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6 février 2015 5 06 /02 /février /2015 07:55
Terrorisme : ça se précise pour le blocage administratif de sites Web


4 février 2015 Clément Bohic - itespresso.fr


Le ministre de l’Intérieur a présenté un décret précisant la procédure qui doit permettre d’empêcher l’accès à des sites Internet « faisant l’apologie du terrorisme ».


Le 4 novembre 2014, les parlementaires, par un ultime vote au Sénat, adoptaient le projet de loi renforçant les dispositions relatives à la lutte contre le terrorisme.

Porté par le ministre de l’Intérieur Bernard Cazeneuve, le texte prévoit la création d’un dispositif permettant d’interdire administrativement la sortie du territoire (article 1) et l’entrée de ressortissants d’un pays membre de l’Union européenne présentant « une menace réelle pour la société » (article 2). Il instaure aussi un renforcement des mesures d’assignation à résidence (article 3) et des dispositions de nature répressive (articles 4 à 8).

Le volet principal de cette loi no 2014-1353 du 13 novembre 2014 concerne le renforcement des moyens de prévention et d’investigations. L’une des problématiques abordées est celle du blocage administratif des sites Internet « provoquant à des actes de terrorisme ou en faisant l’apologie ». Ce dispositif entrera en vigueur « dans des délais extrêmement rapides », d’après le ministre de l’Intérieur, qui a présenté un décret d’application ce mercredi 4 février 2015.

Les dispositions en question sont inscrites à l’article 12 de la loi no 2014-1353, qui consiste en fait en une modification de l’article 6 de la loi no 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique.

Selon la nouvelle version du texte, lorsque les nécessités de la lutte contre la provocation à des actes terroristes ou l’apologie de tels actes relevant de l’article 421-2-5 du code pénal le justifient, « l’autorité administrative [gendarmerie, police administrative, ndlr] peut demander à toute personne […] de retirer les contenus qui contreviennent à cet article« .

Dans la pratique, l’autorité administrative devra adresser à l’éditeur du site ou à son hébergeur une demande formelle de retrait du contenu incriminé. En l’absence de réaction dans un délai de 24 heures, elle pourra transférer la liste des URL ciblées aux FAI ; lesquels devront « empêcher l’accès sans délai » et rediriger l’internaute vers une page d’information.

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30 janvier 2015 5 30 /01 /janvier /2015 12:20
Unprecedented Technology Poses Challenges for Special Ops


Jan 28, 2015 ASDNews Source : US Army


Terrorists are using social media to plan events, recruit, share information, propaganda, and so on. "We can detect (their activities) pretty well, but I'm not sure we know what to do about it," said a terrorism expert.


Countering terrorists' leveraging of social media is going to be a challenge, said Robert Newberry, director of the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office. "We're studying it to death, but I'm not sure coming up with any grand solutions."


Newberry and other experts spoke at a National Defense Industrial Association panel, "Special Operations Forces Technology Policy & Requirements," held at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Jan. 28.


He and the other panelists said these growing concerns are challenges not just to the special operations community, but also for the Army and other government organizations tasked with national security.


Klon Kitchen, special advisor for cyberterrorism and social media at the National Counterterrorism Center, said he sees "the rapid and seemingly unending advancement of technology" and social media as being one of the biggest threats.


The proliferation of social media and technology will impact "every future special operations mission," he said, "whether it be direct action, combating terrorism, information operations, civil affairs or any other SOF (Special Operations Forces) mission. The threat would come from terrorists exploiting social media for their own nefarious causes."




"Our SOF forces … will be confronted by an almost unimaginable deluge of data and an unprecedented technological capability," Kitchen added.


He cited figures. There are 1.8 billion active social network users globally, he said. Every minute of every day, these users produce 200 million emails, 72 hours of new YouTube video, 571 new websites, 3,600 new photos, 100,000 tweets, 34,722 Facebook likes and 2 million Google searches.


"We created 1.8 zettabytes, which is 1.8 trillion gigabytes of newly-generated information in 2011," he said. "In 2012 that figure was 2.8 zettabytes. By 2020, it's forecast to be 40 zettabytes in a 12-month period. This is just the beginning of the data deluge."


Newberry said that about half of those 200 million emails were probably sent by government workers, as the rest of the world tweets and uses text messaging. He confessed to using a yellow legal notepad most of his career and recalls getting his first electronic device -- a pager -- in the 1990s.


Social media can also be used to a special operator's advantage, Newberry said. For example, one can assess the operating environment in a particular region or area by collecting social media from those locations. "There's big value in this," he said.


The problem is, there's so much information out there that methods have not been codified on how to collect it, sort through and use it. Also, the authorities and organizational structures are not yet in place to do that, he said.




Matthew Freedman, senior advisor at the Defense Intelligence Agency, said social media is just one of many new threats and opportunities out there.


The "digital exhaust" trail left behind by terrorists will allow special operators to better track them, whether it's cloud computer, microblogging, crowd sourcing or social media.


"Futurists say that 90 percent of what will be known in 50 years has yet to be discovered," he said. For instance, the military is just now beginning to realize the power and potential of augmented reality -- having a real-world direct or indirect view of the environment, augmented by computer-generated sensory inputs.


Augmented reality is "blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds," he said, adding that non-state actors are increasingly getting their hands on similar technologies.


To stay ahead of the bad guys in innovation means the U.S. military "needs to rethink its acquisition strategy from requirement of things to an acquisition of capabilities."


During the Cold War, the United States had a good lead on new technologies most of the time, Freedman said. But now, technology is moving so quickly and systems are being integrated in ways unimaginable a short time ago. "Sometimes allocating resources means retrofitting existing systems at much lower costs instead of building new systems," he said.


Hard questions need to be asked, he added, such as, "is centralizing all the money a good thing for the warfighters? Sometimes we need to get software developments to the warfighters within 90 days." The system isn't built to handle that.


Might warfighters be allowed to purchase a piece of needed gear off the shelf when the need arises? he asked.




Anthony Davis, director, Science & Technology, U.S. Special Operations Command, pointed to the challenges in protecting the warfighters and making them more lethal.


The two-year research and development of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, also known as TALOS, is a good example, he said. There were and still are a lot of TALOS skeptics, he said, who say "Iron Man" is too far ahead of its time. Iron Man is the popular moniker of TALOS, a modern-day suit of armor for Soldiers.


But work is quietly continuing, he said. The first year of TALOS development revolved around passive exoskeleton technologies. "This year, we're moving into powered exoskeletons," which require 3 to 5 kilowatts of power, per Soldier to activate. This is all still in development.


There's a cost-benefit tradeoff involving armor, Davis said. Current requirements call for about 20 percent body protection, including the head. That's 8 to 12 pounds. To protect the whole body, much like the medieval knights, would take 600 pounds of armor, which obviously isn't going to happen until material and power innovations occur -- "significant challenges."


Other hot research areas, Davis said, are control actuators, digital optics and geographically distributed systems. Geographically distributed systems would allow an operator in the middle of the Pacific or Africa to communicate and have situational awareness the same as in Iraq or Afghanistan, which have infrastructures to do that in place.


Special operations are occurring in 75 countries every day. Just a handful are "kinetic" operations, he said. Most involve training, humanitarian assistance and security missions with just a handful of operators working autonomously. They need state-of-the-art communications equipment and other gear to do that successfully.


Navy Capt. Todd Huntley, head, National Security Law Department, International and Operational Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, said operators face a difficult legal environment here and worldwide.


The Supreme Court and district courts have not been definitive when it comes to 4th Amendment privacy concerns and national security concerns, he said. There are still a lot of gray areas when it comes to collecting intelligence on U.S. and foreign nationals. "We'll likely never be as nimble as our adversaries."

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28 janvier 2015 3 28 /01 /janvier /2015 17:50
"Les cyber-attaques coûtent aujourd'hui plus de 400 milliards de dollars par an"


27/01/2015 Propos recueillis par Giulietta Gamberini – LaTribune.fr


Au lendemain des attaques terroristes qui ont secoué la France, Inga Beale, PDG de l'un des plus anciens marchés d'assurance du monde, le Lloyd's de Londres, évalue pour La Tribune l'étendue de ce risque, notamment pour les réseaux informatiques.


Les attentats qui ont frappé la France en ce début d'année ont rappelé aux acteurs économiques comme à l'opinion publique française l'actualité et l'étendue de la menace terroriste, y compris sur le sol national. Selon l'édition 2015 du rapport annuel du Forum économique mondial sur les Risques globaux, publiée à la veille du rendez-vous de Davos et fondée sur l'avis d'un panel de 900 experts, ce danger constitue d'ailleurs pour les dix prochaines années l'un des plus importants tant en termes de probabilité que d'impact.

Inga Beale, qui depuis le 1er janvier 2014 est la première femme PDG du Lloyd's de Londres, marché tricentenaire de l'assurance, insiste depuis la petite station suisse sur l'énorme impact économique de cette menace, notamment dès lors qu'elle prend des formes virtuelles.


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