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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
photo EATC

photo EATC

Thursday 10 September by EATC

The EATC celebrated its 5th anniversary with a multinational jump event on 9th September 2015.

On 9th September 2015 the EATC celebrated its 5th anniversary at Eindhoven Air Base. The program of the event included para jumps performed by representatives of EATC Participating Nations (PNs), as well as a Family Day bringing together the families of the EATC personnel.

A German CH-53 from helicopter squadron 64 (Hubschraubergeschwader 64) in Laupheim, Germany, came for the event with 16 professional paratroopers. This helicopter is able to carry 36 passengers or around 24 equipped paratroopers. EATC personnel together with 8 paratroopers performed tandem jumps. One of the tandems was executed with EATC Commander MG Christian Badia. Other paratroopers were carrying the EATC flag and the national flags. In total 40 jumps were executed from an altitude of 4.000 and 3.000 meters.

By developing interoperability – through also cross-paratrooping, cross-national training, aircraft cross-servicing and maintenance – between its PNs, the EATC has managed to increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency of Air Transport missions conducted under its operational control (OPCON). For example, an average of 90.000 paratroopers are dropped each year by assets under EATC OPCON. Moreover, over the last five years the EATC has transported nearly 1.5 million people and 108.000 tons of cargo. Today, more passengers and cargo are transported with less aircraft and fewer flying hours.

photo EATCphoto EATC
photo EATC

photo EATC

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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
Foundation stone of EATC new building


Friday 11 September - by EATC


Dutch Air Chief laid the foundation stone for the new EATC building on 10th September 2015.

On the occasion of its steering-board meeting on 10th September 2015, the EATC is also celebrating the construction of its future permanent building at Eindhoven Air Base.

Dutch Air Chief General Schnitger and Mr Job Dura, CEO of construction company Dura Vermeer, laid the foundation stone of the new EATC building. Expected to be ready for use by Summer 2016, this building will host the seven Participating Nations of the EATC, thus a total of over 220 personnel from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy and Spain.

With the construction of the new building NLD has fulfilled the Host Nation’s offer made in 2007 to accommodate the EATC in an infrastructure tailored to its needs. The success of the EATC will be reflected in this new building : it offers the space for the new Participating Nations, Spain and Italy, that joined EATC last year.  

Established in September 2010, the EATC is today at the finish of its 5th year and has successfully developed into the leading organization within Europe for military Air Transport, Air-to-Air Refuelling and Aeromedical Evacuation.

For an overview of the achievements but also the way ahead of the EATC, click on the here:

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14 septembre 2015 1 14 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
photo Spanish Air Force

photo Spanish Air Force


Zaragoza - 09 September, 2015 European Defence Agency


Seven aircraft from six countries (Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain) currently gather at Zaragoza Airbase in Spain for the fourth training event this year organised in the framework of the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF). From 6 to 18 September, participants of the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) will undergo a robust training in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. A total of 130 flight hours and 63 sorties are planned.


The first week of the course will start with tactical awareness academics spread over four half-days and basic flying sorties. The complexity of the missions will increase over the course of the second week to involve low-level flying, cargo and personnel air drop, engine running operations, air-to-air (F18 and Eurofighters) and surface-to-air threats as well as maximum effort landings. At the end of the two weeks course, crews will receive a graduation certificate and patch.   


Host country: Spain 

The European Air Transport Command (EATC), EDA and Spain as host nation constitute the “Core Planning Team” of the flying event. Together with a team of international tactical instructors from seven different countries (Belgium, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, France and Germany), they will challenge the course participants. This is the fourth time that Spain is hosting an EATF event. Moreover Spain has been selected to host the permanent European Airlift Centre (ETAC) with its tactical arrangement currently under development. The Initial Operating Capability (IOC) of the centre is foreseen for September 2016.   


Improving interoperability 

Initiated by the European Defence Agency and run by the European Air Transport Command, the EAATTC series of courses aim to provide air transport crews with a robust airlift tactics training syllabus in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. It takes crews into a theatre-deployment mindset, exposing them to airland and airdrop missions in a tactically-challenging environment. Emphasis is put on aircraft operations and on application of procedures in a changing environment. The EAATTC series of courses is one of the deliverables of the European Air Transport Fleet partnership, launched in 2011 by 20 participating nations under the framework of the European Defence Agency.  


More information:

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24 juin 2015 3 24 /06 /juin /2015 07:50
photo Armée de Terre

photo Armée de Terre


23/06/2015 Armée de Terre


Les soldats de la 11e brigade parachutiste (11e BP), prennent actuellement part à l'exercice européen d'entraînement des avions de transport dans le domaine tactique (EATT 2015) au Portugal. Ils sont ainsi invités par les parachutistes portugais du 2e bataillon du Régimento Infantaria 10 de San Jacinto.


Le vendredi 19 juin 2015, après avoir échangé leurs voiles et sauté ensemble sur San Jacinto, les parachutistes français et portugais se sont vus remettre les brevets parachutistes portugais et français, première étape d'une série d'exercices tactiques qui se déroulent actuellement dans le ciel de San Jacinto.

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4 juin 2015 4 04 /06 /juin /2015 07:55
photo Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air


03/06/2015 Armée de l'air


Les 21 et 22 mai s’est tenue, à Hyères, la troisième édition du séminaire Ops Talk. Au programme, des rencontres entre professionnels de la formation à l’anglais aéronautique, et grands noms de l’aviation française et européenne.


Cet événement a réuni pour la première fois des acteurs de la formation à différents échelons (ministériels, interministériels, publics et privés) et des participants representants l’Otan et plusieurs pays européens. L’accent a été mis sur l’intérêt à porter aux compétences de chacun en anglais, le but étant de savoir les identifier, les développer et les valoriser.


Aux cours des deux journées de rencontre, les différents acteurs ont échangé sur leurs expériences passées et ont poussé la réflexion lors de débats thématiques. Les retours de l’EATC (European Air Transport Command - commandement du transport aérien européen), de l’Otan, du CASPOA (centre d’analyse et de simulation pour la préparation des opérations aériennes)  ont permis d’identifier les besoins linguistiques liés à l’environnement aéronautique. L’anglais étant une compétence professionnelle et opérationnelle à part entière, ils ont mis en exergue l’importance de la maîtrise de la langue.


Ce séminaire permet, à terme, d’établir des partenariats fructueux aux différentes échelles. Des engagements qui viennent consolider l’expertise de l’armée de l’air dans le domaine de la formation linguistique.

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2 juin 2015 2 02 /06 /juin /2015 10:50
Le général Badia et le directeur de la DSAé

Le général Badia et le directeur de la DSAé


02/06/2015 Armée de l'air


Le commandant de l’EATC (european air transport command - commandement européen du transport aérien) a rencontré le directeur de la sécurité aéronautique de l’état (DSAÉ), le vendredi 22 mai 2015, à Villacoublay.


La direction de la sécurité aéronautique de l’état a présenté ses activités au général Badia (Lutwaffe), commandant de l’EATC, accompagné du « Senior National Representative français », le colonel Kolm. Celles-ci concernent la mise en œuvre des normes européennes de navigabilité, les EMARs (european military airworthiness requirements), dans les programmes A400M et A330 MRTT. Le développement et l’application de ce corpus réglementaire visent à permettre une maintenance croisée des stocks de pièces mutualisés sur l’A400M entre la France et l’Allemagne d’une part, et la Grande Bretagne d’autre part.


L’EATC, opérationnel depuis 4 ans, exploite jusqu’à 223 avions de transport de 20 types différents, appartenant à 7 nations fondatrices dont la France, l’Allemagne, les Pays-Bas et la Belgique, rejointes depuis par l’Espagne, le Luxembourg et l’Italie. Cette exploitation commune permet de tirer le meilleur parti des flottes de chaque état-membre.

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27 avril 2015 1 27 /04 /avril /2015 16:50
EART: le ravitaillement en vol à la mode européenne


24/04/2015 Sources : EATC


Grâce à l'European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training (EART), le ravitaillement en vol possède désormais son exercice européen de référence !


Du 13 au 24 avril, un C135 FR du groupe de ravitaillement en vol 2/91 (GRV) « Bretagne » participe à l’édition 2015 de cet exercice organisé par l’EATC (European Air Transport Command – commandement européen du transport aérien militaire). Des A310 MRTT allemand, KC-767 italien et KC-10 néerlandais complètent le plateau international d’EART stationné sur la base aérienne d’Eindhoven (Pays-Bas).


Opérant en soutien de l’exercice tactique Frisian Flag, le tanker français ravitaille en vol de nombreux appareils : F15, F16 et F18 originaires de Pologne, des États-Unis, d’Espagne, de Finlande et des Pays-Bas. Les zones de ravitaillement utilisées se trouvent principalement au-dessus de la mer du Nord, ainsi qu’aux Pays-Bas, au Danemark et au nord de l’Allemagne.


Créé en 2014, les exercices EART ont pour objectif principal d’entraîner les participants, en vol comme au sol, à opérer des avions-ravitailleurs depuis une base aérienne avancée (Deployed Operating Base - DOB). Les procédures sont ainsi répétées au quotidien dans un scénario tactique réaliste, conçu et conduit par l’EATC.


À l’instar de l’aviation de chasse développant depuis des décennies des entraînement internationaux majeurs, tels que le Tactical Leader Programme (TLP) ou les séries d’exercice baptisés Flags, EART a pour objectif de s’imposer comme un rendez-vous majeur du ravitaillement en vol. Suite à l’opération Unified Protector au-dessus de la Libye en 2011, le besoin d'un entraînement avancé entre nations européennes avait été détecté. D’importants travaux sont actuellement menés au sein de l’EATC, ainsi que par l’Otan, afin de trouver des pistes d’amélioration propres à l’emploi des appareils de ravitaillement en vol en Europe.


Plus d’informations sur le site de l’EATC

EART: le ravitaillement en vol à la mode européenne
EART: le ravitaillement en vol à la mode européenneEART: le ravitaillement en vol à la mode européenne
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25 mars 2015 3 25 /03 /mars /2015 17:52
French C135FR

French C135FR


25 March – by EATC


The need for a highly professional training

While the fighter community has trained to operate together for years (e.g. Tactical Leadership Program (TLP), Flag exercises, large NATO exercises in European airspace, etc.), the same cannot be stated for Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR), without which a lot of fighter operations would not be possible. The lessons learned from Unified Protector over Libya in 2011 showed  that for a smooth multinational operation we need to train together in advance.


Moreover, the United States Forces are planning to deploy major parts of their AAR fleet out of Europe towards South East Asia, thus taking away a potential resource on AAR capacity on which the European Nations could always lean in the past. At the same time only 30 % of the EU member states (MSs) operate tanker aircraft (France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK,).

To minimise this capability gap, EDA has implemented an AAR project team to deal with outcomes of four different institutions on AAR matters. One of those four pillars represents the Multi Role Transport Tanker/Air-to-Air Refuelling Operational Employment Working Group (OEWG) – led by the EATC. The OEWG’s general objective is to harmonize and - where necessary - to develop procedures and related processes to employ existing and future multi-role platforms in their dual AAR- and AT-role.


But what would a tanker be good for, without a well trained crew? This is where the European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training (EART) comes in, one important outcome of the cooperation between EDA and the EATC.


KC-767A AAR workstation


The first EART was conducted in 2014. AAR assets from different EATC nations were already involved in the fighter exercise Frisian Flag (FF) in the years prior, but purely in a supporting role. In 2013 the question was brought up if the framework of the existing exercise could not be used to also train tanker needs. This led to two major changes in the tanker participation to FF: Firstly, all assets would be deployed to Eindhoven, thus simulating an operation in a location that cannot be supported from the respective home base; secondly, the tankers would not return to base as soon as the fighter did not require there support anymore, but stay in the area and train manoeuvres and procedures of their own.


Aim and objectives

The overall aim of EART is to train the participants (air and ground crews) to be able to run a tanker operation from a deployed operating base (DOB). This also includes training elements like multi tanker formation or different rendezvous procedures, which is not possible in day to day operations. During EART, the crews have the unique possibility to gain or regain their qualifications in a short amount of time and within a realistic scenario.


The 2015 edition

The 2015 edition of the European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training will again take place at Eindhoven Airbase for two weeks in April and support Frisian Flag. The emphasis will again be on working from a DOB in a multinational environment. This will be even more prominent in this year’s training since additionally to last year’s nations (Germany, Italy and the Netherlands) France will participate and other nations are planning to send observers to assess a future participation.


Participation in 2015

- France with C-135FR

- Germany with Airbus A310 MRTT

- Italy with Boeing KC-767A

- The Netherlands with KDC-10


Way ahead

The intent is that, in the future, EART can be hosted by different nations multiple times a year to support different national and international fighter exercises, thus increasing the training opportunities for AAR units and, at the same time, providing a standardised support for the European and NATO fighter community. In case of future operations, the AAR community will be better prepared.

Another outcome of the EDA AAR Project is the recognition that in NATO there was no dedicated multinational training for AAR Planners. In 2014, the NATO Command and Control Centres (CAOC), together with AIRCOM and JAPCC, developed the Specialized Heavy Air Refuelling Course (SHARC). The first official course was held in February 2015. The course incorporates challenges replicating scenarios that the student will see in a large scale exercise or operation. It ensures standardization and continuous improvement within the NATO AAR community.

In 2015, EART will integrate “hands on” training for graduates of SHARC, which can be considered as a logical follow-up of this course as it will keep them proficient and prepare them for “real world” operations. This will be the first time that SHARC graduates participate in a live flying exercise.


Pictures: German, Dutch, Italian and French Air Force Media

Countdown to EART 2015
Countdown to EART 2015
Countdown to EART 2015
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25 mars 2015 3 25 /03 /mars /2015 17:51
European airlift course kicks off in Bulgaria


Plovdiv, Bulgaria - 23 March, 2015 European Defence Agency


This year’s first edition of the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) just started in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Academic sessions and live missions will take place until 3 April 2015, with graduating crews joining from four EU countries.


Initiated by the European Defence Agency and run by the European Air Transport Command, the EAATTC series of courses aim to provide air transport crews with a robust airlift tactics training syllabus in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. EAATTC 15-1, hosted by the Bulgarian Air Force in Plovdiv, has started today with the first academic sessions and familiarisation flights.

Four countries are joining EAATTC 15-1 with their tactical transport aircraft: Bulgaria (1 x C-27J), Germany (1 x C160), France (1 x C-130) and Italy (1 x C-130J). Due to other operational commitments, Czech Republic and the Netherlands were not able to contribute with aircraft as initially planned.

Over the next days, the complexity of the academic training and the flying sorties will gradually increase. At the end of the course, graduating crews will be presented with a certificate based on the completion of a commonly-agreed syllabus.

The EAATTC series of courses is one of the deliverables of the European Air Transport Fleet partnership, launched in 2011 by 20 participating nations under the framework of the European Defence Agency.


More information

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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 16:50
photo Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air



16/03/2015 Armée de l'air


Jeudi 12 mars 2015, la promotion 2014 de l’École militaire de l’air de Salon-de-Provence a visité l’European Air Transport Command (EATC - commandement du transport aérien européen) à Eindhoven (Pays-Bas).


Après avoir été accueillis par le colonel Jim Kolm, représentant national français au sein de cette structure internationale, les aspirants de l’École militaire de l’air ont visité le quart opérationnel de l’EATC (Mission Controlling). Une table ronde leur a ensuite permis d’échanger sur la dimension internationale d’une carrière d’officier dans l’armée de l’air. Ils ont pu discuter avec du personnel de l’EATC au sujet de la planification et de la conduite des missions de transport aérien dans un contexte international. Ce fut ainsi l’occasion de les sensibiliser aux objectifs et contraintes opérationnelles des missions menées conjointement, ainsi qu’aux importantes avancées en terme d’interopérabilité dans le transport aérien (logistique, entraînements, dimension aéromédicale, etc.), l’aérolargage et le ravitaillement en vol.


Au cours de cette journée, les élèves ont également visité le Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE), organisation voisine et complémentaire de l'EATC, en charge de la coordination de missions de transport air, terre ou mer.


photo Armée de l'Airphoto Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air

L’EATC en bref


Inauguré le 1er septembre 2010, l’EATC est un commandement multinational dont le projet est né en décembre 1999 d’une volonté franco-allemande de mutualiser les moyens des pays membres dans le domaine du transport aérien militaire. Composé de la France, l’Allemagne, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Luxembourg, l’Espagne et récemment de l’Italie, il est en charge du contrôle opérationnel des appareils de transport aérien militaire des sept pays membres et de l’harmonisation des procédures. A ce jour, la flotte EATC regroupe une grande variété d’avions tactiques et stratégiques, pour un total de 189 aéronefs. Une fois le contrôle opérationnel des aéronefs italiens totalement transféré, l’EATC représentera 75% de la capacité européenne de transport aérien.

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
CASA C-295

CASA C-295


Tuesday 10 March  by EATC


Since 09 March 2015, the Spanish Air Force transferred 25 Air Transport assets to EATC OPCON (operational control).


The additional Spanish fleet complements the EATC pool and adds valuable benefit with its small tactical transport aircraft (CASA C-295), with midsize tactical transport aircraft (Lockheed C-130H/H30) and - tanker aircraft (KC-130H) as well as with the contribution of three Boeing B707/KC707 for multipurpose military Air Transport means. And in a few years the Spanish Air Force will also contribute the new Airbus A400M as well as Airbus A330 MRTT (replacing the B707/KC707 beginning next decade) to the EATC assigned aircraft pool. Find the gallery of all the additional Spanish aircraft here.


Pictures by EATC and Spanish Air Force.

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11 mars 2015 3 11 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Transfer of Authority successful

9 March - by EATC


Since July last 2014, Spain is member of the EATC - although its fleet operated yet on national assets. This has now changed, because since 09 March 2015 the sixth EATC nations transferred 25 Air Transport assets via Transfer of Authority (ToA) to EATC OPCON (Operational Control).

The first Spanish aircraft to fly on EATC OPCON was a Lockheed C-130H “Hercules” from Air Transport Wing 31, stationed in Zaragoza. It departed this morning from Torrejon Airbase (near Madrid) via Algeria to Libreville.


The consequences of the Spanish ToA

The accession of Spain comprises a bigger fleet for the EATC nations and more types of aircraft. This entails more Air Transport Requests and therefore more cross-national possibilities. Besides this, Spain’s geographical situation and its regular routes provide interesting synergy opportunities to make the EATC’s Pooling and Sharing initiative more effective. In numbers this means 25 additional aircraft for EATC use, three extra Airbases and 30 EATC positions to be filled by Spain within EATC.

In total, the EATC assigned air fleet now consists of 189 aircraft.

By the use of the below links, find some overview of the newly assigned Spanish aircraft types as well as their Airbase locations.


New EATC assigned Spanish aircraft:
-    Lockheed C-130H and KC-130H  
-    CASA C-295             

-    Boeing B707/KC707  


Spanish Airbases

- Air Transport Wing 35, Getafe

- Air Transport Wing 31, Zaragoza

- Air Mixed Group 47, Torrejon   

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6 mars 2015 5 06 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Think Multinational – Train Together


12 February - LTC Ballinger- EATC


This week around 80 subject matter experts from the 11 nations participating in EATT 15 met at the EATC in Eindhoven to define the training objectives for the largest Air Transport exercise in Europe.


From 14 - 26 June 2015, the Air Transport community will meet in Beja (Portugal) to run its yearly European Air Transport Training.


Based on the training requirements and training objectives fixed by the participants, the experts from the EATC will build an exercise scenario including Intel, Air- and Ground threats, Aeromedical Evacuation, Personnel- and Material drop as well as Combined Air Terminal Operations.


The training will start with academics and basic Familiarization Flights but will rapidly evolve to more complex Multiship Missions and Combined Air Operations (COMAO).




In total, aircraft and crews from 12 countries will take part in the training.

Participating nations are:

    Belgium (1x C-130H)

    Germany (1x C-160D)

    Finland (1x C-295)

    France (1x C-130H, 1x CN-235)

    Italy (1x C-130J)

    Lituania (1x C-27J)

    the Netherlands (1x C-130H)

    Portugal (1x C-130H, 1x C-295)

    Romania (1x C-27J)

    Sweden (2x C-130H)

    the United Kingdom (1x C-130J)



EATT is an EDA initiative under the umbrella of the EATF and supported by the Host Nation, by EATC, AATTC, EAG and JAPCC

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6 mars 2015 5 06 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
First German “Atlas” under operational control


Thursday 5 March - EATC


The Transfer of Authority (ToA) of the first German A400M under EATC Operational Control (OPCON) has taken place.


The A400M with the tail number 54+01 is operated by the Air Transport Wing 62 located at Wunstorf Airbase near Hannover. The aircraft was handed over to the German Air force three month ago and is now ready to take on the first EATC tasks.

In total Germany will operate a fleet of 40 A400M in the years to come. The fleet will enhance the EATC capabilities in air transport considerably.


The French Air Force already operates six A400M – of which five are EATC assigned.

photo Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air

Few days ago a French A400M successfully completed its first mission to New Caledonia and back.

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6 mars 2015 5 06 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
EAATTC 15-1 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (17 Mar-3 Apr)


5 March 2015 - EATC


The first European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC 15-1) will be held in Bulgaria from 17 March to 3 April 2015.

Aircraft and crews from six European countries are participating: Bulgaria (C-27J), Czech Republic (C-295), Germany (C160), France (C-130), Italy (C-130J) and the Netherlands (C-130). The programme of the training will include academic course and basic flying sorties during the first week, followed by more complex missions involving low-level flights, air-to-air as well as surface-to-air threats, and maximum effort landings during the second week.

Run by the EATC, EAATTC is conducted under the umbrella of the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) whose main objective is to increase the European Union's airlift capabilities by addressing shortages and increasing interoperability.

For more information

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11 février 2015 3 11 /02 /février /2015 12:50
Paratroopers joining EATT 2015


10 February 2015 by Ltc Ballinger - EATC


Towards more interoperability and multinational cooperation for EATT 2015


Paratroopers are widely known by the public as soldiers with specific skills, jumping out of airplanes, fully equipped and ready to start their next mission. 

If one is interested in history, one might know more; especially that paratroopers played an important role during some of the most well-known battles of the last century, such as the battle of the Bulge, Dien Bien Phu or the battle for Kolwezi. The most popular paratrooper of the last century is most probably Private John Steele, who landed during D-Day on the roof of the church in Saint-Mère l’Eglise.


Nowadays military parajumping is undergoing major changes. Due to recent cuts in budgets and aging European Air Transport fleets, less aircraft are available for training. Moreover, today’s operations are multinational, which is a strong incentive for military paratroopers to consider the multinational dimension.

This year and for the first time in the history of the EATC a panel dedicated to cross parajumping has met in the framework of the EATT panel meetings.

The goal of the “Para Panel” is to prepare the paratroopers of the different nations for future common operations.

In June in BEJA, paratroopers coming from the EATT 2015 participating nations will use this opportunity to train on the aircraft of the different nations: for example, French paratroopers are going to certify that their French parachutes can be used on Belgian C-130 for static line jumps.

Once the various equipment of the different participating nations will be qualified on another nation’s aircraft, that aircraft will be used for common training and operations. In the future, this will allow the EATC to choose the best asset available within the EATC for airdrop mission in order to optimize effectiveness and efficiency of air transport operations.


Tomorrow the paratroopers will be joined by other specialists coming from the EATT 15 participating nations. They will all meet at the EATC in Eindhoven in order to prepare the last details for the most important European Air Transport Training of the year.

photo Ltc Ballinger (EATC) photo Ltc Ballinger (EATC)

photo Ltc Ballinger (EATC)

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10 février 2015 2 10 /02 /février /2015 12:50
Second European Tanker Training on the scope


21 January 2015 by Norbert Thomas - EATC


After its great success last year, the EATC together with the EDA and Eindhoven Airbase are about to run the 2nd European Air-to-Air Refuelling training, EART 2015.


Participating agencies and - nations had sent their subject matter experts to Eindhoven in order to discuss planning issues, setting the pace for this year’s EART exercise, which will be conducted from 13 to 24 April 2015 and will see tanker aircraft from France (Boeing (K)C-135 FR), Italy (Boeing KC-767A), Germany (Airbus A310 MRTT) and the Netherlands (McDonnel Douglas KDC-10). So far in discussion is also a fifth tanker from a further non-European country in a kind of observer status.

EART is an excellent training opportunity within Europe to operate missions with dedicated AAR scenarios embedded in Frisian Flag, a highly recognized fighter exercise that runs parallel from Dutch Airbase Leeuwarden in the North of the Netherlands. The EART training concept is made by EATC and performed by Eindhoven Airbase.


Find more about the European Air-to-Air Refuelling Training at our EART website.

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10 février 2015 2 10 /02 /février /2015 12:50
Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for the A400M - Picture by Airbus DS

Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for the A400M - Picture by Airbus DS


9 February 2015 by EATC


According to a Airbus Defence and Space press release, the German Air Force (GAF) has received a Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for the A400M aircraft at Air Transport Wing 62 in Hannover/Wunstorf.


The training device entered service at Wunstorf Airbase on 8 January and will be used to train about 60 GAF crews in its first three years in operation. Developed by Airbus Defence and Space and manufactured by Thales, it is a full replica of the A400M cockpit.


Airbus Defence and Space will deliver to the GAF also additional training tools, such as

– a Flat Panel – Flat Training Device (FP–FTD), which is a cockpit partial simulator to train pilots prior to the FFS training;

– a Cargo Hold Trainer (CHT), which is a full 1:1 scale replica of the A400M cargo hold used to train loadmasters with real loading and unloading tasks as well as to train parachutists;

– and a Cockpit Maintenance Operations Simulator (CMOS) which replicates the aircraft in 3D images and provides maintenance procedure simulations.

These three training devices are planned to be delivered by mid-2015.

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23 janvier 2015 5 23 /01 /janvier /2015 16:50
European Air Transport Fleet enters new phase


Brussels - 19 January, 2015 European Defence Agency


Launched four years ago by 20 participating nations, the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) partnership has now entered its second phase. The initiative is expected to grow based on the building blocks that have already been put in place.


With an objective to address the airlift shortfall in the European Union, the European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) partnership – initiated in 2011 as a European Defence Agency (EDA) programme – aims at developing cost-effective solutions to optimise the use of existing and future national fleets of military transport aircraft in Europe. A three-phase strategy has been agreed upon to achieve that ambitious objective.

The first phase of the EATF strategy, which ran from 2012 to 2014, has now effectively come to an end”, Laurent Donnet, EDA Project Manager Airlift & Air-to-Air Refuelling, explains. “This allowed us to lay out the partnership’s foundations with a number of tangible deliverables and activities such as the harmonisation of diplomatic clearances mechanisms and procedures, but also live exercises and training events”, he adds.


Growing interest

A testimony to this successful first phase, the European Air Transport Training (EATT) events organised in Europe keep gathering more and more participants, with 14 aircraft and 30 crews expected to join the next edition in June 2015. This year, three editions of the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) will also take place, as well as three European Air Transport Instructor Courses and the annual European Air Transport Symposium (see below).


EATF Phase 2, expected to run for three years, will see a strengthening of these activities through several initiatives, such as the development of a permanent multinational training centre in Zaragoza (Spain) expected to reach its initial operational capability by mid-2016. Meanwhile, harmonisation of rules, regulations, tactics, techniques and procedures will continue. User groups developed around aircraft such as the A400M, A330 MRTT, CN295 or KC-390 will also be explored, based on a model currently being tested with the European C-27J Spartan community of users. All these efforts will be pursued in close cooperation with the European Air Transport Command (EATC) in Eindhoven, which has become the major centre of airlift expertise in Europe.

The EATF partnership hit the nail on the head”, Laurent Donnet stresses. “European airlift is being trained like never before and interoperability between Member States keeps growing”, he adds. Ultimately, a third EATF phase is expected to run from 2017 to 2021. It will seek deeper cooperation between participating nations with regards to new capabilities, as well as increased support for the creation and implementation of innovative and tangible solutions.


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10 décembre 2014 3 10 /12 /décembre /2014 11:45
À bord de l’A400M Atlas en soutien des opérations en Afrique

08/12/2014 Capitaine Karim DJEMAI - Armée de l'air


Deux opérations desservies au cours d’une même mission: mercredi 3 décembre 2014, un A400M Atlas de l’armée de l’air a effectué un vol de transport logistique au profit des opérations Barkhane (menée dans la bande sahélo-saharienne depuis l’été 2014) et Sangaris (lancée en décembre 2013 en République centrafricaine).


L’appareil MSN 08, baptisé «Ville de Toulouse», a décollé de la base aérienne 123 d’Orléans dans la matinée pour rejoindre les aéroports de N’Djaména (Tchad) et de Bangui (République centrafricaine - RCA).

Au cours de son trajet vers le continent africain, l’appareil de l’armée de l’air a réalisé une escale sur l’aéroport de Vérone (Italie), afin d’embarquer 5,5 tonnes de fret, ainsi que 25 militaires italiens engagés dans l’opération européenne EUFOR RCA. Cette liaison logistique s’inscrivait dans le cadre de la mutualisation des moyens de transport établie au sein du commandement européen du transport aérien (European Air Transport Command – EATC), commandement multinational dont la France est membre et auquel l’Italie a officiellement adhéré le 4 décembre 2014.

Au total, une cinquantaine de passagers, ainsi qu’environ 18 tonnes de fret (soit un volume de plus de 100 m3) ont ainsi été acheminés. Le chargement était composé de fret en tout genre : matériels technique et médical, équipements aéronautiques tels qu’un réacteur M88 équipant les six Rafale stationnés à N’Djamena ou deux «mâts rotors principaux» dédiés aux hélicoptères engagés dans l’opération Sangaris.

«Les dimensions de la soute de l’Atlas nous permettent d’embarquer des volumes que des avions comme le Casa, le Transall ou l’Hercules ne pouvaient pas transporter, explique le commandant Benjamin, pilote de l’escadron de transport 1/61 «Touraine». Les équipages s’appuient sur l’expérience qu’ils ont au préalable acquis sur ces mêmes appareils. Il s’agit, en quelque sorte, de mettre en adéquation un métier que l’on maîtrise parfaitement avec un nouveau vecteur aérien.»


Avion de transport à l’allonge stratégique, l’A400M Atlas est doté d’une capacité d’emport, d’une allonge et d’une vitesse démultipliant les capacités d’intervention de la France à partir de ses bases de métropole. Avec une soute de 4 mètres de large, pour un volume de 340 m3, l’A400M est par exemple capable d’emporter une charge quatre fois supérieure au C160 Transall, en deux fois moins de temps.

Depuis la réactivation officielle de l’escadron de transport 1/61 «Touraine» en septembre 2014, l’A400M Atlas dispose d’une capacité logistique initiale. Les missions que l’appareil réalise au profit de l’ensemble des théâtres d’opérations sont à ce jour d’ordre logistique. A terme, l’appareil sera en mesure de réaliser l’ensemble des missions liées au transport aérien (poser d’assaut, aérolargage, ravitaillements en vol, évacuations sanitaires…).


Il s’agissait de sa troisième mission au profit de l’opération Sangaris, la première ayant été réalisée le 7 novembre 2014.


Plus d’informations sur les capacités de l’Atlas en consultant ce webdocumentaire.


Consultez les dossiers dédiés aux opérations Barkhane et Sangaris sur le site de l’état-major des armées.

À bord de l’A400M Atlas en soutien des opérations en AfriqueÀ bord de l’A400M Atlas en soutien des opérations en Afrique
À bord de l’A400M Atlas en soutien des opérations en Afrique
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3 octobre 2014 5 03 /10 /octobre /2014 12:50
First aircrews graduate from European training course


Zaragoza - 02 October, 2014 European Defence Agency


After almost two weeks of intensive training, six crews coming from five different Member States have graduated from the first-ever edition of the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) which took place in Spain from 21 September to 3 October. In total, 29 students from Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands completed the course.

Over the course of the exercise, 56 sorties were flown accounting for about 100 flight hours, 31 drops were conducted as well as 92 tactical approaches and 15 landing on unprepared airstrips.


A combination of academic lessons and actual flights, this first edition of EAATTC was hosted by the Spanish air force on Zaragoza airbase. “Spain provided great support to the event”, Michele Rega, EDA Project Officer Fixed-Wing Aircraft and EAATTC14 exercise director, points out. “We were able to deliver high-level training to our first class of crews and this successful first edition paves the way towards future EAATTC events”, he adds. Three  additional courses, including single-ship, multiple-ship, and night vision goggles (NVG) training, are expected to take place in 2015 in Bulgaria, France, and Spain. 

Designed at the request of Member States to provide European air transport crews with an advanced academic and flying training syllabus, EAATTC was initiated by the European Defence Agency in close cooperation with the European Air Transport Command (EATC), which brought major support to the course in terms of human resources and expertise. 

The course is intended to become a European alternative to the American AATTC initiative, a rendezvous that has been attended for decades by airlift crews from the US and allied nations. However, European Member States are now seeking different ways to provide their crews with this much-needed training. EAATTC is the perfect answer to that ever-growing challenge, with European air forces now able to benefit from a high-level training closer to their home bases, thus saving the cost of a return trip across the Atlantic. 



EAATTC is one of the tangible outputs of the wider European Air Transport Fleet (EATF) partnership launched in 2011 and now gathering 19 Member States plus Norway (AT, BE, BG, CZ, DE, EL, ES, FI, FR, IT, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SE and HU). A perfect example of pooling resources and sharing knowledge and expertise, this initiative aims to achieve a higher level of interoperability between airlift crews from different nations and to increase harmonisation of advanced tactical training. Other activities undertaken as part of EATF include the European Air Transport Training (EATT) series of events as well as the European Air Transport Symposium, both organised once a year by the European Defence Agency; the further development and management of the diplomatic clearances technical arrangement; and the development of a common maintenance and training project for operators of the C-27J Spartan transport aircraft.


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29 septembre 2014 1 29 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Photos Jürgen Braekevelt MIL.be

Photos Jürgen Braekevelt MIL.be


19.09.2014 by Virginie Flawinne – MIL.be


Le premier cours de transport aérien tactique à l’échelle européenne va enfin voir le jour. L’European Advanced Airlift Tactical Training Course (EAATTC) sera organisé à Saragosse, en Espagne, du 22 septembre au 3 octobre 2014. Créé par l’European Air Transport Command (EATC), le cours a été élaboré par des instructeurs belges, allemands, espagnols, français, italiens et néerlandais.


Avec ce nouveau cours, l’Europe dispose enfin de ressources pour former le personnel du transport aérien tactique selon les normes OTAN. Auparavant, ceux qui voulaient suivre une telle formation et valider leurs compétences devaient se rendre dans le Missouri (USA), où s’organise l’AATTC, référence mondiale victime de son succès. Loin d’entrer en concurrence avec ce dernier, l’organisation de ce cours permettra de former plus de personnel.


Un stage de (re)qualification du personnel de transport tactique avait été organisé par la Défense belge à Toulouse en avril-mai 2014. L’Airlift Block Training (ABT-14) avait en effet invité la France à participer aux entraînements des équipages C-130. Avec l’EAATTC, il s’agit du premier cours d’ampleur réellement multinationale en Europe. Sa concrétisation débouche sur une organisation et des syllabus musclés. Le but est d’améliorer l’interopérabilité et la faculté de survie du personnel d’avions de transport en environnement hostile. Au terme de ce stage, tous les participants sont censés acquérir (ou recouvrer) le statut combat-ready.


Il existait déjà un cours européen permettant aux différentes nations de s’entraîner ensemble : l’EATT (European Air Transport Training). L’EAATTC se veut être une version améliorée et plus ambitieuse, axée sur la tactique, qui s’organisera quatre fois par an, toujours à Saragosse. Sans porter atteinte à la population locale, ce cours permettra au transport aérien militaire européen d’évoluer vers une excellence opérationnelle.

Bientôt invincible le transport aérien en Europe ?
Bientôt invincible le transport aérien en Europe ?
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20 septembre 2014 6 20 /09 /septembre /2014 11:56
Remise du fanion de l'escadron de transport 1/61 "Touraine" par le CEMAA

Remise du fanion de l'escadron de transport 1/61 "Touraine" par le CEMAA


19/09/2014 Armée de l'air


L’escadron de transport 1/61 «Touraine» a officiellement été réactivé sur la base aérienne 123 «Capitaine Charles Paoli» d’Orléans-Bricy, au cours d’une cérémonie militaire présidée par le général Denis Mercier, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’air (CEMAA) le 17 septembre. Le lieutenant-colonel Benoît Paillard a officiellement pris le commandement de cette unité mise en sommeil durant l’été 2012.


Le «Touraine» se réveille ainsi, en étant équipé d'A400M Atlas. Sa capacité logistique initiale a d’ailleurs été déclarée au profit de l’EATC (European Air Transport Command).


«Vous avez brillamment mis vos unités sur la voie des qualifications opérationnelles de l’A400M, (…) a déclaré à cette occasion le général Mercier. De nombreuses missions ont ainsi été menées récemment par vos appareils non seulement vers l’Est, au profit des opérations aériennes en Irak, mais aussi aux quatre coins du monde : île de la Réunion, en Guyane, en Norvège. Voyez comme nous prenons vite l’habitude de ce nouveau confort logistique…»


Depuis son arrivée dans l’armée de l’air à l’été 2013, l’A400M Atlas poursuit sa montée en puissance au sein d’une équipe de marque chargée de mener les expérimentations au profit des forces. Appelée Multinational Entry into Service Team, cette unité du centre d’expériences aériennes militaires (CEAM) est également stationnée sur la base aérienne d’Orléans.


Avion de transport militaire tactique doté d’une allonge stratégique, l’A400M est sans équivalent sur le marché mondial. Équipé de quatre turbopropulseurs, il est conçu pour transporter jusqu’à 37 tonnes de matériel et réaliser l’ensemble des missions de transport, notamment les liaisons inter et intra-théâtre, les poser d’assaut sur terrains sommaires, l’aérolargage de personnel et de matériel y compris à très grande hauteur, le ravitaillement en vol ou les évacuations sanitaires.


Au cours de cette cérémonie, la lieutenant-colonel Soléne Le Floch a, quant à elle, reçu le commandement du centre d’instruction des équipages de transport (CIET), devenant à cette occasion la première femme à la tête de cette unité de formation.


«Les défis ne manqueront pas, ni pour le «Touraine», ni pour le CIET. Restez unis au sein de votre escadron pour y faire face, suivant les 4 axes d’effort du plan stratégique: modernisation, simplification, développer les partenariats et valoriser les aviateurs», a également déclaré le général Mercier.


Et pour approfondir vos connaissances sur l'A400M, consultez notre web-documentaire.

L’escadron de transport «Touraine» renaît sur A400M
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16 septembre 2014 2 16 /09 /septembre /2014 15:50
The European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course takes shape


Friday 5 September  Pascal Ballinger/Norbert Thomas - EATC


New air transport training course created by EATC


Under the umbrella of EDA and with the strong cooperation of the Spanish Air Force, the subject matter experts from the EATC plan the ambitious objective to organize a European Advanced Airlift Tactical Training Course (EAATTC) - first multinational of its kind in Europe.
This European counterpart of the well-known AATTC - organized by the United States Air Force - will open for the first time this year at the Spanish Air Force Base in Zaragoza from 21 September to 03 October 2014.


Similar – but different: European and American approach

The European AATTC is however not to be seen as competitor to the US AATTC. Instead for European Air Forces, a course organized in Europe makes further slots available, because the US course is somehow a victim of its own success: and the European Air Forces have difficulties to get the slots they asked for in the past. Moreover, the deployment to the USAF Advanced Airlift Tactical Training (AATTC), which is organized on a regular basis by the 139th Airlift Wing at Rosecrans Air National Guard Base in Saint Joseph, Missouri, charged a lot of flying hours just by crossing the Atlantic (and back). From this perspective time had come to implement a European way. With regard to the EATT held in Zaragoza 2012 and 2013, this training spot in Spain has proven its suitability in many ways. An important advantage of this location leads to the fact, that there is enough air space over Spain to train effective – and to not harm citizens with aircraft noise.
As the US course was identified by the European participants as tailored to their needs, the European counterpart will stay in many ways identical or similar to the AATTC – a balanced compromise of American expertise and the European will to keep up interoperable standards for all EAATTC participating nations.


EATC mindset

The European syllabus has been developed by the EATC - but Participating Nations will validate their students actions during the course in September. One of the main objectives of EAATTC is to provide a robust airlift tactics training syllabus to allow aircrews to increase interoperability as well as survival in non-permissive environments.
The first week of the new course will start with some tactical awareness academics spread over four  half days. Moreover some basic sorties shall be flown during that first week.
During the second week, the complexity of the mission will augment, including low level flights, threat reaction and max effort landings.
A total of 9 flights are planned – flight Nr. 8 is a final check with flight Nr. 9 as graduation flight itself.
At the end of the course, crews will be awarded a graduation certificate, based on a number of flights and events fulfilled.
As described above, participating crews (pilots) are enabled to reach a “combat ready” - comparable status. This already shows, that EAATTC is in fact a different course with regard to EATT, where already experienced crews fly with each other.



A few years ago, the European Air Forces mainly met during large fighter exercises or during training courses in the United States. There were only few national alternatives - and even less European.
With the organization of the first European Air Transport Training (EATT) from 4 till 15 June 2012 in Zaragoza (Spain) this has slightly changed: by pooling resources from different nations (BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR and NL), a contributing framework of different institutions  (EAG, EATC, EDA, JAPCC), but also with the contents from the US (AATTC), as a kind of mentor in aviation and air transport competence. During the first EATT seven aircraft from six nations flew day and night missions to (re)qualify crews in a variety of disciplines. Training objectives were achieved for crews as well as for Intelligence- (multinational Intel Cell) and Maintenance (multinational cross servicing team) participants.

A new challenge – and a new chance

The new course is a cooperation within EATCs Functional Division: Its Employment Branch and its  TREX-Branch (Training and Exercises) laid together all their ideas, knowledge and experience to  implement a course, that shall be offered several times per year – and therefore is planned to remain in Spain.
After its first “validation course” in 2014, three courses EAATTC per year are planned during the building-up phase 2015 to 2018. Full operational capability (FOC) of EAATTC is foreseen for 2019.
And after FOC, four courses per year - involving six aircrafts per course - are foreseen to take place at Zaragoza Air Base.
With this achieved, EATC has successfully implemented three major training events in Europe – for Europe. The important stepping stones as of EATT, EART and now EAATTC will allow European military AT to act more effective in the future – with a true European mindset and own competence due to the new trained skills.  



Pictures: Pascal Ballinger
Pictures: Pascal Ballinger
Pictures: Pascal Ballinger
Pictures: Pascal Ballinger

Pictures: Pascal Ballinger

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2 septembre 2014 2 02 /09 /septembre /2014 10:50
EATT - European Air Transport Training - Teil 2

28 août 2014 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 08/2014 14E19902


Großes Finale beim European Air Transport Training (EATT) in Bulgarien. Zum Abschluss der zweiwöchigen größten europäischen Lufttransportübung fliegen zehn Flugzeuge aus zehn Nationen im Formationsflug eine Combined Air Operation. Bestandteile der Mission sind unter anderem Tiefflug im Gebirge, das Abwerfen von Lasten sowie der Transport von Verwundeten.

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