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14 novembre 2013 4 14 /11 /novembre /2013 07:55
Notes de Recherche Stratégique de l'IRSEM


13/11/2013 IRSEM


Cette rubrique rassemble les travaux de différents chercheurs de l'IRSEM comme de personnalités extérieures, sur des thématiques d'actualité stratégique contemporaine.


Numéro 4 - 2013
La pensée stratégique russe aujourd’hui
Auteur : Arnaud KALIKA

Face à un monde multipolaire marqué par la montée en puissance de la Chine et l’érosion de la domination occidentale, la Russie revendique un besoin de puissance pour faire face à un environnement instable : Irak morcelé, Afghanistan incontrôlable, Iran cherchant à rejoindre le club des puissances nucléaires, Corée du nord toujours imprévisible, Syrie en délitement et Monde arabe en proie à un islam politique radicalisé...
Lire la suite (pdf 405ko)

2013 - Notes de Recherche Stratégique de l'IRSEM


Numéro 3
La pensée stratégique chinoise : développement d’un smart power sur les bases de concepts millénaires
Auteur : Alice GRANDSERRE
Présentation - Document (pdf 360 ko)


Numéro 2
Quelle stratégie internationale de la Chine à l’ère XI Jinping ?
Auteur : Dr Leïla CHOUKROUNE
Présentation - Document (pdf 357 ko)


Numéro 1
Vers une nouvelle équation stratégique en Méditerranée
Auteur : Pierre RAZOUX
Présentation - Document (pdf 1 Mo)

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14 novembre 2013 4 14 /11 /novembre /2013 07:45
Corymbe : exercice de lutte contre la piraterie grandeur nature


13/11/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 4 novembre, l’aviso Premier Maître (PM) L’Her, en patrouille au large du Gabon dans le cadre de la mission Corymbe, a réalisé un exercice de secours à un navire piraté en partenariat avec un navire de commerce civil.


Le Bourbon Liberty 223 a simulé à une attaque de pirates. Son équipage a eu le temps de se réfugier en « citadelle », un local verrouillé hors de portée des pirates. Alerté par radio VHF, le PM L’Her a rallié au plus vite la dernière position connue du Liberty 223.


A l’arrivée de l’aviso, les pirates, qui n’étaient pas parvenus à prendre le contrôle du bâtiment, ont décidé de fuir. L’équipe de visite du Premier Maître L’Her a alors été envoyée à bord du Bourbon Liberty 223 afin d’apporter assistance et protection à l’équipage.


Après une fouille approfondie du navire, celui-ci a été déclaré sûr. L’infirmier de l’équipe de visite a pu entrer en jeu et prendre en charge un membre de l’équipage du « 223 », fictivement blessé d’une fracture ouverte à la jambe.


L’exercice a permis de valider les procédures d’intervention de l’aviso et d’améliorer la connaissance réciproque des équipages.


Corymbe est une mission de présence quasi permanente des forces armées françaises dans le golfe de Guinée, en place depuis 1990. Le dispositif est armé par un ou plusieurs bâtiments de la Marine nationale qui peuvent être renforcés par des moyens terrestres et aéromobiles embarqués.


Le dispositif Corymbe complète le dispositif français prépositionné en Afrique occidentale, au Gabon et au Sénégal. Il peut soutenir toute opération, en cours comme Licorne en Côte d’Ivoire, ou nouvelle comme des opérations d’aide aux populations, de sécurisation ou d’évacuation de ressortissants. Corymbe permet également la réalisation de missions de coopération bilatérale avec les pays de la région.

Corymbe : exercice de lutte contre la piraterie grandeur natureCorymbe : exercice de lutte contre la piraterie grandeur nature
Corymbe : exercice de lutte contre la piraterie grandeur nature
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14 novembre 2013 4 14 /11 /novembre /2013 07:45
photo MinDefFR

photo MinDefFR


13/11/2013 Sources : EMA


Le2 novembre 2013, le bataillon logistique (BATLOG) NormandieProvence, commandé par le colonel Jérôme de Roquefeuil, chef de corps du 2e régiment du matériel (2eRMAT, stationné à Bruz) a succédé au BATLOG Croix du Sud commandé par le colonel Christophe Barbe, chef de corps du 515e régiment du train (515eRT, Angoulême).


Armé par plus de 500 militaires, principalement issus du 2eRMAT, le BATLOG Normandie Provence a pour mission de mettre en œuvre le soutien de la force Serval. Réparti sur deux sites, Bamako et Gao, sa zone d’action couvre l’ensemble du Mali et s’étend jusqu’à Abidjan, point d’entrées et sorties par voie maritime des matériels.


Le BATLOG est ainsi amené à parcourir en moyenne 400 000 km/mois, soit l’équivalent de 10 fois le tour de la Terre.


Le BATLOG a été baptisé Normandie Provence en hommage aux militaires africains morts au cours des débarquements de Normandie et de Provence en 1944.


Moins de 3000 militaires français sont actuellement présents sur le sol malien et poursuivent une mission de sécurisation visant à affaiblir durablement les groupes terroristes, tout en appuyant le transfert de la zone aux contingents relevant de la MINUSMA.

photos MinDefFR
photos MinDefFR
photos MinDefFR
photos MinDefFR

photos MinDefFR

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 12:20
Lighter Weight Ballistic Plates For Canadian Forces Body Armour Now On Order

Beyond Bullet Resistant Plates, Revision currently supplies the DND with Ballistic Eyewear (both spectacles and goggles) as well as best-in-class helmets, all in service of protecting Canadian soldiers.


November 7, 2013 David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from Revision:


Montreal, QC, Canada (November 7 2013) – Revision Military, the global leader in soldier protection solutions, has won the competitive bid to supply the Canadian Forces with new, lighter weight ballistic plates. This body armor will provide troops with superior, highly durable protection while lightening their in-theatre load. Initial deliveries for this contract are anticipated for April 2014. The contract also includes 5 option years.


In addition to the Batlskin® Bullet Resistant Plates, the contract calls for the supply of special training plates along with a carrier in which soldiers can readily transport this equipment when it’s not required to be worn.


“We are extremely proud that after several years of Research and Development on this program, Revision’s bid has been selected to supply Canada’s soldiers with plates that exceed the highest industry standards and the company’s rigorous Quality Assurance Plans,” said Jonathan Blanshay, CEO of Revision Military. “This contract will be fulfilled at Revision’s Composite Centre of Excellence in Montreal, providing the DND with a Made-in-Canada solution. With significant investment in facility, machinery, equipment, and state-of-the-art ballistic testing laboratories, Revision has entered an exciting new phase of our growth strategy. We expect that this contract will be a springboard for gaining additional ballistic plate business from other advanced militaries in the coming months and years.”



Revision Military,  Lighter Weight Ballistic Plates

Revision Military, Lighter Weight Ballistic Plates


About Revision:


Revision develops and delivers purpose-built protective equipment for military use worldwide. The company, which began with eyewear, has expanded to face and head protection and continues to develop its capabilities for integrated, performance-enhancing soldier systems. To that end, Revision brings together the most advanced expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and finest technical minds. Clients include the U.S. Department of Defense, the Canadian Department of National Defence, the Netherlands Defence Materiel Organization, the German Federal Defence Force and the UK Ministry of Defence. Privately owned and ISO 9001:2008 certified, Revision’s operational headquarters is located in Essex Junction, Vermont, USA, with additional offices in the Netherlands and Canada.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:50
First Rivet Joint aircraft delivered to the UK

Boeing RC-135 Rivet Joint aircraft arrives at RAF Waddington [Picture: Senior Aircraftman Blake Carruthers, Crown copyright]


12 November 2013 Ministry of Defence and Defence Equipment and Support


The first of 3 Rivet Joint signals intelligence aircraft has been delivered to MOD ahead of its entry into service with the RAF in 2014.


The aircraft will form part of project Airseeker, which will provide the UK with a world class capability able to provide real-time on-scene intelligence, surveillance and analysis for forces in the air and on the ground.

The Boeing RC-135V/W Rivet Joint system has a proven track record, having been used by the United States Air Force (USAF) for many years. Since 2011, the RAF’s 51 Squadron have been training and operating alongside their USAF colleagues in preparation for the UK aircraft entering service in late 2014.

UK crews have already achieved in excess of 32,000 flying hours and 1,800 sorties as part of the US 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing.

MOD has purchased 3 aircraft from the US which will each be configured to support UK operations. The first aircraft has successfully completed its flight trials in Greenville, Texas, ahead of schedule, allowing it to be delivered to the UK early.

Air Vice-Marshal Peter Ewen, Director Air Support at Defence Equipment and Support, who are responsible for the procurement of Rivet Joint, said:

I am delighted that the first Rivet Joint aircraft has been delivered to the UK, an important milestone in the procurement pathway for the future Airseeker signals intelligence capability for UK Defence.

A testament to the ongoing and highly effective UK/US co-operation in the procurement programme, support and RAF aircrew training, this first of 3 aircraft will form a vital component of the nation’s future ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance) capabilities.

Air Vice-Marshal Phil Osborn, Director of Capability at Joint Forces Command, said:

I know that the RAF and Defence are looking forward to operating this key capability and building on the unique history of 51 Squadron.

We plan to have our Airseeker programme – comprising all 3 Rivet Joint aircraft with their highly skilled aircrew, ground crew and analysts – fully operational by mid-2017.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:40
Sous-marin nucléaire du projet 955 Boreï Alexandre Nevski Photo Chantiers navals Sevmach

Sous-marin nucléaire du projet 955 Boreï Alexandre Nevski Photo Chantiers navals Sevmach



MOSCOU, 8 novembre - RIA Novosti


Le deuxième sous-marin nucléaire du projet 955 Boreï, Alexandre Nevski, sera livré à la Marine russe fin novembre ou début décembre prochain, a annoncé vendredi à Moscou le Groupe unifié de construction navale russe (OSK).

"Le sous-marin nucléaire Alexandre Nevski a complètement achevé ses tests d'homologation. Les travaux de finition sont en cours (…). La cérémonie de signature de l'acte de réception du sous-marin nucléaire peut se tenir fin novembre ou début décembre 2013", a indiqué OSK dans un communiqué.

Le sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d'engins (SNLE) Alexandre Nevski (projet 995 Boreï) a un déplacement de 14.700/24.000 tonnes et peut plonger à 450 mètres de profondeur. Sa vitesse est de 15 nœuds en surface et de 29 nœuds en profondeur. Son équipage comprendra 107 sous-mariniers.

Le premier sous-marin de la série, Iouri Dolgorouki, a été remis à la Marine russe en janvier 2013. Mais le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou a décidé début septembre de suspendre la mise en dotation de deux autres sous-marins de la série, Alexandre Nevski et Vladimir Monomakh, après l'échec d'un tir de Boulava survenu lors des tests de l'Alexandre Nevski le 6 septembre. D'ailleurs, la décision du ministre ne concernait que les tirs d'essai des missiles Boulava. Les tests des sous-marins se sont poursuivis selon le calendrier. L'Alexandre Nevski a achevé la partie maritime des tests d'homologation le 28 octobre dernier.

Le missile R30 3M30 Boulava-30 (code OTAN SS-NX-30, dénomination internationale RSM-56) doit devenir l'arme principale des forces stratégiques navales russes. Le Boulava est un missile à trois étages à propergol solide destiné à équiper les sous-marins. D'une portée de 8.000 km, il peut être équipé de dix ogives nucléaires hypersoniques de 100 à 150 kt et à trajectoire indépendante.

Capables de tirer des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux Boulava, les sous-marins nucléaires du projet 955 Boreï constitueront la base des Forces navales stratégiques russes après la mise au rebut des sous-marins de classes Akoula (Typhoon selon le code de l'OTAN), Kalmar et Mourena (Delta-3 et Delta-4 selon l'OTAN) en 2018.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:40
Cairo Considering Russian Arms Deal – Egyptian Minister


MOSCOW, November 12 (RIA Novosti)


Egypt’s foreign minister said ahead of a Russian delegation's visit that Cairo is considering deliveries of Russian arms.

Nabil Fahmy said in an interview with Russia’s state-owned RT television channel aired Tuesday that “the issue of purchasing new Russian weapons should be carefully examined.” He confirmed that the issue is under consideration in the Egyptian government.

Russia's defense and foreign ministers will travel to Cairo on Wednesday for a landmark two-day visit to discuss arms sales and political relations.

Earlier media reports indicated that Egypt, which has not bought Russian weapons since the early 1970s, is considering spending at least $4 billion on advanced weaponry from Russia.

The rumors circulating about Egypt turning to Russia for military assistance to meet its security needs follow the partial suspension of military aid and equipment deliveries from the United States.

A high-ranking official in Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport told RIA Novosti last week that new weaponry deliveries to Egypt would depend on the country’s ability to pay for them.

Sources cited by Donia Al-Watan, an independent Palestine territory-based online news outlet, claimed last week that an undisclosed Persian Gulf country had agreed to provide financing.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
India Expected to Approve Barak Missile Buy


Nov. 12, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — India is likely to proceed with the purchase of Barak missiles from Rafael despite a probe of alleged corruption involving prime contractor Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and former Indian Defence Minister, George Fernandes, an Indian Defence Ministry source said.


India’s top weapons purchasing authority, the Defence Acquisition Council, said at a Nov. 11 meeting that it had referred the missile purchase to an internal committee for evaluation.


India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had charged Fernandes in a $326 million deal involving the purchase of Barak anti missile systems from IAI, contracted in 2000. So far, the CBI has not released any findings on the probe.


But the Defence Ministry source said the CBI is likely to close the case against IAI, and described the internal inquiry is only a formality.


The Navy has been demanding the purchase of Barak missiles, but the Defence Ministry has been holding back because of the alleged kickback case. Currently, three of the Indian Navy ships that have the Barak air defense system on board have no missiles.


The Navy had given a proposal to the Defence Ministry early this year to procure about 300 Barak missiles for the warships Ranvir, Brahmaputra, Betwa and Beas at a cost of around $100 million.


The Barak under purchase is an anti-aircraft, anti-missile system with a range of 70 kilometers, a warhead of 52 kilograms and speed of Mach 2.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:30
Iraq Takes Collection of First 4 Russian Helicopter Gunships


DUBAI, November 8 (RIA Novisti)


Iraq took collection Thursday night of the first four Russian-made Mi-35 helicopter gunships sold to the Middle Eastern nation as part of a multibillion dollar weapons deal.

Iraqi leader Nuri al-Maliki posted pictures of the aircraft on his official Facebook page.

Abbas al-Bayati, a lawmaker with al-Maliki’s ruling faction in parliament, told RIA Novosti that Iraq expects to receive a consignment of around 40 Mi-35 and Mi-28NE attack helicopters by the end of the year.

Iraq is looking to use the newly bought military materiel to bolster its borders and for use in antiterrorist operations.

Russia is to supply 48 Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile gun systems in addition to the helicopters under a $4.3 billion agreement on cooperation in the defense and technology sector signed in 2012.

Russia has under the framework of that deal also committed to supplying Iraq with Ka-52 single-seat attack helicopters.

The arms deal had looked to be at risk earlier this year amid speculation that Iraqi authorities were considering withdrawing from the arrangement over suspicions of corruption.

Anatoly Isaykin, general director of state-run arms holding company Rosoboronexport, denied in February that the contract had been canceled, however, and said only that it had yet to enter into force.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:30
Bientôt une bombe nucléaire pour l’Arabie saoudite ?


MOSCOU, 8 novembre - RIA Novosti


L'Arabie saoudite voudrait disposer de l'arme nucléaire du Pakistan "en cas de nécessité absolue", révèle la BBC, se référant à plusieurs sources haut placées du gouvernement américain et du commandement de l'Otan", écrit vendredi 8 novembre le quotidien Izvestia.

L'une de ces sources, Gary Samore, ancien conseiller d'Obama pour la non-prolifération de l'arme nucléaire, a notamment déclaré que "Riyad est convaincu qu’il existe un accord avec le Pakistan prévoyant la mise à disposition de l'arme nucléaire pour les Saoudiens en cas de nécessité.

Une autre source, cette fois anonyme et proche du commandement de l'Otan, affirme que selon les services de renseignements les ogives nucléaires pakistanaises seraient déjà prêtes à être envoyées en Arabie saoudite.

Selon Roudik Iskoujine, expert du Moyen-Orient, les services de renseignement saoudiens et pakistanais travaillent en étroite collaboration depuis plusieurs décennies et le riche Etat arabe aurait très certainement pu financer le programme nucléaire d'Islamabad.

"L'Arabie saoudite pourrait être impliquée dans la fabrication par le Pakistan de sa propre bombe nucléaire, de même qu'elle a participé au développement d'armements modernes dans beaucoup d'autres pays du monde arabe. Cet argent était, pour les Saoudiens, une sorte d'investissement dans la lutte contre Israël', analyse Roudik Iskoujine.

Et peu importe si Islamabad a développé son programme nucléaire en l'orientant avant tout sur l'Inde. Une arme aussi redoutable, entre les mains du Pakistan, serait de toute façon une "bombe de châtiment islamique" si elle était utilisée.

Aujourd’hui pour l’Arabie saoudite, Israël a cédé sa place d'ennemi numéro 1 à l'Iran qui, selon certaines informations, poursuit le développement de sa propre arme nucléaire malgré la pression internationale. Selon certains chercheurs, notamment du respectable Institut américain pour la science et la sécurité internationale, Téhéran dispose déjà de toutes les technologies nécessaires et d’une quantité suffisante d'uranium enrichi pour terminer la fabrication de la bombe nucléaire.

Le programme nucléaire de l'Iran chiite a tenu en haleine les sunnites saoudiens pendant des années. L'an dernier le roi saoudien Abdallah aurait même annoncé que son pays chercherait les moyens de se doter de l'arme nucléaire si l'Iran arrivait à fabriquer sa propre bombe, selon les diplomates américains.

"Le Pakistan n'a pas signé le Traité de non-prolifération de l'arme nucléaire : rien ne l'empêche d'envoyer ses ogives en Arabie saoudite. De plus, le pays dispose de ses propres missiles de moyenne portée, qui pourraient également être livrés à Riyad", estime l'expert militaire Dmitri Litovkine.

D'après les sources ouvertes des renseignements israéliens, depuis la fin des années 1980 l'Arabie saoudite a activement travaillé sur la création de son propre matériel balistique d'une portée de 300 km. Par conséquent, il se pourrait qu'Islamabad n'ait à fournir que des ogives pour les vecteurs saoudiens. Il est à noter que Riyad prône un "Moyen-Orient non nucléaire" – c’est pourquoi il avait renoncé au développement de son propre programme nucléaire.

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:20
Tomahawk Block IV TACTOM

Tomahawk Block IV TACTOM


Nov 11, 2013 ASDNews Source : Naval Air Systems Command


The U.S. Navy marked a significant milestone Nov. 5, as the service joined defense contractor Raytheon Missile Systems in celebrating the delivery of the 3,000th Tactical Tomahawk (TACTOM) missile.


TACTOM, also known as Tomahawk Block IV, is a deep-strike, long-range cruise missile often used for land-attack warfare and employed from U.S. Navy surface combatants and U.S. Navy and United Kingdom Royal Navy submarines.


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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:20
F-35 Weekly Update: 11th November 2013


11/11/2013 Defence IQ Press


South Korea's air force has asked for enhanced stealth capability for fighter jets set to be purchased, a government source briefed on the matter said on Monday, further bolstering the chances of Lockheed Martin winning the tender with its F-35s.

In September, South Korea's government bowed to public pressure and voted down a bid by Boeing to supply 60 warplanes, saying it would restart the multi-billion tender process to get a more advanced, radar-evading fighter.

At the time, only Boeing's bid had come within budget.

The source said the air force's request will need to be approved at a meeting of the country's Joint Chiefs of Staff expected near the end of November before being finalized at a committee chaired by the defense minister.

The Eurofighter consortium is also bidding in the 8.3 trillion won ($7.8 billion) tender. [Reuters]


Outgoing Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has been using some of his remaining days as the Pentagon's No. 2 to tout the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter as a job-saving hedge against budget cuts.

In visits to Western air bases this week, Carter, who stunned the Pentagon last month with the announcement of his retirement, said that DoD's commitment to the F-35 would protect civilian and contactor jobs.

He said it would also protect bases flying the F-35 from another round of base closings that Congress has been pressed to consider.

At Hill Air Force Base in Utah, Carter told airmen and civilians that "Hill has a very bright future" because of its selection as one of the first bases to receive the F-35.

"You will host the F-35, which is the linchpin of our tactical future for all three services that will fly them, and Hill is going to have a big part in that future," said Carter, who will leave the Pentagon in December.

In tough times for military spending, Hill has been "a leader in simply getting better buying power for the warfighter and the taxpayer," Carter said.

Carter's remarks were aimed at relieving concerns at Hill about the long-term viability of the base that serves as one of Utah's top employers.  Nearly 3,000 civilian employes at Hill were furloughed during the 16-day government shutdown last month.

Carter's remarks at Hill on the F-35 followed on a major policy address by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Washington on Tuesday. Hagel said that coming budget cuts would likely result in tradeoffs that would favor advances in technological capability, symbolized by the F-35, over maintaining current force levels. [Military.com]


The F-35 fighter jet continues to be the U.S. Defense Department’s highest acquisition priority despite looming budget cuts, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer said.

The stealthy, fifth-generation fighter, known as Lightning II and made by Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corp., is the military’s most expensive weapons program, estimated to cost almost $400 billion to develop and build 2,457 aircraft.

The Joint Strike Fighter program began in the 1990s and has been plagued by cost overruns and delays. The price tag alone makes it a big target for budget cutters on Capitol Hill and in the Defense Department. Yet Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said the Pentagon is still committed to the aircraft.

“The F-35 remains our highest priority,” he said during a briefing Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank in Washington, D.C.

There are still a number of developmental issues yet to complete, Kendall said, such as upgrading the plane’s software, improving the reliability of the aircraft and its components and enhancing the jet’s logistics support system.

“We’re at a point now where we need to get the job done,” he said. “I’m feeling much more positive about the program than I was a couple of years ago.”

Kendall’s comments echoed those made by Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, the program manager, in September at the Air Force Association’s annual conference. “I’m encouraged by where we are today,” he said. “I’d like to be a little further along.” [DoDBuzz]

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:20
ATK Receives Orders for Small-Caliber Ammunition


Nov 11, 2013 ASDNews Source : Alliant Tech Systems, Inc (ATK)


    Under New Production Contract at Lake City Army Ammunition Plant

    Orders Total Approximately $387 Million


ATK has received orders for approximately $387 million for small-caliber rifle ammunition to be produced at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. The orders fall under the plant's new production contract, which began Oct. 1, 2013, and include a mix of 5.56mm, 7.62mm and .50-caliber high-quality military ammunition.


In 2012, the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island (ACC-RI) selected ATK to continue production of small-caliber ammunition and operation and maintenance of the Independence, Mo., plant under new contracts. The contracts initially cover the next seven years through FY19, with a potential award term for a total contract term of up to 10 years.


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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 20:50
Nuclear Cruiser Leads Russian Task Force in Mediterranean


MOSCOW, November 11 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Northern Fleet's nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky was assigned on Monday to lead the country’s permanent naval task force in the Mediterranean.

“The Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered missile cruiser has joined warships in Russia’s task force in the eastern Mediterranean and is now leading the group,” the Northern Fleet’s spokesman, Capt. 1st Rank Vadim Serga, told reporters.

According to the official, the headquarters of the operational command of the task force, which includes warships from all four Russian fleets, was transferred to the Pyotr Veliky from the Black Sea Fleet’s Moskva missile cruiser on Sunday.

The Moskva has completed its mission in the Mediterranean and is expected to return to its home base in Sevastopol on November 15.

The Russian standing task force in the Mediterranean currently comprises the Varyag missile cruiser, the Smetlivy frigate, several large amphibious landing ships, as well as two reconnaissance ships.

Russia began its military buildup in the Mediterranean Sea last year “to protect its interests in the region.” The Kremlin later said the deployment of the naval task force in the region was prompted in part by the Syrian crisis.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 20:40
Le croiseur nucléaire lourd russe Petr Veliki

Le croiseur nucléaire lourd russe Petr Veliki


MOSCOU, 11 novembre - RIA Novosti


Le croiseur nucléaire lourd russe Petr Veliki a pris dimanche la direction de l'escadre russe déployée en Méditerranée, a annoncé lundi à Moscou le porte-parole de la Flotte du Nord russe Vadim Serga.


"Le croiseur lance-missiles lourd de la flotte du Nord a rejoint les navires du groupement naval permanent de la Marine russe dans la partie orientale de la Méditerranée et a pris la direction du groupe", a indiqué le porte-parole.


L'état-major du commandement opérationnel du groupement russe, qui comprend plus de 10 bâtiments des flottes du Nord, de la mer Noire, de la Baltique et du Pacifique, a été déployé dimanche à bord du croiseur Petr Veliki.


"Le groupe était jusqu'ici été commandé depuis le croiseur lance-missiles Moskva, qui achève sa mission au sein du groupement. A l'heure actuelle, trois navires de la flotte du Nord se trouvent en Méditerranée - le Petr Veliki, le grand navire de débarquement Gueorgui Pobedonossets et le remorqueur de sauvetage Altaï", a ajouté le responsable.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 19:40
Note de Recherche Stratégique n°4 : La pensée stratégique russe aujourd'hui


12/11/2013 Par Arnaud Kalika, Directeur de recherche au département des menaces criminelles de l'université Paris II sur le crime organisé russe.


 L’auteur s’exprime à titre personnel. Ses propos ne sauraient engager ni l’IRSEM, ni le ministère de la Défense


Face à un monde multipolaire marqué par la montée en puissance de la Chine et l’érosion de la domination occidentale, la Russie revendique un besoin de puissance pour faire face à un environnement instable : Irak morcelé, Afghanistan incontrôlable, Iran cherchant à rejoindre le club des puissances nucléaires, Corée du nord toujours imprévisible, Syrie en délitement et Monde arabe en proie à un islam politique radicalisé. Vu de Moscou, le « printemps arabe » défie tout autant la stratégique occidentale que la stratégie russe.
C’est pourquoi le pouvoir russe estime n’avoir pas d’autre choix que de structurer sa pensée stratégique autour de ses points forts : l'atome, l'énergie et la force.


Note de Recherche Stratégique n°4La pensée stratégique russe aujourd’hui

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 19:35
Chine - Japon : risque de confrontation navale


10 novembre 2013 Par Olivier Fourt - Lignes de défense / RFI


Les pays d'Asie ne cessent de moderniser leur marine de guerre, mais des revendications territoriales sur certains îlots, pourraient déboucher sur une confrontation navale. C'est particulièrement vrai entre la Chine et le Japon qui se disputent un archipel : les îles Senkaku (en japonais) ou Diaoyu (en chinois).

10/11 Défense Marine Asiatiques
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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:54
Forces Opérations Blog fait une pause
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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:50
Un sable particulier sous la porte de Menin


12/11/13 Liesbeth Bardyn – MIL.be


Lors de la cérémonie de l'Armistice sous la porte de Menin (Ypres), le prince britannique Philippe a réceptionné un peu de terre provenant des cimetières belges de la Première Guerre mondiale. Ces sacs de sable voyageront jusqu'à Londres à bord d'un bateau belge.


Photos : Ritchie Sedeyn  >>


Parmi les milliers de spectateurs massés à la Porte de Menin, on aperçoit une file d'écoliers belges. En septembre, ils remplissaient des sacs de sable. Aujourd'hui, ils les placent sur un chariot lors d'une cérémonie du last post. « Je suis très contente d'être présente » raconte Hannah Buysen de l'Athénée Erasmus à Deinze. « Quand nous remplissions les sacs, je me sentais en contact avec les disparus mais aujourd'hui le sentiment s'est accru. »


À ses côtés, des élèves d'un collège britannique. Dans ce projet, chaque école belge coopère avec un collège anglais. « Mes élèves et moi participons à cette entreprise avec nos partenaires de l'école de Heist » explique  Lisa Berck, professeur à la London Beverwood school. « Dans un mois, les sacs rejoindront Londres à bord de la frégate Louise-Marie. Nous les réceptionnerons dès lors. »


Lisa et Hannah poursuivront le projet de l'Armistice avec quelques centaines d'élèves et professeurs jusqu'à sa clôture l'année prochaine. La terre belge sera dispersée au Memorial Garden en plein cœur de Londres. Ce jardin sera le symbole des victimes tombées lors de la Première Guerre mondiale, il y a près d'un siècle.


Vidéo : Mathieu Duhembre

Lors de la cérémonie de l'Armistice sous la porte de Menin (Ypres), le prince britannique Philippe a réceptionné un peu de terre provenant des cimetières belges de la Première Guerre mondiale. Ces sacs de sable voyageront jusqu'à Londres à bord d'un bateau belge.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:50
NHI Delivers First NH90 Step B to Italian Navy

The Italian navy has taken delivery of its first NH90 Step B naval helicopter, which is the fully operational version of which it has ordered 46. Five earlier aircraft delivered in the interim Step A configuration will now be upgraded. (NHI photo)


Nov. 12, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: NH Industries; issued Nov. 8, 2013)


Delivery of the First NH90 Step B to Italian Navy


NHI is proud to announce that the first NH90 NFH Step B has been delivered today to the Italian Navy. This fully operational naval helicopter will be assigned to the 5th Helicopter Squadron of the Italian Navy at the Sarzana-Luni base. The Italian Navy has ordered 56 NH90s, 46 of which in the NFH variant.


“This NH90 Step B will allow its crews to fully take advantage of its tremendous mission system” explains Xavier Poupardin, Delegated Managing Director of NHIndustries. The Step B configuration features a range of significant advancements in mission capability including mission systems integration for both air-to-surface missiles such as the Marte MK/2S and torpedoes, advanced satellite and encrypted communications, radar and avionics capability enhancements. Next year the five previously delivered Italian Navy NH90NFH in Step A (MOC, Meaningful Operation Capability) standard, will begin to be retrofitted to bring them to the final configuration.


"The NH90 NFH is the most recent and versatile helicopter for naval warfare" it is designed according to precise NATO Staff Requirements. It is equipped with a state of the art weapon system combining on a modern platform several types of sensors with a complete weapon suite. The NH90 NFH is able to perform a wide range of missions such as Anti-Submarine Warfare, Anti-Surface Warfare, SAR, Transport, Special Ops support, Boarding, Medical Evacuation, Maritime reconnaissance and Anti-Piracy In any type of environment. It can safely operate from a ship even in rough weather.


The NH90 is the optimal choice for tactical transport, naval operations thanks to its large full composite airframe, its excellent power to weight ratio; and its wide range of rôle equipment. It features a redundant Fly-by-Wire flight control system for reduced Pilot’s workload and enhanced flight characteristics.


As of today, more than 164 helicopters have been delivered and are in service in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Greece, Oman, Australia and New Zealand.


The twin-engine, medium-size NH90 helicopter program is managed by the consortium NHIndustries, the Company owned by AgustaWestland SpA (32%), Eurocopter (62.5%), and Fokker Aerostructures (5.5%).

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:50
Inauguration des emblèmes militaires


12/11/13 Concetto Bandinelli – MIL.be


Le roi Philippe a assisté à l'inauguration des emblèmes militaires présidée par Monseigneur Léonard, en l'église Saint-Jacques-sur-Coudenberg. L'édifice rassemblait pour l'occasion les plus hautes autorités militaires et civiles de la Défense.


Photos Malek Azoug >>


Monseigneur André-Joseph Léonard, Primat de Belgique et évêque du Diocèse aux Forces armées, a procédé à l'inauguration des emblèmes reprenant les glorieuses citations de l'armée belge. Ces dernières rappellent les lieux où les militaires belges ont combattu l'adversaire avec courage. Ypres, Liège, Anvers, Dixmude, la campagne de 1940, la bataille de Belgique ou d'Angleterre sont autant de noms brodés au fil d'or sur douze drapeaux. Ces étendards garnissent la partie supérieure de la nef.


Le soir du 11 novembre 2013, chacun de ces noms a été rappelé au public par quatre officiers-élèves de l'École Royale Militaire. L'église de Saint-Jacques-sur-Coudenberg, cathédrale du Diocèse aux Forces armées, demeure un lieu historique important puisque son parvis a accueilli la prestation de serment de Léopold Ier, premier Roi des Belges, le 21 juillet 1831.

Inauguration des emblèmes militaires
Inauguration des emblèmes militaires
Inauguration des emblèmes militaires
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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:45
Nautic Africa Guardian BR850 boat

Nautic Africa Guardian BR850 boat


12 November 2013 by Guy Martin/Oscar Nkala - defenceWeb


The Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Marine Unit has commissioned seven new Guardian BR850 interceptor boats from Nautic Africa, which are being deployed on Lake Malawi.


They were commissioned by President Joyce Banda last week at their Monkey Bay base, on the shore of Lake Malawi. The boats will be used to patrol the lake, and will also engage in VIP transport/escort, search and rescue and disaster relief operations. They were delivered in pairs over the last three months.


James Fisher, CEO of Nautic Africa, told defenceWeb that the contract for the seven boats includes training and maintenance support over a period of five years and that Malawi is in discussions to purchase additional larger boats from the company. One option could be purchasing a 35 metre patrol boat and using it as a ‘mother ship’ from which to launch BR850s, allowing Malawi to cover a much larger area of the lake.


Although the BR850s were delivered without weapons, Malawi intends to arm them – the interceptors have weapons mounts for items such as 12.7 mm machineguns.


According to the Malawi News Agency, the delivery is a big boost to the operational capability of the Marine Unit, which has struggled to accomplish its mission of securing the country's maritime domain since its foundation in 1978.


The Malawi Defence Force’s maritime wing has only a few patrol boats in its inventory, including a couple of armed launches, a dozen Zodiacs and several small patrol craft, including two Namacurras donated by the South African Navy.


Fisher said the delivery of the BR850s was a major boost to the Marine Unit as the boats are fast, hardy and strong and suitable for beach landings and navigating shallow creeks and other waterways.


Banda said the acquisition of the boats was part of a comprehensive government strategy to improve the working and living conditions of the defence force.


"(The) government is committed to improving the living conditions for all men and women in uniform who are currently performing remarkably despite the lack of modern resources and the poor living conditions they are enduring. I am pleased to report that our soldiers who are on the peacekeeping assignment in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are performing excellently and that is an indication of the well disciplined military that Malawi owns," Banda said.


The Guardian BR850 is an 8.5 mm aluminium craft with a full load displacement of 3.8 tonnes and can be carried aboard larger vessels for use on boarding operations – it has a single-point hoist mechanism, making it easy for mother ships to hoist the boat onto the water.


The craft has a 2.8 m beam and 60 cm draught - this shallow draft combined with a 373 kW diesel with a tunnel propeller drive allows operations close to the shore and in river deltas.


They craft has a maximum speed of 42 knots with a range of 295 km at that speed, or a 700 km range at 20 knots for inshore patrol or similar tasks. It is designed for a crew of two with space for a six-strong boarding party, and can be fitted with shock-mitigating seats if intended for high-speed intercept missions. Systems include a GPS/chart plotter and a 2 kW 4G broadband radar. Ballistic protection is available using Nautic’s SuperShield armour, which protects to NATO Level 3+. However, this adds a couple of tons of weight.


Nautic began sea trials of the 8.5 metre Guardian BR850 in December 2012. Several African customers have already ordered, and received, the BR850. Nautic Africa recently concluded a R600 million deal to build several 35 metre multi-role patrol vessels for West African clients and these will carry BR850 boats.


Ten and 12 metre variants of the Guardian are also available, but none have been built yet as Nautic is full up with other orders. Fisher said there was a lot of interest in the range, and expects further BR850 orders before year-end.


The Paramount Group last week announced it had acquired a majority stake in Nautic Africa, and once the Paramount marketing machine gets rolling, Fisher is confident of receiving many more orders – in fact, he is worried that the company won’t be able to cope and that it will need to expand it premises even more. He told defenceWeb that production capacity stands at R500 million a year, but Paramount could bring in orders worth billions.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:45
Serval : inauguration du camp « CBA Damien Boiteux »


12/11/2013 Sources : EMA


Le 11 novembre 2013, le général Marc Foucaud, commandant la Force Serval (COMFOR Serval) a inauguré le nouveau camp des troupes françaises à Bamako baptisée « CBA Damien Boiteux » en souvenir du premier soldat français tué au Mali le 11 janvier 2013.


La cérémonie s’est déroulée en présence du ministre de la Défense et des anciens combattants malien, Monsieur Soumeylou Boubéye Maïga, de l’ambassadeur de France au Mali, Monsieur Gilles Huberson, ainsi que des représentants de la MINUSMA et d’EUTM Mali.


Réalisé par le service d’infrastructure de la Défense (SID), ce nouveau camp a pris le nom du chef de bataillon Damien Boiteux, premier soldat tombé dans la cadre de l’opération Serval. Les militaires positionnés à Bamako sont dorénavant regroupés sur une même zone. Elle inclut les moyens de communication de la force (PCIAT), ainsi que l’unité médicale de transit (UMT) et la zone vie. Près de 1000 hommes, opérationnels armant le poste de commandement, transmetteurs, logisticiens, responsables du soutien et du transit sont présents sur ce camp.


Moins de 3000 militaires français sont actuellement présents sur le sol malien et poursuivent une mission de sécurisation visant à affaiblir durablement les groupes terroristes, tout en appuyant le transfert de la zone aux contingents relevant de la MINUSMA.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Philip Hammond joins Afghan president at military academy opening


11 November 2013 Ministry of Defence and Foreign & Commonwealth Office


The UK Defence Secretary has joined President Hamid Karzai at the formal opening of the Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul.


The formal opening marks a significant step in Britain’s long-term commitment to a stable future for the country.

Having paid his respects at a remembrance service in Camp Bastion yesterday, Mr Hammond flew from Helmand province this morning to join President Karzai at Qargha, west of Kabul. There, at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy (ANAOA), he saw teaching rooms, living spaces and training areas where hundreds of officer cadets have recently started training, before addressing more than 1,000 members of the Afghan National Army (ANA) at the official launch of the academy.

There are 265 recruits in the first intake, narrowed down from more than 10,000 initial applications. Candidates will progress through a 42-week course designed to give them essential leadership skills to take into battle. It is inspired by the British Army’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst model, and adapted to include courses that are Afghanistan-focused.

Following the launch Mr Hammond attended an Armistice Day service at the International Security Assistance Force headquarters in Kabul.

The Defence Secretary lays a wreath during the remembrance service held at Camp Bastion
The Defence Secretary lays a wreath during the remembrance service held at Camp Bastion [Picture: Corporal Ross Fernie, Crown copyright]

Mr Hammond said:

It was a pleasure being here to witness the official opening of the Afghan National Army Officer Academy. The efforts that have brought the academy to this point have been significant.

Modelled on the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, this academy will provide world-class training. It will teach the importance of leadership, of self-reliance, of personal discipline, of dedication and of service to fellow soldiers.

This will help ensure the Afghan officers and those training them will be of the highest quality, helping sustain the progress made in building a capable and professional force.

Warrant Officer Class 1 Peter Witkowski, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, is the ANAOA sergeant major mentor. He said:

It’s fantastic here. It’s a great opportunity, particularly with the drawdown within Afghanistan, to be able to provide more support and assistance, particularly mentoring support for the ANA beyond 2014 here in Qargha.

The recruits who leave here will be posted to combat units around Afghanistan and will have a really important job. They will be leading young soldiers on operations and will work hard to improve stability in their country.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Thailand’s Defence Technology Institute partners with Ricardo on new 8x8 vehicle

Black Widow Spider 8x8 concept on display at the Defence & Security 2013 exhibition, Bangkok


11.11.2013 Ricardo - army-guide.com


The Defence Technology Institute (DTI) – the Thai ministry of defence’s research and development agency – today announced that it will partner with Ricardo on the next phase of development of its Black Widow Spider 8x8 armoured vehicle programme in support of the Royal Thai Army.


DTI was set up to develop Thailand’s defence technology capability and to help build the local defence industry; the Black Widow Spider represents its first major military vehicle programme. DTI and Ricardo have already completed the initial phase of technology development for the Black Widow Spider 8x8, and displayed the vehicle configuration at the recent Defence & Security 2013 exhibition hosted in Bangkok. The vehicle has been designed to provide protected firepower and extreme mobility in reconnaissance, command and control and fire support roles.


“DTI and Ricardo have agreed to work together to develop the next phase of the Black Widow Spider 8x8 project,” confirmed Colonel Tawiwat Veeraklaew, DTI’s executive director of R&D. “I am looking forward to working closely with Ricardo on this important project for Thailand’s defence industry.”


“Ricardo is proud to have been selected by DTI to partner with it on this key vehicle programme,” commented Andy North, Ricardo chief engineer, defence. “This work builds upon our extremely strong reputation for the design, development and production of class-leading, agile and highly crew-protected defence vehicles, including the Foxhound, WMIK and Vixen platforms used by British forces. We look forward to working with DTI on this important programme and helping to develop a truly world-class defence vehicle.”

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