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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 20:40
Russia to Buy Range of New Army Vehicles

BRONNITSY, May 28 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Defense Ministry is to purchase a range of new vehicles, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Tuesday during a visit to a military test center.


"We have decided to start the serial purchase of a range of vehicles ... we need the most mobile and modern vehicles for transporting our forces and supplies to areas of military activity," Shoigu said at a Defense Ministry test center in the Moscow Region, where he watched a display of Russian-made military vehicles and equipment.


He did not specify which vehicles would be purchased, in what numbers, or when.

The demonstration featured the Typhoon-U and Typhoon-K six-wheel transporters, Bulava and Bulat vehicles, Volk 1 (VPK-3927) and Volk 2 multirole wheeled vehicles, and the Rys and Tigr-M armored jeeps, as well as Vityaz twin-compartment tracked vehicles for use in harsh climatic conditions.


The Vityaz was a focal point on the show, during which it crossed a water-filled ditch and then climbed a plus 30-degree slope.


In January, Ground Forces commander Vladimir Chirkin said the Defense Ministry would buy Russian-made Tigr vehicles in preference to a follow-on order for Italian Lynx jeeps made under license in Russia.

Russia and Italy signed a contract in December 2011 for the production of Iveco Rys/Lynx vehicles under license in Russia.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who is responsible for the defense industry, has conducted a policy of buying some foreign military equipment where Russian technology is lagging behind, or where the domestic industry can gain know-how, while generally preferring to buy from local suppliers.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 20:30
Missile Delivery Prevents Foreign Meddling in Syria – Russia

MOSCOW, May 28 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Syria is a restraining factor against possible foreign interference in the Syrian conflict, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday.


“We believe such steps are to a great extent restraining some ‘hot heads’ from considering scenarios in which the conflict may assume an international scale with the participation of outside forces,” Ryabkov said.


He refused to say whether the Russian-made air defense systems had been already delivered to Syria.

“I can neither confirm, nor deny in what stage these deliveries are at,” Ryabkov said. “We understand all the concerns and signals sent to us from various states. We see that this issue worries many of our partners. We have no reasons to reconsider our position in this sphere.”


The sale of Russian weapons to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime has been a source of bilateral tension between Moscow and Washington, with US officials accusing Russia of arming a regime the United States says is killing its own citizens in Syria’s raging civil war.


Last week US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the sale by Russia of S-300 air defense systems to Syria would be “destabilizing” for the region.

Ryabkov reiterated that Russia is merely honoring previously-concluded agreements with Damascus by supplying S-300 systems to Syria. He said the systems are solely for defense purposes against airborne threats and cannot be used by the government forces against civilians.

Russia insists that the deliveries are legal under international law and that it is not supplying Syria, the largest importer of Russian arms in the Middle East, with offensive weapons.


S-300 is widely acknowledged by defense analysts as one of the world's most advanced air defense systems. An S-300 battery would "provide coverage of much of northern and central Israel if deployed in the south west of Syria for targets other than those at low altitude," Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analyst with the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies, told RIA Novosti earlier this month.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 20:30
artillerie-syrienne photo US DoS

artillerie-syrienne photo US DoS

PARIS, May 28 (RIA Novosti)


The European Union’s decision to end the embargo on arms supplies to the Syrian opposition is illegitimate and at odds with the norms of international law, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday.

“Discussing at an official level whether or not to supply arms to non-state subjects [Kremlin lingo for rebels] is in conflict with all norms of international law, including the principles of non-interference in states’ internal affairs, not to mention military intervention,” he said.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton confirmed on Monday that from now on, every EU member country has the right to make its own decision on arms exports to Syria, meaning that EU countries could now supply the Syrian opposition with weapons. She affirmed that any arms sent to Syria would be "intended for the protection of civilians," and added that the EU governments would review the position on sanctions on Syria before August 1.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said earlier in the day that the EU’s failure to extend the arms embargo on Syria may directly harm the upcoming international conference on Syria.

“This is a reflection of double standards and a direct blow to the international conference on Syria proposed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry on May 7,” Ryabkov told journalists.

Russia’s NATO envoy, Alexander Grushko, said he hoped that the West would refrain from supplying weapons to Syria.

Lavrov also said Tuesday that Moscow was concerned by US- and French-backed efforts to scuttle an international peace conference for Syria. He did not elaborate.

Moscow also insists on Iran’s participation in the Syria conference, Lavrov said.

Iran’s participation is necessary because “all countries that have influence on any side [of the Syrian conflict] should be represented there,” he said, adding that Iran is “one of the most important countries in that category.

This year’s conference is designed to be a follow-up to last year’s international meeting in Geneva that drafted a peace roadmap for Syria, where more than 80,000 people have died since fighting broke out between government forces and rebels in March 2011. According to diplomatic sources, the conference may take place in mid-June, but both Moscow and Washington have so far avoided giving exact dates.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:55
France to probe samples from Syria for sign of chemical arms

May 28, 2013 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Paris - French authorities will analyse samples brought back from Syria by two journalists after they reported the Syrian army was using chemical weapons against rebel forces, a top official said Tuesday.


There have been mounting reports of the use of chemical arms in Syria, where a bloody conflict has raged for over two years and claimed more than 94,000 lives amid reports of widespread rights violations.


A top French government official, who wished to remain anonymous, said Tuesday samples had been handed over to authorities by the journalists, without saying what the samples were from. "We have agreed to analyse them," he said.


The official added that, like the United States and Britain, France had already analysed its own samples and concluded that there were "clues but no formal evidence" of the use of chemical arms in Syria.


The two reporters from French newspaper Le Monde said they had "witnessed over several consecutive days" the use of explosive chemical arms and their effects on rebel fighters in the outskirts of Damascus.


Photographer Laurent Van der Stockt reported that on April 13 he saw fighters "suffocating and vomiting" in the village of Jobar outside the Syrian capital after an apparent attack using chemical weapons.


The journalists said they had gathered witness accounts of the use of chemical weapons in a large area around Damascus.


One doctor in a rebel-held area told the newspaper that the weapons caused breathing difficulties, headaches and nausea, and could cause death if victims were not treated.


"The gases are used on the front on an ad hoc basis, avoiding widespread use that would easily provide irrefutable evidence," reporter Jean-Philippe Remy wrote.


French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Monday there were indications of "localised use" of chemical arms in Syria, and the United Nations has called on Damascus to let in UN investigators.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:55
Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

28/05/2013  Marine Nationale


Depuis le 18 mars 2013, la frégate de surveillance Ventôse basée aux Antilles vit un arrêt technique majeur (ATM). Cet arrêt lui permettra de redonner du potentiel à ses installations et voir ses capacités opérationnelles élargies par l’ajout de nouveaux systèmes. La mise en œuvre d’une peinture à base de silicone sur la carène n’est pas passée inaperçue.


Le Ventôse est la seconde frégate de surveillance, après le Nivôse, à disposer d’une peinture à base de silicone, plus respectueuse de l’environnement que les peintures de coque traditionnelles. Cette nouvelle peinture, testée actuellement sur plusieurs frégates de la Marine, présente de nombreux avantages tels que l’absence d’impact sur la faune et la flore, une résistance plus longue aux salissures liée à la texture très lisse de la silicone et une optimisation de la consommation de carburant, l’eau s’écoulant mieux le long de la coque.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Cette opération est une première en Martinique, accomplie par l’entreprise martiniquaise Dry Dock Peinture et supervisée par un expert de la société «International Paint».


L’arrêt technique du Ventôse s’inscrit dans le cadre du marché d’entretien des frégates de surveillance. Il est programmé tous les trois ans. Sous la maîtrise d’œuvre conjointe de STX et de DCNS, il se poursuivra jusqu’au 12 juillet 2013.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Il est réalisé avec l’équipage qui effectue la maintenance de son niveau et contribue avec l’antenne Antilles-Guyane du service de soutien de la flotte (SSF) à la surveillance et à la réception des travaux, ainsi qu’à la prévention des risques professionnels. Le personnel de la base navale de Fort-de-France contribue également aux travaux d’entretien.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Outre la mise en œuvre d’une peinture silicone sur la carène, les principaux travaux significatifs de cet arrêt technique comprennent des travaux de chaudronnerie sur la coque et les structures, le visite de la ligne propulsive, du propulseur d’étrave et de la stabilisation, la modernisation des réseaux de communication (programme RIFAN2) et le remplacement de la conduite de tir infrarouge (opération SYMFIR).

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:55
Un échantillon multinational de l’état-major sur le pont d’envol de l’USS Bataan – photo US Navy

Un échantillon multinational de l’état-major sur le pont d’envol de l’USS Bataan – photo US Navy

23/05/2013 Marine Nationale


La dernière édition de l’entraînement Bold Alligator, conduite sur la côte est des États-Unis du 22 avril au 1ermai 2013, a permis de développer la coopération franco-américaine en état-major.


L’édition 2012 avait été marquée par la participation du bâtiment de projection et de commandement Mistral. Cette année, la Marine nationale a dépêché trois officiers de la cellule amphibie de COMFRMARFOR, accompagnés par l’officier de liaison français auprès du principal commandement de l’US Navy à Norfolk (Virginie). Avec les renforts d’autres marins français et de l’armée de Terre, la représentation tricolore atteignait dix personnes. Insérés dans divers états-majors, la plupart à bord du porte-hélicoptères d’assaut USS Bataan, ces officiers ont contribué à la planification et l’exécution d’une opération amphibie conséquente.


Le scénario prévoyait la libération d’un pays opprimé par son voisin grâce à une force simulée de 17 bâtiments amphibies et 16 000 militaires. Derrière ces chiffres virtuels, ce sont tout de même 3500 participants, de 16 nations différentes, qui ont pris part à l’exercice. Le contre-amiral américain Ann Phillips, commandant la force, rappelle combien le travail en coalition est un objectif stratégique pour la Défense américaine : « Nos partenaires alliés sont des participants essentiels pour synchroniser les processus et les perceptions, de façon à maximiser la coordination des efforts.»

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:45
Serval : inspection du chef du CPCO sur le théâtre malien

28/05/2013 Sources : EMA


Du24 au 26 mai 2013, une délégation du centre de planification et de conduite des opérations (CPCO) s’est rendue au Mali pour inspecter les soldats de l’opération Serval.


Accueillie à Bamako par le général de Saint-Quentin, commandant la force Serval, la délégation conduite par l’amiral Baduel, chef du CPCO, a visité le poste de commandement interarmées de théâtre(PCIAT) et le détachement Air (DETAIR) pour une présentation de la force Serval déployé sur le théâtre.


Avant de quitter Bamako pour Gao, la délégation est allée rencontrer les militaires qui œuvrent au sein de la mission de l’Union européenne« EUTM ». A Gao, où ils ont passé la deuxième partie de la journée, ils ont pu rencontrer les hommes de la brigade Serval aux ordres du général Kolodjiez.

Serval : inspection du chef du CPCO sur le théâtre malien

Après un briefing sur la situation dans la zone et sur les opérations à venir, la délégation à rejoint Niamey au Niger. Elle y a d’abord rencontré le CEMA nigérien puis visité le détachement « air »qui y est actuellement déployé.


Les visites d’inspections effectuées par le CPCO au Mali comme sur tous les autres théâtres d’opération permettent au commandement de toujours mieux appréhender les réalités opérationnelles sur zone.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:35
Afghanistan : le GAAO en renfort à Douchanbé
28/05/2013 Sources : EMA

Depuis le 21 mai 2013, le groupement aérien d’appui aux opérations (GAAO) renforce le détachement air (DETAIR) dans le cadre du désengagement du matériel du groupement de transport opérationnel (GTO).

Afghanistan : le GAAO en renfort à Douchanbé

Depuis le 15 avril dernier, le GTO de Douchanbe, au Tadjikistan, a entamé son désengagement. Jusqu’à cette date, et depuis décembre 2001, il a assuré des missions d’aéroportage et d’appui au profit des soldats français et des forces de la coalition  dans le cadre des opérations en Afghanistan. Après plus de 10 ans de présence sur l’aéroport de la capitale tadjike, sept astroarches (hangars à avions) doivent être démontées.

Afghanistan : le GAAO en renfort à Douchanbé

Le GAAO, implanté sur la base aérienne 106 de Bordeaux, a été déployé afin de réaliser ce démontage. Les militaires qui composent ce groupement sont des spécialistes du bâtiment et de l’infrastructure opérationnelle. Les travaux ont nécessité l’installation d’un échafaudage leur permettant d’accéder au plus niveau de l’arche, à 6 mètres de hauteur. Le démontage de chaque structure nécessite 3 jours de travail.


Parallèlement au désengagement réalisé par le DETAIR, et conformément aux accords de coopération qui lient la France et le Tadjikistan, une soixantaine de sapeurs du 25e régiment du génie de l’air (25e RGA) poursuivent la rénovation des pistes de l’aéroport de Douchanbe. Les militaires français et le matériel du GTO seront désengagés progressivement d’ici l’été 2013.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:35
US To Buy 20 Fighter Planes For Afghan Air Force: Isaf

28 May 2013 by Abdul Wali Arian - tolonews.com


The United Sates has committed that it will buy 20 fighter jets for the Afghan Air Force, the International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) Spokesman, Brigadier General Gunter Katz told TOLOnews on Tuesday.


The Isaf spokesman said that all Isaf member countries including the US are trying hard to equip and empower the Afghan Air Force.


The Afghan Government is also putting extra effort to own an equipped and powerful air and land forces in order to provide security for the country. The Afghan forces are currently facing lot of challenges and shortfalls.


"We know that the Afghan people are concerned about the equipment for the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). And yes indeed, we already provided lot of equipments for the ANSF. But we have to acknowledge that there are still some shortfalls and we always said that individual nations sit together, discuss with representatives from the Government and the army how to overcome those shortfalls. And one example of those negotiations is the recent announcement of the US Air Force that declared that they are willing to buy 20 fighter air planes for the Afghan Air force," Isaf Spokesman, Brigadier General Gunter Katz told TOLOnews.


It is said that the Afghan security forces are facing lot of challenges even in the transportation section and it will take some more time, when the Afghan Air Force will independently lead air operations.


But, the Afghan Ministry of Defence (MoD) believes that some of the challenges will be dealt with when the Afghan forces receive these fighter planes.


"The US has committed that 20 fighter planes will be given in the current year (2013). The fighter planes will be used for two operations: bombardment missions and discovery missions," MoD Spokesman, General Zahir Azimi told TOLOnews.


The shortfalls and inabilities of the Afghan security forces have cost them heavily. Because of the shortfalls it hasn't been able to carry out air operations independently. The MoD also accepted the shortfalls.


"Isaf in coordination with us is carrying out several operations within Afghanistan and we hope to become competent soon," General Zahir Azimi told TOLOnews.


MoD expects that Afghan military forces will be equipped with fighter planes, transport planes and drones within few years.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:35
L'Australie veut blinder ses "multi role combat brigades"

28.05.2013 par P. Chapleau - Lignes de Défense


Le Livre blanc australien sur la Défense de 2013 (voir mon post du 3 mai) a conforté le "plan Beersheba" dont l'objectif est de restructurer l'armée de terre en l'articulant, en particulier, autour de trois brigades de combat multirôles.


Effectifs: près de 3 700 hommes par brigade.


Objectif: disposer d'unités lourdes et autonomes, capables de déploiements prolongés.


Ces brigades: la 1e à Darwin (actuellement mécanisée), la 3e à Townsville (actuellement une brigade légère) et la 7e à Brisbane (actuellement une brigade motorisée), vont être refondues et disposeront toutes d'élements blindées, d'infanterie (deux bataillons), d'artillerie, d'unités des transmissions et du génie, et de leur propre soutien logistique. En gros des "GTIA" permanents, s'entraînant jusqu'au niveau brigade et capables d'une projection autonome.


Elles pourront être soutenues par la 6e Brigade (soutien, renseignement, reconnaissance), par la 16e brigade aéromobile et la 17e brigade logistique. Elles pourront aussi être renforcés par des éléments des six brigades de réserve de la 2e division.


Chacune des brigades multirôles disposera d'un "Armoured Cavalry Regiment", un régiment blindé avec des chars Abrams et des Busmaster, l'infanterie disposant de LAV et de M113 qui sont appelés à être remplacés par un véhicule blindé de transport de troupes tel que décidé dans le projet Land 400.


En juillet/août prochains, lors de l'exercice Hamel 2013, une manoeuvre au niveau brigade va permettre une première expérimentation. 

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:30
photo Marine Nationale P. GHIGOU

photo Marine Nationale P. GHIGOU

23 mai 2013 Par BPC Tonnerre


Du 15 au 20 mai 2013, Ta’Awoun, exercice amphibie bilatéral organisé par la France et les Emirats Arabes Unis (EAU), s’est déroulé au large d’Abu Dhabi. Ta’Awoun a été conduit conjointement, par les forces armées émiriennes et par le groupe amphibie français déployé pour la mission Jeanne d’Arc 2013, composé du bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) Tonnerre et de la frégate anti-sous-marine (FASM) Georges Leygues.


La manœuvre conjointe comportait plusieurs phases : une manœuvre amphibie, un exercice de défense aérienne, un exercice d’évolution tactique, un exercice de lutte anti-surface et l’entraînement d’un hélicoptère émirien sur le pont d’envol du BPC Tonnerre. Le vice-amiral Marin Gillier, commandant la zone maritime de l’océan Indien (ALINDIEN) arborait sa marque à bord du BPC Tonnerre puisqu’il avait conjointement embarqué avec son état-major.

Pour mener à bien cet exercice, les forces émiriennes ont engagé deux Mirage 2000, un patrouilleur, un hélicoptère UH-60 Blackhawk. Dix marines ont également embarqué à bord du BPC Tonnerre.


Côté français : la FASM Georges Leygues et le BPC Tonnerre, qui accueille un détachement de la flottille amphibie avec un engin de débarquement amphibie rapide (EDAR) et deux chalands de transport de matériels (CTM), un détachement de l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre (ALAT) avec un Puma et deux Gazelle, et un détachement marine de la 22S avec une Alouette III. Dix véhicules et quatre-vingt-quinze soldats de la 13ème demi-brigade de Légion étrangère (DBLE), ainsi que deux Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont complété le dispositif.

La réussite de cet exercice témoigne du niveau de coopération militaire franco-émirien et de l’aptitude des deux pays à mener ensemble des opérations amphibies combinées. De plus, il éprouve la capacité de coopération interarmées à bord d’un BPC.


Dès la fin de l’exercice Ta’Awoun, le groupe amphibie français a quitté les eaux des EAU, pour poursuivre sa mission, support à l’entraînement et à la formation des officiers-élèves actuellement en stage d’application à la mer dans le cadre de la mission Jeanne d’Arc 2013.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:30
Liban : la FCR appui la formation des militaires libanais.

28/05/2013 Sources : EMA


Du 29 avril au 24 mai 2013, près de 300 soldats français et libanais ont participé à 4 semaines d’entraînement tactique et technique dans différents domaines comme le combat en localité, le tir et le secourisme de combat.


A tour de rôle pendant ces 4 semaines, les soldats français de l’escadron d’éclairage et d’investigation et la compagnie d’infanterie de la FCR se sont succédés auprès des sections libanaises de la 5e et de la 9e brigade pour une semaine d’entrainement intensif. Sur le camp de Deyr Kifa, les groupes mixtes se sont perfectionnés dans  plusieurs savoir-faire de combat : la mise en œuvre d’un check point, les premiers gestes de secourisme au combat, l’entrainements au tir et au combat en zone urbaine.


Sur le pas de tir d’Ebel el Saqi, à l’est de Marajyoun, les soldats français et libanais se sont entrainés au contrôle de foule, à la lutte contre les Engins Explosifs Improvisés (IED), aux Techniques d’Intervention Opérationnelle Rapprochée (TIOR) et au tir au FAMAS et M16.

Liban : la FCR appui la formation des militaires libanais.

Un exercice de synthèse organisé à Deyr Kifa a permis de restituer les savoir-faire acquis. C’est sur une mission de reconnaissance en zone urbaine que les groupes mixtes franco-libanais ont été évalués. Ces derniers ont montré leur savoir-faire dans la résolution de plusieurs incidents : prise à partie, blessure par balle, découverte d’un IED (engin explosif improvisé), confrontation à un rassemblement humain.

Liban : la FCR appui la formation des militaires libanais.

Au terme de chaque semaine, une cérémonie est venue clôturer la formation conjointe, permettant aux soldats libanais de repartir avec un diplôme attestant de leur perfectionnement.


« Je suis très satisfait de cette semaine passée aux côtés des soldats libanais » précise le Lieutenant chef de peloton. « En effet, tant au niveau tactique qu’humain, cet entraînement nous a permis de mieux appréhender nos modes de fonctionnement respectifs. C’est par une meilleure connaissance mutuelle que se gagne la confiance entre soldats… »


Dans le cadre de la résolution 1701, la Force Commander Reserve (FCR) participe à la montée en puissance des Forces Armées Libanaises (FAL), au cours d’exercices, de patrouilles et d’entraînements communs réguliers.

Liban : la FCR appui la formation des militaires libanais.
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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:30
Yemen accused of using anti-personnel mines

May 27, 2013 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Geneva - Yemen was accused before the UN on Monday of using anti-personnel mines near its capital, even though it has signed a convention that bans all such weapons, as campaigners demanded an immediate investigation.


Members of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, meeting at the UN in Geneva this week, demanded explanations following charges from Human Rights Watch (HRW) and others that Yemen's Republican Guards laid banned anti-personnel mines near Sanaa in 2011.


The head of Yemen's national mine action committee, Ali Mohammed al-Kadri, vowed to "thoroughly investigate" the new allegations and "if need be prosecute and punish those responsible for their use."


The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), of which HRW is a member, said it was "deeply disturbed" by the reports, which identified the use of several types of mines that had caused civilian casualties, including children.


If confirmed, it stressed, this would be a serious violation of Yemen's obligations under the Mine Ban Treaty.


According to the organisation, 162 people, including 110 children, were believed to have been killed in Yemen in the first half of 2012 alone by mines or explosive remnants of war.


Yemen was among the first countries to sign the treaty in 1997, agreeing never to use anti-personnel mines under any circumstances.


"It is unconscionable that a state which has signed on to ban these indiscriminate weapons could allow use by government forces," ICBL chief Kasia Derlicka said in a statement.


Yemen said in 2002 it had destroyed all its landmine stockpiles and it had been expected to finish clearing all mines from its territory by 2015.


"The new findings suggest that the previous declaration of stockpile destruction was incorrect or that Yemeni forces have since acquired a new supply of anti-personnel mines, in breach of the Mine Ban Treaty," ICBL said.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:30
Interactions franco-omanaises pour le Tonnerre à Mascate
28/05/2013 Marine Nationale

Dans le cadre de la troisième phase de son déploiement en mission Jeanne d’Arc, le bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) Tonnerre a fait une relâche opérationnelle au sultanat d’Oman du 22 au 25 mai 2013.


Cette escale à Mascate a été le cadre de nombreuses rencontres entre les autorités politiques et militaires omanaises et les marins du BPC Tonnerre. Le vice-amiral Gillier, commandant de la zone maritime de l’océan Indien, le contre-amiral Hello, commandant l’École navale et le groupe des écoles du Poulmic et le capitaine de vaisseau Quérat, commandant le BPC Tonnerre et le groupe amphibie Jeanne d’Arc ont rencontré Son Excellence Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de France auprès du sultanat d’Oman Yves Oudin, ainsi que son premier conseiller Othman El Kachtoul et l’attaché défense, le colonel Lelièvre.


Les cadets embarqués dans le cadre de leur stage d’application à la mer ont visité la base et l’académie navale de Mascate, faisant ainsi la connaissance du capitaine de frégate Nasser al Baloushi, chef de la cellule relations extérieures de la base navale. Ils ont aussi eu l’opportunité de visiter le musée des forces royales à Bait al Falaj.


Enfin, l’équipage du BPC Tonnerre a su inscrire son activité diplomatique et culturelle dans le cadre de la journée du marin instaurée cette année par le chef d’état-major de la marine. Une visite du bord pour 150 enfants et adolescents a permis de mettre à l’honneur les valeurs et les activités du marin. Valeurs également véhiculées par l’association Marine Partage, qui a livré 1 palette de 470 kg de fret humanitaire et culturel (livres, manuels etc) à l’école française de Mascate via l’action de l’association AMOPA (Association des membres de l’ordre des Palmes Académiques).


Cette escale riche en interactions a œuvré en faveur du rayonnement du BPC Tonnerre qui a débuté le 12 mai la troisième phase de son déploiement. S’éloignant des côtes omanaises, le bâtiment se dirige actuellement vers Goa, en Inde, où il retrouvera son escorte, la FASM Georges Leygues.

Interactions franco-omanaises pour le Tonnerre à Mascate
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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:25
Brazilian KC-137 crashes on take-off in Haiti, none injured

May. 28, 2013 By Stephen Trimble - FG


Washington DC - A Brazilian air force KC-137 crashed on 26 May with no injuries to the 141 people aboard while attempting to take-off from the Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port au Prince, Haiti.


The Brazilian air force released a statement saying only that a "technical problem" caused the KC-137 to exit the runway around 15:30 Brasilia local time.


The aircraft was loaded with 131 Brazilian troops who were returning to Brazil after a six-month deployment in support of the United Nations stabilisation mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).


The UN force said in a news release that the runway overrun caused the aircraft's landing gear to collapse. Other news reports in Brazil quoted local airport officials saying that one of the converted Boeing 707's four engines exploded moments after take-off, and the gear collapsed after the flight crew cut power and fuel to land the heavily-loaded aircraft on the runway.


The airport was shut down to commercial aircraft for several hours before the KC-137 was removed from the tarmac.


Brazilian air force officials have launched an investigation of the crash.


Brazil's two KC-137 tanker transports were built as airliners in the 1960s, but entered service with the Brazilian air force in 1986. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) was selected two months ago by the air force to convert two Boeing 767-300ER airliners into aerial refuelling transports to replace the KC-137s.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:20
MQ-9_Reaper_taxis Afghanistan photo Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson US Air Force

MQ-9_Reaper_taxis Afghanistan photo Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson US Air Force

May. 28, 2013 - By JOHN T. BENNETT – Defense News


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama last week delivered a muscular defense of his use of armed drone aircraft to eliminate al-Qaida leaders, and moved to ensure his controversial targeted-killing program is here to stay.


While Obama indicated he would order future strikes only when other options are unavailable, he also codified the drone program, which his administration once refused to acknowledge, into America’s counterterrorism canon.


“We act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people, and when there are no other governments capable of effectively addressing the threat,” Obama said at Washington’s National Defense University. “And before any strike is taken, there must be near-certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured, the highest standard we can set.”


Bowing — partially — to critics who charge his drone program is too secretive, Obama shed new light on when his administration would deploy a remotely piloted aircraft to kill an al-Qaida member.


“America does not take strikes when we have the ability to capture individual terrorists; our preference is always to detain, interrogate and prosecute them,” the president said. “America cannot take strikes wherever we choose; our actions are bound by consultations with partners, and respect for state sovereignty.”


The new counterterrorism policy will guarantee the drone strike program will be waiting for his successor in January 2017.


Christopher Preble, a senior analyst at the nonpartisan Cato Institute, said armed drone aircraft “absolutely” are here to stay.


“The current technology in this area is fairly immature still,” Preble said. “There is a lot of upside, it seems to me, for technological improvements to UAVs.”


Obama’s first major counterterrorism speech of his second term specified three reasons the 44th president will keep ordering drone strikes on al-Qaida targets:

Obama Formally Adds Armed Drones to Counterterrorism Arsenal

Obama's Preferred Tool


The numbers offer strong justification. Data compiled by the New America Foundation shows drone strikes spiked in Pakistan between 2009 and 2010, jumping from 54 to 122. The 2009 figure jumped from 36 in 2008, the last year of the administration of President George W. Bush. Obama ordered 73 strikes in 2011 and 48 in 2012.


In Yemen, New America found 13 US-orchestrated strikes in 2011, then about 45 in 2012. There have been around a half-dozen this year.


The sharp decline in 2013 is because “there are fewer targets to hit,” Preble said, adding that’s a result of the 2010-2012 strikes.


Obama’s words show that drones will remain his preferred tool when others won’t work.


“Where foreign governments cannot or will not effectively stop terrorism in their territory, the primary alternative to targeted, lethal action is the use of conventional military options,” Obama said last week.


Obama also, perhaps for the first time, clearly stated his preference for the capabilities of drones over other systems.


“Conventional airpower or missiles are far less precise than drones and likely to cause more civilian casualties and local outrage,” he said.


Little Political Pressure


Several Republican senators who often criticize Obama’s foreign policy addressed reporters after Obama’s speech and critical they were — about his comments on the Guantanamo Bay terrorist prison and his Middle East policy.


But drones were an afterthought. And when they did come up, the GOP senators mostly echoed the Democratic commander in chief.


“There were parts of this speech I could have given,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.


Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., mentioned drones, but only to urge Obama to rethink any intention to make the program more transparent.


Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., focused mostly on Guantanamo Bay and Syria and said he supports reported plans to shift the program from the CIA to the military.


Statements from Democratic lawmakers also showed Capitol Hill is focused on another fight over Guantanamo, not ending the drone program.


Drones Are Effective


“Our actions are effective,” Obama said. “Don’t take my word for it. In the intelligence gathered at [Osama] bin Laden’s compound, we found that he wrote, ‘We could lose the reserves to the enemy’s air strikes.’ ”


The New America Foundation concludes nearly 1,930 al-Qaida operatives have been killed in Pakistan by US drone strikes under Obama. In Yemen, the number could approach 750, New America estimates.


The president hinted those targeted killings are superior to massive Iraq- or Afghanistan-style ground operations.


“Invasions of [foreign] territories lead us to be viewed as occupying armies; unleash a torrent of unintended consequences; are difficult to contain; and ultimately empower those who thrive on violent conflict,” he said.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:55
Calot rouge, 500 soldats en mode tactique à Sarrebourg
28/05/2013 Armée de Terre

500 soldats du 1er régiment d’infanterie (1er RI) se sont entraînés dans Sarrebourg, leur ville de garnison, au cours d’un exercice tactique d’ampleur du 21 au 23 mai 2013.


Cet exercice est nommé « Calot Rouge » en hommage à l’action du général Frère qui, dans la Somme en 1916, est monté à l’assaut en tête de son unité, coiffé d’un calot rouge.

Dans le cadre de la préparation opérationnelle des fantassins du 1er RI, il avait pour but de parfaire les savoir-faire techniques et tactiques, du niveau groupe et section. Pendant ces 3 jours, plusieurs unités ont apporté leur soutien aux Picards :

  • le 1er régiment d’hélicoptères de combat (1er RHC) de Phalsbourg,
  • le 1er régiment d’artillerie de marine (1er RAMa) de Châlons-en Champagne,
  • le 3e régiment du génie (3e RG) de Charleville-Mézières,
  • le 16e bataillon de chasseurs (BC) de Bitche.


Déjà mise en pratique en 2005 et 2008, la manœuvre a également permis aux militaires de montrer à la population leurs savoir-faire et leurs capacités.


Durant la phase jouée le 23 mai dans la ville même, l’exercice a également permis aux habitants de venir à la rencontre de leurs forces armées lors d’une démonstration statique de matériels et véhicules sur la place des Cordeliers.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 source Flight Global

Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 source Flight Global

May. 28, 2013 By Bartosz Glowacki – FG


Warsaw - Lockheed Martin UK has unveiled some details of an offer submitted for the Polish air force's advanced jet trainer (AJT) system competition tender for the Polish air force.


The company on 23 May said its offer of the Korea Aerospace Industries/Lockheed T-50 "would provide significant operational synergies with the current Polish air force [Lockheed] F-16 fleet". According to John Neilson, Lockheed Martin UK's director of communications for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, "the aircraft which will be included in the proposal for Poland would be built outside Poland. This is to be expected for the number now required to meet Poland's need".


"When selecting the best training platform to accompany our bid, fleet commonality and the ability to meet Poland's evolving pilot training requirements for the next 20 to 30 years were key considerations," says Tim James, who is part of the Lockheed Martin UK team in Poland.


If the bid is successful, it is believed maintenance of Polish air force T-50s would be performed at the WZL-2 Military Aviation Works in Bydgoszcz. Lockheed already has a strong relationship with the organisation through the F-16 programme, and recently opened a new paint stripping facility at the site. However, Neilson notes: "We may also be in discussion with other partners too."


Another element of the Lockheed proposal would be to establish a state-of-the-art training centre at the Polish air force academy in Deblin. This would be based on the Ascent Flight Training facility at RAF Valley in the UK, which is operated by a Lockheed Martin UK and Babcock International joint venture.


Warsaw should select a winner for its eight-aircraft requirement before the end of 2013. Other candidates are the Aero Vodochody L-159T1, Alenia Aermacchi M-346 and BAE Systems Hawk AJT.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
BAE, Polish Defense Holding Team on Vehicle Competition

May. 28, 2013 - By ANDREW CHUTER – Defense News


LONDON — BAE Systems has struck a teaming deal with state-owned Polish Defense Holding to compete for the Central European country’s upcoming tracked fighting vehicle program.


The companies are expected to formally join forces Wednesday, when the deal is to be officially signed to offer a family of 25-ton-plus tracked fighting vehicles to meet the Polish military’s Universal Tracked Platform requirement.


With an eventual requirement for more than 600 vehicles, the competition for heavy tracked machines is set to be Europe’s biggest upcoming export competition in the sector.


Poland is one of the few European nations still increasing defense spending. It has a number of significant capability improvements in its defense spending plans, including implementation of a national armor program that encompasses the heavy requirement being addressed by BAE and Polish Defense Holding and a light armored vehicle requirement.


No mention is made of the platform to be offered by the new team but it almost certainly will draw on BAE’s CV-90 vehicle technology, particularly the chassis.


Technology from the unsuccessful Anders armored vehicle program previously developed by Polish Defense Holding will also likely find its way onto the machine.


Polish Defense Holding was formerly known as the Bumar Group.


With the first production vehicle required for delivery to the Polish Army in 2018, the winning contender likely will be largely an off-the-shelf solution.


Requirements for the multibillion zloty program are expected to be released by the Polish Defense Ministry later this year. The program is scheduled for completion by 2022.


“Polish Defense Holding’s experience as an in-country prime contractor will be instrumental in developing solutions for this new family of armored fighting vehicles that will meet the military’s requirements and facilitate production in Poland,” said Erwin Bieber, president of BAE’s Land & Armaments sector.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:35
IAF’s Israeli drones of not much use in Naxal-hit Chhattisgarh

May 28, 2013 idrw.org (IBN7)


The deadly Naxal attack on the Congress leaders in Jagdalpur could have been prevented had the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) not been lying idle in faraway Hyderabad. According to intelligence sources, since every drone takes off from Hyderabad, they can’t spend sufficient number of hours hovering over the Naxal-affected regions in Chhattisgarh to gather intelligence. The Indian Air Force (IAF) never agreed to operate these UAVs from Jagdalpur, considering the region unfit for the stay its officials, the sources said.


The 12 Heron drones, bought from Israel in 2009, have failed to scan the Darbha forests or Sukma region as they never fly over these interior regions, the intelligence sources said. This is the reason why more than 500 Maoists gathered in these forests without being noticed by anyone. After the massacre, the killers were able to easily flee, putting a big question mark on the utility of such high-tech devices.


These drones are operated from the Begumpet airbase near Hyderabad. After flying for almost three hours to reach the Naxal-affected regions in the state, these machines are forced to return as they run out of fuel and have already reached their maximum range.


The IAF was requested to fly these drones to Jagdalpur last year from a DRDO’s air strip near it. But the IAF, citing lifestyle reasons of its officers, did not agree to do so. Meanwhile, the IAF had assured of shifting the Hyderabad UAV base to Bhilai and operate it from the airstipr of Bhilai Steel Plant but even after one year, the drones are being operated from Hyderabad.


The modus operandi of the intelligence agencies has also raised eyebrows, the sources said. The IAF sends the information gathered by the drones to National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) for analysis. Shockingly, NTRO does not have access to the intelligence reports. Thus, due to lack of coordination, the whole intelligence analysis work goes in vain, sources said.


The ability of the Israeli drones is under question as the electro-optical thermal radar censors mounted atop Heron-1 drones cannot penetrate the thick jungle cover and are unable to differentiate between Naxals and local villagers. However, the DRDO is taking the help of a Swedish firm to make these Israeli drones more accurate.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:55
Second Airbus Military A400M for French Air Force runs engines

Second Airbus Military A400M for French Air Force runs engines (c) Airbus Military


Madrid,  24 May 2013 EADS group


The second production Airbus Military A400M has successfully completed its first engine runs as it begins final preparation for its maiden flight later this month. The aircraft, known as MSN8, is now undergoing taxying trials outside the A400M Final Assembly Line in Seville, Spain.


Airbus Military expects to complete four A400M aircraft in 2013 and will deliver MSN8 to the French Air Force in the third quarter of the year.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:45
Africa, Mid-East Defense Market Seen Growing

May 28, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Frost & Sullivan; issued May 28, 2013)


Continued Modernisation of Forces Fortifies Growth of Defence Market in the Middle East and Africa


LONDON --- Modernisation programmes and the procurement of advanced platforms have lent momentum to the defence market in Africa and the Middle East. This is particularly true for the Gulf states of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are looking to develop their military capabilities in the light of civil unrest and international instability.


New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, “The Middle East and Africa Defence Market Assessment,” finds that the market earned revenues of $29.67 billion in 2012 and estimates this to reach $45.49 billion in 2021.


“Political resolve to maintain up-to-date systems drive opportunities in support services and upgrades, especially in long range strike capabilities and air platforms,” said Frost & Sullivan Aerospace and Defence Research Analyst Yasha Izadpanah. “Highest growth is expected in the command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) and support in service segments, with compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of 4.5 per cent and 6.7 per cent respectively between 2012 and 2021.”


While the successful acquisition of these contracts may depend on the ratification of offset agreements, defence companies are finding it difficult to fully implement offset conditions, curbing market growth in the Middle East and Africa.


The market is further restrained by arms regulations in Western countries, which limit the licensing of military technology to the regions. This restriction compels procurement agencies to seek contracts in countries such as Russia or China that employ less stringent controls. The lack of transparency adds to the challenge.


Therefore, relationships between potential suppliers and senior members of government are often necessary to compete in these markets. Collaboration with domestic companies to create sophisticated local solutions that plug into high-end capabilities too is crucial.


“Defence suppliers must also establish a presence in smaller countries where procurement opportunities for modest budgets are available,” proposed Izadpanah. “Return-on-investments may be limited in the short term, but demand in countries like Morocco, Kuwait and South Africa is likely to increase rapidly in the long term.”

Africa, Mid-East Defense Market Seen Growing
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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:40
Russie-Otan: exercices conjoints en mer Noire cet automne (officiel)


MOSCOU, 28 mai - RIA Novosti


La Russie et l'Otan mèneront cet automne des exercices conjoints dans la mer Noire, a annoncé mardi à RIA Novosti le représentant permanent de la Russie auprès de l'Otan Alexandre Grouchko lors d'une conférence de presse vidéo.


"Quant aux exercices les plus importants sous l'égide du Conseil Russie-Otan, ils sont prévus pour l'automne, ils doivent se dérouler dans la mer Noire dans le cadre de l'Initiative sur l'espace aérien en coopération", a indiqué le responsable.

Russie-Otan: exercices conjoints en mer Noire cet automne (officiel)

Il a précisé que les exercices seraient consacrés à la lutte contre une menace terroriste aérienne.

Selon le diplomate russe, la Turquie, la Pologne et la Norvège prendront notamment part aux exercices.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:35


28 May 2013 naval-technology.com


The Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy has received approval from the country's joint chiefs of staff to procure maritime patrol aircraft, to boost surveillance capabilities.


An unnamed military source told Yonhap News Agency that the navy is considering purchasing a total of 20 maritime patrol aircraft to strengthen its surveillance capabilities against North Korea near the guarded western sea.


The aircraft will complement the ageing squadron of 16 Lockheed Martin-built P-3C anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft.


The state arms procurement agency Defense Acquisition Program Administration is currently working on the plan, which is likely to cost approximately $889m.


Potential bidders for the acquisition programme include Airbus Military's C295 multirole maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), Boeing's P-8 Poseidon aircraft, and Lockheed Martin's SC-130J Sea Hercules.


Meanwhile, the South Korean Navy has placed orders with L-3 Mission Integration and Korean Air team to upgrade its eight P-3C Orion aircraft to Lot 2 standards by 2016, according to Flightglobal.


Upgrades to the P-3C aircraft include installation of multipurpose radar to enable detection of fixed and moving targets, high-definition electro-optical/infrared cameras, digital acoustic analysis equipment and a magnetic anomaly detector, according to Defense News.


L-3 Mission Integration surveillance systems senior director Brent Billingslea said that the aircraft would be equipped with mission system to enhance capabilities, while being completely compatible and interoperable with existing P-3 fleet for the navy.


Under the contract, L-3 will be responsible for the design and development of upgrades, while Korean Air will integrate the equipment on to the aircraft.


Armed with Harpoon Block II air-to-ground missiles, the P-3C aircraft is equipped with four Allison T56-A-14 turboprop engines, as well as tactical information system interoperable with the KF-16 fighter jet.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
AGNI-V LAUNCH (5)-794585 Photo DPR Defence DRDO

AGNI-V LAUNCH (5)-794585 Photo DPR Defence DRDO

HYDERABAD, May 28, 2013 Y. Mallikarjun - thehindu.com


Weapon system to be fitted with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles


The configuration of Agni-V, India’s long-range nuclear weapons capable ballistic missile, is set to be changed to make the 5,000-km weapon system deadlier and capable of attacking multiple targets.


The modification is to enable fitting Agni-V with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs), V.K. Saraswat, Director-General of the Defence Research and Development Organisation and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, told The Hindu . Another test in the present configuration of the three-stage missile would be conducted later this year.


Besides imparting canister-launch capability, Agni-V would be equipped with MIRVs. “Work on that is going on and it is at design stage.”


The resounding success of the maiden flight test of Agni-V in April 2012 catapulted India into a select league of nations having the technological prowess to develop Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, he said.


The Agni series will form the bulwark of land version of India’s nuclear deterrence triad.


Meanwhile, the reactor on board the indigenously-built nuclear powered submarine, INS Arihant, is expected to go critical in a few weeks. The powering of the system should happen in a week or two, Dr. Saraswat said.


(Once that happens, the 80-MWt (thermal) reactor would be in a position to deliver power to the platform and sea trials of Arihant would begin subsequently when the submarine is expected to move at the designed speed, go to the diving depth, attain maximum speed and perform all safety and emergency operations).


New interceptor missile


Referring to the home-grown Ballistic Missile Defence programme, he said the next interceptor missile test to be conducted at a higher altitude of 100-150 km in July would be the most important one. “We have developed a new interceptor missile for it.”


Another crucial DRDO missile test this year would be a “repeat launch” of ‘Nirbhay’. During the maiden trial of the subsonic cruise missile, the flight had to be terminated midway after it strayed from its trajectory. Dr. Saraswat attributed the problem to a manufacturing defect in the navigation sensor. Flight tests of air-to-air Astra and anti-tank Nag missiles would be also conducted.

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