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17 septembre 2015 4 17 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
Norway’s new fighting vehicles

17 sept. 2015 by NATO


Norway has modernized its fleet of infantry fighting vehicles by buying 144 of the latest technologically advanced CV90 vehicles, the biggest procurement project ever for the army.

The vehicles will bolster and strengthen two battalions of the Norwegian Army’s mechanized infantry.

The country’s Minister of Defence Ine Marie Eriksen Soreide says “We are not only building defence capacities for Norway, but for NATO”.

The unveiling took place yesterday in Setermoen, northern Norway.

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29 avril 2015 3 29 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
F1 technology adapted to CV90

28 avr. 2015 by BAE Systems


In a world first, tracked military vehicles are being upgraded with technology adapted from Formula One to improve handling and speed across the battlefield.

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27 février 2015 5 27 /02 /février /2015 17:50
Estonian infantry personnel sitting in a Dutch CV90.

Estonian infantry personnel sitting in a Dutch CV90.


20-02-2015 Defensie.NL


Dutch infantrymen are currently in Estonia to demonstrate the possibilities offered by the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle. Estonia recently bought a total of 44 CV90s from the Netherlands. These vehicles are to be delivered in 2016, by which time the Estonians want to be able to handle the vehicles.


Estonia bought the surplus CV90s in order to increase their firepower. In addition, the Estonian army wishes to step up its military exercises with NATO partners in view of the current developments on the eastern border of the Baltic country.

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27 février 2015 5 27 /02 /février /2015 12:50
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) - photo BAE Systems

CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) - photo BAE Systems


26.02.2015 BAE Systems - army-guide.com


BAE Systems has handed over the first CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) in serial production to the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (FLO) on time and on budget.


A roll-out ceremony was held yesterday in Moelv, Norway, at the facilities of BAE Systems Hägglunds’ business partner CHSnor AS. More than 200 guests attended, representing FLO and the Norwegian Armed Forces, as well as BAE Systems Hägglunds and its Norwegian industrial partners.


BAE Systems Hägglunds’ contract, signed in 2012, includes the upgrade of the Norwegian Army’s existing fleet of 103 CV9030s and 41 new-build vehicles, giving the Army a total of 144 state-of-the-art CV90s in varying configurations. They will all include enhanced capabilities for future battlefield and conflict scenarios, such as in the areas of protection, survivability, situational awareness, intelligence, and interoperability.


“I’m really pleased that we are able to reach this key milestone,” said Colonel Ragnar Wennevik, Norwegian Army CV90 project leader. “BAE Systems Hägglunds is an impressive supplier, and with the new CV90, we are buying the world’s most advanced armored combat vehicle family. Already proven in combat, we are now taking it to the next generation with state-of-the-art survivability, lethality, digitalization, and mobility.”


This program is a key element of the modernization of the Norwegian Army, providing them with the next-generation CV90, one of the world’s most advanced IFV and a low-risk proven solution. The Norwegian Army will incorporate five different configurations of the CV90 from 2015 onwards: 74 infantry fighting, 21 reconnaissance, 15 command, 16 engineering, and 16 multi-role and tow driver training vehicles. The multi-role vehicles can fulfill different functions, including mortar carrier and logistics roles.


In 2014, BAE Systems rolled out three variants of the Norwegian vehicles in Sweden, which were subsequently handed over to Norwegian industry for completion, as part of in-country partnerships.


Both the Norwegian customer and BAE Systems Hägglunds have been extremely focused on meeting every milestone in the contract from the outset. This focus has ensured that the two parties have developed a strong relationship based on mutual respect and openness, which has ensured project success.


BAE Systems Hägglunds is working closely with Norwegian industry in a comprehensive industrial cooperation contract, which is part of the main vehicle contract. Companies such as Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, Nammo Raufoss AS, CHSnor AS, Moelv, and Ritek AS Levanger are key parties to the contract. The turret upgrade work, for example, takes place at CHSnor AS, and yesterday’s handover was the first in a series of vehicle deliveries from CHSnor AS and Ritek through 2018.


“The Norwegian industrial cooperation is extensive and important to us, especially when industrial cooperation is one of the major factors for international success,” said Tommy Gustafsson-Rask, managing director for BAE Systems Hägglunds. “We want to thank all industry partners for their commitment and dedication, and also our professional and supportive customer.”

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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 08:50
Armor: Swedish Armor Moves To The Russian Border


January 4, 2015: Strategy Page


Estonia has become the latest East European nation to buy second hand, but quite modern, armored vehicles from West European nations that feel they don’t need them anymore. In this case the Netherlands is selling 44 used, but well cared for, V90 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) to Estonia. These CV90s entered Dutch service between 2008 and 2011 and the ones Estonia is receiving have at least two decades of useful life left in them.


Estonia is one of the Baltic States that were often part of the Russian Empire but would rather cultivate cultural and economic ties with countries to the west. Estonia is also ethnically linked to Finland as both nations speak a similar Central Asian language (which is also similar to what is spoken in Hungary). In addition to sharing a language, all three of these countries also fear Russian aggression.


Development of the CV90 began in 1988, with production starting in late 1993. The 28 ton tracked vehicle has a crew of three and carries seven passengers (usually infantrymen). With a top road speed of 70 kilometers an hour, the CV90 can go 300 kilometers on internal fuel. The vehicle turret carries a 30mm autocannon and a coaxial 7.62mm machine-gun. Also in the turret is a thermal imager for night operations. The vehicle armor protects against projectiles of up to 30mm caliber.


There are several variants of the CV90, carrying different weapons (120mm mortar, anti-tank missiles, 120mm gun, 25mm gun, 30mm gun, 105mm gun, anti-aircraft radar, and missiles). The CV90 is 6.55 meters (20.3) feet long and 3.1 meters (9.6 feet) wide. Average cost of a new CV90 was about $5 million each. Estonia is paying about $3.2 million each for theirs. The Swedish army has about 555 CV90s, Switzerland 185, Finland 102, Denmark 45, and Netherlands 193. Several of the original owners of the CV90 upgraded them with things like more armor, better electronics and air conditioning. West European users have been quite satisfied with the Swedish made CV90.

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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 12:50
photo Nexter Systems

photo Nexter Systems


11 December 2014 army-technology.com


The Danish Ministry of Defence (MoD) has received final offers from four European manufacturers for the national army's ageing M113 armoured personnel carriers (APC) fleet replacement contract.


BAE Systems Hagglunds has offered its CV90 Armadillo, while Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft (FFG) and General Dynamics European Land Systems have pitched its G5 protected mission module carrier (PMMC) and ASCOD vehicle respectively, in the tracked category, Defense News reported.


The wheeled category includes Nexter Systems' Vehicule de Combat d'Infanterie (VBCI) and General Dynamics' Mowag Piranha V vehicles.


The companies submitted bids in 2012 for the contract, which requires between 206 and 450 vehicles in six different configurations, and were shortlisted in February 2013.


Even though the numbers are yet to be confirmed, industry executives believe that the MoD appears to be leaning toward an initial purchase of 206 vehicles.


One French official said there was informal feedback that the wheeled vehicles outperformed the tracked units during a 17-week trial in 2013.


During the trials, all three tracked versions reportedly replaced conventional steel with rubber band tracks, which have been used by the Danish military for operations in Afghanistan.


The MoD had indicated that the acquisition would not be split between tracked and wheeled vehicles, but industry executives believe that the policy is likely to change.


The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) was expecting to select a contractor earlier this year, but lengthy discussions with the European Union over how the offset package for the vehicle could look under tightened regulations prevented this.


A DALO spokesman said that the new guidelines for defence sector offsets became effective in July.


Provided the procurement process stays on target, the winning contractor could be named and receive the contract by the end of May 2015.


The Royal Danish Army currently operates 632 heavily armoured M113s in different configurations, including tactical air control party carrier and fire-fighting capacities.

CV90 - BAe Hagglunds

CV90 - BAe Hagglunds

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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 12:50
photo Netherlands MoD

photo Netherlands MoD


12/10/2014  Defence IQ Press


Estonia has put pen to paper on its largest defence procurement contract to date with the $171 million deal to buy 44 infantry combat vehicles from the Netherlands.


The Estonian Defence Forces will acquire the CV90 infantry vehicles from the Dutch government and are expected to enter service in 2016.

“The infantry vehicles will take the Estonian defence ability to a new level,” Defence Minister Sven Mikser said.

The deal comes at a time of increased regional tension as Russia continues its sabre rattling following the Ukrainian crisis. Other countries in the region such as Lithuania have begun bolstering their protected mobility capabilities in recent months.

Estonia has been working closely with the Netherlands for a range of defence supplies since 2004. Estonia has acquired over 1,100 trucks and SUVs, 500 trailers and staff containers and 81 SISU XA-188 armoured personnel carriers in the last decade.

Estonia’s largest defence deal before this was a $84.5 million contract with MBDA for its Mistral missiles.

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15 novembre 2014 6 15 /11 /novembre /2014 17:50
1974-2014 Bataillon de chars 17


9 nov. 2014 Bataillon de chars 17


Le bataillon de chars 17, corps de troupe de l'Armée suisse composé d’un état-major et de 6 compagnies, est un moyen engagé par le cdt br bl 1 pour assurer, en priorité, des missions de défense. Il peut, moyennant une instruction orientée sur l’engagement, accomplir d’autres missions subsidiaires (garde d’objet, protection d’infrastructures, appui aux autorités civiles). L’effectif du bataillon se monte à 928 officiers, sous-officiers et soldats.

La compagnie d’état-major fournit des prestations pour assurer la capacité de conduite du bataillon. Elle assure aussi la sécurité et la protection de l’état-major de bataillon.

La compagnie logistique est capable d’assurer le soutien du bataillon dans les domaines des transports, de la maintenance, du ravitaillement et de l’évacuation ainsi que du service sanitaire.

Deux compagnies de chars, avec 28 chars de combat, représentent la force principale du bataillon. Le Léopard 2A4 pèse 56 tonnes et a une portée de feu de 2,5 km. Une version améliorée (Leo WE) a été introduite en 2011. Son équipage est composé de 4 hommes.

Deux compagnies de grenadiers de chars avec 28 chars de grenadiers CV90 sont capables d’intervenir en zone urbaine ou couverte. Le CV90 (28 tonnes) comporte un équipage de 3 hommes et transporte 8 grenadiers équipés de fusils d'assaut, d'armes antichars légères, de fusils-mitrailleurs ainsi que de lance-grenades.


Le bataillon de chars 17 sur Facebook

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27 octobre 2014 1 27 /10 /octobre /2014 12:50
Danish LED Searchlights selected for the CV90 to Norway


Oct 24, 2014 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


Thanks to the Danish WiseLED Flashlight Company, the Norwegian military will get much improved night-time targeting for the guns on their BAE Systems CV90 armored vehicles.


BAE Systems Swedish site Hägglunds is carrying out a delivery to Norway for the CV90 fleet under a contract awarded by the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, NDLO in June 2012. The project includes upgrade and new production to 144 state-of-the art CV90 vehicles.


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3 avril 2014 4 03 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
La Pologne développe un tank furtif


02/04/2014 Par Julien Bergounhoux - industrie-techno.com


Les équipements militaires évoluent en permanence, et si l'aéronautique est souvent sur le devant de la scène, les moyens terrestres ne sont pas en reste. En témoigne le projet PL-01 sur lequel travaille la Pologne avec BAE Systems, qui s'attelle au développement d'un char de combat furtif.

Le Centre polonais de recherche et développement pour les appareils mécaniques, l'OBRUM, développe en partenariat avec BAE Systems un tank nouvelle génération. Baptisé PL-01, ce "véhicule de soutien direct" est conçu comme le blindé du futur : furtif, modulaire, et bardé d'électronique.

Le PL-01 est basé sur le chassis du Combat Vehicle 90, un design suédois fabriqué par BAE Systems AB. Il embarque trois hommes, le conducteur situé à l'avant et le commandant et le tireur au coeur du véhicule. Il peut de plus transporter jusqu'à quatre soldats à l'arrière. Modulaire, il sera décliné en trois versions distinctes : un centre de commandement, un véhicule blindé de réparation et un véhicule démineur. Cela permettra à une colonne de chars utilisant les mêmes pièces et équipements d'accomplir des missions variées.



Mais son principal attrait se trouve dans ses technologies avancées de camouflage. En effet, ce "concept-char" s'inspire des technologies de furtivité utilisées en aéronautique pour éliminer au maximum sa signature radar. Pour ce faire, il combine un design angulaire qui réduit les échos radar et une peinture absorbante qui accentue cet effet, une combinaison qui n'est pas sans rappeler le F-117 Nighthawk, chasseur furtif mythique de l'armée de l'air américaine.


La vraie star est cependant son système de camouflage thermique. Basé sur la technologie ADAPTIV de BAE Systems, il lui permet de se rendre invisible aux yeux des capteurs infrarouge de détection et de ciblage majoritairement utilisés sur le champ de bataille. Il y parvient grâce à l'utilisation de plaques hexagonales dont la température est contrôlée et qui recouvrent son extérieur. Combinées à des dissipateurs de châleur pour son moteur diesel de 940 ch, elles le rendent indétectable en évaluant son environnement à l'aide de petits capteurs infrarouge et en reproduisant dynamiquement un motif similaire pour qu'il s'y confonde.


Mais ce n'est pas tout. Grâce à la structure alvéolée des plaques du système ADAPTIV, comparable à des pixels sur un écran, il est possible au PL-01 de se déguiser en un autre typique d'appareil comme une voiture ou un autre objet anodin. Il peut également afficher des messages visibles uniquement par infrarouge, indiquant par exemple à des alliés distants qu'il est de leur côté. Pour parfaire le tout et faire face à des dangers dans le spectre visuel, il est équipé de lanceurs de grenades fumigènes intégrés tout autour de sa tourelle.



Son armure est composée d'une coque en céramique-aramide compatible avec l'accord de normalisation 4569 de l'Otan. Côté armement, il est équipé d'un canon principal soit de 105 mm soit de 120 mm suivant la version, commandé depuis le coeur du char, la tourelle étant automatisée. Il pourra tirer des projectiles conventionnels ou des roquettes antichar guidées à un rythme de 6 tirs par minute grâce à une baie de chargement automatisée. Le PL-01 transportera 40 obus, dont 16 à l'intérieur de la tourelle, prêts à être tirés. En arme secondaire il possède une mitrilleuse coaxiale UKM-2000C (fabrication polonaise) de 7,62 mm qui dispose de 1000 cartouches.


Il pourra également être équipé en supplément d'une mitrailleuse indépendante de calibre 7,62 mm ou 12,7 mm alimentée par 750 cartouches, plus 400 grenades de 40 mm. Enfin, il aura à sa disposition un système de défense antimissile utilisant une antenne réseau à commande de phase qui sera capable d'intercepter un missile en vol avant qu'il ne percute le char. Tous les équipements seront stabilisés électroniquement et guidés par laser. L'équipage bénéficiera de plus de systèmes d'imagerie et de ciblage dernier cri, notamment infrarouge pour la vision de nuit, ainsi que d'une navigation par satellite, d'un système anti-incendie et même de sièges conçus pour minimiser l'impact d'explosions.


D'un poids allant de 30 à 35 tonnes suivant son degré de protection, le PL-01 mesure 7 m de long par 3,8 m de large et 2,8 m de haut. Il possède une autonomie de 500 km et atteint des vitesses variant de 70 km/h sur route à 50 km/h sur terrain abîmé, avec une capacité de dépassement d'obstacle jusqu'à 2,6 m de large pour des fossés, 1,5 m de profondeur pour des plans d'eau, et 30° d'inclinaison pour des pentes.


Le prototype devrait être prêt courant 2016, et si le projet est approuvé la production pourrait commencer dès 2018.


La vidéo de présentation officielle du PL-01


Unlike traditional camouflage systems which rely on paint or nets to hide vehicles, ADAPTIV can instantly blend a vehicle into its background. The system can also be used on ships and fixed installations, allowing them to stay undetected by enemy surveillance units

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10 mars 2014 1 10 /03 /mars /2014 07:50
La Norvège reçoit ses premiers CV90 modernisés



3 mars, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Hagglunds (groupe BAE Systems) a livré le 25 février dernier les deux premiers véhicules de combat d’infanterie chenillés CV90 modernisés à l’armée norvégienne.


Ces véhicules de présérie vont débuter une campagne d’essais pour d’ultimes ajustements, avant que la production ne débute en janvier 2015.


Au total, la Norvège va moderniser 144 de ces véhicules, qui doivent être livré d’ici 2018.


Les améliorations concernent la protection, l’ajout d’une vétronique, des caméras pour une vision extérieure à 360° pour les quatre soldats d’équipage.


Les 144 véhicules modernisés sont répartis en différentes configurations : reconnaissance avec un mât optronique, version PC, version sapeurs, et deux véhicules d’instruction et d’entraînement.


Le chenillé CV90 est équipé d’une tourelle modernisé deux hommes avec un canon de  30 mm ATK et d’une 7.62 mm coaxial.


Cette nouvelle tourelle est montée d’une étonnante et imposante excroissance à l’avant qui n’est autre qu’un toureleau téléopéré Kongsberg RWS 0.50 Cal. M2 HB MG.


Fort de ce succès avec l’armée de terre norvégienne, BAE Hagglunds espère aussi moderniser les parcs de CV90 en service en Suède ou au Danemark.

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19 avril 2013 5 19 /04 /avril /2013 12:54
BAE Delivers CV90 for Danish Evaluation


April 19th, 2013 By BAE Systems - defencetalk.com


We have delivered a new variant of our CV90 Armadillo, finished in traditional Danish Army camouflage, to the Danish Army Oksbol base for competitive evaluation to meet Denmark’s armored personnel carrier requirement


Class-leading protection and optimum mission flexibility


Trials – involving five different vehicles – begin mid-April and will continue until September with contract scheduled for February next year. First deliveries will be in 2015.


Armadillo offers class-leading protection and optimum mission flexibility. A “hot” production line (CV90 is in build for Norway) and six existing operators mean a proven low-risk solution, both for initial purchase and long-term sustainment and upgrade.


Denmark is looking to replace its existing M113s in a deal which will also include a 15-year innovative support contract.


Armadillo is a turretless version of CV90 with ballistic and mine protection which exceed Stanag 4a/b. Removal of the turret gives six tonnes of “spare” payload for further protection or other purposes on top of its “fighting configuration” while its state-of-the-art electronic architecture allows “plug and play” of new systems.

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