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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
U.S. Navy Moves Ahead With Small Tactical UAVs

May 25, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


From Naval Air Systems Command in the U.S.:


The Department of the Navy announced May 15 that the RQ-21A Small Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (STUAS) received Milestone C approval authorizing the start of low rate initial production.


With MS C approval, the RQ-21A program, managed by the Navy and Marine Corps STUAS program office (PMA-263) here at NAS Patuxent River, enters the production and deployment phase of the acquisition timeline, according to the PMA-263 Program Manager Col. Jim Rector.


“This milestone allows us to provide our warfighter with a unique capability – an organic UAS capable of operations from both land and sea,” said Rector.  “The RQ-21A will provide persistent maritime and land-based tactical Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition data collection and dissemination capabilities.”


The Navy awarded Insitu, Inc., an Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract for STUAS in July 2010.  Since then, the government/industry team has executed land-based developmental tests (DT), operational tests at China Lake, Calif. in December 2012 and conducted the first sea-based DT from USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19) in February.


Concurrently, Marines are flying an Early Operational Capability (EOC) system at Twenty Nine Palms, Calif. for pre-deployment preparation. Lessons learned from EOC will be applied to operational missions in theater.


The aircraft is based on Insitu’s Scan Eagle UAS, which has flown more than 245,000 hours in support of Navy and Marine Corps forward deployed forces via a services contract. The RQ-21A system has a 25 pound payload capacity, ground control system, catapult launcher and unique recovery system, known as Skyhook, allowing the aircraft to recover without a runway.


The RQ-21A includes Day/Night Full Motion Video (FMV) cameras, infrared marker and laser range finder, and Automatic Identification System (AIS) receivers.  The ability to rapidly integrate payloads allows warfighters to quickly insert the most advanced and relevant payload for their land/maritime missions and counter-warfare actions.


“The expeditionary nature of the RQ-21A makes it possible to deploy a multi-intelligence capable UAS with minimal footprint, ideal for amphibious operations such as a Marine Expeditionary Unit conducts,” Rector said. “The RQ-21A can be operated aboard ship, and then rapidly transported ashore as either a complete system or just a “spoke”, or control center, making this system ideally suited for humanitarian or combat operations, where getting real-time intelligence to the on-scene commander is crucial.”


The DoN plans to purchase a total of 36 STUAS systems, each with five aircraft.  Initial Operational Capability is scheduled for second quarter fiscal year 2014.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 12:00
photo MinDef

photo MinDef

27.05.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Le ministre de la Défense pourrait annoncer, cette semaine, sa décision d'externaliser la fonction habillement au sein des Armées. Deux Comités exécutifs ont lieu cette semaine (mardi à 8h et jeudi à 8h30). Jean-Yves Le Drian m'avait précisé il y a quelques jours qu'il pourrait prendre sa décision "à la fin du mois de mai".

Cette décision porte sur l'éventuelle externalisation de la fonction habillement ou son maintien en régie. Il s'agit de gérer la fourniture, le stockage et la distribution des effets militaires individuels. Point d'achoppement: le coût, comme me l'a précisé Jean-Yves Le Drian.


Griffe Défense. On se souviendra qu'au terme de l'appel d'offre, c'est le groupement d'entreprises mené par Ineo Support Global qui avait été retenu, au détriment des trois autres groupements (le groupement mené par Veolia, avec Armor Lux, celui constitué autour de Daher et le dernier mené par Logistik Unicorp qui assure une fonction identique pour le Mindef canadien). Griffe défense rassemble Ineo Support Global, La Calaisiennne, Eminence, Saint-James, TDV...

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:50
Dutch air force radar - photo defensie.nl

Dutch air force radar - photo defensie.nl

HARLOW, England, May 24 (UPI)


Four additional radar sites of the Netherland's air force are being upgraded by Raytheon in Britain.


The upgrade will include improved technology such as WiMax interference filtering for discerning true from false targets caused by the blades of wind turbines at wind farms.


The award, the value of which wasn't disclosed follows Raytheon's successful implementation of the first Wind Farm Mitigation upgrade at Dutch air force's Woensdrecht Air Base.


"This program represents the culmination of nearly three years of research and development effort to upgrade the complete air traffic control radar system with technology to mitigate the adverse effects on radar performance caused by wind turbines," said Richard Daniel, managing director of Raytheon UK's Defense and Air Traffic Management business.


"We are delighted with the progress made so far, and look forward to working with the Royal Netherlands Air Force across their remaining sites."


Raytheon said the work should be completed within 12-15 months.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:50
Typhoon aircraft photo UK MOD 2012

Typhoon aircraft photo UK MOD 2012

WIMBORNE, England, May 24 (UPI)


Britain's Ministry of Defense has extended Cobham PLC's contract for providing essential operational readiness training for the Royal Air Force and Navy.


The extension is for a five-year base period of performance and is worth about $248.5 million. Cobham, however, said the anticipated value if worth were to carry through to 2019 would be about $301.2 million.


"We have successfully adapted our operational readiness training to meet the needs of the Armed Forces through to the end of 2019, using the extensive technology and know-how we have developed since the service was first introduced in the mid-1980s," said Cobham Chief Executive Officer Bob Murphy.


"We look forward to further developing this highly effective partnership with the MoD."


The operational readiness training services are provided to personnel operating Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft and Type 45 destroyers.


Cobham said most of the training for fighter personnel is conducted in Britain. Its services will also support overseas detachments.

UK Royal Navy's first Type 45-class destroyer HMS Daring

UK Royal Navy's first Type 45-class destroyer HMS Daring

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:50
IED: quand la formation à la lutte contre les engins explosifs est externalisée

25.05.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Depuis 2003 en particulier et le début des opérations en Irak, le déploiement de sociétés privés spécialisées dans le déminage et la dépollution est chose courante.

Il n'y a pas que des ONG (DDG, Apopo, Halo Trust, MAG, Handicap International...) à intervenir dans ce domaine où le travail ne manque pas, où les fonds ne manquent pas trop non plus et à haute valeur en terme d'image pour des entreprises à but lucratif (le fameux "déminage humanitaire").

La formation à la lutte contre les IED n'échappe pas à cette tendance. Ainsi au Royaume-Uni, le MoD loue les services de la société Optima depuis trois ans; Optima forme les soldats en partance pour l'Afghanistan où le nombre d'IED découverts a augmenté de 5% entre le 1er juin 2011 et le 31 mai 2012.

Optima travaille en étroite collaboration avec l'EOD & Search Training School et les producteurs d'équipements spécialisés. Les cours sont dispensés au Royaume-Uni et à Camp Bastion, dans le sud de l'Afghanistan.

Optima ne constitue pas une exception. Parmi les autres fournisseurs de formation à lutte contre les IED, citons:
- Dynamic Strategies International,
- Allen-Vanguard,
- Westminster International,
- Tactical Electronics,
- A-T Solutions,
- Stratom etc...

Certaines de sociétés travaillent en Afrique, formant par exemple les Casques verts de l'Amisom avant leur déploiement en Somalie.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:45
photo EUTM Mali

photo EUTM Mali

26 mai 2013 EUTM Mali


Le mardi 21 mai 2013, le Secrétaire d’Etat pour la Défense du Royaume Uni, monsieur Philip Hammond, accompagné par le général Patrick Sanders, est venu à Koulikoro afin que lui soit présenter la mission EUTM Mali et pour rencontrer les formateurs britanniques.


Après avoir été accueilli par un piquet d’honneur des élèves officiers maliens, en dernière année de formation, et par le chef des écoles maliennes, il a eu un entretien avec le général Lecointre. Le général a ainsi pu présenter la mission d’entraînement de l’Union Européenne et échanger avec monsieur Hammond sur des sujets d’intérêt commun.


Le secrétaire d’état a ensuite répondu aux questions des journalistes qui l’accompagnaient dans ce voyage. Le major Simon Holden,chef du détachement UK, lui a alors présenté trois ateliers afin d’illustrer les savoir-faire enseigner par le détachement britannique : l’infanterie et l’artillerie (avec des mortiers).


Après une dernière photo collective, le Secrétaire d’Etat pour la Défense a remercié le général Lecointre et le colonel Paczka pour leur accueil et la qualité du travail accompli, puis il est retourné à Bamako.

Echanges clairs entre généraux  - photo EUTM Mali

Echanges clairs entre généraux - photo EUTM Mali

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
L-3 Mission Integration, Korean Air to upgrade navy P-3C Orions

27 May 2013 By Greg Waldron – FG


Singapore - L-3 Mission Integration has entered a contract with Korean Air to upgrade eight Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion aircraft operated by the South Korean navy.


The contract will see the US company and flag carrier Korean Air, which operates a major MRO operation, upgrade the eight Lot 1 aircraft to match the navy's eight Lot 2 P-3Cs.


"The mission system that we're putting on these aircraft will be completely compatible and interoperable with South Korea's existing P-3 fleet and will add significant capability," says Brent Billingslea, senior director of surveillance systems at L-3 Mission Integration.


Under the deal, L-3 Mission Integration will design and develop the upgrades, which will be furnished to Korean Air for installation in South Korea.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
CN295 will make visits to  Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia

CN295 will make visits to Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia


24 May 2013 Defense Studies

Airbus Military and PTDI promoting transport aircraft in the ASEAN region.

A CN295 military transport aircraft of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense will be making a tour around six ASEAN countries to promote the capabilities and efficiency of the transport aircraft that PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and Airbus Military are producing jointly. The aircraft will make visits to Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Malaysia between 22nd and 31st of May.

The C295, denominated CN295 in the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, is a medium-sized multirole airlifter for both civic and military use. The tour, organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, PTDI and Airbus Military, and led by Vice Minister Sjafrie Sjamsuddien, will showcase the benefits of the aircraft which is optimally suited for the wide range of humanitarian and defence tasks that ASEAN Governments need to cover. These missions include military transport, emergency response and medical evacuation, search and rescue, maritime patrol, or even more complex missions such as anti-submarine warfare or electronic surveillance missions.

The visits will also allow explanations on the specific capabilities of the CN235 and the NC212i, an upgraded version of the C212 launched in November 2012 between PTDI and Airbus Military with new avionics and autopilot systems as well as an increased passenger seating, increasing its cost efficiency significantly.

The Indonesia Air Force currently has  two CN295s in operation out of the nine units ordered from PTDI. By 2015, all of the nine units will be in service in Indonesia, with deliveries to the Indonesian Ministry of Defense taking place from the delivery centre and a final assembly line that Airbus Military and PTDI are setting up in Bandung, Indonesia, as a direct result of PTDI’s and Airbus Military’s Strategic Partnership signed in 2011.

In total, over 120 C295s have been ordered world-wide from Airbus Military and currently almost 100 are in operation with countries such as Algeria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Ghana, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Meanwhile, the CN235 and NC212, with sales of over 270 and 470 respectively, are operating successfully in over 30 countries in the world. The operators of CN295, CN235 and NC212 are extremely satisfied with the reliability, capability, and robustness of the aircraft, which are extremely easy to operate even in hostile and difficult environments. As a result, the aircraft currently have the clear leadership in this segment.



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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
The US Marine Corps in the Pivot to the Pacific



May 24, 2013 By Robbin F. Laird - thediplomat.com


The centerpiece of the U.S. Pivot to the Pacific, the Marines are moving forward.


Recently, Secretary Hagel underscored the centrality of the US-Japanese security treaty and the need to reinforce Japanese defense against the twin challenges from North Korea and China.  In so doing, he became the first Secretary of Defense to move the USMC’s Osprey onto the strategic chessboard.

As Hagel underscored at his press conference with the Japanese Minister of Defense:

Earlier this month, the United States and Japan jointly announced a base consolidation plan on Okinawa. Its implementation, in concert with moving ahead on the Futenma Replacement Facility (FRF) will ensure that we maintain the right mix of capabilities on Okinawa, Guam and elsewhere in the region, as we reduce our footprint on Okinawa and strengthen this alliance for the future. 

In addition, we confirmed the deployment of a second squadron of MV-22 Ospreys to Japan, which will take place this summer and increase our capabilities in the region.

Hagel is re-enforcing the importance of the Ospreys at a key time in the roll out of the capability by the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) in the Pacific. The Ospreys are being deployed first to the USMC First Air Wing on Okinawa and then with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, the only permanently forward deployed Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) in the Corps.

The USMC is really at the center of the pivot to the Pacific. The USMC is not only redeploying in the region but enhancing its role as a rotational force as well. As Col. John Merna, the Commanding Officer of the 31st MEU put it in a recent interview with Second Line of Defense (SLD):

In one sense, the Marines are going back to the force levels we had in the region prior to 9/11.  So it is simply a restoration rather than a build up or buildout.

But the way the force is being configured is very different. We are emphasizing building out a rotational force, notably in Australia, but elsewhere as well.

The USMC is itself “pivoting” in the Pivot to the Pacific.  USMC forces in Okinawa are moving partly to Guam and the Marines are shaping a new working relationship with the Australians in Western Australia.  In fact, they are the lead force in re-shaping the U.S. presence in the Pacific over the next few years.

The Marine Corps in the Pacific faces a myriad of challenges.  They have been directed through International Agreements, spanning two different U.S. administrations, to execute force-positioning moves.  This is political, but it’s not partisan.

The U.S. Secretary of Defense has mandated that at least 22,000 Marines in PACOM remain west of the international dateline in the distributed Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Laydown and he, Congress, and the American people are not interested in a non-functional concept for a USMC force.

Beyond what is directed, the Marines need to maintain a ready-force in the face of existing training area encroachments, plus they require training areas near the new force laydown locations.

Within the distributed laydown, the Marines must retain the ability to rapidly respond to crises across the range of contingencies, from major combat operations in Northeast Asia to low-end humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) wherever it occurs. 

Each location for the Marines is in transition as well.

From Okinawa and Iwakuni, the Marines can locally train in Japan, Korea and the Philippines, as well as respond with “Fight Tonight” capabilities if necessary.

From Guam, the Marines can train locally in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to the north, the Federated States of Micronesia to the south, and Palau and the Philippines to the west. 

Guam and CNMI provide the Marines something they do not have anywhere else in the Pacific:  A location on U.S. soil where they can train unilaterally or with partner nations.

In late 2011, President Obama visited Australia and launched with the Australians a new training relationship between the Aussie forces and the USMC. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and President Obama highlighted the coming of the USMC to a training facility in the Northern territories. The visit provided a strategic opening for Darwin and the Northern Territories in the 21st century approach of Australia and its allies to develop realistic training opportunities and thus establish war-deterring con-ops.

Darwin’s strategic location could make it a hub of Pacific operations for Australia and for its core allies to visit.

For the Marines, Darwin Australia allows them the opportunity to gain access to the large nearby training areas for portions of the year where they can conduct high-end, combined arms, live fire-and–maneuver training with a high-end ally.  By prepositioning appropriate equipment in Australia, the Marines could avoid the costly repetitive expense of moving equipment into and out of Australia while complying with Australia’s biosecurity measures

And if another training facility located outside of Australia could be co-located with mobility assets, the Marines could move people more easily to train with Southeast Asian partners. In fact, such an exercise is planned between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Australians this summer.

In the interview with Col. Merna, he described the forthcoming exercise, which will involve Ospreys as well. 

They will be part of our training with the Australians when we participate in Talisman Saber this summer.  We will be training with them as well at Bradshaw Field, which is a training area, and part of the rotational involvement of the Marines with the Australians.  The training will contribute to the Australian effort to get ready to use their own forthcoming amphibious capability as well.

(Note: The Australians are building two of their own 27,000 amphibious ships and are working towards their coming deployments.)

In other words, several moves are in play for the USMC in the Pacific. The Marines are moving forces from Okinawa to Guam, building rotational forces to operate with the Australians in Australia, consolidating remaining forces in Okinawa, and moving some Marine forces forward from Hawaii into the Western Pacific.

 The overall objective of the USMC-USN team in the Pacific is “persistent presence.”  As Lt. General Terry Robling, the highest ranking Marine in the Pacific (MARFORPAC) put it in an interview with Second Line of Defense:

The United States has been a significant presence in the region throughout the post-war period.  And that presence has been significant glue in the region facilitating both security and economic growth.  Our allies and partners certainly recognize this and are a looking at new ways to work with us to get that persistent presence.

A key driver of demand is from partner nations, as well as the more obvious allies.  South Korea, Japan, Australia and Thailand are certainly core allies, but we have growing demand from and opportunities with Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Malaysia and Indonesia for expanded working relationships.

The “tyranny of geography” is a core challenge for any effort to have such “persistent presence.  Lt. General Robling underscored that:

Distance means that I need to have assets forward deployed and operational. This means for the USMC, an ability to train with partners and allies in the strategic quadrangle of Hawaii, Japan and Guam.

This means an ability to have enough capable amphibious ships forward deployed to operate with those partners and allies. Sea-basing is a key element of providing persistent presence. And amphibious ships are [a] real part of a whole sea-basing capability and engagement capability….

Many of our partners in the region do not want us to be the Uncle that visited and never returned home.  They want us engaged and present but not permanently based in their countries. 

In short, the Marines are a centerpiece element in the U.S. approach to a Pivot to the Pacific.  The USMC itself is moving within the Pacific and enhancing its rotational requirements as well.  The goal is “persistent presence” but this is challenged by the limitations on resources as well.

A key path for the USMC is the transformation of its forces as it engages in the Pacific Pivot. As Col. Merna put it:

Because we are building out a rotational force, the new capabilities we are adding are crucial to success.   Rotational forces require greater capability for reach and speed, key aspects of the Osprey-F-35B combination coming to the Pacific.

Dr. Robbin F. Laird is a military and security analyst, the co-founder of Second Line of Defense, and a Member of the Editorial Board of Contributors, AOL Defense.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

May 25, 2013: Strategy Page


South Korea has ordered another 40 of the locally made FA-50 fighter-bombers for $25.5 million each. Two years ago the South Korean Air Force ordered the first twenty (for $30 million each), and the first of these is to arrive in three months with the last of that first order arriving within three years.


The FA-50 will be equipped with South Korean, American, and Israeli electronics. The single engine, single seat aircraft is intended to eventually replace South Korea's aging fleet of 150 F-5 fighters. But first, the initial FA-50s will have to show what they can do in active service. That process will begin later this year.


The FA-50 is the combat version of the South Korean designed and manufactured T-50 jet trainer. This aircraft was developed over the last decade, at a cost of over two billion dollars. The first test flight of the T-50 took place in 2002. The 18 ton aircraft is actually a light fighter and can fly at supersonic speeds. The T-50 is an “advanced trainer” meant to prepare trainee pilots with the skills needed to handle jet fighters. With some added equipment (radars and fire control), the T-50 becomes the FA-50, a combat aircraft. This version carries a 20mm auto-cannon and up to 4.5 tons of smart bombs and missiles. The T-50 can stay in the air about four hours per sortie and has a service life of 8,000 hours in the air.


At $20 million each, the T-50 is one of the more competitive jet trainers on the market. About 100-150 trainers are bought each year by the world's air forces. But it is a tough market, and so far the only export customer for the T-50 has been 16 sold to Indonesia. Nearly a hundred T-50 type aircraft have been produced or are on order. In addition to the FA-50 variant, there is a light bomber variant (the TA-50) that costs $25 million each.

TA-50 breaking formation photo KAI

TA-50 breaking formation photo KAI

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
Northrop adds Australian suppliers

CANBERRA, Australia, May 24 (UPI)


Three Australian companies have joined Northrop Grumman's global supply chain network, gaining $7.4 million in contracts.


The U.S. company said the companies selected under the Australian Defense and Materiel Organization's Global Supply Chain Program are Electro Optic Systems, CEA Technologies and Insitec.


Those companies, with expertise in aerospace hardware and software, will supply a variety of products and services for Northrop programs.


"Northrop Grumman's commitment to Australia is underscored by genuine and direct investment in the Australian economy," said David Perry, vice president and chief global business development officer, Northrop Grumman.


"EOS, CEA Technologies and Insitec represent Australia's vibrant defense industry and are key additions to our Australian industry team.


"Each of these relationships strengthens our ability to deliver products and services critical to maintaining the national security of the United States, Australia and our allies.


"We look forward to further expanding our global supply chain and to future investment in Australia's defense, aerospace and space sector," he said.


Northrop Grumman and the Australian Department of Defense in 2011 agreed to cooperate to identify opportunities in which Australian industry could work with the company.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
Time Running Out for Taiwan if Russia Releases S-400 SAM



May. 25, 2013 By WENDELL MINNICK – Defense News


TAIPEI — Taiwan faces tough choices over future defense decisions as China’s air defense network continues to grow beyond its shores.


At present, China’s land-based mobile air defense missile systems, HQ-9 and S-300, can reach only a small sliver of northwestern Taiwan. Though a clear advantage during a war over control of the middle line of the Taiwan Strait, it is not complete air dominance of the island itself.


However, with the planned purchase of the 400-kilometer-range Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, China will for the first time have complete air defense coverage of Taiwan.


Ongoing negotiations with the Chinese on S-400 were confirmed by Russian officials last year, said Vasily Kashin, a researcher with Moscow’s Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.


“This may be one reason that Taiwan is no longer pushing hard for fourth-generation F-16 replacements,” said Ian Easton, China military specialist at the Project 2049 Institute. Taiwan knows that by 2023, it will need F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. If the US refuses to sell them to Taiwan, as it did with the F-16C/Ds, Taiwan’s “only other option is to engage in a sharp ramp-up of cruise missile production and deploy ballistic missiles as well.”


Taiwan does have other options that include improving its electronic warfare capabilities, he said. “Also, it’s important to remember that Taiwan’s territory extends right up to the Chinese coast. Taiwan has missile, rocket and other weapons systems capable of engaging SAM networks from the Dongyin, Matzu and Kinmen island groups right off the coast of Fujian province.”


Taiwan’s military could use these islands as staging grounds for the insertion of special operations forces, Easton said. These forces include the 101 Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion (“Army Frogmen”), Airborne Special Service Company and Special Forces Command, which consists of the 862 and 871 Airborne Groups. The Taiwan Marine Corps has the Amphibious Reconnaissance Patrol.


“As such, if the Chinese move the S-400s too close to the coast, they are going to be in peril,” he said.


“Militarily, the deployment of S-300 PMU2 at the opposite side of the strait already puts considerable stress on Taiwan fighter pilots, and now with introduction of the more modernized S-400 SAM, which sooner or later would follow the S-300 PMU2 pattern of deployment in Fujian province,” will make the situation even worse for Taiwan fighter pilots, said York Chen, a former member of Taiwan’s National Security Council.


“When S-400s work together with Chinese land- and sea-based fighters, the Chinese will have more confidence in sustaining airspace dominance over the Taiwan theater, thus depriving any organized resistance by the Taiwan Air Force and deterring the American intervention,” Chen said. It is time the US seriously rethinks Taiwan’s export request for the AGM-88 high-speed anti-radiation missile for its F-16s, he said.


A sale of the S-400 could go forward in 2017 at the earliest, but so far, there has been no news on any results, or about a memorandum of understanding signing, Kashin said. It is also unclear how many systems the Chinese want to buy.


“The key issue is that S-400 producer Almaz-Antey is overloaded with orders from the Russian military and some foreign customers,” Kashin said. “In the past, Russian officials have said that the SAMs’ delivery can take place only after Almaz-Antey fulfills the main contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense, sometime after 2017. Even if there is fast progress in negotiations, and the Russians agree to revise the 2017 deadline, the delivery will take some time because of production capacity shortages at Almaz-Antey.”


The S-400 has implications not just for Taiwan, but also for India, Japan and the US.


Recognizing that future wars will be missile-centric, China’s potential acquisition of S-400 SAMs would represent an important move because these systems allow for ballistic-missile defense capabilities that it lacks, Easton said. “For this reason, it could lead to an arms race with India, which relies upon ballistic missiles to deter China.”


The S-400 also will cover the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, which China also claims as the Diaoyu Islands.


For the US, the implications are less serious, Easton said. “We designed F-22s and F-35s with these types of air defense challengers in mind.”


Nonetheless, air superiority is eroding in the western Pacific due to a lack of hardened air bases on Okinawa, he said. “When you combine soft US air bases with hard Chinese air defense systems, the picture doesn’t look good.”


More broadly, assuming trends continue, the future air defense environment is going to be highly conducive to drone warfare, Easton said, noting the recent test flight of the X-47B unmanned combat aerial system concept demonstrator May 14 off the US aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush.


“Why send manned aircraft into threat environments so high that even elite pilots refer to their missions as one-way trips? And why spend the extra money and reduce endurance and payloads when you can pilot aerial vehicles remotely or allow them to run semi-autonomously for far greater effect?” Easton said.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
Séoul refuse une apparente offre de dialogue de Pyongyang sur le nucléaire

27 mai 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


SEOUL - La Corée du Sud a rejeté lundi une apparente offre de dialogue de la Corée du Nord sur le désarmement nucléaire transmise la semaine dernière à Pékin.


Le ministre sud-coréen des Affaires étrangères Yun Byung-Se a minimisé la portée d'une lettre remise vendredi par un envoyé du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-Un au président chinois Xi Jinping.


Notre position est qu'il n'y a pas de dialogue pour le simple fait de dialoguer, a-t-il dit lors d'un point-presse.


Le plus important désormais est que la Corée du Nord démontre sa sincérité à la communauté internationale en tenant ses engagements de dénucléarisation passés, a-t-il insisté.


Selon les médias officiels chinois, Kim Jong-Un exprime dans la lettre remise au président Jinping sa volonté de reprendre les discussions à Six (les deux Corées, Etats-Unis, Russie, Japon et Chine) sur le programme nucléaire nord-coréen.


Mais la Corée du Sud y voit un effort pour apaiser Pékin, irrité de n'être plus entendu comme il le souhaiterait par Pyongyang, plutôt qu'un signe sincère de modération.


La Corée du Nord, rappelle Séoul, considère que le développement de sa force de dissuasion nucléaire n'est pas négociable ou, à tout le moins, qu'elle pourrait envisager une négociation mais sans préalable.


Washington et Séoul exigent au contraire un geste de bonne volonté de Pyongyang avant toute reprise des pourparlers.


Les médias officiels nord-coréens couvrant la visite en Chine de Choe Ryong-Hae, directeur du politburo de l'Armée populaire du Corée, n'ont fait aucun état d'une proposition de dialogue par Pyongyang.


La télévision nationale chinoise CCTV a de son côté rapporté que Choe avait dit à ses interlocuteurs chinois l'ambition de la Corée du Nord de créer un environnement international pacifique pour pouvoir concentrer son énergie sur l'amélioration de son économie et des conditions de vie de la population.


La Chine est le principal allié de la Corée du Nord, mais les relations bilatérales se sont récemment tendues, Pékin ayant voté à l'ONU le renforcement des sanctions contre Pyongyang à la suite de ses tirs de satellite - des missiles balistiques déguisés, selon les Occidentaux - et d'un nouvel essai de bombe atomique en février.


Selon certains observateurs, Choe pourrait être chargé de préparer un sommet entre Kim Jong-Un et son homologue chinois Xi Jinping, qui doit rencontrer le président américain Barack Obama les 7 et 8 juin en Californie.


Pour le ministère sud-coréen de l'Unification, si le Nord désire sincèrement renouer le dialogue, il doit répondre à nos demandes répétées de discussions (...) sur le complexe industriel de Kaesong.


Depuis le 3 avril, le Nord interdit aux Sud-Coréens l'accès à ce complexe commun situé à l'intérieur de ses frontières, pourtant source essentielle de devises pour le régime.


Le 8 avril, il en a retiré ses 53.000 employés à un moment où les tensions étaient très vives sur la péninsule et où Pyongyang multipliait les menaces d'attaques nucléaires contre la Corée du Sud et son allié clé, les Etats-Unis.


Le site est né dans le sillage de la diplomatie du rayon de soleil, menée par la Corée du Sud de 1998 à 2008 aux fins d'encourager les contacts entre les deux frères ennemis qui restent techniquement en guerre puisque la Guerre de Corée (1950-53) s'est terminée par un armistice et non par un traité de paix.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:30
With Tank Deals, Turkey Focuses on Arms Exports

May. 25, 2013 - By BURAK EGE BEKDIL – Defense News


ANKARA — Two Turkish companies are in separate talks with Saudi Arabia and Indonesia to co-produce and sell scores of new-generation battle tanks, officials and industry sources here said.


The deals would signal Turkey’s ability to produce vehicles for export after years of being an arms importer. At the same time, a deal with the Saudis would politically cement ties with Turkey against the Iranian-led Shia bloc of countries, sources said.


They said Turkish armored vehicles maker Otokar could sell hundreds of its third-generation tank, the Altay. Meanwhile, rival manufacturer FNSS Defence Systems is close to inking a deal to co-produce medium tanks with an Indonesian partner.


Otokar designed and is producing prototypes of the Altay in a deal to sell four 250-unit batches to the Turkish military. The Turkish Army has 720 German-made Leopard 1 and 2 tanks, 930 American M-60s and 1,370 M-48s, most of which are Cold War-era tanks and need replacement.


One company source confirmed talks with Saudi Arabia but gave no further details. One senior procurement official familiar with Turkish arms exports said Turkey hoped to cut a future deal with Saudi Arabia for the Altay.


“The Altay is not available for immediate sale but is potentially a powerful export product when you think of a medium-term deal. Saudis are good customers with available cash, good political ties and their need for new tanks. We are hopeful about a future deal [for the Altay],” the official said. He added that other countries were interested in buying the Altay but declined to name them.

With Tank Deals, Turkey Focuses on Arms Exports

Saudi Arabia has 320 elderly French AMX-30 tanks in need of replacement. Saudi Arabia and Turkey, along with Qatar, are spearheading efforts to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The three Muslim countries, with support from the United States and most Western countries, support rebel forces fighting Assad’s Army in a civil war that has taken nearly 100,000 lives in two years.


“Adding a defense industry dimension to their ties would augment the Turkish-Saudi alliance against Iran,” said a Western military attaché here.

With Tank Deals, Turkey Focuses on Arms Exports

But Turkey could face competition. France has proposed replacing Saudi Arabia’s AMX-30s with the AMX-56 Leclerc. The Otokar official said the 65-ton Altay better meets the Saudi requirement than does the 55-ton Leclerc.


“Also, we have almost excellent government-to-government relations with the Saudis,” the official said.


Industry sources said the Altay is similar to Saudi Arabia’s 400 M1 tanks. Both have a 120mm gun, composite armor and high-end electronics.


In 2008, Otokar signed a US $500 million contract with Turkey’s procurement office. Under the deal, Otokar will build four Altay prototypes this year, two years ahead of schedule. The four prototypes will undergo performance tests throughout 2013.


The procurement office selected South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem for technical support. Turkey’s Aselsan is the subcontractor for the fire control system and command, control and communications information system. Also, state-owned MKEK was selected as the subcontractor for the 120mm primary weapon, while Roketsan will provide the armor.


Procurement officials say the serial-production agreement for the Altay would be effective probably in 2017, and together with the expected foreign orders.

FNSS Kaplan

FNSS Kaplan



In a separate deal, Turkey and Indonesia agreed during the Turkish arms exhibition IDEF’13 this month to jointly develop medium tanks


Under the deal, Ankara-based, privately owned armored vehicles maker FNSS Defence Systems will work with Indonesia’s state-owned arms maker, PT Pindad.


“Indonesia has chosen Turkey and FNSS because of our internationally acknowledged experience and advanced technology in this field,” one FNSS official said.


He said the co-production project will come into shape in four years. “We are now working to officially submit proposals to jointly design, develop and manufacture the medium tank,” he said.


FNSS has developed technology in a tracked propulsion system while Pindad has technology in wheeled propulsion systems. “Indonesia hopes to learn tracked as well as other technological capabilities with this cooperation,” the procurement official said.


FNSS produces wheeled and tracked armored combat and amphibious assault vehicles, personnel carriers and weapons systems.


The company announced May 21 that it launched its new tracked armored anti-tank reconnaissance vehicle, the Kaplan (Tiger in Turkish).

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
Boeing ready to build first KC-46 tanker

24 May 2013 By Dave Majumdar– FG


Washington DC - Boeing will start building the first KC-46 tanker for the US Air Force during June 2013, a company official says.


"Starting in one month, we will begin final assembly of the wing structure," says Jake Howitt, Boeing's deputy KC-46 programme manager. "On 26 June we load the first tanker parts into the wing final assembly jig up at Everett [Washington]."


The start of final assembly is proceeding ahead of the 767-based aircraft's critical design review, which will finalise its engineering blueprints.


The debut flight of the full KC-46 should occur in the first quarter of 2015, Howitt says. But the 767-2C airframe, which the tanker is based on, is likely to be flown in the middle of 2014, before being modified for the air force. Boeing is hoping for a so-called milestone C production decision by the third quarter of 2015, he adds.


The first operational KC-46 is expected to be delivered in 2016, with Boeing's contract with the USAF requiring that 18 aircraft are operational by 2017. Full-rate production, which should be around 15 per year, will start around the same time, with an eventual total of 179 to be produced for the USAF.


Boeing is already talking to international customers about the KC-46, Howitt says. There is a lot of interest in the development and, over 10 years, international sales of between 25 and 50 airframes could be generated, he says.


Boeing should have the capacity to start building airframes for international customers in 2018.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
source US Navy

source US Navy



May 27, 2013 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics Corporation


On Thursday, May 23, General Dynamics Bath Iron Works celebrated the keel laying of Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001), the second ship in the planned three-ship Zumwalt class of guided-missile destroyers.


The ship is named for Petty Officer Second Class Michael Monsoor, a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in Ramadi, Iraq, in 2006. Monsoor was on a joint SEAL-Iraqi Army team operating from a rooftop when an insurgent threw a grenade at them. Monsoor jumped on the grenade, covering it and saving three fellow SEALS and eight Iraqi Army soldiers. Monsoor posthumously received the Medal of Honor from President George W. Bush on April 8, 2008. He was also awarded the Bronze Star and the Silver Star for his service in Iraq.


Michael Monsoor’s parents, Sally and George Monsoor, authenticated the keel at Bath Iron Works on May 23. Sally Monsoor is the ship’s sponsor. A special steel plate containing the initials of Sally and George Monsoor was prepared for the ceremony. The two authenticated the laying of the keel by striking welding arcs onto the steel plate, assisted by David Brown, a 35-year Bath Iron Works welder.


“Thank you from the Monsoor family for your hospitality and your spirit here at the shipyard,” said Sally Monsoor. “I can't wait to come back here with my children and grandchildren.”


The keel unit is the 4,400-ton, heavily outfitted mid-forebody section of the ship, which was moved from the shipyard’s Ultra Hall construction facility earlier in the month onto the building ways.


Brent West, DDG 1000 program manager for Bath Iron Works, hosted the ceremony and welcomed the audience of several hundred Bath Iron Works employees, Navy personnel and representatives of other major subcontractors in the program.


“This is a special day, as it marks a milestone in the construction of a ship, a tradition that goes back to the earliest days of shipbuilding – an event that’s been done for hundreds of years in this region, and for more than 120 years here at Bath Iron Works,” said West. “Over the next two years, we will continue to build the Michael Monsoor with knowledge and expertise honed over the decades. We look forward to future visits with Mr. and Mrs. Monsoor, as we progress toward delivering a ship that is worthy of the name of Michael Monsoor.”


CAPT James Downey, the Navy’s DDG 1000 Class program manager, spoke about Petty Officer Monsoor’s sacrifice and encouraged those present to “build this ship for Mike.”


The DDG-1000 Zumwalt-class destroyer is the U.S. Navy’s next-generation, guided-missile naval destroyer, leading the way for a new generation of advanced multi-mission surface combat ships. The ships will feature a low radar profile, an integrated power system and a total ship computing environment infrastructure. Armed with an array of weapons, the Zumwalt-class destroyers will provide offensive, distributed and precision fires in support of forces ashore. Bath Iron Works is the lead designer and builder for the program which employs approximately 5,300 people.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 10:55
The Rafale (photo S. Fort)

The Rafale (photo S. Fort)

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:56
François Hollande favorable à des alliances industrielles européennes

24 mai 2013 Par Hassan Meddah - Usinenouvelle.com


ANALYSE  Le président de la République veut faire évoluer les participations de l’Etat dans les groupes de défense français et favoriser des regroupements à l’échelle européenne.


A l’occasion de son discours à l’Institut des hautes études de Défense nationale, François Hollande chef des armées, a tenu à rassurer la communauté militaro-industrielle sans cacher toutefois sa volonté d’impulser de grands changements. D’une part, le chef de l’état s’est dit en effet bien décidé à "préserver notre industrie de Défense". Pour cela, le pays maintiendra le niveau du budget de la Défense à 31,4 milliards d’euros en 2014 comme en 2012 et 2013 et également celui de l’effort en recherche et développement. Il a également affirmé qu’"aucun grand programme (Rafale, hélicoptère d’attaque Tigre et de transport NH90, sous-marins Barracuda et système Félin d’équipement du fantassin, ndlr) ne serait arrêté". Les industriels craignent toutefois une réduction du volume des commandes ou leur étalement dans le temps.


"Des champions européens"


D’autre part, le chef de l’Etat n’a pas caché son objectif de restructurer en profondeur le tissu industriel français. "Les participations de l’Etat doivent évoluer. Des alliances industrielles doivent être conclues à l’échelle européenne. (…) C’est un enjeu de compétitivité. (…) Il faut être capable sur les principaux domaines de l’industrie de défense d’avoir des champions européens. C’est déterminant", a-t-il insisté sans préciser de calendrier. A la fois actionnaire stratégique (direct ou indirect) et premier client des groupes de Défense (Dassault Aviation, DCNS, EADS, MBDA, Nexter, Safran, Thales…), l’Etat veut désormais enclencher une restructuration industrielle d’ampleur. L’exécution de cet objectif ne sera pas simple toutefois. En avril dernier, la Cour des comptes avait critiqué son action en tant qu’actionnaire des principaux groupes de défense hexagonaux. En 2010, dans un souci de rationalisation, l’Etat avait alors été incapable d’imposer un rapprochement majeur entre Thales et Safran, deux entreprises pourtant sous son contrôle. Les alliances européennes qui nécessiteront l’accord des autres Etats s’annoncent encore plus complexes à mettre en œuvre.


"Chacun veut prendre la place principale"


L’échec retentissant de la fusion entre EADS et le britannique BAE, en octobre 2012, qui aurait donné naissance au premier groupe mondial de défense et d’aéronautique, a été dû en partie au véto de la chancelière Angela Merkel qui craignait des restructurations trop brutales en Allemagne. François Hollande est bien conscient des écueils qui l’attendent, déjà dans le domaine de la coopération au niveau des Etats eux même : "Chacun veut prendre la place principale, ce qui rend difficile la solution". Toutefois, il tient à ouvrir une nouvelle étape de l’Europe de la Défense. Le contexte économique de récession pourrait être son premier atout : contraints d’optimiser leur budget de Défense, les pays européens risquent le décrochage par rapport aux autres puissances étrangères. Ainsi les dépenses militaires de la région Asie-Pacifique viennent de dépasser celles du vieux continent.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:55
Démonstrateur de combat nEUROn – photo Dassault Aviation

Démonstrateur de combat nEUROn – photo Dassault Aviation

24 mai 2013 Par Elodie Vallerey - Usinenouvelle.com


Lors d'un discours à l'Institut des Hautes études de la Défense nationale (IHEDN) consacré au Livre blanc de la Défense le 24 mai, le président de la République a appelé de ses voeux des coopérations européennes dans les domaines du transport aérien, des satellites d'observation, du ravitaillement ou encore des drones.


"La France veut ouvrir une nouvelle étape de l'Europe de la défense". Devant les hauts-fonctionnaires et officier de l'IHEDN, le 24 mai, François Hollande a disséqué les grandes lignes du Livre blanc de la défense publié le 29 avril dernier.


Déjà alliée au Royaume-Uni avec la construction d'une "force d'intervention conjointe", la France souhaite étendre ses partenariats, notamment avec "l'Allemagne, y compris pour des interventions militaires extérieures", a expliqué le chef des Armées.


"(...) l'Europe de la défense, ça doit être l'Europe toute entière", a défendu François Hollande, invitant à poursuivre les partenariats avec "la Belgique, l'Italie ou l'Espagne et associer les nouveaux membres de l'Union européenne à cette démarche (...), la Pologne et les pays du groupe de Visegrad - Hongrie, Pologne, République tchèque, Slovaquie" pour commencer.


Défendre les positions de la France lors du conseil européen de décembre


"La maîtrise des finances publiques partout en Europe exige et invite à mutualiser les capacités, à prendre davantage d'initiatives et à nous appuyer sur les matériels fabriqués en coopération", a plaidé le Président.


L'objectif pour la France : défendre ces positions lors du conseil européen consacré à la défense de décembre 2013. Les coopérations souhaitées par Hollande portent sur le "transport aérien, les satellites d'observation, le ravitaillement, les drones", a-t-il détaillé.


Le Président a également confirmé la suppression de 24 000 postes dans les armées d'ici à 2019, déjà évoquées dans le Livre blanc. Il a rappelé la priorité accordée à la cyberdéfense, en annonçant qu'une "branche nouvelle" de réservistes de l'armée serait spécialement affectée à ce domaine.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:40
OTSC: Poutine prendra part au sommet informel sur l'Afghanistan

SOTCHI, 27 mai - RIA Novosti


Le président russe partira ce soir pour Bichkek (Kirghizstan) afin de participer à un sommet informel de l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) consacré à l'Afghanistan suite au retrait la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (ISAF) en 2014, a annoncé lundi le conseiller du président Iouri Ouchakov.

"Le président Poutine partira pour Bichkek afin de prendre part au sommet informel des Etats-membres de l'OTSC. Les parties devraient essentiellement évoquer les menaces émanant de l'Afghanistan après le retrait, en 2014, des troupes de l'ISAF", a indiqué le conseiller.

Selon lui, les problèmes liés à la protection de la frontière entre le Tadjikistan et l'Afghanistan ainsi que la lutte contre le trafic de drogue afghane, l'immigration clandestine et l'extrémisme seront passés en revue lors de ce sommet.

"Il s'agit d'un sommet informel qui prévoit un échange de vues apaisé. Aucun document ne sera signé", a précisé le conseiller du chef de l'Etat russe, rappelant que le sommet officiel de l'OTSC se déroulerait traditionnellement à Moscou fin 2013.

L'OTSC, qualifiée par certains analystes d'"Otan russe", regroupe à ce jour l'Arménie, la Biélorussie, le Kazakhstan, le Kirghizstan, la Russie, et le Tadjikistan.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:35
Photo of the day: Zubr LCAC arrived at Guanghou

Saturday, May 25, 2013 by Coatepeque - China Defense Blog

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:35
Missile container consist of eight SSM (all photos : Philippine Embassy for USA)

Missile container consist of eight SSM (all photos : Philippine Embassy for USA)


25 May 2013 Defense Studies

The BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PF-16), the country’s second Hamilton-class cutter due to arrive this August, is a far more potent weapon platform than her sister ship, the BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PF-15), a Department of National Defense (DND) official who asked not to be named bared yesterday.

“Her weapons system is heavier and sophisticated than those of the BRP Gregorio del Pilar,” he said.


However, the DND officer declined to specify these weapon systems and stressed that such items cannot be divulged due to matters of national security.

He made this announcement when asked if there is truth to reports that a Harpoon anti-ship missile system was installed as part of BRP Ramon Alcaraz’s armament fit.

At present, the Filipino warship is believed to be carrying a 76mm Oto Melara automatic cannon, two 25 Bushmaster guns and assorted machine guns.


In contrast, the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, which arrived in the country in December 2011, is only armed with the 76mm Oto Melara automatic cannon, making it prudent to install additional 20mm automatic cannons as her secondary weapons.

BRP Ramon Alcaraz is presently carrying out sea trials off the waters of South Carolina in the United States.

She is expected to depart for the Philippines by first week of June.


The ship is “fully mission capable” on her arrival.

Maritime observers said this development speaks well of the PN efforts to modernize and boost its power projection capabilities.

“With the arrival of our Hamilton-class cutters, which are being converted to frigates, the PN has started its first step in developing its blue-water capability or the ability to detect or engage intruders in the high seas,” they said.


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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
La Jordanie exprime sa volonté de se doter de missiles US Patriot (médias)

DUBAI, 26 mai - RIA Novosti


La Jordanie voudrait déployer des batteries de missiles US antiaériens Patriot le long de sa frontière avec la Syrie afin de protéger son espace aérien, a déclaré dimanche le ministre jordanien de l'Information Mohammad al-Momani, cité par les médias arabes.

"Nous souhaiterions nous équiper de ce système de défense afin de renforcer notre capacité défensive et de protéger l'espace aérien du pays", a indiqué le ministre.
Selon lui, la Jordanie est en négociations aves des "pays amis" concernant ce problème.

La Jordanie est un allié très proche des Etats-Unis dans la région. Auparavant, le Pentagone a annoncé avoir dirigé dans ce pays près de 200 instructeurs militaires afin de former leurs collègues jordaniens suite à la crise en Syrie voisine.

La frontière qui sépare la Jordanie de la Syrie est longue de 370 kilomètres. Près de 500.000 réfugiés syriens ont trouvé refuge en Jordanie.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
 Guardium - (IDF photo)

Guardium - (IDF photo)

23/5/2013 IsraelDefense


The Israeli Ministry of Defense presents robotic systems in the field of unmanned land vehicles for the first time, some already operational and in IDF service, and some currently undergoing various tests


The Israeli Ministry of Defense's Administration for R&D of weapons and technological infrastructure (MAFAT) has invested considerably in the development of land robotic tools throughout the past decade for the purpose of increasing operational efficiency, expanding the operational capabilities of the IDF Ground Forces and reducing the risk to infantry units. Now, MAFAT has revealed the next generation of unmanned vehicles expected to revolutionize the battlefield for the first time.


The video released shows a G-Nius unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) that has been operational in IDF service for the past four years along the border with the Gaza Strip. The UGV brought a fundamental change in perception with regards to protecting security barriers, and the Israeli defense establishment is expected to expand its use in the following years.


The Guardium (developed with G-Nius) is a prototype for an autonomous UGV for maneuvering missions. Compared to the first generation, which travels along axes that were fed in advance to the system, the Guardium can travel all of the paths marked on a map autonomously, by providing all of the axis systems for a certain area to the vehicle in advance. The operator can point to a specific point on the map, and the vehicle will reach it on its own, while dealing with and bypassing obstacles encountered along the way. The autonomous capability developed on the basis of this vehicle can be implemented in additional platforms. In the future, it will be possible to send autonomous vehicles ahead of any convoy, sent in order to open an axis before any main force.


In addition, the first unmanned APC can be seen in a field test in Israel: an example of the implementation of advanced robotic technologies onboard AFCs for complex operational missions that require navigability. Another is an autonomous robotic tool for engineering missions being developed by Israel Aerospace Industries - an all-terrain vehicle developed to deal with explosive charge arenas. The advanced vehicle integrates autonomous motion capabilities with the autonomous ability to handle explosive charges - exposing charges planted in the ground, digging and bringing them to safe locations.


Watch the clip:

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:20
Amid Big F-35 Deal, P&W Sees Challengesc

May. 26, 2013 - By AARON MEHTA – Defense News


WASHINGTON — Pratt & Whitney has signed a $1 billion contract for the fifth batch of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter engines and expects to sign a sixth contract shortly, according to the company’s head of military engines.


The low-rate initial production (LRIP) contract with the US military includes 35 jet engines — 32 for installation and three spares — as well as sustainment, support and spare parts. The engines will power 22 of the F-35As for the US Air Force, three of the jump-jet F-35Bs for the Marine Corps and seven F-35C carrier variants for the Navy. Through the first four LRIPs, Pratt has delivered 98 engines to the F-35 program.


“We were able to close the LRIP-5 contract for about a 6 percent price reduction relative to LRIP-4, so we continue to get good cost reductions,” Bennett Croswell, president of Pratt’s military engines division, told Defense News last week.


As part of the contract, Pratt has taken on 100 percent risk on cost overruns, a move Croswell described as proof “we have confidence in our ability to hit the cost targets.” He also said that taking on risk may facilitate the signing of LRIP-6, which he hoped would be done “soon.”


During the interview, Croswell highlighted Pratt’s “War on Costs,” a 2009 plan to bring the price of the high-tech F-135 engine down to that of the older F-119 design, despite significant upgrades to thrust and weight.


Since the delivery of the first production representative engine, costs on the F-135 have dropped by 40 percent, Croswell said. Those cost savings are also seen in the contract for LRIP-5, which saw a 6 percent drop in cost from LRIP-4.


Despite two well-publicized engine problems this year, Croswell said he believes the relationship between Pratt and the Pentagon’s F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) is strong.


“I think we have a great relationship with [Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, the head of the JPO], and as long as we continue to deliver, I suspect we will continue to have that relationship.”


In January, the Marine Corps’ F-35B variant was grounded following an engine problem during a test flight. The source of that problem was later identified as an improperly crimped line in the fueldraulic system. Nine days after the jump-jet variants were cleared to resume flights, the entire JSF fleet was grounded when a crack was discovered in one of the blades in the Pratt-designed engine. The following week, Bogdan heavily criticized both Pratt and Lockheed for “trying to squeeze every nickel” out of the program.


“I think the JPO customer is satisfied with how we handled the situation. Gen. Bogdan makes great points. He thinks that contractors should accept more risk on the program. I agree with him,” Croswell said, pointing to Pratt’s internal investment of $60 million of its own money as an example of how the company has taken on some of that risk.


Engine Sales


Despite the movement on F-135 sales, Croswell said the company knows there are challenges on the horizon.


A series of decisions to push F-35 purchases to the right has halved expected F-135 sales since 2009. Combined with the end of production on the F-119 and slowed sales on the F-117 and F-100 engines, the company is facing a production gap Croswell referred to as a “bathtub.”


He expects a total of 75 engine sales in 2015. While that number should increase in later years as F-35 sales grow, it leaves the company in a tricky situation of planning for the future while in a low period.


To help bridge that gap, Croswell said Pratt is looking for ways to use existing engine designs for new platforms.


“A lot of the newer platforms that are being considered for the future, they’re not going to buy a thousand of them,” he said. “So across the board, we need to find ways to deliver good propulsion capability without large development costs. So we are looking at any off-the-shelf engine we have. We’ll look at our whole suite of engine capability and see what meets the future requirements.”


As an example, he pointed to the Navy’s X-47B unmanned aircraft, which runs on an F-100 jet engine, an older model designed for the Air Force’s F-15 and F-16 fighters.

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