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3 juillet 2013 3 03 /07 /juillet /2013 10:30
AIM-9X Block II

AIM-9X Block II

June 28, 2013: Strategy Page


Saudi Arabia and South Korea recently ordered over 150 AIM-9X Block 2 air-to-air heat seeking missiles. Both nations have used this missile for decades and are satisfied customers. They are not alone. The AIM-9X Block 2 is the latest version of the Sidewinder, a missile that has come a long way since it first appeared in the 1950s. In the last 25 years these short-range heat-seeking missiles have accounted for some 90 percent of losses in air-to-air combat. Sidewinder still dominates the market, despite a lot of competition from the likes of IRIS-T, ASRAAM, Magic, Python, Molinya, and several Chinese clones of foreign designs.


There are not only a lot of different heat-seekers out there, they offer a wide variety of features. Sidewinder has managed to dominate the field by concentrating on the most useful, workable, and popular features. For example, the 9X-2 can lock-on-after-launch. That is, the missile can be fired and then directed to a target via a datalink. That means it can be fired at ground targets or at an enemy aircraft behind you. The X-2 version also makes improvements in the warhead fuze and other components. As impressive as all these features, most are already found in similar missiles made in several other countries (including Russia and China). In effect, the X-2 version is just keeping up. What the U.S. sells, in addition, is an impressive track record of reliability and the high probability of actually performing as expected in combat. Over 4,000 X model Sidewinders have been built since it entered service in 2003. Block II (X-2) entered service four years ago.


The AIM-9 is a heat seeking missile and the heat sensors have become much more sensitive since the first AIM-9s. The current versions of the missile work by detecting a heat source at the point where the pilot is looking. This is done using the JHMCS (Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems), which allows a pilot to see, displayed on his visor, critical flight and navigation information. Sort of like a see-through computer monitor or HUD (Head Up Display). Most importantly, the pilot can turn his head towards a target, get an enemy aircraft or ground target into the crosshairs displayed on the visor, and fire a missile that will promptly go after the target the pilot was looking at. For Sidewinder the pilot has to be looking at something giving off enough heat to catch the attention of the missile's heat sensor. With the X-2 the pilot can launch the missile before he has located the target via the JHMCS, saving a critical few seconds.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 18:20
Modern warships are now largely built in a series of pre-fabricated, complete hull sections rather than a single keel, so the actual start of the shipbuilding process is now considered to be when the first sheet of steel is cut and is often marked with a ceremonial event.

Modern warships are now largely built in a series of pre-fabricated, complete hull sections rather than a single keel, so the actual start of the shipbuilding process is now considered to be when the first sheet of steel is cut and is often marked with a ceremonial event.

Jul 02, 2013 (SPX)


Marinette WI - A Lockheed Martin-led industry team officially laid the keel for the U.S. Navy's ninth Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the future USS Little Rock, in a ceremony held at Marinette Marine Corporation.


The industry team is building the Freedom-variant LCS for the U.S. Navy on budget, has delivered two ships with four others under construction and two in the early material procurement stages.


With the nation's first LCS, USS Freedom, currently on its maiden deployment to Southeast Asia, the Lockheed Martin-led team is addressing the Navy's need for an affordable, highly-networked and modular ship unlike any other in the world, designed to conduct a variety of missions including anti-surface, mine and submarine warfare.


In keeping with a time-honored tradition, ship sponsor Janee Bonner authenticated the keel by having her initials welded into a sheet of the ship's steel. She was assisted by Marinette Marine Corporation's President and CEO Chuck Goddard.


"It is an honor to serve as the sponsor of the future USS Little Rock, the ninth ship in a class that's so vital to our national defense strategy," said Janee Bonner. "This marks the beginning of my commitment to support her, as well as the brave crews that will serve on the ship to defend our country."


The Lockheed Martin-led LCS team includes ship builder Marinette Marine Corporation, a Fincantieri company, naval architect Gibbs and Cox, as well as nearly 900 suppliers in 43 states, including approximately 30 small businesses in Wisconsin and Michigan.



"This is a great milestone for the U.S. Navy's future USS Little Rock and for the program as we continue to deliver ships," said Joe North, vice president of Littoral Ship Systems at Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training.


"As we transition into serial production, we're applying lessons-learned to the construction process that our team has learned from supporting the U.S. Navy in maintaining the team's first and second ships."


Lay the keel is a shipbuilding term that marks the beginning of the module erection process, which is a significant undertaking that signifies the ship coming to life.


Modern warships are now largely built in a series of pre-fabricated, complete hull sections rather than a single keel, so the actual start of the shipbuilding process is now considered to be when the first sheet of steel is cut and is often marked with a ceremonial event.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 17:55
Signature d’une convention Pacte Défense PME entre le ministère de la Défense et DCNS

02/07/2013 ministère de la Défense


Jeudi 4 juillet 2013, 15h00, à l’hôtel de Brienne, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense, et Patrick Boissier, président-directeur général de DCNS, signeront à l’hôtel de Brienne une convention Pacte Défense PME liant l’entreprise et le ministère à des engagements concrets afin de soutenir le développement des PME.


Lancé le 27 novembre 2012, le programme Pacte Défense PME a notamment pour objectif de renforcer les politiques incitatives des grands groupes avec leurs fournisseurs.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 17:50
Rheinmetall receives major order worth €475 million for new Leopard 2 and self-propelled howitzer project

22.06.2013 Rheinmetall - army-guide.com


An important new order from an Arab customer underscores Rheinmetall’s role as a leading international supplier of army technology products.


Specifically, Rheinmetall will be supplying complete L55-type tank guns for over sixty Leopard 2A7 main battle tanks, together with fire control electronics and electro-optical sensors for the medium-calibre weapon station.


In addition, Rheinmetall will manufacture the chassis and L52 main armament for over twenty PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers, as well as supplying a complete driver training vehicle.


The Düsseldorf-based Rheinmetall Group will also be responsible for a spare parts package and special tools as well as training and documentation services.


The order also encompasses 120mm ammunition for the Leopard and 155mm ammunition for the PzH 2000 in multiple variants, together with MTLS modular propelling charges for the artillery system.


Rheinmetall has over forty years’ experience in developing and manufacturing armoured fighting vehicles. The Leopard 2 continues to set the global standard for modern main battle tanks. In service with the armies of 18 nations, over 3,600 now exist. Rheinmetall played a decisive part in developing and producing the Leopard 2. Of the 2,125 A4 versions of the Leopard 2 built, Rheinmetall completely manufactured 977 of these systems in Kiel on behalf of the armed forces of Germany and the Netherlands.


By contributing a number of crucial components, Rheinmetall has a major technological stake in the overall Leopard system. For example, Rheinmetall is responsible for the 120mm smoothbore gun, still considered to be most effective tank main armament anywhere. Produced under licence, this cutting edge weapon is also integrated into America’s M1 Abrams as well as a number of other main battle tanks.


Moreover, both the Leopard and PzH 2000 benefit tremendously from Rheinmetall’s unsurpassed expertise in the field of large-calibre ammunition. In both of these fighting vehicles, the perfectly harmonized combination of main armament and ammunition attests to the company’s unique competence in weapons and munitions as well as systems engineering.


Rheinmetall’s technological dominance also extends to the world of combat support vehicles: closely based on the Leopard and developed by Rheinmetall, the Büffel/Buffalo 3 armoured recovery vehicle forms a veritable “Main Battle Tank System” when teamed with the Leopard 2. Likewise based on the Leopard 2 chassis, Rheinmetall’s highly specialized Kodiak armoured engineering vehicle impressively underscores the company’s system capabilities and competence, which extend far beyond the classic main battle tank.


Furthermore, in the field of C4I and fire control technology, Rheinmetall occupies a unique position in the global marketplace. Adapted to meet individual customer requirements, the company supplies individual solutions that can be integrated into higher-echelon command and control systems.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 17:40
Une fusée explose en vol, nouvel échec pour les lanceurs russes

02/07 Par Les Echos


Une fusée russe Proton-M portant trois satellites pour le système de navigation Glonass a explosé mardi juste après son lancement à partir du cosmodrome russe de Baïkonour au Kazakhstan, a indiqué l'Agence spatiale russe.


Nouvel échec pour les lanceurs russes. Mardi, une fusée Proton-M qui portait trois satellites pour "Glonass" _ le rival russe du système de navigation américain GPS et de son futur équivalent européen Galileo _ a explosé mardi juste après son lancement à partir du cosmodrome russe de Baïkonour au Kazakhstan, a indiqué l'Agence spatiale russe (Roskosmos) dans un communiqué.


"Un accident est survenu lors du lancement de la fusée Proton-M depuis le cosmodrome de Baïkonour le 2 juillet. La fusée s'est écrasée sur le territoire du cosmodrome et a explosé", précise le communiqué. La fusée Proton dont le lancement a été retransmis en direct par Roskosmos et la chaîne de télévision publique Rossia 24 (voir la vidéo ci-dessous) a changé de trajectoire quelques secondes après le décollage à 02H38 GMT et a explosé environ une minute après. " Il semble que ce lancement va se solder par une catastrophe ", a commenté le présentateur de Rossia 24, juste avant que la fusée n'explose, en laissant de grandes flammes rouges monter vers le ciel.


Le ministre kazakh des Situations d'urgence, Vladimir Bojko, a déclaré que selon de premières informations, l'accident a été provoqué par la panne d'un moteur du premier étage de la fusée. L'accident "n'a fait ni victimes, ni de dégâts", mais a provoqué une "fuite de combustible" de la fusée, a indiqué pour sa part l'Agence spatiale kazakhe (Kazkosmos). Le lanceur transportait en effet 600 tonnes d'heptyle, d'amyle et de kérosène environ, selon le patron de Kazkosmos, Talgat Moussabaïev. "Un nuage de fumée provoqué par la combustion de l'heptyle s'est formé au-dessus du territoire du cosmodrome", a-t-il ajouté. Une partie du personnel de Baïkonour a été évacuée en raison de cette fuite, a déclaré à Intrefax une source au cosmodrome affirmant qu'un "nuage toxique" avait été formé au-dessus du lieu de la catastrophe.


Série d'échecs


La Russie a connu ces dernières années une série d'échecs à répétition dans ses lancements de satellites ou de véhicules-cargo vers la Station spatiale internationale (ISS). Le 7 août 2012, le lanceur Proton M avait échoué dans sa tentative de placer orbite de deux satellites de télécommunications depuis le cosmodrome de Baïkonour au Kazakhstan . Chute du satellite à double usage Meridian (décembre 2011), échec du lancement de la sonde Phobos Grun pour explorer Mars (novembre 2011), chute du vaisseau cargo Progress ravitaillant la Station spatiale internationale (août 2011). En décembre 2010, trois satellites Glonass lancés à partir d'une fusée Proton, fabriquée par le groupe industriel russe Krunichev., étaient retombés dans l'océan Pacifique après l'échec de leur mise en orbite, provoqué par une surcharge de carburant dans le lanceur...

Ironie de l'histoire : l'Inde a lancé mardi avec succès, depuis un pas de tir situé dans l'Etat du l'Andhra Pradesh (sud-est), le premier de ses sept satellites destinés à la création de son propre système de navigation. Le satellite a été placé en orbite une vingtaine de minutes plus tard. "Les six autres satellites seront lancés tous les six mois sur une période de 30 à 36 mois", a indiqué K. Radhakrishnan le président du Centre de recherche spatiale (Isro), basé à Bangalore. Le système indien de navigation par satellite, baptisé IRNSS (Système régional indien de navigation par satellite) devrait être complètement opérationnel à l'horizon 2015, a indiqué l'agence spatiale indienne.


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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 17:35
The future air traffic management platform is expected to provide the next generation of air traffic control to Australian air space. Photo: 1st Joint Public Affairs Unit/© Commonwealth of Australia 2013

The future air traffic management platform is expected to provide the next generation of air traffic control to Australian air space. Photo: 1st Joint Public Affairs Unit/© Commonwealth of Australia 2013

2 July 2013 airforce-technology.com


The Australian Department of Defence (DoD) has issued a request for tender (RFT) for an air traffic management (ATM) platform that will be capable of offering the next generation of air traffic control to the national air space.


Issued in collaboration with Airservices Australia, the RFT seeks to implement an unified national solution to help address joint requirements of both the organisations.


The RFT comes as both Airservices' Australian Advanced Air Traffic Control System (TAAATS) and the Australian Defence Air Traffic System (ADATS), which are used by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), approach the end of their respective service lives.


Commenting on the system, Airservices chief executive officer Margaret Staib said the future ATM system will be designed to make sure that Australian aviation maintains a leading position in technologically advanced ATM and safety.


''A truly national harmonised ATM platform will remove the inherent limitations from separately managed volumes of airspace and the constraints of operating different systems,'' Staib added.


"Through more flexible use of airspace, it will enable better management and prioritisation of an increasingly complex traffic mix. In an environment of projected growth, it will also allow us to connect the Australian aviation industry to deliver world-best industry performance."


Royal Australian Air Force chief air marshal Geoff Brown said: ''It will reduce overlaps, increase cooperation, improve communication, and deliver better training and expertise across the workforce.''


Both Airservices and the DoD have repeatedly expressed commitments to successful harmonisation of civil and military ATM, which is expected to bring an array of benefits, including enhanced operational efficiencies, seamless systems compatibility, and better investment in personnel and infrastructure.


Serving as the project's lead agency, Airservices will lead the acquisition process for both the company and the DoD.


Scheduled to close on 30 October, the RFI follows an industry request for information (RFI) in April 2010, and industry briefings in December 2011 and 2012 respectively.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 17:20
A US Army OH-58D Kiowa helicopter readies to lift off from Forward Operating Base Lagman in Afghanistan. Photo: courtesy of US Army, by Sgt Christopher McCullough/Released.

A US Army OH-58D Kiowa helicopter readies to lift off from Forward Operating Base Lagman in Afghanistan. Photo: courtesy of US Army, by Sgt Christopher McCullough/Released.

1 July 2013 army-technology.com


Mercom has awarded a contract to Parvus for supply of tactical computer subsystems for installation onboard the US Army's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior military helicopters.


The $3.3m deal forms part of a $7.2m firm-fixed-price contract awarded by the Army Contracting Command (ACC) to Mercom for acquisition of DuraCOR 810 tactical computers last month.


Under the new contract, Mercom, a Eurotech subsidiary, will supply unspecified units of its DuraCOR 810-Duo tactical computers for integration onto the Kiowa Warrior helicopters.


Fitted with sealed MIL-38999 connectors, integrated EMI/EMC filtering, and MIL-qualified power supply, DuraCOR 810-Duo is a rugged multi-core mission processor subsystem designed for high-reliability applications needing MIL-STD-810G environmental compliance with extreme temperatures, shock/vibration, and ingress.


The computer is based on a modular, open architecture commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) design with an Intel Core2 Duo CPU, solid state disk, as well as MIL-704/1275 power supply and conduction cooled chassis.

"OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is a single engine helicopter primarily designed to conduct armed reconnaissance in support of air cavalry troops and light attack crews."


Ideally suited for harsh mobile military and homeland security command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) deployments, the computer is also designed to address and qualified to MIL-STD-810G and MIL-STD-461F regulations for installation into size, weight, and power (SWaP) constrained aircraft, ground vehicle and maritime platform modernisation programmes.


Manufactured by Bell Helicopter, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is a single engine helicopter primarily designed to conduct armed reconnaissance in support of air cavalry troops and light attack crews.


In regular use with the US Army since 1969, the helicopter can also perform joint air attack (JAAT) operations, air combat, limited attack operations, and artillery target designation missions.


Exported to Austria, Canada, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and the Dominican Republic, the helicopter has been manufactured under license in Australia.


Performance period and delivery schedule has not been disclosed by the company.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 16:50
GDELS Awarded New Contract for 100 EAGLE V 4x4 Vehicles for Germany

25.06.2013 GDELS - army-guide.com


General Dynamics European Land Systems was awarded a contract by the German Procurement Agency, Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw), for the delivery of 100 EAGLE V Protected Command Vehicles for the “GFF Klasse 2” Program. This contract includes an option for the purchase of 76 additional vehicles.


The EAGLE V is a further development of the EAGLE IV fleet, already in service. The EAGLE V features a larger payload capacity and increased crew protection at the same level of mobility. The total cost of ownership of these vehicles will be reduced through the EAGLE Family of Vehicles concept, with its high degree of commonality, maintenance-friendly design and proven support solutions.


The vehicles will be jointly manufactured in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland) and Kaiserslautern (Germany). Deliveries will start in 2013 and continue throughout 2015, if the option is exercised.


After thorough testing by the Bundeswehr at their proving grounds, the EAGLE V fulfilled all requirements, demonstrating its high agility, tactical mobility, survivability and its suitability for the entire mission spectrum for this class of vehicles.


The Protected Command Vehicles can be used for various missions by applying modular add-on kits. In addition to the high level of crew protection, the substantial payload capability is designed to fulfil future requirements.


Due to its ergonomic design and usability the EAGLE V is easy to handle and has low training costs.


Lifecycle costs of the vehicle fleet are further minimized by a high degree of logistic commonality of approximately 80% among the EAGLE V (4x4 and 6x6), the EAGLE IV and the DURO IIIP tactical truck.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 16:25
Le Sargento Aldea à son départ de Toulon - crédits Mer et Marine Jean-Louis Venne

Le Sargento Aldea à son départ de Toulon - crédits Mer et Marine Jean-Louis Venne

SANTIAGO, Chile, July 1 (UPI


The Chilean navy is on track to buy another reconditioned amphibious multirole assault vessel from France, Chilean defense media reported.


Purchase of the Sirocco 12,000-ton vessel was delayed through 2012 and this year as the Chilean navy considered various options for equipping Chile's year-old Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade. The force eventually will have at least 1,400 troops in its ranks and an unspecified number of ships, helicopters and armored vehicles.


President Sebastian Pinera and aides see the expeditionary force as a prestige addition to the military infrastructure, to be used for a range of missions from disaster relief to international peacekeeping under U.N. auspices.


In 2011 Chile acquired another Sirocco multirole ship from France, previously called the Foudre. The vessel was renamed Sargento Aldea after it entered Chilean naval service and heralded the launch of the Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade.


Chilean officials have not yet discussed details of the second purchase. The Foudre was sold to Chile for $80 million but it's far from clear if the same price will apply to the second ship. The Foudre was involved in an incident while pursuing French military operations in west Africa in 2009. On Jan. 17 that year, one of the ship's helicopters crashed off the coast of Gabon, killing eight French military personnel. Casualties during the ship's previous operations in Ivory Coast and during the NATO operations in Yugoslavia were not discussed.


The Sargento Aidea operates out of Valparaiso, Chile's historic transit point for ships operating between the Pacific and the Atlantic via the Magellan Strait. The waterway has assumed strategic importance for Chile as it projects its military and political presence in the Antarctic and surrounding regions.


Official consideration of the second purchase was also held up amid leadership changes in the Chilean navy. This month Adm. Enrique Larranaga Martin took over as the new naval chief, replacing Admiral Edmundo Gonzalez-Robles. Military analysts say with that change at the top the stage was set for completing the purchase.


The French navy plans to retire an amphibious assault ship later this year.


Progress on the Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade has been slow. The Sargento Aidea still is being refurbished and may add more helicopters to its inventory. At full capacity, the Foudre-class vessel can carry up to seven helicopters, about 100 armored vehicles and transport up to 450 troops, Chile's Defense and Military blog said on its website.


Chile regards the amphibious ships as valuable to its program of developing patrol duties along the Pacific coast, enhancing the ship's role as a hospital on the move to cater for outlying inhabitants along the coast and perform other peacetime security duties.


There are plans also to acquire more helicopters and armored vehicles.


Chile would be able to move its Amphibious Expeditionary Brigade many thousands of miles, and be able to support it with armor and logistical units, the blog said.


"But the brigade still would lack one of the key elements of a true blue water navy: warplanes," it said. Chile has no plans to acquire vertical-takeoff planes such as Harriers to give its marines an air-attack or air-superiority arm. Instead, the brigade is being built to serve as a peacekeeping force, though it certainly could be used in case of armed conflict.


Former Navy Commander Adm. Gonzalez-Robles said the Foudre's purchase was more than a new acquisition.


"What we are doing is recovering the capacity we lost when Valdivia after fifteen years in service was decommissioned," he said, citing the former U.S. Navy ship acquired by Chile in 1995 and retired in January 2011.


Earlier Chile bought a 42,000-ton tanker, Andrew J. Higgins, from the U.S. Navy. Renamed Almirante Montt the vessel replaced AO-53 Araucano, which was decommissioned after 40 years of service.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:55
OTAN- Le général F. Hodges en visite à l’EMAT

Réunion de travail entre le général Hodges, son adjoint, le général Margueron et le général Margail - Crédits  MCH V. Eps SIRPA Terre


02/07/2013 Armée de Terre


Le Lieutenant General Frederick Ben Hodges, Commander Allied Land Command (Land Com), s’est rendu à Paris fin juin 2013. À la tête de ce poste de commandement terrestre de l’OTAN, le général poursuit la visite des états-majors terrestres et des armées alliées, dans un contexte de montée en puissance du Land Com, dont la France sera la 3e nation contributrice.


Le mercredi 26 juin, le général Hodges a rencontré le général de corps d’armée Jean-Philippe Margueron, major général de l’armée de Terre (MGAT). Il s’est également entretenu pour une réunion de travail avec le général de division Eric Margail, sous-chef emploi soutien (SCES) de l’État-major de l’armée de Terre (EMAT).


Situé à Izmir en Turquie, le Land Command, appartient à la structure de commandement de l’OTAN [NCS - NATO Command Structure] dont il est le seul PC de composante Terre. En pleine montée en puissance, il devient un acteur incontournable en tant que dépositaire de la compétence « combat terrestre » de l’Alliance. Notamment garant de la capacité opérationnelle alliée, il chargé de la certification des PC High Readiness Force (HRF) de l’OTAN, dont font partie les corps de réaction rapide (CRR) : l’Eurocorps et le CRR- Fr. Le général Margail est en outre le futur commandant du PC HRF CRR-Fr.


La pleine capacité opérationnelle du Land Com d’Izmir est prévue pour décembre 2014. Le général Hodges a souligné que le Land Com saurait répondre à toute sollicitation avant cette échéance.


Le Lieutenant General Hodges a assisté le 28 juin à la passation de commandement de l’Eurocorps et sera présent le 17 juillet pour celle du CRR-Fr.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:50
European Defence Agency Launches Defence Procurement Gateway
Brussels | Jun 28, 2013 European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency today officially launched a new section on its website dedicated to defence related business opportunities and information. This new “Defence Procurement Gateway” will allow European governments, industry and academia to easily access information related to defence procurement at EU and national levels.


“The Defence Procurement Gateway is a user-friendly tool designed to increase awareness and visibility of defence business opportunities and information. This is not a complex new system. We simply feed available information from a number of open sources into one tool”, said Peter Scaruppe, Director Industry & Market at the European Defence Agency.

Aimed at enhancing transparency in the European Defence Equipment Market, the web-based tool offers unique access to a comprehensive set of European defence procurement information and business opportunities.

The gateway provides information on defence procurement opportunities published at EU level through Tenders Electronic Daily, the online version of the Supplement to the European Official Journal dedicated to European public procurement, as well as other defence contract opportunities published at national level or by European organisations and agencies such as the EDA. Specifically for governments the gateway contains such functions as the new EDA e-QUIP portal and CODABA.

In addition, it brings together in one single place all relevant EU Regulations (e.g. directives and specific guidance notes published by the European Commission), court and infringement cases, EDA Codes of Conduct, EDA Procurement Rules & Regulations, specific EDA portals (i.e. EDSIS, REACh, Security of Supply), national directories (including access to national procurement policy related websites), industry directories (containing also information on defence industry associations at EU and national level) as well as information on relevant training and conferences.

The Defence Procurement Gateway will additionally include an industry directory (“Yellow Pages” section) serving as a platform for European defence industry to market its knowledge and expertise in the defence domain. So far, about 80 companies have registered to be listed in this section. More registrations are expected after its launch.

The Defence Procurement Gateway is accessible through the EDA website (www.eda.europa.eu/procurement-gateway) with many of its features being publicly available. The tool will be constantly updated and monitored by the Agency. 


More information:

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:40
Russian Proton M Rocket Explodes Just After Blast Off

July 02, 2013 by Anna Smolchenko – Spacewar.com (AFP)


Moscow - An unmanned Russian carrier rocket exploded on takeoff at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, releasing 600 tonnes of highly toxic fuel into the air in images broadcast live on television.


Spectacular footage showed the Proton-M rocket veering off its trajectory just seconds after its 6:38 am (0238 GMT) launch, before erupting into a ball of flames and unleashing clouds of noxious black smoke.


The Russian space agency Roskosmos, citing preliminary information, said the accident caused no damage or casualties.


"It seems something is going wrong," said a television commentator during the live coverage of the launch. "Something is wrong. It seems it will be a catastrophe," said the presenter, his voice trembling, shortly before the rocket exploded.


The rocket was supposed to take three Russian Glonass-M navigation satellites into space.


"A rocket carrier fell to the ground and exploded on the territory of the cosmodrome," the space agency said in a statement, adding that the rocket fell on the territory of the Baikonur cosmodrome which Russia leases from ex-Soviet Kazakhstan.


The space agency said that during the accident, which took place 10-15 seconds after takeoff, toxic rocket fuel was released into the air.


Kazakh officials said the fumes that may present a danger to the local population.


A Roskosmos spokesman could not immediately say whether people living near the crash site were being evacuated.


But residents of several towns close to the cosmodrome including Baikonur were requested to stay indoors and keep their windows shut, a spokeswoman for the Kazakh emergencies ministry, Kristina Mohamed, told AFP.


The rocket carried 600 tonnes of kerosene, heptyl and amyl which are highly poisonous components of rocket fuel, said the head of the Kazakh space agency, Talgat Musabayev.


"A smoke cloud has now been formed out of burnt heptyl," head of the emergencies ministry in Kazakhstan, Vladimir Bozhko, told a government meeting in Astana.


"It is now located above the territory of the cosmodrome, the speed of the wind is 2.6 metres (per second)," he said, adding the cloud could move beyond the Baikonur cosmodrome.


Bozhko was quoted as saying that according to preliminary information the accident was caused by a malfunction of a first-stage engine.


Sending the first man into space in 1961 and launching the first sputnik satellite four years earlier are among key accomplishments of the Russian space programme and remain a major source of national pride in the country.


But more recently, Russia has suffered several major setbacks in its space programme, notably losing expensive satellites and an unmanned supply ship to the International Space Station.


The most recent disaster brought to memory a rocket explosion at the same Baikonur cosmodrome in 1960 when a prototype rocket exploded on the launch pad and released the highly poisonous rocket fuel known as the "devil's venom."


During the 1960 accident, which the Russian space agency has called a veritable "inferno," 126 people were burned alive or vaporised altogether, while others died of noxious fumes or succumbed to burns later.


The Soviet Union, which was locked in an arms race with the United States, imposed total secrecy over the disaster, and the files were only declassified in the 1990s.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:40
Russie et Chine tiendront deux exercices militaires en 2013

MOSCOU, 1er juillet - RIA Novosti


Le chef d'état-major général russe Valeri Guerassimov et son homologue chinois Fang Fenghui ont approuvé lundi à Moscou le plan des deux exercices militaires conjoints que Moscou et Pékin ont convenu de tenir en 2013.


"Je remercie mon collègue pour sa visite en Russie, la première qu'il effectue en qualité de chef d'état-major général de l'Armée populaire de libération de Chine", a déclaré M. Guerassimov.


Il a affirmé avoir évoqué avec son interlocuteur la coopération militaire entre les deux pays, la situation dans différentes régions du monde et les questions de la sécurité.


"Nous avons en outre réaffirmé notre intention de renforcer le partenariat stratégique entre nos forces armées", a indiqué le chef de l'état-major général russe.


M. Fenghui a pour sa part annoncé que la Russie et la Chine organiseraient cette année deux manœuvres conjointes.


"La première - Coopération navale 2013 - se déroulera du 5 au 12 juillet  dans golfe de Pierre-le-Grand, en mer du Japon. Le second - l'exercice antiterroriste Mission de paix 2013 - aura lieu du 28 juillet au 15 août sur le polygone de Tchebarkoul, dans l'Oural", a indiqué le général chinois.


Selon lui, ces manœuvres ne seront pas dirigées contre un pays tiers et viseront uniquement à améliorer la coordination entre les forces armées russe et chinois.


Le général Fenghui a également souligné que sa visite à Moscou s'inscrivait dans le cadre des ententes intervenues entre les présidents Vladimir Poutine et Xi Jinping en matière de renforcement de la coopération militaire entre les deux pays.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:30
Mi-28N source Ria Novisti

Mi-28N source Ria Novisti

28/06/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


Russia is supplying Iraq with at least 10 new attack helicopters via a multi-billion dollar contract.


Under the agreement's terms, Iraq is getting Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter helicopter gunships, along with associated weapons, support equipment and aircrew/support crew training services. The contract was originally signed in 2012 but only now have details of it been confirmed.


The Mi-28 helicopter design was unveiled in 1982 but, two years later, it lost out to the Kamov Ka-50 in Russian Air Force service. Then, an upgraded model was launched but, in the early 1990s, the programme was cancelled, only to be resurrected in 1995. Finally, the Mi-28N model joined the Russian Army in 2006.


Mi-28N Attack Helicopter


An all-weather capable helicopter able to operate by day or night, the Mi-28N attack helicopter has a top speed of 199 miles per hour and a range of 270 miles.


It can fly at altitudes of up to 19,000 feet and has a rate of climb of 2,677 feet a minute, while its armament comprises of a nose-mounted 30mm cannon and various rockets, bombs and missiles, including Ataka-V anti-tank missiles and S-8 or S-13 rockets.


Iraqi Mi-28NE Contract


Mil Mi-28NE Havoc (Night Hunter)

Mil Mi-28NE Havoc (Night Hunter)

The Iraqi Air Force is being rebuilt following on from the 2003 Invasion. A whole array of new aircraft and helicopters are thus set to be delivered in months ahead including Lockheed Martin F-16s (in 2014) and Boeing AH-64 Apaches (from September 2013 onwards).


Already supplied and in service are nine C-130 Hercules tactical transport aircraft, 24 Beechcraft King Air 350 VIP transports and 12 RQ11 Raven unmanned aerial vehicles.


10 is the minimum number of Mi-28NE (export models) destined for the Iraqi Air Force: according to Russian news agency RIA Novosti, as many as 40 could be eventually supplied. The Iraqi Mi-28NE contract's total value is $4.3 billion.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:20
Rencontre entre commandants de forces opérationnelles américaines et françaises

01/07/2013 Armée de l'air


Du 17 au 21 juin 2013, les forces aériennes stratégiques (FAS) ont reçu une délégation de l’Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) de l’armée de l’air américaine (US Air Force).


À bord d’un Rafale à Saint-Dizier


Le lieutenant-general James Kowalski, commandant l’AFGSC, et le général Patrick Charaix, commandant les FAS, se sont d’abord rendus sur la base aérienne 113 de Saint-Dizier. Ils ont pu rencontrer le personnel de l’escadron de chasse 1/91 «Gascogne» et faire vivre à l’officier américain l’expérience d’un vol en avion de chasse Rafale.

Rencontre entre commandants de forces opérationnelles américaines et françaises

Cérémonie de ravivage de la flamme


Le soir même, les deux commandants de forces opérationnelles ont présidé ensemble la cérémonie de ravivage de la flamme sous l’arc de triomphe, à Paris, en mémoire de tous ceux qui, Français et Américains, ont donné leur vie pour le salut de la France. Un temps particulièrement fort, symbole d’une longue amitié franco-américaine. Pour cette cérémonie, l’ensemble des fanions des unités combattantes des forces aériennes stratégiques était présent.

Rencontre entre commandants de forces opérationnelles américaines et françaises

La rencontre s’est poursuivie par une visite de la direction des applications militaires du commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, en présence de son directeur, monsieur Daniel Verwaerde.


Rencontre entre commandants de forces opérationnelles américaines et françaises

Enfin, au salon international de l’air et de l’espace du Bourget, un entretien avec le général Denis Mercier, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’air (CEMAA), fut le dernier temps fort de cet échange qui témoigne des liens extrêmement solides et profonds unissant les armées de l’air française et américaine.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 12:20
Lockheed Martin's proposed vehicle for the US Army and Marine Corps' JLTV programme

Lockheed Martin's proposed vehicle for the US Army and Marine Corps' JLTV programme

1 July 2013 army-technology.com


Lockheed Martin has completed production of the final vehicle being developed for the US Army and Marine Corps' as part of the multi-billion dollar joint light tactical vehicle (JLTV) programme.


A total of 22 JLTV prototype vehicles have been manufactured by the company under the programme's 24-month $66.3m engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) phase contract awarded by the army in August 2012.


Manufactured at BAE Systems' manufacturing facility in Sealy, Texas, US, the vehicles are now scheduled to be shipped for the US Government's comprehensive testing and evaluation programme on 22 August.


Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control ground vehicles vice-president Scott Greene said the company would supply a vehicle featuring enhanced capabilities and reliability, and can be easily acquired and operated.


"Early break-in testing is under way, and we are confident that our JLTV design will serve our service men and women well," Greene added.


Lockheed's JLTV prototype has already demonstrated the ability to offer blast protection equivalent to much larger in service mine-resistant vehicles during initial testing.

"Early break-in testing is under way, and we are confident that our JLTV design will serve our service men and women well."


The vehicle is believed to offer enhanced crew protection and mobility, increased fuel efficiency and improved connectivity with other platforms and systems compared with other existing general-purpose vehicles, while reducing logistical support costs.


As well as significant reduction in weight, the vehicle also retains the proven force protection, transportability and reliability of its previous technology development (TD) phase model.


Other two JLTV EMD contract recipients include AM General and Oshkosh Defense.


JLTV programme is aimed at replacing the US Army and Marine Corps' fleet of rapidly ageing high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs), which have been in active service for more than 25 years.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:55
Caïman (NH90 TTH) – photo GAMSTAT P.Gillis

Caïman (NH90 TTH) – photo GAMSTAT P.Gillis

July 1, 2013: Strategy Page


France has ordered another 34 NH90 helicopters, for about $48 million each. This completes a 2007 commitment to buy 68, to replace their aging force of older helicopters. Choppers like the NH90 are desperately needed for peacekeeping operations. The ten ton NH90 can carry 21 troops or twelve casualties on stretchers, plus the crew of two. The NH90 has had a hard time competing with the American Blackhawk. It first flew in 1995. The manufacturer, NH Industries, is a consortium of French, German, Dutch and Italian firms. The competing Blackhawk design is twenty years older than the NH90. Although the latest version of the Blackhawk is up to date technically, it is slightly smaller and lighter than the NH90, and can only carry eleven troops. Blackhawk max speed is 285 kilometers an hour and endurance is 2.1 hours. The NH90 has more powerful engines and larger fuel capacity. The big difference is in cost, with new NH90s more than twice as expensive as a new Blackhawk.


The NH90 is making some progress in the export market against American made Blackhawk transport helicopters. So far 529 NH90s have been ordered, and often they beat out Blackhawks for sales. American armed forces currently use some 2,000 Blackhawks, and hundreds more have been sold to overseas customers. The NH90 had the usual teething problems, and this led to some cancelled orders. At one point France was not going order the second half of the 68 aircraft commitment, but eventually went ahead.


For many bargain conscious nations, Russia is having continued success with its Huey era Mi8 (export versions are called Mi17). This chopper is about twice the size and weight of the UH-1, but only hauls about 50 percent more cargo. However, the Mi-8 has a larger interior, and can carry 24 troops, versus a dozen in the UH-1. The UH-1 was replaced by the UH-60 in the 1980s, while the Mi-8 just kept adding better engines and electronics to the basic Mi-8 frame. But the UH-60, while weighing as much as the UH-1 (4.8 tons), could carry as much as the 12 ton Mi-8. But the Mi-8 costs about half as much as a UH-60 Blackhawk, and the larger interior is popular with many users. Nearly 3,000 Mi17s have been exported. If you want the best, you get the NH90, if you want mobility for the least cost you get the Mi17. If you want something in between, you get the UH-60. Many peacekeeping and humanitarian operations go for the Mi-17, which can be leased by East European firms.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:55
Le SRA-750, premier modèle d'une nouvelle gamme développée par Zodiac Milpro. crédits ZODIAC MILPRO.

Le SRA-750, premier modèle d'une nouvelle gamme développée par Zodiac Milpro. crédits ZODIAC MILPRO.

01/07/2013 meretmarine.com


La société française vient de présenter au salon SeaWork de Southampton le premier modèle d’une nouvelle gamme d’embarcations semi-rigides en cours de développement. Premier représentant de la famille SeaRib Aluminium, le SRA-750 est une embarcation de 7.5 mètres dédiée aux applications professionnelles. Elle a été conçue, selon Zodiac Milpro, pour proposer « des capacités marines exceptionnelles, y compris dans les pires conditions de navigation ».


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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:55
L'Almak de DCI/Piriou mis à l'eau le 11 juillet et opérationnel dès octobre

01.07.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


L'Almak, le navire-école construit par DCI et Piriou, sera mis à l'eau, à Concarneau, le 11 juillet. Le 27, ce navire école de 44 m de long sera baptisé et sa marraine sera la peintre officielle de la marine Anne Smith. Elle vit dans le Morbihan et est l'auteur ou co-auteur de plusieurs livres dont "De l’Abeille à l’Abeille" (texte Hervé Hamon, éd. du Seuil).

Dès la première semaine d'octobre, L'Almak embarquera ses premiers cadets originaires du Koweït et du Qatar.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:50
Calendrier des think tanks à Bruxelles Mise à jour : Lundi 01 Juillet 2013

Mise à jour par la Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’UE

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:45
Vietnam did not Buy 18 Su-30K Aircraft from Russia?

tu01.07.2013 defense-studies

(DVO) - 18 Su-30K fighter jets that India returned to Russia, probably will not be sold to Vietnam, but instead is Ethiopia.

Deputy Group Director arms exporter Rosoboronexport Alexander Mikheyev said that Russia is negotiating supply 18 Su-30K fighters to Ethiopia.

Number 18 multipurpose fighters were returned to India to replace the Russian fighter Su-30MKI is newer.

"We are in consultation with Ethiopia for the supply of the fighter. They have proposed a variant to modernize, enhance combat capability as well as the specification and provide additional tactics the rocket - to - land / sea more advanced, "said Mikheyev said.

The Rosoboronexport officials also stressed that, at present, four Su-30K first being repaired at a local aircraft factory.

"Just got the proposal from customers and financial resources, we are ready to upgrade and modernize all 18 Su-30K aircraft within 4-6 months," he said Mikheyev.

Complete 18 Su-30K aircraft the IAF was not used in 10 years time, then returned to Russia. This aircraft was delivered to some 558 factories in Belarus to repair and upgrade, before being sold to 3rd party without giving back to Russia to avoid import taxes.

Each has been much speculation about the fate of 18 Su-30K and its destination. There has been news that Belarus wants to buy the whole lot and that Russian planes do not extend credit to them (Belarus) to purchase the Group's Irkut aircraft, then, a few other sources revealed that customer Nan is Vietnam after Vietnam military mission sent to check out a few planes.

Since then, no further information about the fate of this 18 Su-30K. However, the recent disclosure of personally Rosoboronexport Deputy Director General that Vietnam will not be a customer of 18 Su-30K aircraft, may be negotiated by the two parties, but does not meet requirements of each other, or maybe, Vietnam will not buy old planes instead is buying new aircraft Su-30 at a point!


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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 11:20
Falcon Multiband Tactical Radio

Falcon Multiband Tactical Radio

Jul 1, 2013 ASDNews Source : Harris Corporation


    Supplying Ministry of National Defence with manpack, handheld radios for battlefield communications.

    Radios to enable enhanced communications interoperability with U.S. and NATO forces.

    Broadens Harris role as leading provider of high-performance tactical communications globally.


Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS), an international communications and information technology company, has received $61 million in orders to enable the Poland Ministry of National Defense to better communicate with coalition partners.


Poland is acquiring Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G  manpack and  AN/PRC-152A handheld radios for the next phase of its tactical radio modernization. The Harris radios will provide Poland's armed forces with secure wideband combat net radio, tactical satellite and ground-to-air communications.


Both radios are equipped with the Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2), which enables military forces to leverage advanced battle management applications such as collaborative chat, streaming video and intelligence collection.


"Our Falcon III(r) radios will enable Polish military personnel to communicate seamlessly with U.S. and NATO forces during joint warfighting missions,'' said Brendan O'Connell, president, international business, Harris RF Communications. "Our radios unite the forces by making it easier to exchange voice, data and situational awareness, even while on the move.''


Harris has deployed more than 40,000 AN/PRC-117G and AN/PRC-152A radios worldwide. They are in use by all branches of the U.S. Department of Defense and more than 15 allied nations.

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2 juillet 2013 2 02 /07 /juillet /2013 07:35
India to launch satellite navigation system

Jul 1, 2013 ASDNews (AFP)


India will Monday launch the first stage of its domestic satellite navigation network which will eventually provide services both to civilians and the military and is similar to the US Global Positioning System, officials said.


The first of seven satellites will be carried into space as part of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), just months after China inaugurated its own domestic satellite navigation system.


"The (Indian) system has been indigenously built to provide accurate position or location information services to users across the country and up to 1,500 kilometres (937 miles) away from our borders," said Devi Prasad Karnik, director of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).


A rocket carrying the first satellite is expected to take off at 11:41 pm (1741 GMT) Monday from a site in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh.


"The 1,425-kilogram (3,135-pound) satellite will be put into equatorial orbit 20 minutes after lift-off," Karnik told AFP in Bangalore, where the state-run space agency is based.


One satellite will be launched every six months with the IRNSS expected to be fully operational by 2015, the space agency said.


IRNSS will provide commercial and public navigational services such as helping with disaster management as well as movements of India's military, including those of ships and aircraft.


"When fully operational, the system will provide two types of services; standard positioning service and restricted service," Karnik said, after the countdown for the launch began on Saturday.


"The former will be provided to all users while the later will be an encrypted service for authorised users such as the military and security."


Indian officials estimate the project will cost 14.2 billion rupees ($238.6 million.)


India has a well-established space programme which is a source of strong national pride, but its cost has attracted criticism as the government struggles to tackle poverty and child malnutrition.


China's Beidou, or Compass, navigation system started providing services in the region in December, and is expected to offer global coverage by 2020.


Beijing began building the 16-satellite network in 2000 to avoid relying on the US GPS system. Reports in June said Pakistan, which has fought three wars with India, was set to become the fifth Asian country to use the Chinese system.

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1 juillet 2013 1 01 /07 /juillet /2013 22:45
Opération Serval : relève du détachement air de Gao

01/07/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 27 juin 2013, deux hélicoptères Puma de l’armée de l’Air, issus du détachement RESCO (recherche et sauvetage au combat) basé à Gao, ont embarqué à bord d’un avion Antonov 124 pour rejoindre la base aérienne 118 de Mont-de-Marsan. Le 28 juin, l’avion Antonov 124 a décollé de l’aéroport de Bamako.


Ces deux hélicoptère Puma ont été relevés par deux hélicoptères Puma du 1er régiment d’hélicoptère de combat (1e RHC) de Phalsbourg. Désormais le dispositif aérien du GAM est composé de huit hélicoptères Puma, trois hélicoptères Tigre, six hélicoptères Gazelle et un avion Pilatus, appartenant tous à l'ALAT.


Opération Serval : relève du détachement air de Gao

Le détachement RESCO était intégré au sein du groupement aéromobile (GAM) de l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre basé à Gao, sous contrôle opérationnel du centre de conduite des opérations aériennes (Combined Air Operation Center/CAOC) du JFAAC (Joint Force Air Component Command). Depuis le début de l’opération, le détachement a assuré plus de 60 missions EVASAN (évacuation sanitaire). Les hélicoptères Puma ont aussi été engagés lors des opérations de transport logistique, de protection de convoi, de ravitaillement tactique en alerte RESCO. Ainsi les deux hélicoptères totalisent près de 360 heures de vol et plus de 160 missions dont une vingtaine effectuée de nuit. 


Le plot Puma « air » a également été déployé sur des opérations héliportées effectuées par la brigade.


Opération Serval : relève du détachement air de Gao

Arrivés sur le tarmac de Bamako le 24 juin, les deux hélicoptères désengagés ont été déséquipés puis préparés à l’embarquement dans un avion Antonov 124. Dans quelques jours, les deux appareils rejoindront l'escadron d’hélicoptères (EH) 01/067 "Pyrénées" de la base aérienne 120 de Cazaux.

Opération Serval : relève du détachement air de Gao

Environ 3200 militaires français sont actuellement présents sur le sol malien et poursuivent leurs missions de sécurisation visant à affaiblir durablement les groupes terroristes ainsi qu’à poursuivre le transfert progressif de la zone aux contingents africains de la MINUSMA.

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1 juillet 2013 1 01 /07 /juillet /2013 18:50
Hungary To Sell Soviet Military Hardware

Jul. 1, 2013 – Defense News (AFP)


BUDAPEST — Hungary announced Monday plans to sell off its old Soviet-made tanks and fighter planes, saying they were in “very good condition” but expensive to maintain.


Zoltan Borbiro, state secretary for the defense ministry, said MIG 29 fighter jets and T-72 tanks, military equipment and clothing would all be up for sale later this year.


“Since Hungary’s transition from communism in 1990, the army has been organized on a professional and modern basis, and a part of our military inventory is no longer compatible with NATO requirements,” he said.


“It won’t be an easy sale,” he admitted.


Hungary scrapped conscription in 2004 and now maintains an army of some 19,000 soldiers, down from around 140,000 during the Warsaw Pact era.


Hungary sold 77 of its stock of 180 T-72 tanks to the newly formed Iraqi army in 2005.

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