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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
The EU role at the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference


14-09-2015 - by SEDE


On 21 September the Subcommittee will exchange views on the EU role of the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference with Jacek Bylica, Principal Adviser and Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, EEAS.

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10 septembre 2014 3 10 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
EEAS hosts EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference


08.09.2014 EEAS

Non-proliferation experts came together in Brussels on 5 September for a third annual EU Non Proliferation and Disarmament Conference organized by the European Network of Independent non-proliferation think-tanks. The Consortium funded by the EU since 2010, now counts over 60 think-tanks across all Europe.


The Conference this year was opened by Director for Security and Conflict Prevention at the EU External Action Service (EEAS), Joelle Jenny, and covered, inter alia, topics such as the role of the EU in Iran Nuclear Negotiations, Cyber Security, Furthering the Goal of a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East, Restraining Missile Proliferation; Proliferation Challenges in South Asia and Northeast Asia, Dual-Use Bio Technologies and BTWC Compliance, Bringing the ATT into Force, and Eliminating Chemical Weapons. Other key note speakers include OPCW Director-General Uzumcu and UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane.

The conference brought together 280 participants from 57 Countries, 7 International and regional organizations (OPCW, CTBTO, ASEAN, EU, UN, NATO, ECOWAS), 79 think tanks/academic institutions from Europe, Asia (Japan, ROK, China, Singapore, India and Pakistan), North America, Africa (Cameroon & Egypt) and Russia.

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