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30 novembre 2014 7 30 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
EC645 T2 makes its first flight in Germany

28 nov. 2014 Airbus HC


The German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) witnessed the first flight of the EC645 T2 at the Bavarian site of Airbus Helicopters in Germany.

The Bundeswehr has ordered 15 of these military helicopters for the German Air Force.

The EC645 T2 represents a significant addition to the German Air Force’s capabilities and offers a host of features that make it particularly well suited to missions carried out by the Special Forces Command (KSK).

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16 juin 2014 1 16 /06 /juin /2014 10:55
Airbus Helicopters presents defense lineup at Eurosatory 2014


Marignane, France, 13 June 2014 – Airbus HC

The rugged, capable and mission-ready military rotorcraft lineup from Airbus Helicopters will be displayed at next week’s Eurosatory 2014 defense exposition near Paris, France, along with a focus on the latest innovation for its product family.

“The rapid evolution of operational requirements, for missions that are carried out by armed forces worldwide, requires an answer on our part to their ever-changing needs. Our fleet of helicopters addresses this by proposing adaptable, flexible, and efficient solutions,” said Dominique Maudet, Airbus Helicopters’ Executive Vice President Global Business and Services. “Once the helicopters are in service, we are committed to assisting and supporting all customers in the operational deployment of our rotorcraft weapon systems.”

To be included in the company’s exhibit is one of its newest military helicopters: the twin-engine EC645 T2, which has been ordered by Germany for the country’s Kommando Spezialkräfte (Special Forces Command), with deliveries to begin in 2015. As the most powerful model in Airbus Helicopters’ proven EC145 series, the EC645 T2 is equipped with a modern digital cockpit with the Helionix® avionics suite, full night vision capabilities, as well as a 4-axis autopilot. It is powered by two Turbomeca Arriel 2E engines with dual-channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC).

Also shown at Eurosatory 2014 will be Airbus Helicopters’ single-engine high-performance AS550 C3e Fennec, tailored for scout, armed reconnaissance and light utility missions.

The French Army is to display one of its NH90s – the multi-role helicopter deployed by this military service and by allied forces in Afghanistan, and used for the French Navy’s rescues of more than 120 persons; along with the presence of Tiger attack helicopter, which has been combat-proven while serving in Afghanistan, Libya and Mali.

Completing the company’s presence at Eurosatory – its first in the Airbus Helicopters identity following the rebranding from Eurocopter – are scale models of the EC725 Caracal, endorsed through combat deployments with French forces in Afghanistan along with the support of France’s role in NATO-led operations during the Libyan military campaign and French Special Forces missions in Mali; as well as the military Panther version of the well-known Dauphin family.

Airbus Helicopters’ application of continuous improvements and innovation is demonstrated at Eurosatory 2014 by the new Helionix® avionics suite, which integrates flight envelope protection, pilot assistance and improved situational awareness - providing additional operability, enhanced operational safety and lower crew workload, while also facilitating maintenance. In addition to the application of Helionix in the EC645 T2 and its civil EC145 T2 version, Airbus Helicopters has certified this avionics suite on its medium-weight EC175 multi-role rotorcraft – which is to be delivered to customers beginning later this year.

Airbus Helicopters will be participating at Eurosatory 2014 with its Airbus Group parent company, whose corporate exhibit is to be located on stand #D480 during the June 16-20 event at the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition center.

About Airbus Helicopters
Airbus Helicopters, formerly Eurocopter, is a division of Airbus Group, a global pioneer in aerospace and defense related services. Airbus Helicopters is the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer and employs more than 23,000 people worldwide. With 46 percent market share in civil and parapublic sectors, the company’s fleet in service includes some 12,000 helicopters operated by more than 3,000 customers in approximately 150 countries. Airbus Helicopters’ international presence is marked by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries, and its worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents. Airbus Helicopters’ range of civil and military helicopters is the world’s largest; its aircraft account for one third of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. The company’s chief priority is to ensure the safe operation of its aircraft for the thousands of people who fly more than 3 million hours per year.

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12 juillet 2013 5 12 /07 /juillet /2013 07:50
UH-72A Lakota, U.S. Army – the basis for the EC145 T2” (photo Eurocopter Jerome Deulin).

UH-72A Lakota, U.S. Army – the basis for the EC145 T2” (photo Eurocopter Jerome Deulin).

Donauwörth,  11 July 2013 eads.com


Eurocopter and the German Federal Ministry of Defense today signed a contract for 15 EC645 T2 Light Utility Helicopters (LUH) to be used by Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK), Germany’s Special Forces Command. With this order, the Bundeswehr has now joined the customer list for the most powerful model in Eurocopter’s proven EC145 family.


The contract, worth a total of 194 million euros, includes not just the helicopters but also the related equipment packages to allow KSK to carry out its special operations missions. Deliveries of the 15 aircraft begin in late 2015 and will be completed by mid-2017.


“By selecting the EC645 T2, the Bundeswehr is setting an international benchmark,” explained Wolfgang Schoder, CEO of Eurocopter Germany, during the contract signing. “They are putting their faith in proven technologies from missions around the world. Among others, the U.S. Army successfully operates a fleet of more than 270 EC145s, the aircraft on which the EC645 T2 is based. This helicopter is an economical, low-risk and quickly available solution to carry out missions for special forces that has already won out several times against international competition.”


The LUH contract enhances the Special Forces Command’s operational capability. The day and night missions that these helicopters will perform include insertion and extraction of special ops, fire support and reconnaissance.


The EC645 T2 LUH features a modern digital cockpit with full night vision and a 4-axis autopilot. Its communication equipment including tactical radios enables interoperability among NATO forces. Special ops teams can quickly access the aircraft thanks to its spacious cabin, which has two large sliding side doors and double doors at the rear. The helicopter’s maximum take-off weight is 3.7 tons. Troop safety is improved by the Fenestron shrouded tail rotor, particularly for flight operations in confined landing sites and whenever the rotor is turning on ground.


In addition, the mission equipment packages include fast rope system, cargo hooks and hoists. The aircraft are also equipped with pintle armament and electro-optical sensors. A self-protection system and ballistic protection further increase crew safety and aircraft survivability. The EC645 T2 is powered by two Turbomeca Arriel 2E engines and is equipped with dual-channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC).


The helicopter can be strategically airlifted in an Airbus A400M and quickly prepared for the mission upon arrival in a theater of operations.


In opting for a helicopter from Eurocopter’s EC145 family, the Bundeswehr has selected a model based on one that already performs a wide variety of missions around the world, with some 600 aircraft having been delivered to more than 40 countries. One international reference for the EC145 family’s capabilities and efficiency is the U.S. Army’s LUH program, in which the EC145, designated UH-72A Lakota, has effectively performed light utility helicopter duties since 2006. Of a total order for 322 units, more than 270 aircraft have already been delivered on time and on budget. The U.S. Army has repeatedly held the UH-72A up as an example of a successful procurement program. The EC145 has also been in operation for many years by renowned customers such as France’s Sécurité Civile and Gendarmerie Nationale, Germany’s DRF air rescue organization and the German Automobile Club (ADAC), along with many armed forces and police helicopter units around the world.


In addition, the EC645 T2 offers the Bundeswehr the potential for increased synergies: given that the German Army Aviation School in Bückeburg has for many years been using the EC135 for pilot training, Eurocopter’s family concept opens up additional benefits in training, operations and logistics for these aircraft.


About Eurocopter


Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 22,000 people. In 2012, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 6.3 billion Euros, orders for 469 new helicopters and a 44 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet. Eurocopter’s strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries. Eurocopter’s worldwide network of service centers, training facilities, distributors and certified agents supports more than 2,900 customers. There are currently more than 11,780 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 148 countries. Eurocopter offers the most comprehensive civil and military helicopter range in the world and is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.

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12 juillet 2013 5 12 /07 /juillet /2013 07:50
EC645 T2  Crédit Eurocopter

EC645 T2 Crédit Eurocopter

11/07/2013 Par Guillaume Steuer - Air & Cosmos


Les premières machines seront livrées fin 2015.


Eurocopter a signé aujourd'hui un contrat avec le ministère de la défense allemand pour l'achat de quinze hélicoptères EC645 T2 destinés à équiper les forces spéciales de la Bundeswehr. Le Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK), unité placée sous le commandement de la division des opérations spéciales allemandes, devrait prendre réception de ces machines entre fin 2015 et mi-2017. Le montant du contrat s'élève à 194 millions d'euros, équipements de mission compris.


Ces appareils serviront à remplacer les anciens MBB Bo 105 dont une partie avait été convertie pour mener des opérations au profit du KSK. Ces hélicoptères devaient initialement quitter le service en 2012, mais ils seront probablement maintenus jusqu'à l'arrivée des nouveaux EC645. En revanche, le KSK devrait bénéficier pour la première fois avec ceux-ci d'un moyen héliporté dédié, les Bo 105 étant jusqu'à alors mutualisés avec l'armée de terre conventionnelle.


Pour satisfaire aux besoins des forces spéciales, ces EC645 T2 seront notamment équipés d'un dispositif de descente sur corde, d'un crochet de charge externe, d'un treuil, d'un armement de bord et d'une boule optronique. Ils seront également dotés d'un système d'autoprotection et de kits de blindage.


Version militaire de l'EC145 T2, l'EC645 T2 est une évolution de l'UH-72A Lakota déjà livré à l'US Army au titre du programme LUH (Light Utility Helicopter) ; par rapport à ce dernier, il est notamment doté d'une motorisation plus puissante avec deux turbines Arriel 2E censées offrir 50% de puissance supplémentaire pour les décollages en conditions "temps chaud".


Si les forces spéciales allemandes deviennent le client de lancement de l'appareil, d'autres prospects sont également dans le radar d'Eurocopter. C'est le cas des Etats-Unis, où la machine est proposée sous l'appelation AAS-72X+ dans le cadre du programme Armed Aerial Scout. L'EC645 T2 est également candidat au remplacement d'une partie des hélicoptères légers de l'armée française au titre du futur programme HIL (hélicoptère interarmées léger) dont les contours devront être précisés par la prochaine loi de programmation militaire.

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