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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:55
Premier essai en mer pour le navire "Mistral" destiné aux Russes à Saint-Nazaire



SAINT-NAZAIRE, 05 mars 2014 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


L'un des deux navires militaires de type "Mistral" vendus aux Russes par la France en 2011, le "Vladivostok", doit faire ses premiers essais en mer mercredi alors que la question de son avenir a été posée ces derniers jours du fait de la crise ukrainienne.


Et dépit du regain de tension entre les pays de l'Otan et la Russie avec la crise ukrainienne, le ministre des affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a estimé lundi que la question de la suspension des contrats de livraison d'armes françaises à la Russie était prématurée.


"Nous n'en sommes pas là", a dit le ministre, interrogé sur une éventuelle suspension par Paris de la vente des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement (BPC) de type "Mistral" à Moscou par la DCNS, qui en a sous-traité la construction aux chantiers STX de Saint-Nazaire.


Le "Vladivostok", baptisé en présence de l'état-major de la marine russe le 15 octobre 2013 lors de sa mise à flot, était en attente mercredi après-midi dans une immense écluse en bord de mer, où plusieurs dizaines de curieux venaient le voir, a constaté l'AFP.


Selon la direction du port de Saint-Nazaire, sa première sortie en mer pour des essais techniques doit démarrer peu après 18H00.


En dépit du nom "Vladivostok" écrit en caractères cyrilliques sur la coque, le navire n'a pas encore changé de pavillon: un drapeau français et un autre au nom de STX France sont les seuls à flotter au milieu de ses tourelles.


La moitié arrière du Vladivostok a été construite par les chantiers russes OSK de Saint-Petersbourg (Russie), tandis que STX France construisait l'avant pour DCNS. Les deux parties ont été assemblées à Saint-Nazaire en juillet 2013.


La livraison du "Vladivostok" est prévue fin 2014 et celle de son sistership le "Sebastopol", du nom de la ville de Crimée au coeur de la crise ukrainienne, fin 2016.


Aux termes du contrat entre la marine russe et DCNS, les deux futurs équipages de ces navires, soit 400 marins russes au total, sont attendus fin mai ou début juin à Saint-Nazaire pour y apprendre pendant six mois à manoeuvrer les BPC, avaient indiqué les deux partenaires en octobre 2013.


Trois premiers BPC, navires de 199 mètres et 22.000 tonnes pouvant se déplacer à une vitesse supérieure à 18 noeuds, le Mistral, le Tonnerre et le Dixmude, ont été livrés à la marine française entre 2006 et 2009.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:40
Canadian Forces Cancels Meetings And Exercises With Russian Military


March 5, 2014. David Pugliese Defence Watch


Canadian military cooperation with Russia is over.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday that joint activities, ranging from meetings to exercises, are being cancelled. That is because of Russia’s activities in the Ukraine.


“I have this morning directed that, effective immediately, all planned bilateral activities between the Canadian Armed Forces and the military of the Russian Federation be suspended,” Harper said Tuesday.


“This includes exercises, such as NORAD’s Exercise Vigilant Eagle, and scheduled meetings,” he said.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:40
source Libération

source Libération


05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


PARIS - Les Occidentaux ont mis mercredi la pression sur le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov, lors d'une rencontre à Paris, pour que la Russie entame rapidement des discussions avec Kiev.


Lors d'un bref échange, après une réunion internationale sur le Liban, le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry a demandé à Sergueï Lavrov que la Russie ait des entretiens directs avec l'Ukraine, selon un responsable américain.


Les Européens, qui se retrouvent jeudi en sommet extraordinaire à Bruxelles sur la crise ukrainienne, ont promis de prendre des sanctions contre Moscou si une désescalade n'intervient pas d'ici là sur l'Ukraine.


Cet après-midi, ce sera un test pour savoir si la Russie est prête à s'asseoir avec l'Ukraine à une table de discussions et nous allons leur recommander fortement de le faire, a estimé le chef de la diplomatie britannique William Hague. Demain, il y a le Conseil européen. Ce qui se passera au Conseil européen sera en partie déterminé par la volonté russe de discuter avec l'Ukraine aujourd'hui, il est important qu'ils aient cela en tête. Donc oui, c'est un test pour la Russie aujourd'hui.


Le premier entretien face-à-face sur l'Ukraine de John Kerry et Sergueï Lavrov, depuis la prise de contrôle ce week-end d'une grande partie de la Crimée par la Russie, s'est déroulé autour d'un café sur la terrasse ensoleillée du Palais de l'Elysée où venait de se tenir un déjeuner de travail international sur le Liban.


Autour des deux responsables, étaient présents le président français François Hollande et les ministres français, allemand et britannique, Laurent Fabius, Frank-Walter Steinmeier et William Hague, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP.


Selon une source informée, les échanges ont toutefois été interrompus devant la fermeté de la Russie et devaient reprendre plus tard dans la journée.


Les Occidentaux (France, Grande-Bretagne, Union européenne, Italie...) se sont ensuite retrouvés au Ministère des Affaires étrangères pour poursuivre les discussions sur l'Ukraine, selon un journaliste de l'AFP sur place. Ils tentent depuis le début de la semaine de convaincre Vladimir Poutine d'accepter la création d'un groupe de contact sur l'Ukraine.


La chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel, qui a annulé tous ses rendez-vous dans l'après-midi, selon le gouvernement allemand, a déjà parlé plusieurs fois depuis le début de la semaine avec Vladimir Poutine et c'est elle qui lui a fait la proposition de créer un tel groupe de contact.


Plus tôt dans la journée, William Hague avait déjà exhorté Sergueï Lavrov à rencontrer son homologue ukrainien, présent à Paris. Sans succès jusqu'à présent.


C'est la première fois depuis la prise de contrôle d'une grande partie de la Crimée ce week-end par la Russie, que le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov se retrouve face-à-face avec la plupart de ses homologues occidentaux.


Au cours des derniers jours, les invectives ont fusé entre l'Occident et la Russie, les Occidentaux accusant la Russie d'avoir violé le droit international tandis que Moscou rejetait leurs menaces de sanctions à son égard.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:40
Meeting of EU Heads of State or Government on Ukraine – 6 March in Brussels


Brussels, 5 March 2014 consilium.europa.eu


Following events in Ukraine, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has decided to convene an extraordinary meeting of EU Heads of State or Government this Thursday 6 March 2014 to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the EU's reaction.


At the Foreign Affairs Council on 3 March, the European Union strongly condemned the clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity by acts of aggression by the Russian armed forces and called on Russia to immediately withdraw its armed forces to the areas of their permanent stationing. The EU also called for a peaceful solution to this crisis and full respect of international law. It remains ready to engage in constructive dialogue with all parties to this end.


In response to events, the EU and those member states who are participants of G8 have decided for the time being to suspend their participation in activities associated with the preparations for the G8 Summit in Sochi in June.


On 5 March, the Commission proposed a series of measures, notably economic and financial support, as the European Union's contribution to an international effort to support Ukraine. At least € 11 billion could be available over the next years from the EU budget and EU-based international financial institutions. This is to stabilise the economic and financial situation, assist with the transition and encourage political and economic reform.


In addition, the Council has decided to introduce EU sanctions targeting the misappropriation of Ukrainian state funds. Asset freezes will apply for 18 persons responsible in this regard as of 6 March.


For full details of the EU positions on Ukraine, see Council conclusions


For full details about EU aid to Ukraine, see press release and memo.


Indicative programme :

9.30 Arrival of Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

11.30 Exchange of views with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

13.15 Press conference by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk

13.15 Working lunch among EU Heads of State or Government

15.00(tbc) Press conference by the European Council President and the Commission President


Full media programme

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:35
Les missiles de croisière chinois : facteur clé de la situation régionale



05.04.2014 Vassili Kachine - La Voix de la Russie


Selon le centre d'étude américain Project 2049 Institute, la Chine développe actuellement les missiles de croisière les « plus précis » menaçant les cibles dans de nombreux pays d'Asie-Pacifique, le Japon compris.


Le nombre de ses missiles CJ-10 basés au sol peut atteindre 500. Si les estimations sont justes, les missiles de croisière chinois se transforment en un facteur clé de la situation militaire dans la région.


L'interception de ces missiles présente des difficultés à cause de leur trajectoire imprévisble. Seul un nombre réduit de missiles sera abattu par la défense anti-aérienne si une attaque est lancée avec l'utilisation simultanée de plusieurs dizaines, voire centaines de missiles de croisière. Les dégâts pour l'infrastructure seront alors immenses.


Les voisins de la Chine qui possèdent l'arme nucléaire doivent tenir compte du fait que la Chine est en mesure de porter des frappes de missile ciblées. Pour l'Inde cela dicte la nécessité de déployer ses missiles balistiques peu nombreux dans le sud de la péninsule indienne en augmentant leur portée, ainsi que d'accroître les investissement dans les forces stratégiques nucléaires navales. Les deux mesures étant onéreuses. Si le Japon décide de se doter de l'arme nucléaire les Chinois auront un istrument efficace pour porter une frappe non nucléaire désarmante.


Les destroyers chinois de la classe 052D, actuellement en construction, seront des vecteurs impotants des missiles de croisière. Ils pourront embarquer des missiles mer-air, anti-sous-marins, anti-navires et de croisière de type différent. Tous ces missiles pourront également être installés sur les sous-marins. En général, la Chine se hisse à la deuxième place derrière les Etats-Unis en ce qui concerne le nombre de missiles de croisière déployés et la diversité de leurs vecteurs. Notons que les forces américaines sont dispersées de par le monde, tandis que les missiles chinois sont concentrés sur le territoire de Chine sous le commandement uni.


La capacité de porter des ogives nucléaires est la question la plus importante. Une telle possibilité existe en puissance. Les missiles de croisière chinois sont construits sur la base des missiles soviétiques X-55. Les Chinois en ont acheté une certaine quantité à l'Ukraine au début des années 2000. Les X-55 étaient capables de porter l'arme nucléaire.


Certaines études attribuent une telle capactié aux missiles chinois CJ-10, mais les preuves concrètes d'utilisation sur ces missiles des ogives nucléaires n'existent pas. Il est peu probable que cela soit passé inaperçu pour la reconnaissance spatiale américaine. On peut supposer qu'un tel réarmement aura lieu dans l'avenir lors du déploiement de nouveaux types de missiles, d' une plus grande portée et d'une signature radar inférieure, ainsi qu'après l'apparition dans les forces aériennes chinoises de nouveaux bombardiers ayant un plus grand rayon d'action et la possibilité de se ravitailler en vol.


La domination militaire chinoise dans la région, qui commence déjà à s'esquissser, sera, en l'occurrence, incontestable et la compétition militaire avec la Chine sera dénuée de perspectives pour les autres pays de la région.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:30
Brig. Gen. Shmuel Olansky

Brig. Gen. Shmuel Olansky


2/3/2014 Or Heller - israeldefense.com


The reform in the IDF Armored Corps is taking shape. The IDF Chief Armor Officer, Brig. Gen. Shmuel Olansky, in an exclusive interview with Israel Defense

I am not sure where I would rather be with all of the threats we face today," begins the IDF Chief Armor Officer, Brig. Gen. Shmuel Olansky. "On foot behind a rock, or inside the Merkava Mark-IV tank fitted with the Aspro-A/Trophy system or on board the APC moving alongside that Merkava tank."

In view of the realization that wars have changed and reality has changed, the IDF Armored Corps is changing as well. Brig. Gen. Olansky is very clear and confident about the principles of the reform he is currently leading. "Alongside the tanks, which lead the battalion combat effort, we want to prepare the combat task force for the challenges facing it by empowering the armored/mechanized infantry within the armored (tank) battalions. In each armored battalion, we are assembling a combat support company that includes a mortar platoon, a surveillance element capable of calling in and directing fire support, and a reconnaissance platoon. All of these elements, along with the tanks that will continue to lead the maneuver, will make up a battalion-size combat task force that is relevant to today's battlefield. We have here a new world of content in the Armored Corps – combat reconnaissance."

What is the timetable for the implementation of the new plan?

"We intend to recruit the first company out of the November 2013 recruitment class. These recruits will take the complete training course, thirty weeks at the IDF Armored Corps School, where they will learn the Armored Corps occupational skill and then be divided into their respective specialized skills: scout, mortar operator and observer/surveillance operator. The graduates will make up the combat support companies within the armored battalions. We are currently reorganizing the entire tank OrBat of the IDF."

Will you be making adjustments in the Armored Corps training courses and seminars?

"Certainly. I am currently assembling armored/mechanized infantry companies just like those of the infantry brigades, possessing the same capabilities with the exception of extended operations on foot, as they will operate near the tanks. We have an opportunity here to empower the remaining elements. Today's armored/mechanized infantry warfighter looks exactly the same as an infantry warfighter, with the exception of the purpose-specific weapons, which they do not need."

The Aspro-A/Trophy system has, until now, operated effectively on the Gaza line in isolated and rare incidents of antitank fire. But how would this system operate during the third Lebanon war opposite a rainstorm of antitank missiles fired at each tank?

"That's just it. This system is excellent. The technology was considered fictional ten years ago. I suggest we refrain from terrorizing ourselves. Antitank fire does not come as a rainstorm. Even in antitank-saturated scenarios we have a range of capabilities for coping with the threats. As our maneuver becomes more substantial, the capabilities of the Aspro-A/Trophy system will come more significantly into play. Additionally, our range of capabilities will include a surveillance capability – for spotting the antitank threats; our surveillance elements will be able to call in and direct the fire of Keshet 120mm mortars; our reconnaissance platoon will possess the ability to recognize the antitank threats in advance, and our tanks will possess the ability of firing a round at the threat."

"Do Not Mourn the Syrian Army"

What do we know about the state of the Syrian armor after more than two and a half years of a bloody civil war? Is it still a significant player?

"Firstly, we know that it is much better trained now, as it has been fighting. It brushes with the opposition forces in the context of the civil war. At the same time, they have also experienced wear as a result of the on-going fighting, but it still exists. I do not know how many tanks the Syrian Army has lost in the civil war, they have been fighting for two and a half years. On the other hand you realize that people who fight become more proficient and stronger. The Syrian armor is definitely a significant player in the Middle East. I would not hasten to mourn the armored divisions and the land maneuvering capability of the Syrian Army."

But even in your presentations you focus on the fact that the fighting has shifted from the front line into the depth of the territory, namely – a war of rockets and missiles against the Israeli rear area, so how does the Armored Corps fit in?

"Even before the civil war in Syria broke out, we had observed those trends in the Syrian Army. The Syrian Army disbanded armored units and established commando units instead. They acquired antitank systems and demolition capabilities. The Syrians developed a substantial rocket layout. These were not just the trends within the paramilitary organizations. We observed the same trends in the Syrian Army, too. At the same time, they still have armored divisions and tank brigades that use T-72 tanks. They are there, and they are well-trained."

How would an encounter between a T-72 tank and a Merkava Mark-IV tank look in 2013? Is there any chance here for a fair fight?

"There is no fair fight here. The Merkava Mark-IV tank is a true masterpiece. It possesses capabilities that are superior to those of any other tank worldwide, and no one even comes close. This applies to crew protection, to trafficability and to fire control. In some aspects it is 'only' in first place. With regard to most aspects, however, it is far beyond anything else out there."

If the third Lebanon war should break out tomorrow morning, in what way will the maneuver executed by the Armored Corps be different in view of the lessons derived from the summer of 2006?

"The maneuver will be much stronger and faster, with a complete envelope of structured and precise intelligence gathering and fire employment activities. We will see combined operations of tanks with infantry and assault engineering elements, but a maneuver is still a maneuver. Its objective is to transfer strength from the contact line deep into the enemy territory. Just like in all of the wars that we had, that is what we will see in our future wars – a battalion-size combat task force with massive strength and firepower, which protects itself and reaches the point where its strength is utilized to maximum benefit – through firepower, through its scoring capabilities. In view of the threats we face today, I believe there's no escaping the need to maintain a strong and fully-prepared ground layout and to employ it when necessary in order to bring the campaign to an end as soon as possible.

"We would not be able, opposite Lebanon, to maintain a campaign of wearing out the opponent through the use of fire, like we did in Operation Pillar of Defense, for instance. Many people say 'here, we saw during Operation Pillar of Defense that a maneuver is no longer necessary.' But in Operation Pillar of Defense, the very fact that the maneuver was poised and ready to launch cut the duration of the fighting short. Secondly, Lebanon and Syria are not the same as the Hamas in Gaza. They will not be influenced by strategic players (like Egypt) as Hamas was. In Lebanon and Syria, if we want to bring about a prompt conclusion of the campaign, we will have no other choice but to maneuver into the enemy's centers of gravity, and the armored forces will execute and lead that maneuver, as they know how to do it quickly and forcefully."

How will a task force maneuver if it is made up, theoretically, of Merkava Mark-IV tanks fitted with the Aspro-A/Trophy antitank missile interception system on the one hand, while the infantry elements still ride in the outdated and vulnerable M113 APCs?

"I think that if you examine the land solution, you will realize that it is a good solution. Would I prefer something better? Of course I would. We do not live in a bubble and we realize that the defense budget is a derivative of the economic situation. It is a restriction that applies to us which I cannot ignore. Where I would have liked to invest the extra money is a question I ponder all the time. I think that as long as the M113 APC operates in the environment of a complete battalion system, I will have no doubts about committing to battle the battalion combat task force and all elements thereof."

What was your contribution as Chief Armor Officer to the staff work ordered by the decision of the Chief of Staff to disband six tank brigades using the old 'Patton' tanks?

"We are disbanding layouts that are outdated layouts that had reached the end of the road. The logic here is both conceptual and operational. It is not that we had called out a random number and then went on to look for what we could disband. Obviously, we would prefer that instead of the brigades we disband ten more Merkava Mark-IV brigades would have been established, but we live in a certain reality that we cannot ignore. The people at IDF GHQ sat down and thought and conducted discussions and carried out simulations and examinations, but eventually you realize that some layouts had reached the end of the road, like the 'Patton' and Merkava Mark-I tanks. But let's talk about the bright side – next year, the IDF 7th Armored Brigade will be converted to a Merkava Mark-IV brigade!"

Still, when there are voices at IDF GHQ who speak about the end of the armor-versus-armor battle era, what is the future you envision for the tank in the IDF?

"I think that precisely at the 40th anniversary of the Yom-Kippur War, we realized what our forefathers had understood since the days of the Bible: that the land maneuver has always been and will always be necessary in order to gain an overbalance in a war. The armored forces will be right there at the head of the land maneuver, with the tanks in front, surrounded by the envelope. We will reach the end of the maneuver era when we have reached the end of the era of wars. I still do not see an end to the era of wars. But if we do not train and practice, we will be less proficient – it's all very straightforward."

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20
Cobham subsidiary producing more transmitters for Navy



LANSDALE, Pa., March 5 (UPI)


A U.S. subsidiary of Britain's Cobham Plc is to manufacture low-band transmitters under a $21.8 million contract modification from the U.S. Navy.


In addition to the low-band transmitters, of LBTs, Cobham Defense Electronics will manufacture a variety of antennas and adapter interface modules for AN/ALQ-99 tactical jamming systems to be used by the U.S. Navy and the Australian military.


"Cobham is proud of our longstanding and successful partnership with the U.S. Navy on this critical program," said Jill Kale, vice president of Cobham Defense Electronics. "As we continue to satisfy the Navy warfighter's current needs, we look forward to providing the next generation of integrated RF solutions for U.S. Navy air and maritime operations."


Cobham Defense Electronics, which is located in Pennsylvania, said it will manufacture eight LBTs for the U.S. Navy and eleven for Australia; eleven vertically polarized antennas for the Navy and six for Australia; 17 high-band horizontally polarized antennas for the Navy and seven for Australia; and six Band -2 adapter interface assemblies for Australia.


The low-band transmitter helps protect strike aircraft, ships, and ground troops by disrupting enemy radar and communications. It is used on U.S, Navy EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G aircraft and Marine Corps EA -6B aircraft.

AN/ALQ-99 system on EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

AN/ALQ-99 system on EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20
US Army Plans to Cut 3 of 13 Aviation Brigades by 2019

The US Army plans on cutting three of its 13 combat aviation brigades by 2019. (US Army)


Mar. 4, 2014 - By PAUL McLEARY – Defense news


WASHINGTON — US Army officials said Tuesday that as part of its wide-ranging aviation restructuring, the service is preparing to cut three of the service’s 13 combat aviation brigades (CAB) by 2019.


The service’s active component currently fields four heavy CABs, 8 medium, and 1 with “Full-Spectrum” capabilities, but Davis Welch, deputy director of the Army budget office told reporters at the Pentagon today that “the restructure will reduce the number of aviation brigades by three in the active component while restructuring aviation brigades to optimize their efficiency and quality.”


He added that under the plan, the Army’s Reserve component will be able maintain its 12 aviation brigades but they “will be restructured and optimized for assault, lift and medavac missions.”


The announcement comes on the heels of the Army’s proposal to take all of the National Guard’s Apache attack helicopters to fulfill the active army’s aerial scout mission after it divests itself of the Kiowa helicopters currently fulfilling that mission.


At the time of this posting, requests for further comment from the Army were unanswered.


Overall, the Army’s fiscal year 2015 request sees the budget for its aircraft fleet tick slightly upward from $4.6 billion ($5 billion requested) in 2014 to $5.1 billion, while the Apache helicopter’s budget will fall from $884 million — $1 billion with Overseas Contingency Operations in 2014 — to $775 million in 2015 so it can upgrade 25 birds to the latest configuration.


There is another $416 million for 55 new Lakota helicopters, with sources saying that the service will request funding to buy 45 more Lakotas in 2016.


The Army is also slated to receive $7.5 billion of the $26 billion for the Opportunity Growth and Security Initiative, 54 percent of which will go toward operations, maintenance and training accounts, while the rest will be pointed to equipment modernization, including $500 million for Black Hawk helicopter upgrades, and more than $600 million for Apache work.


Overall however, the year-by-year budget graph that accompanied the Army’s budget request showed a significant cascade down from the 2010 budget onward.


The Army is asking for $121 billion in its base budget in ’15, down only $4 billion from the $125 billion enacted for 2014 — but down significantly from the $144 billion granted in ’10 during the height of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


But the big cuts aren’t in the base. The biggest drop is in the wartime spending accounts, which for the Army has dropped by more than half from 2011 to 2014 — going from $99 billion to $43 billion.


That said, the requested budget remains largely flat form 2014, with about $1.3 billion less in research, development and acquisition and $1.8 billion in operations and maintenance. Personnel costs remained flat at $56 billion.


Personnel costs continue to be the albatross hanging around the Army’s neck, eating up 46 percent of the service’s budget overall even as the service continues to shed 20,000 soldiers a year in its effort to reach 490,000 by the end of 2015. It’s current end strength is about 510,000.


But those troops will have to get by with much less training than Army leadership has advocated for.


Training is expected to reach only to company level and, in some cases, battalion level in 2015, with the National Guard performing mostly company level and below training exercises due to lack of funding. The Army will only send those brigades through a full National Training Center rotation that are planning to deploy to Afghanistan or South Korea, or that are part of the 82nd Airborne’s global response force

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20
Washington augmente son soutien militaire à la Pologne et aux pays baltes


05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


WASHINGTON - Les Etats-Unis ont décidé d'intensifier les entraînements aériens conjoints avec la Pologne et d'augmenter leur participation à la protection de l'espace aérien des pays baltes, a annoncé mercredi le secrétaire à la Défense Chuck Hagel.


Ces mesures visent, pour Washington, à donner des assurances en matière de sécurité à ses alliés est-européens au sein de l'Otan, qui s'inquiètent des conséquences pour leur sécurité des actions militaires russes en Ukraine.


Le plus haut gradé américain, le général Martin Dempsey, a de son côté téléphoné mercredi matin à son homologue russe Valery Gerasimov et l'a appelé à continuer à faire preuve de retenue dans les jours à venir afin de laisser une place pour une solution diplomatique, a de son côté affirmé le chef d'état-major interarmées.


Ce matin, le département de la Défense prend des mesures pour soutenir nos alliés, dont l'intensification des exercices conjoints via notre détachement aérien en Pologne et l'augmentation de notre participation à la mission de police de l'air de l'Otan dans (les pays) baltes, a déclaré le chef du Pentagone devant les sénateurs de la commission des Forces armées.


Un détachement militaire américain d'une dizaine d'hommes est stationné sur deux bases aériennes en Pologne pour mettre en oeuvre les exercices aériens conjoints entre forces américaines et polonaises, dont l'armée de l'air est elle aussi dotée de chasseurs F-16.


La protection de l'espace aérien de la Lituanie, de la Lettonie et de l'Estonie est assurée depuis 10 ans par l'Otan. Un des pays membres la prend en charge en envoyant des chasseurs dans les pays baltes pour une durée de quatre mois avant qu'un autre Etat-membre ne lui succède. Depuis le 1er janvier, ce sont les Etats-Unis qui sont chargés de cette mission.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:55
Rallye sections au 17e régiment du génie parachutiste (17e RGP)



03/03/2014 ASP A. LAROCHE - Armée de Terre


Du lundi 17 au vendredi 21 février, le 17e régiment du génie parachutiste a organisé un rallye des sections dans la région de Montauban. Cet exercice avait pour objectif d’évaluer et d’éprouver les savoir-faire techniques et tactiques des 8 sections qui ont été déployées.


Une marche de nuit de 30 km, en ambiance tactique, et de nombreux ateliers ont permis aux sections de mettre en œuvre leurs compétences : appui génie en zone urbaine, durcissement d’infrastructure, chantier de déminage, ouverture d’itinéraire, franchissement, tir et destruction. Les chefs de sections ont aussi été évalués sur leur connaissance des ressources humaines et des traditions du régiment.


À but pédagogique, le rallye a permis aux sections de faire le point sur leurs acquis et d’évaluer leur niveau opérationnel avant l’exercice brigade « Montauban 2014 » qui aura lieu au mois d’avril. Cet exercice servira de contrôle opérationnel au 17e RGP et au 3e régiment parachutiste d’infanterie de marine (3e RPIMa).

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:55
centre RetT photo Thierry Mamberti Safran

centre RetT photo Thierry Mamberti Safran


Paris, le 5 mars 2014 Safran


Safran, leader mondial dans les domaines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, de la Défense et de la Sécurité, va recruter 160 collaborateurs pour son nouveau centre de R&T et d’Innovation, qui ouvrira en fin d’année à Paris-Saclay (Yvelines).


Ce site développera les nouvelles technologies destinées à l’ensemble des activités du Groupe. Safran recherche donc des ingénieurs chercheurs (jeunes diplômés et profils expérimentés) spécialisés en Matériaux avancés et Procédés, Capteurs et Systèmes de capteurs, Traitement du signal et de l’information, Algorithmie avancée, Modélisation, Mécanique des Structures et des Fluides, Propulsion ou encore Systèmes Aéronautiques.


Le Groupe, fortement impliqué dans le domaine de la responsabilité sociétale, accordera une attention particulière à la promotion de la diversité des origines et des parcours ainsi qu’au recrutement de femmes.


Les nouveaux embauchés rejoindront un Groupe composé de plus de 66 000 salariés, dont la vocation est d’imaginer les nouvelles technologies de demain. Safran, qui propose une grande diversité de métiers et de réelles perspectives d’évolution, cherche plus particulièrement à renforcer ses équipes en Recherche et Technologie*. Le nouveau centre de Paris Saclay permettra à Safran d’accélérer ses percées technologiques dans les domaines des Systèmes avancés aéronautiques, du Numérique, et des Matériaux et Procédés et Capteurs.


Ingénieurs chercheurs, soyez les inventeurs de demain et rejoignez Safran à Paris Saclay. Consultez les offres disponibles et postulez en ligne : http://www.safran-group.com/site-safran/talent/nous-rejoindre-801/centre-de-r-t/


* La Recherche & Technologie (R&T) fait partie de la Recherche et Développement (R&D) : elle se situe en amont et regroupe l’ensemble des activités d’études, de recherches et de démonstrations technologiques qui assurent à Safran la maîtrise des savoir-faire lui permettant de développer des produits innovants avec un risque, un délai et un coût réduits. En 2013, les dépenses en R&D du Groupe ont représenté 1,8 milliard d’euros, soit 12 % de son chiffre d’affaires. La R&D mobilise plus de 20 % des effectifs du Groupe, dont plus de 450 docteurs et 150 doctorants.



Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie, équipementier de premier rang dans les domaines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (propulsion, équipements), de la Défense et de la Sécurité. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 66 200 personnes pour un chiffre d’affaires de 14,7 milliards d’euros en 2013. Composé de nombreuses sociétés, Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l’évolution des marchés, le Groupe s’engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2013 des dépenses de 1,8 milliard d’euros. Safran est une société cotée sur NYSE Euronext Paris et fait partie de l’indice CAC 40.


Pour plus d’informations, www.safran-group.com / Suivez @SAFRAN sur Twitter

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
photo Geoffrey Lee

photo Geoffrey Lee

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence; issued March 4, 2014)

(Issued in Spanish; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com)


Twenty-Five Thousand Hours of Eurofighter in Air Force


The Air Force’s fleet of Eurofighter EF-2000 aircraft has completed its first 25,000 flight hours during the month of February, to which three units equipped with this weapon system have contributed: 11 Wing at Air Base Morón de la Frontera in Seville, 14 Wing at Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete and the Armaments Logistics and Experimentation Center (CLAEX) at Torrejón de Ardoz air base in Madrid.


The Eurofighter, which in the Air Force carries the designation C.16, entered service in our Armed Forces in October 2003. Since then, it has been assigned to the 11th Wing, operating mainly from Morón Air Base, in order to fulfill its primary mission of interception and air defense.


Since May 2012, it also has been operated by 142 Squadron of 14 Wing, as has the CLAEX, where it is operated for the development of operating software and weapons integration.


The C.16 fleet operated by Wing 11 and Wing 14 reached full operational capacity in January 2008 and, since then, is part of a select group of Air Force aircraft that monitor and protect our national sovereign airspace 24 hours day, seven days a week.


The primary mission of the Eurofighter units is to provide the Air Force with the required defensive and offensive air capability, to meet both national missions, as well as commitments arising from the Spanish participation in international organizations. It is equipped with latest-generation precision weapons that allow the Eurofighter to launch bombs and guided weapons with centimetric accuracy. Combined with the vast potential of its radar and air-to-air armament against aerial threats, the possibilities of this weapon system are multiplied.


The Air Force, which has 41 Eurofighter, reached this milestone with the assurance that the performance of these first 25,000 hours of flight confirms the operational and industrial success of the Eurofighter program, which has enabled the European aerospace industry and its Armed Forces to design, build and operate one of the best fighter planes that have plied the skies.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
Army cleared to fly next-generation eye-in-the-sky

Army personnel operating the Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system [Picture: Crown copyright]


5 March 2014 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


Watchkeeper, the Army's next-generation unmanned aerial system, has been cleared to begin military flight training with the Royal Artillery.


Approval has been given for the Army’s own pilots to begin live-flying the unarmed Watchkeeper from Boscombe Down in Wiltshire; up until now it has been only been trialled by industry.

Gathering crucial information from the battlefield, Watchkeeper will provide UK troops with life-saving surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence. It will also give personnel on the ground much greater situational awareness, helping to reduce threats.

Over the coming weeks, highly skilled 1st Artillery Brigade pilots will be trained to fly Watchkeeper in a restricted airspace over the Salisbury Plain Training Area. The flights, which will take place between 8,000 and 16,000 feet, will be overseen by military air traffic controllers.

Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system
The British Army's Watchkeeper unmanned aerial system in flight over the UK during testing (library image) [Picture: Richard Seymour, Thales UK]

Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Philip Dunne said:

Watchkeeper will provide real-time information for troops conducting operations on the ground, allowing them to understand better and thereby overcome threats they may face. The ‘release to service’ is a major milestone in this important programme.

Watchkeeper is the first unmanned aerial system developed and built in the UK to become operational. Watchkeeper will be a significant surveillance and reconnaissance capability for the Army for years to come and there is no doubt that it will prove to be a battle-winning technology.

Since its first UK flight in 2010 by Thales UK, Watchkeeper, which has a wingspan of 35 feet, has already completed over 600 flying hours from West Wales Airport.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:45
French frigate Nivose to visit Durban next week


05 March 2014 by defenceWeb


The French frigate Nivose will visit Durban for four days next week, highlighting the bilateral maritime cooperation between South Africa and France. Nivose is a regular visitor to South Africa and recently took part in Exercise Oxide off Mozambique last year.


The French Navy makes use of repair facilities in Durban, Cape Town and Mauritius, with the Nivose often calling on South African ports to restock her supplies and conduct maintenance. Nivose will be docked in Durban between March 12 and 15.


Nivose is stationed at Reunion. She carries out patrols in the Indian Ocean and in the Southern and Antarctic Lands, patrolling overseas maritime areas under French sovereignty and in the deep sea to protect France’s interests.


She is equipped with a Eurocopter Panther helicopter and is armed with MM38 Exocet missiles, a 100 mm and two 20 mm guns. The 93.5 metre long, 2 900 ton vessel is powered by four 2 200 hp diesel engines and three diesel generators and has a crew of 15 officers, 61 petty officers and 21 seamen. The vessel can stay continuously at sea for 50 days. Nivose is one of six ships of the Floreal class built by DCN and Chantiers de l'Atlantique between 1990 and 1993.


In accordance with a treaty between Australia and France, Nivose takes part in a cooperative fishing police and surveillance operation of French and Australian economic areas and every year Australian Customs Officers and Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Fisheries Officers embark on board Nivose. In addition, Nivose supports the scientific missions based on Kerguelen, Crozet and Saint Paul and the French Austral islands.


France is hopeful of concluding a similar type of agreement with South Africa, whereby joint patrols will be conducted with customs and fisheries officials from each country aboard each other’s vessels. This will ensure that patrols are conducted efficiently and cost-effectively, with no duplication of patrol areas.


As fighting piracy has become a major issue, the French frigate was the first warship to participate to the European Union Naval Force’s Operation Atalanta in the Indian Ocean. Since 2008, Nivose has caught more than 80 suspected pirates aboard more than 25 skiffs during her five deployments.


Nivose also bolsters bilateral relations with regional powers through port visits and joint maritime exercises, such as Oxide with the South African Navy in 2011 and 2013.


Exercise Oxide was held between August 30 and September 6 off the coast of Maputo, Mozambique. Participants included Nivose and her Panther helicopter, the South African Navy frigate Isandlwana with its Super Lynx helicopter, the offshore patrol vessel Isaac Dyobha, the submarine Queen Modjaji, a C-130 Hercules, a C-47TP and an airborne rescue team.


Activities at sea included a submarine rescue exercise involving the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Pretoria and the Centre Regional Operationnel de Surveillance et de Sauvetage (CROSS) of La Reunion.


This third edition of Oxide (the first was held in 2008) also included Mozambican armed forces, with Mozambican personnel embarking aboard Isandlwana.


Nivose is also involved in search and rescue operations. In May 2001 France and South Africa signed a bilateral agreement on maritime search and rescue in the Indian Ocean as France needed a partner to offset the weakness of some nations in the area (notably Madagascar and countries bordering the Mozambique Channel) and to deal with the large areas to be covered.


France and South Africa have recently conducted several joint search and rescue exercises, including the Marion Dufresne providing assistance to the South African fishing vessel El Shaddai near the Crozet Islands in September. On January 7 this year the two crew of the sinking French vessel Idefix was rescued off the Cape Town Coast. French and South African maritime rescue personnel hold regular meetings and exercises.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:40
EU and NATO committees meet jointly to discuss Ukraine


Brussels, 05 March 2014 ref 140305/02


The European Union's Political and Security Committee (PSC) and NATO's North Atlantic Council (NAC) held a joint informal meeting today to discuss the situation in Ukraine, ahead of the meeting of EU heads of State or government tomorrow.


The discussions underlined the seriousness of the crisis and showed the convergence of views in both organisations in upholding Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, the need for a dialogue between Ukraine and Russia as well as de-escalating steps in view of a peaceful solution to the crisis in full respect of international law as laid down in bi-and multilateral commitments. Ambassadors had an exchange of views on the various dimensions of the crisis in Ukraine and the options for the response of the International Community.



The PSC and the NAC are the bodies respectively of the EU and NATO at ambassador level responsible for monitoring the international situation.

PSC-NAC meetings are an integral part of the continuous political dialogue between the EU and NATO, including the so-called “Berlin Plus” arrangements and informal meetings. They formally meet on EUFOR Althea, the operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina making use of NATO common assets and capabilities.

Audiovisual material is available on the Council Newsroom

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
DND Rebidding 155mm Howitzers

DND will acquire 12 units 155mm howitzer (photo : Rowielip)


Mar. 5, 2014 Defense Studies

Philippine gov't to purchase 12 howitzers

MANILA (Xinhua) -- The Philippine government said Wednesday that it would acquire 12 units of 155-millimeter howitzers in its bid to upgrade the army's capability to fight leftist rebel group New People's Army (NPA) and the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf.

The Department of National Defense (DND) said the government is spending 438.6 million pesos (9.78 million U.S. dollars) to purchase the weapons.

The DND said it will conduct a bidding, which will be open to local and foreign contractors on March 11.

The government said the additional howitzers will be used by the Philippine Army which is at the forefront in the fight against the NPA and the Abu Sayyaf.


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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Et si DCNS revendait des sous-marins à l'Inde

Associé au chantier naval Mazagon Dock, DCNS a déjà vendu en 2005 à New Delhi six sous-marins Scorpène


03/03/2014 Michel Cabirol – laTribune.fr


Le groupe naval et son partenaire indien Mazagon Dock vont transférer en mars le premier sous-marin Scorpène fabriqué en Inde au bassin. Une opération qui va redonner du crédit à DCNS au moment où New Delhi a besoin de sous-marins supplémentaires.


Le groupe naval DCNS a-t-il enfin terminé de manger son pain noir en Inde. C'est possible comme on l'espère fortement en interne. Qu'est-ce qui génère aujourd'hui ce nouvel optimisme après les très nombreuses vicissitudes qu'a connu le programme P-75, un projet ambitieux lancé en octobre 2005 entre New Delhi et Paris et qui prévoit la construction de six Scorpène, un sous-marin à propulsion conventionnelle, par le chantier indien Mazagon Dock (MDL) ? Selon des sources concordantes, DCNS et son partenaire indien vont mettre à quai le premier sous-marin en construction depuis décembre 2006 ce mois-ci.

"Nous espérons que la sortie du sous-marin du hangar va marquer les esprits, explique-t-on en interne chez DCNS. Cette opération va montrer à tout le monde, et notamment à la concurrence, la montée en puissance du chantier naval indien Mazagon Dock". Ce qui espère-t-on en interne clouera le bec des concurrents de DCNS qui ont beaucoup raillé les retards du programme. Ce qui est d'ailleurs souvent le cas de beaucoup de programmes développés en coopération entre le DRDO ou les industriels indiens et les groupes internationaux. Initialement le premier sous-marin devait être livré à la marine indienne en décembre 2012 et le dernier en décembre 2017.

Il est vrai également que le programme P-75 n'a pas été épargné par certaines accusations de corruption, qui se sont in fine révélées être toutes des allégations - un grand classique en Inde -, et par les difficultés techniques de MDL à absorber les technologies transférées par DCNS.


New Delhi conscient des difficultés de MDL

Le ministère de la Défense indien a toujours été bien conscient des difficultés de MDL à acquérir de nouvelles compétences en matière de construction de sous-marins. Un retard d'ailleurs bien identifié. Selon le ministère, il est "attribuable" à la difficulté de digérer les nouvelles technologies par MDL, au retard dans la croissance des infrastructures industrielles du chantier naval indien, et, enfin, aux hésitations de ce dernier pour acheter des équipements en raison de leur coût onéreux.

"La plupart des problèmes initiaux ont été résolus et des plans divers ont été mis en place pour minimiser des retards", avait expliqué le ministère de la Défense en mars 2012. Et d'estimer que ce programme va permettre dans le cadre du transfert de technologies (ToT) accepté par DCNS et la France d'acquérir un savoir-faire local "significatif dans la construction sous-marine, notamment dans le domaine de la fabrication de la coque, des équipements, de l'intégration des systèmes etc… d'ici à la fin du programme", avait-il également précisé


Un nouveau calendrier respecté

Depuis le recalage du programme, qui prévoit désormais la livraison du premier sous-marin en juin 2015 et du dernier en septembre 2018, le programme semble avancé conformément aux nouveaux objectifs. "On est on track (conforme au nouveau calendrier, ndlr)", assure-t-on chez DCNS. Du coup, le groupe naval a bien l'intention de communiquer fortement sur la mise dans le bassin du premier Scorpène indien.

"Nous voulons corriger la perception relativement négative du déroulement du programme", explique-t-on à La Tribune. DCNS tient également à montrer que son partenaire MDL est désormais capable de livrer des sous-marins en temps et en heure. D'autant que, hasard du calendrier, ces bonnes nouvelles coïncident avec de nouveaux enjeux commerciaux importants en Inde.


14 sous-marins commandés par New Delhi ?

DCNS et Mazagon Dock, qui maîtrise désormais la construction de sous-marins, lorgnent sur de nouvelles commandes de l'Inde qui pourraient fournir de la charge de travail au-delà de 2018, date de livraison du dernier Scorpène. D'autant que l'Inde a besoin très rapidement de nouveaux sous-marins face à la puissance navale de Pékin. New Delhi souhaiterait disposer de 24 nouveaux sous-marins modernes à l'horizon 2030. C'est dans ce contexte géopolitique que les deux partenaires ont proposé à New Delhi de fournir à la marine indienne deux nouveaux sous-marins Scorpène dans le cadre d'une procédure d'urgence (« fast track »). Ces deux nouveaux navires seraient assemblés en un temps record à Cherbourg mais DCNS achèterait les deux coques à MDL.

Ensuite, il a été convenu en 2005 lors de la signature du contrat P-75 qu'il y ait un "repeat order", une clause équivalente à des options pour la fourniture de trois à six sous-marins supplémentaires fabriqués par MDL. Ce qui fournirait au chantier naval indien une charge de travail pour une quinzaine d'années supplémentaires après 2018. Enfin, l'Inde est sur le point de lancer un nouvel appel d'offre international (P-75 I) pour l'acquisition de six sous-marins supplémentaires après une décision du conseil d'acquisition du ministère de la Défense. Quatre sous-marins seront construits par deux chantiers navals indiens - MDL (3 sous-marins) et Hindustan Shipyard Limited (1) contre initialement six fabriqués en Inde - sur la base d'un nouveau transfert de technologies et les deux autres par le chantier naval étranger sélectionné.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Chinese CAIC Z-10 Attack Helicopter Crash


05/03/2014 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


A Chinese army attack helicopter crashed on 4 March 2013, hospitalising both its crew members but without causing fatalities.


Operated by the People's Liberation Army Air Force, the CAIC Z-10 helicopter gunship came down in a farmer's field in Shaanxi province, central China. Little information on the crash's circumstances have been released but Chinese media reports indicate that it left controlled flight and descended almost vertically prior to impact.


Images subsequently published intimate that the accident wrote off the helicopter, while eyewitnesses have described how the pilots involved were extracted from the Z-10's two-place cockpit and rapidly relocated to a nearby medical facility.


CAIC Z-10 Attack Helicopter


The CAIC Z-10 attack helicopter equips only the PLAAF. First flown in 2003, it entered service seven years later, with an estimated 60 examples built to date. The Z-10 attack helicopter primarily engages in anti-tank missions but is also capable of air-to-air engagements. Armament includes ADK10 and HJ-8 anti-tank missiles, TY-90 air-to-air missiles and a 30mm nose-mounted cannon.


Roughly the Chinese equivalent of the US-built AH-64 Apache, the Z-10 has a top speed of more than 300 kilometres per hour and an 800+ kilometre range. Like the Apache and other modern-day battlefield helicopter designs, the type has a slim fuselage, minimising its cross-section when viewed on enemy radar screens.


Chinese Helicopter Crash


According to data published by IHS Jane's, it is used by five or more PLAAF aviation regiments: the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th. The Chinese helicopter crash site's location would suggest that this example served with the 1st Army Aviation Regiment, based in Xinxiang.


The People's Liberation Army Air Force is one element of China's PLA - the largest military forces in the world. Active since the late 1940s, the air force is equipped with a multitude of military aircraft old and new, totalling some 2,500 airframes. On the rotary front, besides the WZ-10, it also flies the Harbin Z-19 and Changhe Z-11 helicopters in the attack role.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Vietnam Upgraded P-18 Radar

P-18 long-range air surveillance radar (photo : kienthuc)


Mar. 5, 2014 Defense Studies

(Kienthuc.net.vn) - Army radar (Air Defense - Air Force) is leading projects to improve and upgrade the radar station P-18 planes of foreign technology.

This information was revealed in an article titled "Quietly waves wing fly away" published recently in the newspaper People's Army.

"... In recent years, along with factory Z119 and the relevant agencies, industry is leading the project radar" investments improved radar station P-18 "with a 100% transfer of technology design and manufacturing creation, "the article said.

P-18 is the realm of mobile radar 2 parameters (NATO designation is Spoon Rest) developed by SKB Design Bureau precursor of Technical Research Institute of Radio NNIIRT Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) today.

Radar is designed to replace the P-12, in use since 1970 and is widely exported to many countries around the world including Vietnam.

P-18 stations operating in the VHF band, 150-170MHz frequency. It has a range of up to 250km reconnaissance, maximum altitude of 35km, azimuth 360 degrees.

An interesting detail is that, P-18 is able to capture stealth aircraft relatively good. The radar wave absorbing coatings proved ineffective for VHF radar using longer wavelengths.

The radar system includes a car antenna is placed on the Ural-4320 chassis with a control center is also located on the Ural-4320 chassis.

Although quite old but radar station P-18 is still an important component in protecting the entire network radar airspace and territorial waters of Vietnam. In particular, our troops have taken the P-18 radio to strengthen Spratlys defense forces here.

P-18 radar stations are deployed in the Spratlys (photo : kienthuc)

But not disclose details upgrade project P-18, however not exclude the possibility that Vietnam can choose P-18 upgrade package of technical research institute Nizhniy Novgorod NNIIRT Radio (Russia).

Accordingly, radar stations will be equipped with the innovative digital processor capable of distinguishing targets in cluttered environments and better resistance to interference. A built-in self-test detects abnormal error of the system, the control room is equipped with multi-screen display function provides the ability to better target Surveys.

Or it could also be upgraded P-18mA pack of Ukraine to Vietnam many interesting properties. Equipped with microprocessor digital signal MTI, operating frequency range extended from 140-180MHz, generators are modular design is very convenient for maintenance and upgrades.

The range of P-18mA reconnaissance increased to 360km, accuracy decreased from 1,400 m to 180m upgrade no later upgrade. Time to deploy combat-ready reduced from 8 minutes to 3 minutes, the power consumption from 6kW to 10kW. With P-18mA stealth fighter F-117A was "unmask" from a distance of 61km.

"Project completion, Z119 factory can produce all the details of 1 meter wave radar stations; Force helps solve significant problems to ensure proper equipment for a radar system in direct and intensive task directives and guidance. Thereby, has trained a staff, technical staff qualified to meet the technical requirements to ensure that the majority of new conditions. Currently, in order to meet mission requirements increasing training SSCD, the industry has been actively monitoring programs and improved radar and weaponry production, "the article adds.

(Kien Thuc)

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Y-20 Flight Tests Going Well, China Says

Flight-testing of China’s Y-20 four-engined strategic transport aircraft is progressing well, according to the PLA, and has already set new national records for flight testing. (PLA photo)


March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: China Military Online; published March 4, 2014)


Test Flight Frequency of Y-20 Heavy-Duty Transport Aircraft Sets New Record


BEIJING --- The Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft is now still at the test flight stage, and its test flight frequency and time already set new records in the test flight history of China, according to Tang Changhong, chief designer of the Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft, on March 3, 2014 in Beijing.


Although the commissioning time for Y-20 cannot be disclosed, Tang Changhong said it is hoped that it can be commissioned as early as possible. However, it is important to ensure that there is no risk of failure at all in the aircraft test, and the aircraft can only be put into use under the very precise conditions. The test to date is going on very smoothly. He disclosed that the training of the test flight pilots for large transport aircraft is now underway.


Tang Changhong introduced that according to the current test flight status, all the expected goals have been achieved, and the original design goals for some limit requirements including flight height and flight speed, especially the requirements that the aircraft should possess good anti-bumping performance and be more comfortable have also been achieved.


The Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft is the new-generation military transport aircraft independently developed by the Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group under the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). Its maximum take-off weight is estimated to be 220 tons, and its maximum payload is 66 tons, which is among the top ten world’s most powerful aircraft in transport capacity.


China declared to launch its large aircraft development project in March 2007. And the Y-20 took off for the first time from China’s Yanliang base at 14:00 on January 26, 2013 for a flight period of one hour. The successful first flight of the Y-20 marked that China has its own large aircraft.


According to the estimation from foreign media, China needs at least 300 Y-20 aircraft, and at the same time, China may also export the Y-20. In this regard, Tang Changhong said that Russia has made more than 800 IL-76 aircraft, and the number of large aircraft in the U.S. is also very large. But different countries have different national conditions, China’s civil and military aviation transport is just at its beginning stage; its perfect transport system is not yet built up, which is now far behind that of developed countries. “Therefore, I believe that through the hard-working, China will have a very big room for development in the future. We also hope to establish cooperation relations with other countries,” Tang said.


As for the guess that China will develop super large transport aircraft after developing the Y-20, Tang Changhong expressed that China currently has no such plan. He pointed out that from the design perspective, the emerge of large transport aircraft not only represents an aircraft model, but more importantly represents the accumulation of a batch of basic technologies, design capabilities and production capabilities. It is actually an upgrading of the industrial level, which will make more contributions to China.


When will the brother series of Y-20 be launched? Tang Changhong replied that: “The present main work is still to carry out the test flight on Y-20’s basic stability, the brother series is not yet considered. Some plans on China’s large transport aircraft are still under discussion, which cannot be disclosed.”


Tang Changhong expressed that Y-20 with a maximum payload of 66 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 220 tons is a very large heavy-duty transport aircraft. He took the example of the U.S. large aircraft’s application and said that the U.S. large transport aircraft have played very important roles in the national construction in the U.S. Therefore, China’s Y-20 not only aims at military application, but also more focuses on civil applications including construction material and equipment transportation, earthquake relief and emergency rescue.


“The performance of Y-20 is very high. It can adapt to relatively hard conditions and can land at small airports in mountain areas. In its design, the adverse weather conditions of frigid zone, high heat area and plateau as well as the runway situation are fully considered,” he said.


Tang Changhong, a Xi’an native, graduated from the major of aerodynamics at the Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1982. He successively participated in the development of the aircraft models including “Flying Leopard” fighter, Y7-200A, MPC-75 and AE-100, as well as the research on major pre-research subjects. He is now the chief designer of the First Aircraft Design Institute under the First Group Company of the AVIC and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30
Crise sans précédent au sein du club des monarchies du Golfe



05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


RYAD - Une crise sans précédent a éclaté au sein du club des monarchies arabes du Golfe, dont trois membres, conduits par l'Arabie saoudite, ont décidé mercredi d'isoler le Qatar, accusé de soutenir activement la mouvance islamiste.


L'Arabie, les Emirats arabes unis et Bahreïn ont rappelé leurs ambassadeurs au Qatar, reprochant à Doha ses ingérences dans les affaires de ses voisins, une première dans l'histoire du Conseil de coopération du Golfe (CCG), qui rassemble depuis 1981 six monarchies du Golfe.


Doha a aussitôt regretté cette décision et affirmé qu'il n'allait pas retirer ses ambassadeurs des trois pays.


Dans un communiqué, le Qatar a évoqué des divergences sur des questions régionales et affirmé sa détermination à respecter ses engagements au sein du CCG, y compris concernant sa stabilité et la sécurité de ses membres.


Le retrait des ambassadeurs a été annoncé au lendemain d'une réunion, houleuse selon la presse, des ministres des Affaires étrangères du CCG à Ryad.


Les pays du CCG ont tout fait auprès du Qatar pour s'entendre sur une politique unifiée (...) garantissant la non-ingérence de façon directe ou indirecte dans les affaires internes de chacun des pays membres, affirment dans un communiqué commun les trois pays.


Ils ont demandé au Qatar de ne soutenir aucune action de nature à menacer la sécurité et la stabilité des Etats membres, citant notamment les campagnes dans les médias, une allusion à Al-Jazeera.


Cette chaîne, outil de la diplomatie du Qatar, a toujours exaspéré les pays de la région, et selon les experts, elle s'emploie à soutenir les islamistes, notamment en Egypte.


L'Egypte a exacerbé les différends


Le communiqué souligne qu'en dépit de l'engagement à respecter ces principes pris par l'émir du Qatar, cheikh Tamim ben Hamad Al-Thani, lors d'un mini-sommet avec l'émir du Koweït et le roi d'Arabie à Ryad en novembre, son pays ne les a pas respectés.


Ce mini-sommet, à l'initiative de l'émir du Koweït, cheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, était destiné à surmonter le profond désaccord entre Doha d'une part et Ryad, Abou Dhabi et Manama de l'autre sur la conduite à suivre face au nouveau pouvoir installé par l'armée en Egypte en juillet 2013 après l'éviction du président islamiste Mohamed Morsi.


Les trois pays ont perdu tout espoir d'un changement de la politique du Qatar. Ils ont été profondément déçus, a estimé à l'AFP l'analyste émirati Abdelkhaleq Abdallah.


L'émir du Qatar n'a pas pu honorer son engagement (...) et il semble que la vieille garde est toujours active et influente au Qatar, a-t-il estimé, évoquant l'entourage de cheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa Al-Thani, qui avait abdiqué en juin en faveur de son fils, Tamim.


Pour Ryad, Abou Dhabi et Manama, il est temps d'exercer des pressions sur le Qatar dans l'espoir que l'isolement de ce pays l'amène à changer sa politique, désormais inacceptable aux plans arabe et régional, a indiqué M. Abdallah.


Ce richissime pays gazier, dont la diplomatie a pris une dimension démesurée dans la foulée du Printemps arabe, s'est ainsi rangé ouvertement du côté des Frères musulmans écartés du pouvoir en Egypte, tandis que les trois autres pays ont apporté un soutien massif tant politique que financier au nouveau pouvoir égyptien.


Outre ce dossier, le Qatar est soupçonné par ses trois voisins de soutenir les islamistes proches des Frères musulmans dans leurs pays, dont des dizaines ont été condamnés à la prison aux Emirats arabes unis.


La justice des Emirats vient de condamner un Qatari à sept ans de prison. Il était poursuivi pour collecte de fonds au profit d'islamistes dans ce pays, accusés de vouloir renverser le régime.


La crise, qui couvait depuis plusieurs mois, s'était déjà manifestée en février par le rappel par les Emirats de leur ambassadeur à Doha, pour protester contre des propos de l'influent prédicateur islamiste Youssef al-Qaradaoui, accusant Abou Dhabi d'hostilité envers les Frères musulmans.


Au Koweït, président en exercice du CCG, le président du Parlement Marzouk al-Ghanem s'est dit très inquiété par le rappel des ambassadeurs, émettant l'espoir que cette mesure n'affectera pas le sommet arabe prévu fin mars à Koweït.


Le CCG comprend, outre l'Arabie saoudite, Bahreïn, les Emirats arabes unis, le Koweït et le Qatar, le sultanat d'Oman, connu pour sa politique réservée.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30
Raids d'hélicoptères de l'armée syrienne au Liban près de la frontière


05 mars 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


BEYROUTH - Des hélicoptères de l'armée gouvernementale syrienne ont effectué mercredi plusieurs raids au Liban près d'Arsal, une ville frontalière sunnite qui affiche ses sympathies avec les rebelles en Syrie, ont indiqué des témoins et l'agence de presse officielle libanaise.


Les raids ont visé une région montagneuse assez désertique dans les environs d'Arsal, près de la frontière, ont affirmé des témoins.


Selon l'Agence nationale d'information (ANI) les raids ont visé les régions de Kherbet Younine et Wadi Ajram.


Il n'a pas été possible de savoir s'ils ont fait des victimes.


Dans l'après-midi, l'ANI a fait état de raids supplémentaires autour d'Arsal, qui auraient fait des blessés, sans donner plus de détails.


L'aviation et les hélicoptères de l'armée syrienne mènent régulièrement des raids sur la partie libanaise de ce secteur frontalier.


En décembre, pour la première fois, l'armée libanaise avait riposté à l'aide de ses défenses antiaériennes lors d'une attaque similaire près d'Arsal.


Par ailleurs, deux obus ont été tirés à partir de la Syrie sur un secteur inhabité près de Nabi Chit, un village libanais à la frontière syrienne et fief du mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah qui combat avec l'armée contre les rebelles en Syrie.


Les habitants d'Arsal soutiennent les insurgés contre le régime du président Bachar al-Assad. La ville accueille des dizaines de milliers de réfugiés syriens venus en grande majorité de la région de Qalamoun, proche de la frontière libanaise, où l'armée syrienne et le Hezbollah mènent une offensive d'envergure contre les rebelles.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:30
Tsahal arrête un cargo d’armes en provenance d’Iran


mars 5, 2014 Tsahal


Durant la journée (05/03/14), Tsahal a arrêté une tentative de contrebande d’un cargo rempli d’armes de pointe en provenance d’Iran et destiné aux organisations terroristes opérant dans la bande de Gaza.


L’opération a été rendue possible grâce à une combinaison de renseignements avancés et une capacité opérationnelle importante. Ce cargo devait arriver aux mains des organisations terroristes de Gaza qui se livrent à un conflit constant contre Israël. Ces organisations terroristes utilisent systématiquement de telles armes contre la population civile d’Israël.


La nuit dernière, suite à de longues préparations et après l’autorisation du gouvernement israélien, le chef d’état-major, le lieutenant-général Benny Gantz, a ordonné à la Marine israélienne d’arrêter le cargo Klos-C, au bord duquel était chargées les armes illégales.


Des forces spéciales de la Marine israélienne ont arrêté le cargo en pleine mer, conformément au droit international, et y ont mené une première inspection. Durant les recherches, de nombreuses armes de pointe ont été trouvées. La Marine israélienne est actuellement en train de rapatrier le cargo vers les côtes israéliennes.


Le porte-parole de Tsahal pour la presse internationale, le lieutenant-colonel Peter Lerner, a déclaré : “Tsahal continuera d’agir contre les tentatives iraniennes d’armer les organisations terroristes de la région qui tentent continuellement d’enflammer nos frontières. Nous continuerons à employer tous les moyens nécessaires dans le but d’empêcher l’armement des organisations terroristes et nous combattrons les tentatives de contrebande iraniennes qui menacent la sécurité et la souverainté de l’État d’Israël.”

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
CRS Reports on Littoral Combat Ship Program

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Congressional Research Service; dated February 25, 2014)


Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

On February 24, 2014, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that the Department of Defense (DOD) intends to truncate the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program to 32 ships—a reduction of 20 ships from the previously planned total of 52 LCSs.

Through FY2014, a total of 20 LCSs have been funded. Under the Navy’s FY2014 budget submission, LCSs 21 through 24 were scheduled to be requested for procurement in FY2015.

As a successor to the LCS program, Secretary Hagel announced on February 24 that the Navy is to submit “alternative proposals to procure a capable and lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate. I’ve directed the Navy to consider a completely new design, existing ship designs, and a modified LCS.”

DOD’s desire to truncate the LCS program to 32 ships and begin work on a new ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate raises several potential oversight questions for Congress, including the analytical basis for DOD’s plan to truncate the LCS program, and the analytical basis and acquisition–process foundation for DOD’s plan to succeed the LCS program with a program for a ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate.

The LCS is a relatively inexpensive Navy surface combatant equipped with modular “plug-and-fight” mission packages for countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric submarines, particularly in littoral (i.e., near-shore) waters. Two very different LCS designs are being built.

One was developed by an industry team led by Lockheed; the other was developed by an industry team that was led by General Dynamics. The Lockheed design is built at the Marinette Marine shipyard at Marinette, WI; the General Dynamics design is built at the Austal USA shipyard at Mobile, AL.

The 20 LCSs procured or scheduled for procurement in FY2010-FY2015 (LCSs 5 through 24) are being procured under a pair of 10-ship, fixed-price incentive (FPI) block buy contracts that the Navy awarded to Lockheed and Austal USA on December 29, 2010.

The LCS program has become controversial due to past cost growth, design and construction issues with the lead ships built to each design, concerns over the ships’ survivability (i.e., ability to withstand battle damage), and concerns over whether the ships are sufficiently armed and would be able to perform their stated missions effectively. Some observers, citing one or more of these issues, have proposed truncating the LCS program. In response to criticisms of the LCS program, the Navy has acknowledged certain problems and stated that it was taking action to correct them, disputed other arguments made against the program, and (until February 24, 2014) maintained its support for completing the planned program of 52 ships.

Click here for the full report (90 PDF pages) hosted by the Federation of American Scientists.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
US Navy Releases FY15 Budget Proposal

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Navy; issued March 4, 2014)


Department of the Navy Releases Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON --- The Department of the Navy released its proposed $148 billion budget for fiscal year 2015 (FY15), March 4.

The budget is part of the $495.6 billion defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress the same day.

Rear Adm. William Lescher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget, briefed media at the Department of Defense budget press conference about the Navy and Marine Corps portion of the budget.

"Our budget comes during a period of increased fiscal austerity and uncertainty, and at a time when the Combatant Commanders' demand for naval forces continues at very high levels," said Lescher, "There were tough choices made in developing this budget, but it provides the resources that allow us to preserve our warfighting advantage in a thoughtful, responsible way."

This year's budget submission prioritizes funding for forward presence and continues to make critical investments in people and future capabilities.

The proposed budget sustains presence by providing money for ship steaming, flight hours, maintenance and base operations. It funds amphibious ready group and carrier strike group deployments, supports the three ballistic missile defense (BMD)-capable destroyers joining the USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) in Rota in FY15, and provides continued support for the rebalance to the Pacific, with $46.8 billion overall in operations and maintenance.

Additional investments are proposed for retaining Sailors through the Quality of Service initiative. The Navy seeks to reduce manning gaps at sea and improve the sea-to-shore flow of personnel.

The Navy has also requested $38.4 billion for ship, aircraft, weapons and other procurement for programs including Littoral Combat Ship, P-8A Poseidon aircraft, Virginia class submarines and the Mk-48 heavy weight torpedo.

Research and development priorities include the Ohio-class replacement submarine, next generation jammer and Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS), as well as developing electromagnetic spectrum and cyber capabilities.

The Navy FY15 budget is a $15 billion decrease from the level forecast in last year's budget submission and is a $38 billion reduction over the Future Year Defense Plan from the FY14 Presidential Budget.

"We're confident this budget makes the right choices where needed," said Lescher. "Within our fiscal limitations, this is the budget to continue to ensure near- and long-term wholeness, and to remain the world's most capable Navy," Lescher said.

For more information on the budget:

or visit the Navy Live Blog Navy FY15 Budget: Preserving Presence and Warfighting Capability at http://navylive.dodlive.mil/?p=25297

Click here for the transcript of the March 4 Briefing by Rear Adm. Lescher on the Navy's FY 2015 Budget

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