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15 février 2014 6 15 /02 /février /2014 12:50
National Breakdown of Defence Data 2012


Brussels - 13 February, 2014 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) has just published the National Breakdown of Defence Data for 2012. These are official statistics on the main defence expenditure components for each of the EDA participating Member States (all EU Member States except Denmark and Croatia which joined in July 2013):


  • Macro-economic data to show the total defence expenditure and how defence budgets relate to GDP, overall government spending and population.

  • Major categories of defence budget spending – personnel; investment (equipment procurement and research & development (including research & technology); infrastructure/construction; operations & maintenance – to show how defence budgets are spent.

  • European collaboration for equipment procurement and R&T to show the extent to which the Agency’s participating Member States are investing together.

  • Data on personnel in the European armed forces: number of military and civilian personnel; internal security military personnel.

  • Deployability: military deployed in crisis management operations to show the ratio between deployments and the total number of military. 

The figures published here below are official figures based on data provided directly by the main spending authorities, the Ministries of Defence.


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10 septembre 2013 2 10 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
National Breakdown of Defence Data 2011
Brussels | Sep 09, 2013 European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency (EDA) has just published the National Breakdown of Defence Data for 2011. These are official statistics on the main defence expenditure components for each of the EDA participating Member States (all EU Member States except Denmark and Croatia which joined in July 2013):


  • Macro-economic data to show the total defence expenditure and how defence budgets relate to GDP, overall government spending and population.
  • Major categories of defence budget spending – personnel; investment (equipment procurement and research & development (including research & technology); infrastructure/construction; operations & maintenance – to show how defence budgets are spent.
  • European collaboration for equipment procurement and R&T to show the extent to which the Agency’s participating Member States are investing together.
  • Data on personnel in the European armed forces: number of military and civilian personnel; internal security military personnel.
  • Deployability: military deployed in crisis management operations to show the ratio between deployments and the total number of military.

The figures published here below are official figures based on data provided directly by the main spending authorities, the Ministries of Defence.


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