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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
Sweden Blocks Submarine Purchase


April 3, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Radio Sweden; published April 2, 2014)


The Government Stops Planned Submarine Deal


The government puts an end to previous plans to buy two submarines from the German-owned company Kockums, Swedish Television News reports.


In the spring budget the government intends to note that the conditions are not right for a deal with the company, which is owned by the German group ThyssenKrupp.


But the government still sees a need for two new submarines to be built and two existing submarines to be modernised. The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration has already ordered a preliminary study from Saab, on whether this company could do the job instead.


According to Swedish Television News, Saab has already been recruiting submarine engineers from Kockums, while ThyssenKrupp is offering them bonuses to try to get them to stay in the company.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:45
RCA: le Tchad retire ses troupes


3 avril, 2014 – BBC Afrique


Le Tchad va retirer ses gardiens de la paix de la mission l’Union africaine en République Centrafricaine pour protester contre les allégations selon lesquelles ils ont aidé les rebelles.


Une déclaration du ministre tchadien des Affaires étrangères déplore que ses troupes aient été critiquées malgré leurs sacrifices.


L'annonce a été faite en marge du sommet entre l'Union européenne et l'Afrique qui se tenait ce mercredi et ce jeudi à Bruxelles.


Le Tchad a contribué à hauteur de 850 soldats sur le contingent total des 6 000 hommes de la Misca.


Les forces tchadiennes ont été accusées de soutenir les rebelles musulmans de la Seleka qui avaient chassé du pouvoir le gouvernement centrafricain l’an passé après une vague de violences religieuses.


La Seleka, a pris le pouvoir en mars 2013. Mais leur leader a démissionné en janvier dernier suite à une spirale d’attaques et de contre-attaques entre les groupes musulmans et chrétiens.


Récemment, des milliers de musulmans, confession minoritaire en République Centrafricaine, ont fui vers les Tchad et Cameroun voisin après avoir été visés par les milices chrétiennes.


«Campagne gratuite et malveillante»


Le communiqué tchadien indique que les forces de ce pays ont été victimes de « d’une campagne gratuite et malveillante tendant à leur faire porter la responsabilité de tous les maux dont souffre la RCA. »


Mais le retrait n’est pas encore effectif : « Les modalités pratiques de ce retrait seront arrêtées en commun accord entre le Tchad et l’Union africaine. En attendant, le Tchad assumera sans faille sa mission de paix dans les zones relevant de sa responsabilité en République centrafricaine. »


Le président déchu de la RCA, François Bozizé, a avoué l’an passé à la BBC que les forces tchadiennes l’ont aidé à prendre le pouvoir, ce que le Tchad a nié.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:45
4 mois d’opération Sangaris : Avec l’Europe mais sans les Tchadiens


3 avril, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


Le point sur l’opération Sangaris en RCA


Lancement de la troisième phase de Sangaris


Le Général Soriano a fait un point de situation ce matin par viso-conférence durant le point presse du Ministère de la Défense. Extraits.


« Après 4 mois d’opérations, la relève est maintenant terminée, le second mandat de l’opération Sangaris a donc débuté, qui correspond au début de la troisième phase de notre action. »


Alors que la première phase (décembre-janvier 2014) visait à l’instauration des mesures de confiance dans Bangui (désarmement…) et à assurer la transition politique et la montée en puissance de la MISCA, la seconde phase de l’opération Sangaris (Février-Mars) avait pour objet la sécurisation de l’ouest du pays, notamment l’axe reliant Bangui au Cameroun, afin de désenclaver le pays et rétablir le trafic routier (humanitaire et économique). C’est pour le Commandant de Sangaris, maintenant chose faite. « Bangui est redevenu calme. Demeurent deux zones de tensions au nord de la capitale : Le 3ème arrondissement et la zone PK12, qui a connu un regain de tension la semaine dernière ». Dorénavant, la présence française dans la capitale est réduite, la MISCA ayant repris l’essentiel de la sécurisation de Bangui. Un GTIA français demeure dans la capitale, en charge de la zone de l’aéroport et en appui des forces de la MISCA dans le nord de la capitale.


Sangaris a donc débuté la troisième phase de l’opération, à savoir le déploiement dans l’est du pays, afin notamment d’y installer les troupes de la MISCA, notamment des soldats congolais et gabonais. Ce déploiement, qui a déjà débuté, va donc s’intensifier. Avec les mêmes objectifs: mettre fin aux agressions, protéger les populations, notamment musulmanes ; désarmer les milices et restaurer l’autorité de l’État centrafricain.




Sangaris va bientôt pouvoir compter sur des troupes supplémentaires, à savoir celles européennes de la mission EUFOR. Enfin, européennes, c’est beaucoup dire, car les 800 soldats de la mission seront pour moitié français (dont le 152ème régiment d’infanterie, déjà sur place), tandis que le second contingent le plus important sera fourni par… la Géorgie ! un Etat, qui, cela n’aura échappé à personne, ne fait pas partie de l’UE ! Pour Tbilissi, il s’agit là, d’une décision diplomatique stratégique : apporter son soutien dans l’espoir de compter sur l’Europe et l’OTAN (que la Géorgie souhaite intégrer), en cas de coup dur à venir avec la Russie. L’Allemagne et l’Angleterre quant à eux, se contenteront d’apporter leurs soutien en transport et logistique. Tout cela révèle une fois de plus que l’Europe n’est malheureusement une réalité que sur le plan économique. EUFOR RCA doit débuter son déploiement dès la fin du mois. Rappelons, que la France joue une fois de plus le rôle de nation-cadre de cette force, qui est commandée depuis la Grèce par le général français Philippe Pontiès (commandant de l’EMF 3 de Marseille). EUFOR RCA se déploiera à Bangui, ce qui permettra au GTIA opérant dans la capitale de se concentrer dans l’ouest du pays.


LA MISCA sans le Tchad


L’annonce a été faite aujourd’hui au sommet UE-Afrique, le Tchad va se retirer de la MISCA, la force africaine, élément clef de la stabilisation du pays. C’est une mauvaise et une bonne nouvelle.


Mauvaise, car la MISCA, qui compte plus de 6000 soldats et policiers va se soulager d’un effectif important de plus de 850 soldats. Un gros vide, d’autant plus que les tchadiens étaient déployés dans le nord du pays, une zone difficile.


Mais c’est aussi une bonne nouvelle, car la composante tchadienne de la MISCA a toujours été considérée comme soutenant les ex-Seleka, ils ont en communs d’être musulmans, et de nombreux éléments des Seleka sont d’origine tchadienne. Ils n’ont ainsi jamais été acceptés par la population. Là est aussi la raison du départ des tchadiens. C’est donc une source de tension en moins. Les soldats tchadiens ont également été l’objet d’une attaque directe et meurtrière des milices anti-balaka (chrétienne) samedi dernier.


Reste maintenant à voir si cette perte de près de 900 soldats, va pouvoir être comblée par d’autres pays africains. Ce qui est loin d’être gagné…


Les anti-balaka


Depuis l’arrivée des français, la menace a changée. Alors que ce sont les ex-Séléka musulmans qui constituaient la menace principale, l’action combinée de Sangaris et de la MISCA les a fait fuir dans les pays voisins. Aujourd’hui, ce sont les anti-balaka chrétiens qui s’attaquent aux populations musulmanes du pays. Le général Soriano, répondant à une question ce matin a détaillé leur composition: « nébuleuse insaisissable », les anti-balaka sont constitués de trois composantes: la composante dure, boziziste, s »ouvent des anciens militaires très organisés » et redoutables. La seconde composante est fournie par « les milices d’auto-défense de quartier », jugées « mal organisées aux actions limitées ». Enfin, la troisième composantes est faite de « voyous, de pillards », qui sous l’étiquette anti-balaka, prennent les populations musulmanes en otage et les rackettent.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:45
300 Libyan Army soldiers return from training in Turkey



02 April 2014 by Oscar Nkala - defenceWeb


Nearly 300 members of the Libyan Army have returned home after successfully completing a commando training course in Turkey as part of an international military programme to train more than 15 000 Libyan troops over the next decade.


In terms of agreements signed between the Libyan government and partner nations, the troops will be trained in Turkey, Italy, France and the United Kingdom and by the US Army at selected military bases in Bulgaria.


The Libyan Herald quoted Turkish embassy official Tufan Hobek as saying only 300 soldiers from an initial group of 440 soldiers who were recruited in Libya last year completed the gruelling training programme at a Turkish military academy near the city of Isparta.


“One of the reasons for this was that some recruits found the training too challenging,” Hobek said. He said the graduates, who had prior military training in Libya, were taken through drills which included further lessons in martial arts, operational drills and lessons in moral and religious guidance, national and cultural awareness.


Hobek said a second batch of Libyan Army personnel which includes 51 military cadets drawn from all army and air force units will leave for training at Turkish army schools in the capital Ankara and the commando academy near the city of Isparta. Libyan Army officials said another batch of recruits will leave for training at a British military academy this month.


According to Hobek, the Turkish government has plans to help the Libyan government set up a military academy for the in-country training of special forces in the Libyan town of Tajoura and may establish a military hospital in Tripoli if the two governments agree on terms.


Turkey is expected to train more than 3 000 selected Libyan Army personnel in the near future. The return of the first Turkish-trained group coincided with the arrival of two of an expected 11 members of the US Army delegation in Tripoli to help the government with logistics and the vetting of recruits for the upcoming US-run special forces training programme set to begin in Bulgaria in July.


In terms of an agreement signed last year with former Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, the US Army will train up to 8 000 Libyan soldiers as part of the international effort to rebuild the nation’s military, which collapsed during the 2011 civil war.


Like the programme offered in Turkey, the US training programme in Bulgaria will be run by up to 300 US instructors and will accommodate small groups enrolled on a rotational basis over an undisclosed number of years.


The security situation inside Libya has deteriorated seriously over the past six months with a surge in extra-judicial killings through bombings and assassinations targeting foreign embassies and staff, former and serving members of the security forces, government officials.


Last month, the government appealed once more for international support in securing and stabilising the country following a car bomb which killed several military cadets in Benghazi. Justice minister Salah Marghani called on the international community to intervene and stop the killing of Libyans and foreigners.


"The country has no army and no police force. Libyans must decide if they want a state or they want warlords. What is going on in Benghazi and Derna is terrorism and we must declare a state of emergency in Benghazi and fight back.


“Asking for international assistance in this fight is not a violation of Libyan sovereignty. What violates our sovereignty is the killing of these youth in cold blood. What is needed is to arrest them and bring to justice and the government cannot do that because these criminals are fully armed," Marghani said.


In its latest assessment of security assistance programmes and the general security situation in Libya, the European Union said its border security programme in Libya has started delivering results despite the fact that the situation remains very unstable.


"In the field of security, the priorities remain (i) ensuring law and order through professional law enforcement agents, (ii) establishing a national security architecture, (iii) the establishment of state security institutions and forces, including political engagement with the ex-fighters (iv) border control and management, (v) arms control (arms and ammunitions decommission), (vi) countering terrorism, human trafficking, smuggling and organized crime," the EU said.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
New Shvabe rifle scopes have passed tests

The Novosibirsk factory Shvabe – Defense and Security conducted successful tests of its new rifle scopes.


April 03, 2014 by Rostec


Two new kinds of scopes were tested: the PSU (a scope with an interchangeable zoom) and the PO1x20PMZ. The task was to verify target accuracy at different magnifications and to determine the effect of the design of the new wide sight in the PO1x20 series on the speed of raising the weapon, as well as testing the benefits of the new reticle.

The tests confirmed the stated specifications of the new scopes, establishing their advantage over other models. For example, the PSU scope when used with a gun showed an increase in target accuracy at 100 and 200 meters. When used with a Pecheneg machine gun, the scope with interchangeable zoom saved ammunition and increased the target accuracy regardless of the magnification.

Tests of the PO1x20PM3 scope showed a decrease in the time between raising a weapon and fixating on a target during close combat. It was also established that the folding protective covers would prevent the contamination of optic sights in bad weather, under extreme field conditions, and during intense combat.

The holding company Shvabe brings together key enterprises in Russia’s optoelectronics industry. It is composed of 62 organizations, including research and production associations, design buros, government institutions, and optical businesses. The holding company develops and manufactures high-tech optoelectronic products and systems for military and civil purposes, as well as other optical materials, medical equipment, energy-saving devices, and lighting equipment. The holding company is part of the state corporation Rostec and until November 2012 was known as Optical Systems and Technologies. Servei Valerjevich Maksin serves as the CEO of Schwabe, which is headquartered in Yekaterinburg. Its products can be found in 95 countries.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
La Russie rendra des navires de guerre à l'Ukraine



SIMFEROPOL, 3 avril - RIA Novosti


La Russie rendra des navires de guerre et de soutien à l'Ukraine, a annoncé jeudi à Simferopol un représentant du gouvernement de la Crimée, ancienne république ukrainienne intégrée à la Russie à la mi-mars.

"Le ministère russe de la Défense a décidé de rendre à l'Ukraine des navires de guerre et de soutien. Le premier navire - la corvette Ternopol - partira de Sébastopol pour Odessa vendredi prochain", a indiqué le responsable.

Selon lui, le problème est que la plupart des marins ukrainiens ont préféré faire leur service au sein de l'armée russe. "Il n'y a donc presque personne pour conduire les navires de Crimée à Odessa", a précisé le représentant du gouvernement criméen.

Le commandant en chef de la Marine russe Viktor Tchirkov a annoncé mercredi qu'environ 80 navires de guerre et de soutien appartenant à la Marine ukrainienne se trouvaient en Crimée.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
US Sends More Marines to Romania, DDG to Black Sea

April 3, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued April 2, 2014)


U.S. Sends More Marines to Romania, Navy Vessel to Black Sea


WASHINGTON --- The Defense Department is deploying additional Marines to enlarge a rotational crisis response force based in Spain, and is also dispatching a naval vessel to the Black Sea to conduct exercises with U.S. allies in the region, a Pentagon spokesman said today.


Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters that 175 Marines from Camp Lejeune, N.C., will augment the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response force based at Moron Air Base, Spain.


“We’re increasing the number from 500 to 675,” Warren said, adding that the move had been planned since late last year.


The expeditionary force falls under U.S. Africa Command but can be deployed anywhere. It enables the United States to conduct a range of military operations including non-combatant evacuations, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief as well as support for U.S. embassies.


While the additional Marines will be part of the Spain-based force, Warren said they are being stationed in Romania to allow greater flexibility. They will join nearly 300 Marines already in the country who are part of the Black Sea rotational force.


Warren emphasized the decision to send the additional Marines to Romania is not related to developments in Ukraine. However, he also announced that a U.S. Navy vessel is heading to the Black Sea for exercises to reassure American allies of the U.S. commitment to the region. That move, he said, is a direct result of the current situation in Ukraine. Warren did not rule out a role for the vessel in exercises with the Ukrainian military.


The announcement came a day after Warren said senior U.S defense officials were in Kiev for discussions with Ukrainian officials on defense cooperation and regional security.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Ukraine Begins Patrols of Border With Russia’s Crimea



MOSCOW, April 3 (RIA Novosti)


Ukrainian border guards have begun patrolling the country's new boundary with Russia north of Crimea, the Ukrainian Border Service announced Thursday.


The head of Ukraine's State Border Service, Nikolay Litvin, said that border guards had earlier evacuated equipment from Crimea, which will be deployed to enhance border security at the new patrol areas.


The Berdyansk border guard detachment and the newly created Kherson border guard detachment have joined the Azov-Black Sea Regional Directorate, he said.


A referendum on Crimean reunification with Russia was held last month and saw over 96 percent of voters chose to rejoin Russia.


Russian President Vladimir Putin later issued a decree on the integration of the Black Sea peninsula, and signed a law on the formation of two new Russian constituent territories: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.


Ukraine's Western-backed interim government still considers Crimea to be part of Ukraine.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
BTR-4 Armored Personnel Carrier

BTR-4 Armored Personnel Carrier


April 3, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Ukroboronprom; issued April 2, 2014)


The enterprises of Ukroboronprom State Concern are ready to supply in the nearest future 74 armored personnel carriers in order to equip 10 military units of National Guard of Ukraine. In total 100 vehicles are to be supplied. It was reported by Yuriy Tereshenko, Temporary Acting Director.


According to the executive, Kharkiv Morozov Machne-Building Design Bureau State Enterprise is able to supply a batch of APCs of BTR-4 family in the quantity of 58 units, including 41 vehicles of BTR-4E, 7 commander vehicles BTR-4K, 2 command and staff vehicles BTR-4KSh and 8 recovery vehicles BMM-4S. Among them fully equipped and mission capable vehicles are following: 29 BTR-4E, 5 BTR-4K, 6 BMM-4S and 2 BTR-4KSh. These are the newest vehicles of Ukrainian developments, which have a high level of mobility, powerful weaponry, perfect fire control system and modern level of armored protection.



BTR-4K Command Vehicle

BTR-4K Command Vehicle

BTR-4KSh Command and Staff Vehicle

BTR-4KSh Command and Staff Vehicle

Besides, Concern enterprises are ready to transfer the National Guard other 16 APCs of different types. Thus, Kyiv Armored Plant can supply 5 new BTR-3E and 5 BTR-80, which are on the balance of SC Ukroboronservice and will be repaired by it. Zhytomyr Armoured Fighting Vehicle Plant is ready to supply 5 repaired BTR-80 and Mykolayiv Armoured Plant- one BTR-70DI accordingly.


“These vehicles will significantly enhance combat capabilities of the units of National Guard of Ukraine,” Y. Tereshenko underlined. He also added that Ukroboronprom will do its best for the qualitative increase of national defense capability and fight readiness of Armed Forces of Ukraine and other state military formations.


Y.Tereshenko also noted that after the supplying of those vehicles by Concern, the decision concerning the adaption of it will be made by National Guard commanders in accordance with the Law ‘On National Guard of Ukraine’ #876-VII dated on March 13, 2014.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40



MOSCOU, 3 avril - RIA Novosti


Deux nouveaux systèmes de missiles participeront pour la première fois au défilé militaire du 9 mai à Moscou à l'occasion du 69e anniversaire de la victoire dans la Grande guerre patriotique de 1941-1945, a annoncé jeudi Kirill Kisselev, porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense.

"Les missiles sol-air Tor-M2U et les missiles antichar Khrizantema-S défileront pour la première fois sur la place Rouge de Moscou pendant la parade de la Victoire. L'armée russe s'est dotée de ces missiles en 2013", a indiqué le porte-parole.

Au total, 11.000 militaires et plus de 100 matériels de guerre participeront au défilé du 9 mai à Moscou, notamment des systèmes de DCA Buk-M2U, des rampes de lancement des missiles S-400 Triumf, des systèmes antiaériens Pantsyr-S1, des missiles Topol-M, ainsi que des véhicules blindés GAZ-2330 Tigr et BTR-82A, des chars T-90A et des canons automoteurs Msta-S. Soixante-neuf avions et hélicoptères survoleront la place Rouge à la fin du défilé.

Les missiles Tor-M2U sont en service opérationnel dans trois régions militaires russes. Ils sont capables de détruire des  cibles aérodynamiques et balistiques, des missiles de croisière, ainsi que des dispositifs de reconnaissance aérienne et de lutte radioélectronique.

Le système de missiles antichar guidés Khrizantema-S est destiné à détruire des chars, des navires de petit tonnage et des aéroglisseurs, des aéronefs subsoniques volant à basse altitude, ainsi que des structures en béton armé, des sites blindés et des bunkers.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
BTR-4 Armored Personnel Carrier

BTR-4 Armored Personnel Carrier



April 3, 2014 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


Ukrainian industry has stepped up to the plate in the country's dispute with Russia, saying it can soon supply armored personnel carriers to the National Guard.


Ukraine’s state-owned enterprise, Ukroboronprom, says it's ready to supply 74 armored personnel carriers to the military “in the nearest future.”

The APCs would equip 10 military units of the National Guard of Ukraine. In total 100 vehicles are to be supplied, Ukroboronprom’s temporary Acting Director Yuriy Tereshenko said.

Ukraine, once part of the now-defunct Soviet Union, is in a territorial and political crisis with Russia, which has annexed the Crimea region of the country.

The takeover, which has not been recognized by the United Nations, and the reported deployment of thousands of Russian troops to the region, has fueled fear that the remainder of Ukraine could face Russian-inspired political unrest or worse.

“These vehicles will significantly enhance combat capabilities of the units of the National Guard of Ukraine,” Tereshenko said. He said Ukroboronprom will do its best for the qualitative increase of national defense capability and fight readiness of the armed forces and other state military organizations.

According to Tereshenko, the government’s Kharkiv Morozov Machne-Building Design Bureau can supply 58 BTR-4 APCs. Ukroboronprom can transfer to the National Guard 16 other APCs of different types. Manufacturing plants of other organizations would also contribute the number of armored personnel carriers.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Ukraine: huit exercices internationaux programmés pour 2014


KIEV, 3 avril - RIA Novosti


Huit exercices militaires internationaux se tiendront en Ukraine en 2014 avec la participation de l'OTAN, a annoncé jeudi à Kiev Evguéni Perebiïnis, porte-parole du ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères.

"Il y aura huit exercices internationaux", a indiqué M.Perebiïnis.

L'Ukraine accueillera notamment les manœuvres Rapid Trident 2014 et Sea Breeze 2014 (Ukraine, Etats-Unis et autres membres de l'OTAN), Safe Sky 2014 et Public Order 2014 (Ukraine, Pologne), Light Avalanche 2014 (Ukraine, Slovaquie, Hongrie, Roumanie), Carpates 2014 (Ukraine, Pologne, Hongrie) et Sud 2014 (Ukraine, Moldavie, Roumanie).

Tous les pays engagés dans les exercices sont membres de l'OTAN sauf la Moldavie, qui a signé le Plan d'action individuel pour le Partenariat (IPAP) avec l'Alliance, et l'Ukraine.

L'OTAN a promis d'augmenter le potentiel de défense de Kiev lors de la récente réunion de la commission Ukraine-OTAN. Les parties ont décidé d'intensifier leur coopération et de lancer des réformes de l'armée. L'Alliance s'est déjà dit prête à déployer des groupes d'entraînement mobiles sur le sol ukrainien et étudie la possibilité de prêter des moyens techniques à Kiev.

La Rada suprême (parlement ukrainien) a approuvé mardi une disposition du président par intérim Alexandre Tourtchinov visant à ouvrir durant l'année 2014 le territoire ukrainien aux troupes étrangères, y compris américaines, engagées dans des manœuvres militaires. La législation actuelle de ce pays interdit d'accueillir sur le sol ukrainien des formations militaires non prévues par la loi, y compris des bases militaires étrangères. Cela oblige le chef de l'Etat d'émettre des lois spéciales appropriées en prévision des exercices militaires.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Biathlon en chars d'assaut en Russie: 13 pays répondent présent


MOSCOU, 3 avril - RIA Novosti

Treize pays dont la Chine et le Koweït ont confirmé leur intention de participer au deuxième championnat de biathlon en chars d'assaut en Russie en juillet-août 2014, a annoncé jeudi à Moscou Iouri Petrov, responsable du ministère russe de la Défense. 

"Nous avons reçu des confirmations de 13 pays souhaitant participer au tournoi "Biathlon en chars 2014". Onze pays comptent utiliser des blindés russes pendant les compétitions. Les équipages de six Etats entendent en outre suivre un cours d'entraînement de six jours à la base de la 4e division blindée", a indiqué le général Petrov.

Les équipages chinois et koweïtien utiliseront les chars de fabrication nationale.

Selon le général, 11 autres pays enverront leurs observateurs au championnat de biathlon en chars.

Le deuxième championnat de biathlon en chars aura lieu du 4 au 16 août. Les compétiteurs et observateurs étrangers arriveront en Russie à partir du 17 juillet.

La compétition de biathlon en chars d'assaut se déroule comme une course de relais en ski. Les chars doivent parcourir une piste de 20 kilomètres parsemée d'obstacles et participer à trois séances de tir - en utilisant un missile, une mitrailleuse antiaérienne et trois obus d'artillerie. A la différence du biathlon classique, les équipages des chars doivent détruire des cibles imitant des chars et des hélicoptères volant à une basse altitude à une distance de 0,9 km à 2,2 km. Chaque cible manquée ajoute 500 mètres supplémentaires à parcourir.

Les premières compétitions internationales du biathlon en chars se sont déroulées en août 2013 à Alabino, dans la région de Moscou.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
China to Get Former Greek Zubr Hovercrafts



3 April 2014 asian-defence.net


Greek government has given the green light for the Hellenic Navy to sell its four Russian-built Zubr landing ships to China, Hong Kong newspaper reported.


At more than five hundred tons, the Zubr is the world's largest hovercraft. The massive ships can carry up to three tanks and at least 300 troops over hundreds of miles of ocean, and can also lay mines.


The People's Liberation Army Navy already operates several Zubrs, with the most recent vessel delivered from Ukraine several weeks ago. Chinese units differ from the Russian originals, featuring a stealthy version of the AK-630 cannon, a Type 364 search radar, and the locally-produced OFC-3 optical fire control device.


Hellenic Navy staff spokesman Kleftos Priapos confirmed the sale in an interview.


"As the Zubrs were all constructed in either Russia or Ukraine, the sale of these hovercraft does not violate any current NATO rules against arms transfers to China," said Priapos in response to questions from Filipino reporters. "This is a perfectly legal transfer, and besides, we need the funds."


Priapos cut short the interview after several Filipino reporters became visibly agitated, sources report. It cannot be confirmed whether Priapos forcibly ejected the reporters for "rubbing him the wrong way" with aggresive questioning, as YouTube commentators have claimed.


Reports of the sale have alarmed many in the Philippines, which is embroiled in a fractious territorial row with China over the disputed Spratley Islands. Filipino troops are still involved in a rigid standoff with the Chinese military on the tiny Scarborough Shoal, which both countries claim.


Chinese military officials declined to release a statement, but reports indicate that the first of the newly purchased Zubrs, numbered 1337 (formerly the Zakynthos), will be delivered at the end of this year.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
Team 21 Submits Bid for Future Australian Pilot Training System


CANBERRA, Australia, 3 April 2014 – Pacific Sentinel


Lockheed Martin Australia and Pilatus Aircraft, supported by Hawker Pacific, have jointly launched a bid to provide a new pilot training system for the Australian Defence Force.


The consortium, known as Team 21, submitted its proposal for the AIR 5428 Pilot Training System on March 31st. Under the proposal, Australian Defence Force pilots will graduate from a proven training system tailored to Australian requirements.


The companies in this team are currently in the eighth year of a 20-year performance-based flight training contract to provide the Basic Wings Course (BWC) to the Republic of Singapore Air Force, at Royal Australian Air Force Base Pearce in Western Australia.



“Team 21 offers superior performance, a proven team in Australia and capability for the future,” said Raydon Gates, Lockheed Martin Australia chief executive. “We have an established track record and have now graduated 20 classes from a Pilatus PC-21 based pilot training program at RAAF Base Pearce. BWC has very similar mission and support systems as proposed for AIR 5428, significantly reducing risk to the Commonwealth.”


“Team 21’s proven experience provides an excellent foundation for a cost-effective, off-the-shelf solution tailored to prepare Australian Navy, Army and Air Force pilots for fourth and fifth generation aircraft capability,” said Markus Bucher, Pilatus chief executive officer.


Selection of Team 21’s comprehensive pilot training solution will provide Australia with a fifth generation training system, delivering a safe, affordable and practical solution for today’s training needs while also supporting future requirements.

Established in 1939, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is the world's leading manufacturer of single-engine turboprop aircraft. Headquartered in Stans, Switzerland, Pilatus is a privately held company employing close to 2000 people. Pilatus provides aircraft and aviation services worldwide for the general aviation, commercial, training, utility, and special mission markets. The company, through Pilatus Australia Pty Ltd, currently supports over 140 Australian based military and civil aircraft.
Hawker Pacific Pty Ltd was formed in 1978 with its corporate headquarters in Sydney NSW, employs over 400 people across Australia and has significant aviation sales and support capabilities across the Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Hawker Pacific’s Government Business unit is the prime contractor to the ADF delivering the B300 aircraft capability to 32 and 38 Squadrons at RAAF Bases East Sale and Townsville, holding Authorised Engineering Organisation and Approved Maintenance Organisation accreditation. At RAAF Base Pearce, Hawker Pacific has successfully provided maintenance support to the Singapore Air Force PC-21 aircraft training capability in synergy with Lockheed Martin and Pilatus since 2006.
Lockheed Martin Australia, headquartered in Canberra, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of US-based Lockheed Martin Corporation, a global security and aerospace company. LM Australia specialises in the development, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The company employs more than 900 people in Australia and New Zealand working on a wide range of major programmes spanning the aerospace, defence and civil sectors.
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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
source Army Recognition

source Army Recognition


04 April 2014 Pacific Sentinel


South Korea was reportedly considering purchasing advanced surveillance radar to spot small- sized, low-flying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dispatched from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The South Korean news agency Yonhap, citing a military official, reported that the military was mulling acquiring the low-altitude surveillance radar from overseas as it failed to detect several unmanned aircrafts deployed by the DPRK recently.


The DPRK has flew several pilotless airplanes for the reconnaissance purpose to South Korea, which were spotted by the naked eye in frontline areas, but were depicted as birds on the radar screen due to their small size.


The South Korean Army was operating the low-altitude surveillance radars called TPS-830K, but it rarely detected the small, unmanned aircrafts believed to be flown by the DPRK.


An official at the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, the country's arms procurement agency, said over phone that he hasn't heard of whether the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has decided to buy it, noting that the JCS should make a decision to purchase any military devices.


The South Korean military came to a tentative conclusion that two drones, discovered in inter-Korean border areas recently, came from the DPRK, according to government sources cited by Yonhap.


Read the full story at Army Recognition

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
NATO to Suspend Cooperation with Russia on Afghan Choppers, Training


April 3rd, 2014 defencetalk.com (Ria Novisti)


NATO will suspend cooperation with Russia on the maintenance of Afghan helicopters and a joint anti-drug operation, a source in the alliance told RIA Novosti.


Foreign chiefs of NATO’s 28 member states earlier froze “practical civilian and military cooperation” with Moscow but vowed to keep intact the NATO-Russia Council and diplomatic contacts at the ambassadorial level and above.


They also said Tuesday the Western military bloc would consider reviving ties with Moscow during the next Brussels meeting in June.


NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen earlier said the bloc hoped to continue working with Russia in Afghanistan and train anti-drug officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to an anonymous source in the alliance, current trainees will be allowed to complete the training program. The project will then be scrapped.


The same future lies ahead for the maintenance program of Afghan helicopters, meaning NATO will have to think of another way to procure spare parts for the Russia-made choppers, bypassing the NATO-Russia Council.


The freeze in Russia-NATO cooperation will not affect the existing bilateral agreement on cargo transit to Afghanistan across Russian territory.


The source also noted that the freeze would stay in place indefinitely until the situation around Ukraine improved. These measures, the official explained, are linked to Russia’s handling of the Ukrainian crisis and would be lifted only when Moscow changed its stance on the issue.


Russia has been reluctant to negotiate with Ukraine, where an ultranationalist opposition has been in power since a February coup, calling the new government illegitimate.


The West has long been pressuring Moscow to recognize the Maidan regime, despite the fact that Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich has never been impeached and fled the country for fear of being executed by right-wing militia.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
Le drapeau vietnamien hissé sur deux sous-marins

Le Premier ministre Nguyên Tân Dung remet le drapeau national aux commandants des sous-marins HQ-182 Hanoi et HQ-183 Hô Chi Minh-Ville. Photo/VNA


03/04/2014 Vietnam+


La Marine populaire du Vietnam a organisé une cérémonie de hissement du drapeau national sur les deux premiers sous-marins de la classe Kilo, marquant la mise en service officielle de ces bâtiments jeudi dans le port militaire de Cam Ranh, province de Khanh Hoa (Centre).


Cet événement revêt une importance particulière comme il marque un nouveau développement de la Marine populaire du Vietnam en particulier et de l’Armée populaire du Vietnam en général, s’est félicité le Premier ministre Nguyên Tân Dung lors de la cérémonie à laquelle ont assisté l’ancien secrétaire du Parti communiste du Vietnam Lê Kha Phiêu, le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Affaires étrangères Pham Binh Minh et des dirigeants de certains ministères et localités.


La fondation et la défense nationales, l’édification et la défense de la Patrie sont une loi vitale dans l’histoire de développement de la nation vietnamienne. C’est aussi une belle tradition, une obligation sacrée des générations des Vietnamiens, a déclaré le chef du gouvernement.


Dans le contexte mondial et régional immédiat comme à long terme, tout le Parti, toute l’armée et tout le peuple doivent s’unir et faire cause commune, s’efforcer, par la force globale de tout le pays, d’édifier et de sauvegarder à tout prix l’indépendance, la souvernaineté, l’intégrité territoriale de la Patrie, a-t-il souligné.


Le pays ayant subi tant de souffrances et sacrifices dues aux guerres d’agression féroces, nous aspirons à la paix pour la construction nationale et l’amélioration des conditions de vie du peuple, a poursuivi le dirigeant vietnamien.


Mais les bons voeux ne sauraient suffire à nous assurer la paix. Nous devons être puissants dans tous les domaines que ce soient politique, économie, culture, société, défense, sécurité, diplomatie, solidarité nationale, et seulement avec cela que nous pouvons défendre fermement la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale du pays.


Ainsi, tout le Party, tout le peuple et toute l’armée devraient saisir à fond et réaliser efficacement les options et résolutions du Party, poursuivre le développement socio-économique rapide et durable, se concentrer sur le renforcement de la capacité de l’armée populaire et de la police populaire, notamment les forces maritimes et aériennes, a indiqué Nguyên Tân Dung.


Le Premier ministre a réaffirmé que la politique de défense du Vietnam est celle de la paix et de l’auto-défense. La modernisation de l’armée du Vietnam est seulement destinée à l’autodéfense et à la sauvegarde des intérêts légitimes du pays. Elle ne vise aucunement un quelconque pays.


Il a profité de cette occasion pour exprimer ses remerciements aux amis internationaux, en particulier le président russe Vladimir Putin, le Premier ministre russe Dmitry Medvedev, le gouvernement russe et le ministère russe de la Défense, les amis russes pour leur soutien précieux accordé au Vietnam durant son processus de modernisation de son armée.



HQ-182 Hanoi HQ-183 Ho Chi Minh photo tuoitre

HQ-182 Hanoi HQ-183 Ho Chi Minh photo tuoitre

A ce jour, le Vietnam a pris livraison de deux sous-marins à propulsion diesel-électrique du projet 636 Varchavianka (Improved Kilo, selon le code de l'OTAN). Baptisés HQ-182 Hanoi et HQ-183 Hô Chi Minh-Ville, ces bâtiments appartiennent à la troisième génération de sous-marins.


D'un déplacement en charge de 3.100 tonnes, les submersibles de cette classe ont un déplacement de 2.350 tonnes en surface et de 3.950 tonnes en plongée et une vitesse de 17/20 nœuds. Ils peuvent plonger à 300 mètres de profondeur et sont dotés de torpilles de 533 mm (six tubes), de mines et de missiles de croisière Kalibr.


Ces bâtiments sont en mesure de repérer leur cible à une distance trois à quatre fois supérieure à celle à laquelle ils peuvent eux-mêmes être repérés par l'ennemi. Cette discrétion leur a valu d'être surnommés "trous noirs" dans l’océan par les experts de l'OTAN

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
British service personnel arriving at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan

British service personnel arriving at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan


3 April 2014 Ministry of Defence


The next deployment of UK armed forces to Afghanistan is due to take place in June 2014, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has announced.


This week saw the UK’s military headquarters in Helmand disbanded and the functions integrated into Regional Command (South West).

Around half of the units due to deploy in June will come under the command of a UK one-star within the United States Marine Corps commanded headquarters. The remainder will deploy elsewhere within Camp Bastion and in Kandahar and Kabul as part of the UK’s overall contribution.

Members of the reserve forces will continue to deploy to Afghanistan as part of this integrated force.

This will be the final phase of the UK’s combat operations in Afghanistan, known as Operation Herrick, which will come to an end on 31 December 2014.

The forces deploying include:

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:35
photo customs.gov.au

photo customs.gov.au



3 April 2014 naval-technology.com


The Sri Lankan Navy has received the first Australian Customs and Border Protection Vessel (ACV), Corio Bay, at a flag transfer ceremony in Cairns, Australia.


Provided by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS), the Bay-class patrol vessel has been renamed the Republic of Sri Lanka Navy Ship Oshadi.


The ACBPS national director of border force capability Nigel Perry said that the flag transfer ceremony marks the passing of responsibility, authority and accountability of command from one state to another.


As part of this process, ACBPS Marine Unit Officers trained Sri Lankan Navy personnel in day-to-day operational aspects and ship maintenance.

"During the course of its 14 years as a customs vessel, Corio Bay completed 3,759 sea days and steamed 284,026nm."


"The training was comprehensive. It included activities ranging from deck work, familiarisation of electronic systems and equipment on board, to undertaking operational drills," Perry said.


"It was a highly successful 17-day training programme, which allowed crews from both nations to exchange knowledge and experience of operating in the maritime environment.


"During the course of its 14 years as a customs vessel, Corio Bay completed 3,759 sea days and steamed 284,026nm."


The highly agile and responsive vessel will complement the Sri Lankan Navy's existing fleet, while conducting search and rescue missions more effectively, covering a large area of the Indian Ocean.


It had been designed to perform strategic patrols, tactical surveillance and enforcement for various agencies to address the eight maritime security threats within and beyond Australia's 200nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:30
Syrie: l'évacuation d'armes chimiques suspendue depuis le 20 mars (Onu)


NEW YORK (Nations unies), 3 avril - RIA Novosti


Les opérations d'évacuation d'armes chimiques de la ville syrienne de Lattaquié sont suspendues depuis le 20 mars dernier en raison de combats entre autorités et opposition, a confirmé jeudi devant les journalistes le porte-parole adjoint de l'Onu Farhan Haq.

"Il n'y a aucun mouvement depuis le 20 mars, les opérations étant suspendues à cause de la situation sécuritaire", a déclaré M.Haq.

Et d'ajouter que l'évacuation d'armes chimiques de Lattaquié reprendrait dès que possible.

Selon le plan de désarmement chimique de la Syrie adopté en septembre 2013 par l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques (OIAC), les substances chimiques les plus dangereuses devaient quitter la Syrie avant le 31 décembre. Toutefois, l'OIAC a annoncé fin décembre que le délai fixé ne pouvait être tenu en raison d'une série de questions relatives à la sécurité, à des problèmes logistiques et aux conditions météorologiques.

D'après le calendrier corrigé, les substances chimiques prioritaires, notamment 20 tonnes de gaz moutarde, doivent quitter la Syrie d'ici le 31 mars. Toutes les armes chimiques syriennes doivent être détruites d'ici fin juin.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:25
L'Argentine Paiera plus de $300 Millions un Escadron de Kfir Made In Israel.


03.04.2014 Yair Cohen (Savyon) – Israel Valley


Un deal qui va certainement booster les relations bilatérales entre les deux pays. L’Argentine est en négociation exclusives avec Israël pour racheter plus de 20 Kfirs (remis à jour) fabriqués dans l’Etat Hébreu depuis au moins 30 ans. C’est IAI qui devrait bénéficier de ce contrat important.



Les origines du Kfir remontent à l’embargo imposé par la France en 1969. Suite à la guerre des Six Jours et à l’attaque de l’aéroport de Beyrouth par l’armée israélienne (Opération Gift, 28 décembre 1968), le président Charles de Gaulle décrète un embargo sur le Moyen-Orient (pour Israël, cela concerne principalement les vedettes Sa’ar III et les Mirage 5).


En conséquence, l’État hébreu n’est plus en mesure d’approvisionner son aviation militaire en chasseurs Mirage et pièces détachées. Les autorités décident de procéder au développement d’un chasseur de fabrication nationale.


Le gouvernement israélien lance alors deux projets : le projet Raam A, construction d’un appareil d’après les plans du Mirage 5 (celui-ci devient le Nesher) ; le projet Raam B, qui impliquait alors le changement du réacteur ATAR 9C par le General Electric J79 pour le projet Raam A.


Le 19 avril 1971, Alfred Frauenknecht, ingénieur suisse, employé de la firme helvétique Sulzer fabriquant sous licence le Dassault Mirage IIIS, a avoué avoir vendu les plans secrets de cet appareil à Israël pour la somme de 200 000 $;

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:25
VBTP-MR Guarani photo Andre Gustavo Stumpf Filho

VBTP-MR Guarani photo Andre Gustavo Stumpf Filho


04/02/2014  Richard de Silva – Defence IQ


In March, the 33rd Motorized Infantry Battalion, under the15th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, will be receiving the first 13 VBTP-MR Guarani armoured personnel carrier, making it the first regular army unit to be issued with the new vehicle.


The initial 86 vehicles will eventually begin trials to build the doctrine for its use in service. Overall, 2,044 units have been put into production, with deliveries beginning in 2012 and due to carry on until 2030.


The delivery further marks the period of transformation taking place across the nation’s military, in conjunction with the rapid upturn of Brazil’s economic health seen in the past ten years.


Lieutenant General Luiz Felipe Linhares Gomes, head of the Army’s Project Management Office, told a Defence IQ conference this year that while the Army undergoes its sweeping transformation, the first and main area to transform is the “hearts and minds” of its own service personnel and the general public, all of whom will need to understand the intrinsic value that the military has on the wider economic and cultural make-up of the nation.


Presenting the official update to the Guarani Project at the International Armoured Vehicles event in London, Linhares explained that “here, we have the opportunity to meet several companies that maybe can work with us. In parallel, we have the opportunity to showcase our projects and maybe even to sell our products. It’s perfect.”


The General will also be speaking at the Armoured Vehicles Latin America conference in Rio de Janeiro in May, alongside other decision makers from the Army and Marine Corps as the drive continues to modernise its vehicle fleets.


Old lessons, new partners


There are seven key army modernisation projects inducing transformation, of which Guarani is just one. Linhares jokingly describes these programmes as “like my daughters – beautiful but very expensive,” but it is has been a valid concern from the outset that the endeavour has paid heed to long-term cost implications.


For the Guarani Project, specifically, a chief aim has been to transform military organisations involved in mechanised solutions for infantry and cavalry for purposes of productivity, efficiency and value for money. To accomplish this, several new families of armoured wheeled vehicles are being developed with the capacity to increase deterrence and homeland defence.


The VBTP-MR is replacing the Urutu CASCAVEL originally manufactured by ENGESA, and which have been in use for over 40 years. Designed by the Science, Technology and Innovation System of the Army, the new vehicle was developed in partnership with IVECO Defence, a subsidiary of FIAT Cars SA based in the city of Sete Lagoas.


Throughout the process, simplicity has been an important factor governing design decisions, with most of the eq coming through COTS. As a requirement, at least 60 per cent of the vehicle components have to have originated from local industry. This decision has not just been a proactive one – Engesa’s bankruptcy in 1993 has served as a dire warning, having left the country without the Urutu equipmentmanufacturing and design skills to continue development of the fleet.


“The memory of that is still raw,” Linhares admits. “We lost everything. So this approach is a safeguard.”


Other regional nations are watching Guarani developments with heightened interest and an eye to procure their own fleet. Test and evaluation of the vehicle has been taking place in a collaborative capacity between Brazil and Argentina, with the latter the next most likely recipient to purchase.


Others, including Colombia and Ecuador, are understood to be placing the vehicle in its list of possible ventures over the coming years.


Recent developments


At present, the vehicle is preparing to begin work on its 8x8 variant for the Marines, of which the funding and initial design have already been confirmed.


Recent reports have also confirmed that the Army’s range of 4x4 vehicles, another part of the Guarani project, is now set to be deployed in early 2015. International tender is due to be released in the second quarter of 2014, aiming towards contract finalisations in the latter part of the year. The first delivery will see “32 vehicles in a patrol configuration, along with training services, spares, and initial logistic support,” according to IHS Jane’s.


In February, the Army selected Thales for its vehicle intercom systems contract, which will see communication systems integrated onto the Guarani vehicle, as well as on the Cascavel, M113, and the refurbished Urutus, by June2014.


The system, known as ‘Sotas’, provides the hub for all data and voice communications inside the Guarani, including sensors, terminals and radios.


Hervé Derrey, Vice-President of Thales’s Radio Communication Products Business, said “Sotas is one of the most advanced communication solutions for the digitisation of the battlespace and will enable Brazilian Forces to dramatically increase situational awareness at all levels of the command structure,”

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Missile Defense Programs Still High-Risk: GAO


April 3, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Government Accountability Office; issued April 2, 2014)


Missile Defense: Mixed Progress in Achieving Acquisition Goals and Improving Accountability

Testimony by Cristina T. Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services.

The Department of Defense's (DOD) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) made progress in its goals to improve acquisition management, and accountability and transparency. The agency gained important knowledge for its Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) by successfully conducting several important tests, including the first missile defense system-level operational flight test. Additionally, key programs successfully conducted developmental flight tests that demonstrated key capabilities and modifications made to resolve prior issues. MDA also made some improvements to transparency and accountability. For example, MDA improved the management of its acquisition-related efforts to deploy a missile defense system in Europe and MDA continued to improve the clarity of its resource and schedule baselines, which are reported to Congress for oversight.

Although some progress has been made, MDA acquisitions are still high risk, due to inherent technical and integration challenges, tight timeframes, strategies that overlap development and production activities, and incomplete management tools. More specifically:

MDA faces challenges stemming from higher-risk acquisition strategies that overlap production activities with development activities. While some concurrency is understandable, committing to production and fielding before development is complete often results in performance shortfalls, unexpected cost increases, schedule delays, and test problems. GAO found that the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense SM-3 Block IB and Ground-based Midcourse Defense programs, which have already produced some of their assets before completing testing, discovered issues during testing that have affected or continue to affect production.

Testing continues to fall short of goals. For example, the first ever system-level operational flight test failed to demonstrate true integration. MDA also combined, delayed, and deleted some tests, and eliminated test objectives in other tests. These challenges reduced the knowledge they had planned to obtain in order to understand the capabilities and limitations of the BMDS.

MDA has not yet fully developed or implemented a complete management strategy for synchronizing its efforts to deploy missile defense in Europe. As a result, it remains unclear how different European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) efforts are aligned together and what constitutes success in delivering capabilities in Europe.

Issues with the content and presentation of resource and schedule baselines continue to limit their usefulness as management tools. For the fourth year, GAO has found that MDA's cost estimates are unreliable for some BMDS elements and do not include certain costs for military services which may significantly understate total costs. Recently, Congress took steps to require that improvements be made to MDA's cost estimates, so GAO did not make any new cost recommendations. MDA's schedule baselines continue to be presented in a way that makes it difficult to assess progress. For instance, MDA's schedule baselines identify numerous events, but provide little information on the events and why they are important.

Why GAO Did This Study

In order to meet its mission, MDA is developing a diverse group of BMDS components including (1) land-, sea-, and space-based sensors; (2) interceptors; and (3) a battle management system. These systems can be integrated in different ways to provide protection in various regions of the world. Since its inception in 2002, MDA has been given flexibility in executing the development and fielding of the ballistic missile defense system. This statement addresses recent MDA progress and the challenges it faces with its acquisition management. It is based on GAO's March and April 2014 reports and prior reports on missile defense.

What GAO Recommends

In April 2014, GAO recommended that MDA verify any changes needed for the SM-3 Block IB missile through flight testing before approving full production; retest the fielded GMD interceptor to demonstrate performance and the effectiveness of changes; and take actions to improve the clarity of its schedule baselines.

DOD partially concurred with the recommendation on the SM-3, stating that MDA will verify the efficacy of any modifications by testing and that the production decision will be vetted through the DOD process. DOD did not agree with the recommendation on GMD, stating that the decision to flight test the interceptor will be made by the Director, MDA, based on the judgment of other stakeholders.

GAO previously made recommendations on EPAA and testing. DOD generally concurred with them. GAO continues to believe all recommendations are valid.

Click here for the full testimony (19 PDF pages) on the GAO website.

Click here for the related report (49 PDF pages) on the GAO website.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Air Force leaders insist new tanker is key to airpower


April 4th, 2014 By Air Force News Agency - defencetalk.com


The top three acquisition priorities for the Air Force are the KC-46A aerial tanker, the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the Long Range Strike Bomber, officials told members of Congress during a hearing of House Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on seapower and projections forces, April 2.

“On any given day, the Air Force’s mobility aircraft deliver critical personnel and cargo, and provide airdrop of time-sensitive supplies, food and ammunition on a global scale,” said Dr. William LaPlante, the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition.

LaPlante was joined by Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Requirements Maj. Gen. James Jones and Air Force Program Executive Officer for Tankers Maj. Gen. John Thompson.

“The KC-46 remains essential to overall strategy,” Jones said. “Our air refueling fleet is critical to operations for all services, and our coalition partners.”

LaPlante explained the new tanker is essential to replacing an aging tanker fleet, and ushering air mobility and sustainment into the future.

“The backbone of rapid U.S. global operations is our tanker fleet,” LaPlante said. “Based on the budget submitted, we expect to see about 54 KC-46 deliveries across the Future Years Defense Plan, as part of the tanker fleet recapitalization.”

The first delivery of Low Rate Initial Production aircraft will be in Fiscal Year 2016, with an estimated program completion date of 2028.

“Tankers are the lifeblood of our joint force’s ability to respond to crisis and contingencies, and are essential to keeping our Air Force viable as a global force,” LaPlante added.

The Air Force is also investing in the sustainment of the current bomber and cargo fleets, and will make upgrades to various systems to keep these airframes practical in the future of the force, he explained.

Overall, Air Force officials said they are optimistic about the future of the air mobility and bomber fleets, and are confident in the continued capabilities to support the warfighter.

“In the midst of the challenges ahead, we will aim to keep these programs on track and deliver these systems both as vital capabilities to our forces, but also as the best value to our taxpayer,” LaPlante said. “These systems will provide the future capabilities necessary to operate effectively in the national security environment of tomorrow.”

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