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6 octobre 2015 2 06 /10 /octobre /2015 16:45
General Rodriguez commander of U.S. Africa Command

General Rodriguez commander of U.S. Africa Command


05 October 2015 by Africom - defenceWeb


The commander of U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Army Gen. David Rodriguez, finished a weeklong trip to Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs Amanda Dory Oct. 2. Dory and Rodriguez met with officials in each country to discuss how AFRICOM and the U.S. Department of Defense can continue to help partner nations strengthen their military capacity.  “Defense cooperation is one of our core missions at U.S. Africa Command because we know that partnering with African states and regional organizations to constantly improve their capabilities and knowledge is important in addressing shared security challenges,” Rodriguez said.


Legions of Merit for AMISOM Support

Rodriguez also presented the Legion of Merit to six officers from the Uganda People’s Defence Force Sept. 30. The recipients are among less than 200 foreign citizens who’ve received the U.S. award and the first from Uganda. The awards specifically recognized the Ugandan officers for contributing to the African Union Mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, which is charged with reducing the threat of violent extremist organizations like al-Shabbab. First deployed in March 2007, the AMISOM military component has achieved significant territorial gains against the al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group al-Shabaab.  “Continued support to AMISOM is one of the important multinational efforts in place today. As a result of improved security, the Somali people and government have greater opportunities to make progress in the development of governance and economic institutions,” Rodriguez said. In 2014, the Ugandan People’s Defense Force liberated the port city of Barawe, Somalia, cutting off al-Shabaab’s access to what was a base and source of revenue. The UPDF also foiled a major al-Shabaab terrorist attack in Kampala. In Kenya, Rodriguez and Dory oversaw the formal establishment of the Massachusetts National Guard as the U.S. military partner for Kenya as part of the Defense Department’s State Partnership Program Oct. 1. The State Partnership Program is a coordinated effort between the Defense Department, the Department of State, the National Guard Bureau and the combatant commands where the partnered efforts occur.  “Our shared objective is to build professional militaries that, not only are capable of delivering on security priorities, but also respect human rights and adhere to the rule of law,” Rodriguez said. The partnership between the Massachusetts National Guard and Kenya is one of 12 ongoing state partnerships in Africa.  “AFRICOM recognizes the importance of partnership. A stable Africa ultimately means greater opportunities for collaboration toward shared goals and values that bind all our countries together,” Rodriguez said.


Recognizing Partner Efforts

During the trip Rodriguez also discussed how partner militaries in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia support regional security:

Djiboutian training for the Somali National Army has strengthened Somalia’s capacity to defend its government and its people from al-Shabaab. In addition, Djibouti hosts Camp Lemonnier, the sole enduring presence for the U.S. military in Africa.

The Ethiopian National Defense Force contributes troops in support of United Nations peacekeeping forces worldwide, making it the fourth largest contributor globally and the largest in Africa.

With support from the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense, the Somali Armed Forces continue to make progress in partnership with AMISOM to secure ungoverned space, defeat al-Shabaab, and create the conditions for a peaceful Somalia.

Rodriguez said Africa is home to some of the fastest growing economies in the world, and global leaders are increasingly recognizing the power of Africa’s diversity in people, resources and economies.

 “The link between security and prosperity is undeniable. For this reason, President Obama also identified building defense capacity among African partners as essential to advancing peace and security on the continent. As it works to meet these challenges, Africa is full of opportunity and promise and is becoming a major international player in world security,” Rodriguez added.

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13 mai 2015 3 13 /05 /mai /2015 11:45
photo Owolabi, Olufemi A. SSgt - United States Africa Command

photo Owolabi, Olufemi A. SSgt - United States Africa Command

12.05.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Le patron de l'Africom a révélé la semaine dernière à Stuggart que les forces rapides d'intervention US en Afrique peuvent compter sur  11 "cooperative security location" (CSL), des tremplins en quelque sorte pour des projections d'urgence.

Le général David Rodriguez n'a pas précisé la liste des pays d'accueil, liste que l'Africom refuse aussi de donner. Toutefois,  des CSL sont implantées au Sénégal, au Ghana, au Gabon, en Ouganda, au Burkina, au Maroc, au Kenya etc.

Selon Rodriguez, ces CSL sont "just an austere site. There’s nothing there but a couple of warehouses full of stuff". De simples entrepôts pleins d'équipements, du genre des stocks RECAMP d'autrefois.

En réalité, outre ces stocks, les CSL doivent disposer des facilités précises définies dans des textes comme l'ACI4300.04.

Ces sites doivent ainsi comprendre des entrepôts (1000 m2), des bureaux (325 m2), des pistes capables d'accueillir, nuit et jour, des C-17, des parkings pour 2 avions-cargos et un autre avion, des soutes pour le carburant (dont du JETA1 pour 3 jours), un accueil pour 200 militaires, des accès à des locations de véhicules. Pour les ports, il faut un quai capable d'accueillir un navire de 289m.

Ces CSL doivent être situées à moins de quatre heures de vol de tous les points chauds du continent.

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13 juillet 2014 7 13 /07 /juillet /2014 12:45
CEMA : entretien avec le chef du commandement régional américain pour l’Afrique


11/07/2014 Sources : EMA


Le 8 juillet 2014, le général d’armée Pierre de Villiers, chef d’état-major des armées (CEMA), a reçu le général d’armée David Rodriguez, chef du commandement régional des Etats-Unis pour l’Afrique (US AFRICOM).


Cette rencontre s’inscrit dans le cadre du dialogue militaire régulièrement entretenu entre les deux pays. Créé en 2007 et stationné à Stuttgart en Allemagne, l’AFRICOM a pour mission de coordonner les activités militaires des Etats-Unis sur le continent africain.


Au cours de leur entretien, le général de Villiers et le général Rodriguez ont fait le point sur la coopération militaire franco-américaine mise en œuvre au Sahel, dans la Corne de l’Afrique et en Afrique centrale. L’état-major américain AFRICOM constitue un partenaire privilégié dans des régions où la France entretient une présence permanente à travers son dispositif de forces prépositionnées et en opération, comme au Sénégal, au Gabon, au Tchad, en République centrafricaine, à Djibouti, en Côte d’Ivoire ou au Mali.


Cette coopération opérationnelle régionale s’est en effet renforcée depuis le déclenchement de l’opération Serval. Les Américains apportent notamment à la France un appui en moyens aériens dans les domaines du ravitaillement en vol et du transport tactique et stratégique. De plus, des actions communes appuient la montée en puissance de la mission des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA).

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8 mars 2014 6 08 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Africom commander General David Rodriguez

Africom commander General David Rodriguez



07 March 2014 by American Forces Press Service - defenceWeb


Helped by the Arab Spring, terrorist groups in North and West Africa have expanded their operations, increasing threats to the United States and its interests, the commander of U.S. Africa Command told Congress on Thursday.


“These revolutions, coupled with the fragility of neighboring states, continue to destabilize the region,” Army General David M. Rodriguez told the Senate Armed Services Committee in prepared testimony.


“The spillover effects of revolutions include the return of fighters and flow of weapons from Libya to neighboring countries following the fall of the Gadhafi regime and the export of foreign fighters from North Africa to the Syrian conflict,” the general said.


Rodriguez described the security situation in Libya -- where a NATO-backed air campaign in 2011 aimed at protecting civilians from pro-Gadhafi forces eventually led to the leader’s overthrow -- as volatile and tenuous, especially in the east and southwest. “Militia groups control significant areas of territory and continue to exert pressure on the Libyan government,” he said.


Africom, he said, is working to help build Libyan security forces, but in the meantime, terrorist groups including those affiliated with al-Qaida have taken root in vast, lawless areas of the country and are using the region as a base to extend their reach across northwest Africa.


Farther west, though, Rodriguez pointed to success the United States and its French and African allies have had in stabilizing Mali, where Islamic extremists took control of a large swath of the desert country’s north following a coup two years ago. “U.S. support has enabled [United Nations forces] and French operations to secure key cities and disrupt terrorist organizations,” he added.


Rodriguez described challenges facing the United States and Europe across the continent, from the Sahael region in West Africa to Somalia in the east.


“The collective aftermath of revolutions in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, including uncertain political transitions, spillover effects, and exploitation by violent extremist organizations of under-governed spaces and porous borders are key sources of instability that require us to remain vigilant in the near term,” he said. While multi-national efforts are disrupting terrorists, he added, “the growth and activity of the violent extremist network across the African continent continues to outpace these efforts.”

Rodriguez ticked off a list of security challenges facing the continent and his command.


Despite programs and exercises with Nigeria, the terrorist group Boko Haram continues to attack civilian and government facilities and has extended its reach into neighboring Niger, Chad and Cameroon. In Somalia, after having no presence in the country for years, the U.S. military now has three people on the ground, he said, to coordinate with U.N. and other partnered forces to disrupt and contain al-Shabaab forces and expand areas under the control of the nominal government in Mogadishu.


He described the efforts as playing “limited, but important roles” in weakening the militant group, which controls portions of the country and claimed responsibility for a massacre at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, in September that killed more than 60 people.


Rodriguez reported significant progress in reducing piracy.


“In 2013, zero ships were hijacked in nine attempted attacks in the region,” he said. Just two years earlier, there had been more than 150 attempted hijackings.


While Rodriguez said Africom is using military-to-military engagements, programs, exercises and other operations to respond to crises and deter threats, he emphasized that these efforts are geared toward enabling African partners to handle these problems.

“We believe efforts to meet security challenges in Africa are best led and conducted by African partners,” he said, efforts that ultimately will depend on African nations developing effective partner-nation security institutions that respect civilian authority.

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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
Tchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force Épervier


04/12/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 22 novembre 2013, le général d’armée David Rodriguez, chef du commandement régional des États-Unis pour l’Afrique (AFRICOM) a rendu visite aux militaires engagés au sein de la force Épervier à N’Djaména.


La délégation américaine conduite par son excellence monsieur James Knight, ambassadeur américain au Tchad est arrivée vers 9h30 sur la base « SGC Adji Kosseï ». La visite a débuté par une présentation de la mission générale de la force Épervier par le colonel Alain Dupas, chef de l’état-major interarmées de la force. Elle s’est ensuite poursuivie par une visite du détachement américain implanté au sein du CAOC (Combined Air Operation Center, le Centre interarmées des opérations aériennes) qui a pour mission de planifier et de conduire l’ensemble des missions aériennes au profit des différentes opérations et forces stationnées en l’Afrique Centrale et de l’Ouest. Cette visite s’est achevée par le groupement Terre et le groupement Air qui ont présenté leurs implantations et effectué des démonstrations dynamiques de leurs matériels.


Cette rencontre s’inscrit dans le cadre de la coopération bilatérale et du dialogue militaire régulier entretenu entre la France et les États-Unis. Créé en 2007 et stationné à Stuttgart en Allemagne, l’AFRICOM a pour mission de coordonner les activités militaires des États-Unis sur le continent africain. Il constitue un partenaire privilégié dans des régions où la France entretient une présence permanente à travers son dispositif de forces prépositionnées ou en opération, comme au Tchad.


Les militaires de la force Épervier assurent deux missions permanentes : ils apportent un soutien aux forces armées et de sécurité (FADS) tchadiennes, conformément à l’accord de coopération technique signé entre la France et le Tchad et sont en mesure de garantir, si nécessaire, la sécurité des ressortissants français résidant au Tchad.

Tchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force ÉpervierTchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force Épervier
Tchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force ÉpervierTchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force Épervier
Tchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force ÉpervierTchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force ÉpervierTchad : AFRICOM rencontre la force Épervier
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