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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Defence Cyber Protection Partnership: cyber risk profiles


24 March 2015 From: Ministry of Defence


Information about the DCPP initiative and the proportionate cyber security controls to be implemented as part of all MOD contracts.


The Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP) is a joint MOD / Industry initiative established in 2012 and tasked with improving the protection of the defence supply chain from the cyber threat. Alongside MOD, the DCPP is formed of 13 defence primes, 2 trade associations (ADS and techUK) representing small and medium sized enterprises, and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG) and the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI).



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21 janvier 2015 3 21 /01 /janvier /2015 07:50
Re-launch of '10 Steps to Cyber Security'


16 Jan 2015 GCHQ

In association with CPNI, Cabinet Office and BIS, GCHQ is pleased to announce the re-issue of the highly successful ’10 Steps to Cyber Security’, offering updated guidance on the practical steps that organisations can take to improve the security of their networks and the information carried on them.

Alongside the Cyber Essentials Scheme, ‘10 Steps to Cyber Security’, is a critical resource for UK businesses aiming to protect themselves in cyber space.

In parallel with the re-issue of the ’10 Steps to Cyber Security’, GCHQ has published a paper called ‘Common Cyber Attacks:Reducing the Impact’.
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