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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
Kongsberg Wins New Order In Croatia

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Kongsberg; issued May 29, 2013)


Kongsberg Signs New Order In Croatia


The value of this new contract is just over 100 MNOK.


Kongsberg signed a new Contract today with ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d. for an order of additional Protector Remote Weapon Stations for the Croatian Army.


These Protector Remote Weapon Stations will be installed on the AMV platform that is license produced by ÐURO ÐAKOVIĆ Specijalna vozila d.d.


The value of this new contract is just over 100 MNOK.

Kongsberg Wins New Order In Croatia
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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:45
Africa Plans Emergency Force, But Can It Deliver?

May. 29, 2013 By BORIS BACHORZ – Defense News (AFP)


NAIROBI — Aware that they have failed to get a fully fledged peacekeeping force up and running, African leaders now plan a rapid-deployment emergency force, but analysts question whether it can deliver.


The African Union’s “African Standby Brigade,” meant to intervene swiftly in regional crises, has made little headway since preparations for a proposed force of 32,500 troops and civilians drawn from the continent’s five regions started a decade ago.


Only two of five regional sections are close to becoming operational.


A new emergency force announced this week is intended to bridge the gap pending the full coming into operation of that brigade, AU security chief Ramtane Lamamra said at the organisation’s headquarters in the Ethiopian capital.


South Africa, Uganda and Ethiopia have pledged troops to the interim force. Funding and troop contributions will come from member states on a voluntary basis.


The AU was criticized for not responding fast enough to the crisis in Mali after soldiers seized power in a coup in March 2012, opening the way for Islamist rebels to take over the country’s north.


However, some analysts are hopeful.


Solomon Ayele Dersso, senior researcher on conflict prevention at South Africa’s Institute for Security Studies, said the emergency force could work since the troops for it will be volunteered by member states with proven military capacity, instead of trying to include soldiers from every member state, as the full Standby Brigade proposes.


“One thing that’s different about the new force ... is that it will be based on the principle of military capacity,” he told AFP.


He cited Nigeria, Ethiopia, Chad and Kenya as states that have proven their military capacity over the past 18 months or so.


“It’s nice to say all member states are equal, but we live in an Orwellian world where some states are more equal than others... and not all are in a position to make a contribution to peace and security,” he said.


The new force will have to make the best of an ungainly name: the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC).


The force will be tasked with “carrying out operations of limited duration and objectives or to contribute to the creation of conducive conditions for the deployment of AU and/or UN peace operations of wider scope,” AU documents said.


'Let's try to do something'


Musambayi Katumanga, a political science professor at Nairobi University, said ACIRC will work as a limited measure to contain but not solve crises.


“As a short-term reactive measure to a rapidly changing situation, in which you say, ‘Let’s try to do something about the situation, but not resolve it’...then you could say it makes a lot of sense — but this is where the story ends,” Katumanga said.


“The fact is that most states in Africa are not viable,” he told AFP, arguing that most countries “are basically in the same situation as Mali, it is just a matter of time.”


Roland Marchal, an analyst with the French research institute CNRS, was also pessimistic, saying AU states would find it tough to agree on when to deploy.


“Already the European Union has difficulties with 25 members. With 53 or 54 nations, it’s even more difficult for the AU,” he noted.


“All you have to do is think back over the different crises, and ask yourself if there would have been a majority,” he added. “On Central African Republic, for example, there wouldn’t have been one.”


On top of questions about a common political agenda there are technical problems, he added, notably regarding the capacity of troops from different continental armies to work within a single force.


He noted that Kenya prides itself on having a professional army, even if it first saw active combat in 2011, whereas Uganda and Ethiopia have armies that used to be rebel groups.


Some observers argue that the AU has accomplished great things with its intervention force in Somalia, AMISOM, whose 17,700 men from five nations are fighting to claw back territory from al-Qaida linked Shebab insurgents.


But Marchal said AMISOM — funded mainly by Western backers — is a model “that hasn’t really succeeded.”


“We congratulate ourselves on taking back Mogadishu, but we haven’t solved anything in Somalia,” he said. “The problem with AMISOM is that there is no political strategy to go with the military strategy.”


Instead, the emergency force is “a proposal built on a failure (Mali) when the reasons for that failure have not been analyzed,” Marchal added.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:45
photo EMA

photo EMA

30.05.2013 Par Olivier Berger, grand reporter à La Voix du Nord.- Défense globale


Le chef d'état-major des armées, l'amiral Edouard Guillaud, s'est présenté devant la commission de la défense et des forces armées de l'Assemblée nationale le 22 mai. La parole du CEMA demeure essentielle en période de redéfinition d'un modèle d'armée et d'ajustements budgétaires même s'il était d'abord face aux députés pour retirer des enseignements de l'opération Serval.

" Quatre mois et demi après son déclenchement, nous pouvons dire que l'opération Serval est un succès militaire ", se félicite le CEMA qui évoque les atouts et les lacunes capacitaires françaises et parle aussi de Livre blanc et d'Europe...


Les Nations-Unies estiment à 13 milliards de dollars la valeur marchande de la drogue en 2012 passée par le bassin sahélo-saharien (huit fois le budget du Mali). L'instabilité politique et deux défaites de l'armée malienne face aux rebelles ont plongé le pays dans le chaos. Premier constat sans concessions de l'amiral Guillaud : L'armée malienne " était mal commandée, rarement payée, mal équipée et affaiblie par des clivages internes ". Voilà pour le tableau de départ.

Sauf que " cette zone retenait notre attention depuis 2007 à cause des prises d'otage (onze Français) ", rappelle le CEMA qui souligne que de " nombreuses planifications de précaution " ont été conduites dans la région (sans imaginer le scénario du Mali). Ce qui a conduit à un déploiement préventif de forces spéciales et dès 2009, à un plan Sahel interministériel, comprenant coopération, soutien militaire, aide à la justice et aide au développement.

Un déclenchement " fulgurant "

Nous voici le 11 janvier après " le pas de trop " des jihadistes. Le président de la République demande de " stopper l'offensive vers Bamako et ainsi préserver l'existence d'un Etat malien ; détuire - ce qui signifie en lagage militaire détruire 60 % des forces ennemies - et désorganiser la nébuleuse terroriste ; aider au rétablissement de l'intégrité et l'unité territoriales du Mali ; enfin, rechercher les otages, les nôtres en particulier ".

Si le résultat en quatre mois fut efficace et que la réaction au déclenchement fut " j'oserai le mot, fulgurante ", l'amiral Guillaud reconnaît que l'opération Serval a usé les hommes. Il rend hommage aux six militaires français morts au combat et aux plus de deux cents blessés, dont 150 victimes d'un coup de chaleur. Les défis de l'espace - " ou plutôt des espaces " (la distance de Bamako à Gao équivaut à celle de Paris à Brest) - et du climat (plus de 40°).

" Les combats de l'Adrar ont été livrés par une température de 45°. Chargé de 30 kilos, chaque homme avait besoin de dix litres d'eau par jour. Comme ils étaient 2 000, ce sont donc vingt tonnes d'eau qu'il fallait acheminer quotidiennement, soit la capacité de deux avions C-130. Nos soldats ont tenu, non seulement parce qu'ils étaient bien entraînés mais aussi parce que nous avons pu relever ce défi logistique. "

Plus loin, l'amiral Guillaud reconnaît que " nous sommes allés assez loin dans la prise de risque ". La France n'avait pas parachuté de bulldozers depuis Diên Biên Phu (1954) ou mené une opération aéroportée comme à Tombouctou depuis Kolwezi (1978) !

Désormais, la France réduit son empreinte au Mali. La MISMA de 6 000 hommes se déploie, y compris dans le nord, avant de devenir le 1er juillet la MINUSMA, forte de plus de 12 000 hommes. Le reste est politique (élection présidentielle le 28 juillet et le 11 août) et financier (3,2 milliards d'euros réunis lors de la conférence des donateurs le 15 mai à Bruxelles).

Efficacité exceptionnelle et lacunes capacitaires

Sur le plan des enseignements militaires, le CEMA s'enthousiasme : " Les forces armées françaises ont atteint un niveau d'efficacité exceptionnel. " Première réussite, l'intégration interarmées " jusqu'à un niveau élémentaire ", puis le partage du renseignement inter-agences, " aussi bien entre nos services qu'avec nos alliés " et le processus de ciblage " plus efficace ". Au-delà, les atouts français sont connus : l'alerte Guépard et les forces prépositionnées. Mais aussi le transport maritime (18 000 tonnes de matériel lors du premier mois).

Autre carte majeure à choyer selon le CEMA dans la prochaine Loi de programmation militaire : la préparation opérationnelle des forces. Voilà qui touchera le Commandement des forces terrestres et le général Clément-Bollée qui travaillent actuellement sur le sujet à Lille.

Mais l'amiral Guillaud ne peut passer à côté de la " douloureuse " : " Les lacunes capacitaires n'ont pu être que partiellement comblées par l'aide de nos alliés. " Faiblesses : transports stratégique et tactique ; les deux pauvres drones Harfang " si bien que le soutien des drones américains a été le bienvenu " ; ravitaillement en vol (trois avions US par jour encore actuellement) ; absence d'hélicoptères lourds.

Reste la question du coût. Les 630 millions d'euros prévus au titre OPEX n'incluent pas l'opération Serval " pour laquelle 300 millions ont été engagés " (plus de 400 fin 2013). Ils seront inclus dans le budget général de la Défense avec une éventuelle rallonge de Matignon. La facture globale tourne autour de 100 000 € par homme et par an. La situation sera tendue en fin d'année.

De l'Europe à la Loi de programmation militaire...

Sur le plan stratégique, le CEMA se félicite de l'influence française conservée en Afrique, de la mobilisation des forces africaines. Il regrette : " L'aide militaire européenne a été globalement tardive (...) souvent dans un cadre bilatéral. "  Britanniques, Danois et Belges ont répondu présent en moins de 24 heures " sans restriction d'emploi ". Des pilotes danois et belges ont même transporté des Français en zones de combat.

Le CEMA doute cependant qu'une pareille opération soit aussi réalisable en coalition. " Si nos partenaires de l'OTAN et de l'Union européenne sont très admiratifs de ce que nous avons réalisé, ils doutent de pouvoir nous imiter. "

Le livre blanc prend acte de la diversité des opérations (Afghanistan, Libye, piraterie et Mali), de " la nécessité de conserver plusieurs points d'appui en Afrique ". Le président malien par intérim, Dioncounda Traoré, a même demandé d'avoir une base militaire française comme à Dakar !

L'amiral Guillaud constate aussi que " le volume des forces engagées au lancement de l'opération correspondait à celui de la future force interarmées de réaction immédiate, la FIRI ", que la France a recherché des appuis locaux et régionaux pour respecter le principe " premier entré, premier sorti ".

Quels enseignements faut-il en tirer ? Le cas malien n'est que " l'un des modèles des opérations à venir ", sans oublier d'éventuelles surprises stratégiques. Le CEMA s'interroge : " La question est de savoir si la programmation militaire doit nous permettre de parer à toutes les hypothèses ou seulement aux plus probables.

Faut-il, par exemple, conserver toutes les compétences en aérolargage ? " C'est l'un des points délicats du projet de loi de programmation militaire car si l'on peut perdre en savoir-faire en quelques mois, il faut plus de dix ans pour le retrouver ", prévient l'amiral Edouard Guillaud, face à un combat plus politique désormais...

OL. B.

A lire ici, l'intégralité de l'audition de l'amiral Guillaud.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:35


May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: The Korea Times; published May 30, 2013)


Bidding for $7.5 Bil. Fighter Program Set to Start


The bidding process for the $7.5 billion next-generation fighter procurement project will kick off at the start of June instead of midway through the month, the Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency (DAPA) said Thursday.


“We plan to let bidders tender offers about a week earlier,” a DAPA official said.


The change in schedule aims at purchasing a high-end fleet of 60 multi-role fighter jets within budget constraints.


In order to replace Korean Air Force’s aging F-4s and F-5s with high-tech combat aircraft, Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS)’s Eurofighter Tranche 3 are competing to secure the contract.


There is speculation that the bid price will go beyond DAPA’s budget and so the accelerated schedule will enable the procurement office to purchase the aircraft at reasonable price without a hitch.


“Our first goal is to buy 60 fighter jets within the budget. As we are scheduled to make the final selection by the end of June, we may not have enough time for negotiations if we start receiving offers from mid-June,” the official said.


“In addition, an earlier schedule will quiet criticism on the most-expensive procurement deal in our history.”


He added that DAPA had already informed the bidders of the schedule change.


The DAPA official also said that those involved in negotiations may not be able to make a decision on some clauses and will need to consult with head office, which will take time.


In order to secure the sale of 60 fighter jets, the three defense firms are throwing around “sweet deals” if they win the contract.


Eurofighter said that it will investment 2 trillion won in Korea’s indigenous fighter program, or the KF-X program, while Lockheed Martin said it will help Korea Aerospace Industries’ (KAI) T-50 be selected for the U.S. Air Force’s trainer procurement project.


Boeing promised to establish an avionics maintenance, repair and overhaul facility in Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang Province, which will be its first such facility in Asia.


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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:30
Syrie: Israël empêchera le déploiement des missiles S-300 russes (journal)

TEL AVIV, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


Israël juge impossible d'empêcher la livraison de missiles russes S-300 à Damas, mais compte les neutraliser avant leur mise en service, rapporte jeudi le journal israélien Haaretz se référant à des sources proches du dossier.

Le quotidien cite des diplomates européens ayant participé à une réunion à huis clos avec le conseiller pour la Sécurité nationale israélienne Yaakov Amidror, qui a selon eux fait savoir que l'Etat hébreu envisageait d'empêcher les missiles S-300 de "devenir opérationnels" sur le sol syrien.

Les autorités israéliennes estiment que les batteries S-300, un des complexes de défense antimissile les plus avancés du monde, permettront aux Syriens de contrôler l'ensemble de l'espace aérien israélien. Dans le même temps, Israël redoute que les missiles russes ne tombent entre les mains des extrémistes opérant en Syrie.

D'après le journal, lors de sa récente visite à Sotchi, le premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a tenté, sans succès, de dissuader les dirigeants russes de fournir des complexes S-300 à Damas.


Plus tôt dans la semaine, M.Netanyahu a interdit à ses ministres de faire des commentaires sur les éventuelles livraisons de missiles antiaériens russes en Syrie.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:30
Syrie: une zone d'exclusion aérienne entraînerait une guerre (expert)


MOSCOU, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


L'instauration éventuelle d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne au-dessus de la Syrie marquerait le début d'une agression ouverte des Etats-Unis et de leurs alliés contre ce pays, a déclaré jeudi à RIA Novosti le directeur du Centre d'analyse du commerce mondial d'armes de Moscou, Igor Korotchenko.


Le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, Jay Carney, a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes que les Etats-Unis étudiaient divers scénarios de règlement du conflit syrien, dont la mise en place d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne, ainsi que "d'autres méthodes". Le département d'Etat américain a à plusieurs reprises déclaré que les livraisons de missiles antiaériens russes S-300 à la Syrie ne contribueraient pas à mettre un terme à la violence dans ce pays. Moscou affirme pour sa part que ces missiles sont livrés dans le cadre de contrats signés avec Damas avant la crise syrienne et qu'il n'existe aucune raison de réviser ces engagements. Le conflit entre les autorités et l'opposition en Syrie se poursuit depuis mars 2011. Les hostilités ont déjà fait plus de 80.000 morts.


"L'instauration d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne constituerait un prélude à l'agression des Etats-Unis et de leurs alliés contre la Syrie, car le concept d'exclusion aérienne ferait nécessairement l'objet d'une interprétation élargie. En Libye, les Américains ont commencé par frapper l'aérodrome des forces aériennes de ce pays pour détruire ses avions militaires. Puis, ils ont anéanti les radars de contrôle de l'espace aérien et, pour finir, ils ont bombardé les sites de défense anti-aérienne", a indiqué M. Korotchenko.


Selon lui, l'instauration d'une "no-fly zone" est un scénario qui a déjà été testé en Irak et en Libye.


L'expert estime qu'une telle démarche pourrait être interprétée comme une tentative visant à faire échouer la conférence internationale "Genève 2".


"La livraison de S-300 à la Syrie sera le moyen le plus efficace de contrecarrer ces projets. Ce système puissant permet d'opposer une riposte foudroyante à toute agression aérienne", a conclu l'analyste russe.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 17:20
Bradley A3 Photo BAE Systems

Bradley A3 Photo BAE Systems

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: BAE Systems; issued May 29, 2013)


Bradley Industrial Base Shutdown Threatens Skilled Workforce


Jeff Adams of AMZ Manufacturing in York, Pa. is frank about the consequences of the U.S. Army’s current funding plan that calls for the Bradley Industrial Base to shut down for at least three years starting in 2014.


Not only would “a Bradley Industrial Base shutdown leave us without unique-to-industry skillsets,” said Adams, but those skills “take years to train and perfect”.


AMZ Manufacturing’s well-trained and highly skilled workers provide product finishing for parts that go into the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The company is also one of nearly 600 large, medium and small businesses that comprise the Bradley Industrial Base, a production and supply chain network, which works with the U.S. government to maintain the readiness of four of the five Armored Brigade Combat vehicles used by the U.S. Army. These supplier companies would be hit hard by the shutdown of the Bradley production line and would lose unique industrial capabilities and skilled labor.


“It takes up to three years to train a fully skilled employee,” stated Adams, whose company employs 63 workers. “If we lose those skills now, we will not be able to quickly restore them when needed.”


In February, then Secretary of Defense Panetta expressed concern about the need to protect the industrial base in the U.S. to ensure the nation has the skills needed in case of a national emergency, saying “the last damn thing we need if we face a crisis is to somehow contract out that responsibility to another country.”


Will Donnellan of the First Electronics Corporation in Boston, Mass. reinforced Secretary Panetta’s concerns, saying “A shutdown of the Bradley Industrial Base would severally limit the ability for our company to support expedited programs in the future due to the reduction of our skilled manufacturing force. The accelerated start of the Bradley upgrade work would not only buy the supply base time, it would buy the Army readiness.”


Founded in 1955, the First Electronics Corporation is a family-owned business that employees more than 85 workers in the Boston area and specializes in the production of custom military cable assemblies for the Bradley.


“If the Bradley line was to shut down we would still exist as a business, but on a lesser scale,” said Donnellan. “We would most likely lose our ability to support Bradley production in the future, without a significant amount of time to reacquire the specialized skills and resources needed.”


As an alternative to a Bradley line shutdown, BAE Systems and the supplier base companies urge that Congress direct the Army to accelerate the start of required upgrades to 93 Bradleys currently scheduled for fiscal year 2015 and 2016. Using funding approved for these conversions will enable the Army to more quickly meet its needs for fully modernized vehicles while supporting the combat vehicle industrial base and ensuring the readiness of the U.S. armed forces.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Finnish Orbiter UAS deliveries take off

28 May 2013 by  Arie Egozi – FG


Tel Aviv - Deliveries of the Orbiter 2 mini unmanned air system (UAS) to Finland are under way.


The Finnish defence ministry in 2012 selected the Aeronautics Defense Systems design to meet its operational needs. Its contract includes 52 systems, with each comprising four air vehicles and a ground control station.


The Orbiter 2 has a 3m (9.8ft) wingspan and a 1m long fuselage. With a 10kg (22lb) maximum take-off weight, it offers an endurance of 3.5h.


According to Dany Eshchar, Aeronautics' deputy chief executive for marketing and sales, 20 systems will be supplied by the end of the year.

Finnish Orbiter UAS deliveries take off

The firm also reveals that Finland is showing interest in the company's larger Orbiter 3, which has an endurance of 7-8h. It is equipped with a 3kg payload, but this will soon be replaced by a more advanced cooled electro-optical/infrared sensor that will produce better quality images.


Suitable for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance duties, the Orbiter 3 is launched from a catapult and recovered using a parachute and airbag.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
“Unprecedented” Dutch Integration with German Army

May 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Netherlands Information Service; posted May 29, 2013)


THE HAGUE --- The partnership between the Dutch and German armies is moving to an “unprecedented level of integration,” said Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert in Berlin Tuesday.

The two countries signed an agreement Tuesday. “This means that the needs, procedures, education and training will be harmonised,” said Hennis at the Berlin Strategy Conference. This is “a commitment for the long term at all levels.”

The agreements mean among other things that the Netherlands 11 Air Manoeuvre Brigade (the mobile air brigade) will be integrated with the yet to be established Division Schnelle Kräfte (DSK). The joint staff will be in Germany.

Additionally, the ground air and missile defence units will expand their partnership. Here, too, a single joint staff will be formed. Finally, the submarine services will join forces. Education and training will be followed jointly.

Serious work has to be undertaken to get “our collective needs and national priorities” in line. This does not however mean that a European army is emerging, the minister stressed. But “sovereignty does have to be defined differently.”

Speech by Minister Hennis at the Berlin Strategy Conference




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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Saab Wins Order for Underwater Vehicle

May 30, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Saab AB; issued May 30, 2013)


Saab Receives Order for the Underwater Vehicle System AUV62


Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract on delivery of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle systems, AUV62, in training configuration. The order has a total value of MSEK 148 and system deliveries will take place during 2014.


The order comprises the supply of AUV62, the latest version of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a configuration as training target for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) training.


“The AUV62 is a competent and advanced system that will enhance and strengthen the customer’s underwater capabilities. We are of course very satisfied to have been able to secure yet another order for the system,” says Görgen Johansson, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Dynamics.


The AUV62 is an advanced and highly modern Autonomous Underwater Vehicle available in several different configurations and already selected by a number of customers.


Equipped with an acoustic payload it is an advanced and capable system for cost-efficient training of a navy’s ASW forces. The AUV62 is an artificial acoustic target that mimics a submarine in a way that is compatible with any torpedo- and sonar system on the market today. The AUV62 system fully replaces the use of a submarine in the role as a manoeuvring training target.


Equipped with a Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) payload it is an efficient system for mine search, reconnaissance and seabed mapping. With the AUV62 Saab offers a state-of-the-art Autonomous Underwater System for demanding customers investing in the future.


The industry’s nature is such that depending on circumstances concerning the product and customer, information regarding the customer will not be announced.



Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Euro Hawk décollage de la BA De de Manching 11.01.2013 photo EADS - Cassidian

Euro Hawk décollage de la BA De de Manching 11.01.2013 photo EADS - Cassidian

May. 29, 2013 Defense News (AFP)


BERLIN — Germany is sticking with a plan to buy 16 combat drones, an official said Wednesday, despite a controversy embroiling its defense minister over a scrapped surveillance drone project.


Thomas de Maiziere has drawn fire for two weeks over the abandoned “Euro Hawk” project, putting pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government four months ahead of elections.


The Euro Hawk project had already swallowed €508 million (US $657 million) before the defense ministry said on May 14 it would “pull the rip-cord” on the plan to buy four more of the unmanned surveillance aircraft.


Germany feared aviation authorities would not certify the Euro Hawk — a version of US-based Northrop Grumman’s Global Hawk re-modeled by Europe’s EADS — because it lacks an anti-collision system.


De Maiziere, a close Merkel ally who has been attacked for failing to act far earlier, is due on June 5 to present a report on what the German media has dubbed the “drone debacle.”


Despite the controversy, Berlin is sticking with its objective of buying up to 16 armed drones by 2016, defense ministry spokesman Stefan Paris told a regular press briefing Wednesday.


Germany has held talks with Israel to buy the Heron TO unmanned aerial vehicle, and with the United States to buy the Reaper, formerly called the Predator, made by General Atomics.


Paris, who was speaking after the cabinet had replied to an opposition information request on the matter, said no final decision would be taken before the Sept. 22 election.


But he reiterated that under a plan from 2011, “the intention is that we acquire 16 such devices in future and that the armed forces have them at their disposal from 2016, three years from now.”


Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said the government supports “broad societal debate” on whether Germany should acquire armed drones, to be used in accordance with international law.


Drones are controversial in Germany, both because of battlefield “collateral damage,” or civilian deaths, and because of their spying capabilities, which evoke dark memories from past fascist and communist regimes.


The defense ministry spokesman, asked whether he could see combat-ready drones ever being deployed in Germany, for example in anti-terrorism operations, said: “I don’t foresee this.”

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Airbus Military launches C295W aircraft with enhanced performance

30/5/2013 Airbus Military


New series available in 2014 features winglets and uprated engines as standard.


Airbus Military today announces the launch of a new series of its best-selling C295 medium transport and surveillance aircraft – the C295W.


Featuring winglets and uprated engines as standard, the new model will provide operators with enhanced performance in all flight phases but is particularly aimed at those operating at  “hot and high“ airfields where payload increases in excess of 1,000kg are promised.


In intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) roles such as airborne early warning (AEW) the enhancements will increase endurance by 30-60min and permit an operating altitude up to 2,000ft higher than now.


The new features will also provide an overall reduction in fuel consumption of around 4% depending on configuration and conditions.


The C295W, assembled in Seville, Spain, is being offered to the market from now on and will be the standard version of the aircraft in all versions from the fourth quarter of 2014. Certification is expected in 2Q14.


Airbus Military is committing to the C295W following flight-trials with winglets fitted to its company development aircraft which showed positive results for a weight penalty of only around 90kg.


The engines are the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127 turboprops which power all versions of the C295. New procedures recently certified by Canada and Spain permit operation in the climb and cruise phases at higher power settings at the discretion of the operator. As well as improved hot and high performance, the procedure improves operation over very high terrain such as the Andes or Himalaya mountains with only a minor influence on maintenance cost.


Airbus Military Head of Programmes, Light & Medium, and Derivatives, Rafael Tentor said: “The C295 has consistently been the market leader in all sectors in which it is offered. By investing in continuous development of the aircraft we are committed to maintaining its leadership through the introduction of substantial operating benefits. We very much look forward to discussing the C295W with existing and prospective customers.”


About C295


The new generation C295 is the ideal aircraft for defence and civic mission to the benefit of society, such as humanitarian actions, maritime patrol, and environmental surveillance missions, amongst others. Thanks to its robustness and reliability, and with simple systems, this medium sized tactical airlifter provides wide versatility and flexibility, necessary for personnel, troop and bulky/palletized cargo transportation, casualty evacuation, communication and logistic duties or certified air-dropping capabilities. Its mix of dual technology civil/military equipment ensure success on demanding tactical mission, growth potential for future equipment as well as compatibility with the latest civil airspace environment. The C295 is part of Airbus Military’s family of light and medium airlifters which also include the smaller NC212i and CN235 platforms.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
Mig 21 MK Photo Jyrki LAUKKANEN

Mig 21 MK Photo Jyrki LAUKKANEN

HELSINKI, May 29 (RIA Novosti)


Russia is ready to expand military contacts with Finland and to help the country modernize its armed forces, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.


Shoigu is on a two-day visit to Finland hosted by his Finnish counterpart Carl Haglund.


“This is the first contact at the defense ministerial level. I hope we will expand contacts at the level of chiefs of staff and commanders of military districts,” Shoigu said at a joint news conference with Haglund in Helsinki.


Shoigu said Russia could provide assistance to Finland in the modernization of its army.


“Our military experts will hold a series of meetings on this issue in the near future,” he said.


The Finnish military needs modernizing, and will buy new equipment for its air force in the next 10 years, Haglund said.


During the Soviet era, Finland bought much of its military equipment from the USSR, including MiG-21 fighters, Mi-8 helicopters and air-to-air missiles. After the break-up of the Soviet Union it switched to western suppliers.


Finland is the only non-NATO EU country bordering Russia. The Finnish Defense Forces, like their Russian counterparts, are partly manned by conscripts.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:40
Russia suspends Mil Mi-8 flights after fatal crash

May 30, 2013 by Dominic Perry  - FG


London - Russia's defence ministry on 28 May suspended operations using Mil Mi-8 helicopters, following a fatal training accident involving the type.


A statement from the ministry says that a Russian air force Mi-8, on a routine training flight, crashed at around 12:00 local time near the village of Ivanovo in the Saratov region.


Two crew members - the pilot and a student pilot - escaped from the wreckage, but the flight engineer was killed, it says.


Chief of the Air Force, Lt Gen Viktor Bondarev, suspended operations using the Mi-8 until the service "ascertains the causes of the disaster".


Flightglobal's Ascend Online Fleets database records the Russian air force as operating 335 active Mi-8s, with the country's navy flying a further 15 examples.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:40
Russia, Norway to Hold Barents Sea Drills in June


MOSCOW, May 30 (RIA Novosti)


 Russian and Norwegian naval forces will conduct a joint exercise in the Barents Sea on June 4-7, Northern Fleet spokesman Vadim Serga said on Thursday.


Russia’s Northern Fleet will contribute the tugboat SB-523, an Ilyushin Il-38 maritime patrol aircraft and an Mi-8 Hip helicopter to the Barents-2013 exercise.


The two nations' search and rescue services will test their interoperability in evacuation of crews and aircraft in distress at sea, and cleanup of oil spills.


The Barents exercise is conducted every year in accordance with a 1995 Russian-Norwegian intergovernmental agreement, Serga said.


This year’s exercise, which has a rotating command system, will be under Russian control, he said.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Kraken Delivers Synthetic Aperture Sonar to DSTO Australia

May 30, 2013 ASDNews Source : Kraken Sonar Systems Inc


Kraken Sonar Systems Inc. announced today that the sea acceptance testing of its AquaPix® Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (InSAS) with Australia’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) was a success.  The AquaPix® system was integrated and tested onboard DSTO’s REMUS 600 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).


DSTO is a national leader in safeguarding Australia by delivering valued scientific advice and innovative technology solutions for the country's defence and national security.


Thanks to the excellent cooperation with DSTO; the InSAS/AUV system integration, dockside testing and sea trials were completed in less than two weeks. Dockside tests were carried out in the shallow waters surrounding the HMAS Waterhen naval base in Sydney harbour, while deeper water tests were conducted from HMAS Creswell in Jervis Bay.


“We are extremely satisfied with the results from our sea acceptance testing with DSTO,” said Karl Kenny, President and CEO of Kraken. “AquaPix® met all expectations in terms of performance as well as the program delivery schedule and budget. Synthetic Aperture Sonar technology is a true breakthrough and will radically improve the efficiency and accuracy of seabed imaging for both military and commercial applications.”


AquaPix® provides higher resolution seafloor imagery at significantly longer ranges than conventional sonar. This is done by replacing traditional sonar hardware with sophisticated signal processing software. The principle of Synthetic Aperture Sonar is that the transducer array is “synthesized” in software by the coherent recombination of many sonar pings overlapping an area of interest.


Synthetic Aperture Sonar provides image quality unmatched by conventional sonars and is a key technology whenever high resolution is required. Kraken’s AquaPix® generates ultra-high resolution seabed imagery (3 cm) out to a range of 250m from each side of an underwater vehicle (500m swath).  In addition, AquaPix® simultaneously delivers high quality 3D bathymetric digital terrain seabed data that exceeds the demanding standards for today’s hydrographic surveys.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) transits through the Indian Ocean May 26 while making its way to Thailand for a port visit. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Devin Wray)

The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) transits through the Indian Ocean May 26 while making its way to Thailand for a port visit. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Devin Wray)

PHUKET, Thailand - The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), along with embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 23 and Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11 escorted by guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59) arrived in Phuket, Thailand May 28 for a port visit.
The visit allows the Nimitz Strike Group the opportunity to experience the local culture and customs, enjoy a variety of recreational activities and participate in community service events (COMSERVs).
"I am excited for the opportunity our Sailors and Marines will have to take in all of the wonderful things Phuket has to offer," said Capt. Jeff Ruth, Nimitz commanding officer. "This is a great way for them to be good ambassadors of the United States while meeting the warm and friendly people of Thailand."
In addition to the COMSERVS, the ship's Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program have set up a number of tours, hotel stays and activities while in port.
"MWR started the 'experience the culture of Thailand' campaign," explained Chief Operations Specialist Travis Lovegrove, MWR leading chief petty officer. "We're offering 17 different tours including private boat charters, elephant rides, temple tours, countryside tours and diving trips for every day we're in port. We've also offered discounted hotel rooms at approximately 15 different hotels so Sailors and Marines can go out and experience Phuket, Thailand to the fullest."
Port visits play an important role in the overall mission of the United States Navy and strengthen relationships with regional partners.
"Thailand has a rich cultural and historical heritage and I am proud of the strong relationship our two nations share," said Ruth. "Thailand and the United States have a friendship that spans more than 100 years, and it's a privilege to be able to contribute to its continuation."
The Nimitz Strike Group is currently deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and supporting theater security cooperation efforts.
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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
photo EMA

photo EMA

30/05/2013 - JDD


Les forces françaises encore présentes en Afghanistan sont passées sous la barre des 1.000 hommes, alors que 85% du matériel est désormais désengagé, a annoncé jeudi le ministère de la Défense. Cette réduction d'effectifs, qui correspond au programme de désengagement annoncé, fait suite à la dissolution, le 29 mai, du BATLOG (bataillon logistique) déployé fin mars sur le camp de Warehouse, à Kaboul, qui a été remplacé par un détachement logistique "multifonctions". "Avec la dissolution du BATLOG et le départ d'une partie des éléments, on est passé symboliquement sous la barre des 1.000 engagés en Afghanistan", a indiqué le colonel Thierry Burkhard, porte-parole de l'état-major français, lors d'un point-presse au ministère.


L'objectif reste de parvenir à l'été au "palier des 500 militaires" encore engagés, soit "la partie strictement dédiée à la contribution française dans l'ISAF", la Force internationale d'assistance et de sécurité qui opère jusqu'en 2014 en Afghanistan sous l'égide de l'OTAN, a-t-il précisé. Alors que se poursuit le transfert des moyens français du camp de Warehouse vers celui de l'aéroport international de Kaboul (KaIA), "on atteint maintenant 85% du matériel désengagé", a-t-il ajouté, relevant qu'"on voit quand même bien la fin".

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Israel Offers India Hybrid Maritime Surveillance

May 30, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Israel Homeland Security; posted May 25, 2013)


Joint Israeli Solution for Indian Maritime Security Problems


Elbit Systems Ltd. has teamed with Windward to offer integrated maritime solutions for the Indian authorities. The joint solution combines Windward’s innovative satellite-based maritime analytics system, MarInt, with Elbit Systems’ wide range of solutions for maritime domain awareness, including Hermes 900 maritime patrol Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).


The cooperation between the two companies addresses the specific needs of India and its vast and complex maritime arena.


The cooperation makes available a unique system adapted for very large maritime area monitoring, providing authorities with powerful means to control India’s waters.


MarInt, Windward’s proprietary satellite-based maritime analytics system, maps the global maritime activity in unprecedented details, based on data collected from various sources, such as commercial satellites, open-source databases and other sensors. Covering any area of interest, regardless of the distance from shore, MarInt delivers maritime domain awareness over littoral or blue water areas, for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) monitoring, fishery control, regional traffic analysis or port traffic management. After the routine maritime patterns are observed and learned, the system performs deep behavior analysis on every vessel spotted in the designated area of interest, in order to detect anomalous and suspicious behavior.


The Maritime Hermes 900 is a new configuration of Elbit Systems’ largest UAS, adapted for maritime operations, carrying selectable mission payload of up to 350 kg., including maritime surveillance radar, Automatic Identification System (AIS), an electro-optical multi-sensor payload and electronic surveillance systems. It has the endurance to cover vast ocean areas, redundant line-of-sight and satellite communications links and radio relay, enabling operators to talk to local vessels while flying patrols over remote sea areas at extended ranges from shore.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
photo EMA

photo EMA

30/05/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 29 mai 2013, sur le camp de Warehouse, le général Philippe Adam commandant les forces françaises en Afghanistan a procédé à la dissolution du bataillon logistique de la force Pamir et à la création du détachement logistique multifonctions.


Le dispositif logistique est réorganisé du fait de l’avancement du désengagement des matériels du théâtre afghan et de la diminution des besoins de soutien spécifique. Le bataillon logistique laisse donc la place au détachement logistique multifonctions dont l’effectif est d’environ 130 militaires.


Le bataillon Voie Sacrée commandé par le colonel Eric Vincendet, engagé sur le théâtre afghan le 31 mars dernier, a poursuivi la mission de désengagement du contingent français. Il totalise la mise sur pied de près de 80 convois regroupant près de 600 containers et véhicules, soit plus de 6400 tonnes de fret. Il a également participé à la transmission des savoir-faire spécifiques aux spécialistes afghans, en vue du prochain transfert du camp de Warehouse aux autorités afghanes, avec l’appui de l’état-major de la National Contingent Command (NCC), du 31ème régiment du génie (31ème RG) et des économats des armées.


Moins de 1 000 militaires français restent engagés en Afghanistan où ils assurent la poursuite du désengagement logistique des forces françaises, le commandement de l’aéroport de KAIA, le fonctionnement de l’hôpital médico-chirurgical à Kaboul et des missions de formation au profit de l’armée nationale afghane.

Afghanistan : réorganisation du dispositif logistique
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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
RPG-32 Hashim

RPG-32 Hashim

MOSCOU, 30 mai - RIA Novosti


Une usine d'assemblage de lance-roquettes russes RPG-32 Hashim a été inaugurée jeudi en Jordanie en présence du roi Abdallah II de Jordanie et du président du holding russe de hautes technologies Rostec Sergueï Tchemezov.


"Le royaume lance la production des premiers lance-roquettes anti-char portatifs en calibre multiple au monde. RPG-32 est l'une des meilleurs armes de pointe capable de détruire la plupart des chars existants, ainsi que d'autres cibles militaires", a indiqué M.Tchemezov pendant la cérémonie d'inauguration.


L'usine d'assemblage et de test des lance-roquettes RPG-32 Hashim est située à 20 km au nord-est d'Amman. La Jordanie a construit et équipé ce site, alors que l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport) est chargée de livrer des éléments de lance-roquettes et de contrôler le travail des spécialistes jordaniens.


Conçu par le Groupe de recherche et de production russe Bazalt, une filiale de Rostec, RPG-32 est un lance-roquette portable qui tire des projectiles de 72,5mm et de 105 mm.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 15:55
A La Rochelle, les blindés sont de retour du Mali

30/05/2013 Sud-OUest


Des véhicules blindés légers et des poids lourds par dizaines ont été déchargés, en début de semaine, au Grand Port maritime de La Rochelle.


Ces équipements, employés notamment par le 1er Régiment d’infanterie de marine d’Angoulême (RIMa), ont été rapatriés du Mali, où ils avaient été déployés dans le cadre de l’opération Serval.


Le « MN Pelican », le navire roulier de l’armement Maritime Nantaise qu’affrète le ministère de la Défense et qui a transporté cette centaine de véhicules, avait appareillé, mi-mai, du port sénégalais de Dakar.


Le matériel militaire y avait été dirigé depuis le Mali, par convoi (1 200 kilomètres), depuis Bamako.


À La Rochelle, l’agence Fast, consignataire, a géré la relation entre l’autorité portuaire et l’armement, pour orchestrer ce déchargement qui n’est pas passé inaperçu.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 14:55
Infographie animée d’une zone soutien du combattant

30/05/2013 15:16 - AB - Armée de Terre

Bienvenue dans la zone soutien du combattant au sein d’une Forward operating base (FOB). Secteur approvisionnement, maintenance, zone vie et commandement, cliquez et découvrez les lieux quotidiens des soldats en opération.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 12:55
A la pêche aux débris du M-51: une prime pour les marins bretons

29.05.2013 par P. Chapleau - Lignes de Défense


Interdits de pêche dans certains zones au large du Finistère depuis l'auto-destruction d'un missile M-51, les pêcheurs bretons n'auront peut-être pas tout perdu. Ils pourront recevoir une prime au cas où ils remonteraient dans leurs filets des débris de l'engin.

Dans un courrier adressé au président du comité départemental des pêches du Finistère, le préfet maritime de l'Atlantique, le vice-amiral d'escadre Jean-Pierre Labonne, assure que les pêcheurs pourront se voir attribuer "une prime de signalement et de récupération" si l'objet remonté "est reconnu comme un équipement constitutif du missile M51". "Les modalités d'attribution de cette prime seront formalisées par un texte officiel en cours d'élaboration", ajoute la lettre datée de mardi et publiée sur le site du comité des pêches.

L'engin, tiré d'un sous-marin nucléaire, avait explosé en plein vol le 5 mai à quelque 25 km des côtes finistériennes. L'incident, classé "secret défense", fait l'objet d'une enquête minutieuse de la Marine nationale et de la Direction générale de l'Armement (DGA), qui ont déployé de lourds moyens pour retrouver les débris.

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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 12:55

29.05.2013 Par Marine-Nationale

Film de présentation de l'hélicoptère Caïman Marine

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