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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
La Russie aidera l'Inde à construire le porte-avions Vikrant

COCHIN (Inde), 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie aidera l'Inde à achever la construction de son premier porte-avions de fabrication nationale, l'INS Vikrant, a annoncé mercredi à Cochin Victor Komardine, directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport).


"Nous réalisons une dizaine de projets conjoints avec l'Inde, y compris celui du Vikrant", a indiqué M.Komardine lors du premier Salon naval international NAMEXPO-2013.


Les spécialistes russes sont responsables des équipements aériens du porte-avions INS Vikrant. "Il s'agit notamment des brins d'arrêt, des ascenseurs et des hangars", a précisé M.Komardine.


Destiné à devenir le navire-amiral de la Flotte occidentale de la Marine indienne, l'INS Vikrant sera remis à l'armée en 2018. Le navire a un déplacement de 37.400 tonnes. Il sera équipé de missiles mer-air et de canons à tir rapide, de chasseurs embarqués de fabrication russe MiG-29K/KUB et d'hélicoptères. L'Inde pourrait également y déployer des chasseurs de fabrication nationale HAL Tejas, si elle arrive à créer rapidement une version embarquée de cet avion.


Avec 256 mètres de long et 56 mètres de large, le Vikrant possède un tirant d'eau de 12 mètres. Sa vitesse de croisière étant de 28 nœuds, le navire a une autonomie de 7.500 milles à une vitesse de 18 nœuds. Son équipage comptera 1.400 matelots et 160 officiers.


Selon la Marine indienne, près de 50% des éléments du propulseur du porte-avions et environ 30% des armements du Vikrant ont été conçus en Inde.


Avec ce porte-avions, l'Inde complétera la liste des pays capables de construire ce type de navires. Ces technologies ne sont pour le moment maîtrisées que par la Russie, les Etats-Unis, la France et la Grande-Bretagne.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
Le général Wang Guanzhong, chef adjoint de l’État-major général de l’Armée populaire de libération (APL) lors d’une rencontre en avril 2013 (DoD)

Le général Wang Guanzhong, chef adjoint de l’État-major général de l’Armée populaire de libération (APL) lors d’une rencontre en avril 2013 (DoD)

26/09/2013 par Jacques N. Godbout – 45eNord.ca


Des dirigeants militaires chinois et français ont convenu mardi que les forces armées de Chine et de France devraient davantage renforcer leurs échanges et coopération, rapporte l’agence Chines-Nouvelles.


La Chine et la France sont toutes deux membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU et jouent des rôles importants dans les affaires régionales et internationales, a indiqué le général Wang Guanzhong, chef adjoint de l’État-major général de l’Armée populaire de libération (APL), alors qu’il a rencontré mardi Édouard Guillaud, chef d’état-major des armées françaises, selon ce que rapporte l’agence officielle chinoise.


Le chef d’État-major a déclaré que la Chine est prête à travailler de concert avec la France pour renforcer davantage les communications militaires, dialogues stratégiques et coopération de haut niveau, basés sur le respect et la confiance mutuels, afin de constamment faire de nouvelles contributions au partenariat stratégique global entre les deux pays, rapporte Chine Nouvelles.


L’amiral Guillaud pour sa part a fait remarquer que le Dialogue stratégique de la défense entre la France et la Chine, tenu du 22 au 24 septembre à Paris, était très important pour que les deux parties améliorent leur confiance mutuelle stratégique, approfondissent leur compréhension réciproque et promeuvent leur coopération militaire.


La France est satisfaite du développement des relations entre les forces armées des deux pays et a la volonté de renforcer davantage la coopération avec la partie chinoise, a dit le chef d’État-major français.


Le douzième dialogue stratégique entre les ministères de la Défense des deux pays s’est concentré sur le développement des liens militaires bilatéraux, ainsi que sur des questions régionales et internationales de préoccupation commune.


Par ailleurs, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, lorsqu’il s’était rendu à Pékin le dimanche 15 septembre pour évoquer la situation en Syrie avec son homologue Wang Yi, avait pour sa part déclaré que la «relation bilatérale franco-chinoise est tout à fait excellente» et avait précisé que son homologue et lui avaient «parlé en particulier de ce qui va se passer l’année prochaine et qui sera une grande année franco-chinoise avec le cinquantième anniversaire de la reconnaissance de la Chine par la France du général de Gaulle», ainsi que des échanges sur le plan électro nucléaire, et sur le plan aéronautique notamment».

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
Three More Mi-17s Delivered to Afghan Air Force

A Russian Antonov An-124 unloads the first of three new Mi-17 helicopters at Kabul airport. Russia is to deliver 9 additional Mi-17s to the Afghan air force in the coming months. (USAF photo)


Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Air Force; issued Sept. 25, 2013)


New Aircraft Arrive for Afghan Air Force


KABUL, Afghanistan --- Three brand-new Mi-17 helicopters arrived in the belly of a Russian Antonov An-124, Sept. 1, on the Afghan air force ramp of Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan, at 8 a.m.


“This is the first time the Afghans have downloaded an aircraft of this size completely by themselves,” said Maj. Greg Douglas, NATO Air Training Command-Afghanistan J4-M deputy commander. Douglas is deployed from the 48th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at RAF Lakenheath, England, and hails from Fort Walton Beach, Fla.


The three helicopters are the first of 12 to be arriving in the upcoming months.


“The significance of having these aircraft is each unit will have helicopters with only one variation,” Douglas explained. “This streamlines the process for maintenance, operations and training.”


Two of the new helicopters will travel to Kandahar Airfield once they are put together, and one will stay in Kabul. The aircraft were shipped directly from the manufacturer, and will be assembled here before leaving for KAF.


“The assembly should take anywhere from three weeks to a month,” Douglas added.


Once assembled, the aircraft will add another step in the sustainment and autonomy of the Afghan air force.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
India, Nepal joint military exercise begins in Pithoragarh

Sep 25, 2013 brahmand.com


PITHORAGARH, U'KHAND (PTI): Joint exercises in general combat and mountain warfare will form part of the two-week-long 5th Indo-Nepal war games, which began here on Tuesday.


The joint military exercise will also include anti-insurgency operations in hilly terrains and relief and rescue operations at the time of natural disasters.


The military exercise will conclude on October 6, an Indian Army source said.


"Over 900 Indian and Nepali troops are taking part in this exercise being conducted in mountainous terrains of the area shared by the geography of both the countries in this part of Indo-Nepal border," an Indian army spokesman said.


He said the exercise would prove to be another link of cooperation between the two neighbouring countries.


"The joint military exercises between Indian and Nepal began at platoon level, which has now reached at company level. This shows that both the countries are heading towards higher level of cooperation in the direction of sharing military methodology," the spokesman said.


According to Army sources, after having joint exercise at different locations in the state, Army jawans from both the countries will present cultural programmes on the concluding night of October 6.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
photo RP Defense

photo RP Defense

The first RAF Typhoon was delivered in 2003, with the total delivered since reaching 112 aircraft.


25 Sep 2013 By Ben Martin, and Graham Ruddick


BAE Systems has formally submitted a bid to build 60 Eurofighter Typhoon jets for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), stepping up its attempt to strike a deal that could support thousands of UK jobs and is vital for the company’s prospects.


The Typhoon programme, developed by BAE, Italy’s Finmeccanica and Airbus–maker EADS, suffered a major setback last year when it lost out to French company Dassault for a major contract to supply India with 126 fighter jets.


However, the aircraft has emerged as the favourite to win the UAE contract, which could be worth around £6bn and has been described as a “game-changer” by the chief executive of BAE, Ian King.


More than 5,000 people work on the Typhoon project in Britain for BAE, which is the country’s biggest defence contractor. Securing the UAE deal would be a major boost to the manufacturing sites in Lancashire where the fighter jet is constructed.


In a note, UBS, BAE’s house broker, said: “We estimate that this order could potentially be worth £6bn for the aircraft alone and multiples of that including training, support and weapons packages.”


The British company is leading negotiations with the UAE on behalf of the Typhoon consortium. The potential deal is also likely to include a technology-sharing agreement on unmanned aircraft.


It is thought that the process to decide which aircraft the UAE selects could take several months. Dassault is also in the running to supply the UAE with its Rafale jets.


Charles Armitage at UBS said that if a deal is agreed between BAE and the UAE, it could open the door for talks with India to be restarted. He said: “If UAE is signed, this could put pressure on India, which would be the only export customer for Rafale - nobody likes being the only export customer for a programme as it tends to reduce flexibility and increase the upgrade/maintenance costs – and could bring Typhoon back into the picture.”


The group’s chances of securing the order were bolstered by an alliance that was agreed last November, when David Cameron travelled to the Gulf to unveil a formal defence and industrial partnership between Britain and the UAE.


BAE shares closed up 2.3pc at 461.3p on hopes the UAE deal will be agreed.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
Syrie : progrès à l'ONU sur une résolution sur le démantèlement de l'arsenal chimique

26 septembre 2013 Par RFI Avec Anne Corpet à New York


Les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, réunis à New York, le 25 septembre, ont progressé en vue d’un accord sur les principaux points d'une résolution sur le démantèlement de l'arsenal chimique syrien. Mais il encore trop tôt pour parler d’accord, comme l'ont annoncé des diplomates occidentaux. Les Russes pensent que beaucoup de choses restent encore à discuter.


C’est une progression à tous petits pas, semés d’espoir et de douche froide. « Nous sommes proches d’un accord », ont pavoisé deux diplomates occidentaux en fin d’après-midi, le 25 septembre. Mais le porte-parole de la délégation russe à l’ONU, a aussitôt rétorqué : « les Occidentaux prennent leurs désirs pour des réalités ».


Il n’empêche, sous la pression du secrétaire général de l’ONU, Ban Ki-moon qui avait convoqué à déjeuner les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité pour les pousser à agir, des avancées auraient été constatées. Moscou serait en passe d’accepter qu’en cas de non respect de l’accord, une seconde résolution soit votée sous le chapitre 7 qui prévoit des sanctions. Ceci figurerait dans le texte de la première résolution. Or jusqu’ici, les Russes opposaient un niet catégorique à la seule mention du chapitre 7.


La question de responsabilité devant la justice des auteurs de l’attaque chimique serait également en voie d’être réglée. Mais de l’aveu d’un diplomate, il y a encore du travail à fournir avant d’aboutir. Le secrétaire général de l’ONU maintient en tout cas la pression, y compris sur la question du règlement politique du conflit. Il organise vendredi une nouvelle réunion des membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité, cette fois sur la conférence de Genève 2, annoncée depuis le mois de mai dernier, mais dont la date n’a pas été fixée.


Sur le terrain, des inspecteurs de l'ONU sont revenus ce mercredi 25 septembre en Syrie, pour vérifier des allégations du régime de Damas et des opposants sur les armes chimiques.

Par ailleurs, treize factions islamistes combattantes ont annoncé qu'elles n'obéiraient plus à la Coalition nationale syrienne, l'opposition politique qui est aidée par les Occidentaux et les pays du Golfe. Elles forment une nouvelle alliance avec un groupe lié à al-Qaïda.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
Un navire de guerre russe fait escale en Syrie

LATTAQUIE, 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


Le grand navire de débarquement russe Nikolaï Filtchenkov est entré mercredi dans le port syrien de Lattaquié où il fera une escale de 24 heures, a annoncé un représentant du ministère syrien de la Défense à RIA Novosti.


Deux vedettes lance-roquettes de la Marine syrienne ont accueilli le Nikolaï Filtchenkov dans les eaux territoriales du pays.


"Les marins des deux pays se sont salués. Ensuite, les vedettes syriennes Hattin et Yarmouk ont escorté le Nikolaï Filtchenkov au port de Lattaquié", a indiqué le représentant du ministère.


Des habitants de la ville portant des drapeaux russes et syriens, des portraits des présidents Assad et Poutine et des banderoles en russe ont accueilli les marins russes dans les rues de Lattaquié.


Pendant sa visite amicale à Lattaquié, l'équipage du navire russe disputera un match de football avec les marins syriens.


Le grand navire de débarquement Nikolaï Filtchenkov, de la flotte russe de la mer Noire, a quitté le port russe de Novorossisk le 11 septembre dernier. Il fait route vers la Méditerranée où il rejoindra le groupe naval russe.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom

25/09/2013 Sources : EMA


Depuis le 20 septembre 2013, la frégate type La Fayette (FLF) Aconit est engagée au sein de la Task Force 150 (TF150), la force navale de l’opération de contre-terrorisme Enduring freedom.


Avant de franchir le canal de Suez, la frégate Aconit a mené des entraînements avec des bâtiments de l’US Navy.


Le 19 septembre 2013, les hélicoptères embarqués français et américain ont effectué des exercices d’appontage. L’hélicoptère Panther du détachement 36F de l’Aconit s’est posé sur la frégate américaine USS Gravely qui a elle-même envoyé son hélicoptère Sea Hawk sur la frégate française. Ce type d’exercice permet de renforcer l’interopérabilité entre les deux marines et d’entraîner les pilotes à apponter en toute circonstance sur un bâtiment allié. En fin de matinée, les commandants en second de l’USS Stout et de l’USS Gravely se sont rendus sur l’Aconit où ils ont été reçus par son commandant. Au cours de la journée, deux officiers supérieurs américains ont embarqué à bord de l’Aconit, afin de découvrir la frégate et partager leurs savoir-faire.


L’USS Gravely et la frégate Aconit ont également mené plusieurs exercices ainsi qu’un ravitaillement à la mer auprès du pétrolier-ravitailleur USNS Leroy Gruman.


Dorénavant, la frégate Aconit et son équipage participe au volet maritime d’Enduring Freedom dans l’océan Indien. Depuis 2001, la France est engagée dans cette opération qui vise à suivre les mouvements maritimes dans une zone allant de la corne d’Afrique au golfe arabo-persique pour lutter contre le terrorisme et ses réseaux de soutien.


Les bâtiments français engagés dans cette opération conduisent également des entraînements et des manœuvres avec nos partenaires et alliés présents dans la zone pour renforcer l’interopérabilité de nos forces.

OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
OEF : la FLF Aconit rejoint l’opération Enduring Freedom
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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
Trident II D5 Missile Logs 148th Successful Test-Flight

Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued September 24, 2013)


Lockheed Martin-Built Trident II D5 Missile Achieves A Total of 148 Successful Test Flights Since 1989


SUNNYVALE, Calif. --- The U.S. Navy has conducted four successful test flights of the Trident II D5 Fleet Ballistic Missiles built by Lockheed Martin. The U.S. Navy launched the unarmed missiles Sept. 10 and 12 in the Atlantic Ocean from a submerged Ohio-class submarine home-ported at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia.


This event marked the 145th, 146th, 147th and 148th successful test flights of the D5 missile since design completion in 1989 – a reliability record unmatched by any other large ballistic missile.


"This ultra-capable system serves a critical role in deterring aggression," said Doug White, vice president of Fleet Ballistic Missile programs, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, the Navy's Trident missile prime contractor. "We are dedicated to supporting Navy Strategic Systems Programs in assuring the system's continued readiness, reliability, performance and affordability."


The Navy launched the missiles as part of Follow-on Commander's Evaluation Tests. The missiles had been converted into test configurations using kits produced by Lockheed Martin that contain range safety devices and flight telemetry instrumentation. As required by the Department of Defense's National Command Authority, the U.S. Navy conducts a continuing series of operational system evaluation tests of the Trident Strategic Weapon System under the testing guidelines of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


First deployed in 1990, the D5 missile is currently aboard U.S. Navy Ohio-class and U.K. Royal Navy Vanguard-class submarines. The three-stage, solid-propellant, inertial-guided ballistic missile can travel a nominal range of 4,000 nautical miles and carries multiple independently targeted reentry bodies. The Fleet Ballistic Missile team has produced six generations, each more capable than its predecessor: the Polaris A1, Polaris A2, Polaris A3, Poseidon C3, Trident I C4 and Trident II D5 missiles.


Lockheed Martin has been the Navy's strategic missile prime contractor since the program's inception in 1955. The United States and the United Kingdom signed the Polaris Sales Agreement in 1963, which was modified in 1982 to provide for the Trident II D5 missile system. Since 1968, Lockheed Martin has provided program management and engineering services to the Royal Navy under the terms of the agreement.


Lockheed Martin employees, principally in California, Georgia, Florida, Washington, Utah, Virginia, Scotland and England, support the design, development, production, test, operation and sustainment of the Trident Strategic Weapon System.


Lockheed Martin leads the industry in performance and domain expertise in strategic missile and missile defense systems, designing and producing ballistic missiles, interceptors, target missiles and reentry systems with unmatched reliability and a focus on affordable high-quality systems and services.



Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 116,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
Commentary: US Needs a Minerals Policy

Rare earth oxides. Clockwise from top center praseodymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, and gadolinium - Photoh by Peggy Greb, US Department of Agriculture


Sep. 25, 2013 - by HAL QUINN – Defense News              


Reliance on Foreign Sources Risks Readiness


In June, the US House Armed Services Committee released a draft of the fiscal 2014 Defense Authorization Act, which included several proposals dealing with critical minerals often used in Defense Department weapon systems.


For years, the Pentagon has raised concerns about access to minerals, and yet the government still lacks a modern, coherent minerals procurement strategy and useful mineral resources remain locked beneath US soil. As a result, US military and defense contractors find themselves at the mercy of foreign countries for the minerals they need.


Minerals are critical components of the advanced technologies on which modern militaries rely. Each year, DoD must acquire roughly 750,000 tons of minerals for an array of systems to ensure America’s fighting force remains at the cutting-edge. Beryllium, for example, is used in the airborne forward-looking infrared system, missile guidance systems and surveillance satellites, while molybdenum is an effective smoke suppressant and fire retardant — especially useful in the confined spaces on aircraft.


Despite the importance of these resources, the military and its suppliers are unable to readily access many of the minerals they need. As revealed by the DoD’s 2013 Strategic and Critical Materials Report, the US faces shortfalls of 23 minerals crucial to national security. This year, the US Geological Survey warned that we remain 100 percent dependent on imports for 18 minerals — many of which were flagged in the DoD’s report.


As the world’s population surges and millions join the middle class in fast-rising economies, demand and competition for these vital ores will continue to rise. According to a recent report by retired Army Brig. Gen. John Adams for the Alliance for American Manufacturing, “The increased demand for minerals has encouraged resource nationalism, where countries seek to exert greater control over the extraction and processing of key elements. Many minerals are mined in only a few countries, exposing the United States to potential supply disruptions and other risks.”


Night-vision devices (NVDs) offer a prime example of how supply disruptions threaten our military. NVDs are integral to countless defense operations and were key to mission success in capturing Osama Bin Laden. Despite ranking in the top four globally for rare earth reserves, the US imports nearly 80 percent of the rare earth elements needed to manufacture NVDs — among other defense technologies — from China. In recent years, China has imposed export restrictions on rare earths, forcing prices for the minerals to increase by nearly 300 percent and tightening the supplies available to American manufacturers.


Simply put, the United States cannot remain at the mercy of foreign governments for key security minerals and continue to jeopardize its strategic autonomy.


There is a solution to these escalating supply concerns, one that would both boost America’s security outlook and the economy: the $6.2 trillion worth of key minerals within US borders. Minerals such as copper, zinc and nickel could be extracted in greater abundance domestically with improved regulatory certainty. The extraction of these minerals would also generate a number of other crucial minerals for which we’re facing tight supplies. Copper ore, for example, contains rhenium, selenium and tellurium, along with small amounts of rare-earth elements. Zinc ore contains indium, germanium and cadmium.


But under the current minerals mining permitting process — which is marked by unnecessary delays and redundancies at the local, state and federal levels — it can take up to 10 years to secure approval to mine for these and countless other minerals in the United States. This is five times longer than it takes in countries with comparably stringent environmental standards, such as Australia and Canada. This policy pitfall has driven investment overseas, leading to a 13 percent drop in our nation’s share of global investments in metals mining over the past decade and an increased reliance on mineral imports.


Encouraging domestic mineral production and establishing secure mineral supply chains for manufacturers and the US military would put our national security back into our own hands. The bipartisan National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013, introduced by US Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., would address this national challenge. The bill would ensure a predictable and streamlined permitting process that maintains strict environmental protections, making the US more attractive to investment in mining and facilitating the development of minerals needed across our security spectrum.


For the US, a stable and robust mineral supply is, and will continue to be, a strong pillar supporting the nation’s global competitiveness, a key driver of its technological prowess and the foundation of countless national defenses. Allies and competitors alike have enacted policies to address minerals security, and it’s time for the United States to do the same. A reformed permitting process for minerals mines is a long-overdue first step.


Hal Quinn, president and CEO of the National Mining Association, which advocates on behalf of the US mining industry.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
GD Wins $152M for Virginia-class SSNs

Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Sept. 24, 2013)


Pentagon Contract Announcement


Electric Boat Corp., Groton, Conn., is being awarded a $152,448,187 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-10-C-2118) to exercise options for continued lead-yard services and development studies and design efforts related to Virginia-class submarines.


Work will be performed in Groton, Conn. (91.1 percent), Newport News, Va. (4 percent), Quonset, R.I. (3.5 percent), and Newport, R.I. (1.4 percent), and is expected to be completed by September 2014. Fiscal 2012 and 2013 shipbuilding and conversion, Navy, fiscal 2013 research, development, test and evaluation funding in the amount of $13,097,000 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.


The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
Drone Warfare Version 2.0: Great Power Edition

September 26, 2013 By  Zachary Keck - thediplomat.com


The first decade of drone and unmanned warfare has been the exclusive domain of nation states like the U.S. and Israel using armed drones to target leaders of non-state actors like al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Hamas.


This type of drone warfare will almost certainly continue into the future, albeit at a reduced pace in the case of the U.S. targeting al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders. Other nation states may decide to make similar use of drones, if reports that China considered using drones to target an international drug trader are any indication.


Meanwhile, a second generation of drone warfare is taking shape: one in which countries employ unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) against other nation states.


As the world's military superpower, it should come as no surprise that the U.S. is taking the lead in this endeavor. In May of this year, the U.S. garnered some headlines when it launched the X-47B drone from the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush off the coast of Virginia. Many more heads were turned in July, when the X-47B drone became the first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to make a landing on the same aircraft carrier.


Last week a X-47B drone marked the 100th flight in the U.S. Navy’s Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) program, which is geared toward maturing the capability to operate combat UAVs from aircraft carriers.


A press release announcing the 100th flight stated: “The Navy UCAS program successfully completed all objectives for the carrier demonstration phase with the X-47B.” It went on to note: “The program is currently planning for continued carrier integration demonstrations and has also begun surrogate Learjet testing of the autonomous aerial refueling (AAR) capability.” Earlier this month, the Navy announced key successes in this latter, refueling objective.


This followed the Navy’s announcement in August that the two prototype X-47Bs would not be retired to museums as planned, but instead would continue to be utilized for the purpose of, among other things, “developing unmanned aircraft carrier fleet concept of operations.”


Also in August, the U.S. Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR), which is overseeing the efforts to develop a carrier-based UAV fleet, announced that it had awarded US$15 million Preliminary Design Review (PDR) contracts to four defense companies for the Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program, which is designed to provide the U.S. Navy with its first deployed carrier-based unmanned air system.


As NAVAIR explained in a press release announcing the contracts, the carrier-based drone “will provide persistent, unmanned, semi-autonomous, carrier-based Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting (ISR &T) with precision strike capability to support 24/7 carrier operational coverage.”


According to Defense News, the carrier-based UAVs will initially have a strike capability of around 2,000 km. This hints at a key purpose of the drones; namely, to allow the U.S. to continue to strike China with sea-based aircraft while keeping America’s aircraft carriers outside the range of the PLA’s DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). In other words, the sea-based drones will be a key component of America’s efforts to counter adversaries’ anti access/area denial (A2/AD) strategies.   


The U.S. is also putting together the larger infrastructure to execute this strategy. For example, in July Rear Adm. Thomas J. Moore, the Navy’s Program Executive Officer for Aircraft Carriers, confirmed that the Ford-class aircraft carriers, the next-generation U.S. carriers, are being built with the capabilities to launch large fleets of UAVs off them.


As Moore explained of the Ford Class: “The flight deck has been designed to be bigger and have a higher sortie generation rate. The ship itself is built with three-times the electrical generating capacity than the Nimitz {Ford predecessor} class has – so it is not hard to envision that we are going to be flying unmanned aircraft off that ship.”


One crucial difference between using drones against terrorists in areas where the air force enjoys air superiority, and in using them against peer-competitors in contested air space, is that the vulnerability of the drones to air defense systems becomes a key concern in the latter environment. Thus, whereas U.S. drones can loiter over Pakistani airspace for days trying to pinpoint the location of al-Qaeda operatives, they will enjoy no such luxury in trying to eliminate China’s land-based missile systems.


As such, the carrier-based combat drones that come out of the UCLASS will be unlikely to conduct their own surveillance in many of the missions in which they were operate. For that, the U.S. is developing different UAVs. As Foreign Policy reported last month, the U.S. Navy envisions “swarms of tiny drones infiltrating heavily defended skies at will.”


Summarizing a U.S. Air Force official, the report noted that “these bug-like surveillance bots will be particularly useful in the Pacific…. Because that represents the toughest challenge for American spyplanes: snooping on say, a China equipped with increasingly advanced air defenses.” Presumably, these nano-drones will collect intelligence on targets for the UCLASS drones.


The U.S. is developing another unmanned system to counter China’s A2/AD strategy. Earlier this month, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) solicited bids from defense companies for its Hydra program, which will “develop and demonstrate an unmanned undersea system, providing a novel delivery mechanism for insertion of unmanned air and underwater vehicles into operational environments.” News reports suggest that submarines will also be launched from the Hydra system. This would give the U.S. the ability to launch carrier-based aircraft from devices that would be impervious to China’s ASBMs.

An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator launches from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN_77) May 14, 2013, in the Atlantic Ocean

An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator launches from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN_77) May 14, 2013, in the Atlantic Ocean

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
$18m US Navy LRLAP Artillery Shell Contract

25/09/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


The US Navy's next-generation ship-launched artillery shell is moving into production, according to Lockheed Martin's September 2013 statement.


Set to equip future US Navy destroyers, the LRLAP (Long-Range Land Attack Projectile) is a 155mm GPS-guided artillery shell with a maximum range of 190 kilometres.


The LRLAP programme is being led by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control and BAE Systems is the prime contractor.


According to Lockheed Martin, once it enters service, the LRLAP will deliver a performance capability beyond those of all preceding US Navy artillery shells. Designed to facilitate long-range precision strikes, the shell falls almost vertically - a feature designed to mitigate the risk of collateral damage. Able to strike a variety of targets, the shell also reportedly possess three times the impact capacity of older 5 inch naval ballistic rounds.


Long-Range Land Attack Projectile


The Long-Range Land Attack Projectile development programme is now in transition, supported by the US National Warheads and Energetics Consortium's (NWEC's) $18 million contract.


In times ahead, the LRLAP will be fired from the US Navy's DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class Destroyers. Set to be introduced in 2014, these three stealth-heavy warships will boast state-of-the-art sonar systems and be armed with RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow and Tomahawk missiles, besides the LRLAP-launching 155mm Advanced Gun Systems.


LRLAP Shell Production


"This contract represents a significant step towards fielding LRLAP to support the Navy's requirement for surface fire support", Lockheed Martin's LRLAP programme manager, Richard Benton, explained in the firm's Long-Range Land Attack Projectile production press release. "Fire support to troops deployed ashore is a critical capabilities gap, which LRLAP fills with precision lethality."


It is planned that the LRLAP 155mm artillery shell will be in US Navy service by 2016. By this point, the first DDG 1000 destroyer should have attained IOC (Initial Operational Capability) status.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
GD Inks 2nd SOCOM Ground Vehicle Contract in a Month

General Dynamics' Advanced Light Strike Vehicle, a variant of the Flyer vehicle, was awarded a test and evaluation contract by US Special Operations Command. (General Dynamics)


Sep. 25, 2013 - By PAUL MCLEARY  - Defense News


QUANTICO, VA. — General Dynamics has scored a perfect two for two this year when gunning for US Special Operations Command ground vehicle contracts. It won the $562 million Ground Mobility Vehicle (GMV) 1.1 bid in August — though the award is stalled by protests from AM General and Navistar — and has now secured a $5.8 million evaluation contract for a lighter, CV-22 Osprey transportable vehicle on Sept 12.


On Wednesday, GD spokeswoman Laurie VanBrocklin confirmed that the company’s Advanced Light Strike Vehicle — a variant of the “Flyer” vehicle that won SOCOM’s GMV contract — was awarded the 12-month test and evaluation contract that includes training and parts.


A government website outlines a contract “for a minimum basic quantity of 2 vehicles each with the ability to purchase 8 additional vehicles.”


The idea behind the program is to give operators a fast, protected, but lightly armored off-road vehicle that can roll out of the back of an Osprey and begin firing mounted weapons within 60 seconds.


In May, Defense News reported on comments made by Marine Lt. Col. Ken Burger, program manager for the Family of Special Operations Vehicles, who told an industry gathering that SOCOM’s plan is to request funding for the program beginning in the fiscal 2015 budget, and that Air Force Special Operations Command will begin doing combat evaluations of prototypes in 2014.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
Boeing Wins $225M for P-8 Trainers

Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Sept. 24, 2013)


Pentagon Contract Announcement


The Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash., is being awarded a $225,000,000 modification to a previously awarded fixed-price-incentive-firm contract (N00019-12-C-0112) for the procurement of six operational flight trainers, six weapons tactics trainers, two part task trainers, one training systems support center, three 10-seat electronic classrooms, and one 20-seat electronic classroom in support of the U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon low rate initial Production IV and full rate Production I aircraft.


Work will be performed in St. Louis, Mo. (30.4 percent); Tampa, Fla. (21.3 percent); Whidbey Island, Wash. (15.2 percent); Huntington Beach, Calif. (5.9 percent); San Francisco, Calif. (4.2 percent); Long Island, N.Y. (2 percent); Tulsa, Okla. (1.9 percent); Jacksonville, Fla. (.9 percent); and various locations throughout the United States (18.2 percent).


Work is expected to be completed in March 2018. Fiscal 2013 aircraft procurement, Navy contract funds in the amount of $225,000,000 are being obligated on this award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.


The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 06:50
EADS se prépare à une baisse des cadences sur l'A400M

19/09/2013 Par Guillaume Steuer – Air & Cosmos


C'est Marwan Lahoud, patron de la stratégie d'EADS, qui le reconnaissait ce matin devant les députés de la commission de défense : "la montée en puissance de la production de l'A400M sera plus lente que prévue", expliquait le dirigeant dans le cadre d'une audition sur le projet de loi de programmation militaire (LPM) pour la période 2014-2019.


Ce projet de LPM ne prévoit la livraison que de 15 A400M pour les forces françaises d'ici à 2019, alors qu'il en était encore attendu 30 au titre du contrat qui avait déjà fait l'objet d'une renégociation en 2010. Le dirigeant a cependant précisé que cette nouvelle réduction ne devrait pas avoir "d'impact dynamique" sur les emplois, le programme n'en étant que dans sa phase initiale au niveau de la production.


Le patron de la stratégie a en revanche nuancé l'impact pour son entreprise du glissement du programme de renouvellement des avions-ravitailleurs français : le projet de LPM prévoit en effet l'acquisition de deux machines seulement sur la période, pour une cible globale de douze A330 MRTT. "Si EADS était une entreprise 100% militaire, ce serait une catastrophe", a-t-il rappelé, soulignant qu'Airbus livrait plus de 10 Airbus A330 chaque mois à des clients civils.


S'exprimant au sujet des drones, Marwan Lahoud a partagé son pessimisme quant à l'émergence à court terme d'un projet de drone Male (moyenne altitude longue endurance) européen, constatant que selon la LPM, "aucun programme de ce type ne devrait être lancé" avant la fin de la décennie. Il a en revanche souligné qu'en matière de R&T, la filière hélicoptères partageait de grandes similitudes avec celle des drones et que l'avenir était selon lui aux voilures tournantes "optionnellement pilotées".

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 06:40
Russian Landing Ship Nikolai Filchenkov in Syria – Ministry

LATAKIA (Syria), September 26 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s assault landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov, scheduled to visit the Syrian port of Latakia, has been met by two Syrian missile boats on the border of Syria’s territorial waters, a Syrian Defense Ministry spokesman told RIA Novosti.

The boats were sent to greet the Russian vessel in a welcome ceremony in line with naval traditions, the spokesman said.

Earlier, RIA Novosti sources in Syria’s navy said the Nikolai Filchenkov would call at Latakia on a one-day friendly visit. Russian and Syrian sailors were to hold a soccer friendly at a local stadium.

Russia remains one of the world’s most influential supporters of President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria, where over two years of fighting between government and opposition forces has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people, according to UN data.

The administration of US President Barack Obama has accused Assad’s government of responsibility for an August 21 chemical weapons attack outside Damascus that Washington claims left more than 1,400 dead.

Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have repeatedly suggested in recent weeks that they have evidence showing the attack was likely carried out by Syrian rebels seeking to frame Assad in order to secure outside military intervention against government forces.

After weeks of intense diplomacy and an almost three-day-long marathon of talks in Geneva between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry, Moscow and Washington reached a breakthrough agreement earlier this month to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control for eventual destruction.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 00:30
UN Syria Resolution to Cite Military Option – Report

WASHINGTON, September 25 (RIA Novosti) –


 A United Nations Security Council resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons will refer to – but not automatically trigger – military action to enforce Syria’s compliance with a US-Russian deal to destroy its arsenal, The Associated Press (AP) cited a Russian diplomat as saying Wednesday.


Washington has pushed for a resolution based on Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows for military action to promote peace, though Russian officials have repeatedly called this unacceptable.


But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said the text of the resolution would include a reference to Chapter 7, though noncompliance by Syria would not automatically trigger the use of force, The Associated Press (AP) reported.


An agreement on the text of the resolution is likely in the next two days, the AP cited Gatilov as saying.


His comments emerged almost simultaneously with conflicting reports from diplomats Wednesday about the state of the negotiations over the Security Council resolution.


Reuters cited two Western diplomats as saying that the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council had agreed on the core of a resolution.


The agreement came after the foreign ministers from the United States, Russia, France, China and Britain met Wednesday with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Reuters cited the diplomats as saying on condition of anonymity.


But the spokesman for Russia’s UN delegation told Reuters that this is “wishful thinking” by the Western diplomats.


“It is not the reality,” the news agency cited the spokesman as saying. “The work on the draft resolution is still going on.”


The draft resolution could be presented to the full 15-nation Security Council “soon,” Reuters cited the two Western diplomats as saying, adding that the five permanent members – who each hold veto power – would meet Friday for talks on possible peace negotiations in Geneva between the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad and rebel forces seeking to topple him.


Britain’s ambassador to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, told the AP that he expects remaining differences over the text of the resolution to be resolved “in the next few days.”


The administration of US President Barack Obama has accused Assad’s government of responsibility for an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack outside Damascus that Washington claims left more than 1,400 dead.


Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have repeatedly suggested in recent weeks that they have evidence showing the attack was likely carried out by Syrian rebels seeking to frame Assad in order to secure outside military intervention against government forces.


After weeks of intense diplomacy and an almost three-day-long marathon of talks in Geneva between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry, Moscow and Washington reached a breakthrough agreement earlier this month to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control for eventual destruction.


The Obama administration has insisted that a Security Council resolution must include the option of military action against Syria should Assad’s government fail to abide by the deal. It has also said it reserves the right to conduct military strikes against Syria independent of the UN.


A US official told Reuters that negotiations were continuing. “We’re making progress but we’re not done yet,” Reuters cited the official as saying.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 00:22
Syrie: les cinq membres du Conseil de Sécurité s’entendent les principaux points d’une résolution

25/09/2013 par Jacques N. Godbout - 45eNord.ca


Les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies se sont mis d’accord mercredi sur les «principaux points» d’une résolution de l’ONU encadrant le désarmement chimique syrien, ont indiqué des diplomates, rapporte l‘AFP.


La résolution mentionne la possibilité de prendre ultérieurement «des mesures sous chapitre 7», c’est-à-dire coercitives, si la Syrie se dérobe à ses engagements de désarmement, ce qui eétait le principal point de désaccord entre les puissances occidentales et la Russie, alliée du régime de Damas.


Elle ne contient cependant pas de menace immédiate.


Hier, mardi, le président américain Barack Obama avait réclamé de nouveau une résolution ferme du Conseil de sécurité assortie de conséquences pour le régime de Bachar al-Assad s’il ne respectait pas ses engagements en ce qui a trait au démantèlement de son arsenal chimique.


Le président français François Hollande avait lancé lui aussi un appel similaire au Conseil de sécurité, l’exhortant à adopter une résolution prévoyant «des mesures coercitives, c’est-à-dire sous Chapitre VII, qui ouvrirait la voie à une éventuelle action armée contre le régime en cas de manquement à ses obligations».


Moscou, allié indéfectible du régime de Damas, avait réaffirmé il n’était pas question d’adopter une résolution au Conseil de sécurité sous chapitre VII, ni d’application automatique de sanctions et encore moins de recours à la force, mais, lueur d’espoir, le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Riabkov avait admis la «mention» dans la résolution du chapitre en question.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 22:45
Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - source washingtonpost

Sept. 25, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Sept. 24, 2013)


Pentagon Contract Announcement


B.L. Harbert International LLC, Birmingham, Ala., is being awarded a $150,703,040 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of a forward operating site at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The site will be comprised of 11 buildings, site work and supporting facilities required to support current and emerging operational missions.

The following buildings will be constructed on a site that is approximately 20 acres in size: aircraft hangar, air operations center, armory, joint operations center/tactical operation center/communication center, berthing/fitness/morale, welfare and recreation facility, logistics warehouse, maritime/riggers facility, training facility, engineering facility, vehicle maintenance shop, tactical support facility, and an aircraft parking apron.

The contract also contains three unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $156,809,541.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by August 2016.

Fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $150,703,040 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website with 10 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3001).



-- Caddell Construction Co., Inc., Montgomery, Ala., is being awarded a $36,169,500 firm-fixed-price contract for the design and construction of a combined headquarters building and joint operations center facility at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The work to be performed provides for the design and construction of a multi-story building consisting of administrative space, open and private offices, and multi-purpose conference rooms.

There will be open storage secure areas with compartmented areas within.

The contract also contains two unexercised options, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $39,484,500.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by December 2015. Fiscal 2013 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Navy contract funds in the amount of $36,169,500 are obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 13 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3000).



-- ITSI Gilbane Co., Walnut Creek, Calif., is being awarded a $16,635,737 firm-fixed-price contract for power plant upgrades at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

The work to be performed provides for electrical and mechanical renovations to Power Plant 2, Power Plant 3, and a modular building, Power Plant 2A.

The contractor will provide and install eight new power modules to supplement the four existing power modules, as well as an overflow fuel tank and a fuel line connecting Power Plant 2 and Power Plant 3.

Work will be performed in Djibouti, Africa, and is expected to be completed by October 2014.

Fiscal 2012 research development test and evaluation, Navy; fiscal 2012 operations and maintenance, Navy; and fiscal 2011 military construction overseas contingency operations supplemental appropriations, Army contract funds in the amount of $16,635,737 are being obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with 10 proposals received.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity (N62470-13-C-3006).

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 21:55
Assemblée nationale : Audition de M. P. Boissier, président de DCNS, sur le projet de loi de programmation militaire

25.09.2013 Assemblée Nationale


Audition, ouverte à la presse, de M. Patrick Boissier, président de DCNS, sur le projet de loi de programmation militaire


Compte rendu n° 96 - mercredi 18 septembre 2013 - séance de 11 heures 30

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 21:45
Situation en Centrafrique: Moscou tire la sonnette d'alarme

MOSCOU, 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie est préoccupée par la situation en République centrafricaine (RCA), a indiqué à RIA Novosti Mikhaïl Marguelov, représentant spécial du président russe pour l'Afrique et chef de la Commission des Affaires internationales du Conseil de la Fédération (chambre haute du parlement).


"C'est un Etat en décomposition dirigé par les chefs de guerre de la coalition amorphe Séléka. On est en présence d'une militarisation vertigineuse et d'une +somalisation+ du pays", a déclaré le sénateur russe.


Et d'ajouter que les violences se multipliaient et revêtaient un caractère interconfessionnel, risquant de déborder les frontières de la RCA.


M.Marguelov a participé mercredi à New York à une réunion de haut niveau consacrée à la catastrophe humanitaire en Centrafrique, déclarant que Moscou partageait les évaluations alarmantes de la situation politique, militaire et humanitaire dans ce pays africain.


Livrée à des bandes armées qui terrorisent la population, la Centrafrique s'enfonce dans une spirale sans fin de violences sous les yeux d'un pouvoir impuissant qui place désormais ses espoirs dans l'Onu. 1,6 million de Centrafricains, soit un tiers de la population, a besoin d'une aide humanitaire d'urgence, selon les Nations unies. Plus de 270.000 personnes ont été déplacées ou se sont réfugiées dans les pays voisins. La situation dans le pays risque d'échapper à tout contrôle.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 21:40
The Peruvian Army has Highly Praised the T-90S

The combat capabilities of the Russian tank were demonstrated to the Peruvian army


25.09.2013 Rostec.ru


The Commander of the Army of Peru, Rikardo Monkada Novoa, examined the potential of the T-90S tanks, constructed by the research and production corporation Uralvagonzavod.


The senior military leadership of the South American republic was shown both daytime and nighttime fighting capabilities of the T-90S, as well as its accuracy at different ranges with all kinds of weapons in low visibility conditions and mountainous terrain, according to the press service of Uralvagonzavod.

The crew of the combat vehicle excelled in all of the tasks, demonstrating the high potential of the Russian tank producer Uralvagonzavod. At the end of the presentation, a Peruvian mechanic and tank operator, who has operated T-55 tanks in the Peruvian Army, was invited to test-drive the T-90S. After a five-minute briefing, he was able to drive as if an expert.

The Russian company contended that its experiment proved that the modern T-90 tank is lightweight and easy to manage, like its predecessor, the T-55, first developed by Uralvagonzavod 40 years ago. “Both high-ranking officers of the Peruvian army and tank experts appreciated the capabilities of the T-90S,” according to reports.

Rosoboronexport presented the armored T-90S tank at the SITDEF International Exhibition of Defense Technology, held May 15-19 in Peru. The T-90 is the most modern tank in service in the Russian army. Over the past ten years, it has become one of the best-selling tanks in the world. Over 1,000 T-90S tanks have been exported during that period.

The T-90S shoots 7 times a minute, with an effective range of 2,500 meters. It can fire Reflex (AT-11 Snier) missiles with laser sights and targeting from a range of 75 to 5,000 meters. With a weight of 17 kg, its missiles can pierce armor with a thickness of 900mm.

The tank is 6.86 meters long (9.36 m with its barrel), 3.78 meters wide, and 2.2 meters tall. It weighs 46.5 tons. Its maximum speed is 60 km/h. Its three-person crew is made up of a commander, gunner, and driver.

In an effort to modernize its armed forces, the Peruvian army plans to purchase 120 tanks, which will replace the obsolete T-55 tanks, built from 1973-78.

Rosoboronexport is a state company with the exclusive right to sell the full range of arms and other military equipment produced by the Russian military industry on the world market. The state corporation Rostechnology owns 100% of shares of Rosobornexport.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 21:40
Modern Optoelectronics at Russia Arms Expo-2013

Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant will present a line of optoelectronic systems


25.09.2013 Rostec.ru


The Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMP) will demonstrate the advanced optical-radar station 13SM-1 and an optical-radar station designed for modern combat aircraft.

The 13SM-1, designed for MiG-29, and the optical-radar station for the Su-27 will be presented. Both systems are designed from an entirely modern point of view.

These systems differ from their predecessors primarily in their functionality–for example, by forming an image in two spectral ranges. Compared to previous stations, this significantly increases the possibilities for detection and identification.

New tactical and technological characteristics also allow for tracking of several air and ground targets simultaneously, and multi-channel capture and tracking provides for accurate targeting even during episodes of natural and man-made interference.

Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant, a leading manufacturer of optical-electronic platforms for various purposes, will present an upgraded, around-the-clock GOES-337M search-and-surveillance system for Mi-17 airplanes.

The system consists of two television cameras (monochrome and color), a thermal camera, and an eye-safe laser rangefinder. GOES-337M allows for around-the-clock visibility and search capabilities in any weather condition. Its detection and identification capabilities can be used in various situations, such as unguided weapons and air attacks and for conducting helicopter landings on unprepared sites.

Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant will also introduce visitors at the exhibition to civilian optical surveillance systems (SOSS) that can produce high-quality, stable images for all recording needs at any time of the day and even in low-visibility conditions. SOSS can be attached to air, sea, and land carriers, as well as to a stationary observation point. Civil optical surveillance systems are broad in scope: they can be used by emergency services in search and rescue missions; for monitoring power, oil, and gas lines; controlling traffic; and in other scenarios.

One of the most promising of these systems is the SOSS (SON) 730, the simplest of the “long-range” civil optical surveillance systems. With a weight of 25 kg, it can detect objects at a distance of up to 10 km. Upon request, the SOSS 730 can be equipped with additional functions, such as automatic capture and object tracking.

The civil optical surveillance system SOSS (SON) 820 is distinguished by its small size and weight. It can be mounted on unmanned aerial aircraft and helicopters, as well as aeronautic systems. The weight of this system is less than 5 kg.

The SOSS (SON)-M-02 is a next-generation system of civil optical surveillance. It differs from previous versions in a number of important ways. Its product design is based on the principle of modularity, which allows for a rapid change of information channels directly in the field.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 21:40
Kalashnikov Group to sell 49% stake to private investors

25.09.2013 Rostec.ru


Rostec will retain a controlling interest


Rostec has proposed selling a 49% stake in Kalashnikov Group to private investors. At the same time the state corporation will retain a controlling stake of 51% of shares. Andrei Bokarev, President and Co-owner of Transmashholding, and Aleksey Krivoruchko, CEO of Aeroexpress and a member of the Board of Directors of Transmashholding, have come forward as investors. The deal amounts to RUB 2.5 billion.


In accordance with the development strategy for the small arms sector lasting until 2020, which has been developed by Rostec together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Kalashnikov Group will be responsible for the full product lifecycle from design to disposal. It will also carry out research and development work to create advanced weapon systems. According to the strategy, revenue from the sale of small arms is anticipated to grow by four times to RUB 24 billion, the production of small arms is predicted to grow three times to 1.9 million units per year, and labor productivity is predicted to grow three times to RUB 2.5 million per person.

To implement Kalashnikov Group's strategy, RUB 3.6 billion will be required, 2.5 billion of which will be raised from the private investors Andrei Bokarev, President and Co-owner of Transmashholding as well as Co-owner of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, and Aleksey Krivoruchko, member of the Board of Directors of Transmashholding.

“Public-private partnership is an effective model for reforming Russian industry, and it allows for implementing large-scale projects,” said Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec. “In addition to investments, it is especially important to attract investors who have both market expertise along with a responsible attitude to the purchased assets. Since Kalashnikov Group is a strategic company, the main condition was that the deal needed to be absolutely transparent. The new strategy adopted by the corporation will place Kalashnikov on the path of sustainable development. At the same time the state, as represented by Rostec, will retain a controlling interest in the corporation, which is essential to maintaining a balance of commercial and public interest in the enterprise.”

The corporation plans to issue additional stock in order to complete the deal, so that investors' funds can be invested directly into Kalashnikov’s authorized capital and contribute to the company's development. In accordance with the terms of the deal, the investors will use their own funds and loans to buy 49% ownership of Kalashnikov Group for RUB 2.5 billion. To achieve this goal, the investors will create a joint venture in which investor ownership will be split 50/50. The amount of RUB 2.5 billion will be invested over the first two years, with RUB 1.3 billion to be invested in the authorized capital immediately. These funds will be used, among other things, to pay off debt as well as to pay the corporation’s loans. Rostec has invested RUB 1.2 billion in Kalashnikov Group over the last two years. An independent evaluation of Kalashnikov Group will be completed by the end of October.

"The Russian small arms industry has great potential, but in order to realize it we need significant resources and managerial competence,” noted co-investor Andrei Bokarev. “Our decision to invest in the Kalashnikov Group was primarily due to financial motivations. We already have experience in creating financially successful hi-tech machine-building companies, and we are ready to apply these competencies to the development of Kalashnikov Group.”

The deal to sell a 49% stake to private investors was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and it has also won the support of Vladimir Putin during his recent meeting with Sergey Chemezov at a presentation by Kalashnikov Group.

Andrei Bokarev and Aleksey Krivoruchko have extensive experience in the arms manufacturing industry. Transmashholding has fulfilled a number of contracts for the Ministry of Defense, including those for the production of "Shilka" self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon systems, tractors, as well as “Thor”, "Buk", and "Tunguska" crawler chassis. The company also manufactures diesel engines for submarines, railway platforms for mobile missile systems and shipping containers for missiles.

In 2010, state-owned Rostec was actively engaged in resolving the problems of NPO Izhmash when the Russian small arms industry was in deep crisis. At that time enterprises faced severe financial difficulties and suffered due to a lack of modern technology. Izhmash had an opaque and cumbersome management system: it consisted of 32 legal entities, some of which were in offshore jurisdictions. It relied on illegal methods for withdrawing funds. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The creation of the Kalashnikov Group was the systematic result of a financial crisis bailout program developed under the leadership of Sergey Chemezov.  In addition to Izhmash, the corporation includes Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, Vyatsko-Polyansky Engineering Plant Molot, Koshkin Automatic Lines Design Bureau and NITI Progress.


The Kalashnikov Group is an association of the largest companies in the Russian small arms industry, which are subsidiaries of the Rostec State Corporation. The corporation was founded on the basis of Izhmash, Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, Vyatsko-Polyansky Engineering Plant Molot, Koshkin Automatic Lines Design Bureau (Klimovsk) and NITI Progress (Izhevsk). The corporation is the largest Russian manufacturer of military-grade automatic and sniper weapons as well as guided artillery shells. It also produces a wide range of civilian products, including hunting rifles, sporting rifles, machine tools and tools.

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