5 novembre 2015
photo Rafale Solo Display
31 octobre 2015 Rafale Solo Display
Dans une semaine, le Dubai Airshow 2015 ouvrira ces portes. A cette occasion, l’équipe du Rafale Solo Display rejoindra les Emirats Arabes Unis dans quelques jours. A partir du mercredi 4 novembre commenceront, pour le Capitaine Planche, les vols d’entrainements et de qualifications pour ce salon international des professionnels de l’aéronautique.
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13 août 2014
JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 13 août - RIA Novosti
La Russie envisage de produire des armements conjointement avec les Emirats arabes unis, a annoncé mardi Igor Sevastianov, directeur général adjoint du principal exportateur d'armes russe Rosoboronexport.
"Il existe une proposition afin d'engager une coopération avec les Emirats dans la production d'armements", a déclaré M. Sevastianov aux journalistes, sans préciser de quels armements il s'agit.
20 novembre 2013
Nov. 19, 2013 by FG
Dubai – Abu Dhabi firm Adcom Industries has used this year’s show to unveil its major ambitions in the competitive UAV sector.
General manager Ali Al Dhaheri says that the firm is speaking with a number of potential customers about its United 40 High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) system, two examples of which are on display in the static park.
Al Dhaheri says one country that is strongly interested in the United 40 is Russia. Its defence ministry sees potential to use the type for missions such as border patrol and pipeline monitoring.
Al Dhaheri also commented on the unconventional platform of the United 40 and planned Global Yabhon, which both feature and S-shaped fuselage and two full-sized wings.
The forward wing functions much as a genoa, or forward sail, on a sailboat, speeding airflow over the rear wing. This layout generates more lift than a conventional aircraft design, allowing the United 40 to operate from shorter runways and use less-powerful engines.
Al Dhaheri says the company has built 10 United 40s and that the Global Yabhon, which can be both jet and turboprop powered, will have its first flight next year. The company gives users broad leeway in their choice of powerplants.
While the company, which employs several hundred at its main Abu Dhabi location, is eager to promote the civilian uses for the two aircraft, it says 80% of its revenue comes from the military – the company also produces a range of target drones.
The United 40s at the show are production models destined for customers. One is optimised for surveillance and carries hard points for four guide bombs. The second, the United 40 Block-5, is optimised for naval operations. The company says it can carry 40 sonobuoys and a single torpedo.
19 novembre 2013
Nov. 19, 2013 FG
Dubai - Airbus Military’s Dubai debutant A400M might have reached the international market too late to vie for the Middle East region’s recent investment in large transport aircraft, but the company hopes to “reverse this situation very soon”.
Revealing a new long-term sales forecast at the show, head of market development Gustavo Garcia Miranda says around 330 military transports – including 130 in the A400M’s size class – are likely to be sold in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by 2042. “We would like to take maybe half of it,” he says of the expected business.
The European company isn’t saying which nations are considered the most likely prospects to buy the A400M, but Miranda says it has discussed the type with “many operators” of Lockheed Martin’s legacy C-130 Hercules. The company has previously sold a combined 66 medium transports and tankers in the MENA region, he adds.
Head of defence capability marketing Ian Elliott points to the A400M’s in-built potential to also be used as an air-to-air refueller as a possible attraction to new customers. “The days of buying one aeroplane to do one job are gone,” he claims.
Qatar and the UAE have already acquired Boeing’s C-17 strategic transport, which will end production in 2015, while Lockheed has sold new-generation C-130Js to Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, Miranda says new sales of the A330-200-based multirole tanker/transport are expected “within a few weeks or months”. The company is close to finalising contract discussions with India for six examples, while he says it is also “very confident” of landing an order in Asia soon. Singapore has been considering the type for a six-unit requirement.
19 novembre 2013
18/11/2013 Par Caroline Bruneau - Air & Cosmos
Airbus Military espère vendre 130 A400M dans la région.
Revue de marché pour Airbus Military. Quelques mois avant de changer de structure et de nom pour devenir Airbus Defense & Space (ADS), le fabricant de l’A400M a tenu une conférence de presse impromptue sur le salon. Le futur ADS a détaillé ses perspectives mondiales, et plus spécifiquement pour le marché moyen-oriental.
Rien qu’au Moyen-Orient/Afrique du Nord, le constructeur voit des perspectives importantes pour les 30 prochaines années: il compte sur un marché de 145 appareils légers/moyens (type CN235, C295), 30 avions de surveillance (ISR), 25 ravitailleurs MRTT et 130 A400M. Il y a actuellement, selon les chiffres d’Airbus, 420 appareils de ces catégories en service au Moyen-Orient, dont la moyenne d’âge est de 27 ans.
A l’horizon 2042, le constructeur voit ainsi un marché mondial de 915 appareils légers et moyens, 325 ISR, 125 MRTT et surtout, un marché potentiel de 760 A400M.
18 novembre 2013
Nov. 18, 2013 FG
One of the most sophisticated derivatives of the Boeing 737 ever flown is making its international show debut this week, with the US Navy’s new P-8A being put through its paces during the daily flying display.
Derived from the commercial 737-800 and equipped for maritime patrol, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare roles, the P-8A is in production for the US service under a 117-aircraft programme. Twelve have been handed over so far, with initial operating capability scheduled for late this year.
Boeing has so far secured one international buyer for the development, with the Indian navy having just received its second of eight P-8Is on order. Australia has also shown strong interest in the type as a Lockheed Martin P-3 replacement.