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16 septembre 2014 2 16 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Thales Alenia Space signs new EGNOS framework contract with ESA
September 12, 2014 Thales Group

Cannes, September 12th, 2014 – Thales Alenia Space announced today that it has signed a new framework contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) concerning the EGNOS navigation system. The contract will enable ESA, delegated by the European Commission, to order work packages from Thales Alenia Space France for the period 2014-2017, to develop new versions of EGNOS V2. Designed to ensure the continuous improvement of EGNOS performance, these new versions will guarantee optimum service quality for users, while also addressing the need to manage obsolescence.

Thales Alenia Space is the prime contractor for EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, which is designed to improve the positioning signals delivered by the GPS satellite navigation system. EGNOS was deployed starting in 2005, and has been operational since 2009, for open service. The system's "Safety of Life" service was officially declared operational in March 2011, and allows it to be used for aircraft landing, enabling precision approaches to European airports without ground guidance aids.

"The signature of this framework contract with ESA, in the presence of GSA*, marks a decisive new step for Europe's EGNOS navigation system," noted Philippe Blatt, head of the Navigation business line at Thales Alenia Space France. "We are already prime contractor for the Galileo Mission Segment (GMS), the Galileo Security Facility (GSF) and the Galileo system. This latest contract confirms Thales Alenia Space's position as the European leader in satellite navigation, a position we have held for over 20 years."

* GSA: European GNSS Agency

About Thales Alenia Space

Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales (67%) and Finmeccanica (33%), is a key European player in space telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, exploration and orbital infrastructures. Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio form the two parent companies' “Space Alliance”, which offers a complete range of services and solutions. Because of its unrivaled expertise in dual (civil/military) missions, constellations, flexible payloads, altimetry, meteorology and high-resolution optical and radar instruments, Thales Alenia Space is the natural partner to countries that want to expand their space program. The company posted consolidated revenues in excess of 2 billion euros in 2013, and has 7,500 employees in six countries. www.thalesaleniaspace.com

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24 mars 2014 1 24 /03 /mars /2014 13:25
Ariane 5 : Arianespace réussit son deuxième lancement en 2014

Deuxième mission de l'année et deuxième succès pour le lanceur Ariane 5


23/03/2014 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Arianespace a réussi le 59è lancement d'Ariane 5 d'affilée en mettant en orbite deux satellites de télécommunications, ASTRA 5B pour l'opérateur luxembourgeois SES et Amazonas 4A pour l'opérateur espagnol Hispasat.


Deuxième mission de l'année et deuxième succès pour le lanceur Ariane 5. Arianespace a réussi le 59è lancement d'Ariane 5 d'affilée en mettant en orbite deux satellites de télécommunications, ASTRA 5B pour l'opérateur luxembourgeois SES et Amazonas 4A pour l'opérateur espagnol Hispasat. A l'occasion de cette mission, ASTRA 5B héberge la charge utile de navigation EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) au service de la Commission européenne.

Le décollage s'est déroulé à 19h04 heure locale (22h04, GMT) depuis le centre spatial guyanais à Kourou. Vingt-sept minutes et trois secondes plus tard, le lanceur européen se séparait du satellite Astra 5B pour le compte de SES. Trente-quatre minutes et 37 secondes après le lancement, Ariane a placé à son tour sur orbite Amazonas 4A (3 tonnes environ) pour le compte de l'opérateur espagnol Hispasat et qui a été fabriqué par le constructeur américain Orbital Sciences Corporation.

Un lancement qui intervient au moment où le lanceur européen est fortement déstabilisé par son concurrent américain Falcon 9 de SpaceX, qui pratique un très fort dumping sur les prix. Ce qui oblige l'Europe spatiale à repenser son organisation dans la douleur et qui va entraîner de nombreuses suppressions d'emplois.


59e succès d'Ariane 5

"Ce nouveau succès, le 59è d'affilée du lanceur européen Ariane 5 a confirmé que l'offre d'Arianespace est la référence d'un accès garanti à l'espace pour tous les acteurs du secteur spatial, agences internationales ou nationales, opérateurs commerciaux ou institutionnels", a rappelé samedi Arianespace dans un communiqué.

Ce succès "confirme les niveaux de fiabilité et de disponibilité inégalés du lanceur européen, a confirmé le PDG d'Arianespace Stéphane Israël, cité dans le communiqué. Ce soir, nous sommes particulièrement fiers d'avoir mis cette excellence au service de deux grands opérateurs européens, SES et Hispasat, clients de référence d'Arianespace, ainsi que de la Commission européenne qui dispose à bord d'ASTRA 5B d'une charge utile pour son service de navigation par satellite EGNOS".


Airbus Defense ans Space maître d'oeuvre d'Ariane 5 et d'ASTRA 5B

Pour ce 217ème vol Ariane, la performance requise était de 9.468 kg en orbite de transfert géostationnaire dont 8.662 kg pour les deux satellites (ASTRA 5B et Amazonas 4A), le reste correspondant au Sylda, le système de lancement double d'Airbus Defence and Space (ADS), et aux structures adaptatrices pour les satellites, a expliqué Airbus Space Systems. ADS, le numéro deux mondial des technologies spatiales, qui développe et construit Ariane 5, était également sur ce lancement maître d'oeuvre d'ASTRA 5B, conçu et réalisé pour SES.

Ce lancement réussi "démontre une fois encore l'extrême fiabilité de notre organisation industrielle, aussi bien en tant que maître d'oeuvre d'Ariane 5 et des futurs lanceurs européens que comme constructeur de satellites de télécommunications comme ASTRA 5B, dont la plateforme Eurostar E3000 fête actuellement 10 ans de succès en orbite", a affirmé le directeur général de Space Systems, François Auque.

ASTRA 5B est le 8ème de la plateforme Eurostar E3000 de la flotte SES placé en orbite, après les lancements d'ASTRA 2F en septembre 2012, de SES-6 en juin 2013 et d'ASTRA 2E en septembre 2013. Un autre satellite Eurostar E3000 destiné à SES (ASTRA 2G) se trouve actuellement en phase finale d'intégration et de tests dans les locaux d'Airbus Defence and Space, tandis que la conception de SES-10, le dernier né de la flotte SES commandé en février 2013, a débuté.


EGNOS à bord

ASTRA 5B est un satellite de télécommunications qui offrira des services de télédiffusion directe DTH (Direct-to-Home) et d'alimentation des réseaux de TNT (Télévision Numérique Terrestre) en Europe pour le compte de SES. "Sa durée de vie estimée est de 15 ans", a expliqué le CNES dans un communiqué.

Amazonas 4A, d'une masse au lancement de 3 tonnes, est un satellite de télécommunications qui fournira un éventail étendu de services de télécoms sur toute l'Amérique du Sud pour le compte de l'opérateur Hispasat. Il hébergera également un équipement destiné au service européen de navigation par recouvrement géostationnaire EGNOS. La durée de vie d'Amazonas 4A est estimée à 15 ans, selon le CNES.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
Airbus Defence and Space is double prime contractor for the upcoming launch of ASTRA 5B by Ariane



Mar 19, 2014 ASDNews Source : Airbus Defence and Space


    ASTRA 5B will be the first of six telecommunications satellites scheduled for launch in 2014


Airbus Defence and Space, number two worldwide in space technologies, is preparing the launch of ASTRA 5B, which is due to be put into geostationary orbit (36,000 kilometres) aboard an Ariane 5 launcher on 21 March. ASTRA 5B is the first of six telecommunications satellites that will be launched in 2014. Airbus Defence and Space is also the industrial prime contractor for Ariane 5.


Astra 5B will be deployed at the orbital location of 31.5° East. It will provide extended transponder capacity in Ku and Ka bands with geographical reach over Eastern European and neighbouring markets for DTH (Direct to Home) direct-to-cable and feeding to digital terrestrial television networks. It will also carry a hosted L-band payload for the European Commission’s European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).


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6 décembre 2013 5 06 /12 /décembre /2013 08:50
Galileo satellite

Galileo satellite



Brussels, 5 December 2013 Council of the European Union Ref 17376/13 (OR. en) PRESSE 536


Today's Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council adopted a new financial and governance framework for the European satellite navigation systems (EGNOS and Galileo) for 2014-2020 (26/13; statements: 16097/13 ADD1 + ADD2).

The seven-year financial envelope for the EU's satellite navigation programmes is set at EUR 7 billion in current prices, in accordance with the next multi-annual financial framework (MFF).

The new regulation provides inter alia for the following:

– The activities to be financed under the regulation concern the completion of the deployment phase of Galileo (that is, the establishment of space and ground-based infrastructures) and the exploitation of Galileo and EGNOS.

– The services to be provided are defined.

– A new governance framework establishes a strict division of tasks between the Commission, the European GNSS Agency and the European Space Agency.

– Public procurement rules aim to promote the widest participation possible throughout the Union and ensure fair competition conditions.

– One of the objectives is the development of applications based on the satellite navigation systems, such as chipsets and receivers, with a view to maximising the socio-economic benefits of the programmes. A maximum amount of EUR 100 million in constant 2011 prices will be made available under the budget of the programmes to this end. It is, however, underscored that such financing must not jeopardise the deployment and operation of the satellite navigation infrastructure.

– The Commission will be responsible for the security of the programmes and will have the power to lay down high-level objectives in this respect. It will also be the Commission's task to establish the technical specifications and other measures to implement the security objectives, but these more specific requirements must be endorsed by the member states' experts to be adopted. In establishing those objectives and requirements, the Commission must make sure that the general level of security is not lowered compared to the existing standards.

– It will be possible to extend EGNOS coverage to other regions of the world, in particular candidate countries, non-EU countries belonging to the Single European Sky and countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy.


EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, enhances the accuracy of existing civilian GPS services, with a geographical area centred on Europe and the possibility of extension to other regions of the world in the future. It is already operational and available for use with both an open service and a safety-of-life service for aviation.


Galileo will be an independent European global satellite-based navigation system, providing five services:

– an open service (OS), free for the user and providing signals for timing and positioning

– a commercial service (CS) for applications for professional or commercial use requiring higher performance than offered by the open service

– a public regulated service (PRS) using strong, encrypted signals and restricted to government-authorised users

– a service that contributes to the international search and rescue service (S&R) system by detecting emergency signals

– a contribution to integrity-monitoring services, aimed at users of safety-of-life (SoL) applications. The SoL function, which will be provided in cooperation with other satellite navigation systems such as the American GPS, allows users for whom safety is essential, for instance airlines or maritime companies, to be alerted when certain margins of accuracy are not met.

The first three services (OS, PRS and S&R) are due to be available by 2014-2015. The system will be fully operational when all satellites are in place . This should be achieved by 2019 or 2020.

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30 septembre 2013 1 30 /09 /septembre /2013 17:50
Thales Alenia Space signs contract for EGNOS services worth more than 120 million euros

Sep 27, 2013 ASDNews Source : Thales Group


Thales Alenia Space today announced the signature of a contract with Telespazio worth more than 120 million euros, within the scope of a contract for the supply of EGNOS services (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service), signed by ESSP (European Satellite Services Provider) and Telespazio in July 2013. The overall contract covers EGNOS support and maintenance operations for a period of eight years. As the lead program partner, Thales Alenia Space is responsible for EGNOS maintenance, including obsolescence management and minor upgrades. The aim is to guarantee an optimized service level, as well as to integrate new EGNOS system functions especially for aviation and maritime transport applications.


EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System, is designed to improve the positioning messages supplied by GPS (Global Positioning System). Thales Alenia Space is the EGNOS prime contractor. EGNOS was deployed starting in 2005, and has been operational in "open service" since 2009. The system's "Safety of Life" service was officially declared operational in March 2011, and enables its use in the aviation sector for landings, as well as precision approaches to European airports, without requiring ground guidance systems.


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17 avril 2013 3 17 /04 /avril /2013 13:01
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