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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 14:40
Les chefs de la défense des Etats-Unis et de la France discutent de l'Ukraine avant le référendum en Crimée



2014-03-16 xinhua


Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel et le ministre français de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian ont discuté samedi par téléphone de la situation en Ukraine, avant le référendum prévu dimanche en Crimée.


MM. Hagel et Le Drian "ont affirmé la solidarité de l'alliance de l'OTAN" et l'importance du travail étroit et conjoint des Etats-Unis et de la France pour soutenir les alliés d'Europe centrale et de l'Est, a déclaré dans un communiqué le porte-parole du Pentagone, l'amiral John Kirby.


Ils ont discuté de leur "examen (respectif) de la coopération militaire bilatérale avec la Russie", et promis que les officiels de haut rang des deux pays resteraient en contact étroit sur cette affaire lors des prochains jours, a expliqué M. Kirby.


MM. Hagel et Le Drian se sont également entretenus sur l'assistance américaine actuelle aux opérations françaises en Afrique, a-t-il indiqué.


A l'approche du référendum en Crimée qui déterminera si la Crimée doit se séparer de l'Ukraine pour se joindre à la Russie, Washington a augmenté la pression sur Moscou. Plus tôt cette semaine, la Maison Blanche avait indiqué que Moscou serait peut-être exclue du G8.


Les Etats-Unis ont critiqué le déploiement des forces armées russes en Crimée ces dernières semaines, malgré la déclaration du président russe, Vladimir Poutine, indiquant que son objectif était simplement de protéger la population russophone dans la région.


La Crimée, qui abrite la Flotte russe de la mer Noire, est au centre de la crise ukraine actuelle depuis la destitution du président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch le 22 février par le Parlement.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
Suisse : A l'unanimité, les officiers disent oui au Gripen


15.03.2014 arcinfo.ch (ATS)


Les officiers de l'armée suisse se sont exprimés en faveur de l'achat de Gripen. Ils ont également demandé un budget défense de 5 milliards de francs.


Les délégués de la Société Suisse des Officiers (SSO) ont voté samedi unanimement en faveur de la loi sur le fonds d'acquisition des Gripen. "Le peuple aura la possibilité le 18 mai de choisir le niveau de sécurité qu'il souhaite", indique le communiqué de la SSO.


"Depuis le début, la SSO a soutenu le remplacement de la flotte obsolète des Tiger, car une armée crédible est un système global qui doit disposer de moyens et d'équipements adaptés pour mener à bien sa mission constitutionnelle que lui a confiée le peuple", a déclaré le président de la SSO Denis Froidevaux.


Le financement choisi permet de réaffirmer les compétences de l'armée de l'air. De plus le recours à un fonds offre l'avantage de financer les Gripen par le budget ordinaire de l'armée sans devoir chercher un financement spécial qui obligerait à réaliser des économies dans d'autres départements, a ajouté M. Froidevaux.


L'assemblée, qui s'est déroulée en présence du ministre de la Défense, Ueli Maurer, et de son homologue suédoise, Karin Enström, a également réitéré son exigence de voir le budget militaire fixé à 5 milliards de francs dès 2016.


Le brigadier Froidevaux a rappelé les quatre critères non négociables pour la réforme de l'armée. Ce sont un effectif minimal de 100'000 hommes, un budget de 5 milliards, le principe d'une armée de milice et le respect de la mission de l'armée dans ses trois dimensions, terre-air-cyberspace.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 13:45
La France va installer une base militaire au nord du Mali, près de la frontière algérienne


15 mars 2014 Maghreb Emergent


L'Algérie, rapporte Jeune Afrique, sera officiellement informée de cette décision lors d'une visite du ministre de la Défense français à Alger. Selon le site d'information malien Maliactu "une partie des marchés obtenus par les entreprises françaises consiste au réaménagement de la piste d'atterrissage de l'aéroport du camp de la ville de Tessalit" qui devrait accueillir la base.


La France, a rapporté hier Jeune Afrique, va installer une base militaire avancée dans le nord du Mali, à Tessalit, non loin de la frontière algérienne.

Cette décision, précise le magazine panafricain paraissant à Paris, "a déjà été prise mais elle ne sera pas officialisée tant que le ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, n'en aura pas informé son homologue algérien de vive voix lors d'un déplacement ministériel à Alger".

Un journal d'information malien a rapporté la même information le lendemain. Selon Maliactu, l'intervention française au Mali "a dévoilé son agenda caché". Il s'agit de " l'installation d'une base militaire permanente à Tessalit", écrit-il précisant qu'"une partie des marchés obtenus par les entreprises françaises consiste au réaménagement de la piste d'atterrissage de l'aéroport du camp de la ville".

Maliactu souligne que "la France semble avoir commencé son installation en attendant la signature de l'accord de défense qui devra officialiser l'acte de fait ". Il conclut : "Il est primordiale pour la France de ménager ce pays, qui facilite actuellement le ravitaillement des troupes françaises présentes dans le nord du Mali à partir de son territoire."

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:55
L’Alat parle…

« De la terre par le ciel » par le général Yann Pertuisel


15 mars, 2014 Frédéric Lert (FOB)


Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Libye…  les engagements opérationnels n’ont pas manqué ces dernières années pour l’Aviation Légère de l’Armée de Terre. Nul doute que les équipages engagés, mais aussi les spécialistes ayant aidé à la mise en œuvre des appareils sur les théâtres d’opérations, ont tous quantités de récits à partager…  Le général Yann Pertuisel, qui a commandé l’Alat de 2010 à 2012 fait œuvre louable en recensant quelques uns de ces témoignages et en les mettant en perspective, avec la vision d’ensemble qu’il pouvait avoir à l’époque. Aucune désir d’exhaustivité de sa part, mais la volonté précieuse de mettre en lumière le travail accompli, les risques encourus et le dévouement de tous. Un livre sobre et efficace, dont on espère qu’il motivera d’autres acteurs de ces opérations extérieures à partager leurs expériences avec le plus grand nombre…

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Lokman Abou Sakhr

Lokman Abou Sakhr


15 mars 2014 par Youssef - webdo.tn


L’Armée algérienne a annoncé avoir abattu, hier, vendredi 14 mars 2014, sept terroristes dans la région de Tébessa, selon un communiqué du ministère algérien de la Défense. Des terroristes qui étaient en provenance du territoire tunisien cherchant probablement à fuir Jebel Chaâmbi.


Mais pris en étau par les forces algériennes lors des violents accrochages qui ont opposés la Gendarmerie soutenue par l’armée et les terroristes, ces derniers auraient tenté de repasser les frontières vers la Tunisie.


Parmi les sept terroristes abattus, le ministère Algérien de la Défense annonce la mort d’un dangereux individu activement recherché en Algérie et en Tunisie. Il s’agit de Khaled Chaieb alias Lokman Abou Sakhr.


Ce dernier est l’objet d’un avis de recherche qui avait diffusé le 9 janvier dernier par le ministère de l’Intérieur tunisien, mettant en garde contre le terroriste, impliqué dans l'assassinat des soldats et des gardes nationaux tunisiens.


D’après le ministère de l’Intérieur, il s’était infiltré dans la ville de Kasserine après avoir été longtemps retranché à Jebel Chaâmbi où les opérations de ratissage se poursuivent à un rythme soutenu.


Si sa mort est confirmée par l’armée algérienne, cela confirmerait que les mouvements vers l’Algérie, d’éléments terroristes cachés à Jebel Chaâmbi s’intensifient alors que l’Algérie est aux portes d’une élection présidentielle.


Lors de l’opération d’hier, sept armes de type Kalachnikov, deux véhicules touristiques, 3500 cartouches de différents calibres, des moyens de communication et de vision et des grenades ont été récupérés. "Cette opération intervient suite à l’exploitation d’informations faisant état de mouvements de terroristes dans la soirée d’hier et qui ont été localisés, encerclés et éliminés", précise le ministère algérien de la Défense.


Depuis le déclenchement des événements de Jebel Chaâmbi, les Algériens opèrent un strict contrôle et des ratissages minutieux à la frontière avec la Tunisie afin de prévenir toute infiltration d'éléments terroristes vers l'Algérie.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Serval : Travaux de terrassement à Tessalit


Crédits photos : EMA / armée de Terre


13 février 2014, la force Serval réalise des travaux de terrassement sur le camp de Tessalit.
Environ 2300 militaires français sont actuellement présents sur le sol malien et poursuivent une mission de lutte contre les groupes armées terroristes, tout en appuyant la montée en puissance des forces de la MINUSMA et des FAMA.


Reportage photos


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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Visite du chef d’état-major général des armées (CEMGA)

09.03.2014 EUTM Mali

A quelques jours de la fin de la formation du 4e bataillon malien « Balanzan », le chef d’état-major général des armées maliennes (CEMGA), le général Mahamane Touré, s’est rendu au camp d’entrainement de la mission EUTM à Koulikoro afin d’y rencontrer les soldats du 4e GTIA, pour faire le point sur la formation et observer leurs conditions d’entrainement.

A son arrivée, le CEMGA, accompagné par le général Bruno Guibert, commandant EUTM, a été accueilli par le colonel Alexis Uhrich, commandant le camp d’entrainement de la mission Européenne, qui lui a présenté les objectifs  et l’organisation de la formation dispensée par les 200 instructeurs européens. Le général Touré s’est ensuite rendu sur les aires d’entrainement afin d’observer l’instruction des soldats du bataillon Balanzan.

Le CEMGA a salué la qualité de la formation dispensée par la mission européenne et s’est dit satisfait de l’état d’esprit des soldats maliens à quelques jours de la fin de leur formation. Le CEMGA a particulièrement souligné l’aspect pratique de l’entrainement, en adéquation la situation opérationnelle au Nord du pays et avec les missions qui seront confiées au bataillon au cours de son déploiement.


Visit of the Malian joint chief of staff

A few days before the end of the training of the fourth battalion « Balanzan », the Malian Joint Chief of Staff (CEMGA), General Mahamane Touré has visited the European Training mission’s training camp in Koulikoro to meet the soldiers from the 4th GTIA there, to see the training carried out by his soldiers and their living conditions.

Upon his arrival de the CEMGA, accompanied by General Bruno Guibert, EUTM commander was welcomed by Colonel Alex Uhrich, the European mission training camp commander. He briefed the CEMGA about the objectives and the organization of the training provided by the 200 European instructors. Afterwards, General Touré visited the training areas to witness the training of the battalion.

The CEMGA outlined the quality of the European training and said to be very satisfied with the Malian soldiers’ mood and confidence, just a few days before the end of their training. The CEMGA particularly highlighted the practical part of the training, in accordance with the operational situation in the north of the country and with the missions which the battalion will have to accomplish during its deployment.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:45
Gabon : 48 soldats envoyés à Bangui



le 15 Mars 2014 koaci.com


Gabon - Quarante-huit soldats Gabonais ont été envoyés jeudi à Bangui pour compléter les effectifs des soldats Africains de la Mission internationale de soutien à la Centrafrique (MISCA)


Les quarante-huit soldats Gabonais ont embarqué par vol spécial depuis la base de l’armée française stationnée à Libreville, en direction de Bangui, capitale Centrafricaine afin de compléter l’effectif de 500 soldats Gabonais déjà présents en Centrafrique.


La cérémonie officielle avant le départ des soldats s’est tenue en présence du Général d’armée Jean-Claude Ella Ekogha, chef d’état-major général de l’armée gabonaise, du ministre gabonais de la Défense nationale, Ernest Mpouho Epigat et de l’ambassadeur de France au Gabon, Jean François.


Ce contingent Gabonais devra remplacer la cinquantaine de soldats Gabonais dont la mission est arrivée à terme. Ces soldats Gabonais qui rejoindront les rangs de la Misca en RCA est prévue pour une durée de six mois.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:30
Turkey's Otokar Wins Armored Vehicle Contract From UN

The UN is buying Cobra armored vehicles from Turkish company Otokar for use on peacekeeping missions. (Otokar)


Mar. 6, 2014 - By BURAK EGE BEKDIL – Defense News


ANKARA — Turkey’s leading armored vehicles manufacturer, Otokar, has said that it won a $24.6 million contract from the United Nations.


In a news release March 6, Otokar said the contract was for an unspecified number of the company’s Cobra vehicles. The UN will use the Cobras in peacekeeping operations, the company said.


Cobra, used by the armies of 15 different countries, is Otokar’s best known vehicle. Turkish security forces use the four-wheel-drive Cobra for reconnaissance and area control.


Otokar reported 40 percent growth in 2013, with exports of $117 million.


The company also is the developer of the Altay, Turkey’s first indigenous, new-generation main battle tank. In 2008, Otokar signed a $500 million contract with the Turkish procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, to produce four prototypes under the Altay program.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
The Rafale As Canada’s Next Fighter – Part 2


March 5, 2014. By Yves Pagot - Defence Watch Guest Writer


Editor’s note: As part of its ongoing coverage of the CF-18 fighter aircraft replacement, Defence Watch has published a number of articles from authors supporting various aircraft. This week Defence Watch will be running a three-part series that looks at the Rafale filling the role as Canada’s next fighter jet. It is written by Yves Pagot, PhD
ParisTech Institute, and a
reservist in Armée de l’Air. (i.e. reservist with the French Air Force, he is in a parachute unit). Pagot notes that he does not have any connection to Dassault or the firms involved in the Rafale production.


Factor 3 : Compatibility and Weapons Capacity.

As stated above, Rafale can carry any NATO standardized weapon (although some are not integrated yet for the French air force, there is no technical difficulty to it). Considering its “French ecosystem” as a requisite is a false opinion as stated above. It would be much more interesting to evaluate which original weapons Rafale would bring to CAF.

First, the Meteor missile is a Ramjet missile and the most modern, lethal, air-to-air weapon in the NATO arsenal. The upcoming AMRAAM missile latest version will have a near similar range (above 100 Kms), but with a much smaller No Escape Zone (NEZ). Missile manufacturer MBDA is also working on integrating the Meteor on the F-35 so there can be no incompatibility argument. The Rafale is one of the earliest adopters and will have it deployed ahead of the F-35 or Eurofighter Typhoon, which is only beginning testing this year.

Second, the MICA missile (Missile d’Interception et de Combat Aérien or interception and aerial combat missile). This missile has both IR and EM capabilities, and a unique IR Beyond Visual Range (BVR) capabilities which the Sidewinder 9X Blk2 is only trying to match. Its relatively small size and thrust vectoring make it a very agile missile, with a range of 500m to 65+ Km. It is a “fire and forget” missile with LOAL (Lock After Launch) and can be shot “over the shoulder” (rearwards). In 2010, MBDA stated a remarkable 93% successful shots out of 240 trials11. An over the shoulder fire of MICA on a target illuminated by a second Rafale (third party targeting) was demonstrated in 200724. MBDA is presently developing a Mica “NG” missile which, using the same body, that will offer more range, a dual boost engine dramatically increasing NEZ and even more precise seekers25. It should also bring a new datalink capability allowing a buddy plane to guide the missile independently from the shooting plane (presently it is needed to guide the missile via the shooting plane datalink)

Third, the AASM SBU38 (Smart Bomb Unit) “HAMMER.” Probably (although expensive) the most advanced NATO Air-to-Ground weapon-so much so, that it’s amazing capabilities saw NATO dub it “The Magic Weapon” during the Libyan conflict. The HAMMER is a kit added to Mk 82 250 Kg bombs consisting in a rocket propeller and a guiding system. The guidance system comprises INS/GPS, INS/GPS Laser or INS/GPS Infrared options. It has off-boresight capabilities (it can be shot at 50 Km from the target at medium altitude and 15 Km of the target during very low penetration flight). Using it, a Rafale is able to destroy six different ground targets across a wide area simultaneously. The HAMMER is advertised by its manufacturer in 125, 250, 500 and 1,000 Kg versions36.

Fourth, the SCALP/Storm Shadow Long Range Stand Off Munition (LRSOM) “cruise” missile. France’s Rafale is the first of the latest generation fighter jets to qualify and use this long-range cruise missile in combat. It was successfully deployed during the French Air Force’s “first-in” missions in Libya, taking out critical targets. The Typhoon is only commencing initial tests this year and from an interoperability perspective, it is also to be incorporated into the F-35 a number of years from now.51

Rafale can also come with Reco NG dual band reconnaissance pod (known as AEROS for export), allowing extremely sharp images to be transmitted in real time via a highly directional broadband datalink. It is capable of blending images from near IR and visible bands to create very high resolution 3D images, even from very long distances35.

Several other European weapons are qualified for the Rafale: Exocet antiship missile, ASMP-A nuclear ramjet missile (although this won’t be available for export, it demonstrates the capability of the plane to resist nuclear electromagnetic flash). The nuclear mission of the Rafale is a testimony to penetrate heavily defended enemy areas.

Finally, Rafale can be refueled using the “probe and drogue” method already used by RCAF, avoiding a costly adaptation of the CC150 Polaris refuellers. This technique was quoted in a US report to congress as more efficient for fighter refueling as it allows to refuel two planes simultaneously19. It is of note that the Rafale also has a “buddy-to-buddy” refueling capability, allowing it to perform even longer range missions in the absence of a refueller.


Factor 4 : Sensors and Situational Awareness

Apart from stealth (to be discussed further), the sensor suite and data fusion is described by Lockheed as one of the main features of the so called “5th Gen.” aircraft. And they are right – in a US context. Amongst “4th Gen.” US aircrafts, only the future (if ordered, otherwise the production line will shut down in 2016) FA/18 “Advanced” Super Hornet will feature a sensor fused display, as this is more or less a common feature to “Eurocanards”.

Aboard Rafale, data from all sensors, Radar, Front sector optronics (FSO), Electronic Warfare suite (SPECTRA), IFF (identify friend or foe), IR MICA missiles and datalinks are merged into a clear unified visual symbolism on situational awareness display9. This capability was highly praised in a recent test evaluation by Vianney Riller Jr, who has also flown latest versions of F-18 E/F and SAAB Gripen9. Besides all subsystems are virtualized and independent, the heart of the system is the MDPU (Modular Data Processing Unit), composed of 19 LRUs (line replacement units), each of them 50 times more powerful than previous generation aircraft computers. The architecture of the system allows flawless upgrade of processors, and a second bay is provisioned to receive another MDPU. This type of architecture also eases maintenance and upgrades of the whole combat system. The system is able to “create” tracks using fragmented data from several sensors.

Visualization can be integrated into the tactical head level display, an original feature with its screen collimated to infinite in order to prevent vision accommodation delays between the screen and the HUD/pilot outer vision. Virtually every sensor including “plugged ones” like a reconnaissance pod or Data sent from JTACs (Joint Tactical Air Controllers) will be fused in the tactical presentation given to the pilot.


On the subject of displays, Rafale is available with a fully-integrated helmet-mounted display developed by Thales, although the French forces have not ordered it as yet.53


Rafale’s sensor suite includes:
· RBE2 AA radar. It is a state-of-the-art AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar composed of roughly 1,000 GaAs modules 12. It incorporates an original “cloud concept” architecture allowing future GaN made modules and conformal antennas to be added without changing the overall architecture of the radar14. With an average input power of 10 kW, it s described as very similar to F-18 E/F AN/APG 79 radar in terms of technology and maturity22. Although its exact range is classified, the “Centre d’Expériences Aériennes Militaires” (CEAM, the unit qualifying new materials), stated several times that the range was “doubled” as compared to the previous PESA radar. Dassault’s CEO, Eric Trappier, once stated “more than 200 Km.” It is able to track 40 planes or other targets and engage eight of them simultaneously within a 140° angular domain15. It features a “non cooperative” identification system and can generate high resolution Synthetic Aperture maps40 and comes with an automated supplementary follow-ground terrain mode.

· OSF-IT Front sensor optronics. The OSF posseses a powerful TV channel allowing the pilot to identify a target at more than 50 Km. This function is particularly useful, with very restrictive engagement rules. The system also features a laser telemeter.

· IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) the proposed version of Rafale (F3R) features latest IFF (mode 5/S);

· Three Laser Warning Receivers covering 360° around the plane, with angular location of laser emitter capabilities;

· Infrared Search and Track (IRST). This is accomplished through a combination of systems. Détecteur de Départ de Missiles Nouvelle Génération (“DDM NG” or new generation missile departure detector) comprises two “fish eye” passive imaging infrared detectors. These are more than just a missile approach warning system (MAWS). Their high level of accuracy for IR threat detection contributes to comprehensive situation awareness in a similar manner to F-35 EODAS9,16 with a 360-degree spherical coverage. In fact they are precise enough to be compatible with the future use of DIRCMs (Direct Infrared Counter Measures). The infrared versions of the MICA missiles are also integrated into the situational awareness picture providing a far IR channel together with or independent of the targeting pod. The MICA IR sensors provide full IR capability throughout the duration of the mission as the sensors do not rely on short-duration nitrogen canisters for cooling, as do most U.S. infrared missiles.

· Three Radar Warning Receivers. These three antennas (120° coverage each) are located on the tail fin base and canard roots. These systems use interferometry calculation methods in order to locate threats allowing a less than 1° accuracy and over a 200 Km range 15,17. This precision allows them to passively (without using active sensors) give firing solutions. During ATLC 2009, they were able to locate radars that had stayed unnoticed to a specialized aircraft configuration, F16 CJ20.

· The three latter sensors are part of the famous “SPECTRA” EW suite, which is also capable of self learning (and real time deeding its own threat databank) and ELINT/SIGINT tasks using recorders.

Factor 5 : Stealth and SPECTRA.

In the early’80 s, the DGA (French procurement agency) and Armée de l’Air started studied the self protection system of the future combat aircraft.

Future threat analysis as well as cost considerations (acquisition and maintenance) led to a compromise between high kinematic abilities and the different parries to theses threats.

· Preventive avoidance led to full spectrum signature reduction features, automatic very low altitude and very high-speed terrain following ground system and adaptation of pathways using a sophisticated mission preparation system.

· In-flight detection of threats and adapted course change, allowing real time adaptation of preventive avoidance.

· Avoidance by neutralization – jamming, decoying and ultimately destroying threats.

Whole Spectrum Signature reduction measures are obtained by several means, mostly classified, some documented. In the IR spectrum for example (heat detection), there is a supplementary cool air channel around the engine exhaust. In the radar spectrum, extensive use of composites (1/3rd of the plane mass, 70% of the wet surface (that is roughly to the same extent as the future Pak-Fa Russian fighter)), and RAM coatings, presence of serrated “saw-tooth” patterns on canards and wing trailing edges, as well as inside air intakes. Instead of deflecting incoming radar waves to an angle away from the emitter, they are channeled towards “spike” points heavily treated against reflection. Dassault engineers do not claim their plane to be “stealthy”, but very discreet or “sneaky.” All in all, the Rafale has a radar cross section reduction by 20 times compared to the Mirage 200015.

Avoidance of known threats is obtained either by mission planning (and the data will appear on the tactical display) or in real time, via Link 16 or detection by any of the plane sensors. In the latter cases, SPECTRA is able to propose actions vs. emerging threat, be it bypassing via recommending a new route to the pilot in order to avoid lethal areas (sophisticated enough to take into account the characteristics of the threat and topography), jamming, decoying or destroying the threat.

Here lies the origin of the SPECTRA concept, which most modern EW suites are only now emulating. Far from being a simple “situation Awareness” suite, SPECTRA is capable of offensive actions. It has 3 AESA highly directional jamming antennas allowing deception jamming. The possible types of jamming involved have been extensively discussed on the net and are highly classified. We know it uses a DRFM (Digital Radio Frequency Memory) chain and “intelligent” jamming instead of “brutal jamming”. False range targets, velocity gate pull-off, and narrow band Doppler noise created by using digital RF memory (DRFM) are the common coherent EA techniques which can be used effectively against LPI radars23. Simply put, it is able to feed enemy radar with wrong data about presence, location and number of planes. It acts as an illusionist instead of using noisy, blinding “projectors” (“broadband white noise jammers”). Furthermore, depending on conditions, SPECTRA is able to detect and localize potential threats accurately enough to allow a shooting without using active (detectable) sensors. Some interesting results nevertheless leaked to specialized press, here are some:

· While flying over Libyan air defenses (before the Libyan air defense system was suppressed by tomahawk salvo), Rafales planes “poofed” from enemy radars31.

· During NATO Mace XIII exercise in Slovakia, a Rafale B flew unmolested over a S300 radar (and was the only type engaged in the exercise able to do it)21

· During Joint warrior 2013-1 exercise, rumours say SPECTRA literally gave headaches to Eurofighter’s Captor M radar, preventing it from tracking visible and detectable Rafales.

· During his test flights in 2012, DefesaNet test pilot Vianney Riller Jr. could shoot, entirely relying on aircraft passive sensors, a plane attacking him in his 6 o’clock position from way over 10 NM. At the moment, as far as I know, Rafale is the only operational plane able to perform such a shot.

· In a 2011 technical presentation brochure at Le Bourget, “virtual stealth technology” is stated27.

SPECTRA is completely integrated to the airplane (and will react differently according to the plane configuration). This is a very important feature as the suite wasn’t added to the plane like a jamming pod would, but was designed for the plane as a coherent system (with exact radar behavious, IR signatures and loads in mind).

This advanced, integrated EW capability is another area where the Americans are actually playing catch-up. The Rafale is the only aircraft delivering this advanced combat capability on the market today. The Boeing EA-18G Growler, the electronic warfare variant of the F-18 Super Hornet, will only be getting this capability in a next generation external jamming pod from Raytheon on 2020. In order to have the air-to-air, air-to-ground AND EW capabilities at once, you need to fly both the SuperHornet and Growlers – two jets compared to one Rafale.48

In conclusion, instead of relying completely on a stealthy shape, Rafale relies on a smart avoidance system and highly sophisticated sensor suite, real time mission planning and top end AESA jammers. It is noticeable that in 2014, a Rafale demonstrator will fly with gallium-nitride (GaN) made SPECTRA antennas, a world first, demonstration the involvement of French state in constantly upgrading the aircraft. Again, this will be six years ahead of the Growler getting that capability and only promised on the F-35.48

Part 3 runs Friday morning.

1- http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/app-acq/stamgp-lamsmp/questevalfin-finquesteval-eng.html
2- http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/india-to-finalise-rafale-deal-this-fiscal-year-air-force-official-433663
3- http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2013/01/07/why-canada-should-buy-the-saab-jas39-gripen-e-next-generation-fighter/
4- http://www.senat.fr/rap/a13-158-8/a13-158-814.html
5- http://vanguardcanada.com/mission-satisfaction-rafale-offers-proven-capability/
6- http://www.rafalesolodisplay.com/la-demo-2013/
7- http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/combat-ready-53125/
8- http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/flight-test-dassault-rafale-rampant-rafale-334383/
9- http://www.defesanet.com.br/rafale/noticia/10893/Shooting-Down-an-Aggressor-on-My-Six–Vive-la-difference-/
10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioTTnjxNc7o
11- http://www.ffaa.net/weapons/mica/mica_fr.htm
12- http://www.defense-aerospace.com/dae/sponsors/sponsor_rafale/img/fox3_11.pdf
13- http://wayback.archive.org/web/20071122095016/http://www.dassault-aviation.com/fileadmin/user_upload/redacteur/AUTRES_DOCS/Fox_three/Fox_Three_nr_8.pdf
14- http://www.textbooks.zinio.com/reader.jsp?issue=416132257&o=int&prev=si
15- AWST 7/5/1999 ; Vol 151 issue 1 p48
16- http://www.mbda-systems.com/mediagallery/files/ddm_ng_ds.pdf
17- https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/content/spectra
18- http://portail-aviation.blogspot.fr/2014/01/le-rafale-f3r-sur-les-rails.html
19- http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL32910.pdf
20- http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.fr/defense/2009/12/carton-plein-pour-le-rafale-lors-dexercices-aux-emirats.html
21- http://ultimaratio-blog.org/fr/archives/5749
22- Air&Cosmos 2150, Dec 5th , 2008
23- http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA456960
24- http://www.cesa.air.defense.gouv.fr/article.php3?id_article=309
25- Air et Cosmos 2355, April 19th , 2013 p. 28
26- http://www.marianne.net/blogsecretdefense/Libye-quand-un-Rafale-fait-les-35-heures_a296.html
27- https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9s7kezdf51vaij/specs%20rafale.jpg
28- http://theflyingmen.over-blog.com/t%C3%A9moignage-un-pilote-de-rafale-au-dessus-du-mali
29- http://theaviationist.com/2014/01/15/rafale-operate-uss-truman/
30- http://www.letemps.ch/rw/Le_Temps/Quotidien/2012/02/13/Suisse/Textes/gripen.pdf
31- http://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/08/FoxThree_Fox15.pdf p.9.
32- https://www.dropbox.com/s/or11ml8j6ckyu5l/AvionJSFAnalysMd-Nrc080909-copie-1.jpg
33- http://www.defesanet.com.br/rafale/noticia/10379/Rafale-avanca-na-conquista-de-sucesso-comercial/
34- http://www.journal-aviation.com/actualites/25635-le-rafale-sort-l-artillerie-lourde#
35- http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/8652/recoq.jpg
36- http://www.safran-group.com/site-safran/defense/defense-aeronautique/systemes-d-armes/aasm/
37- AWST Jan 20th, 2014, p29
38- http://www.air-cosmos.com/defexpo-2014-uk/rafale-looks-to-the-future.html
39- http://portail-aviation.blogspot.fr/2014/01/visite-de-le-drian-au-merignac-des.html
40- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfeyRsCIUAAkADx.jpg
41- http://www.letemps.ch/rw/Le_Temps/Quotidien/2012/02/13/Suisse/Textes/gripen.pdf
42- https://www.dropbox.com/s/v22glx28nisgvt6/DutchAirForceAssociation_Gripen_2009.pdf
43- http://www.military.com/features/0,15240,186349,00.html
44- http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/02/pentagon-downgrades-jet-specs/
45- http://translate.google.com/translate?client=tmpg&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportail-aviation.blogspot.fr%2F2013%2F11%2Ffurtif-vous-avez-dit-furtif-partie-1.html&langpair=fr|en
46- http://translate.google.com/translate?client=tmpg&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportail-aviation.blogspot.fr%2F2013%2F12%2Ffurtif-vous-avez-dit-furtif-partie-2.html&langpair=fr|en
47- http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140202/NEWS04/302020005/Air-Combat-Command-s-challenge-Buy-new-modernize-older-aircraft
48- AWST February 17, 2014, p42 « Fast and Furious : Pivot to Pacific propels the need for upgraded and agile electronic-warfare systems »
49- http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_11_25_2013_p41-638956.xml&p=2
50- http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_11_25_2013_p41-638956.xml&p=1
51- http://www.mbda-systems.com/mediagallery/files/Storm-Shadow_ds.pdf
52- http://theaviationist.com/2014/02/04/f-35-needs-f-22-acc-says/
53- https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/asset/document/G00974_TopSight_v3web.pdf

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
U.S. Navy Details Its Arctic Strategy



February 25, 2014. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from the U.S. Navy:


WASHINGTON (NNS) — The U.S. Navy released an updated Arctic Roadmap Feb. 24 to prepare naval forces over the next 15 years for operations in the Arctic Ocean.


“This updated Navy Arctic Roadmap prepares the U.S. Navy to respond effectively to future contingencies, delineates the Navy’s Arctic leadership role within the Defense Department, and articulates the Navy’s support to achieve national priorities,” wrote Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert in the Roadmap introduction.


In the coming decades, as multi-year sea ice in the Arctic Ocean recedes, previously unreachable areas may open for maritime use for a few weeks each year. This opening maritime frontier has important national security implications and impact required future Navy capabilities.


“Our goal is to have the Arctic continue to unfold peaceably,” said Vice Adm. Michelle Howard, Deputy CNO for Operations, Plans and Policy. “Working with our maritime and inter-agency partners, and by investing smartly in future capabilities, we can contribute to a secure and stable Arctic region.”


The Arctic Roadmap, updated from its original 2009 version, includes an implementation plan that outlines the Navy’s strategic approach to developing capabilities to operate in the Arctic Ocean, and the ways and means to support the desired Department of Defense and National Strategy end states.


To plan for the changing Arctic environment, Greenert directed the Navy’s Task Force Climate Change (TFCC) to produce an assessment of how ice coverage will change in the Arctic, and its impacts on the Navy.


The task force assembled an interagency team of Arctic experts from various Navy offices, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Ice Center, the U.S. Coast Guard, and academia to develop a consensus assessment based on available predictions by climate scientists. The task force identified key missions the Navy should be expected to perform, such as maritime security (including support to the Coast Guard for search and rescue), sea control, freedom of navigation, and disaster response/defense support of civil authorities.


“As the perennial ice melts and open water is available for longer periods of time, we are committed to expanding our Arctic capabilities,” said Rear Adm. Jonathan White, Oceanographer of the Navy and TFCC director.


Given the vast distances and virtually no supporting infrastructure there, naval forces without specialized equipment and operational experience face substantial impediments. Naval operations in the Arctic Ocean require special training, extreme cold-weather modifications for systems and equipment, and complex logistics support.


The roadmap provides direction to the Navy for the near-term (present-2020), mid-term (2020-2030), and far-term (beyond 2030), placing particular emphasis on near-term actions.


Recognizing the inherent risks and challenges of operating in such a harsh environment, the Arctic Road Map implementation plan emphasizes: increased investment in research and development to better understand long-term climate processes and improve near-term weather predictions; a national effort towards ocean bottom mapping in support of accurate nautical charts; development of requirements for standard aids to navigation in Arctic waters; evaluation of future shore infrastructure requirements; and evaluation of requirements for logistics support capabilities for Arctic operations.


The implementation plan does not alter any current funding or budget processes but reinforces ongoing activities and provides guidance for future year budget deliberations.


“Our challenge over the coming decades is to balance the demands of current requirements with investment in the development of future capabilities,” wrote Greenert. “This roadmap will ensure our investments are informed, focused, and deliberate as the Navy approaches a new maritime frontier.”

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 12:19
The Rafale As Canada’s Next Fighter – Part 1

March 5, 2014 By Yves Pagot Defence Watch Guest Writer


Editor’s note: As part of its ongoing coverage of the CF-18 fighter aircraft replacement, Defence Watch has published a number of articles from authors supporting various aircraft. This week Defence Watch will be running a three-part series that looks at the Rafale filling the role as Canada’s next fighter jet. It is written by Yves Pagot, PhD
ParisTech Institute, and a
reservist in Armée de l’Air. (i.e. reservist with the French Air Force, he is in a parachute unit). Pagot notes that he does not have any connection to Dassault or the firms involved in the Rafale production.

During the last months, three interesting articles were released on this blog about incoming replacement of Canada’s CF-18. One was touting Gripen as the right choice for Canada, the other questioning the value of the F-35 as a candidate for Canada’s new fighter and the third, waves the F-35 flag. Interestingly, all dismiss Dassault’s Rafale for the wrong reasons:

Firstly they said that Rafale is not compliant with many US weapons and operations; secondly that there is only one operator, and third, they continue to lump the Rafale into the “legacy” or “4th Gen.” arena. I would like to debunk these urban legends.

Rafale already use several several air-to-ground US-made weapons (GBU 12, 24, 49, as well as unguided weapons). More importantly, its weapon bus is fully compliant with NATO Stanag 3910/1553.

Therefore, there is no technical hurdle to integrate any NATO weaponry. Furthermore, during operation “Harmattan” in Libya (Canada called it Operation Mobile – later Operation Enduring Freedom under NATO), French armed forces used the Raytheon wireless system to integrate GBU 49s on their Rafale.

France isn’t involved in the F-35 program, therefore the French armed forces have no plan “B”. Considering the strategic willingness of France as a permanent member of UN Security Council (and the inclusion of the Rafale as a nuclear vector is this scheme), it will be maintained as a high-end aircraft.

Recently, many positive signs emerged indicating a probable quick conclusion to the long and complex MMRCA contract negotiations, in which India will buy 126 (+63 options) Rafales2. Already 1 billion euros has been provisioned in the French budget to implement the next F3R standard incoming in 2018 (contract announced the 10th January), and a fifth production tranche was announced18. All in all, the Rafale’s future looks quite bright.

What are Canadian operational requirements? They are detailed in the Request for Information document issued by the government1.

Although this document is way too long to be fully addressed here, six main missions are cited: Defensive Counter Air (DCA), Offensive Counter Air (OCA), Strategic Attack, Close Air Support, Land Strike, Tactical Support to Maritime operations (TASMO) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.

Two main strategic situations emerge:

· Defense of sovereignty, be it in Air, -Land or Sea. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll include a strategic “hit back” (deep penetration) strategic capability here.

· Participation in offensive missions within a coalition.

Canada’s specific geography (huge size, remote areas and cold environment) dictates some of the plane characteristics:

· It must have a long range, persistence and reliability;

· In flight refueling is mandatory and buddy-to-buddy refueling desirable;

· Time-to-target considerations above long distances make supercruise capability very important;

· Dual engines for reliability offer resistance to the “goose factor” (ingestion of a bird by an engine) and resilience against combat damages;

· Due to the possible duration of missions, a twin-seater version is preferable.

I’ll use the very same order as was already used about Gripen aircraft at the previous Defence Watch postings3. I will emphasize Rafale advantages as pro and cons of other planes have already been extensively discussed already.

Factor 1 : Cost

Many incorrect price figures have been seen in press (including French press), but recently, the actual fly away official cost was released on the French Senate site4. These prices include VAT. For export, the fly away cost is 57.5M euros ($83M CAD) for the C variant and 61.9 Meuros for the B variant (twin-seater).

The Cost of Flight Per Hour (CFPH) was $19,000 CAD during war operations in Mali and should be lower during peace time5.

Dassault is ready to fully open the technology to Canada, even source codes, letting thus Canada to modify the plane as for their will. They stated that Canada would be able to fully produce the aircraft, and even that some of the Falcon production line could be moved to Canada5. This is an important point for sovereignty as Canada would be fully independent (if it wishes to) from French upgrades and decide by itself for the evolution of its planes.

Factor 2 : Performance:

Kinematics :

Rafale is operationally limited to Mach 1.8 (although it reached mach 2+ during qualification tests15) and 55,000 feet which is as good or more than most considered types. Its sunning agility demonstrated during air shows is due to its engines power and its ability to sustain 9g turns, and regularly hit more than 10g during display flights6. Furthermore, a Rafale, fully loaded with 6,000 liters of external fuel in three tanks, four air-to-air mica missiles and two SCALPs (1,300 kg heavy cruise missile) is able to maintain 5.5/6g sustained turn rate7,15.

Interestingly, Rafale was flown by several independent test pilots: Chris Yeo7, David M. North15, Pete Collins8 and Vianney Riller Jr. 9. All of them highly praised its kinematic capabilities and flawless FCS (Flight Control System), but to a common reader, the most convincing proof about the aircraft kinematic capabilities is certainly a recently leaked dogfight picture where one can see a Rafale chasing a F-22 in Basic Flight Manoeuvers10.

Powered by two Snecma M88 engines with 7.5T thrust (with afterburner) each, the Rafale is capable to climb up to 40,000ft. in under two minutes and power the aircraft with an incredible payload (see below). Pete Collins, Flight International test pilot, quoted its acceleration as “brutal,” giving a value of 30 Kts. -2 with one 1250L centerline tank. M88-4E, the last iteration of the engine, is composed of 21 inline replaceable modules for ease of maintenance. The high number of Tactical Air Cycles (4,000) between inspections results in excellent availability. This modularity and ability to do so much front line maintenance without the need for a test bench essentially means there is no concept of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) with the M88, so engines are basically never sent back for time-consuming depot level overhauls, further increasing availability.

Moreover, Rafale has a unique capability to automatically follow the ground using both numeric maps and SAR radar capabilities, limited at 100 feet, 540 Kts (and 5.5g)8.

Range and Supercruise:

Both are crucial capabilities for Canada considering the large size of Canadian territory. Range for obvious reason, supercruise in order to allow aircraft to reach operational zone quickly without using too much fuel. Rafale has a huge combat radius of 1,850 kms (+ loitering/fighting time) in air superiority configuration33 without refueling. Supercruise was achieved with six MICA air-to-air missiles at 1.4 Mach13.

Payload :

Rafale, with a 10 ton empty weight, can carry up to 24.5 tons fully-loaded (a world record rate for a fighter), on 14 hardpoints. Among these, five are wet/heavy weight points. This means that it is able to perform a variety of missions during a single flight from sea attack to ground attack, reconnaissance and air defense. Indeed, during the Advanced Tactical Leadership Course (ATLC) exercise in 2009, a “Red” Rafale shot six AASM “HAMMER” (air-to-ground ammunition) and three mica missiles on “Green” aircrafts in less than one minute. Recently Dassault aviation unveiled a configuration under test, with 3x2000L subsonic drop tanks, 6×250 Kg stand-off AASM bombs, 2 Meteor and 4 MICA missiles34. The FCS system is so sophisticated that it will automatically recognize loadings and adapt flight rules and limitations. This is a very important feature as the plane do not need to be reconfigured according to the mission.

1- http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/app-acq/stamgp-lamsmp/questevalfin-finquesteval-eng.html
2- http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/india-to-finalise-rafale-deal-this-fiscal-year-air-force-official-433663
3- http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2013/01/07/why-canada-should-buy-the-saab-jas39-gripen-e-next-generation-fighter/
4- http://www.senat.fr/rap/a13-158-8/a13-158-814.html
5- http://vanguardcanada.com/mission-satisfaction-rafale-offers-proven-capability/
6- http://www.rafalesolodisplay.com/la-demo-2013/
7- http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/combat-ready-53125/
8- http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/flight-test-dassault-rafale-rampant-rafale-334383/
9- http://www.defesanet.com.br/rafale/noticia/10893/Shooting-Down-an-Aggressor-on-My-Six–Vive-la-difference-/
10- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioTTnjxNc7o
11- http://www.ffaa.net/weapons/mica/mica_fr.htm
12- http://www.defense-aerospace.com/dae/sponsors/sponsor_rafale/img/fox3_11.pdf
13- http://wayback.archive.org/web/20071122095016/http://www.dassault-aviation.com/fileadmin/user_upload/redacteur/AUTRES_DOCS/Fox_three/Fox_Three_nr_8.pdf
14- http://www.textbooks.zinio.com/reader.jsp?issue=416132257&o=int&prev=si
15- AWST 7/5/1999 ; Vol 151 issue 1 p48
16- http://www.mbda-systems.com/mediagallery/files/ddm_ng_ds.pdf
17- https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/content/spectra
18- http://portail-aviation.blogspot.fr/2014/01/le-rafale-f3r-sur-les-rails.html
19- http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL32910.pdf
20- http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.fr/defense/2009/12/carton-plein-pour-le-rafale-lors-dexercices-aux-emirats.html
21- http://ultimaratio-blog.org/fr/archives/5749
22- Air&Cosmos 2150, Dec 5th , 2008
23- http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA456960
24- http://www.cesa.air.defense.gouv.fr/article.php3?id_article=309
25- Air et Cosmos 2355, April 19th , 2013 p. 28
26- http://www.marianne.net/blogsecretdefense/Libye-quand-un-Rafale-fait-les-35-heures_a296.html
27- https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9s7kezdf51vaij/specs%20rafale.jpg
28- http://theflyingmen.over-blog.com/t%C3%A9moignage-un-pilote-de-rafale-au-dessus-du-mali
29- http://theaviationist.com/2014/01/15/rafale-operate-uss-truman/
30- http://www.letemps.ch/rw/Le_Temps/Quotidien/2012/02/13/Suisse/Textes/gripen.pdf
31- http://www.dassault-aviation.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/08/FoxThree_Fox15.pdf p.9.
32- https://www.dropbox.com/s/or11ml8j6ckyu5l/AvionJSFAnalysMd-Nrc080909-copie-1.jpg
33- http://www.defesanet.com.br/rafale/noticia/10379/Rafale-avanca-na-conquista-de-sucesso-comercial/
34- http://www.journal-aviation.com/actualites/25635-le-rafale-sort-l-artillerie-lourde#
35- http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/8652/recoq.jpg
36- http://www.safran-group.com/site-safran/defense/defense-aeronautique/systemes-d-armes/aasm/
37- AWST Jan 20th, 2014, p29
38- http://www.air-cosmos.com/defexpo-2014-uk/rafale-looks-to-the-future.html
39- http://portail-aviation.blogspot.fr/2014/01/visite-de-le-drian-au-merignac-des.html
40- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfeyRsCIUAAkADx.jpg
41- http://www.letemps.ch/rw/Le_Temps/Quotidien/2012/02/13/Suisse/Textes/gripen.pdf
42- https://www.dropbox.com/s/v22glx28nisgvt6/DutchAirForceAssociation_Gripen_2009.pdf
43- http://www.military.com/features/0,15240,186349,00.html
44- http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2013/02/pentagon-downgrades-jet-specs/
45- http://translate.google.com/translate?client=tmpg&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportail-aviation.blogspot.fr%2F2013%2F11%2Ffurtif-vous-avez-dit-furtif-partie-1.html&langpair=fr|en
46- http://translate.google.com/translate?client=tmpg&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportail-aviation.blogspot.fr%2F2013%2F12%2Ffurtif-vous-avez-dit-furtif-partie-2.html&langpair=fr|en
47- http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140202/NEWS04/302020005/Air-Combat-Command-s-challenge-Buy-new-modernize-older-aircraft
48- AWST February 17, 2014, p42 « Fast and Furious : Pivot to Pacific propels the need for upgraded and agile electronic-warfare systems »
49- http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_11_25_2013_p41-638956.xml&p=2
50- http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_11_25_2013_p41-638956.xml&p=1
51- http://www.mbda-systems.com/mediagallery/files/Storm-Shadow_ds.pdf
52- http://theaviationist.com/2014/02/04/f-35-needs-f-22-acc-says/
53- https://www.thalesgroup.com/sites/default/files/asset/document/G00974_TopSight_v3web.pdf

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 08:55
France Wasted Tens of Millions of Dollars On Joint France-UK Aircraft Carrier Program



February 23, 2014. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


Jane’s is reporting that French government auditors have discovered that the French Ministry of Defence spent U.S. $274 million to study the potential for a joint France-UK aircraft carrier program. Almost half of that was spent on contract studies that were judged obsolete, it added.


In 2006-07, France entered the UK’s Carrier Vessel Future program to look at building two Queen Elizabeth-class carriers – one for the Royal Navy and one for the French navy. The joint project was suspended in 2008, and cancelled in 2013.


The auditors determined that savings from a joint program would have resulted in about $60 million U.S.

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 08:35
U.S. Marines Experimenting With Unmanned Ground Vehicles – UGVs Could Be Headed To Afghanistan

The Mobile Detection Assessment Response System surveys the area around the expeditionary airfield at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., on Feb. 6. (Cpl. D.J. Wu / Marine Corps)


March 9, 2014. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


The Marine Corps Times is reporting that the Corps is experimenting with a new unmanned ground vehicle that can patrol installations and detect intruders or potential enemy forces nearly a mile away.


More from the Marine Corps Times:


The Mobile Detection Assessment Response System, or MDARS, was used in late January to successfully secure an air base during the latest Integrated Training Exercise — the final predeployment workup all units conduct at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif. The vehicle could be headed to Afghanistan, according to its developers, although concrete plans have not been made.


A field demonstration of MDARS began Jan. 30 at the combat center’s Camp Wilson. The vehicle successfully aided members of Marine Aircraft Group 13 and Marine Wing Support Squadron 374 to patrol the area immediately surrounding their airfield as a mock enemy force tried to probe their defenses.


During the first night, the vehicle was autonomously navigating around the base — by heading to predetermined waypoints — when guards in one tower detected two potential enemy soldiers, said Pat Culliton, the MDARS program manager with San Diego-based Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.


“We were operating between two towers and one of the towers reported some activity,” Culliton said. “From the operator control station you just click a button and say go there.”


Full story here

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 22:45
Centrafrique : EUFOR RCA déraille


14.03.2014 Par Olivier Berger, grand reporter à La Voix du Nord


La génération de la force européenne, EUFOR RCA, n'en finit pas patiner. Prévue pour soulager l'opération française Sangaris en réunissant entre 500 et 1 000 hommes, le manque de candidats met en danger l'entreprise et jette une fois de plus le discrédit sur la politique internationale de sécurité de l'Union européenne.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, s'en plaint ce vendredi 14 mars lors d'une déclaration conjointe avec le ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian : " A ce jour, en dépit des contributions annoncées par quelques États européens, force est de constater que le compte n’y est pas Si un effort supplémentaire n’est pas réalisé, il ne sera pas possible de lancer cette opération indispensable la semaine prochaine. "
Fermez le ban.

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 22:40
Dossier Mer Noire : Introduction

14 mars 2014 by · http://alliancegeostrategique.org


La mer Noire est une annexe de la Méditerranée, et plus précisément, du bassin oriental de cette dernière. Relativement isolée par son éloignement au Nord et par les détroits du Bosphore (de la mer Noire à la mer de Marmara) et des Dardanelles (de la mer de Marmara à la Mer Egée), elle a besoin d’être connectée au reste du système maritime « mondial » (selon comment s’entend la notion de « monde », les empires se concevaient « monde ») pour prospérer.


Suite de l'article

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 21:55
L’ANSSI a publié des mesures visant à renforcer la cybersécurité des systèmes industriels
21 janvier 2014 ssi.gouv.fr

Depuis février 2013, les acteurs industriels (utilisateurs, équipementiers, intégrateurs, associations et groupements d’industriels, etc.) et étatiques ont constitué un groupe de travail piloté par l’ANSSI pour apporter des réponses concrètes et pragmatiques à la sécurisation des infrastructures industrielles.

Les résultats des premiers travaux se présentent sous la forme de deux documents :
- le premier destiné à proposer une méthode de classification des systèmes industriels et les mesures principales pour en renforcer la cybersécurité ;
- le deuxième détaillant et complétant les principales mesures.

Ces documents, qui n’ont pas de valeur contraignante, serviront de base de travail pour l’élaboration de règles évoquées dans le cadre de la loi n°2013-1168 du 18 décembre 2013, dite loi de programmation militaire. Le travail de concertation avec les opérateurs d’importance vitale, les ministères coordonnateurs et les autres acteurs concernés pourra, dans un certain de nombre de cas, s’appuyer sur la méthodologie et les mesures proposées par ces documents afin d’identifier les systèmes critiques et les règles de sécurité à appliquer.

Contact : systemes_industriels [at] ssi.gouv.fr

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  • Méthode de classification et mesures principales
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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 21:50
La stratégie de Tom Enders, président d'Airbus Group, récompensée


15 mars 2014 par  Jacques Marouani - electroniques.biz


Michel Pébereau, président d’honneur de BNP Paribas, président du Jury du prix du stratège organisé chaque année par notre confrère "Les Echos", a remis ce prix à Tom Enders, président d’Airbus Group.


Le prix du stratège récompense chaque année la stratégie industrielle et financière jugée la plus pertinente de l’année écoulée. Suite aux conséquences de la non fusion avec le groupe britannique BAE et du changement de gouvernance d’EADS, Tom Enders, lauréat de l'année 2013, a entrepris une revue de sa stratégie, qui s’est traduite par deux décisions importantes. D’une part, le groupe a regroupé Airbus Military, Astrium et Cassidian au sein d’une même division « défense et espace ». D'autre part, il a décidé pour optimiser son intégration et sa cohésion de changer son nom et celui de ses divisions et d’adopter la marque Airbus, mondialement reconnue.


Pour la branche défense et espace, les choix stratégiques sont la réponse à l’évolution du marché qui se caractérise par une stabilisation et, même une réduction des budgets défense et espace dans les pays occidentaux. Airbus Group pense que cette restructuration permettra d’optimiser l’accès au marché, de réduire les coûts et globalement d’améliorer la compétitivité du groupe. Elle donnera également une meilleure visibilité du leader européen de l’espace et de la défense.


Autre fait marquant, Tom Enders a localisé le nouveau siège social à Toulouse, bastion de l’industrie aéronautique européenne et des sites du groupe, dans l’optique d’une meilleure intégration des équipes.


L’innovation est également l’une des clés de son succès. Elle mobilise un budget substantiel de 3 milliards d’euros par an, s’appuie sur des équipements ultra modernes, fait appel aux technologies les plus avancées et demeure résolument orientée vers l’excellence scientifique et la protection environnementale (éco-efficience). L’internationalisation est l’autre moteur de sa réussite. Elle repose sur de solides implantations dans les pays occidentaux, aux Etats Unis et en Chine et porte de plus en plus sur les marchés émergents, à l’image de l’Asie, du Moyen-Orient et de l’Amérique Latine.


Airbus Group aujourd’hui est l’un des tout premiers acteurs au monde de l’industrie aéronautique et spatiale. Ses positions sont particulièrement fortes dans les domaines de l’aviation commerciale, avec Airbus (co-leader mondial), de la défense et l’espace, avec Airbus Defence and Space (leader européen), et dans les hélicoptères, avec Airbus Helicopters (leader mondial).


Le groupe a enregistré en 2013 un chiffre d’affaires de 59,256 milliards d’euros (+5%), et dégagé un résultat opérationnel de 2,661 milliards d’euros (+24%) et un bénéfice net de 1,465 milliard d’euros (+22%).


La hausse de ses ventes atteste à la fois du dynamisme de son principal marché (essor de l’aviation commerciale), de l’attractivité et la richesse de son offre et de l’efficacité de son outil industriel (adaptation des cadences de production, …). Elle s’appuie sur un niveau record du carnet de commandes et s’inscrit par là même dans la durée.


Airbus Group (ex EADS), né du rapprochement, en 2000, de l’allemand Dasa, du français Aerospatiale-Matra et de l’espagnol Casa, demeure un modèle de coopération technologique et de construction industrielle à l’échelle européenne. Nellie Kroes, la vice-présidente de la Commission européenne en charge de l'innovation en parle-t-elle pas d'un "Airbus des chips" en souhaitant et en encourageant une réussite analogue pour l'industrie de la micro- et nanoélectronique ?

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 20:45
Allô l'Europe ? Le soutien en Centrafrique, c'est pour quand ?

L'Union européenne n'a toujours pas envoyé de troupes pour renforcer le contingent français de Sangaris. Paris appelle ses partenaires à réagir.


14/03/2014 Alain Franco, correspondant à Bruxelle – Le Point.fr


La France est toujours seule en Centrafrique. Lancée par François Hollande en décembre 20013, l'opération Sangaris - qui a permis d'éviter de graves massacres - devait recevoir fin mars des renforts de l'Union européenne. Mais les partenaires de la France traînent les pieds, et cela inquiète Paris. "À ce jour, en dépit des contributions annoncées par quelques États européens, force est de constater que le compte n'y est pas", regrettent ainsi les ministres des Affaires étrangères et de la Défense Laurent Fabius et Jean-Yves Le Drian.


Cela fait pourtant un mois que les ministres des vingt-huit ont donné leur feu vert à une action sous la bannière européenne. Le général français Philippe Pontiès, en charge de la mission, a déjà organisé quatre conférences "de génération de force" pour trouver entre 800 et 1 000 militaires afin d'assurer la sécurité autour de l'aéroport et dans des quartiers de Bangui, ce qui libérerait des Français pour des missions hors de la capitale centrafricaine. Mais "il manque encore 150 hommes pour atteindre la pleine capacité opérationnelle", dit-on de bonne source. Ce retard a poussé Catherine Ashton à interpeller les États membres. Dans une lettre datée du 11 mars dont Lepoint.fr a obtenu une copie, la chef de la diplomatie européenne appelle ses partenaires à réagir : "Je compte sur votre soutien pour montrer notre détermination à agir en RCA et pour dépasser nos difficultés afin de préserver l'image et la crédibilité de l'Union européenne."


"Lointaine Afrique"


Las ! Cet appel est resté sans réponse. "Il nous manque de façon urgente des hommes et du matériel : un drone pour la surveillance, du génie, quatre ambulances avec le personnel, une dizaine de camions et leurs personnels, des heures de rotation aérienne...", énumère un diplomate européen. Si peu ? "Oui, mais cela suffit à empêcher le lancement de l'opération. Il y a urgence absolue. Les jours sont comptés si on veut pouvoir envoyer la force fin mars."


Le problème est double : certains pays qui ont les moyens, comme l'Allemagne ou le Royaume-Uni, rechignent à faire plus. D'autres ont fait des offres généreuses, eu égard à leurs possibilités. C'est le cas de l'Estonie et de la Géorgie. Mais vu les développements en Ukraine, et les risques qu'ils perçoivent de l'attitude du puissant voisin russe (qui occupe déjà une partie de la Géorgie), ces pays préfèrent désormais garder leurs troupes sur leur territoire, plutôt que de les voir partir dans la "lointaine" Afrique. Ce retard persistant à l'allumage empêchera les ministres de déclarer lundi à Bruxelles que tout est prêt pour la mission de l'UE en Centrafrique. Désireux de provoquer le petit sursaut nécessaire, les ministres français ont donc publié un communiqué vendredi. "L'Union européenne doit assumer ses responsabilités en matière de sécurité internationale. La France appelle vigoureusement ses partenaires à s'en donner les moyens", peut-on y lire.

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Lawmakers press US to fund Taiwan fighter jets



Mar 14, 2014 ASDNews (AFP)


US lawmakers pressed Friday for a robust defense of Taiwan, voicing alarm over Pentagon plans to defund upgrades of the island's fighter jets as part of budget cuts.


Crossing party lines, members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee called for the United States to stand firm on protecting Taiwan and to ignore concerns by a rising China, which considers the self-governing democracy to be a province awaiting reunification.


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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
Photo Lockheed Martin

Photo Lockheed Martin



March 15, 2014: Strategy Page


On February 11th the U.S. Navy had its first flight test of a new IRST (Infa-Red Search & Track) pod. IRST uses a high resolution infrared (heat sensing) radar to positively spot and identify a potential aerial target This is done by comparing what IRST sees to 3-D models of known aircraft stored in the pod computer. This is similar to the ATFLIR (Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared) pods used to spot surface targets.


FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared Radar) has been around since the 1980s, and as the technology became more powerful, it was possible to spot and identify targets at longer ranges. The ATFLIR can identify ground targets from 20 kilometers away, and the latest IRST systems have an even longer range. It eventually became possible to use FLIR, in the form of IRST, as a sensor for spotting aircraft. This was a big advantage because FLIR is passive. It doesn't broadcast, like normal radar, thus the target cannot detect those radar transmissions, and be alerted that it is being "painted" by a hostile radar.


The navy is playing catch-up by equipping some of its F-18E fighters with the new generation of IRST. Russian and European fighters (MiG-29, Su-30, Eurofighter, Rafale) have long had IRST. For the Russians, this was seen as a way to deal with stealthy American aircraft. The U.S. stealth warplanes were built to defeat radar. But these stealthy aircraft still gave off heat and IRST works by seeking out heat. The navy already has some aircraft equipped with an IRST pod based on the technology used in the older F-14D IRST. But newer IRST technology is pitched as being much more effective, giving warnings (that something is out there) at long range (several hundred kilometers). The new generation IRST is also able to spot targets on the ground or at sea.


The U.S. Air Force is not as enthusiastic about IRST. In 2011, as an economy move, and because of unspecified "technical problems", the U.S. Air Force dropped all efforts to equip any of its F-15C fighters with IRST. This includes an effort, begun in 2009, to equip a hundred F-15Cs with heat sensing pods once used to equip navy F-14Ds (which were retired in 2006). The refurbished navy IRST pods would have enabled the F-15s to detect and track aircraft, over a hundred kilometers away, from the heat the target aircraft give off. IRST is a passive (it does not broadcast) sensor, thus it is undetectable by the enemy.


IRST has its limitations. The main ones are range (usually about 30 kilometers for accurate detection but much farther for "something is there") and problems with clouds distorting the heat signature of the target. The short range means that another aircraft using its radar (which has a range of over 100 kilometers for precise identification) has an obvious edge. The distortion problems are slowly being solved by improved computer analysis of the detected image. Since many warplanes like to operate "quiet" (without any electronic transmissions), IRST becomes the best way to spot the other guy and open fire first. At longer ranges IRST gives pretty vague data. Still, it's believed that just having an indication that someone is out there, more than a hundred kilometers away, gives you an edge.



On Feb. 12, 2014, the U.S. Navy tested the infrared search and track sensor on an F/A-18. (Photo by Lockheed Martin)

On Feb. 12, 2014, the U.S. Navy tested the infrared search and track sensor on an F/A-18. (Photo by Lockheed Martin)


The F-18E IRST will be mounted in a modified centerline drop tank, which will contain the IRST as well as 68 percent of the usual fuel. One problem with this approach is that the F-18E can't jettison this drop tank, to make itself more maneuverable for air-to-air combat. Other aircraft, like the F-22 and F-35, have the IRST built into the fuselage. American manufacturers have added IRST to F-15Es exported to South Korea and Singapore.


Pilots have already found that they could use their targeting pods for spotting aircraft, which prompted air forces to hustle up the equipping of more aircraft with IRST (which, while designed especially to spot other aircraft, can also be used to detect surface, land or sea, targets.) The air force has not given up on IRST, it is just not as eager to buy the new and improved IRST as the navy.

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 12:55
OEF : ravitaillement du Jean Bart


14/03/2014 Sources : EMA  


Le 12 mars 2014, la frégate antiaérienne (FAA) Jean Bart a été ravitaillée à la mer par le pétrolier-ravitailleur britannique Wave Ruler. Le ravitaillement à la mer augmente de manière significative l’autonomie et la mobilité des navires de combat.


Près de 300m3(300 000 L) de gazole ont été distribués à la FAA Jean Bart pour lui permettre de maintenir sa présence en mer plus longtemps et de rejoindre à tout moment, dans l’immensité de l’océan indien, sur ordre de la Task Force (TF) 150, une nouvelle zone de patrouille.


Les accords militaires conclus entre les pays de l’OTAN permettent aux bâtiments français de se ravitailler en mer auprès des bâtiments de l’Alliance. La standardisation des procédures et des équipements est gage d’une interopérabilité qu’il est toutefois nécessaire d’entretenir par une pratique régulière car chaque ravitailleur possède ses spécificités.


Dans le cadre de la participation à l’opération Enduring Freedom, dont la France est l’un des principaux contributeurs depuis 2001, la frégate antiaérienne Jean Bart est intégrée à la TF 150 depuis le 27 février 2014. 


 Cette dernière vise à lutter contre les mouvements de groupes terroristes et les trafics illicites qui en découlent (armes, drogues) sur une zone maritime qui s’étend de la mer Rouge au golfe d’Oman en passant par la mer d’Arabie et le golfe Arabo-Persique.

OEF : ravitaillement du Jean Bart
OEF : ravitaillement du Jean Bart
OEF : ravitaillement du Jean Bart
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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 12:55
Aerolargage sur le champ de tir de Tchigchika, Tchad


Crédit : EMA/armée de l’air


Le 4 mars 2014, à 08h41, sur le champ de tir de Tchigchika, situé à plus de 850 kilomètres à l’est de N’Djamena au Tchad, un avion CASA largue une palette d’obus de 120 mm au profit du détachement artillerie de la force Epervier qui conduit un exercice grandeur nature de déploiement en zone désertique.


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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 12:50
Les hélicoptères NH90 belges ne souffrent pas des mêmes maux que les néerlandais, affirme la Défense

L’armée devrait recevoir deux NH90 cette année et les trois derniers en 2015 - photo Composante Air


14.03.2014 lavenir.net (belga)


Les nouveaux hélicoptères NH90 utilisés par l’armée belge, plus récents, ne souffrent pas des mêmes maux que les appareils néerlandais du même type, assurent en chœur plusieurs responsables du ministère de la Défense.


Les NH90 belges ont été directement livrés au dernier standard, pleinement opérationnel (FOC), contrairement aux hélicoptères en service dans la marine néerlandaise, dont la plupart sont des versions intermédiaires, a indiqué un porte-parole de la Défense interrogé par l’agence BELGA.


Aux Pays-Bas, la ministre de la Défense, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, a indiqué mardi que les onze appareils livrés – sur un total de vingt – sont victimes de «corrosion et d’usure excessives».


Ces défauts ont été constatés après l’utilisation de l’appareil en mer lors d’une mission de lutte contre la piraterie au large de la Corne de l’Afrique et dans les Caraïbes.


La Belgique a elle aussi commandé des NH90. Huit au total, achetés en juin 2007, pour un montant de près de 300 millions d’euros: quatre en version de transport tactique (TTH) et quatre en version NFH pour à la fois succéder aux Sea King à bout de souffle et pour donner de nouvelles capacités aux deux frégates de la Marine. À ce jour, trois appareils ont été livrés: deux TTH basés à Beauvechain et un NFH servant à l’instruction du personnel au départ de l’usine d’Airbus Helicopters de Marignane (sud de la France).


L’armée devrait en recevoir deux cette année et les trois derniers en 2015, selon la Défense.

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15 mars 2014 6 15 /03 /mars /2014 12:50
L'exercice 'Dynamic Move' à Ostende


21/02/2014 Hubert Rubbens - Composante Marine


L'exercice Dynamic Move a lieu du 10 au 21 mars dans l'ecole de guerre des mines belgo-néerlandaise Eguermin (Naval Mine Warfare centre of excellence) à Ostende.


Cet exercice simulé (war games) permet l'entrainement et la préparation aux tâches opérationnelles d'états-majors dont ceux des groupes de lutte anti mine de l'Otan, les SNMCMG 1 et 2 (Standing Naval Mine Counter Measure Group). L'exercice donne la possibilité d'échanger des expériences entre les pays de l'Otan, mais également avec des pays membres du Partnership for Peace.

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