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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 13:50
Britain, France extend joint research program funding


Oct. 22, 2015 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


PARIS  -- Britain and France are extending their funding for cooperative research into missile technologies under development.


The funding is for the Materials & Components for Missiles Innovation Technology Partnership, or MCM ITP, between the countries and industry partners, such as European missile-maker MBDA.


The program is to help the countries weapons capability, strengthen their technological bases. It presently manages research of more than 121 technologies and the new funding will allow the addition of more.


"We are glad to witness the UK and French governments' commitment extended over the next two years," said Mark Owen, the head of the MCM ITP Program. "The call for new project proposals is now open on the MCM ITP website and will close 30 November 2015. This gives the opportunity for UK/FR organizations to access this funding, with any projects that are approved starting in September 2016."


The annual budget of the organization is more than $14.1 million a year in combined government and industry contributions.

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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 13:50
The Future Soldier Vision

16 sept. 2015 by Defence HQ


Sensor-laden body armour, a smart watch that monitors life signs and smart glasses with integrated cameras are all part of a futuristic design for military uniforms, unveiled today.

The Future Soldier Vision (FSV) is part of the Ministry of Defence’s plan to ensure that British soldiers of the future have high quality equipment, utilising the latest technologies. Today’s unveiling shows what a soldier could be wearing and using on the battlefield in the 2020s, based on current military research and emerging commercial technology.

The first phase of the concept has been developed by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) with industry partners Kinneir Dufort and SEA Ltd with the British Army. It will be on display at the Future Soldier Showcase at DSEI, in the Land Zone.

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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 11:50
SME Showcase at DSEI 2015


16 September 2015, Centre for Defence Enterprise, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and Ministry of Defence


The Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) will showcase some of the best research ideas it's funded, delivered by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


At DSEI 2015, 10 SMEs who have been successful through CDE funding competitions will present their work in 5-minute pitches. Time for networking will follow.

This session will take place on Thursday 17 September 2015, 12pm to 2pm in the West Theatre, Unmanned Zone. Find out more.

It will include an introduction to CDE opportunities, before hearing first hand from the 10 SMEs about their companies and their innovations.

The session will be very useful for those with an interest in innovative defence research and to meet up-and-coming SMEs who have been funded as part of the CDE supply chain.

The companies exhibiting for CDE are listed below. The innovation summaries link to a case study from each organisation.



Innovation summary

Autonomous Devices

Improvised robotic devices

Folium Optics

Adaptive camouflage technology


High-resilience radio communication receivers


Use of plasmonic meta materials in lenses


Deriving secure encryption keys from the properties of digital systems


Secure mobile communications software

The Technology Partnership (TTP)

Sensing solution for SONAR applications

Thinking Safe

Insider threat detection

Trauma Simulation

Realistic trauma simulation


On-device, voice biometric mobile identity management solution

Presentations from the companies will be also be published after the event via the links above.


About CDE

CDE funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research. We work with the broadest possible range of science and technology providers, including academia and small companies, to develop cost-effective capabilities for UK armed forces and national security.

CDE is part of Dstl.

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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
UK MOD hackathon to mine the Deep Web


14 September 2015 Ministry of Defence and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory


The Ministry of Defence (MOD), working with Dstl and KTN, is hosting a hackathon for an enhanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capability


MODHack is a unique opportunity to collaborate with software developers, data scientists and innovators to develop ideas and solutions for mining of the deep web, using a range of open source tools and services and build something that has the potential to support the national security of the UK. MODHack will run from midday on Friday 25 to Sunday 27 September at Wallacespace, London and is being hosted by Dstl and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN).

MODHack forms one aspect of the wider Catalysing Defence Innovation through Science and Technology (CDIST) project, under which MOD is looking at new approaches for innovation, and mechanisms for engaging with non-traditional Defence suppliers.

There is a huge volume of non-classified and publically available information that could be exploited by the MOD in order to ensure the security of the UK. Today’s web searches use a centralised, one-size-fits-all approach that searches the Internet with the same set of tools for all queries. While that model has been wildly successful commercially, it does not work well for many government cases. The goal of the event will be to help invent better methods for interacting with and sharing information, so users can quickly and thoroughly organise and search subsets of information relevant to their individual interests. Creation of a new domain-specific indexing and search paradigm will provide mechanisms for improved content discovery, information extraction, information retrieval, user collaboration, and extension of current search capabilities to the deep web, and non-traditional (eg multimedia) content.

Dstl is collaborating with the United States Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA). Participants may want to consider building on the Open Source tools developed by DARPA under the Memex Programme. The list of Memex tools can be found here. Dstl experts will be on hand to assist with Memex and provide a Cloud development environment. All you need to do is bring your laptop and be up for it! Please note Dstl/MOD will not have a claim on any Intellectual Property you create. You build it, you keep it. Support will be given to the most promising proofs of concept to get a market ready minimum viable product (MVP).

The Proofs of Concept developed will be judged and there will be awards in various categories for coding and concept skills. An exclusive prize is up for grabs to the team that develops the overall winning project - a day out with the Royal Navy Underwater Escape Training Unit at Yeovilton including a dip in the Dunker, dinner in the Officers’ Mess, and a tour of the Fleet Air Arm museum.

To register your interest in attending MODHack, visit EventBrite. Come as a team - or join one on the day.

Please also note, by confirming your attendance at this event, you have agreed to the filming, video, photography and vox pops that will be taken throughout the weekend and the use of these images after the event. If you do not wish to be photographed/filmed please make us aware upon arrival at the event.

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11 août 2014 1 11 /08 /août /2014 16:50
UK Earmarks Funds for Maritime Autonomous Systems


source defense-unmanned.com

(Source: UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory issued July 30, 2014)


£9 Million Available for Future of Maritime Autonomous Systems

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) through the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and in partnership with a number of associations and industry bodies is making £9 million available to support the future of Maritime Autonomous Systems (MAS).

Autonomy in Maritime Unmanned Vehicles offers the potential to transform the manner in which many activities are conducted at sea such as the clearance of sea mines and persistent wide area surveillance. This funding for the development of MAS is available through four initiatives each addressing different areas of maritime autonomy.

Philip Smith, Affordable Maritime Presence Programme Manager at Dstl says: “The opportunities presented by Maritime Autonomous Systems are very exciting. However if we are to fully exploit these opportunities we need to invest in key areas such as “Supervised Autonomy” and “Deployment & Recovery” in order meet future requirements and position the UK as a world leader in next generation Maritime Mission Systems. The funding we are making available through these four initiatives is a significant step towards achieving this.”

The specific initiatives are:

-- Maritime Autonomous Systems (MUxV) Technology:
Sponsored by Solent Local Enterprise Partnership, this competition addresses Underwater Unmanned Vehicles (UUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) for defence applications and is directed at SMEs in the Solent that can create or safeguard jobs in the local defence supply chain. The total funding available is worth £1 million and awards will be made for projects of up to £75,000 in value. The competition closes in April 2015. Find out more:

-- Autonomous Systems Underpinning Research (ASUR):
Addressing unmanned system enablers for all environments this competition, sponsored by Dstl, is worth £1.5 million. Open from September 2014 for a year, the competition will award projects of around £250,000 to be split into 2 phases. Find out more.

-- Adaptive Autonomous Ocean Sampling Networks:
A Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition sponsored by the Natural Environment Research Council and Dstl addressing the tracking of dynamic maritime features with unmanned vehicles. With a total of £1.5 million available the competition is open from September 2014 for 18 months and will award projects of around £250,000 to be split into 2 phases. Find out more:

-- Towards Excellence in Maritime Autonomous Systems:
Recently announced by the Minister for Portsmouth, Matthew Hancock, the competition sponsored by the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, and Dstl addresses Maritime Unmanned Vehicles for defence and civil applications. Open from October 2014 for 3 years the competition is worth £5 million and will award projects of between £500,000 and £1.5 million directed to collaborative, business-led, consortia. Find out more.


Dstl is a trading fund of the MOD, run along commercial lines. It is one of the principal government organisations dedicated to S&T in the defence and security field, with three main sites at Porton Down, near Salisbury, Portsdown West, near Portsmouth, and Fort Halstead, near Sevenoaks.
Dstl works with a wide range of partners and suppliers in industry, in academia and overseas. Around 60% of MOD’s Science and Technology Programme is delivered by these external partners and suppliers.

Technology Strategy Board
The Technology Strategy Board is the UK’s innovation agency. Its goal is to accelerate economic growth by stimulating and supporting business-led innovation. Sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Technology Strategy Board brings together business, research and the public sector, supporting and accelerating the development of innovative products and services to meet market needs, tackle major societal challenges and help build the future economy. For more information please visit www.innovateuk.org.

Solent LEP
The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) was formed after the Government offered local areas the opportunity to take control of their future economic development. It is a locally-owned partnership between business, education and local authorities and plays a central role in determining local economic priorities and undertaking activities to drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs.


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9 juillet 2014 3 09 /07 /juillet /2014 11:35
The changing role of a SCIAD

02.07.2014 DSTL

Dick Livesey deployed to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan as Scientific Adviser for six months from September 2013. This was his second tour. When not on tour, Dick works in the Blast & IED Protection Team at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).


I don’t know whether you’ve ever been on holiday as a guest of somebody else’s family? If so, you’ll remember that the last day consists of everybody frantically packing up, cleaning things and stuffing it all in the car. You’d love to be able to help but, as you don’t really know how anything works or where anything goes, there’s limited help you can provide.

That’s what I thought being the Dstl Scientific Adviser (SCIAD) in Afghanistan this time around would be like.

Dstl has provided deployed SCIADs to Afghanistan for some time now and as a result we’ve got very good at it. Advice on how to combat changes in enemy threats and tactics has led to immediate short term fixes and longer term solutions. So now that the situation has changed to one in which getting us home safely, quickly and efficiently is just as important as success on the ground, the advice that Dstl provides has had to change as well.

The first challenge is to continue to support current operations whilst steadily removing capabilities. Finding ways of doing more with less is prime SCIAD territory and Dstl has played a part in helping to ensure that, even as we leave Afghanistan, we are as well equipped, protected and informed as we have ever been. This has included everything from increasing vehicle protection by reusing armour taken from redeployed vehicles, to simple pieces of software which can hugely speed up patrol tracking and tracing.

The next challenge is to carry on living safely in a shrinking Main Operating Base. Getting ill, tired or too hot in Afghanistan aren’t just annoyances – they can be game-changing for our troops. While this is one of the busiest times at Camp Bastion, it is also the one in which many of the comforts and conveniences are being reduced. So that everybody can continue to do their jobs safely, Dstl has provided advice on healthcare, energy use and fatigue management.

The final challenge is ensuring that what we leave behind is fit for purpose. This includes for both the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and our own presence at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul. SCIADs have helped develop the ANSF counter IED capability and worked on the human sciences aspects of deployments to support Afghan-led and partnered operations.

In addition to the huge efforts to get our people and equipment home in good order, UK forces are still really keen to support ongoing research. For example, improvements in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), detection and protection, currently being tested in the heat of Afghanistan, will benefit operations for years to come.

So while this deployment was very different to my previous tour, it certainly wasn’t the frantic pack up I had envisaged before I left!

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13 avril 2014 7 13 /04 /avril /2014 11:50
MOD's state-of-art robot man

10 avr. 2014  defenceheadquarters


The "Porton Man" uses state of the art technology and is able to walk, march, run, sit, kneel and even lift its arms as if to sight a weapon just like an infantry soldier.

It means new equipment such as chemical and biological suits can be thoroughly tested in a realistic but secure environment.

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5 avril 2014 6 05 /04 /avril /2014 14:50
Robot man to test protective equipment

'Porton Man' mannequin at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in Porton Down [Picture: Crown copyright]


5 April 2014 Ministry of Defence


MOD has invested £1.1 million in a robotic mannequin that will test protective suits and equipment for the UK armed forces.


MOD’s newest recruit is named ‘Porton Man’ after the home of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), at Porton Down in Wiltshire. Built using advanced lightweight materials developed for Formula One racing cars, he is able to walk, march, run, sit, kneel and can even lift his arms to sight a weapon like an infantry soldier.

More than a hundred sensors all over the robot’s body record data during tests, enabling scientists to carry out real-time analysis on equipment such as chemical and biological suits in a realistic but secure environment.

Jez Gibson-Harris is the Chief Executive Officer of i-bodi Technology in Buckinghamshire, the company that designed and built the mannequin. He said:

Our brief was to produce a lightweight robotic mannequin that had a wide range of movement and was easy to handle. Of course there were a number of challenges associated with this and one way we looked to tackle these challenges was through the use of Formula One technology.

Using the same concepts as those used in racing cars, we were able to produce very light but highly durable carbon composite body parts for the mannequin.

'Porton Man' mannequin
More than a hundred sensors all over 'Porton Man' enable scientists to carry out real-time analysis [Picture: Crown copyright]

Mannequins have been used by Dstl in the past, but this animatronic version is unique to the UK. Dstl is also the only laboratory in the world that can use chemical warfare agents to assess the effectiveness of complete clothing systems such as the chemical, biological and radiological suits used by UK armed forces.

The Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

This technology, designed by a British company, is enabling the UK to lead the way in this important testing. Increased investment in science and technology by MOD is not only enabling battle-winning and life-saving equipment to be developed, but also helping innovative companies like i-bodi Technology to develop cutting-edge capability.

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11 septembre 2013 3 11 /09 /septembre /2013 17:50
New armour research and development centre announced

Body armour containing ceramic ballistic plates helps protect UK Service personnel on operations – Picture UK MoD


11 September 2013 Ministry of Defence and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory


A new partnership between MOD and industry will develop the UK's first centre of excellence for ceramic armour development.


The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and Kennametal Manufacturing UK Ltd are jointly funding the £2 million facility in Newport, South Wales. The centre will be the largest in Europe and will help to sustain 50 local jobs. It will develop full size ceramic armour components for personnel and vehicle protection, large enough for full scale impact tests.

Specialised manufacturing facilities mean that ideas generated in the development centre can be produced on site in Newport.

Dstl is already working with Tata Steel in Port Talbot to develop advanced steel armour and the Newport development will see South Wales become the UK’s centre of advanced military armour technology.

Improved UK-based development and production will also help reduce the reliance on imports of ceramic armour and make it more readily available during the development of any future vehicles or body armour.

Speaking at the DSEI (Defence and Security Equipment International) exhibition in London, the Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

I am pleased that this investment in a state-of-the art facility in South Wales, the largest in Europe, will further advance the United Kingdom’s freedom of action in advanced ceramic armour.

This contract is a good example of the Ministry of Defence using its science and technology budget to develop innovation in the UK defence sector.

Professor Peter Brown of Dstl said:

This joint investment is the culmination of 4 years’ work. The ability to make ceramic samples large enough for full scale impact tests and the very significant reduction in time taken to produce a sample mean that we can investigate a much wider range of innovative formulations faster and more cheaply than before.

Mike Williams, Kennametal’s Managing Director, said:

This is an exciting opportunity for Kennametal Manufacturing UK Ltd to work with MOD and Dstl and also expand its portfolio into the field of high performance ceramic armour products.

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10 septembre 2013 2 10 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
NGC to Develop Cyber Visualisation Tools as Part of UK Research Programme

Sep 9, 2013 ASDNews Source : Northrop Grumman


 – Sept. 9, 2013 – Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has been retained by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) to carry out a further phase of development of the N.Guru Cyber Situational Awareness System, the software application for the visualisation of cyber events for decision makers.


The research project awarded by Dstl will be carried out by Northrop Grumman in partnership with the Universities of Oxford and South Wales. This work is part of the MOD's Cyber Research Programme and is developing concepts, tools and techniques to provide cyber situational awareness for users.


"The ability to visualise cyber events in new ways will help create greater situational awareness and enable users to improve the speed and effectiveness of network defence decision making," said Danny Milligan, sector managing director, Northrop Grumman Information Systems Europe. "This research and the resulting capability it produces will be a key enabler in helping the MOD to defend its digital assets intelligently and maintain its core business processes."


The N.Guru project will develop techniques for the monitoring and mitigation of detected risks through the use of visualisations that enhance situational awareness and facilitate decision support for cyber defence. It will also explore the impact that a cyber-threat could have on business processes, look for more widespread anomalies and known threat patterns, and provide information that enables operators to develop mitigation actions.


Northrop Grumman in the U.K. has successfully supported a number of cyber research programmes following the commissioning of the Federated Cyber Range at its Fareham site in 2010. The company is also teamed with Finmeccanica for the NATO Computer Incident Response Capability, which is currently being rolled out to multiple NATO sites in Europe and North America.

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12 juillet 2013 5 12 /07 /juillet /2013 16:20
Stiletto Program Teams with UK for UAV Demo

July 11, 2013 Source: US Navy


PATUXENT RIVER, Md. --- The Stiletto Maritime Demonstration Program partnered with the United Kingdom's Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) for an unmanned aerial systems capability demonstration, June 10-20, off the Maryland coast.


The Stiletto is a unique, maritime demonstration craft developed by the Defense Department to test littoral warfare concepts. Engineers and technicians with specialized expertise in maritime technology from Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Carderock's Norfolk detachment maintain and operate the 88-foot-long, composite-bodied, m-shaped vessel.


"Stiletto [capability demonstrations] are conducted in partnership with a host warfighting command or government organization," said Rob Tutton, NSWC Carderock engineer and Stiletto Maritime Demonstration program manager. "For this event, DSTL wanted to observe the operation of UAV's from a small boat platform for maritime missions."


DSTL supplies science and technology services to the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence within the defense and military counter terrorism arenas. Three different UAVs, specifically selected for this demonstration, were launched from Stiletto's flight deck, and DSTL personnel observed launch, payload operation and recovery.


"The Stiletto capability demonstration offered a unique opportunity to take a potent government/industry brew of good ideas, practical options and hard work, turning the mix into a genuine capability demonstration for the allied warfighter, which in turn shows how to solve existing and future operational problems. The UK has no equivalent facility, and we are grateful for the support of our U.S. colleagues on the Stiletto team in making this recent capability demonstration a reality," said Paul Mather, DTSL surveillance capability leader.


The Stiletto Maritime Demonstration Program is sponsored by ASD Rapid Reaction Technology Office and managed by Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division's Norfolk Detachment, Special Projects Branch.


"This program was established to accelerate the delivery of innovative maritime technologies across all of the armed services," said Glenn Fogg, Rapid Reaction Technology Office director for the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Rapid Fielding. "It's open to any DoD commands, government agencies, industry, or academic institutions that have a need to observe or demonstrate their technologies underway in as relevant an environment as possible."


Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division's Norfolk Detachment, a field activity of the Naval Sea Systems Command, is located in Virginia Beach, Va., and provides full-spectrum, full-lifecycle engineering for combatant craft, boats, watercraft and associated hull, mechanical, electrical and electronic systems.

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1 juillet 2013 1 01 /07 /juillet /2013 16:50
ASV Wins Contract for Unmanned Boat

July 1, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: ASV; dated June 14, issued June 28, 2013)


Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV) Wins Research Contract to Design and Build A Long Endurance Marine Unmanned Surface Vehicle


Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV) is leading a team having successfully won the second phase of the recent SBRI competition to develop a Long Endurance Marine Unmanned Surface Vehicle (LEMUSV). Run by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Defence, Science and Technology Laboratories (Dstl) the competition brief sought to develop an autonomous vehicle to gather data from the ocean over several months.


The team includes Cosworth, who are looking at generator systems, Hyperdrive Ltd who will investigate motor options and power management systems and Cranfield University who will be considering collision avoidance technologies.


ASV will undertake the detailed production design, build, commissioning and sea trials of a fully operational, open ocean going “C-Enduro 4” vessel. This second phase work will build on research and development from the phase one of the LEMUSV project. The robust vehicle design will utilise state of the art technologies from the consortium and be designed specifically capable of being deployed at sea for periods of up to three months in all weather conditions and sea states.


The C-Enduro concept centres on a ‘three pillar’ energy system providing a flexible and fault tolerant solution to energy supply. Having researched and trialled various energy sources as part of the phase one work the team has selected solar panels, a wind generator and a lightweight diesel generator as energy sources. Detailed calculations and tests show that this selection, combined with efficient power management and command and control systems packaged in a rugged self-righting vehicle, provides the greatest likelihood of meeting the performance requirements of this project.


ASV will work closely with the NERC and Dstl teams to ensure that their requirements and ideas are captured and incorporated in the detail design.


ASV has a proven track record in Unmanned Systems over 10 years and has delivered systems to a range of military and commercial customers with all having passed rigorous acceptance testing in accordance with ISO 9001 accreditation. This puts them in an excellent position to meet the challenges of this project. “This is a very exciting project for ASV and the companies involved and a fantastic opportunity to work closely with the NERC and Dstl,” commented Dan Hook, ASV Managing Director.


Formed in 1998 ASV provides rugged, reliable and effective unmanned systems using cutting edge marine technology. ASV is based near Portsmouth in the United Kingdom.

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6 juin 2013 4 06 /06 /juin /2013 07:50
Army Brown

June 4, 2013 by Think Defence


Did we discuss this, not sure?


From Akzo Nobel

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) asked AkzoNobel – makers of paints and coatings such as Intergard, Sikkens and Dulux – to develop a high-tech paint with a colour that would be suitable for the desert environments where most military operations are focused.

The new camouflage paint – known as Army Brown – will replace the sand colour that has been used on Army vehicles since before the Second World War.

To produce the new colour the MoD collected high resolution imagery in Afghanistan and flew rock and soil samples back  to Britain, where  a team at the Government’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory developed a colour optimised for vehicles operating in that environment.

AkzoNobel scientists were then asked to develop a new water-based camouflage coating that conformed with the colour requirements. Developed under the Intergard brand the new Army Brown paint is similar to the tan colour used by the military in the US and Australia. It is designed to provide a better balance between arid, desert-like areas and the green zone with its lush vegetation.

AkzoNobel has developed a special temporary peelable coating which can be quickly sprayed or brushed onto the Army vehicles to provide a quick camouflage change and then peeled off. The revolutionary coating is capable of absorbing chemical warfare agents and stopping them getting through to the vehicle underneath. The contaminated coating can then be stripped off and disposed off. It also protects the vehicles against weathering and corrosion.

AkzoNobel scientists are currently working on further developments which would mean the coating would change colour when it absorbed toxic chemicals, alerting the soldiers that they are under chemical attack. Rather than just absorbing the chemicals it would also be able to neutralise them.

Army Brown is being used on the UK’s Foxhound light patrol vehicles. Army Brown has also been applied to some of the Warrior tracked armoured vehicles deployed to Afghanistan.

The Intergard coating has been developed by AkzoNobel’s aerospace coatings team. AkzoNobel’s Global Market Director Andrew Richardson said:

““We were delighted to be asked to work on the new colour for British Army vehicles and continue our partnership with the Ministry of Defence.
“The new paint colour has been specifically designed for the desert-like environment where most operations currently take place.
“The water-based paint will provide an exceptional performance in the most challenging environments.”

  • Even the paint is going hi tech, interesting about the peelable nature of it and the level of protection against chemical agents.
Foxhound Patrol Vehicle in Afghanistan -  photo UK MoD

Foxhound Patrol Vehicle in Afghanistan - photo UK MoD

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