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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
La Chine annonce un deuxième porte-avions, plus grand que le premier


25/04/2013 par Jacques N. Godbout - 45eNord


Nouveau pas dans la construction de la puissance navale chinoise, le numéro deux de la Marine populaire de l’Armée de Libération (APL), Song Hue, a déclaré cette semaine que «la Chine aura plus d’un porte-avions», rapporte l’agence officielle chinoise Chine Nouvelles.


Song Hue a déclaré, lors d’une cérémonie pour célébrer le 64e anniversaire de la fondation de la Marine à Pékin, en présence d’attachés militaires étrangers, que «le prochain porte-avions dont nous avons besoin sera plus grand et pourra transporter plus de combattants».


Actuellement, la Chine opère un porte-avions, le Liaoning, qui a été construit sur la base d’une coque inachevée de fabrication russe et livré à la Marine le 25 septembre 2012.


Le Liaoning, doit effectuer sa première campagne en haute mer d’ici un an.


L’amiral Song a aussi rappelé que le Liaoning n’appartient pas à l’une des trois flottes de la Marine, mais qu’il est placé sous le commandement direct du quartier général de la Marine.


Le Liaoning a une cylindrée totale de plus de 50 000 tonnes et peut accueillir 30 aéronefs. Le prochain porte-avions, toujours selon l’amiral chinois, devrait en accueillir davantage.


Song Hue a également déclaré que la Marine chinoise est à bâtir une force aérienne navale et qu’il il y aura bientôt au moins deux régiments d’aviation à bord du Liaoning, y compris des chasseurs, des avions de reconnaissance, des avions anti-sous-marins, des avions de contre-mesures électroniques (ECM) et des hélicoptères.


Le numéro deux de la marine chinoise dit également que les futurs groupes de porte-avions comprendront aussi des destroyers, des frégates, des sous-marins et des navires de ravitaillement.


Plus de mille entreprises chinoises auraient participé à la construction et au réaménagement du Liaoning.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
Afghanistan : l’Inspection des armées en Afghanistan


25/04/2013 Sources : EMA


Du 22 au 26 avril 2013, une délégation de l’inspection des armées (IDA) conduite par le vice amiral Carlier, adjoint à l’inspecteur des armées, est venue inspecter les forces françaises déployées en Afghanistan.


Les inspecteurs de l’IDA remplissent des missions d’étude,d’information et d’inspection en matière de doctrine générale d'emploi et d'organisation. En se rendant sur sa dernière inspection en Afghanistan, la délégation de l’IDA est allée à la rencontre des militaires sur le terrain chargés du désengagement. Ceci afin d’évaluer au plus près les difficultés rencontrées par les logisticiens dans cette manœuvre délicate.


La délégation s’est notamment rendue sur l’aéroport international de Kaboul (KAIA) dont le commandement de la structure militaire est armé par la France. Les éléments français initialement stationnés à Warehouse devront s’y regrouper d’ici à la fin du mois de juin.


Après s’être entretenue avec les médecins et les infirmiers de l’hôpital médico-chirurgical ou RÔLE 3, la délégation s’est rendue au camp Phoenix où sont regroupés les instructeurs de la mission EPIDOTE en charge de la formation de l’armée afghane.Une table ronde réalisée auprès des militaires français insérés au sein du quartier général de l’International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) est venu clôturer l’inspection.


Près de 1100 militaires français participent à l’opération PAMIR.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
Domestic Firms Allowed in India Gun Contest


Apr. 25, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI  - Defense News


NEW DELHI — For the first time, domestic private sector defense companies will be allowed to compete alongside foreign companies in the forthcoming 155mm/52-caliber mounted gun tender, expected to be floated in the next two to three months.


Before, only overseas original equipment manufacturers could participate in the tender, according to the categorization of the program.


The Defence Ministry allowed the participation of domestic defense firms after those companies demanded that the ministry change the categorization of the competition from “Buy and Make Global” to “Buy Global.” The designation allows domestic companies to compete.


Under “Buy and Make Global,” only overseas companies can participate, with the requirement that those companies transfer technology to the state-owned Ordnance Factories Board.


The Indian Army will now issue a global tender for 814 mounted guns, to include domestic companies Tata Power SED, Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and Bharat Forge. Overseas companies include Nexter of France, Rosoboronexport of Russia, Israel Aerospace Industries, BAE Systems of the UK and General Dynamics of the US.


An executive at Tata Power SED said they have not been told of the decision yet by the MoD, but added that his firm can manufacture all 814 in Bangalore .


In January, the private domestic companies demanded to be considered for future 155mm gun projects, estimated to be worth more than US $3 billion.


Domestic private sector companies will also be allowed to compete for the upgrade of Russian-made 130mm M-46 field artillery guns into 155mm guns, an MoD source said.


Late last year, Tata Power SED claimed that it had developed a 155mm/52-caliber mounted gun with 52 percent indigenous elements.


“Overseas Content of the gun is 48 percent and comprises technology taken for the barrel, breech and muzzle brake,” a company executive told Defense News. The indigenous content includes the 8x8 truck, platform, outrigger assembly, complete hydraulic system, fire control system, system integration and testing.


Private sector majors L&T and Bharat Forge have tied up with overseas defense companies to make the 155mm/52-caliber gun in India. State-owned Defense Research and Development Organisation is also developing its homegrown towed Howitzer gun.


A senior L&T executive said the company had tied up with Samsung for the wheeled artillery guns and with Nexter for making mounted and towed artillery guns in India

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
Army says no-go on extended tours for Soldiers in Afghanistan


April 26th, 2013 By Army News Service - defencetalk.com


Last month, the Army’s senior-most officer told lawmakers budget cuts could result in a decrease in training readiness for follow- on forces to Afghanistan that could result in extended tours for Soldiers already there. That is no longer the case.


During testimony on Capitol Hill April 23, Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee that “difficult decisions” with regard to the Army budget have eliminated the possibility that Soldiers who are in Afghanistan now might need to stay longer due to the training-related delays of follow-on forces.


Chief among those difficult decisions are the 14 days of civilian furloughs the Army will implement later this year to help reduce costs. The savings there will help the Army train, Odierno said.


“That’s allowing us to have enough money to invest in the training of the units that will be placed in Afghanistan, so we will not have to increase tour length,” he said. “We’ve had to make some very difficult decisions here in fiscal year 2013 in order to ensure we do not extend those tour lengths. So they were tough, difficult decisions; but we believe tour lengths will remain the same and we will be able to train the forces that follow up those units.”




A primary concern for legislators was the cut in forces the Army will experience between now and the end of fiscal year 2017, coupled with the force cuts that could come with additional sequestration. Right now, the plan for active-duty Army force cuts requires the Army to drop to just 490,000 Soldiers by the end of fiscal year 2017. In 2010, the Army was at 570,000 Soldiers. That’s a cut of 80,000 Soldiers.


Additional sequestration could require the Army to cut even more Soldiers, possibly more than 100,000 troops. Though the cuts would come from all three components, Odierno said that about half of that would come from the active force. Were that to happen, the Army might drop to 440,000 Soldiers. That’s a number Odierno said will affect what Americans can expect of the Army.


At 490,000 Soldiers, Odierno said the Army “would have enough capability to do one major contingency, maybe something a bit smaller. If we cut another 80-100,000 out, we now put in to question our ability to respond to large-scale major contingencies. And we certainly will not be able to do anything above that.”




Coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army now has “less need to buy things,” Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh told senators. That hurts the ability of America’s industrial base to sustain itself.


Concern about the industrial base stems from the Army’s need to have a place to turn, at a moment’s notice, to procure war-fighting materiel.


McHugh told lawmakers the Army is working on two fronts to assess the effects of drawdown and sequestration on America’s industrial base. Firstly, he said the Army is working with the Department of Defense to set up the metrics in which to feed “consumption data.” Results from that, he said, will be able to “come up with those kinds of red flags” that can be used to identify problems with the industrial base.


The Army is also, on its own, working with a civilian analysis firm to better understand the threats to the industrial base. A report from that effort should be available in June, he said.


“The first step is knowing where problems lie; the second is trying to use diminishing resources to protect it,” McHugh said.




Odierno said the Army, post-Vietnam, suffered from lack of training and a lack of discipline. Then, he said, the Army was a hollow force.


“For the next 15 years we focused on improving our readiness, improving our modernization, and improving our training programs,” he said. “We revolutionized how the Army did our business. I was fortunate enough to grow up in that environment.”


The steepness of cuts from sequestration, he said, “could lead us back to where we were in the late 1970s.”


Right now, “the full impact of not having enough money to train has not fully hit yet. It’s just beginning to hit.” If it continues, he said, there will be training shortages and readiness issues. “We’ll have some real challenges on our hands.”


Training shortages and readiness issues, the general said, could lead to a lack of faith among Soldiers — causing Soldiers who now have great combat experience to want to leave the Army.


“We still have time to ensure we can keep the best in our Army,” he said. Doing that means predictable budgets that allow the Army to remain the best, and to prove to Soldiers the Army is “the right size, and ready and trained to deploy.”




As part of a mandated drawdown of forces — the one expected to take the Army to 490,000 Soldiers, the Army must also eliminate some of its force structure. That means the service will eliminate eight brigade combat teams. Already, two brigade combat teams, known as BCTs, from Europe have been eliminated. Six more will be eliminated in the future, McHugh told lawmakers.


On a path to deciding which BCTs will be eliminated, the Army has already completed assessments at 21 installations to measure the impact.


Now the Army will hold public meetings near the installations to hear what civilians have to say.


We’re in “the process of holding public listening sessions in over 30 locations throughout the Army to receive input from the communities that surround places like Fort Carson (Colo.) and others, to make sure we have the fullest record possible to make those very important decisions.”


The Army will also develop a list of criteria it will use to make determinations about what can be cut. That list, McHugh said, should be available in June.


Odierno told lawmakers that while some BCTs might be eliminated, other BCTs could be increased in size.


It’s not just “flags or the numbers of units,” Odierno said. “But instead, numbers of people.”


Reorganizations of BCTs, he said, could mean “we might make them larger,” Odierno said. “So we might eliminate flags, but it wouldn’t be a total loss of BCT, because we would add a third maneuver battalion to the BCT. Don’t focus on the flags, focus on the numbers.”


Both Odierno and McHugh told lawmakers they supported the one percent pay raise for Soldiers, as well as an increase in premiums for Tricare. McHugh and Odierno both agreed the cost of Tricare has gone up, with McHugh saying while everybody wants to maintain the “status quo,” the cost of providing Tricare has “skyrocketed over the last 10 years.”


Odierno pointed out that while the benefits associated with Tricare have increased, the cost to beneficiaries has not kept up.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
Sevmash engineers will perform repairs and maintenance during the initial 12-month warranty period, and then provide their services for another 20 years once the warranty has expired. Source: Maxim Vorkunkov / JSCo «PO «Sevmash» Press Service

Sevmash engineers will perform repairs and maintenance during the initial 12-month warranty period, and then provide their services for another 20 years once the warranty has expired. Source: Maxim Vorkunkov / JSCo «PO «Sevmash» Press Service


April 25, 2013 Aleksandr Emelyanenkov, specially for RIR


The aircraft carrier will once again take to sea in July; flight tests are scheduled a month later.


The INS Vikramaditya has undergone a complex operation at Russia’s Sevmash shipyard ahead of the final stage of trials and delivery to the Indian Navy later this year. 


With 10 weeks still left until July 3, 2013, when the final sea trials are due to begin, tug boats carefully manoeuvred the giant ship to a drainable pool. There the Vikramaditya will once again be put on a frame. Once the water has been drained, engineers will inspect the hull of the ship and all its outboard parts and components.


This is what the ship looked like after refitting in the dock, ahead of taking to the sea. Source: Maxim Vorkunkov / JSCo «PO «Sevmash» Press Service


According to the head of the commissioning team, Igor Leonov, all the procedures in the dry dock - which are compulsory for a ship after repairs - will take two months. So far, the project remains strictly on the latest schedule.The April 25 deadline for putting the ship in the dock has been met, Leonov said.


Ekaterina Pilikina, spokeswoman for the Sevmash shipyard, gave the media details of the elaborate operation. The main complication was that there were only a few centimetres to spare between the hull of the enormous ship and the sluice gate. To make matters worse, the team worked in strong winds and had only an hour at the peak of the high tide to complete their task.


The operation was observed by senior Sevmash executives; the head of the White Sea naval base, Vladimir Vorobyev; the captain of the Indian crew of the Vikramaditya, Suraj Berry and the head of the Indian observation team, Kudaravalli Srinivas. Both Indian representatives were impressed with what they saw.


108 days at sea spent in 2012 by the Vikramaditya crew and commissioning team during trials in the White Sea and the Barents Sea. Source: Maxim Vorkunkov / JSCo «PO «Sevmash» Press Service


Srinivas said this was the second time he saw such an operation. The first was back in 2008, when the ship was being taken out of the drainable pool after repairs. “Now Sevmash specialists have once again demonstrated their professionalism,” the Indian representative said. “They have coped very well with their task.”


The chief executive of the shipyard, Mikhail Budnichenko, expressed confidence that all the remaining work in the dock “will be done well and on schedule.” Sergey Novoselov, head of defence export projects at Sevmash, explained the nature of that work: “In accordance with the contract, we must inspect the state of the hull, the propeller-rudder system, and the sea valves. We will also restore the paintwork below the waterline, if necessary.”

Novoselov added that most of the problems identified during the sea trials have already been fixed. The ongoing refurbishment of the main boilers involves specialists of the companies which designed and manufactured them. The refurbishment is scheduled for completion in May. All the interim results of the project are inspected by the Indian customer and by the Russian MoD.


Before the Vikramaditya can take to the sea once again, the Sevmash quality assurance specialists will be asked to present their findings on 435 separate items covering almost the entire ship, including tens of thousands of individual parts and components. In addition, much of the interior finish has yet to be completed.


 “There are more than 2,500 compartments in the ship,” Novoselov says. “That includes combat stations, bays, cabins, engine and boiler rooms, power plant compartments, and a 120 metre-long hangar, which is about the same length as a football pitch. We must paint all these compartments, install the hardware, properly insulate all the piping and frame elements, and present the whole thing for the customer's inspection. In addition to the engineers setting up the main equipment, we also have painters, joiners, fitters, insulation technicians and other specialists working on the Vikramaditya.”


On occasions there will be more than 3,000 people on board the Vikramaditya this year because the schedule of the sea trials is very tight. The maximum number recorded in 2012 was only about 2,000. The Indian crew will account for the bulk of that increase; 1,326 Indian officers and sailors will begin their practice on the carrier at sea. Sevmash is already making plans for quartering all the sailors, members of the commissioning teams, pilots, mechanics and other air support specialists on the ship. The Vikramaditya’s three galleys will be working flat out nearly round the clock to provide catering.


In the autumn of 2012, the Vikramaditya was forced to return to Sevmash, where it had previously been repaired and refitted, to replace the fire-resistant insulation of the boilers, which began to deteriorate during trials in the Barents Sea. This and several other problems with the hardware had forced Russia to postpone the delivery of the Vikramaditya to the Indian Navy, which was previously scheduled for 2012.


The new delivery deadline is November 2013. Eight boilers must be refurbished before the end of May if that deadline is to be met. The ship is scheduled to take to the sea once again on July 3, so there will be a month left to test all the boilers of the main power plant, including operation at the maximum load. The next stage of the trials, which involves the planes and helicopters based on the Vikramaditya, is scheduled for August 3.


In mid-October the ship will return to Sevmash, where specialists will spend another month preparing it for the voyage to India.


Trials schedule: Every day counts


Sergey Novoselov, Head of defence export projects at Sevmash

“On July 2013 the aircraft carrier will begin sea trials in the White Sea; we will spend a month testing all the boilers of the main power plant under various loads. The next stage of the trials will commence on August 3 in the Barents Sea, and end on September 30. It will involve the planes and helicopters based on the carrier; the aim is to test the operation of the entire carrier-aircraft complex. One of the critical parts of the trials is aircraft landings on the deck of the Vikramaditya during night-time. These flights will begin in late August or early September, once the midnight sun period north of the Polar Circle is over.

The huge size of the aircraft carrier requires meticulous care during movements around the shipyard. Source: Maxim Vorkunkov / JSCo «PO «Sevmash» Press Service


Then the ship is scheduled to return to Sevmash in early October to begin preparations for the voyage to India. November 15 is the deadline for the aircraft to be delivered to the customer and (for the ship to) set sail for its new home in India. Incidentally, we are planning a shorter route for that journey, via the Suez Canal rather than around Africa. In accordance with the terms of the contract, Sevmash engineers will perform repairs and maintenance during the initial 12-month warranty period, and then provide their services for another 20 years once the warranty has expired."

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:30
Bachar al-Assad a utilisé des armes chimiques «à petite échelle»


25/04/2013 par Gaëtan Barralon – 45eNord


«Avec un certain degré de certitude», Washington a assuré, ce jeudi, que le régime de Bachar al-Assad a utilisé des armes chimiques «à petite échelle» face à la rébellion syrienne. Si les autorités américaines prônent, pour l’heure, la prudence, ces nouvelles déclarations confirmeraient le franchissement de la «ligne rouge» érigée par le président Barack Obama.


La Maison Blanche a ainsi envoyé une lettre à plusieurs membres du Congrès américain, assurant que «la communauté des renseignements américains a conclu, avec un certain degré de certitude, que le régime syrien a utilisé des armes chimiques à petite échelle», comme l’a évoqué le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Chuck Hagel, présent, ce jeudi, à Abou Dhabi.

Une information également apportée du côté de Londres. «Nous avons des informations limitées mais convaincantes de plusieurs sources montrant l’utilisation d’armes chimiques en Syrie, y compris du gaz sarin», a ainsi déclaré le porte-parole de la diplomatie britannique.

«L’utilisation d’armes chimiques est un crime de guerre. Nous avons rendu compte de cette information à nos alliés, nos partenaires et aux Nations unies et nous travaillons activement pour obtenir davantage et de meilleures informations», a-t-il ajouté.



Deux jours après avoir déclaré n’être pas parvenu «à la conclusion que [des armes chimiques] ont été utilisées» en Syrie, Washington a donc décidé de faire état de ses informations aux yeux de la communauté internationale. Pour autant, ses certitudes s’avèrent fragiles, comme l’a rappelé la porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale (NSC), Caitlin Hayden.

«Par exemple, la chaîne de transmission [des échantillons] n’est pas claire, donc nous ne pouvons pas confirmer comment l’exposition [au sarin] a eu lieu», a-t-elle déclaré, ajoutant que l’évaluation du renseignement américain est «fondée en partie sur des prélèvements» sur des personnes.

«Étant donné les enjeux, et ce que nous avons appris de notre propre expérience, les évaluations du renseignement ne sont pas suffisantes à elles seules. Seuls des faits dignes de foi et recoupés qui nous apporteront un certain degré de confiance guideront notre processus de prise de décision, et renforceront notre influence à la tête de la communauté internationale», a-t-elle précisé, mettant ainsi en garde contre toutes conclusions hâtives.

«Il est évident qu’une ligne rouge a été franchie» pour John McCain

Mais plusieurs sénateurs américains sont d’ores et déjà montés au créneau pour appeler à un engagement plus important des États-Unis dans le conflit syrien. Rappelant les déclarations du président Obama, le mois dernier, sur le franchissement d’une «ligne rouge» en cas d’utilisation d’armes chimiques par le régime syrien, le républicain John McCain a déclaré «qu’il est évident qu’une ligne rouge a été franchie». «Ces stocks d’armes chimiques, dont certains se trouvent dans des zones de combat, doivent être sécurisées, et nous devons donner à l’opposition la capacité de battre Bachar al-Assad une bonne fois pour toute», a-t-il martelé.

Même son de cloche du côté de la présidente démocrate de la commission du Renseignement du Sénat, Dianne Feinstein. Cette dernière a en effet déclaré que «des actions doivent être engagées pour empêcher une utilisation à plus grande échelle», se disant «très inquiète qu’avec cette admission publique, le président Assad ne calcule qu’il n’a plus rien à perdre».

Assurant que «toutes les options sont sur la table» pour offrir une réaction américaine à ces révélations, un haut responsable américain, cité sous couvert de l’anonymat, a déclaré que l’administration Obama allait «consulter de près [ses] amis et alliés, de façon plus large la communauté internationale ainsi que l’opposition syrienne pour déterminer quelle serait la meilleure façon d’agir».

«Cela pourrait couvrir une large gamme d’activités […] qui comprennent déjà des initiatives diplomatiques, une assistance à l’opposition, mais à la demande du président [Obama], il existe d’autres possibilités pour lesquelles nous nous préparons, et que nous devons prendre en considération au moment où nous déterminons si des armes chimiques ont été utilisées», a-t-il ajouté lors d’une conférence de presse téléphonique.

«Nous avons l’obligation d’enquêter scrupuleusement»

Si Washington exclut, pour l’heure, toute intervention directe en Syrie, la Maison Blanche a rappelé sa volonté de voir une enquête des Nations Unies voir le jour pour évaluer les preuves actuelles. «Précisément parce que le président [Obama] prend cette question très au sérieux, nous avons l’obligation d’enquêter scrupuleusement sur tous les indices de l’utilisation d’armes chimiques en Syrie», a conclu Caitlin Hayden.

Après avoir déposé, le 20 mars dernier, une requête pour obtenir une enquête pour éclaircir les accusations mutuelles d’utilisation d’armes chimiques entre le régime et l’opposition, Damas a, par la suite, refusé l’accès à ses territoires à la mission d’experts, conduite par le Suédois Ake Sellstrom. Un refus qui n’a cessé d’alimenter les craintes et accusations de la communauté internationale à l’égard du régime de Bachar al-Assad.

Pour le porte-parole de la diplomatie britannique, Bachar al-Assad «doit coopérer avec la communauté internationale et prouver que son régime n’a pas commis ce crime horrible, en permettant un accès illimité à l’ONU et à l’OIAC [l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques] pour qu’une enquête soit menée sur le terrain en Syrie».

Tant bien que mal, les dirigeants occidentaux ne semblent donc pas résigner à obtenir l’accès aux territoires syriens. Mais les récentes révélations, si elles s’avèrent vérifiées et vérifiables, pourraient bien bouleverser l’ordre diplomatique actuel du conflit frappant le pays depuis plus de deux ans.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:20
AMRDEC conceptual renderings of potential future JMR configurations

AMRDEC conceptual renderings of potential future JMR configurations


April 25th, 2013 by Kris Osborn - defensetech.org


U.S. Army officials plan to award up to four design contracts by the end of fiscal year 2013 for vendors to build the Joint Multi-Role (JMR) demonstrator aircraft, a next generation helicopter fleet, Army leaders said Thursday.


Current plans call for two JMR technology demonstrator aircraft to be designed and built for a first flight by sometime in 2017, said Todd Turner, director for the Army’s Research and Technology Air Portfolio.


“This is an S&T [Science and Technology] effort for the development of a new, medium-class platform. The goals are to design, fabricate and demonstrate an advanced vertical lift vehicle with a combat radius of 424 kilometers, that’s an 848 kilometer range, un-refueled, at speeds of up to 230 knots,” Turner said at the National Defense Industrial Association’s 14th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference/Defense Tech Exposition, National Harbor, Md.


A key goal for the program is to be affordable, and develop an aircraft that can reach much greater speeds and extend mission possibilities without compromising an ability to hover, Turner said.


Army officials said the S&T effort is designed to lower risk, reduce costs and inform requirements for what will be a Future Vertical Lift formal program of record designed to deliver new aircraft by 2030.


“We’re currently completing what we call configuration trades and analysis portions of this effort which will finish this year. The trades we considered were cost, weight and power requirements, mission equipment packages and life-cycle costs.  All configurations were considered,” Turner said.


The configurations currently being examined include a tilt-rotor possibility, like today’s Marine Corps and Air Force V-22 Osprey as well as various compound configurations such as air vehicles with a rear-thrusting mechanism and co-axial rotorblades, Army officials explained.


The service is evaluating responses to an Army solicitation to industry to build designs. Service officials plan to down select to two design teams by the fourth quarter of fiscal year ’14, Turner said.


The JMR effort also plans to include next-generation mission equipment and avionics along with integrated sensors and weapons systems.


Turner said Army S&T is working on advanced rotor designs, autonomy algorithms and concept analyses wherein they assess air-vehicle design methods.


“We currently have a good handle on how to build systems when we have a database. What we are trying to do is move towards where we can design new systems at a more rapid pace. Get that design closer to what the air vehicle will look like, he said.


The FVL aircraft is slated to be powered by an Improved Turbine Engine Program (ITEP), a more powerful, 3,000-horsepower, more fuel-efficient engine also being informed by an ongoing S&T Program, Advanced Affordable Turbine Engine effort.


“It’s transitioning out of S&T this year to the ITEP program. It’s showing benefits of 25-percent reduced burn rate and a 35-percent reduction in production and maintenance costs,” Turner said.


Army S&T is also in the early phases of developing the Future Affordable Turbine Engine, a 7,000-horsepower heavy class engine for larger rotary platforms such as the CH-47 Chinook.


“We’re developing material and component technologies for the compressor and turbine sub-systems,” he added.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 06:45
photo EMA / ECPAD

photo EMA / ECPAD

26.04.2013 par RFI


Le ministre français de la Défense a répondu aux questions de Christophe Boisbouvier. L’entretien est à écouter dans son intégralité sur RFI, ce vendredi 26 avril, à 5h30 (TU), 6h30 (TU) et 7h30 (TU), après le journal.Les casques bleus sont-ils capables de prendre la relève des Français dans le nord du Mali ? Quelle sera la place des Tchadiens dans cette force de l'ONU ? Faut-il reporter l’élection présidentielle malienne, prévue au mois de juillet ? Autant de questions auxquelles répond Jean-Yves Le Drian, qui vient d'entamer une tournée dans la région.


Le ministre français de la Défense a entamé jeudi à Bamako une tournée au Mali, au Niger et au Tchad. Il a accepté de répondre, pour RFI, aux questions qui se posent à la France dans la sous-région, après l’annonce par les Nations unies de la création de la Minusma, la force de maintien de la paix au Mali, qui sera déployée à partir du mois de juillet.


Une intervention française « nécessaire » et « opportune »

Jean-Yves Le Drian a salué l’accord donné jeudi par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU à la création de la Minusma : « C’est d’abord une très bonne nouvelle que le Conseil de sécurité adopte cette résolution. Et qu’il l’adopte à l’unanimité, ce qui montre bien que l’intervention française au Mali était nécessaire, opportune et soutenue au niveau international. Maintenant, le rôle de la mission des Nations unies, de permettre le maintien de la stabilisation du Mali, sera mis en œuvre de manière efficace ».


Vers la mise en place d'un « groupe du désert »

Le ministre de la Défense a également insisté sur le rôle que la France entend continuer à jouer, sur le plan militaire et de manière directe : « Parallèlement, je pense qu’il faut le dire avec beaucoup de clarté : la France restera militairement présente elle-même au Mali, en gardant un ensemble d’un millier de soldats, permettant d’empêcher la reconstruction des groupes terroristes et éventuellement d’intervenir, s’il y avait des attaques de certains mouvements qui, pour l’instant, sont résiduels, mais dont il faut empêcher la renaissance. Nous mettrons en place, avant la fin de l’année, un millier d’hommes, qui s’appelleront "groupe du désert" et qui auront pour mission d’empêcher la reconstruction de ces groupes ».


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© Aurélia Blanc

Ecoutez l’intégralité de l’entretien accordé par le ministre français de la Défense à Christophe Boisbouvier sur RFI, ce vendredi 26 avril, à 5h30 (TU), 6h30(TU) et 7h30 (TU), après le journal. L'entretien sera ensuite disponible en podcast sur la page de l'émission.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 06:35
Army chief briefs Antony on Chinese incursion issue


Apr 25, 2013, timesofindia.indiatimes.com


NEW DELHI: Army chief Gen Bikram Singh on Thursday briefed defence minister A K Antony on the Chinese incursion issue in Ladakh and the present situation there.


After reviewing the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and the Ladakh area with military commanders in the Northern Command, Gen Singh briefed the defence minister on the incursion issue today, Army officials said.


The Army chief had returned from Jammu and Kashmir yesterday evening after reviewing the situation there with Northern Army Commander Lt Gen K T Parnaik, they said.


The Army has given its inputs to the government and the National Security Advisor-headed China Study Group, which is handling the present situation in Ladakh.


The Army has also given various options to the government on the issue including the aggressive use of military to handle the present situation.


All the options suggested to the China Study Group are being looked at carefully and other stakeholders in the situation have also given their inputs.


The China Study Group is handling the whole issue in consultation with the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and the defence ministry.


The Army had rushed its troops from the 5 Ladakh Scouts battalion to the DBO area and they are camping there. The force is also considering the option of dispatching additional troops if the need arises.


On April 15, a platoon-strength contingent of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) had come 10 km inside the Indian territory in Burthe in the DBO sector on the night of April 15 and established a tented post there.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 06:35
Japanese PM warns China against landings


April 26th, 2013 defencetalk.com (AFP)


Japan would respond with force if China attempts to land on the disputed Senkaku Islands, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in Parliament.


Abe was responding to a question about what he was prepared to do if Chinese ships sailing close to the islands — called the Diaoyu Islands by the Chinese — tried to land, a BBC report said.


“We have made sure that if there is an instance where there is an intrusion into our territory or it seems that there could be landing on the islands then we will deal will it strongly,” Abe said.


China claims the Senkaku Islands, which lie about 100 miles north of Japan’s Ishigaki Island and about 115 miles northeast of Taiwan, as its territory under treaties signed in the late 1800s.


At the end of World War II the islands were under U.S. jurisdiction as part of the captured Japanese island of Okinawa. Japan has administered them since 1972 when Okinawa was returned to Japan.


Tensions flared between Beijing and Tokyo in September after the Japanese government bought three of the islands from a private Japanese owner, triggering protests in Chinese cities.


Since then China has stepped up patrols around the islands for which Japan has lodged formal diplomatic complaints.


Abe’s warning — the most explicit to China since he took power in December — came as eight Chinese ships sailed around the islands, the BBC said. A flotilla of 10 fishing boats carrying Japanese activists was also reported to be in the area, as well as the Japanese coast guard.


A report by Japan’s Kyodo news agency said China’s State Oceanic Administration saying its eight vessels were in the area but within what it claims is its territorial waters.


The vessels are monitoring the activity of a flotilla of boats reportedly carrying members of a Japanese nationalist group, the Kyodo report said.


Japanese coast guard officials have said it was the largest number of Chinese government ships to enter the disputed area since September when Tokyo purchased the islands.


In January China said it would carry out an oceanic survey of the islands as part of a larger island and reef mapping project started in 2009, Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency said.


“Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets have been the inherent territory of China since ancient times,” a Chinese government said at the time.


China’s National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation has completed mapping of islands within 60 miles of China’s coastline and will start on territories further afield which include the Senkaku, also claimed by Taiwan.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 22:31
Opération Serval : point de situation sur les opérations du jeudi 25 avril 2013

25.04.2013 Sources : EMA


Points sur les opérations de la force Serval depuis le jeudi 18 avril 2013 (18h00) jusqu’au jeudi 25avril (18h00)


Au cours de ces derniers jours, les opérations aériennes se sont poursuivies avec près de cent trente sorties, principalement dans la région de l’Adrar des Ifoghas et le long de la boucle du Niger, de Gao à Tombouctou. Une quarantaine de sorties a été réalisée à l’appui CAS des opérations terrestres et aux frappes dans la profondeur, un peu plus d’une cinquantaine dédiée au transport de nos forces et de nos matériels,les autres sorties étant consacrées au soutien des opérations.


Le désengagement s’est poursuivi avec la fin du retour vers la métropole du GTIA TAP, l’adaptation du dispositif AIR la semaine passée et le redéploiement des premiers éléments du GTIA 3 vers Bamako puis vers Abidjan. Parallèlement, les premières relèves du dispositif français ont eu lieu, notamment avec l’arrivée des éléments du1er RHC de Phalsbourg en remplacement du 5e RHC de Pau qui armait le groupement aéromobile jusque là.

Opération Serval : point de situation sur les opérations du jeudi 25 avril 2013

Malgré le redéploiement, la Force Serval maintient son rythme opérationnel avec la conduite simultanée de plusieurs opérations combinant des moyens terrestres et aériens, et associant les forces armées maliennes et les forces africaines de la MISMA dans les régions de Tombouctou, de Gao, d’Abeibarra et d’Ametettaï.


A Gao, du 16 au 20 avril 2013, près de 700 militaires français et maliens ont conduit  l’opération Obiou au nord-est de Gao, dans la région de SEMIT. Cette opération visait à poursuivre l’affaiblissement des groupes terroristes présents dans la zone en portant un nouveau coup à leur organisation logistique. Elle n’a donné lieu à aucun contact avec l’adversaire mais a permis la découverte de plusieurs caches d’armes et d’un campement.

Opération Serval : point de situation sur les opérations du jeudi 25 avril 2013

Ces caches d’armes abritaient près de 15 000 munitions de petit calibre et plus de 400 obus en tous genres. Elle a également permis la saisie de deux pick-up, d’un groupe électrogène et de conteneurs de stockage. Obiou a permis de mettre en avant la volonté des FAM qui ont conduit des actions de fouilles et de renseignement auprès de la population locale qui s’est avérée être un atout important dans la découverte des caches.

Opération Serval : point de situation sur les opérations du jeudi 25 avril 2013

A Tombouctou, le transfert officiel d’autorité entre les éléments français de l’EAE et le bataillon burkinabè a eu lieu le 23 avril. Il marque un pas supplémentaire dans le transfert progressif de responsabilité aux forces africaines de la MISMA.

Opération Serval : point de situation sur les opérations du jeudi 25 avril 2013

Au Nord, les éléments français du GTIA 2 ont conduit une reconnaissance des entrées Ouest de la vallée d’Ametettaï, y découvrant encore un important stock de munitions qui n’avait probablement pas été trouvé lors des premiers combats dans la région.

Le 25 avril, le ministre de la Défense est arrivé au Mali pour une visite de plusieurs jours, notamment auprès des militaires français déployés au sein de l’opération Serval. Ils sont aujourd’hui près de 3850 à poursuivre les opérations dans le pays.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 18:22
Jean-Yves Le Drian au Mali pour préparer l'après-guerre


25/04/2013 MinDefFR


Jean-Yves Le Drian est arrivé ce soir au Mali pour préparer l’après-guerre


Le territoire malien a été exploré en quasi-totalité par les forces françaises et africaines


Le ministre de la Défense est arrivé ce soir dans la capitale malienne. Il entame un déplacement de trois jours au Mali, au Niger et au Tchad. Entretiens politiques et visites aux forces figurent au menu de cette troisième visite en Afrique de Jean-Yves Le Drian, 115 jours après le lancement de l’opération Serval.


Ce déplacement du ministre de la Défense vise à préparer l’après-guerre à l’issue des opérations de reconnaissance, de fouille et de destruction des installations terroristes menées sur la quasi-totalité du territoire autrefois contrôlé par les groupes terroristes. Les capacités de ces groupes ont été considérablement réduites : 200 tonnes de munitions et d’armes ont été saisies et leurs bases systématiquement détruites pour mettre un terme à l’impunité dont ils jouissaient. L’État malien pourra désormais recouvrer sa souveraineté sur tout le territoire.


Une étape nouvelle s’ouvre aujourd’hui, marquée par le désengagement progressif d’une partie des forces françaises engagées au Mali au profit des institutions maliennes, des forces internationales et africaines (future MINUSMA), et de la Mission européenne de formation de l’armée malienne (EUTM Mali). À la fin de l’année 2013, un millier de militaires français restera engagé au Mali au profit de la stabilité du pays et de la défense de la sécurité de la France.


Jean-Yves Le Drian doit adresser un message de confiance aux autorités politiques maliennes afin que les Maliens se saisissent de l’avenir de leur pays. Il doit également féliciter les militaires français pour le travail accompli par eux dans des conditions particulièrement rudes et exigeantes.


Programme du déplacement du ministre de la Défense


Bamako (Mali), le 25 avril : entretiens politiques.


Gao (Mali), PC de la brigade SERVAL, matinée du 26 avril : visite des forces françaises, maliennes et africaines ; adresse aux forces ; point de presse (12h, heure locale).


Niamey (Niger), après-midi du 26 avril : visite des forces sur la base aérienne 101 ; adresse aux forces ; entretien avec le Président de la République.


N’Djamena (Tchad), matinée du 27 avril : visite des forces sur la base aérienne Kossei ; adresse aux forces ; entretien avec le Président de la République.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 17:35
U.S. Ready for North Korea Conflict: Dempsey


Apr. 25, 2013 – Defense News (AFP)


TOKYO — The United States’ top military officer said Thursday that his troops were ready to act if North Korea turned its increasingly bellicose rhetoric into action.


“We are seeking to deter North Korea from provocation,” Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told soldiers at the Yokota Air Base, about an hour's drive west of the Japanese capital.


“I can assure you that we are postured with our Japanese allies in order to protect our citizens, their citizens, our facilities, their facilities.”


Dempsey's remarks follow a visit to South Korea and China, North Korea's chief ally, as regional tensions rise over fears about Pyonyang's recent threats to attack its southern neighbour and wage nuclear war on the United States.


The Korean peninsula was already engulfed in a cycle of escalating tensions — triggered by the North's nuclear test in February — when Pyongyang decided on April 3 to block all South Korean access to the Kaesong industrial zone, a rare joint project between the two countries.


Dempsey, who has also met with Chinese military officials and President Xi Jinping, said the U.S. wanted closer ties with Beijing.


But he reiterated earlier official remarks that the U.S. would defend Japan if it came under attack -- as Beijing and Tokyo remain embroiled in an increasingly bitter territorial dispute.


“The theme [of talks with Chinese officials] was that we both aspired to a new, different and better relationship,” Dempsey said. "But that relationship has to be approached in the context of our other responsibilities, and alliances in the region.


“Will we trade off our relationship with Japan in order to have stronger relationship with China? The answer is no. That's not going to change.


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed Tuesday to “expel by force” any Chinese landing on a chain of islands in the East China Sea, which are administered by Japan as the Senkakus but also claimed by Beijing as the Diaoyus.


His statement came after a flotilla of eight Chinese government vessels sailed into the disputed waters, the biggest number to do so in one day since Tokyo's nationalization of some of the islands in September.


The U.S. is engaged in a “pivot” to Asia after years of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:55
Armadillo is a turretless version of CV90 with ballistic and mine protection which exceed Stanag 4a/b. Removal of the turret gives six tonnes of “spare” payload for further protection or other purposes on top of its “fighting configuration”. Photo: BAE Systems

Armadillo is a turretless version of CV90 with ballistic and mine protection which exceed Stanag 4a/b. Removal of the turret gives six tonnes of “spare” payload for further protection or other purposes on top of its “fighting configuration”. Photo: BAE Systems

April 25, 2013 defense-update.com


The Danish Army has received five Armadillo type armored infantry fighting vehicles for testing. The vehicle is based on the CV90 chassis was configured by BAE Systems Sweden for protected infantry transport. Earlier in April BAE shipped the five vehicles to the Danish army Oksbol base for competitive evaluation. The tests, which begin in April and continue through September, will evaluate the new vehicle’s ability to meet Denmark’s armored personnel carrier requirement. BAE Systems is also offering the vehicle to other countries, among them Canada.


Armadillo is a turretless version of CV90 with ballistic and mine protection which exceed Stanag 4a/b. Removal of the turret gives six tonnes of “spare” payload for further protection or other purposes on top of its “fighting configuration” while its state-of-the-art electronic architecture allows “plug and play” of new systems.


The CV90 was originally designed by Hagglunds and was fitted with a Bofors gun turret. It came into service in 1993. The light tank variant of the vehicle, designated CV9035 MkIII infantry fighting vehicle is operational with the Danish Army since 2007. Denmark plans to replace its existing fleet of M113s and BAE Sweden is one of four contender for the program. Other options considered are the Piranha V from GDLS Europe and G5, yet another upgrade of the M-113, proposed by FFG, which will bring this old design to a new APC status. Denmark is expected to select its future APC variant in 10 months, around February 2014. First deliveries will commence in 2015.


According to BAE Systems, Armadillo offers class-leading protection and optimum mission flexibility. Unlike the G5 or Piranha V, it will be produced on a ‘hot’ production line, with CV90 tanks built for Norway, therefore offer the benefit of production scale and shared costs. Moreover, CV90 platforms are currently operational with six existing operators, adding to the platform’s attractiveness as a low-risk solution, both for initial purchase and long-term sustainment and upgrade. The Danish contract requires the supplier to bind to support the fleet over a period of 15 years.

The Danish Army is already operating 45 CV9035DK infantry Fighting Vehicles. Photo: Danish Army

The Danish Army is already operating 45 CV9035DK infantry Fighting Vehicles. Photo: Danish Army

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:50
UK Navy receives CUTLASS bomb ordnance disposal vehicle



25 April 2013 naval-technology.com


UK Royal Navy Divers have received the new remote-controlled explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) called CUTLASS, to help detect and clear hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs).


Following its delivery, the £1m Northrop Grumman-built robot was tested by the Southern Diving Group (SDG) to validate its capabilities.


During the Naval Bomb Disposal capability exercise, conducted within HM Naval Base, Devonport, UK, CUTLASS demonstrated its ability in a simulated terrorist car bomb scenario.


Southern Dive Unit 1 officer in charge lieutenant commander Ross Balfour said that the new vehicle, controlled via a computer, features advanced optics to enable a high-level of situational awareness of its surrounding area and any device.


Using its integrated three-fingered advanced gripper-equipped manipulator arm and disruptive weapons, the bomb disposal robot can quickly respond to IED threats.


"The divers demonstrated their comprehensive underwater ability using the 7m deep training tank with divers using closed-circuit re-breathing equipment, lifting and moving a practice bomb with a remote airbag and attaching dummy explosive charges to simulate rendering it safe," Balfour added.


Designed for efficient detection and disposal of both vehicle-borne and IEDs from safer distances in all types of terrain and weather conditions, the six-wheeled next-generation UGV can accommodate a broad spectrum of payloads, sensors and tools.


"CUTLASS represents a major improvement in our explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) capability, whilst improving safety for the general public and our EOD operators," Balfour said.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:50
UK Sets Framework To Outsource Procurement and Support


Apr. 25, 2013 - By ANDREW CHUTER  - Defense News


LONDON — The British government plans to hand over the first phase of a scheme to outsource the management of its £14 billion-a-year (U.S. $21.4 billion) defense procurement and support operation by the end of 2014, and is using a just-announced 12-month assessment phase to run a parallel competition to find a consortium to run the government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) scheme.


Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said in a written statement to Parliament on Thursday that the government will make a final decision about whether to go ahead with the GOCO outsourcing plan next year after it had run an assessment phase to compare the benefits with a restructured Defence Equipment & Support operation known as DE&S +.


A Ministry of Defence spokesman said if the scheme is approved, a contractor would be appointed in the summer of 2014 and take over the first phase of the GOCO by the winter.


The second phase of the management outsourcing would kick in two years later, he said.


The spokesman said no decision had been taken on which part of the DE&S operation would be taken over first by the contractor.


Sources here, though, said the air sector is being targeted as the most likely part of the procurement and support organization to first move under GOCO control.


Hammond said the assessment phase and a competition to appoint a contractor would take place in tandem.


“In parallel, a commercial competition will be launched that will enable us to determine with potential private partners how a GOCO would work in practice, and what costs and benefits would be. By the end of the Assessment Phase we would expect to have proposals in a form capable of being contracted if we decide to proceed with the GOCO model,” he said.


Hammond made it clear that a two-phase implementation of the GOCO scheme was the MoD’s preferred method to try and erase the cost and time overruns that have dogged British defense procurement for years.


Paul Everitt, the chief executive of ADS Group, the British defense trade lobby group, acknowledged industry needed to deliver needed military capability at a price the country can afford, but warned there were outstanding issues that suppliers still wanted to see resolved.


“Whatever option is put into place following this final assessment phase, it is important that the structure is fully debated with all stakeholders and legitimate issues are appropriately addressed,” said Everitt.


One executive here said industry remains skeptical the scheme will work and has been quietly lobbying against a GOCO.


Executives continue to raise concerns over a raft of issues around intellectual property ownership and exactly who will bear the risk on defense programs.


Others said they were concerned that a GOCO on this scale in a sector of this complexity had not been tried previously.


In a report last year, the Royal United Services Institute think tank here came out strongly against the GOCO option.


“History is littered with outsourcing deals either or both parties eventually find constraining and/or in practice, more expensive,” said RUSI.


U.S.-based contractor Jacobs Engineering has been appointed as the MoD’s delivery partner to assist the ministry in developing the business model for the handover of procurement activities to a contractor.


Jacobs is best known in the defense sector here for its role in the Lockheed Martin-led GOCO that runs the Atomic Weapons Establishment.


Hammond said the MoD expects to publish a white paper “later in the spring” setting out the nature of the procurement problem, options for potential solutions, and the reasons why the focus has been on the GOCO solution.


The MoD spokesman said that assuming the GOCO gets the all-clear, the plan is to lay legislation before Parliament in the next few weeks to allow the change to proceed with a contractor or consortium in place to start operations by December 2014.


Industry sources here termed the government timetable for implementation of the scheme as “racy.”


Bechtel, CH2 Hill and Fluor from the U.S., along with Serco and Atkins in the U.K., are expected to be among a handful of consortia forming to address the controversial requirement to hand over running of DE&S.


Bernard Gray, the chief of defense materiel and the architect of the GOCO scheme, reckons DE&S doesn’t have sufficient skills to negotiate and manage often highly complex deals whereas a contractor would be better able to squeeze a realistic and affordable agreement from suppliers.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:50
Optima’s C-IED training for UK MoD receives 2013 best initiative award


25 April 2013 army-technology.com


Optima Defence and Security's counter improvised explosive device (C-IED) training programme to the UK military personnel has been awarded the 'Best Counter IED/Successful Deployment Initiative' at the 2013 Counter Terror Expo Excellence Awards in London, UK.


Designed to address the UK Ministry of Defence's (MoD) security training requirements in Afghanistan, Optima designed and delivered training for a new handheld detector (HHD) capabilities to 700 frontline British soldiers during a ten week relief-in-place period.


Optima senior C-IED and search instructor Jim Scott said the introduction of each new capability adds a significant training burden to the MoD, which is constantly under pressure to develop new C-IED capabilities to address the ever changing battlefield threats.


"Defence is under considerable strain to deliver operational effectiveness with shrinking resources, and with military manpower in high demand, using a credible contractor was really the best option," Scott said.


"That's where we came in. We developed the course and provided a ten-man team, deployed for nine weeks with the sole purpose of delivering the training, producing all course materials and documentation."


The company took around seven weeks to design the course, organise the logistics and provide trained operators at the earliest opportunity.


Around 697 personnel were trained by the company, with 690 deemed sufficiently skilled at the end of the programme.


Optima managing director Keith Hammond said the company has successfully demonstrated the advantages of contractor-delivered C-IED training through this training programme.


"Enhancing capacity and delivering training against short timescales are notable advantages, providing the MoD with flexibility and managing risk," Hammond added.


"It is a relatively new concept, but once established I have no doubt that outsourcing training will become a very attractive option to government defence bodies."

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:40
Russie: le chasseur de 5e génération livré à l'armée en 2016 (Poutine)


MOSCOU, 25 avril - RIA Novosti


Le chasseur russe de cinquième génération T-50 (PAK FA) sera livré à l'armée en 2016 et non en 2015, a annoncé jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine lors de sa traditionnelle séance de questions-réponses en direct avec la population.

"L'avion de cinquième génération T-50 sera produit en série et livré à l'armée en 2016", a indiqué M.Poutine.

Cet appareil aura des meilleures performances que son concurrent principal, le chasseur américain F-35, selon le chef suprême des armées.
Des responsables du ministère de la Défense avaient antérieurement déclaré que les forces armées russes recevraient le nouveau chasseur en 2015.

Le T-50 est un chasseur de cinquième génération doté d'un radar unique à balayage électronique actif. L'appareil possède une faible signature radar et thermique, une vitesse de croisière supersonique et un niveau élevé d'intégration des systèmes de commande. Conçu pour remplacer les MIG-29 et les Su-27 en service dans l'armée russe, le T-50 conjugue les caractéristiques d'un avion de frappe et d'un chasseur classique. Il est développé en Russie depuis les années 1990.

Russie: le chasseur de 5e génération livré à l'armée en 2016 (Poutine)

Le premier décollage du chasseur T-50 remonte au 29 janvier 2010. L'avion a été présenté pour la première fois au public le 17 août 2011, lors du Salon aérospatial MAKS-2011 à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:40
Missiles S-400: la Russie construit deux usines supplémentaires (Poutine)


MOSCOU, 25 avril - RIA Novosti


Les missiles sol-air russes S-400 sont si demandés sur le marché mondial que la Russie a lancé la construction de deux usines supplémentaires, a annoncé jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine lors de sa traditionnelle séance de questions-réponses en direct avec la population.


"Nous avons lancé la construction de deux nouvelles usines de production de missiles sol-air S-400. Ces missiles se vendent comme des petits pains auprès de nos clients dans le monde entier. Nous n'arrivons même pas à satisfaire cette demande", a indiqué le président.


Le S-400 Triumph (code Otan: SA-21 Growler) est un système de missiles sol-air de grande et moyenne portée destiné à abattre tout type de cible aérienne: avions, drones et missiles de croisière hypersoniques.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:35
NATO says war against Afghan's Taliban being won


Apr 25, 2013 ASDNews (AFP)


NATO insisted Thursday that the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan is being won, despite reports by other organisations of a sharp upsurge in insurgent attacks this year.


US General Joseph Dunford, head of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), said there was "indisputable" progress towards the goal of a secure and stable nation.


A study by the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office found attacks by the Taliban and other insurgents rose 47 percent in January-March compared with the same period last year.


The United Nations has separately reported a rise of almost 30 percent in civilian casualties in the first quarter compared with the same period last year, with 475 civilians killed and 872 wounded.


Dunford in a statement gave no figures for attacks but said 80 percent of them were in areas where less than 20 percent of the population lives.


Equally importantly, he said, surveys showed that Afghans "will simply not tolerate the oppressive policies imposed by the former Taliban government".


The Taliban's 1996-2001 government was toppled by a US-led invasion. The militants have battled the current Western-backed government and US-led foreign troops ever since.


The 100,000-strong ISAF force will end its combat mission by the end of next year and Afghan forces will soon take nationwide responsibility for security despite lingering concerns about their competency and motivation.


The ISAF chief said insurgents would face a combined Afghan army and police force of more than 350,000. It was "steadily gaining in confidence, competence, and commitment", he said.


"While numerous challenges remain, there are some basic facts that highlight the improved security across the country," Dunford said.


He said almost eight million children are in school, 40 percent of whom are girls, compared with one million -- almost all boys -- under the Taliban.


In 2002 only nine percent of Afghans had access to basic health care while now 85 percent can reach medical facilities in an hour, he said, and life expectancy was steadily rising.


"Under the Taliban, there were only 10,000 fixed phone lines, and today there are over 17 million people using cellphones," Dunford said.


Women now hold more than 25 percent of the seats in parliament and have a small but growing presence in the army and police, he said.


Some analysts are less confident.


"ISAF appears to have a strategy of optimism. It tries to find statistics to bolster the case that it is winning the war," said Kate Clark of the independent Afghan Analysts Network (AAN).


For example the rise in cellphone use, she told AFP, is due to the spread of new technology, not the fall of the Taliban.


"The Taliban are shifting targeting from foreign forces to Afghan forces and civilians connected with the government," Clark said. "You have to ask if the tide is really turning: it may not feel like that on the ground."


Military analyst Gary Owen, in a blog posting on the AAN website, said attrition -- the loss of a soldier through desertion, death or injury -- was the most serious problem facing the Afghan army.


He said it lost 27 per cent of its fighting force to attrition from October 2011 to September 2012.


In February, US officials said ISAF incorrectly reported a seven percent decline last year in Taliban attacks, saying that the number of attacks for 2012 had been roughly the same as the previous year.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:35
US and Australia sign space situational awareness data sharing agreement

25 April 2013 aerospace-technology.com


The US Department of Defense (DoD) has entered into a space situational awareness (SSA) international sharing agreement with the Department of Defence of Australia, making it the first government-to-government memorandum to permit an advanced exchange of SSA data.


The US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) commander air force general Robert Kehler signed the agreement on behalf of the US.


The agreement will simplify the process for the Australian Government to request data through Stratcom's SSA sharing agreement programme.


SSA data exchanges will help partners with activities such as launch support, manoeuvre planning, support for on-orbit anomaly resolution and electromagnetic interference reporting and investigation.


US Strategic Command general Robert Kehler said: "Many nations share the space domain, and it is in our best interest to create an environment where the sharing of SSA data facilitates transparency and improves flight safety."


The agreement builds on agreement signed in November 2010 agreement, when the two countries agreed to cooperate on space situational awareness activities.


It allows the Australians to make specific requests about space data accumulated by Stratcom's Joint Operations Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, US.


The space data includes locations of about 23,000 man-made objects in space and is critical in planning launches into the space domain.


The agreement also paves the way for similar ones between the US and its closest allies and partners, and is designed on commercial agreements Stratcom has forged with commercial firms over the past three years.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:30
U.S., UAE Plan to Wrap Up Major Arms Deal


Apr. 25, 2013 – Defense News (AFP)


ABU DHABI — U.S. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel will meet United Arab Emirates leaders on Thursday to wrap up a major arms deal that both nations see as a way to thwart Iran's military power.


Hagel arrived in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday on the last leg of a six-nation tour of the Middle East in which he has sought to renew ties with American allies who share Washington's concerns over Iran's nuclear project and Syria's civil war.


Before his departure, the Pentagon announced plans for an elaborate weapons sale to Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, including more than two dozen F-16 fighter jets to the UAE at a value of nearly $5 billion.


The preliminary arms deal “really cements a long term and enduring partnership with the Emirates,” a senior defence official told reporters traveling with Hagel.


By endorsing the deal, the UAE has demonstrated "its trust in the United States" as a reliable partner, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


The arms sale, which involves a long-term commitment to train UAE pilots and provide spare parts, shows "that the US isn't going anywhere, that the United States is firmly committed to the security of all our regional partners," the official said.


The F-16 deal -- and the perceived threat posed by Iran -- will be high on the agenda Thursday night when Hagel meets Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahayan, Abu Dhabi crown prince and deputy head of the UAE's armed forces, officials said.


Located only 35 miles (56 kilometers) from Iran across the Strait of Hormuz, the United Arab Emirates is anxious about the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran as well as the consequences of a possible Israeli pre-emptive strike to prevent Tehran from attaining an atomic arsenal.


As Iran's uranium enrichment has progressed along with its missile programme, the UAE has spent billions beefing up its air power and missile defences.


The UAE also has backed tough sanctions against Iran despite extensive trade and commercial ties with its northern neighbour.


Dubai, the second-largest emirate after Abu Dhabi, hosts a large Iranian diaspora and much of Iran's imports and exports flow through Dubai's bustling ports.


Hagel flew to Abu Dhabi from Cairo in a trip that has included stops in Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.


U.S. defense officials said grave worries about Syria's conflict came up in all of Hagel's meetings, amid renewed fears the Damascus regime may have used chemical weapons.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 16:20
Une puce qui géolocalise sans utiliser de satellites de positionnement


le 25/04/13 Gilbert Kallenborn  - 01net (AFP)


L’armée américaine cherche à réduire sa dépendance du système GPS, qui peut être brouillé par l’ennemi. Elle vient de présenter une solution alternative, totalement autonome et déjà très miniaturisée.


Le système GPS, c’est bien pratique. Mais que faire quand il y a des interférences, quand le signal est brouillé, ou quand les satellites de positionnement sont en panne ? L’hypothèse est très probable : en mai 2012, la Corée du Nord a perturbé la réception de signaux GPS en Corée du Sud, en utilisant un système de brouillage russe. Evidemment, ce problème de réception peut être particulièrement fatal pour des soldats en opération. C’est pourquoi l’armée américaine cherche de nouvelles solutions technologiques permettant de limiter la dépendance au GPS.


Il y a quelques jours, l’agence de recherche du Pentagone (Darpa) vient de présenter une puce électronique qui permet de se géolocaliser sans avoir besoin d’utiliser des satellites ou d’autres systèmes externes. D’une taille de 8 millimètres cube, elle contient trois gyroscopes, trois accéléromètres et une horloge atomique. Autant d'instruments qui, combinés, forment un système de navigation autonome. En effet, supposons qu’un véhicule veuille naviguer d’un point A vers un point B, dont les positions sont connues de manière précise. Pour pouvoir calculer en temps réel sa position, tout ce qu’il faut avoir est une bonne carte, l’orientation et l’accélération du véhicule, ainsi que le temps écoulé. Et le tour est joué.


Une alternative, mais pour une durée limitée


Le stade de mise au point de cette puce ne permet d'envisager, pour l'instant, de remplacer le GPS que pour une durée limitée. Pour la Darpa, cette technologie convient entre autres pour le suivi de personnes, les petites plateformes aéroportées ou les munitions de petit calibre. Au-delà, la Darpa travaille sur toute une série de programmes, lancés début 2010, sur les questions de positionnement et de navigation. L'un d'eux prévoit, pour remplacer temporairement le GPS, d'utiliser les signaux existants comme ceux dégagés par « les tours de télévision, de radio, les bornes téléphoniques et même les éclairs », explique, lors d’une conférence de presse, Dr Arati Prabhakar, qui préside la Darpa. Avant d’ajouter : « Il n'y aura pas de solution unique, ce sera une série de technologies. »

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 15:48
Un drone venant du Liban abattu dans le nord d'Israël


25 avril 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Un drone entré dans l'espace aérien israélien en provenance du Liban a été abattu au large du nord d'Israël, a annoncé jeudi l'armée israélienne, soulignant qu'il s'agissait de la deuxième fois depuis l'envoi d'un drone en octobre par le Hezbollah chiite libanais.


Un avion sans pilote repéré alors qu'il approchait de la côte israélienne a été intercepté par l'aviation israélienne à cinq milles nautiques au large de Haïfa, affirme un communiqué militaire qui précise que l'appareil a été abattu vers 14H00 (11H00 GMT).


C'est la deuxième fois qu'un avion sans pilote est intercepté dans l'espace aérien israélien en sept mois, selon le texte.


Je considère avec une extrême gravité cette tentative de violer notre frontière. Nous continuerons à faire tout le nécessaire pour protéger la sécurité des citoyens israéliens, a réagi le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu dans un bref communiqué.


M. Netanyahu se rendait vers le nord pour assister à une cérémonie au moment où le drone a été repéré et son hélicoptère s'est posé jusqu'à l'interception sur ordre des services de sécurité, a rapporté la radio publique.


Le 6 octobre, un drone envoyé par le Hezbollah avait survolé la Méditerranée avant d'entrer dans le ciel israélien à proximité de la bande de Gaza, pour être finalement abattu par un avion de combat israélien au-dessus du désert du Néguev, où se trouvent les installations nucléaires israéliennes.


Le drone se déplaçant du nord au sud le long de la côte libanaise a été repéré peu après 13H00 (10H00 GMT), a précisé dans un briefing téléphonique le porte-parole de l'armée israélienne, le lieutenant-colonel Peter Lerner.


Nous ne savons pas d'où venait l'appareil ni où il allait, a-t-il indiqué, faisant état d'une enquête et de recherches en cours des débris.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 15:30
Un drone venant du Liban abattu dans le nord d'Israël


25 avril 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Un drone entré dans l'espace aérien israélien en provenance du Liban a été abattu au large des côtes du nord d'Israël, a annoncé jeudi l'armée israélienne.


Un avion sans pilote repéré alors qu'il approchait de la côte israélienne a été intercepté par l'aviation israélienne à cinq milles nautiques au large de Haïfa, selon un communiqué militaire qui précise que l'interception a eu lieu vers 14H00 (11H00 GMT).


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