanned ground systems. Serbia also expressed its interest in benefitting from the Agency’s support to better understand European Union policies on topics such as security of supply, research & technology and defence procurement.

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17 novembre 2014 1 17 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
Réactions positives à la journée d'information de l'industrie par armasuisse



Berne, 06.11.2014 – DDPS


Jeudi, la journée d'information de l'industrie organisée par armasuisse sous le titre « Faire face aux défis de demain » a rencontré un fort intérêt. Madame Claude-France Arnould, directrice de l'Agence européenne de défense (EDA), notamment, a pris part à cette manifestation qui a enregistré la présence de plus de 200 représentants de l'industrie suisse et du DDPS.


Dans leurs exposés, les intervenants ont présenté leur vision des défis à venir concernant la production et les acquisitions d'armements. Ils ont constaté que la flexibilité et la concentration sur les affaires-clés sont d'une importance fondamentale pour l'industrie suisse et pour armasuisse s'ils veulent être prêts, tout comme les discussions au sujet du réaménagement du cadre légal.


La table ronde qui a suivi a réuni Mme Sylvie Perrinjaquet, conseillère nationale et membre de la commission de la politique de sécurité, le commandant de corps André Blattmann, chef de l'armée, M. Martin Sonderegger, suppléant du directeur général de l'armement, ainsi que M. Bruno Giger, président du groupe spécialisé Swiss ASD (Aeronautics, Security and Defence).


Le point de vue européen a été présenté par Mme Claude-France Arnould, directrice de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED). Pendant sa visite en Suisse les 5 et 6 novembre 2014, Mme Arnould a eu l'occasion de faire une connaissance plus approfondie de la base technologique et industrielle suisse et de rencontrer des décideurs du DDPS.


Vu la complexité croissante des systèmes et les budgets limités à disposition, le regroupement de certains efforts dans l'espace européen est très indiqué, notamment dans le but d'exploiter les synergies. Pour la Suisse, la possibilité d'échanger avec l'AED des informations et de l'expertise dans des domaines-clés est d'une grande importance. La Suisse est notamment intéressée à la collaboration avec l'AED dans les domaines de la recherche et du développement en matière d'armement.


Le DDPS a l'intention de poursuivre la concrétisation de la collaboration avec l'AED pour la technologie, l'armement, l'instruction / l'entraînement ainsi que la logistique. La collaboration avec l'AED se fonde sur un arrangement juridiquement non contraignant, signé en 2012.

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11 novembre 2014 2 11 /11 /novembre /2014 20:50
photo SEDE

photo SEDE


11-11-2014 SEDE


The Subcommittee will debate the implementation of the 2013 European Council conclusions by the European Defence Agency with its Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould.


When : 20 November 2014

Further information Draft agenda and meeting documents

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7 novembre 2014 5 07 /11 /novembre /2014 17:50
Madame C-F Arnould (au milieu) avec les représentants de MARSUR - Photo Jürgen Vandaele

Madame C-F Arnould (au milieu) avec les représentants de MARSUR - Photo Jürgen Vandaele


04/11/2014 Hubert Rubbens – MIL.be


Du 27 au 31 octobre, la Composante Marine belge était présente à la 24ème édition du salon maritime Euronaval à Paris. Elle y était représentée par le Capitaine de corvette Jurgen Van Daele.


Parmi les stands, le chantier naval SOCARENAM présentait le modèle du nouveau patrouilleur belge Castor avec l'étendard de la Marine belge.


En marge du salon, Claude-France Arnould, directrice de l'European Defence Agency (EDA) tenait également le groupe de travail MARSUR (maritime surveillance). Ce réseau compte dix-sept pays de l'Union européenne qui s'échangent régulièrement des informations. Le projet de l'EDA a démarré il y deux ans et rend possible l'échange afin de créer une image globale du trafic maritime européenne.


MARSUR est un exemple marquant de l'efficacité du système de partage et de canalisation des capacités. Le réseau est maintenant prêt à être utilisé par les différentes marines européennes. Dans notre pays, le Carrefour d'informations maritimes (CIM) de Zeebruges emploiera également cet outil, pour les besoins nationaux.

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6 novembre 2014 4 06 /11 /novembre /2014 19:50
EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould visits Poland


Warsaw - 03 November, 2014 European Defence Agency


Upon the invitation of State Secretary Czesław Mroczek, EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould visited Poland on 20-21 October ahead of the meeting of the Ministers on 18 November.


Claude-France Arnould and Czesław Mroczek exchanged views on multi-role transport tanker (MRTT) aircraft, the next generation of Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely piloted air systems (Male RPAS) and the European defence industry. Mr Mroczek underlined the willingness of Poland to step up its engagement in major European programmes in order to improve the capabilities of the Polish armed forces. He also welcomed the role of the European Defence Agency in support of a more competitive and balanced European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB).


Over the course of her visit, Claude-France Arnould also had meetings with representatives from the Visegrad group in order to discuss specificities of the defence industry of those countries, as well as security of supply and defence cooperation in the current European legal framework. The Chief Executive underlined the support that EDA can bring to the Visegrad countries and encouraged discussions to continue in the coming semester, including in view of the IDET defence exhibition that will take place in May 2015 in Czech Republic.

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27 octobre 2014 1 27 /10 /octobre /2014 10:50
European maritime surveillance network reaches operational status


Paris - 27 October, 2014 European Defence Agency


Developed under the auspices of the European Defence Agency since 2006, the Maritime Surveillance (Marsur) project has now reached an operational level of maturity. A demonstration will be conducted during the Euronaval defence exhibition taking place 27-31 October in Le Bourget, north of Paris.


One of the longest-running projects undertaken by the European Defence Agency (EDA), Marsur is a technical solution that allows dialog between European maritime information systems. Containing 17 Member States plus Norway, the project aims to improve the common “recognised maritime picture” by facilitating exchange of operational maritime information and services such as ship positions, tracks, identification data, chat or images.

The Marsur network

The interface is installed in each participating Navy’s operational headquarters. A key characteristic of the Marsur network is that there is no central EU component that collects and distributes information. Each Member State is responsible for correlating its own data with the data received from other countries and for boosting the services within the community.

Reflecting on this important milestone, Claude-France Arnould, EDA Chief Executive, said: “Marsur is a great example of efficient Pooling & Sharing of existing capabilities. The project has now reached the point where it is ready to be used by European navies”.

Marsur is designed to become the potential “military layer” of the wider Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) project led by the European Commission. Marsur could work in conjunction with other “systems of systems” to ensure efficient interaction with other European maritime security stakeholders and also in support of CSDP missions.

During Euronaval, an event will be held on 28 October at 1430 (Paris time) to mark the beginning of Marsur’s operational phase and the symbolic handover of the system. The Marsur demonstration will be available throughout the show at the CSC booth (B46).



The Marsur project was formally launched in September 2006 by 15 Member States. It was first tested in June 2011 when six countries successfully conducted an initial networking demonstration in Brussels. Seventeen Member States (as well as Norway) are now involved in the Marsur initiative: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Spain, Greece, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

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8 octobre 2014 3 08 /10 /octobre /2014 15:50
EU Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle visits EDA


Brussels - 06 October, 2014 European Defence Agency


On 2 October 2014, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle visited the European Defence Agency. He exchanged views with EDA Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould on Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) as well as EDA support to the defence industry in Central and Eastern Europe.


Particular attention has been paid to EDA activities in the field of SMEs, such as facilitated access to EU funds and information about cross-border opportunities. In this respect, Commissioner Füle appreciated the important share of EDA in consolidation of Central and Eastern Europe, namely with regard to the integration into the European Defence and Security System, including the full opening of the Single Market potential to the Central and Eastern European defence industry. As a good example, Commissioner Füle particularly welcomed EDA participation in the International Fair of Defence and Security Technology (IDET) in May 2015 as an important contribution to the dialogue with Central and Eastern Europe.


Speaking about the future, Commissioner Füle and Claude-France Arnould both emphasized the need to maintain a close dialogue between EDA and the new European Commission as well as the importance for EDA to play its part in the future EU external policy.

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11 septembre 2014 4 11 /09 /septembre /2014 17:50
Greek Minister of National Defence visits EDA


11 Sept. 2014 European Defence Agency

Dimitris Avramopoulos, the Minister of National Defence of Greece, met with Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) at the Agency’s headquarters in Brussels on 10 September 2014. They discussed European defence issues as well as the cooperation between Greece and EDA.


During the visit, Mr. Avramopoulos made specific reference to the European Defence industry as an essential contribution to EU security policy, as well as to the need to support SMEs. The Minister paid tribute to the work achieved by EDA to promote defence cooperation in Europe and to support the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).

Dimitris Avramopoulos also insisted on the need to develop a close relationship between EDA and the European Commission to enhance security in Europe. “A change of mindset is required”, he underlined. Mr. Avramopoulos was designated as Commissioner in charge of Migration & Home Affairs by the president of the European Commission on 10 September. 


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27 mai 2014 2 27 /05 /mai /2014 12:51
EDA Sign Procurement Arrangement with EUFOR Althea


Brussels - 21 May, 2014 European Defence Agency


On 20 May, Claude-France Arnould Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) met with General Sir Adrian Bradshaw the Operation Commander of EUFOR Althea and Deputy SACEUR. They signed a Procurement Arrangement concerning the acquisition of Air to Ground Surveillance services to operation ALTHEA. This is the first time EDA has signed a procurement arrangement directly with an EU mission.


Under this arrangement, EDA will assume the lead role in administering the procurement procedure of Air to Ground Surveillance services (including day/night actual Infra-red / electro-optical surveillance with near-real time downlink and the ability to re-task in flight) on behalf of the ALTHEA Operation Commander. As the procurement regards common costs, the Operation Commander has been authorised by the Athena administrator to sign the arrangement on behalf of Athena. The cooperation between EDA and Operation ALTHEA will conclude with a recommendation to the Operation Commander to award the contract to one company selected in competition.

Talking about the arrangement, Claude-France Arnould said, “The ultimate goal of any EDA project is to ensure that troops in the field have the capabilities they need, as was demonstrated clearly by our Counter-IED laboratory in Afghanistan. I am delighted that today’s arrangement allows us to do this by providing a procurement service directly to an EU mission for the first time. This cooperation will help highlight the expertise and added value EDA can bring in the field of procurement.”


Supporting CSDP Missions and Operations

As part of the restructuring conducted in January 2014, the Agency aims to play a greater role in supporting CSDP operations and missions. Speaking about the cooperation General Bradshaw added, “The decision to use the expertise from EDA in this procurement for Air to Ground Surveillance services for Op ALTHEA is, of course, based on EDA’s technical knowledge in this field. Another advantage will be to benefit from the lessons learned in conducting such an arrangement between the operation and the EDA directly, in order to establish the necessary procedures which will potentially enable closer cooperation between our organisations in the future.”

This meeting was also an opportunity for Claude-France Arnould to introduce General Bradshaw, who took his functions in March 2014, to the mission and tasks of EDA.



The EU military operation ALTHEA in Bosnia and Herzegovina was launched on 2 December 2004 and has contributed to the maintenance of the safe and secure environment in BiH ever since. Operation ALTHEA is carried out with recourse to NATO assets and capabilities, under the "Berlin Plus" arrangements. After a review in 2012 the main objective is to provide capacity building and training for their armed forces whilst retaining the capability to support the BiH efforts to maintain a safe and secure environment. 


The Athena Mechanism

ATHENA is the mechanism established to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications governed by Council Decision 2011/871/CFSP. The Council Decision allows for arrangements to be signed with Union bodies to facilitate procurement in operations in the most cost-effective manner.

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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
Italian Chief of Defence visits EDA


Brussels - 14 April, 2014 European Defence Agency


On April 9 2014, Claude-France Arnould Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) met Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli the Italian Chief of Defence in Brussels. They shared a fruitful discussion on a range of topics, from the upcoming Italian Presidency, EU-NATO relations, to ongoing capability projects.


They discussed various events that are scheduled to take place over the course of the Italian Presidency.  They also spoke about the importance of continued cooperation with the European Commission - building on the good practices developed during the preparation for the European Council in December 2013 and the guidance issued at the summit itself - especially relating to support for industry.


They went on to discuss specific projects and EU-NATO cooperation within these, before  finishing with a more general conversation on defence and planning. 

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30 mars 2014 7 30 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
 Defence should be global 'priority': EDA


27 Mar 14 cnbc.com


Claude-France Arnould, chief executive at EDA, discusses the defence industry and the need for strengthened cooperation within the EU and Nato, as well as for innovation in the sector.
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29 mars 2014 6 29 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
European Defence Matters: Speech by Claude-France Arnould


Brussels - 28 March, 2014 European Defence Agency


Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, emphasised in her opening speech at the Agency's annual conference "European Defence Matters"  that for Europe to be a "security provider" adequate capacities are needed. 


Priority must therefore be given to security and defence, to proper capabilities and to increased efficiency through cooperation and synergies with existing EU instruments. 


The full speech is available here


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27 mars 2014 4 27 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
European Defence Matters: Turning political will into practical implementation


Brussels - 27 March, 2014 European Defence Agency


In her welcoming address at the European Defence Agency’s Annual Conference "European Defence Matters" on 27 March in Brussels, Claude-France Arnould – the Chief Executive of the EDA – outlined the importance of implementing the tasks given at the European Council in December 2013. She called on those present in the room to seize the opportunity and ensure that the implementation was there to follow the political will. She finished by calling on all participants to make the most of the conference as a unique opportunity where stakeholders from throughout the European Defence Community can meet and debate.


Cohesion, stability, and growth


The first keynote speech was delivered by Greek Minister of Defence Dimitris Avramopoulos, representing the current EU Presidency. He spoke of the importance of defence as a critical pillar for European cohesion, stability, and growth. He went on to talk about the danger of a growing arc of instability on Europe’s borders, stretching from North Africa through to Ukraine, and the need for enhanced cooperation to tackle common threats to Europe’s stability. He concluded calling for an enhanced role for the EDA to put defence more permanently on the European agenda.


Technological developments


Representing the upcoming Presidency of the EU, Italian Under Secretary of Defence General Domenico Rossi warned of the threats to industry and technological innovation from budget cuts. He argued that the developments of the past might not be possible with smaller defence budgets across Europe. He reinforced the importance of the EU Council in December, saying that although we may differ on ideas, when it comes to CSDP we are often on the same page.

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13 mars 2014 4 13 /03 /mars /2014 07:50
Francine Closener, secrétaire d’État à la Défense, a rencontré Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive de l’Agence européenne de défense


12.03.2014 gouvernement.lu


Francine Closener, secrétaire d’État à la Défense, a rencontré aujourd’hui Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive de l’Agence européenne de défense (AED), en visite à Luxembourg le 12 mars 2014.


La secrétaire d’État a rappelé le soutien que le Luxembourg apporte au travail de l’Agence, dont l’expertise représente une plus-value pour tous les États participants.


Ont été explorées les opportunités pour le Luxembourg de s’insérer plus étroitement dans les domaines d’activité de l’Agence.


L’Agence européenne de défense, située à Bruxelles, vise à développer les capacités de défense dans le domaine de la gestion des crises, ainsi qu’à promouvoir et à renforcer la coopération européenne en matière d'armement. Elle a aussi pour but de renforcer la base industrielle et technologique européenne dans le domaine de la défense, d’agir dans le contexte d’un marché européen concurrentiel des équipements de défense, et de favoriser la recherche.

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