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14 août 2011 7 14 /08 /août /2011 17:50


le Charles de Gaulle lors de son retour à Toulon, vendredi 12 aout.

Photo (MN PM Stephane Dzioba) :


14 Août 2011 par Jean-Dominique Merchet


Le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle devrait rester à Toulon jusqu'au début 2012

De retour à Toulon, vendredi 12 aout, le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle ne devrait pas être engagé dans des opérations avant le début de l'année prochaine. Sauf urgence !

Au cours des dix derniers mois, le porte-avions et son équipage ont passé 35 semaines à la mer... soit plus de 80% du temps. Il en enchaîné une longue mission dans l'océan indien puis l'negagement au large de la Libye, avec une "mi-temps" d'un mois. Le bateau, comme l'équipage (partiellement relevé), ont besoin de repos, d'entretien ou de formation.

C'est notamment le cas des jeunes pilotes de l'aéronavale, qui doivent pouvoir s'entraîner à l'exercice délicat de l'appontage. Une fois remis en l'état, le Charles-de-Gaulle fera donc des "ronds dans l'eau" au large de Toulon pour les exercices aériens.

Les marins estiment qu'il sera à nouveau pleinement opérationnel à la mi-février, mais d'autres estiment qu'il sera prêt dès la mi-janvier. Dans tous les cas, si une urgence se déclarait, le Charles-de-Gaulle pourrait appareiller plus rapidement. Son arrêt à Toulon n'est pas une IPER, c'est-à-dire une immobilisation au cours de la laquelle des éléments essentiels sont démontés.


Sur le front libyen, le groupe aérien embarqué (qui a rejoint Landivisiau et Lann-Bihoué, pour les Hawkeye) sera partiellement remplacé par des appareils de l'armée de l'air. Les seize avions de combat de la Marine (10 Rafale et 6 Super-Etendard) sont relevés par quatre Mirage F1CR de l'esacron 2/33 Savoie de Mont-de-Marsan, basés à Sigonella (Sicile). Le dispositif aérien français est reparti entre cette base et celle de la Sude, en Crète. Les avions de l'armée de l'air pourront toujours effectuer environ 16 sorties d'attaques au sol (strikes) chaque jour.


Les observateurs constatent que les cibles de l'aviation se raréfient après cinq mois de frappes. En revanche, la nécessité de reconnaissance est toujours importante (d'ou l'envoi de F1 CR, capable de frappes et de reco). En revanche, les cibles traitées par les hélicoptères du groupe aéromobile de l'Alat, dans une profondeur d'une vingtaine de kilomètres à partir de la côte, restent nombreuses. Celui reste donc engagé, à raison de deux ou trois raids nocturnes par semaine. Le groupe aéromobile est déployé sur le BPC Mistral, après l'avoir été sur le Tonnerre. Le fait de possèder deux (et bientôt trois, avec le Dixmude, désormais à Toulon) BPC permet d'assurer une permanence à la mer. Ce n'est évidemment pas le cas avec un seul porte-avions. 

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13 août 2011 6 13 /08 /août /2011 05:35



10 August 2011 by defenceWeb


Denel Dynamics’ latest unmanned air vehicle (UAV), the Seeker 400, is due to make its maiden flight in the first quarter of next year. This will be followed by flight tests leading to production for an unspecified client that “operated the Seeker I tactical UAV in the early 1990s.”


Two other countries which currently operate the Seeker II are also interested in the Seeker 400 because the new aircraft can be controlled by simply using their existing Seeker II control stations, the state arsenal says in a statement. “The decision by Denel to invest in this new product was mainly based on the global requirements for this capability. Based on the business case, Denel decided to fund the development from its balance sheet,” says Tsepo Monaheng, executive for Denel UAVS.


Although the USA and Israel dominate the global market, there is scope for South Africa to use local skills to create market-leading UAVs to a broad spectrum of countries - from developing to developed. This market is estimated at US $14 billion per annum, the company says in a statement. The South African UAV industry aims to capture in excess of 20% of this end of the market, the media release adds.


Simphiwe Hamilton, chairman of the South African UAV forum and executive director of the SA Aerospace, Maritime and Defence Industries Association in September 2009 said the South African unmanned aerial systems (UAS) industry was worth an estimated R400 million and is chasing annual business worth the same amount. The forum brings together SA UAV producers Denel Dynamics and ATE as well as research-and-development centres based at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and experts from the departments of Science and Technology as well as Trade and Industry. "It was estimated in 2005 that 200 full-time people employed in the wider South African industry would create a sustainable business turnover of around R200 million per year," Hamilton said.



The aircraft was displayed in mock-up form at the Africa Aerospace and Defence Show (AAD) 2010, in Cape Town in September last year. Though it utilises the Seeker II architectural design, Denel insists the Seeker 400 is a totally new aircraft. The Seeker 400 long-endurance tactical UAV (TUAV) is much larger and much more capable than the Seeker II and provides a variety of operational options, the company explains. It is deployable in most conditions, including taking off from an unprepared piece of land.


Monaheng describes the Seeker 400 as a “typical entry-level” long-endurance TUAV. It can stay in the air for 16 hours and can simultaneously operate two payloads. It currently has a maximum expected range of 250 km, the same as the Seeker II, because it will use only line-of-sight communications. This can be upgraded to satellite communications, which would allow it to operate at much greater ranges. With the use of the existing tactical ground station (TGS), the range may be extended to 750km.


The Seeker 400 flight test programme will run for most of 2012, and production should start by the end of the year.


Denel Dynamics plans, in due course, to add weapons to the Seeker 400, turning the aircraft into an armed reconnaissance platform. The prototype was recently displayed at the company’s 2011 ‘Show and Tell’ briefing in Centurion with a Mokopa precision-guided missile (PGM, also a Denel Dynamics product) under each wing. Last year, at AAD2010, Denel Dynamics exhibited a mock-up of the Impi, a 25kg hybrid of the business' existing Mokopa and Ingwe PGM. Denel Dynamics' Garsen Naidu said at the show the new missile concept “brings all our experience together”. The missile combines the Mokopa's seeker and laser guidance units with the Ingwe's multipurpose warhead and the Umkhonto short-range surface-to-air air defence missile's datalink. Like the Mokopa, the weapon has a 10km range. Impi is currently in its design phase and is a small, low-cost system designed specifically for operation on lightweight armed reconnaissance platforms, Naidu added. A number of countries have already expressed interest in an armed version of the UAV, Denel adds.


The Seeker 400 was originally conceived as an upgrade of the Seeker II but, as the project developed, the company realized that a totally new and larger aircraft would do better in the market. The retention of the name ‘Seeker’ also takes advantage of the Seeker II’s established brand.

The Seeker 400 programme schedule is on track. The medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) UAV project, the Bateleur, has not been abandoned but is currently on hold to allow for a focused development of the Seeker 400.


Globally, UAVS are becoming ever more important and more widely used. Although costs are coming down, UAVs are not necessarily cheaper or easier to operate than crewed aircraft – some top-of- the-range UAVs are very expensive, Denel says. But the fact that they have no human on board means they can be sent into high-risk environments and they can be kept aloft much longer than a conventional aircraft.


The availability of capable and affordable South African UAVs has obvious benefits for national security as well as crime fighting, disaster management, election monitoring and search-and-rescue, Denel says. UAVs are also utilised in the agricultural, mining, health and environmental sectors. Within the next five years UAVs will be used by a diversity of industries-- from policing poachers on land and coastlines or carrying test specimens from remote clinics to laboratories for analysis, to keeping an eye on livestock on farms. “This wide range of applications will open up lucrative parallel markets for international UAV players,” Denel adds.


Foreign experience in combat zones shows that the key service that UAVs provide to ground force commanders is live video coverage. This provides them with real time surveillance, intelligence and target acquisition as well as much better situational awareness. The French Army has reported that, in Afghanistan, UAVs have saved the lives of its soldiers and some 80% of its UAV missions are to protect its troops. Indeed, it is now known that one of the operators of the Seeker II has deployed these UAVs under UN command in a foreign country.

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5 août 2011 5 05 /08 /août /2011 17:30



Le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle au large de la Libye



05/08/2011 MER et MARINE


Le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle doit rentrer à Toulon d'ici le 15 août, ce qui met un terme à son engagement dans l'opération Harmattan/Unified Protector. A partir du 22 mars, le bâtiment, dont le groupe aérien embarqué comprend 18 avions (Rafale, Super-Etendard Modernisés et Hawkeye) et des hélicoptères, est intervenu en Libye contre les forces du colonel Kadhafi. A cette occasion, le Charles de Gaulle a, une nouvelle fois, démontré l'intérêt de disposer d'un porte-avions, qui permet de profiter de la liberté de navigation pour s'approcher rapidement et au plus près d'un théâtre de crise. Ce déploiement fut également l'occasion de roder ou mettre en oeuvre pour la première fois un certain nombre de matériels dans un conflit « classique » contre des forces armées constituées. Ce fut notamment le cas pour le missile de croisière Scalp EG, l'Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM), le pod de reconnaissance Reco NG ou encore la nacelle de désignation d'objectifs Damocles ; tous ces équipements étant embarqués sur Rafale.

Le Charles de Gaulle au large de la Libye (© : EMA)

Plusieurs mois à quai pour se remettre en condition

L'équipage a, également, montré une grande capacité de résistance. Car, avant de rejoindre la Libye, le porte-avions avait participé, d'octobre 2010 à février 2011, à l'opération Agapanthe, qui avait elle-même succédé à une période très intensive d'entrainement à la mer suite à son premier grand carénage. Depuis octobre dernier, le navire totalise donc plus de 8 mois d'opérations, interrompues seulement pas un mois d'arrêt technique à Toulon et deux escales de quelques jours en Crète durant l'opération Harmattan. Même si l'équipage de plus de 1800 personnes a été partiellement relevé (dont 340 marins lors de l'escale du 15 au 21 juillet en Crète), il devenait nécessaire de faire souffler les hommes et le matériel. Après une telle activité, le Charles de Gaulle sera immobilisé durant plusieurs mois, « afin de permettre la remise à niveau technique et la remise en condition de l'équipage avant une remontée en puissance opérationnelle », explique l'Etat-major des Armées. On notera aussi que le bâtiment a changé de commandant en plein mer et durant les opérations. Ainsi, le 1er août, l'amiral Pierre-François Forissier, chef d'état-major de la Marine nationale, a fait reconnaître le capitaine de vaisseau Olivier Lebas comme nouveau pacha du Charles de Gaulle. L'officier succède au capitaine de vaisseau Jean-Philippe Rolland.

Prise de commandement sur le CDG, le 1er août (© : MARINE NATIONALE)

Un Tigre sur un BPC (© : EMA)

Réorganisation du dispositif français en Libye

Avec le départ du Charles de Gaulle, dont les avions assuraient notamment une part significative des sorties d'attaque au sol, la France, qui intervient en Libye dans le cadre de la résolution 1973 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, réorganise son dispositif miliaire. Les missions d'attaque sont, désormais, entièrement assurées par l'armée de l'Air. A La Sude, en Crète, la France déploie un détachement de Mirage 2000D et de Mirage 2000N de l'armée de l'Air ; alors que 5 Rafale Air interviennent maintenant depuis la base italienne de Sigonella, afin de se rapprocher de la zone d'intervention. Par ailleurs, les avions de détection et de contrôle E-3F et de ravitaillement C135 continuent d'opérer depuis la France, respectivement depuis les bases aériennes d'Avord et Istres. On notera aussi la présence, en Crète, d'avions de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2, de la Marine nationale. Cette dernière, malgré le retrait du porte-avions, compte encore au large de la Libye une puissance force navale. Celle-ci comprend le bâtiment de projection et de commandement Mistral, qui embarque un groupe aéromobile, composé d'une vingtaine d'hélicoptères Tigre, Gazelle, Puma et Caracal, qui interviennent contre les forces fidèles au régime de Tripoli. La flotte française compte également sur zone deux frégates (Chevalier Paul et Jean de Vienne), le bâtiment de commandement et de ravitaillement Var, ainsi qu'un sous-marin nucléaire d'attaque. L'aviso Lieutenant de Vaisseau Lavallée est, quant à lui, engagé dans la force maritime de l'OTAN.

Mirage 2000 (© : EMA)

Atlantique 2 à La Sude (© : EMA)

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28 juillet 2011 4 28 /07 /juillet /2011 18:15


Source Mer et Marine - crédits Navantia


28 juillet 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le chantier naval espagnol Navantia a annoncé avoir terminé la phase de conception des sous-marins S-80. Cette phase aura coûté 100 millions € et duré 7 ans. Il s’agit du projet technologique le plus important qui ait été développé par une entreprise espagnole depuis 50 ans, explique le directeur de l’entreprise, Manuel Filgueira.


La fin de la phase des plans est un des premiers grands succès du programme, qui est destiné à doter la marine espagnole d’un sous-marin classique de conception entièrement espagnole. La prochaine étape importante sera, en mai 2013, le début des essais à la mer du 1er exemplaire, S-81. Il sera entièrement opérationnel en mai 2015, a assuré mardi Manuel Filgueira.


Navantia a aussi l’intention de participer avec ce modèle à des appels d’offres internationaux. Actuellement, il a déjà proposé son projet S-80 à l’Inde et à l’Australie, dont les gouvernements ont prévus de moderniser leurs flottes. Mais comme aucun pays n’achète de sous-marins sur plan, la mise à l’eau du S-81 sera essentielle pour concrétiser ces projets d’exportation.


Filgueira a expliqué que, jusqu’en 2020, la vente et la construction de quelques 140 sous-marins classiques neufs est prévue dans le monde entier. Navantia espère parvenir à remporter 10% de ce marché auquel il vient d’accéder grâce au projet S-80. Tous les sous-marins construits au chantier naval de Carthagène au cours des 70 dernières années l’ont été avec des technologies acquises à l’étranger.


Le directeur du programme S-80, Donato Martínez, a rappelé les 2 millions d’heures de travail d’ingénierie réalisées au cours des 7 dernières années. Il a aussi donné quelques chiffres : 13.000 signaux de contrôle, autant que sur une navette spatiale Atlantis ; 71 m de long, soit la hauteur d’un immeuble de 20 étages ; et une longueur totale de câbles de 450 km.


L’ingénieur en chef de Navantia, Regimio Díez, a indiqué que le système de propulsion anaérobie (AIP) des S-80 leur permettra de rester en plongée pendant 15 jours. Le sous-marin sera ainsi plus discret face aux radars. De part ses caractéristiques, pour les responsables du chantier, il s’agit du sous-marin le plus moderne. Il permettra à l’entreprise d’avoir une position privilégiée par les grands constructeurs navals du monde.


Référence : La Verdad (Espagne)

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26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 16:30



2011-07-26 (China Military News from China-defense-mashup)


In 2010, PLAN acquired at least total of 9 Ka-31 Airborne early warning helicopters. These helicopters are expected to be stationed onboard the Russian Yaryag and indigeneous aircraft carriers which are under construction.


By the end of July 2011, these pictures of PLA Navy's Ka-31 helicopters indicate that early-warning system of Varyag aircraft carrier is in rapid development, in order to meet the future sea trial and fleet air defense training.


Based on Ka-27 ASW helicopter, Ka-31 features an E-801M solid-state early warning radar which can detect a fighter size target up to 150km away.


In 2009, some pictures which come from Chinese Internet source have provided sufficient supports that China is developing early-warning system under Z-8 AEW platform for Chinese navy's aircraft carrier project.


A bar-shape array radar is installed outside the real cabine door of this Z-8 helicopter. Some analyzers believe that this sensor can provide low-to-medium altitude early warning for task fleet or even carrier strike group. In June 2009, Richard Fisher once reported that  PLA is also known to be developing carrier combat support aircraft, that initially could focus on airborne early warning (AEW) and anti-submarine versions of the Changhe Z-8 helicopter.

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22 juillet 2011 5 22 /07 /juillet /2011 12:20



Collins class submarine (photo : RAN)

DEFENCE Minister Stephen Smith has ordered a review of the maintenance regime of the navy's troubled Collins-class submarines and why so few of them are available for operations.

Mr Smith said last night the submarines were a vital part of the country's maritime national security capability.
"But problems with the availability of the Collins-class are longstanding, deeply entrenched and well known to the public," he told the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
He said the problems were significant and technically complex, and they had to be sorted out before work could begin on plans for 12 replacement "future submarines" promised in the Rudd government's 2007 defence white paper.
ASPI estimates those submarines will cost about $36 billion to design and build in Australia.
"So for what will be the largest defence capability project that the commonwealth of Australia has seen, very careful attention in its early stages is demanded, and that's what we're doing, including sustainment," Mr Smith said.
He said that at times only one Collins-class submarine had been available for operations.
"This situation is unacceptable but will not be addressed simply by continuation of the status quo."
Mr Smith said getting more submarines operational for more of the time was a significant challenge for the government, Defence, the navy and the Australian Submarine Corporation.
A review would be conducted by John Coles, a British-based private sector expert in major defence programs. Mr Coles would provide an interim report by December and a final version by March, Mr Smith said.
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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 17:35


Source thenewstribe.com


21 juillet 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le Pakistan va acheter 6 sous-marins de conception chinoise, équipés avec les technologies les plus récentes, à la Chine.


Selon certaines sources, le Pakistan a conclu mardi l’accord pour l’achat de 6 sous-marins de la classe Yuan-king pour renforcer ses capacités de défense nucléaire.


Les sous-marins sont actuellement testés dans les eaux chinois.


Les sources précisent que les sous-marins sont équipés du plus récent système de propulsion anaérobie qui leur permet de rester plus longtemps en plongée.


Les sous-marins ont la capacité d’emporter des armes nucléaires.


L'analyse de la rédaction :


Il s’agit probablement de sous-marins classiques Type 041 (classe Yuan). Le suffixe -king pourrait indiquer qu’il s’agit de la version améliorée (variante A). La capacité de lancer des armes nucléaires ne semble pas avoir été mentionnée auparavant.


Il est surprenant, compte-tenu de ses propres besoins, que la Chine vende des sous-marins déjà construits, comme le laisse entendre cet article.


Référence : Pakistan Observer

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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 11:55
India test-fires new short range missile Prithvi-II

Test launch of a Prithvi (P-II) surface-to-surface missile by the Indian Armed Forces. (Photo: DRDO)


July 21, 2011 defpro.com


NEW DELHI | India successfully test-fired on Thursday its new quick reaction, short range Prahaar missile, regional media reported.


The missile blasted off at about 8.15 am local time (02:45 GMT) from the Integrated Test Range in the eastern state of Orissa, the Press Trust of India news agency said.


"The test launch was fully successful as the surface-to-surface, sleek missile mounted on a road mobile launcher, roared into an overcast sky, seconds within its blast off," a defense source was quoted by PTI as saying.


The 150-km range Prahaar is a single-stage missile fuelled by solid propellants, media reports said. It is designed to fill the gap between Pinaka, a 40-km multi-barrel rocket system, and the 350-km range, nuclear-capable Prithvi-II, a surface-to-surface strategic missile.


The uniqueness of the missile system is that "in one salvo, six missiles can be fired with multiple targets," PTI quoted a scientist associated with this project as saying.


The test was initially scheduled for Sunday, but was postponed for Thursday to allow for additional tests of the vehicle which the missile was mounted on, the Hindu website said. (RIA Novosti)

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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 11:40


Photo Vladimir Karnozov


21/07/11 By Vladimir Karnozov SOURCE:Flight International


The Irkutsk Aircraft Plant (IAZ) is assembling two Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighters for the Russian air force, Alexey Fedorov, president of the controlling Irkut corporation, said. The pair will be completed and subjected to flight trials by the end of this year.


The new version of the twin-seat Su-30 represents the baseline Su-30MKI with thrust vectoring developed for the Indian air force, but with modifications to meet Russian air force specifications, Fedorov said.


The service is seeking to procure 30 such aircraft, with a contract still being finalised.


"Hopefully, in 2012 we will be able to finalise a contract for 18 Su-30SMs for the Russian air force, with an option for a further 18 for the Russian navy air arm," Fedorov said.


The delivery of the Su-30SM to the Russian armed forces will end a long pause in their acquisition of IAZ-built fighters, after its last Su-30K interceptors and Su-27UB twin-seat operational trainers were handed over in the early 1990s.


It is understood that the decision to procure the Su-30SM was inspired by the successful use of industry-owned Su-30MKI/MKM operational-standard prototypes during Russia's August 2008 conflict with Georgia.

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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 06:05
French Legislators Push Broad Missile Defense

Jul 20, 2011 By Amy Svitak, Robert Wall - aviation week and space technology


Washington, London - A push by French legislators to encourage France to do more in the realm of ballistic missile defense is very much threat-driven. But they are not concerned as much about Iranian missile proliferation as they are about France falling technologically behind its strategic rivals.


In particular, French politicians want to make sure that the U.S. does not dominate Europe’s missile defense spending and that Paris’s nuclear deterrent is not undermined in the long term.


France’s interest in pursuing exoatmospheric-intercept capability is two-pronged, say industry and government officials. Besides gaining experience in national defense, the country’s leaders want to ensure that when upgrades and a follow-on to the M51 submarine-launched ballistic missile are developed, France will know how to defeat missile defenses to uphold its strategic deterrent.


Although a new report by French senators on the need to pursue missile defense does not specify immediate funding, the document is considered an important strategic marker. It is the first time the legislature has forcefully advocated missile defense, and sets the stage for the mission area to be a key element in the new defense white paper to be written following next year’s presidential elections.


The report also underscores the 180-deg. turnaround the nation has taken on the anti-missile topic. Paris initially resisted the U.S.’s pressure on Europe to regard the mission more seriously. Now, it has not just signed on to NATO’s decision to embrace missile defense but is pushing an expansive set of capabilities, ranging from endo- and exoatmospheric intercept capabilities to space-based early warning satellites, long-range radars and command-and-control structures.


Some early steps could emerge this year, with potential funding to launch work on the Aster Block 1NT flowing to give the interceptor an anti-ballistic missile capability.


One of the central themes for the legislators is that Europe should act jointly and pool resources. They urge France and Germany to work together on a high-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft surveillance system equipped with an infrared sensor to aid in ballistic missile tracking. France would provide the infrared sensor and Germany the Global Hawk unmanned aircraft. Germany is considering fielding Global Hawks in addition to the signals intelligence Euro Hawk system (see p. 32).


In the report, several senators see a budget requirement of roughly €7.4 billion ($10.4 billion) through 2020 to realize their missile defense vision. But they recognize the budget environment does not allow such outlays, so they advocate immediate action items totaling €3.2 billion, spent nationally or in cooperation with other European states. That includes €180 million to upgrade the French air force’s SAMP/T air defense system and €200 million to achieve the same for its ship-based cousin, Paams, as well as performing development work for Aster Block 2, a new interceptor optimized for endoatmospheric ballistic missile defense.


Among the near-term spending items advocated by the report are:


•€20 million for France to establish a national missile defense center.


•€700 million for work (potentially cooperatively) for space-based early warning.


•€30 million for a long-range radar.


•€270 million for initial work on an exoatmospheric interceptor.


Astrium Space Transportation has already proposed to the French defense ministry a plan to validate the underlying technology for a €1 billion missile defense system, called Exoguard. “We just want to demonstrate the capabilities of French industry in order to succeed in exoatmospheric or space interception,” says CEO Alain Charmeau, adding that “it is exactly the same kind of technologies as the one we have on the kill vehicle of Exoguard.”


The unsolicited proposal aims at achieving a successful flight test of an in-space interceptor around 2016 at a cost of roughly €225 million. The senators’ report states that 75% of the flight’s demo’s pre-tax cost would pay for development of the demonstration kill vehicle while the rest would go to other elements. Astrium would lead the work on the kill vehicle, which will use an infrared sensor to spot its target. Safran units would work on the divert and attitude control system.


“We have already submitted to the DGA [French defense procurement agency] a commercial proposal with a commitment from my company to deliver in five years this demonstration of space interception, even if in the end the demonstration could be a first phase of a development of an Exoguard operational product in the future.”


But industry officials say they are worried that the funding level suggested by the senators will never emerge in the difficult fiscal environment.


To help ease the financial burden, the legislators are calling for a missile defense conference to be held under the auspices of the European Defense Agency to help spur cooperation, particularly in the area of upgrading air defenses to create a lower-tier missile shield.


For the senators, it is not just the need for burden-sharing that prompts them to argue for cooperation within Europe. They argue that without a sweeping European program, countries will be tempted to buy into the U.S. Phased Adaptive Approach, and this would absorb scarce modernization funding in Europe with little immediate technology payoff. A U.S. missile defense program is a Trojan horse not unlike the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, they assert.


To help interest Germany and Italy in working with France, the senators argue that the Pentagon’s decision to disengage from the trinational Medium Extended Air Defense System program should persuade Berlin and Rome to consider joining in an Aster Block 2 development.

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20 juillet 2011 3 20 /07 /juillet /2011 11:50


source defense.gouv.fr


19/07/2011 Sources : EMA


La France est engagée depuis le 19 mars 2011 dans les opérations de la coalition en Libye pour protéger la population civile des attaques des forces du colonel Kadhafi. La participation française à l’engagement international porte le nom d’Harmattan .

Cette participation est articulée autour d’un dispositif aérien qui opère depuis des bases terrestres et d’un dispositif naval, la TF 473 qui met également en œuvre des aéronefs.


Les avions se redéployent au plus proche de la zone d’opération


Au début de l’opération, les chasseurs opéraient depuis des bases en métropole, notamment la base de Solenzara en Corse.


Pour accroître leur efficacité, l’ensemble chasseurs a été repositionné sur les bases avancées de La Sude en Crète et Sigonnella en Sicile. Ces redéploiements permettent de rapprocher les avions de combat français de la zone d’opération et de gagner en temps de transit et temps de présence sur zone.


A La Sude, la France a projeté un détachement de Mirage  2000-5 qui a commencé à opérer aux côtés d’un détachement de Mirage  2000-5 qatarien dès le 24 mars. Un détachement de Mirage  2000D puis de Mirage  2000N ont depuis rallié La Sude. Le 15 juillet, les 3 Mirage  2000-5 ont été désengagés de La Sude et rapatriés en métropole. Les 6 Mirage  2000D et 6 Mirage  2000N poursuivent leurs  missions quotidiennes d’interdiction aérienne et de frappes au sol depuis la base grècque.


A Sigonella, la France a projeté le 10 juillet dernier cinq avions Rafale  de l’armée de l’air qui opéraient jusque là depuis Solenzara. Ils ont rejoint un détachement d’avions de surveillance Atlantique  2 de la marine. Les Rafale  ont repris leurs missions au-dessus de la Libye le 13 juillet matin.


Au total, près d’une vingtaine de chasseurs de l’armée de l’air et un détachement Atlantique  2 opèrent désormais depuis les bases avancées de Sigonella et La Sude.


Par ailleurs, les avions de détection et de contrôle E3F et de ravitaillement C 135 continuent d’opérer depuis la France, respectivement depuis les bases d’Avord et Istres.


Le dispositif maritime dans la durée


La TF 473, articulée autour du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle  est engagée dans un bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) en Libye depuis le 22 mars. Elle compte actuellement, en plus du porte-avions, deux frégates, un bâtiment ravitailleur et un sous-marin nucléaire d’attaque. Par ailleurs, une troisième frégate est engagée dans la force maritime de l’OTAN qui opère en Libye.


Les bâtiments de la marine participent aux missions de contrôle de zone maritime et aérienne, de frappes contre les forces du colonel Kadhafi et ils mettent en œuvre au large des côtes libyennes :


- le groupe aérien embarqué de la marine qui comprend des chasseurs Rafale  et 6 Super-Etendard  modernisés ainsi que des avions Hawkeye  et qui opèrent depuis le porte-avions ;


- un groupe aéromobile composé d’une vingtaine d’hélicoptères de l’armée de terre (Tigre , Puma  et Gazelle ) qui conduisent des missions de frappes sur des objectifs militaire et qui opère depuis un bâtiment de projection et de commandement BPC.


Les bâtiments de ce dispositif sont régulièrement relevés. Ainsi, le BCP Tonnerre qui met en œuvre le groupe aéromobile en Libye depuis le 3 juin dernier est relevé cette semaine par le BPC Mistral  qui rentre de 4 mois de mission en océan Indien.


Les hélicoptères de l’armée de terre et l’état-major du groupe aéromobile ont donc été transférés à bord du BPC Mistral d’où ils vont reprendre leur mission. A cette occasion, les hélicoptères Caracal  de l’armée l’air, embarqués jusque là sur le porte-avions, ont rejoint le BPC Mistral  où ils renforcent le groupe aéromobile.

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19 juillet 2011 2 19 /07 /juillet /2011 19:10



18 July 2011 by defenceWeb


The South African Air Force (SAAF) has upped its bill to keep the venerable Lockheed Martin C130BZ flying by another R23.769 million. The SAAF last week awarded Denel Aviation an extension of an existing contract to provide product support services for the aging aircraft.


The SAAF C-130 fleet consists of seven platforms (401 - 407) purchased in 1963 before a US arms embargo was imposed on South Africa's apartheid government and five received in 1997/8 from the US (two ex-United States Air Force C-130B's – 408 and 409 – and three ex-US Navy C-130F's – 410 to 412 as part of their Excess Defence Articles programme. The two ex-US C-130B 's and a C-130F (411) were subsequently put in service, but the C-130F was retired soon thereafter.


Various modifications have been accomplished on the original SAAF aircraft, the most significant being a centre wing replacement and outer wing refurbishment from 1969 to 1972 done under the auspices of Lockheed, an engine upgrade (from Allison T56-A-7 to T56-A-15) during the early 1970s and a basic avionic upgrade during the early 1980s.


The two ex-USAF C-130B's had already been modified with the fitment of H-model outer wings and a centre wing similar to that of the other SAAF aircraft. The fleet underwent a major refit from December 1996, when Marshall Aerospace of Cambridge in the UK and Denel was contracted to upgrade the aircraft as part of Project Ebb, fitting inter alia digital avionics in the place of the electromechanical. The upgrade was not without delay and infighting between Marshalls and Denel and ran seven years past its expected date of completion, set for June 2002: the project wrapped up as late as July 2009.


Aircraft 402's brakes caught fire during a landing after a test flight in early 2005 at the then-Johannesburg International Airport. Damage estimated in the millions of rand was inflicted on the aircraft and an equally damaging dispute then erupted between Denel and Marshalls as to whom had to carry the cost of the repairs. It is unclear why the taxpayer paid the R6 579 134 for the repair as well as a further R3 686 241.08 for hangarage at Denel Aviation before and during the repair.

Another aircraft was also damaged while undergoing testing after upgrading - its fuel tanks were over-pressurised.


Seven of the nine were grounded in 2005 on the recommendation of the manufacturer after metal fatigue was discovered on the main spars and outer wing structures of several US C130Bs. As part of this the outer wings of aircraft 407 were removed. Lockheed Martin subsequently allowed three aircraft to resume flying, but in May 2006 the remaining four underwent a further battery of tests.


According to the Armscor Bulletin System, the cost of keeping the Hercules flying – fuel and crew excluded - now stands at at least R213 812 679 since early 2007 in addition to some a minimum of R3 686 241.08 charged in hangarage for the damaged aircraft #402 from 2005 until last year.


Product support services for the Hercules C130 aircraft - extension of ELGS/2003/553

LGS/S2011/4782 14 Jul 2011 R23 769 819,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2010/4663 17 Mar 2011 R9 500 000,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2010/4528 18 Nov 2010 R10 404 045,14 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Aerospace Group

LGS/S2010/4505 22 Sep 2010 R9 812 323,86 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Aerospace Group

LGS/S2009/4242 10 Mar 2010 R39 377 194,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2009/4139 8 Oct 2009 R9 500 000,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2008/3933 26 Mar 2009 R485 607,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation


Provision of materiel supply support services for the South African Air Force C130B aircraft

ELGS/2010/199 9 Dec 2010 R90 000 000,00 Tau Aerospace (Pty) Ltd


Service, rectification and engineering support during recovery of the SAAF C-130BZ aircraft 402 - extension of EVLI/2007/378

VLI/S2010/1811 21 Jul 2010 R22 028,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2010/1797 13 Jul 2010 R200 000,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2008/1746 28 May 2009 R1 075 583,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation


Hangarage of Project EBB C130Bz Aircraft 402 - Extension of ELGS/2005/413

LGS/S2009/1781 12 Jan 2010 R393 595,92 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2009/1774 29 Oct 2009 R655 993,20 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2009/1763 21 May 2009 R511 852,86 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2008/1726 26 Jun 2008 R523 008,61 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

LGS/S2007/1679 2 Aug 2007 R1 601 790,49 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation


Interim support for the SA Air Force C-130 BZ avionic system - extension of EVLI/2006/228

VLI/S2008/1743 11 Dec 2008 R2 000 000,00 Thales Division Aeronautique

VLI/S2007/1711 4 Sep 2008 R2 877 253,20 Thales Division Aeronautique

VLI/S2007/1673 28 Jun 2007 R990 236,00 Thales Division Aeronautique


Pyrotechnic fire extinguisher cartridges for the SAAF transport aircraft

EDWU/2008/190 9 Oct 2008 R97 414,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a PMP


Service, rectification and engineering support during the recovery of SAAF C-130BZ Aircraft 402

EVLI/2007/378 29 May 2008 R5 281 523,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation


Repair of 59 line replacement units - extension of EVLI/2003/680

VLI/S2008/1731 10 Jul 2008 R502 276,90 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2007/1709 15 May 2008 R18 415,35 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Denel Aviation

VLI/S2007/1663 11 May 2007 R1 500 000,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a Aerospace Group


Power cartridges for SA Air Force transport aircraft 2007/2008

EDWU/2007/126 23 Aug 2007 R172 316,00 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a PMP


Interim support of the South African Air Force''s C-130 BZ avionic system (Thales Avionics Top Deck)

EVLI/2006/228 12 Apr 2007 R6 075 607,56 Thales Division Aeronautique


Fire extinguisher cartridges for SAAF transport aircraft

EDWU/2006/505 9 Feb 2007 R151 037,10 Denel (Pty) Ltd t/a PMP

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19 juillet 2011 2 19 /07 /juillet /2011 06:35
Thales Alenia Space Italia awarded lead mandate for MUSIS-CIL Program

July 18, 2011 defpro.com


Cannes | Thales Alenia Space Italia announces the signature of a contract with OCCAR-EA (Organization for Joint Armament Co-operation) for the study phase for the definition and feasibility of the Multinational Space-based Imaging System (MUSIS) Federated Activities program. OCCAR-EA acted on behalf of the French and Italian Ministries of Defense, and awarded the contract to a Temporary Grouping of Companies made up of Astrium France and Thales Alenia Space France, led by Thales Alenia Space Italia.


The study is aimed at defining a Common Interoperability Layer (CIL) between the Ground Segments of the Italian COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation and the French CSO (Optical Space Component) high resolution optical system. The two defense ministries will be guaranteed access to both systems through this common interoperability, providing them with multi-sensor observation capabilities (SAR and Optical).


This approach has several objectives:

- guarantee mutual access for Italy and France to both SAR and high- and very-high resolution optical satellite capabilities, at the same time ensuring suitable mutual confidentiality requirements.

- reduce life cycle costs through the development of common user interfaces providing access for both national systems;

- ensure full consistency and compatibility with the development plans of the respective national programs.


The development of the CIL is part of the broader MUSIS program, which calls for a federation of several national systems endowed with complementary observation capabilities. Italy will contribute to this program by building, under the responsibility of the Italian Space Agency and the Ministry of Defense, two satellites equipped with radar sensors (with active SAR antenna) called COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation.


Although primarily designed to meet Italy and France's program and operational needs, the development of CIL will also give other countries interested in the MUSIS program access to the CSG and CSO systems and possibly extend its functions to other federated space components.


With the start of the MUSIS – CIL project, France and Italy, which have collaborated in the defense and space sector for decades, further strengthen their profitable bilateral relationship, putting it in an even European broader context where they can achieve their respective objectives and attain a common goal.


The COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation system represents the technological evolution of COSMO-SkyMed, made up of a constellation of four satellites., With cutting edge global technology, the system “watches” our planet day and night and under any atmospheric condition thanks to the high resolution X-band radar systems. Thales Alenia Space is the prime contractor, with responsibility for the entire system, including the Space and Ground Segment. COSMO-SkyMed is managed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) within the scope of an ASI/Defense joint Program Office and is the first completely dual project developed worldwide.


CSO (Composante Spatiale Optique – optical space component) is the follow-on to the Helios 2 French programme for which Thales Alenia Space will supply the very-high-resolution optical imaging instrument.

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19 juillet 2011 2 19 /07 /juillet /2011 05:45


image © Craig Hoyle/Flightglobal


18/07/11 By Craig Hoyle SOURCE:Flightglobal.com


The UK Royal Air Force marked the 10th anniversary of its introduction of Boeing’s C-17 strategic transport by sending one of its aircraft to the Royal International Air Tattoo for the first time in several years.


ZZ177, the seventh and currently last planned C-17 to enter service with the RAF’s 99 Sqn, arrived at the show early on 17 July, before being opened to the public while on static display.


But highlighting the C-17 fleet’s continued heavy commitment to the NATO-led operation in Afghanistan, it was held at short readiness to leave the show if required to perform medical evacuation duties in support of the UK’s deployed armed forces.



image © Craig Hoyle/Flightglobal


The UK took delivery of its first C-17 under an initially four-aircraft lease deal with Boeing in May 2001, one year after signing a deal with the company. Now purchased outright and joined by a further three of the airlifters, these deliver a key part of the UK’s “airbridge” with the Afghan theatre of operations.


ZZ177 entered operational use with 99 Sqn at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire during February, by which point the unit's other aircraft had flown more than a combined 65,000 flight hours.


RIAT’s organisers estimate that around 138,000 visitors attended this year’s show at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.

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18 juillet 2011 1 18 /07 /juillet /2011 05:50



Nicolas Sarkozy a réuni un conseil de sécurité à l’Elysée, à l’issue du défilé sur les Champs-Elysées, jeudi 14 juillet 2011, au cours duquel le chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre a été mandaté pour définir de nouvelles mesures de sécurité, suite au décès de plusieurs soldats français en Afghanistan.


En pleines célébrations de la Fête nationale, le président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, a réuni un conseil de sécurité à l'Élysée suite aux décès de cinq soldats français, tués dans un attentat à la bombe survenu dans la province de Kapisa, mercredi 13 juillet, puis d’un commando marine, qui a perdu la vie au cours d’un accrochage dans la vallée d’Alasay, jeudi 14 juillet, en Afghanistan


A l’occasion d’une conférence de presse, qui s’est tenue à l’hôtel de Brienne à Paris, Gérard Longuet, ministre de la Défense, accompagné de l’amiral Edouard Guillaud, chef d’état-major des armées, a annoncé la décision prise au cours de cette réunion exceptionnelle de confier au général Elrick Irastorza, chef d’état-major de l’armée de terre, la responsabilité de définir de nouvelles mesures de sécurité.


Le général Elrick Irastorza doit se rendre « sur place immédiatement » pour pouvoir y déterminer les moyens de renforcer la sécurité des troupes françaises déployées sur ce théâtre d’opérations, a déclaré le ministre, alors que le chef de l’Etat vient de confirmer le retrait progressif des forces armées françaises d’Afghanistan.


Gérard Longuet a insisté sur la nécessité de soutenir les forces de sécurité afghanes, pour « ne pas affaiblir les zones où nous avons crée un climat de sécurité  » et « utiliser tous les moyens et méthodes  » pour poursuivre cette sécurisation du territoire afghan.


 « L’objectif c’est la sécurité et la sécurité, c’est la consolidation des forces de sécurité de l’Etat de droit. Nous devons concevoir, dans cette perspective de transition, l’optimisation de nos moyens  », a-t-il en effet rappelé.


Les propositions du général Elrick Irastorza sont attendues « d’ici la fin de la semaine prochaine  ».

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17 juillet 2011 7 17 /07 /juillet /2011 19:00



Jul 15, 2011 London (UPI) spacewar.com


Britain is sending four more Tornado warplanes over Libya to support NATO military operations as an international contact group explores ways of ending the stalemate pitting the U.N.-backed armed rebels against loyalist forces of Moammar Gadhafi.


The military measures were announced amid intensive mediation at different levels on securing an end to five months of an inconclusive campaign in support of the rebels' Transitional National Council.


The council received formal support from the contact group of NATO and Arab diplomats meeting in Istanbul but China and Russia stayed away.


The rebels are receiving weapons and ammunition from France, logistical and medical support from Britain and substantial quantities of unspecified weapons and backup operations from Qatar and other Arab countries.


British military experts are helping rebels in and around Benghazi and other British teams of mostly undercover special agents are reportedly on the ground but not acknowledged in official reports.


The dispatch of the additional four British air force Tornado warplanes takes to 16 the total number of the attack and surveillance aircraft active over Libya. British officials have said the Tornado's 3,000-mile missions to carry out attacks on Libyan military sites were the longest range bombing missions conducted by the air force since the Falkland Islands conflict with Argentina in 1982.


British air support for the Libyan rebels has also included laser-guided bombs, deployed with the LITENING targeting pod, and Brimstone missiles.


British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt said the aircraft were well-equipped for surveillance and reconnaissance.


"It is important to have this capability available," he said.


The British announcement followed a plea from NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen for more aircraft to support operations protecting Libyan civilians against government forces' assaults on rebel-held communities.


NATO warplanes have conducted more than 5,000 air missions since the action began in March, officials said.


European concerns over the escalating costs of the military operations in Libya resurfaced at the Istanbul meeting. However, diplomatic analysts suggest some of the costs could be defrayed by NATO accessing Libyan state funds frozen at the start of the crisis.


Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said at least $3 billion could be released to cover the cost of humanitarian assistance to tens of thousands of Libyans displaced by the conflict or trapped in battle zones.


The actual NATO costs in Libya are mired in mystery amid conflicting statements, some designed to deflect public criticism of the campaign.


British Prime Minister David Cameron, frequently queried over the British spending, has yet to give any updated total after early reports that about $40 million-$50 million was spent. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said British operational costs in Libya were "tens rather than hundreds of millions" of dollars.


NATO Supreme Allied Commander U.S. Navy Adm. James Stavridis told the U.S. Senate "hundreds of millions" could already have been spent in the NATO operation.


U.S. officials said the military intervention cost the Pentagon alone at least $608 million in bombs, missiles and logistics. Pentagon estimates set the monthly cost of the air campaign to the United States alone at $40 million.


French military costs in Libya were estimated by Parisian defense analysts at more than $600 million.

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16 juillet 2011 6 16 /07 /juillet /2011 16:50
China Details Anti-ship Missile Plans


Jul 15, 2011 By Bradley Perrett aviation week and space technology


Beijing - For more than a century, surface warships have been struggling to survive against mines, submarines, aircraft and, more recently, cruise missiles. Now China’s rapid development of a sophisticated anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) raises the threat to a new level.


The U.S. Navy, mindful of the threat and no less focused on advancing its technologies to protect its fleet, remains confident in its ability to project naval power globally on the surface as well as under water. But for less technologically advanced navies of the Asia-Pacific region, it is becoming difficult to see how in the decades ahead they can stand up to an opponent that can target surface ships with hypersonic homing warheads that can range more than 1,500 km (900 mi.)—and perhaps much farther.


China Daily is citing a range of 2,700 km for the revolutionary missile, the DF-21D, presenting the crucial data point in a report based on comments by the chief of the Chinese general staff, Gen. Chen Bingde. The Pentagon said last year the DF-21D’s range is “in excess of 1,500 km.”


If not a journalistic error, the statement means that U.S. aircraft carriers launching strike missions while keeping clear of DF-21Ds would need aircraft with even longer ranges than thought. It means that the DF-21Ds can be safely kept further inland. And, for Asian navies, it means the whole South China Sea can be covered from Guangdong, a Chinese province where DF-21Ds are based.


China’s second key revelation about the DF-21D is that it is still in development, though the U.S. has said it is in service.


“The missile is still undergoing experimental testing and will be used as a defensive weapon when it is successfully developed, not an offensive one,” says Chen. “It is a high-tech weapon and we face many difficulties in getting funding, advanced technologies and high-quality personnel, which are all underlying reasons why it is hard to develop this.”


Adm. Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in December that the DF-21D had reached the equivalent of initial operational capability. Taiwan has also said China has begun to deploy the missile. Yet Chen’s comments, made after a meeting with his U.S. counterpart, Adm. Michael Mullen, imply that any DF-21Ds that have been deployed are not regarded as fully developed.


“It’s possible that an initial ASBM variant could be more basic,” says Mark Stokes, executive director of the Project 2049 Institute, an Asia-focused think tank in Arlington, Va. “Then maybe a follow-on variant could integrate some of the more sophisticated technologies, such as a high-altitude radar system.”


U.S. Naval War College Prof. Andrew Erickson says the tone of Chen’s remarks “could be interpreted to reflect a high level of uncertainly and ambivalence about the missile’s immediate prospects, directed at a Chinese audience through Chinese media.


“Viewed in this light, the three factors Gen. Chen outlines—funding, technology, talent—may be viewed as serious constraints, even bottlenecks, in the challenging task of successfully maturing and integrating an ASBM system of systems.”


China’s idea of “operational” may be closer to the U.S. concept of full operational capability, adds Erickson.


The appearance of Chen’s statement in China Daily, an English-language newspaper acting as a government mouthpiece directed at the outside world, is itself meaningful. The paper’s reports on sensitive subjects often appear to be carefully written to deliver Beijing’s message.


The DF-21D is one such sensitive subject, as the U.S. considers how it would counter Chinese attempts to dominate nearby seas and forcibly regain control of Taiwan. In the view of some analysts, surface warships—above all, aircraft carriers—are fundamentally too vulnerable to such a weapon, because their signatures are so large and the missile is very difficult to intercept.


In the May 2011 issue of the U.S. Naval Institute journal Proceedings, two Pentagon strategists, Navy Capt. Henry Hendrix and Marine Corps Lt. Col. Noel Williams, urge immediate cessation of U.S. aircraft carrier construction. Noting such threats as the DF-21D, they write, “the march of technology is bringing the supercarrier era to an end, just as the new long-range strike capabilities of carrier aviation brought on the demise of the battleship era in the 1940s.”


Skeptics respond that the DF-21D’s kill chain can be broken in several places—for example, in target detection and tracking before launch, communication of targeting data or final homing descent. Still, considering the crews and costs of surface ships, especially carriers, the stakes are high.


“Yes, the [U.S.] Navy would want to have a high degree of confidence that they could break a link in the kill chain, but there are no certainties here,” says Eric Hagt of the World Security Institute. “It’s a game of measures, countermeasures, counter-counter-measures, et cetera. Having said that, the U.S. remains a superior, technologically capable fighting force, so it stands to reason they are able to conceive of and develop sophisticated countermeasures to the ASBM.”


However, there are no guarantees, he stresses, adding that the real mission of the DF-21D is deterrence. “It could and probably will give the U.S. Navy much more pause for concern when getting involved in any potential scenario in the western Pacific closer to China’s shores.”


The views from China’s neighboring countries and Australia are even more sobering. From there, attacking the DF-21D kill chain must look like a challenge ranging from enormous to unthinkable. Over the past few years, the Asia-Pacific-region navies have increasingly shifted their resources to submarines. Japan intends to enlarge its submarine fleet to 24 from 18 and Australia, to 12 from six.


Recounting Chen’s remarks, China Daily says: “He did acknowledge . . . that Beijing is developing the Dongfeng-21D [DF-21D], a ballistic missile with a maximum range of 2,700 km and the ability to strike moving targets—including aircraft carriers—at sea.”



The range of 2,700 km has previously been attributed to earlier DF-21s built to attack fixed targets, raising the possibility that the figure has appeared in the paper only as a result of sloppy journalism. That would be quite an error, however, considering that the report was supposed to convey a message abroad.


China’s military, with a seemingly atavistic aversion to public statement, tends to reveal its capabilities by just letting the world see them. Examples include its demonstration of anti-satellite technology in 2007, when it blasted away an old weather spacecraft, and the seemingly casual rolling out of the so-called J-20 fighter prototype in view of an airfield fence at Chengdu in December 2010.


“My impression is that an ASBM range requirement is driven by the maximum range of U.S. weapon-delivery platforms associated with a carrier battle group,” says Stokes. “The 2,700-km requirement seems a bit more than what’s needed.”


Nonetheless, it is clear that extra range, whether immediately available or in a future version of the DF-21, would give China greater flexibility in basing and targeting. Hagt notes that fixing targets becomes more difficult and increasingly reliant on vulnerable satellites as the range rises.


China itself evidently sees a continuing role for aircraft carriers. In the same report, China Daily says the incomplete carrier China bought from Ukraine in 1998, Varyag, “is expected to serve primarily as a training vessel for pilots and deck crews.” Such training has always been assumed as the initial role of the ship, since China has little or no experience in the difficult business of operating fixed-wing aircraft at sea.


“China is a big country and we have quite a large number of ships, but they are only small ships,” Chen says. “This is not commensurate with the status of a country like China.” The U.S. is “a real world power” because it has 11 aircraft carriers, he adds. The general also says much Chinese military technology is at the level of U.S. equipment used 20-30 years ago.

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16 juillet 2011 6 16 /07 /juillet /2011 16:35


source defensetech.org


2011-07-16(China Military News cited from the-diplomat.com and written by David Axe)


The People's Liberation Army Navy has finally broken the silence about its new carrier-based jet fighter, the J-15. While outside observers have strongly suspected for several years that China intended to deploy the J-15 – an adaptation of the Russian Su-33 – aboard the PLAN's first aircraft carrier Shi Lang, Chinese officials didn’t confirm it until last week.


Confirmation of the J-15 came with some revealing details about the plane's missions and limitations. It’s clearer than ever that the J-15 will inherit most of the Su-33’s limitations, particularly with regard to payload and range. As a result, Shi Lang could be highly vulnerable to foreign naval forces in combat.


Unnamed ‘Chinese aviation officials’ said that three J-15 prototypes would begin testing this year, and that the last of them would have all the features of the planned operational version, including folding wings to allow more compact storage aboard Shi Lang, a refurbished Soviet vessel that displaces just two-thirds as much as a US flattop.


Shi Langdoesn’t have the steam catapults that US and French carriers use to launch aircraft. Instead, the Chinese ship, like its Russian sister ship Kuznetsov, uses an elevated ramp to help boost planes into the air. Ramp-launch, while less complex than a catapult, doesn’t impart the same amount of energy. That means ramp-launched fighters must be relatively light. The British Harrier, which used a ramp, weighed just 7 tonnes empty. The Su-33 weighs 20 tons empty.


In Russian service, the Su-33 has been restricted to short-range patrols carrying just a few air-to-air missiles. That's the big reason why the Kuznetsov has never had a major impact on the European naval balance.


Shi Langwill be similarly handicapped, more so because the Chinese intend the J-15 to carry the C-602 anti-ship cruise missile. Carrying a single one-tonne C-602, the J-15 will have an operational range of just 250 miles, according to the anonymous industry officials. It’s not clear if the J-15 will be able to carry air-to-air missiles for self-protection, in addition to the C-602.


If the Chinese military operated a large number of effective aerial tankers, the J-15's payload limitation would be more manageable. Even catapult-launched fighters, such as the US F/A-18E/F, can range just 400 miles from their carrier with useful combat load. But aerial refueling can extend that range to more than 1,000 miles. F/A-18s routinely fly missions over Afghanistan from carriers operating in the Indian Ocean.


If Shi Lang is meant to operate in a sea control role, clearing the ocean of enemy vessels, then it could find itself at a disadvantage compared to rival naval forces. The C-602 has a range of around 250 miles. So a Chinese carrier battle group could strike surface targets at a distance of 500 miles.


A US carrier group launching F-18s armed with Harpoon anti-ship missiles could strike from a distance of at least 600 miles. Factor in aerial refueling – and the fact that the Harpoon is light enough for a single F-18 to carry two – and the US advantage increases dramatically. The Su-33 is simply not an ideal fighter for ramp-equipped carriers.


It’s telling that within a few years, the Chinese will be the only country operating Su-33s or its derivatives from carriers. The Russians decided to replace the Su-33 with a version of the much smaller MiG-29 after realizing that the MiG had similar performance, but Kuznetsov could carry many more of them. The Indians, too, are buying a MiG-29 variant to replace their Harriers.


Future Chinese carriers could include a catapult. Indeed, the likelihood that carriers after Shi Lang will be catapult-equipped is sure to increase, once the PLAN sees firsthand how limited its J-15s really are.

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16 juillet 2011 6 16 /07 /juillet /2011 05:50


photo defencetalk.com


Jul 13 2011 trdefence.com


Roketsan is completing development of a trio of guided anti-armour weapons


Turkish Land Forces Command is the main customer, but the missiles will be marketed for exports


Since the mid-1990s Turkey’s Roketsan has firmly established itself in the design, development and production of unguided surface-to-surface rockets. During the past decade, however, the company has ventured into the more complex and demanding guided-weapons business with the development of three anti-armour systems.


All three are being manufactured under contract to the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) with Roketsan as the prime contractor, and will also be offered on the export market. Several other Turkish companies are involved in the programmes, including Aselsan.




In 2004 Roketsan began development of a 2.75-inch semi-active laser-guided missile (SALGM) called Cirit, which was originally the name of a Turkish cavalry-rooted sport played for many centuries. It was also sometimes called Jereed, meaning ‘Javelin’ – also the name of the Raytheon-Lockheed Martin man-portable fire-and-forget anti-tank guided weapon [ATGW] system. Cirit was intended to provide the TLFC’s AH-1P Cobra and AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters with a precision attack capability.


Rather than upgrading its existing 2.75-inch unguided rocket, Roketsan elected to develop a new missile that could be launched from MIL-STD-810 F- and MIL-STD-464 A-compatible M- and LAU-series launchers, which are widely deployed.


Cirit has an overall length of 1.9 m and a launch weight of 15 kg. Minimum range is 1,500 m and maximum range is 8,000 m.


The SALGM has a conventional layout, with a passive SAL seeker installed in the nose, surmounting the control unit with four swing-out control surfaces, which is in turn followed by the guidance section and power source.


Further back is the multipurpose warhead, which provides a combined anti-armour, anti-personnel and incendiary effect. According to Roketsan, this is optimised to neutralise high-value soft or semi-hardened targets.


The rear of the SALGM contains the rocket motor, which is insensitive munition (IM)-compliant and has a reduced smoke signature. It is connected to the rear section by a roll bearing that enables it to rotate in flight.


There are four small stabilising surfaces at the very rear of the missile immediately in front of the exhaust nozzle.


During deployment, the gunner designates the target prior to launch, after which the rocket relies on a MEMS (micro electromechanical system)-type inertial measurement unit in combination with terminal laser homing.


According to Roketsan, Cirit has a high probability of hit on a 3×3 m target at maximum range.


First tests of Cirit were carried out in 2006, with development and flight qualification completed in 2008. Low-rate initial production has already commenced and will ramp up to full-rate production in 2012.


The company says that nearly 100 Cirit missiles of different configurations were launched during the extensive development and qualification tests. These included ballistic, control and guidance test missiles, plus qualification missiles.


As the SALGM is longer than the M- and LAU-series pods, Roketsan has developed a new launch pod and a new canister in which Cirit is delivered as an all-up round. The latter is loaded into either a two- or a four-round launch pod, which is more robust against environmental conditions than a standard launcher and easier to load and unload.


Cirit can additionally be fired from a ‘smart’ launcher, which has a MIL-STD-1760 interface. This can hold two or four SALGMs and contains all of the control electronics, enabling it to be rapidly integrated onto a number of helicopters that are required only to have a MIL-STD-1760 interface.


Roketsan signed an agreement with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in May 2011 for the integration of its Cirit Smart Launcher System on the T-129 attack helicopter, to enable data transfer between the missile and the helicopter launch platform.


Also in May, Roketsan signed a memorandum of understanding with Eurocopter for integration of Cirit on the EC635 helicopter, tests of which are planned for an unknown date.




Development of the UMTAS (Uzun Menzilli Tanksavar Fuze Sistemi) long-range air-launched ATGW began in 2005 with the Turkish Undersecretary of National Defence’s award to Roketsan of an initial TRY50 million (USD30.53 million), 26-month Phase I study contract. Phase I covered concept work, including subsystems such as missile propulsion, guidance and warhead.


The ATGW will be the main armament of TAI’s T-129 attack helicopter, which is a further development of the AgustaWestland A129 Mangusta. It is expected that 51 T-129s will be built to supplement the currently deployed AH-1P and AH-1W attack helicopters used by the TLFC.


The UMTAS missile is 1.8 m long and 16 cm in diameter. Launch weight is 37.5 kg and range is 500-8,000 m.


Roketsan received the Phase II contract in mid-2008. First helicopter trial launches have taken place from an AH-1P, which is being used as a testbed for the programme. Safe separation and jettison tests have also been carried out.


The launcher has a military-standard interface and weighs 60 kg. The T-129 attack helicopter would typically carry two launchers, each with four UMTAS missiles, and two launch pods with two or four Cirit 2.75-inch missiles each.


Aselsan has developed a pedestal-type launcher with four UMTAS missiles in the ready-to-launch position. This could be installed on fast attack craft or patrol boats.


In addition to lock-on-before-launch and lock-on-after-launch operational modes, UMTAS can be used against masked targets. The firing envelope enables an off-boresight target engagement.


UMTAS has completed ballistic and control test firings and is undergoing guided firing tests.


Although the first application of UMTAS will be airborne, it is also suitable for some land- and sea-based platforms.




A new weapon known as OMTAS (Orta Menzilli Tanksavar Sistemi) portable medium-range ATGW has grown out of UMTAS and shares several of its subsystems. These include: a nose-mounted uncooled imaging infrared (IIR) seeker developed by Aselsan; a tandem HEAT warhead optimised against targets fitted with explosive reactive armour (ERA) – the first warhead neutralises the ERA, thereby clearing a path for the larger main charge; a duplex RF datalink for uplink-downlink between the user and missile command; and other electronic subsystems.


Roketsan received an initial Phase I design contract for the OMTAS ATGW in April 2007, which it fulfilled by the end of 2009.


The system consists of a missile in its launch tube and a tripod with associated control unit and sighting unit (SU), the latter two systems together weighing about 55 kg.


The OMTAS missile has an overall length of 1.68 m and the same 16 cm diameter as UMTAS, but is slightly lighter at 35 kg, including launch tube. It has four flip-out control surfaces at the very rear and six flip-out wings about two thirds of the way down from the nose.


It has a minimum range of 200 m and maximum range of more than 4,000 m. Its solid-propellant HTPB (hydroxy terminate polybutadiene) rocket motor – also developed by Roketsan – is IM-compliant.


The SU features a thermal camera, TV camera, digital magnetic compass and laser rangefinder. It can be removed and used as a standalone observation device, providing an all-weather target battlefield surveillance capability.


OMTAS can be launched from within a confined space. It has fire-and-forget and fire-and-update modes of operation, as well as direct-attack and top-attack options for masked targets.


Although the first version of OMTAS will be tripod mounted, the ATGW can also be integrated onto tracked and wheeled platforms. During transportation and field deployment each end of the launch tube is fitted with a protective cover.


According to Roketsan, first missiles have already been successfully test fired without the IIR seeker and all-up firings are due in 2012, with design freeze scheduled for late 2012.


Ballistic performance trials have also been completed, as well as control and guidance characteristics using control test vehicles.


Full-scale development (Phase II) is still in progress in line with the original schedule, with qualification expected to take place in 2013 and production (Phase III) to commence in 2014.

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16 juillet 2011 6 16 /07 /juillet /2011 05:10
Shahab-2 short-range ballistic missile (SRBM)

Shahab-2 short-range ballistic missile (SRBM)

July 13, 2011 Arms Control Association (ACA) - defpro.com


In light of justifiable concerns about Iran’s potential as a nuclear weapons state, the country’s latest military exercise, ending last week, provided some grounds for qualified relief. Although the official commentary was predictably defiant in tone, the overall choreography and the weapons actually fired bespoke neither the intent nor a current operational capability for Iran to strike at Israel or Europe. The absence in the exercise of systems likely to serve as nuclear weapons delivery vehicles belies contentions that Tehran is moving rapidly to achieve such a capability.




In a ten-day extravaganza of martial events, dubbed “Great Prophet 6,” Iran conducted a prodigious number of missile launches, showcasing a variety of ballistic and cruise missiles, including some new missile types and a newly displayed silo basing mode. The live-fire exercises provided useful training for the troops and stimulated national pride among the population. Such displays of missile prowess also help Iran’s clerical government rally domestic support behind efforts to defy UN sanctions and send a warning message to potential aggressors.




Missiles are the premier weapon of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran’s ballistic missiles, in particular, occupy an iconic place in the power pantheon – they are fast to employ, hard for an enemy to locate and attack prior to launch, difficult to intercept in flight, and can potentially serve as a vehicle for delivering nuclear weapons to targets far from the country’s border. Iran already has medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) in its arsenal, which can reach targets not only in neighboring states, but also in Israel. Moreover, given the heavy concentrations of U.S. troops in the region, even Iran’s shorter-range missiles can easily and quickly put the lives of U.S. soldiers at risk.


Anti-shipping cruise missiles – along with mines – provide one of Iran’s most credible deterrent threats, because they enable Tehran to effectively exploit its geographical position by threatening to interrupt maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, which carries a third of all the world's seaborne traded oil. Such a disruption, even short-term, would have incalculable effects on the international economy.


Iranian missile forces loom large in relative significance because of inadequacies in Iran’s air and ground forces. These forces “are sufficient to deter or defend against conventional threats from Iran’s weaker neighbors…but lack the air power and logistical ability to project power much beyond Iran’s borders or to confront regional powers such as Turkey or Israel,” according to a recent official U.S. assessment. [1] U.S. domination of the seas and skies in any military confrontation drives Iran into a disproportionate reliance on threatening to use missiles to level the odds. Even so, the practical utility of Iranian missiles is primarily limited at present to being an instrument of intimidation or terror when targeted against cities, given that Iran’s ballistic missiles lack accuracy against point targets and Iran’s cruise missiles are not suited to land-attack.


By acquiring nuclear warheads for its medium-range ballistic missiles, Iran could gain the ability to destroy specific targets. The deployments of missile defenses in Israel and the Persian Gulf are unlikely to give the defenders confidence that nuclear devastation would be averted in the event of an actual Iranian nuclear missile attack. Moreover, missile defenses are likely to spur rather than retard Iranian efforts to improve their missiles. Fortunately, Tehran would also be aware that its use of nuclear weapons would provoke retaliation that could result in its annihilation as a nation – a risk disproportionate to any conceivable gain.




The majority of missiles launched over the course of the exercise were either short-range, battlefield weapons, such as the solid fuel Fateh 110 or cruise missiles, such as the Tondar and Khalije Fars that were claimed to be effective against ships and fixed targets in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Of some two dozen missiles fired, only one was a medium-range missile with sufficient power and available space to carry a future nuclear warhead, the liquid fuel Shahab 3, a derivative of North Korea’s No Dong MRBM. Yet the Shahab 3’s range of approximately 1,000 km (with a 750 kg warhead) is not sufficient for it to reach Israel from a secure position in Iran. Iran has developed an advanced version of the Shahab 3, the Ghadr 1, to extend the system's range. This was accomplished by lengthening the airframe, using high-strength aluminum, and changing the shape of the missile’s warhead section. Yet the Ghadr 1 did not appear in the recent exercises.


The Iranian media also displayed, for the first time, underground missile silos, allegedly loaded with liquid fuel Shahabs. However, outside experts doubt the accuracy of the descriptions provided in the video coverage of the exercise and question whether Iran has any MRBMs operationally deployed in silos. In any case, such missiles would be far more likely to survive attack in a mobile basing mode than in fixed silos, which can be located in advance and effectively destroyed with little warning by the precision weapons available to the United States.


Iranian television reported further that Iranian forces had been equipped with a new, long-range radar system, the Ghadir, which was featured in the exercises.




Based on the statements of Iranian military leaders and reports in Iran’s media, the main messages of “Great Prophet 6” for friends and foe were: that Iran’s strength is increasing in spite of the UN sanctions; that Iran is not dependent on other nations for its defense; that Iranian missiles could not be effectively preempted or intercepted; and that any attack on Iran would be met with devastating retaliation.


The new radar and missile silos were offered as evidence than Iran cannot be disarmed and that retaliation was inevitable. The salvo launches of missiles were a reminder that missile defenses can be overwhelmed by numbers. The longer-range Shahab 3 symbolized Iran’s reach across the Middle East region, far beyond its own borders. Each of the systems displayed were described as the product of Iranian scientists and engineers, independent of reliance on foreign purchases or technical assistance.




There are, however, other conclusions to be drawn from Iran’s flexing of missile muscles. For those seeking to prevent or dissuade Tehran from developing nuclear weapons, the most important question is how much progress the exercises demonstrate toward Iran developing and deploying the missiles, which would carry nuclear warheads.


Realistically, medium-term delivery boils down to two existing systems: the liquid fuel, single stage Ghadr 1 MRBM, an advanced derivative of the Shahab 3, and the solid fuel Sejjil 2 MRBM, a two-stage system with sufficient range to target Israel from launch sites throughout Iran, but not yet operational. Neither missile was flown during “Great Prophet 6.”


The only MRBM launched was announced to be a Shahab 3, an unlikely candidate for fulfilling Iran’s likely nuclear delivery capability aspirations. It is possible that the Iranians foresee using the Ghadr 1 as a nuclear weapons platform, in spite of the disadvantages inherent to liquid fuel mobile missiles – in terms of their limited mobility and greater vulnerability to attack.


It is more likely that the Iranians see the Sejjil 2 as the preferred carrier for a possible future nuclear warhead. Iran is apparently feeling no need to exercise its only operational missile suited for the nuclear mission and the missile best suited for the nuclear mission has not yet reached an operational status appropriate for exercising. Thus, if the U.S. Government is correct in assessing that Tehran has not yet made a decision to build nuclear weapons, there would appear to be time for dissuading it from doing so.




In a 1999 National Intelligence Estimate, the U.S. intelligence community projected that Iran could test an ICBM within “a few years.” Most analysts predicted back then either “even odds” or a “likely chance” that Iran would test an ICBM by 2010. However, in 2009, senior military and defense officials testified to Congress that shifting from deployment of strategic interceptors to Europe in a third site to a program for deploying theater interceptors in a “Phased Adaptive Approach” was appropriate since the Iranian ICBM threat was evolving more slowly than previously thought.


The Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis reported to Congress in 2011 that Iran was fielding increased numbers of SRBMs and MRBMs, “continuing to work on producing more capable MRBMs, and developing space launch vehicles, which incorporate technology directly applicable to longer-range missile systems.” [2] The still unofficial Report on Sanctions of the UN Panel of Experts completed in May 2011 revealed that the Iranians had conducted two unannounced tests of the Sejjil 2 MRBM (in October 2010 and February 2011) [3] in addition to the five flight tests it had conducted since 2007. (A senior Iranian Republican Guard Corps Commander recently confirmed two previously unannounced “1,900 km-range” missile flights tests in February.)


The Iranians launched their second satellite in May 2011, using the Safir Space Launch Vehicle (SLV) and predicted that it would be followed by another satellite launch in the summer. Unlike the larger Samorgh SLV that had been displayed as a mockup in February, conversion of the Safir SLV to a ballistic missile would still only deliver a nuclear-sized payload about 2,100 km, according to the IISS Strategic Dossier, [4] roughly the same as the Sejjil 2 MRBM.


This summer’s “Great Prophet 6” exercise provides more evidence that, while Tehran makes steady progress on augmenting its stocks of enriched uranium and while R&D work continues on its most likely MRBM candidate for being able to deliver a future nuclear weapon within the region, Tehran’s present military focus is on demonstrating and enhancing its conventional capability to deter and defeat a preventive attack on the Islamic Republic itself. It has not flight-tested, or indeed even asserted a need for, an IRBM or ICBM – the missile categories most relevant to threatening the territories of NATO Europe and the United States.




1. Unclassified Report on Military Power of Iran (Congressionally Directed Action), April 2010, p.7

2. Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions, Covering 1 January to 31 December 2010, p.3

3. Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Resolution 1929 (2010), Final Report, p.26, http://www.innercitypress.com/1929r051711.pdf

4. The International Institute for Strategic Studies: “Iran’s Ballistic Missile Capabilities: A Net Assessment,” May 2010, p.31

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15 juillet 2011 5 15 /07 /juillet /2011 21:50



15 July 2011 by Leon Engelbrecht – defenseWeb


There is something of a “Catch 22i” in arms acquisition. During times of peace it is argued that there are higher priorities than military preparedness, while on the outbreak of hostilities equipment may be unavailable because industry is not ready to manufacture, because of embargo or because the supplier state has need of the equipment itself.

South Africa has experience of each of these situations. In a Military Academy research paper titled The Union Defence Force between the two World Wars, 1919-1939, Lt Col Dr Ian van der Waag quotes the then-defence minister, Oswald Pirow, as saying in September 1938: “In spite of all its potential wealth, South Africa has much poverty and there is a definite upper limit to what the country is prepared to spend on defence.” He was tabulating factors that made South African participation in an international war unique. Other factors included that no section of the population was prepared to support a defence policy which aimed “exclusively at making soldiers out of the youth of the country”; the certainty that the Union or its nearest neighbours could never become the main theatre of a major war; and that due to its geographical position, South Africa's maximum effort will not have to be made until six months after the outbreak of hostilities. “This allowed a period for intensive preparation”. Pirow also noted the country's manpower resources when compared with those of even second-class powers were very limited, that its geographical position was such that large-scale gas or air attack on the civil population need not be seriously considered and the certainty that, “with hardly any conceivable exception, our troops would be called upon to fight a mobile war.”

The development and production of modern arms take ever longer. Author Clive Wilsworth in his excellent “First in, First Out, The South African Artillery in Action 1975-1988
ii notes the GV5 and self-propelled (SP) GV6 was developed from a need identified in 1968 and formalised in 1973 “when the gunners set the requirements to modernise their equipment in line with the Army's upgrading programme”. Work began in 1974 under the rubric Project Boas. When Apartheid South Africa suddenly saw a need in late 1975 to intervene in Angola, neither system was ready and the South African Artillery had to rely on the 88mm towed quick-firing gun and the breech-loading towed 140mm howitzer. Both were outranged by the Soviet artillery available to the Cuban and Angolan MPLA forces, notably the BM21 multiple rocket launcher. Ironically, South Africa's own MLRS programme, Project Furrow, had also started in 1974. As with the tube artillery, this system was also nowhere near ready when hostilities commenced. Wilsworth wrote that the G5 was conceived in July 1976. The first three were delivered to the Artillery on May 21, 1982. The first battery was commissioned in October 1985 and deployed the next July-August during Operation Alpha Centauri. The G6 followed under Projects Buzzard and Zenula. Three pre-production models saw action as “Juliet Troop” during Operation Modular, in November 1987. Regarding the FV1 Visarend MLRS and the Valkiri rocket, Wilsworth added it is still a common misperception that the quest for rocket artillery only started after Operation Savannah, the 1975 intervention. “The massive firepower of the [MLRS] was already appreciated before the first contact in Angola.” The system entered service in 1979 with the first instructors' course held at Kentron South (later Denel Somchem and now part of RDM) in May 1979. The first use of the Valkiri in combat was in August 1981 during Operation Protea. All of these were “operationally urgent” requirements during a war situation when funding was less of an issue than otherwise.

Around the same time the South African Navy (SAN) would suffer major disappointment when on November 4, 1977 a United Nations Security Council armaments embargo came into effect against South Africa. The country had two years before ordered two D'Estienne d'Orves/Aviso A69-class corvettes and two Agosta-class submarines from France. Originally ordered for the French Navy, the corvettes were re-named the SAS Good Hope and SAS Transvaal while building
iii. The South African ensign was hoisted on the Good Hope on September 17, 1977. The Agosta submarines were named SAS Astrant (Afrikaans, “cheeky”, “bold” or “impudent”) and SAS Adventurous. Both projects were progressing well when the embargo came into force and as a member of the UNSC France had no choice but to cancel both projects at the end of that month. The SAS Good Hope had its further sea trials suspended and was prohibited from leaving harbour. On November 7 the ship was moved upriver of the Scorff draw bridge in Lorient harbour – likely to prevent the crew from sailing the ship without authorisation – as the Israelis had done with their missile craft in the 1960s. The next day she and the Transvaal were embargoed when it was formally announced they would not be delivered. South African equipment and stores were removed from both – and the Agostas – and the project team and naval personnel in France were returned home by Christmas.iv The submarines and ships were later respectively sold to Pakistan and Argentina – although Nigeria also showed interest in the ships. The SAS Astrant became S135 Hashmat, SAS Adventurous became S136 Hurmat, the SAS Good Hope became the ARA Drummond (P31) and the Transvaal the ARA Guerrico (P32).

The saga of the monitor HMS Erebus illustrates the last conundrum: when the supplier state has need of the equipment itself. In 1934, the Ministry of Defence took the decision to install 13-inch (325mm) coast defence guns on Robben Island to protect the approaches to Cape Town harbour. Under the same scheme, Durban would be fitted with nine-inch (225mm) ordnance. South Africa then approached the British Admiralty to provide the guns. Protracted negotiations followed, leading to a compromise in December 1938 in terms of which the British would loan South Africa the monitor, HMS Erebus, until the guns could be delivered and installed. With the South African Naval Service moribund, the Union Government (then headed by Prime Minister General JBM Hertzog) decided to designate the monitor a self contained artillery battery to be manned by the SA Army. She would be known as the Erebus Heavy Battery, Coastal Artillery Brigade. (A “monitor” is essentially a small hull fitted with battleship armament. The Erebus had been was built in 1916 under an emergency WW1 building programme, along with a sister, the Terror. Both served during that conflict and were used as training ships afterwards as a result of their limited utility. The Erebus was fitted with a single turret bearing two 15-inch 42-calibre weapons, the same as fitted to battleships such as the HMS Warspite. Her ship's company was 13 officers and 191 men on a hull displacing 8450mt.) A detachment was sent to Britain to master the ships’ guns and were to have sailed home with her in mid-August 1939. However, some repair work could not be completed in time and with war imminent – and South Africa’s position uncertain – the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, indefinitely postponed the departure. When Britain declared war, some of the South Africans did indeed refuse duty and demanded repatriation. South Africa declared war on September 6 after a Cabinet revolt during which Deputy Prime Minister Jan Smuts ousted Hertzog. Churchill now wished to retain the Erebus and South Africa received some 9-inch guns for Robben Island in her stead

Thus one often has to make do with what is in the stores, or go without...

Of course, technology is not a panacea. Writing about the South African War (1899-1902), Douglas Porch noted that “technology and organisation were only adjuncts to, not substitutes for, inventive operational solutions”. Their firepower, which normally gave them 'an important, but by no means decisive, advantage' in colonial warfare was somewhat counter-weighted by the artillery of the two republics

Paddy Griffith writes that beyond “the doctrines of offensive and the defensive, success in battle depends on the technical balance between the two sides in that battle
vii. Wars tend to bog down when conditions are such that an initially favourable attack is unable to finish off the enemy with a single blow. Often this is a matter of general strategy: for example, when too weak a force is deployed to attack too large an enemy. In other cases, however, the failure to win a decisive result will have more to do with the technical tactical balance than with the numerical or strategic one. In both WWI and the more recent Iran-Iraq War [1980-1988] the fighting bogged down because the tactical attacker was unable to sustain his momentum and mobility through the whole depth of the enemy's defences. His forces were too vulnerable when they moved, so they had to dig in and stay put. The tactical balance between two sides is decided by the relationship of four characteristics: fire-power, mobility, protection and the quality of the troops troops each side has deployed.”

Griffith continues that choosing the right new technology (NT) and tactics is never easy “and this is borne out by the 30 years before 1914. The problem was not that the general were stupid or lacked insight, but simply that they were faced with too many new weapons and potential technical innovations for sensible judgments to be made. In fact, the allegedly 'unimaginative' cavalry general Douglas Haig [by 1918 the commander of the British Expeditionary Force] was actually a pioneer in military aviation and motor transport before the war, and would later be sympathetic to the claims of the tank corps.”

NT often suffers from “gold plating”, where the designer or the project officer “wants to incorporate several new and desirable features into the new weapon. The result is that the complexity, difficulty and expense of designing the final version become so overwhelming that the basic original requirement is almost lost from view. And then during the work-up phase there will be teething troubles not just with one new technology but with several, and all at once. In many cases, such as the American attempt to produce an armoured divisional air defence system (DIVADS)
viii [between 1977 and 1985] … finding solutions to the technical problems involved become so expensive that the whole project has to be cancelled.”

Some technological solutions have an impact on organisational structure. Automation has reduced the size of vehicle and gun crews, saving labour in the primary function perhaps, but leaving the same crews short-handed when it comes to mounting guard, maintaining their equipment and changing tyres or fixing tracks. The infantry section still roughly musters ten, although up to three of these are now vehicle crew in the mechanised forces, reducing the dismount section to just seven. Furthermore, the strictures of the assigned vehicle means ten is generally a definitive upper number: it is generally the maximum number that can be carried by most infantry combat vehicles (ICV) or armoured personnel carrier (APC). These vehicles are cramped at the best of times, and when loaded for combat – with full stores of equipment, victuals and ammunition, can be completely jammed in.

The small starting size of the dismounted component of such a section should raise serious concern about the efficacy of this critical battlefield element, especially its ability to absorb casualties and stay in the fight. It bears recall it is these infantrymen who do the fighting in any army in every war. Every higher structure merely adds a leadership, administrative and support layers. Thus at company level one has nine sections and two layers, at the battalion 27 sections and three layers.

Seven section dismounts multiplies to 21 platoon dismounts, 63 company dismounts and just 189 battalion riflemen. For the 1944 infantry section it was 30 platoon dismounts, 90 company dismounts and 270 battalion riflemen. The represents a massive drop in “bayonets”, which is not offset by the notional firepower of the assigned APC or ICV. The APC, in theory, should carry the infantry to the edge of the battle area, where they debus and fight forward on foot. The APCs then retire to a laager and perhaps provide covering fire. How long they will survive to do this is debatable, considering the light armour of standard APC (proof against ball rounds from assault rifles and machine guns). ICV, doctrinally, carry infantry onto the objective (meaning into the enemy position). But the standard ICV is a thin-skinned APC fitted with a cannon, rather than a machine gun, and perhaps precision-guided missiles. Writing about the first-of-breed, the BMP-1 (Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty, meaning "fighting vehicle of infantry"), Griffith noted it “seemed to represent a formidable mixture of firepower, armour and mobility for the infantry, to give it plenty of punch even against armour; in practice, as the 1973 Yom Kippur (October) War showed, the BMP was alarmingly vulnerable...”

A mounted attack into the “Smokeshell” complex during Operation Sceptic in June 1983 illustrated this to a South African audience when a Ratel ICV platoon fell foul of Soviet 14.5 and 23mm anti-aircraft guns used in the ground role. Three of its four vehicles, still carrying dismounts, were hit and two were “knocked out”; the driver and a soldier being killed in the “21A” vehicle and the commander and six troops in the “21C” vehicle
ix. The incident was one of the heaviest single cases of loss during the 1966-1989 Border War and graphically illustrated how vulnerable dismounts are when mounted in light APCs or ICVs – truly hostages to fortune.

The solution has been to up-armour the APC and ICV or even to convert tanks to this role. This happened as long ago as WWI, in the shape of the
Mark IX tank. The next conversion was during the Normandy campaign of WWII, where surplus M7 Priest self-propelled guns (based on the M3 Lee/Grant) were stripped of their guns and sent into service carrying twelve troops. This and subsequent conversions became known as Kangaroos and were used as APCs throughout the remainder of the northwest Europe campaign. In the modern era, Israeli concern and experience with light APC has led to the revival of tank conversions. Several, such as the Israeli Achzarit, the Serbian VIU-55 Munja and the Russian BTR-T (Bronetransporter-Tyazhelyy, “Armoured Transporter–Heavy”), are based on the venerable T55. The BMPT, a slightly different concept (Boyevaya Mashina Podderzhki Tankov, "Tank Support Fighting Vehicle"), is based on the T72.

Griffith, writing in 1991, supposed these heavy APC and ICV would come to resemble the Israeli Merkava (chariot) main battle tank (MBT). He was right. The latest conversion is the Namer (both a contraction of Nagmash [APC] Merkava" and Hebrew for “leopard”), based on Merkava Mark IV. The Namer is armed with either
M2 Browning machine gun or Mk 19 grenade launcher mounted on a Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station, another 7.62x51mm FN MAG machine gun, 60mm mortar and smoke grenades. Like Merkava Mark IV it is optimized for high level of crew survival on the battlefield. Namer may carry up to 12 crewmen and infantrymen and a stretcher, or two stretchers and medical equipmentx. Arguably the most survivable MBT in the world, the Merkava is not invulnerable, as was demonstrated in the 2006 Lebanon War. Israel may have over-relied on the tank in order to reduce casualties and suffered accordingly. The wikipedia records Hezbollah missiles penetrated the armour of five Merkava Mark IV tanks, killing 10 crew. Weapons used included the Russian RPG-29 'Vampir', AT-5 'Konkurs', AT-13 'Metis-M', and laser-guided AT-14 'Kornet' missiles. Another Merkava IV tank crewman was killed when a tank ran over an improvised explosive device (IED). “This tank had additional V-shaped underside armour, limiting casualties to just one of the seven personnel (four crewmen and three infantrymen) onboard. In total, 50 Merkava tanks (predominantly Merkava IIs and IIIs) were damaged, eight of which remained serviceable on the battlefield. Two Merkava Mark IVs were damaged beyond repair, one by powerful IEDs, and another, it is believed, by Russian AT-14 'Kornet' missilesxi. All but two Merkava Mark IV tanks damaged during the war were [eventually] repaired and returned to the IDF. The Israeli military said that it was satisfied with the Merkava Mark IV's performance, and attributed problems to insufficient training before the war”.xii

The BBC reported in August 2006 “all of these enhancements have not proved sufficiently effective against the most modern anti-tank systems operated by determined fighters on the ground. Part of the answer may be to adopt new kinds of armour. But, as ever, part of the answer will be tactical - changes to the way tanks are employed and the way they operate in concert with other elements of ground-power, like infantry and artillery.
xiii” Maybe, but the critic may wonder if this is not a repeat of the quest for a role for horsed cavalry on the 20th Century battlefield.

This, of course, does not address issues surrounding the small size of the dismount section, that will likely divide into two teams of perhaps three and four infantrymen each. When either of these comes under fire and takes casualties, the number of dismounts available for combat falls rapidly, especially when buddies fall out of the line to aid wounded comrades. Just one casualty in either team could reduce it to nothingness and evaporate the combat power of the section. Technology has changed the infantry, as much as any other branch, and a “task which would once have required a platoon of 30-40 men may now be carried out by a … section of eight to 12 men, each divided into two or three 'fireteams' that will similarly be capable of doing the job that previously needed the whole squad.
xiv” This may be true, but there is a definitive bottom limit, and in the case of the diminutive mounted section, the line may have already been crossed.

Another irony of military organisation is that as the section atrophies the support elements have blossomed. The greater the technological prowess of the armed forces, the larger its support units and the lower its tooth-to-tail (or combat-to-support) ratio. The reverse is equally true. US author and wargame pioneer James F Dunnigan notes that a typical Western-style division is just “one third combat troops, the rest [is] combat support. Depending on the type of division and nationality, infantry comprises 8-30% of division strength, tank crews 1-10%, and artillery (including anti-aircraft and antitank weapons) 6-12%. … Since combat divisions account for 20-50% of army manpower, combat troops comprise only 10-25% of all personnel. In all armies, combat support troops are very much the majority.”

Since the working conditions of a military clerk or storeman resemble that of their civilian peers, it has been suggested that for the majority of military personnel, their employment is “just another job”. In their The Military : More Than Just a Job?, Charles Moskos and FR Wood noted that there has been a “creeping occupationalism” in the military, with more and more people seeing it as just another way of earning a living rather than as a “profession of arms”.
xvi This is a major debate in itself that falls outside the scope of this paper. The question is what remedy there is for this phenomenon – at least within the context of this writing. One that suggests itself is the US Marine Corps approach of “every marine a rifleman”, an approach that has given that branch of the America armed forces great cohesion, moral strength and morale. On Wake Island, during the early days of the early days of the Pacific War (December 7-23, 1941), pilots continued the fight as ground officers, leading supply clerks and cooks in a final defensive effort after all the Marine aircraft were shot downxvii. In Vietnam, it led to a close cameraderie between the Marines on the ground and aircrew, with the latter taking great risk to provide close air support to the latter.

“There is both a practical and moral dimension to the credo 'every Marine a rifleman',” the writers of USMC Manual MCWP 6-11 Leading Marines aver.
xviii “The force structure of the Corps reflects its central purpose: an expeditionary force in readiness. And because it is expeditionary, it is also austere. Austerity places a premium on the role of every Marine. There are no 'rear area' Marines, and no one is very far from the fighting during expeditionary operations. The success of each of these operations depends on the speed and flexibility with which Marines build combat power. Marines fighting with manoeuvre elements are backed up by fellow Marines who labour unceasingly to support the mission by building logistic bases, running truck convoys, distributing supplies, and fighting when needed to.

“There is almost nothing more precious to a Marine than a fellow Marine. This traditional bond flows from the combat training which all Marines receive, officer and enlisted, and the shared danger and adversity inherent in expeditionary operations. … This cohesion between Marines is not a function of a particular unit within the Corps. It is a function of the Corps itself. When a Marine reports to a unit, he or she may be unknown personally, but is a known quantity professionally.”


i Wikipedia, Catch 22, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22_%28logic%29 , accessed February 6, 2011.


ii Clive Wilsworth, First in, First Out, The South African Artillery in Action 1975-1988, 30 Degrees South Publishers, Johannesburg, 2010.


iii Commander Thean Potgieter, The Secret South African Project Team: Building Strike Craft In Israel, 1975-79, Scientia Militaria, http://academic.sun.ac.za/mil/scientia_militaria/Internet%20Vol%2032(2)/05%20Potgieter.pdf, accessed January 22, 2006.


iv AVA Systems, Profile of the SA Navy, Surface ships, A69-class.


v AVA Systems, Profile of the SA Navy, Surface ships, Erebus.


vi Douglas Porch, Imperial Wars: From the Seven Years War to the First World War, in Townshend (ed), The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern War, Oxford Univrsity Press, Oxford, 1997, pp84-85, 90; available online at http://books.google.co.za/books?id=x5ABVyHeIrYC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Oxford+Illustrated+History+of+Modern+War&source=bl&ots=3sSP4AYugT&sig=tf_JIhD_TaeYRtwwnJb4XoDpwO0&hl=en&ei=PmpPTZecJ8KCOtmDuA0&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false; quoted in Ian van der Waag, South Africa and the Boer Military System, in Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey, eds. The Boer War; Army, Nation and Empire, Canberra, 2000; online at http://www1.army.gov.au/AHU/docs/The_Boer_War_vanderWaag.pdf, accessed February 10, 2011.


viiPaddy Griffith, The Ultimate Weaponry, Blitz Editions, London, 1991.


viii The M247 Sergeant York. For more, see the wikipedia, M247 Sergeant York, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M247_Sergeant_York, accessed February 12, 2011.


ix Willem Steenkamp, Borderstrike! South Africa into Angola, Butterworths Publishers, Durban, 1983, pp192-202.


x Wikipedia, Merkava, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkava#Merkava_IFV_Namer, accessed February 12, 2011.


xi Author Colonel David Eshel (Ret) ascribes this to an IED as well. Colonel David Eshel (Ret), Assessing the performance of Merkava tanks, Defence Update, undated, 2007, http://www.defense-update.com/analysis/lebanon_war_3.htm, accessed February 12, 2011.


xii Wikipedia, Merkava, , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkava#Merkava_IFV_Namer, accessed February 12, 2011.


xiii BBC, Tough lessons for Israeli armour, August 15, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4794829.stm, accessed February 12, 2011.


xiv Paddy Griffith, The Ultimate Weaponry, Blitz Editions, London, 1991, p151.


xv James F Dunnigan, How to Make War, 4th Edition - A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare for the 21st Century, William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 2003, p124.


xvi CC Moskos & FR Wood, The Military : More Than Just a Job?, Pergamon-Brassey's International Defense Publishers, Washington DC, 1988. See also Charles Moskos, From institution to occupation: trends in military organization, Armed Forces and Society, 4(1), 1977, p41-50.


xvii Lieutenant Colonel R.D. Heinl, Jr., USMC (1947). Marines in WWII Historical Monograph: The Defense of Wake. Historical Section, Division of Public Information, Headquarters, USMC. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USMC/USMC-M-Wake.html.


xviiiUSMC, Leading Marines, Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C, January 1995, http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/usmc/mcwp611.pdf, accessed March 6, 2011.

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13 juillet 2011 3 13 /07 /juillet /2011 07:05
DCNS delivers MU90 torpedo simulator to German Navy

MU90 lightweight anti-submarine torpedoes. (Photo: DCNS)


July 12, 2011 defpro.com


Paris | DCNS has successfully delivered the SIMOPE (SIMulateur OPErationnel) MU90 torpedo simulator to the German Navy. SIMOPE is designed to prepare and simulate operational launch scenarios with the MU90 lightweight anti-submarine torpedo, in an extremely realistic configuration. The German defence procurement agency (BWB*) accepted SIMOPE into service without reserve. The delivery and acceptance process included training for German technical experts in how to use the new system.


The MU90 is the result of a partnership between the French and Italian governments and the respective industries of the two countries. Germany was the first export customer to adopt the MU90, followed by Denmark, Poland and Australia.


Mr Jan Peifer, Director of the German MU90 programme at the BWB, expressed his satisfaction with the acceptance process, and noted that close analysis of the MU90’s behaviour in a wide range of tactical scenarios will enhance the way operatives are prepared and trained, maximise the weapon’s effectiveness in actual combat as well as support the preparation and refinement of tactical guidelines for weapon deployment.


The SIMOPE tool is now in service with the French and German navies and will enable them to share knowledge and information about the MU90 in a more comprehensive and coherent manner. This simulator will also facilitate the work of navy personnel involved in workgroups set up by the various user nations to provide operational feedback and support.


This first SIMOPE export contract further consolidates DCNS’s role in the provision of anti-submarine warfare simulation solutions and associated expertise for navies around the world.


* Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung, the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement

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13 juillet 2011 3 13 /07 /juillet /2011 05:55
Britain Supports Eurofighter Bid For Indian MMRCA

 Typhoons photo: Geoffrey Lee


Jul 11, 2011 By Jay Menon AviationWeek.com


NEW DELHI — Britain has outlined its strong support for the Eurofighter Typhoon’s bid for the Indian air force’s $11 billion Medium-Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) program, as the U.K. seeks to advance its defense industrial cooperation with the country.


“The Eurofighter Typhoon not only provides India with cutting-edge operational capability, but also unmatched potential for an enduring strategic partnership in developing future defense technology,” said U.K. Defense Secretary Liam Fox after a meeting with Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony in New Delhi July 8.


According to a British High Commission statement, Fox’s visit to India underlines the commitment at the highest levels of the British and Indian defense establishments to ensure that defense cooperation is a fundamental pillar of the enhanced partnership between the U.K. and India as set out by U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last July.


“In today’s world of multi-layered security and economic interdependence, the U.K. and India are looking for relationships that are built on partnership and respect, not one-off transactions,” Fox says.


The Tyhpoon is pitted against French company Dassault Aviation’s Rafale for the MMRCA program. Indian authorities are set to open final bids for the 126-aircraft order.


The Eurofighter consortium comprises Italy’s Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems of the U.K., EADS CASA and EADS Germany. Recently, France and Germany also made last-ditch efforts to boost their companies’ chances to win the fighter program.


French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet had pitched the Rafale during his visit to New Delhi in May, and the Eurofighter Typhoon topped the agenda during German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s discussions with Prime Minister Singh on May 31. German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizere also met Antony on May 31.


EADS has even invited India to become a partner for the Typhoon program if the aircraft wins the contract. Eurofighter’s offer to establish a production line in India could give it an edge.


The Rafale has the advantage of being logistically and operationally similar to the Mirage 2000. The Indian air force has similar fighters, and the Rafale’s inclusion would require fewer changes in existing infrastructure.

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12 juillet 2011 2 12 /07 /juillet /2011 12:55
Un officier de marine américain rédige une thèse sur l’achat de BPC Mistral par la Russie

12 juillet 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


L’achat par la Russie de bâtiments sophistiqués auprès de la France a suscité de nombreux commentaires, spéculant sur les menaces supposées que cela pourrait représenter pour les états membres de l’OTAN ou certains de leurs alliés, en particulier la Georgie. Ainsi, selon Vlad Socor dans l’Eurasia Daily Monitor, cette vente était motivée par « le mercantilisme... court-circuitant l’OTAN et oubliant les notions de base que sont la solidarité et les alliances stratégiques. »

Un officier de l’US Navy vient de publier sa thèse de master (pdf) sur cet achat. Selon Dmitry Gorenburg, il s’agirait du « travail le plus complet sur le sujet ». Cet officier, le Lieutenant Commander Patrick Thomas Baker, explique que la Russie veut avoir ce type de bâtiments, non pas pour une capacité spécifique de combat, mais dans le cadre d’une stratégie plus large de modernisation de sa marine :

L’achat de BPC Mistral par la Russie s’explique par son besoin d’acquérir des technologies modernes de commandement et de contrôle, et de construction navale, plus que pour augmenter ses capacités amphibies en soi.

Le chef de la marine russe, l’amiral Vladimir Vysotskiy — qui est célèbre pour avoir expliqué que, avec un BPC Mistral, la Russie aurait été capable de battre la Georgie « en 40 minutes, pas en 26 heures » — s’intéressait déjà au bâtiment avant même la guerre de Georgie. Selon Baker, cela « suggère que le souhait d’acquérir un nouveau système précède l’identification d’une capacité nécessaire et le développement d’un système pour accomplir cette capacité. » :

L’amiral Vysotskiy a probablement considéré le Mistral comme un moyen d’élever le profil de la marine au sein du pays et de l’establishment militaire russe avec un grand bâtiment précieux, tout en proclamant l’insatisfaction de la marine avec les produits qu’elle reçoit des chantiers navals russes. En juillet 2010, l’amiral Vysotskiy a donné une interview sur l’Ekho Moskvy Military Council. Il y déclarait que, comme les forces russes abandonnaient le système basé sur la conscription et la mobilisation, pour un système d’unités et de forces permanentes, ces nouvelles forces avaient besoin de pouvoir se redéployer rapidement. Un Mistral pourrait certainement aider à cela. Vysotskiy a aussi indiqué que les Français avaient raison d’appeler les Mistral des BPC : bâtiment de projection (de force) et de commandement, et expliqué que la Russie les utiliserait de la même manière.

Baker analyse aussi en détail ce que la Russie aurait pu faire dans la guerre de Georgie, si elle avait eu un Mistral. Elle n’aurait probablement pas pu transporter des troupes vers la Georgie plus rapidement qu’elle n’a pu le faire avec ses bâtiments de transport actuels. Elle aurait pu envoyer des hélicoptères d’attaque plus rapidement, puisque les hélicoptères russes n’avaient pas pu traverser le Caucase à cause de l’altitude trop élevée. Le Mistral est un porte-hélicoptères, ce qui aurait pu aider à résoudre ce problème. L’étude après les faits des opérations a aussi montré que les système de commandement et de contrôle russes, s’étaient mal comportés pendant la guerre, et c’est aussi un point sur lequel les Mistral excellent. Cependant, Baker explique qu’aucun de ces points n’aurait véritablement changé la donne en mer Noire, et ne serait la raison en soi d’acheter le Mistral.

Certains analystes estime que des Mistral seront déployés en mer Noire, d’abord pour menacer à nouveau la Georgie. Il est exact que la Georgie est le seul pays que la Russie pourrait menacer en mer Noire. La Turquie est de loin une puissance navale plus importante que la Russie dans cette région. La Turquie contrôle les détroits du Bosphore et des Dardanelles, unique voie d’accès à la mer Noire. Les Mistral ne sont pas concernés par la convention de Montreux, mais la Turquie pourrait rendre les transits d’un bâtiment porte-hélicoptères très difficile. La Russie pourrait donc choisir de laisser les Mistral à l’écart de la mer Noire. Les autres pays riverains de la mer Noire sont aussi tous membres de l’OTAN. Comme le premier ministre russe, Vladimir Poutine, l’a déclaré de façon brutale, la Russie n’aurait pas besoin de Mistral pour envahir à nouveau la Georgie : l’armée russe est parfaitement capable d’exécuter cette mission.

Comme il y a déjà des bases russe en Ossétie du Sud et en Abkhasie, le soutien aérien d’un BPC Mistral ne serait probablement pas nécessaire. On peut imaginer que son utilité pour renforcer les troupes en Georgie, serait plus grande en hiver, quand la neige et le verglas limitent les mouvements dans le Caucase et le tunnel de Roki. Mais encore une fois, les autres bâtiments de transport de la Flotte de la mer Noire peuvent aussi le faire. La Russie pourrait aussi utiliser ses capacités de transport aérien. Un point qu’Aleksandr Goltz a souligné est que les Russes ont laissé des chars et des pièces d’artillerie dans les territoires occupés pour diminuer l’impact des déplacements de matériels par le tunnel de Roki, que la Georgie pourrait surement essayer de fermer dans un futur conflit.

Donc, il semble que l’importance des mouvements de matériels puisse être minimisée par la planification. Cependant, le renforcement de troupes pourrait être réalisé rapidement par avion. Le seul avantage significatif qu’un BPC Mistral apporterait à la flotte de la mer Noire serait sa capacité de contrôle et de commandement dans une opération terrestre à grande échelle. Néanmoins, comme la Russie a atteint ses objectifs en Georgie en 2008, il semble improbable qu’elle se lance à nouveau dans une invasion de grande ampleur, une qui nécessiterait des capacités sophistiquées de commandement.

Cette thèse est bien étayée, écrite dans un langage clair et fait autorité. Elle est véritablement utile pour ceux qui s’intéressent à cette vente et à la planification navale de la Russie en général.

Référence :

Eurasia Net

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12 juillet 2011 2 12 /07 /juillet /2011 11:20



12.07.2011 par Guillaume Lagane* - atlantico.fr


Préambule : Guillaume Lagane a publié ce lundi dans Atlantico une autre tribune sur le même thème, qu'il est bon de consulter avant de lire cet article.


Alors que le parlement français vote ce mardi au sujet de la prolongation de l'intervention militaire en Libye, bilan et perspectives de la coopération menée par l'Europe dans la région.


Il est assez piquant, de lire à la page 18 du programme du parti socialiste publiée quelques semaines après le début des opérations militaires, que « la France et l’Allemagne devront donner l’impulsion pour un nouvel élan à l’Europe de la défense ».


Depuis 1990, toutes les tentatives de rapprochement avec les Allemands sur le plan militaire ont échoué pour des raisons structurelles. L'exemple le plus probant est la brigade franco-allemande, qui existe depuis 1989 et qui n'a jamais été déployée sur un théâtre d'opération. La Cour des comptes a de nouveau demandé, en 2011, sa suppression, comme celle des autres corps "européens" permanents, qui ont fait la preuve de leur inutilité opérationnelle.


Les Allemands se distinguent pas la faiblesse de leur budget militaire (29 milliards d’euros, 1,3 % du PIB) contre 32 Mds € pour la France et 37 Mds € pour le Royaume Uni (2 % du PIB), alors qu'ils possèdent la première puissance économique européenne. L'armée allemande est encore une armée de guerre froide, peu projetable à l'extérieur des frontières européennes. La réforme du service militaire, prévue cette année, est menacée par la démission du flamboyant ministre de la défense qui la portait, Theodor zu Guttenberg, accusé d’avoir copié sur d’autres une partie de sa thèse.


L'armée allemande, peu projetable, est peu projetée : elle a participé, pour la première fois de son histoire, à un déploiement extérieur au Kosovo en 1999, sous l’impulsion du ministre des Affaires étrangères, Joschka Fisher. Elle a également 5 000 hommes en Afghanistan mais, basés dans le nord du pays, ils se voient interdit par le Bundestag toute action de guerre. L’opinion allemande se caractérise en effet par son pacifisme et sa répugnance à l’égard des interventions lointaines. La démission en 2010 du président de la République fédérale, Horst Köhler, critiqué pour son soutien à l’intervention en Afghanistan, l'illustre bien.

Mais la guerre de Libye est aussi l’occasion de faire naître une véritable Europe de la défense

Enfin, contrairement aux Britanniques, les Allemands sont opposés au nucléaire militaire. Ils ont demandé, en 2010, le départ de leur sol des forces nucléaires américaines stationnées dans le cadre de l'OTAN. Quant à l'industrie de défense, EADS est aujourd'hui dominé par l'Allemagne, qui y voit un moyen de préserver ses forces industrielles. Tout rapprochement avec les Français est bloqué par la peur, d’ailleurs légitime, que l'État français, présent au capital des groupes hexagonaux, inspire aux industriels allemands du terrestre et de la marine.


C’est dire que le projet d’une défense européenne était bien mal en point avant même le début des « révoltes arabes ». Mais le refus des Allemands, pourtant gouvernés au centre droit, de participer à la protection des populations civiles en Libye aux côtés des Français et des Britanniques, de même couleur politique, début 2011 marque sans doute un coup d’arrêt définitif au projet. Pacifisme forcené ? Indifférence aux destinées d’Etats éloignés de l’Europe germanique (bien que la Tunisie soit une destination majeure de la clientèle touristique allemande) ? Souvenir malheureux de l’Afrikakorps ? Toujours est-il que cette divergence stratégique majeure, en faisant de la doctrine Fisher une parenthèse enchantée de la diplomatie allemande, ruine le projet d’une défense européenne.


Mais la guerre de Libye est aussi l’occasion de faire naître une véritable Europe de la défense. Car les opérations militaires actuelles soulignent une fois de plus la dépendance de l’Europe envers les États-Unis. Les Américains, au début de l’opération Odyssey Dawn, ont déployé des moyens considérables, dont la faiblesse et l’inefficacité de leurs dépenses militaires privent les Européens. Depuis le transfert des opérations à l’OTAN, Washington conserve en Libye des forces réduites, notamment des drones armés et des moyens d’observation, mais indispensables.

La condition de cette relance est une plus grande coopération entre Européens

Mais l’Amérique de l’administration Obama a changé. En grande difficulté budgétaire avec une dette de 14 000 milliards de dollars, soit 95 % du PIB, elle sait qu’elle doit rogner sur ses dépenses militaires, les premières du monde. Surtout, après les multiples interventions de l’ère Bush, l’administration Obama semble lasse de prêcher le changement. Par son histoire personnelle et ses convictions, Barack Obama lui-même doute des vertus du « wilsonisme armé ». En 2010, la nouvelle stratégie de sécurité nationale, qui a remplacé celle de 2002, insistait sur l’importance du multilatéralisme et de la concertation en refusant tout évangile de la liberté. Inspiré des thèses de Charles Kupchan (How Enemies Become Friends, 2010), cette doctrine Obama s’est traduite par le discours timoré du Caire en 2009, où le refus du « choc des civilisations », les égards envers les régimes en place et la « rue arabe », l’ont emporté sur la promotion de la démocratie.


Dans ce contexte nouveau, le risque du découplage Europe États-Unis est élevé. Une Amérique « post-impériale », selon le mot de l’éditorialiste Fareed Zakaria, cesserait d’être le garant de la sécurité de l’Europe et de la transformation de ses marges. Tout à ses économies budgétaires et à son regard sur l’Asie, où a vécu l’actuel président, très occupé à contenir la montée en puissance de la Chine et l’émergence de la « Chimerica » selon le terme de Niall Ferguson, Washington ne serait plus l’élément moteur de la défense européenne. C’est à une répétition générale de ce scénario que l’on a assisté avec l’affaire libyenne, dans laquelle l’administration Obama n’est entrée qu’à contre-cœur et pour une durée limitée.


Il est dès lors indispensable de relancer le projet d’Europe de la défense. Non, comme le voulait l’antienne habituelle, pour éviter d’être entraîné dans un conflit dont les Européens ne voudraient pas par de bellicistes Américains, mais pour pouvoir au contraire mener les guerres qui sont nécessaires, au nom de valeurs et d’intérêts qui, pour être universels, n’en sont pas moins européens. Le cadre naturel de cette relance ne peut être la Politique européenne de défense et de sécurité, sauf à souffrir d’un défaut très français de déni de réalité, mais bien plutôt l’OTAN dont la réforme, pour nécessaire qu’elle soit, ne peut masquer l’utilité. La condition de cette relance, et de toute européanisation de l’Alliance atlantique, est une plus grande coopération entre Européens, au premier chef Français et Britanniques, et un effort budgétaire accru en faveur de la défense.



Guillaume Lagane est un haut fonctionnaire spécialiste des questions de défense.

Il occupe le poste d'administrateur civil au Ministère de la défense.  Il est également maître de conférences à Science-Po Paris.  Il est l'auteur de Les Grandes question internationales en fiches (Ellipses, 2010).

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