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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 08:45
Brigadier General Dominique Laugel - EUMAM RCA Commander (photo CRR-FR)

Brigadier General Dominique Laugel - EUMAM RCA Commander (photo CRR-FR)


19 March 2015 by defenceWeb


The European Union on 16 March launched a military advisory mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA), after its establishment on 19 January. The mission supports the Central African authorities in preparing the reform of the security sector with respect to the armed forces of the Central African Republic.


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, said: "The EU continues its comprehensive support for stability and security in the Central African Republic. EU experts will now support preparations for security sector reform. This will help the Central Africa Republic turn the corner after this security crisis."


In close cooperation with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), this mission will play a critical role in strengthening the security sector. Concurrently, EUMAM RCA will advise the military authorities of the Central African Republic (CAR) on the reforms necessary to transform the CAR armed forces into a professional, democratically controlled and ethnically representative army, the EU said. EUMAM RCA will also support the MINUSCA in achieving its mandate in the area of security sector reform and the vetting process.


EUMAM RCA is located in the country's capital Bangui. Brigadier General Dominique Laugel from France has been appointed EU Mission Commander for a team of up to 60 staff. The common costs of the operation are estimated at €7.9 million for 12 months.


EUMAM RCA takes over from EUFOR RCA, which completed its mission in Bangui on March 15 after 11 months of operations. Initially agreed for a period of 6 months after achieving full operational capability of the force, the mandate of EUFOR RCA actually lasted 9 months, after the Central African authorities and the United Nations requested an extension, deploying on the ground about 750 soldiers from 14 European Countries.


The EU said that during the last 11 months, the level of security in Bangui has significantly improved with internally displaced persons going back to their homes while the first refugees are beginning to return to Central African Republic.

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22 janvier 2015 4 22 /01 /janvier /2015 12:45
photo CRRFR

photo CRRFR


19.01.2015 Par Olivier Berger, grand reporter à La Voix du Nord. – Défense Globale


Une nouvelle mission militaire européenne va être lancée en mars en République centrafricaine. Elle se nommera EUMAM RCA et constitue une mission de conseil militaire auprès de l'armée nationale. C'est le général de brigade Dominique Laugel, un " Lillois " de l'état-major du Corps de réaction rapide France, qui a été désigné pour commander cette mission, pour l'instant prévue pour durer un an.


L'union européenne a décidé ce lundi 19 janvier de lancer deux nouvelles missions militaires : une au Mali pour former la police nationale (EUCAP Sahel-Mali) et une en Centrafrique pour réformer et réorganiser les Forces armées centrafricaines (FACA). La nouvelle mission prendra la relève de la force européenne en Centrafrique (EUFOR RCA), qui contribue à assurer la sécurité dans la capitale, Bangui, et dont le mandat expire le 15 mars prochain.


Le général de brigade Dominique Laugel est depuis 2012 chef de la division Plans/Environnement au CRR-FR de Lille. Au cours de sa carrière, il a commandé le 110e RI de Donaueschingen et la 2e brigade blindée. Il a une longue expérience en OPEX (Liban, Bosnie, Kosovo, Afghanistan en tant que chef d'état-major du commandement de la région centrale de Kaboul, Côte d'Ivoire, Tchad).


L'état-major de la mission EUMAM RCA est situé à Bangui, en RCA. Il remplit à la fois les fonctions d'état-major d'opération et d'état-major de force.

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