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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
BAE Systems Receives Award for 2P Ammunition

57Mk3 Naval BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured here.


7 August 2014 BAE Systems


BAE Systems has received an order from the Swedish FMV to produce and deliver 9,000 rounds of 2P ammunition for the Swedish Armed Forces.


The programmable 2P ammunition is based on the proven and effective programmable 3P ammunition. It was developed to meet customer requirements identified during international missions to allow for operation at shorter distances with minimum collateral damage. The 2P ammunition can be programmed in different function modes providing optimized effect against a wide range of targets.


“This order further demonstrates that BAE Systems is trusted to develop and provide new, high-tech products to meet customer requirements,” says Lena Gillström, managing director of Weapon Systems, Sweden at BAE Systems. “With the 2P ammunition, we have a new member in our product portfolio.”


Development of the 2P ammunition began in January 2013, and was done in cooperation between BAE Systems, FMV and the Swedish Armed Forces.


Deliveries will begin in June 2015 and continue through February 2016. Production and final assembly will take place in Karlskoga, Sweden.


BAE Systems’ new 2P ammunition was developed based on its proven 3P ammunition, pictured above.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
BAE chairman quietly gets to grips before sorting succession


09 Aug 2014 By James Quinn, Executive Business Editor


Sir Roger Carr is progressing his plans at the British defence giant.


When Sir Roger Carr took over as chairman of BAE Systems, few in the City were surprised. Having served his dues as chairman of Cadbury and Centrica among others, the City grandee was more than ready to take on the challenge at one of the great companies of state.

In the aftermath of the British defence giant’s failed merger talks with European rival EADS, and after predecessor Sir Dick Olver’s steady 10-year reign, it was perceived by some that the arrival of Sir Roger in February heralded a series of significant changes at the FTSE 100 company.

But, despite those perceptions, the external changes have been few.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
A109 en vol au-dessus du paysage portugais Photo Ritchie Sedeyn

A109 en vol au-dessus du paysage portugais Photo Ritchie Sedeyn


29.07.2014 Karen Bral – Mil.be


L’exercice international d’hélicoptères Hot Blade était organisé dans la ville portugaise d’Ovar du 16 au 30 juillet. Pour le pilote et capitaine Vincent Valkenberg, il s’agissait de bien plus que cela.


« Le climat portugais nous permet de nous entraîner dans un environnement chaud, poussiéreux et à haute altitude », explique le capitaine Vincent « Valky » Valkenberg. « Ce n’est pas évident de se poser dans une telle situation. Dans ces régions sablonneuses, il y a énormément de poussières et nous devons pratiquement atterrir à l’aveuglette. Ce n’est pas quelque chose que nous pouvons faire en Belgique. »


Le fait que les armées européennes s’entraînent de manière régulière et conjointe est connu, mais au niveau opérationnel, la collaboration est également une réalité. « Au Mali, nous avons travaillé avec les Français dans le cadre de l’opération Serval », explique Vincent. « Le climat était chaud et les lieux désertiques. Un exercice comme Hot Blade a donc du sens. »


Durant la manœuvre, les pilotes A109 ont principalement escorté des hélicoptères de transport. « Nous surveillons l’espace aérien pendant que nos collègues acheminent les troupes au sol », précise le pilote. « S’ils tombent sous le feu, nous sommes prêts à intervenir. C’est pourquoi, nous décollons toujours avec un tireur à bord. De plus, nous pouvons également protéger les troupes au sol en territoire ennemi. »


« Des exercices comme Hot Blade sont précieux pour nous », conclut Valky. « Il n’y a pas de meilleure préparation que de s’entraîner dans des conditions difficiles avec des scénarios complexes mais réalistes. »

Vidéo : Wim Cochet

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
Biggest construction site of the German Air Force


17 July - EATC  News & Press updates


There are only a few months left until the scheduled delivery of the first A400M Atlas to the German Air Force. However, to realize all the efforts within this new aircraft introduction, it needs some time and - again - efforts to cope with the huge amount of information and impressions. Efforts that began several years ago and result in one of the most modern military airfields within NATO. Here, at Hannover-Wunstorf, the Air Transport Wing 62 is located, facing since 2009 not only the biggest construction site within the German Air Force but also of the whole Bundeswehr.
To decrease your efforts gaining an overview... the German Air Force media has prepared an article with several chapters, thus allowing to skip through different locations at ATW 62. Enjoy this helpful overview (in German language) here.

Find additional EATC article on the issue here. More information about the A400M to be found here.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:35
Kaboul: quatre civils tués dans une attaque contre un convoi de l'Otan


10 août 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Kaboul - Quatre civils ont été tués, et au moins 35 autres blessés, dans un attentat suicide revendiqué par les talibans visant un convoi de l'Otan dimanche dans la capitale afghane, selon la police de Kaboul.


Dans cette attaque, quatre civils, deux enfants, une femme et un homme, ont été tués et 35 autres blessés, a indiqué la police de la capitale afghane dimanche dans un communiqué.


Des véhicules des forces étrangères ont été en partie endommagés mais selon nos premières informations ils (les militaires) n'ont pas eu de victimes, poursuit le communiqué.


Un premier bilan du ministère de l'Intérieur faisait état de sept blessés, mais annonçait déjà quatre morts parmi les civils.


La force de l'Otan en Afghanistan (Isaf) a confirmé l'attaque dans un communiqué: Nous pouvons confirmer qu'un convoi de l'Isaf a été attaqué par l'ennemi à Kaboul aujourd'hui.


Aucune perte n'a été signalée du côté de l'Isaf à ce stade. Nous regrettons sincèrement les morts et les blessés, d'innocents civils Afghans, causés par les insurgés dans cet événement tragique, poursuit le communiqué.


La force de l'Otan en Afghanistan n'avait pas encore commenté, dimanche à la mi-journée, l'attaque, qui a eu lieu dans l'ouest de la capitale afghane dans le quartier de l'ancien palais royal de Darulaman.


Selon un témoin de l'incident, Ahmad Shah, un commerçant, un véhicule militaire et plusieurs véhicules civils ont été endommagés.


L'attentat contre les véhicules de la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (Isaf) a été revendiqué par les talibans, via son porte-parole Zabiullah Mujahid.


Vers midi, un convoi d'occupants a été attaqué par un combattant à Kaboul, deux tanks et tous les envahisseurs à l'intérieur ont été détruits, a-t-il écrit sur Twitter.


La dernière victime appartenant à la force de l'Otan est le général de division américain Harold J. Greene, tué par un soldat afghan rallié à la cause des insurgés, à Kaboul mardi dernier. Il s'agit du plus haut gradé américain tué au cours de 13 ans de conflit en Afghanistan.


La capitale afghane a été visée ces dernières semaine par plusieurs autres attentats visant notamment les forces de sécurité afghanes.


La majorité des forces de l'Otan, soit environ 44.000 soldats, dont 30.000 Américains, doivent quitter l'Afghanistan d'ici à la fin de l'année. Le président américain Barack Obama a annoncé récemment qu'il laisserait quelque 9.800 militaires américains sur place si un accord bilatéral de sécurité était signé entre Kaboul et Washington.


Dans ce contexte, les deux candidats à la présidentielle afghane, Abdullah Abdullah et Ashraf Ghani, qui se sont accusés mutuellement de fraude lors du deuxième tour de la présidentielle du 14 juin, semblent s'être mis d'accord pour une sortie de crise.


Les deux hommes ont signé vendredi un accord permettant la formation d'un gouvernement d'union national une fois le nouveau président désigné.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:35
Defence Minister Confirms Livefist Report, Rings Death Knell For Intermediate Trainer


August 5, 2014 by - Livefist

Confirming a series of reports here on Livefist on devastating trouble for HAL's indigenous HJT-36 Sitara intermediate jet trainer, Indian defence minister Arun Jaitley today told Parliament that critical problems with the platform had forced the Indian Air Force to look for a foreign replacement.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:35
CAS Aircraft to be Armed with Precision Guided Munitions

The DND is planning to acquire six CAS aircraft and will be armed with precision guided munitions (photo : missionreadyat-6)


9 Aug. 2014 Defense Studies

MANILA (PNA) -- In line with its efforts to make its close air support (CAS) aircraft more capable, the Department of National Defense (DND) has said the plane will be armed with precision guided munitions, a kind of weaponry that can be guided by lasers to its targets.

In a supplemental bid bulletin posted on the DND website, it said this capability must be present in the designs which will be submitted by prospective bidders to the P4.9-billion CAS aircraft project.

Bid opening and submission for the CAS project has been reset to Oct. 3 from the original date of Aug. 11.

In connection with this, DND Special Bids and Awards Committee-1 chair Undersecretary Fernando Manalo said that a second pre-bid conference will be held this coming Sept. 15.

This will be held at the DND Bidding and Awards Committee Conference Room, DND Building, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

Bid opening and submission will also take place at the same place.

The DND is planning to acquire six CAS aircraft to replace or beef up the Philippine Air Force's existing Rockwell OV-10 "Bronco" turboprop attack planes.

CAS refers to the capability to provide air support to infantry and naval units in contact with the enemy.

Funding for this weapon system will be sourced from the Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program.

Manalo earlier said that the contract includes integrated logistic support system.

Winning bidders must be able to deliver the aircraft within 540 calendar days from contract effectivity.

Participants in the DND's CAS project must have completed a similar program within the last 10 years.

Manalo added that the CAS aircraft must be used by the countries offering and manufacturing them. 


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:30
Naval Power Bolsters U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq


August 8, 2014 by Kris Osborn - defensetech.org


Navy assets deployed to the Persian Gulf are responsible for providing the advanced fire power and weaponry used in targeted U.S. military strikes August 8 against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant artillery positions, Pentagon officials told Military​.com.

Two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Irbil, Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement. ISIL was using this artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Irbil where U.S. personnel are located, he said.

The fighter jets were launched from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, which has been forward deployed in the region for months.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:25
France bombs Islamists in north Mali


10 August 2014 at 14:27 GMT BBC Africa


French forces have bombed Islamist militant positions in northern Mali.


Four or five bombs were dropped in the Esssakane region, west of the city of Timbuktu on Sunday morning, the BBC's Alex Duval Smith in Mali reports.


The UN has said al-Qaeda militants were active in the area. Last month Timbuktu airport came under rocket attack.


France intervened in Mali in January last year to try to drive out al-Qaeda-linked groups, which had taken over the north of the country.


Last month the French government said it was setting up a new military operation to stop the emergence of jihadist groups in the Sahel region of Africa.


Both ethnic Tuareg separatists and al-Qaeda-linked militants are operating in northern Mali.


Tuareg rebels agreed a ceasefire with Mali's government in May, and the two have been holding peace talks in Algeria.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:20
Better helmets, headgear improve blast protection, reduce facial injury

The Helmet Electronics and Display System-Upgradeable Protection, or HEaDS-UP, helmet prototypes allow crew members to avoid breathing air fouled by dust, sand and rocks while looking out the hatches of moving vehicles. Photo: NSRDEC by David Kamm


Aug 3, 2014 defense-update.com


The U.S. Army is looking at helmet prototypes with optional parts to protect the face and jaw from various threats, including blast waves.


The US Army recently concluded a study evaluating the safety and survivability applications of different headgear carried by the modern soldier. The Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center conducted the study called ‘Helmet Electronics and Display system — Upgradeable Protection’ (HEaDS-UP) as part of a multi-year effort to develop integrated headgear technologies for the Army and Marines. The program, managed by Mr. Donald R. Lee II, recommend potential upgrades for current helmets, improving the safety and integration with headgear, communications displays. Two modular headgear concept designs emerged from the process include improved eye and face protection which include the mandible and visor. Both provide fragmentation protection for the face. According to Don Lee, project engineer in the Headgear Thrust Area at Natick, the new new headgear parts will be provided as attachments parts can be added or removed in seconds. “Being able to don that (mandible and visor) protection when needed or being able to remove it when not needed is the big ‘wow’ factor,” he added. Other aspects of the program are evaluating improved ballistic materials, non-ballistic impact liner materials and designs, see-through and projected heads-up display technologies,improved hearing protection and communications.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:20
E-11A - Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)

E-11A - Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)


8 August 2014 airforce-technology.com


Northrop Grumman has been awarded a contract to continue the operation and support of the US Air Force's (USAF) battlefield airborne communications node (BACN) system.


Under the $89.7m contract's terms, the company will extend operational support of the BACN payloads in support of overseas contingency missions until June 2015.


Equipped with an airborne executive processor (AEP), BACN is a forward-deployed network-centric enterprise information server, developed to enable data sharing between different battlefield communications systems using a suite of computers and radio systems.


The high-altitude BACN payloads are integrated onto four E-11A Bombardier Global Express BD-700 aircraft and three EQ-4B Block 20 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.


Northrop Grumman Information Systems communications division vice-president and general manager Jeannie Hilger said: "BACN is making such a tremendous difference for our warfighters that it is regarded as indispensable for mission success.


"The amount of positive feedback BACN receives from our warfighters is a testament to the critical support BACN currently provides and an inspiration to continuously enhance the system's capabilities."


The BACN also provides an advanced airborne communications capability to commanders and troops, as well as enhancing situational awareness and extending voice communications.


Northrop expects BACN to serves as a persistent high-altitude gateway in the joint aerial layer network (JALN) to offer secure communications to disadvantaged soldiers and network connectivity across the theatre.


The JALN would be designed to expand on existing communications networks and capabilities and links ground, space and airborne military assets.


Northrop serves as prime contractor for the EQ-4B Global Hawk UAV and the development, fielding and maintenance of the BACN system, and received the first BACN contract from the US Air Force Electronic Systems Center in April 2005.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:20
OWL ammo will be all tracers but invisible to the enemy

The ultimate goal is to replace the tracer rounds with the OWL rounds and, potentially, put OWL on the back of every ball round. Since it is anticipated that OWL will be applied to all ball rounds, effectively making ball rounds trace without the need of a cavity, they will all have the same trajectory. And since the shooter can see the exact trajectory of where their round is heading, they can quickly make adjustments to get on target faster. Photo: US Army by Reece Lodder.


Aug 6, 2014 defense-update.com


Engineers at Picatinny Arsenal are researching a way to develop a tracer round that will be visible to the shooter in daylight and night time but would remain invisible to the enemy at night.


Engineers at Picatinny Arsenal are researching a way to develop a tracer round that will be visible to the shooter in daylight and night time but would remain invisible to the enemy at night.


Tracer rounds, which are usually loaded as every fifth round in machine gun belts, provide essential information to Soldiers firing at an enemy target by creating a line-of-sight that allows them to track the trajectory of their bullets and adjust their aim. However, the pyrotechnic streak they emit also gives away the shooter’s location by allowing the enemy to follow the line of pyrotechnic back to the shooter.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:20
Out Of The Tube


8/9/2014 Strategy Page


Spc. Ruben W. Moulton III, a Virginia Beach, Va., native serving as a team leader for 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, fires a TOW missile weapon system July 29 at Estonia Â’s Tapa Training Area. The unit fired more than a dozen TOW missiles to train on engagement and destruction of enemy armor, fortifications and amphibious landing craft on the battlefield. Approximately 600 paratroopers from the brigade are in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, which includes combined training exercises that foster cohesive relationships and demonstrate a commitment to NATO obligations. (Photo courtesy by Tanel Meos)

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 15:30
Irak: près de 20.000 déplacés parviennent à fuir les monts Sinjar


10 août 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Erbil (Irak) - Près de 20.000 Irakiens, réfugiés dans les monts Sinjar pour fuir les jihadistes dans le nord de l'Irak, ont pu s'échapper sains et saufs vers la Syrie avant de revenir en Irak escortés par les forces kurdes, ont indiqué des responsables dimanche.


Un responsable kurde au point de passage de Fishkabour, à la frontière, a indiqué que 30.000 personnes étaient arrivées de Syrie, après avoir fui les montagnes.


Les forces kurdes sont parvenues à faire passer en Syrie 30.000 Yazidis, en majorité des femmes et des enfants, puis à les faire revenir au Kurdistan irakien, a expliqué Shawkat Barbahari.


Des milliers d'habitants appartenant à la minorité kurdophone des Yazidis ont été chassés de chez eux lorsque les jihadistes de l'Etat islamique (EI) se sont emparé la semaine dernière de la ville de Sinjar, l'un de leurs bastions.


Ils sont depuis terrés, terrorisés, dans les montagnes, par des chaleurs extrêmes, sans vivres ni eau.


La plupart ont traversé hier (samedi) et aujourd'hui, l'opération continue; on ne sait vraiment pas combien sont encore coincés dans les montagnes, a ajouté M. Barbahari.


Selon la députée yazidie Vian Dakhil, de 20.000 à 30.000 réfugiés ont réussi à fuir et se trouvaient désormais dans la région autonome du Kurdistan irakien. Mais il en reste des milliers dans la montagne, a ajouté celle qui est devenue le visage de cette minorité après que l'image de ses larmes en plein milieu d'une session parlementaire ont fait le tour du monde.


Le passage n'est pas sûr à 100%, selon elle, il y a toujours un risque.


Signe de la difficulté à connaître le nombre exact de personnes ayant fui et combien d'entre elles se trouvent encore sur la soixantaine de kilomètres des monts Sinjar, un responsable du bureau de l'ONU pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires a pour sa part déclaré que de 15.000 à 20.000 réfugiés avaient pu fuir les monts Sinjar.


Les autorités locales nous ont informés qu'entre 15.000 et 20.000 personnes avaient fui et traversé la Syrie pour revenir en Irak, a affirmé David Swanson à l'AFP.


Il a souligné que l'ONU n'était pas directement impliquée dans l'exfiltration des déplacés, et qu'il ne pouvait confirmer ces chiffres. Mais, a-t-il ajouté, elle se tient prête à aider tous ceux qui seront passés dans la province de Dohouk, dans le Kurdistan.


Depuis vendredi, les Etats-Unis mènent des frappes aériennes contre des positions jihadistes, première implication directe depuis le départ de leurs troupes d'Irak il y a près de trois ans.


Ils livrent également des aides humanitaires aux déplacés sur les monts Sinjar, ainsi que la Grande-Bretagne et la France.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 15:21
Déchargement Assistance humanitaire française à Irbil 10 Aug 2014 - photo MinDef FR

Déchargement Assistance humanitaire française à Irbil 10 Aug 2014 - photo MinDef FR


10-08-2014 à 14:16 par RFI


François Hollande l'avait annoncé ce samedi 9 août : la France va livrer d'importants matériels de premiers secours pour venir en aide aux populations déplacées en Irak. Chose dite, chose faite: ce dimanche, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, a été dépêché en Irak pour superviser en personne l'arrivée de cette aide promise par la France, mais aussi pour rencontrer des responsables irakiens et kurdes.


L'aide humanitaire française doit arriver dans le Nord de l'Irak. Selon Laurent Fabius il s'agit de plusieurs tonnes de secours d'urgence, notamment de médicaments. Sur son chemin vers Erbil, la capitale du Kurdistan irakien, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères a fait une courte halte à Bagdad pour s'entretenir avec son homologue Hussein Chahristani.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 12:55
À la découverte de la mystérieuse base navale de Brest ...


Brest - 08 Août Delphine VAN HAUWAERT – Ouest France


Chaque année, 7 000 à 8 000 personnes visitent la seconde plus importante base militaire navale de France. Parmi eux, peu de Brestois. Ils passent à côté d'une passionnante plongée dans cet univers secret.


C'est un peu le « syndrome tour Eiffel ». Les Parisiens passent devant mais ne s'arrêtent pas. « À la base navale, c'est pareil, note Jean-Claude Tanguy, maître principal. Depuis une quarantaine d'années que nous proposons des visites, ce sont surtout des touristes, français ou étrangers, qui y assistent. » En moyenne, entre 7 000 et 8 000 curieux par an, tout de même.


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 12:55
"Le casoar et les gants blancs n'existent que par le feu".

"Le casoar et les gants blancs n'existent que par le feu".


1 août 2014 Par Olivier Kempf - egeablog.net


Bien. Ou plutôt mal. Les "gens intelligents et responsables" ont décidé d'agir, par exemple en réformant Saint-Cyr. C'est vrai, cette école fonctionne, forme des officiers qui donnent satisfaction à tous, réussit à de diversifier. Ça fonctionne, donc il faut réformer. Logique imparable. La "cause première", si je comprends bien les débats, consiste à "rentabiliser". Vous comprenez, une école qui forme 120 officiers par an (on oublie au passage de mentionner tous les autres officiers qui sont formés à Saint-Cyr), ça coûte cher. Ce n'est pas rentable (l'école nationale supérieure de police a des promos de 40, au fait). Donc il faut "faire quelque chose". C'est ce qu'on explique à l'Assemblée Nationale comme le signale le site de la Saint-Cyrienne.


Suite de la tribune

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 12:55
The French Army's Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War: The Artillerie Speciale, by Tim Gale


Source Strategy Page


Farnham, Surrey, Eng. / Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. xvi, 260. Illus., maps, appends., notes, biblio., index. $124.95. ISBN: 1409466612.


The French Role in the Introduction of the Tank


English-language literature has extensive coverage of the British contributions to the development of the tank during World War I, but until now has been almost silent on the important French side of the subject.  In this work, British historian Gale does an excellent job of covering the French side of the story.


Gale opens with a look at the conception and early experimentation of French tanks.  He is primarily concerned with how the French reconciled the new and initially very fragile technology into their existing organization, tactics, and employment.  Gale demonstrates how the French used an iterative approach, learning from experience through the interactions of tanks with existing doctrine and techniques to further the development of the tank force.  He also addresses some of the controversies that arose because of the new weapon system.  This is particularly useful because as the war went on the Artillerie Spéciale played an increasing role in a surprisingly large number of actions, which are almost totally ignored in most accounts of the origins of the tank.


This volume in the series “Ashgate Studies in First World War History” will prove a  valuable read for anyone having an interest in the tank, the evolution of Allied tactics in the Great War, or the history of the French Army.


Note: This work is also available as an ePub, ISBN 978-1-4094-6663-5 or in PDF format, ISBN 978-1-4094-6662-8

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:50
Photos Jorn Urbain - Mil.be

Photos Jorn Urbain - Mil.be


05.08.2014 Yves Swertvaegher – Mil.be


Alors que de nombreuses personnes sont encore en congé, l'équipage du F930 Leopold I est déjà au travail ! En effet, le navire se prépare pour sa participation à l'opération Atalanta, laquelle débutera sous peu au large de la côte est de l’Afrique.


Ce lundi 4 août, la frégate prenait la mer dans la matinée, bientôt rejointe par un hélicoptère Alouette III. Une embarcation rapide FRISC (Fast Raiding Interception Special Forces Craft pour embarcation rapide d'interception et de protection - basée à Zeebruges) des forces spéciales simulait un navire suspect. L'exercice pouvait donc commencer.


L'Alouette III a survolé le navire suspect tandis que les deux embarcations rapides du F930 Leopold I venaient l'intercepter. Les deux équipes de contrôle sont montées à bord du FRISC. Elles ont découvert une arme après une fouille minutieuse. L'équipage suspect a ensuite été emmené sur la frégate pour interrogatoire.

Le Leopold I se prépare à sa future mission
Le Leopold I se prépare à sa future mission
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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:50
A400M Atlas MSN015 photo Neil Bryden

A400M Atlas MSN015 photo Neil Bryden


7 August - Rebecca Jepps - EATC


The RAF’s first Atlas, MSN015 is currently on the Final Assembly Line (FAL) and is very shortly due to make its first flight. It will then be painted with the RAF markings and roundels and is scheduled to be delivered to its new home at RAF Brize Norton in autumn this year. All pilots destined to fly "Atlas" will be initially trained and awarded their coveted RAF ‘wings’ by 45(R) Sqn, part of No 3 Flying Training School. The A400M will replace British C-130K Hercules and will provide an enhanced tactical and strategic capability to the RAF’s Air Mobility Fleet. Capable of carrying a 25-tonne payload over 2,000 nautical miles with the ability to land on short, unprepared landing strips, the aircraft will be used at the point of need in peace, crisis or conflict.

The RAF plans to introduce 22 A400M aircraft. The first aircraft introduction is scheduled for autumn this year.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:50
From Havana to Termez - the German Airbus A310 Pax

16 July - EATC


The most used troop transporter in EATC service


A remarkable aircraft with a remarkable story: the Airbus A310 Pax, based at German Special Air MIssion Wing MoD (Cologne-Wahn), can state to be EATCs most used troop transporter. While the aircraft has reached nearly 25 years of military service and seen nearly every military spot on this planet, an end of its military service is still not in sight.

Starting as civil airliner within the German Democratic Republic's state airline "Interflug", the aircraft became state of the art in 1989, as it carried first passengers - nonstop - to Havana/Cuba or to other remote places in far East Asia.

But the German reunification changed everything... leaving every other GDR aircraft dismantled behind, while the Airbus A310 Pax improved its strategic missions inside the German Air Force until today.

Read the extraordinary story of the last flying GDR passenger aircraft - now and in future operating under EATC operational control - here at our aircraft chapter.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:40
KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

August 07, 2014 by Rostec

KRET has for the first time entered the international ranking, companied by the authoritative American weekly Defense News. The company took 52nd place among the top 100 defense companies in the world.

In compiling the rankings, international experts took into account not only brand awareness, quality, reliability, and popularity of the companies, but also a detailed investigation into their financial performance and growth dynamics over the past few years in regard to weapons production.

Between 2011 and 2013, KRET increased its total revenue by almost one and a half, from RUB 45 billion ($1.3 billion) to RUB 77.3 billion ($2.4 billion). During this time, the value of state defense orders fulfilled by KRET increased six-fold, from RUB 6.4 billion ($179 million) to RUB 40 billion ($1.1 billion). KRET was simultaneously able to optimize fully financial flows, improving transparency and the effectiveness of enterprise expenditures. By the end of 2013, KRET had earned RUB 64.2 billion ($1.8 billion) in revenue from sales of military products, a 12.3% increase from 2012. Military products made up 76% of the concern’s total revenue for 2013.

“Today, KRET is Russia’s largest developer and supplier of integrated systems of modern electronic equipment, electronic warfare systems and equipment, and civil and military avionics. Joining the group of the top 100 defense companies in the world affirms the competitiveness of Russian electronics and demonstrates the effectiveness of the model used by Rostec Corporation to integrate leading companies of the industry under the single brand of KRET,” said KRET CEO Nikolay Kolesov.

According to Kolesov, the concern is not going to rest easy and has already started updating its development strategy. New business models will fully meet the modern requirements and changes happening in the international market. The concern is placing primary emphasis on the diversification of production, strengthening the production of civil goods, integrating scientific and technical potential and attracting world-class, qualified personnel to the concern’s businesses.

KRET has operated as a single brand  and an independent member of the international aerospace and defense markets since 2014. KRET’s products can be found in more than 30 countries around the world. Innovative developments in radar stations (RLS) developed by KRET have already been installed in 70% of all Russian fighter jets and will also be used in next-generation helicopter and airplane technologies.

At the international airshow Farnborough 2014, held last July, KRET products were praised by the world’s leading experts. The Russian manufacturer introduced some of its most advanced products in avionics systems, electronic warfare systems, and friend-or-foe identification systems. KRET demonstrated that it is competent and prepared for long-term cooperation in creating new, integrated solutions for the radio-electronics industry.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:40
Kamov K-52K «Katran» pour la marine russe !


06/08/2014 Avia News


Moscou, la Russie a commandé un lot d'hélicoptères de combat en version marine de type Kamov Ka-52K «Katran» destinés à servir depuis les nouveaux bâtiments de surface de classe «Mistral» commandé à la France. 


La Russie a commandé à la France deux navires porte-hélicoptères pour 1,2 milliards d'euros. La construction est assurée par l'entreprise française DCNS, à Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). Les deux navires seront baptisés Vladivostok et Sébastopol. Pour équiper ces deux navires, la marine russe a donc prévu de s’équiper de 32 hélicoptères de combat en version marine Ka-52K. Ceux-ci seront construits par Progress Aresenyev Aviation Company Nikolai Sazykin, une filiale de Russian Helicopters Kamov.


Chacun des deux bâtiments de type «Mistral» pourra embarquer jusqu’à 16 Ka-52K, avec  un ou deux hélicoptères de recherche et de sauvetage Ka-27 «Helix-D».


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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:35
Raytheon is being Awarded for the DDE Analysis of the AIM-9X Block II for Singapore, Malaysia and Other Countries

Raytheon AIM-9X air-to-air missile (photo : militaryphotos)


9 Aug. 2014 Defense Studies

Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $43,991,627 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00019-12-C-2002) for the design, development, and engineering analysis of the AIM-9X Block II Missile System for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and the governments of Turkey, Oman, Belgium, Netherlands, Singapore, Malaysia, and Morocco. 

This modification includes the necessary replacements for the AIM-9X Control Actuation System, inertial measurement unit, electronics unit processor and improvements in insensitive munitions performance in the hardware development and Operational Flight Software versions 9.4X, 9.15X and 10.X. 

Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona (91.6 percent); Minneapolis, Minnesota (6.5 percent); Pinellas Park, Florida (1.3 percent); and Andover, Massachusetts (0.6 percent), and is expected to be completed in July 2015. Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy and Air Force) funds and Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $22,092,354, will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. 

This contract combines purchases for the U.S. Air Force ($23,620,000; 53.7 percent); U.S. Navy ($8,155,233; 18.5 percent); and the governments of Turkey ($4,095,000; 9.3 percent); Oman ($2,590,000; 5.9 percent); Belgium ($2,100,000; 4.8 percent); Netherlands ($1,680,000; 3.8 percent); Singapore ($980,000; 2.2 percent); Malaysia ($701,394; 1.6 percent); and Morocco ($70,000; 0.2 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales Act. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

(US DoD)

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:35
Is China Preparing MIRVed Ballistic Missiles?


August 08, 2014 By Zachary Keck -- thediplomat.com


China’s new DF-5A and DF-31A ICBM tests once again highlight its rising interest in MIRVed ICBMs.


China tested two of its intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) last week, the Washington Times reported on Thursday.

According to the Washington Times report by Bill Gertz, who cited unnamed U.S. officials, China tested its Dong Feng 31A (DF-31A/CSS-10) and Dong Feng 5A (DF-5A/CSS-4) ICBMs last week.

The DF-5A is an upgraded version of the DF-5 ICBMs that China first tested in 1971. It is a three stage, liquid propellant silo-based missile with a range of 13,000 km and a throw weight of roughly 3,000 kg.

The DF-31A is China’s new road-mobile ICBM, based off the older DF-31 ICBM that China first tested in 1999. It is a three stage solid-propellant rocket with a range of roughly 11,200–12,000 km. This is the fourth known testing of the DF-31A ICBM. Its sea-based variant, the JL-2, will provide China with its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent when it is deployed on China’s Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) sometime this year.

Both the DF-5A and the DF-31A are capable of hitting the United States.

The Washington Times article did not specify exactly where the tests had occurred, but it did not that previous DF-31A tests have taken place at China’s Taiyuan Space Launch Center in Shanxi Province in northern China. However, it seems quite possible that the ICBM tests were part of the ongoing military drills that China announced late last month in the eastern parts of the country. As previously noted, these drills have caused significant delays to civilian air travel in eastern China. Earlier in the drills, China conducted what it claimed was an anti-ballistic missile test, but which the U.S. believes was really an anti-satellite test.

The earlier anti-missile/anti-satellite test, along with the new ICBM tests, underscore the growing attention China’s military is placing on its strategic and missile capabilities. Last week China inadvertently confirmed the existence of a new generation ICBM, the Dongfeng-41 (DF-41), which the U.S. Department of Defense has said may be capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs).

MIRV missiles can deliver multiple (usually nuclear) warheads to different targets, and were seen as widely destabilizing to the nuclear balance during the Cold War when the United States and Soviet Union began deploying them in the 1970s. The U.S. just phased out the last of its land-based MIRV ICBMs, although it continues to deploy MIRV submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). Russia continues to field MIRV ICBMs.

Interestingly, the new reports about the DF-5A and DF-31A ICBM tests also highlight China’s potentially growing interest in acquiring a MIRV capability. According to the Federation of Atomic Scientists, “in November 1983 China inaugurated a DF-5 modification program to arm these ICBMs with MIRVed warheads.” Although technical difficulties prevented that program from reaching fruition, it is also believed that China later designated the DF-5A as its MIRV missile.

It has also been widely speculated, including by the U.S. Department of Defense, that the DF-31A may be MIRV capable. Most analyses suggest that the road-mobile ICBM may be capable of carrying up to 3 warheads. At this point, most believe that China is only deploying single warheads on its DF-5A and the DF-31A ICBMs, although some foreign analysts have claimed that it has already MIRVed some of its missile forces.

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