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29 avril 2014 2 29 /04 /avril /2014 11:50
A Royal Air Force Typhoon taking off from RAF Coningsby - Photo Corporal Phil Major RAF

A Royal Air Force Typhoon taking off from RAF Coningsby - Photo Corporal Phil Major RAF


28 April 2014 Ministry of Defence


Four Royal Air Force Typhoons have deployed today to take part in the Nato Baltic air policing mission over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


The UK fast jets will reinforce the Polish contribution to the air policing mission; a standing defensive mission undertaken by rotations of aircraft from contributing nations on a 4-month cycle.

The Defence Secretary Philip Hammond announced this to the House of Commons in March. The deployment forms part of a series of measures taken by Nato to support and reassure its eastern member states.

Mr Hammond said:

In the wake of recent events in Ukraine, it is right that Nato takes steps to reaffirm very publicly its commitment to the collective security of its members.

As a leading member of Nato, the UK is playing a central role, underlined by today’s deployment of RAF Typhoon aircraft to Lithuania.

This, alongside the other action we are taking, will provide reassurance to our Nato allies in eastern Europe and the Baltic states.

A Royal Air Force Typhoon taking off from RAF Coningsby - Photo Corporal Phil Major RAF

A Royal Air Force Typhoon taking off from RAF Coningsby - Photo Corporal Phil Major RAF


As part of standing arrangements within Nato, members of the alliance without their own air policing assets are assisted by others.

The RAF’s Typhoon FGR4, based at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire and RAF Leuchars in Fife, is also used to provide air policing within UK airspace as part of the ‘Quick Reaction Alert’ and in the Falkland Islands.

A multi-role combat aircraft, it is capable of being deployed in the full spectrum of air operations, from air policing through to high intensity conflict.

This Typhoon deployment comes 6 weeks after the UK Sentry E-3D aircraft, which is part of the Nato Airborne Warning and Control System Force, was deployed to Polish and Romanian airspace to provide additional reassurance to our allies.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 12:50
Estonie: une base pourrait accueillir 16 chasseurs de l'Otan


TALLINN, 4 avril - RIA Novosti


La base aérienne d'Ämari située près de Tallinn pourrait accueillir jusqu'à 16 chasseurs de l'Otan chargés de patrouiller l'espace aérien des pays baltes, a déclaré vendredi le commandant en chef des Forces armées estoniennes, le général Riho Terras.


"La base d'Ämari est capable d'accueillir jusqu'à 16 chasseurs ainsi que trois ou quatre avions de transport. Il y a cependant toujours un problème avec le personnel de service", a fait savoir M.Terras au cours d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec le vice-président du Comité militaire de l'Otan, le lieutenant-général Mark O. Schissler.


Selon lui, la base sera prête à accueillir les avions en 2015.


Mardi 1er avril à Bruxelles, le ministre estonien des Affaires étrangères Urmas Paet a déclaré que Tallinn mettait à disposition de l'Otan une base aérienne censée accueillir des avions supplémentaires ayant pour mission de patrouiller l'espace aérien des pays baltes.

Ämari Air Base in 2010

Ämari Air Base in 2010

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14 février 2014 5 14 /02 /février /2014 08:45
photo ECPAD

photo ECPAD


13/02/2014 Par Jean-Jacques Mevel – LeFigaro.fr


L'Estonie et la Géorgie devraient rejoindre l'opération européenne. Les grands pays et alliés traditionnels boudent toujours.


Vladimir Poutine est-il le meilleur sergent recruteur de l'Europe en Centrafrique? Le rapprochement est hardi, mais pas infondé: sur fond d'instabilité ukrainienne, la crainte de l'empire est l'un des ressorts qui conduit plusieurs voisins et ex-colonies de la Russie à donner des gages à l'UE en s'enrôlant dans sa future opération militaire à Bangui.


Les alliés européens traditionnels se font attendre, près de deux mois après l'appel à l'aide européenne lancé par François Hollande depuis le Brésil. Le Royaume-Uni renâcle à une opération militaire conduite sous les couleurs de l'UE. L'Allemagne est prête à aider, mais au Mali. L'Italie dit ses moyens militaires accaparés par l'immigration sauvage en Méditerranée. L'Espagne et la Belgique invoquent les restrictions budgétaires.


Jusqu'ici, seuls deux pays ont quasi officiellement annoncé qu'ils participeront à l'opération militaire de l'UE, commandée par le général français Philippe Pontiès: l'Estonie, petite voisine balte de la Russie (55 hommes), et la Géorgie, à l'extrémité caucasienne de l'ex-URSS (de 100 à 150  hommes). Sous bénéfice d'inventaire, les autres pressentis de la mission «Eufor-RCA» se concentrent dans la région: la Finlande, la Suède, la Lettonie et peut-être la Pologne.


Le cas de la Géorgie, envahie sur ordre du Kremlin à l'été 2008, est le plus éclairant. Elle redoute que la Russie fasse à nouveau monter la pression à ses frontières, une fois passés les JO de Sotchi. À la différence de l'Ukraine, elle brave la colère de Poutine et maintient sa candidature à un accord politique et économique avec l'UE, dès l'été 2014. «Elle cherche peut-être une assurance», observe un haut responsable européen. Du coup, Tbilissi semble décidé à engager des troupes de retour d'Afghanistan en Centrafrique: «Nous explorons les possibilités de coopérer avec l'UE dans le domaine de la gestion de crise», confirme Tamar Kekenadze, responsable à la mission géorgienne à l'Otan. La république caucasienne n'appartient pas à l'UE. Mais jusqu'ici, d'après les diplomates, c'est elle qui a mis sur la table le plus fort contingent.


C'est une bonne nouvelle pour Hollande: l'Élysée et la Défense désespèrent de garnir les rangs de l'opération militaire présentée, au sommet du 20 décembre à Bruxelles, comme la preuve tangible de l'engagement européen aux côtés des 1 600 soldats français de «Sangaris». «Ce n'est pas l'UE qui vient aider la France, rectifie huit semaines plus tard Arnaud Danjean, eurodéputé PPE-UMP et spécialiste des questions militaires. C'est la France qui tente péniblement de sauver une opération européenne».


Eufor-RCA, ce seront à peu près 500  hommes, dont un bon tiers de Français, à proximité de l'aéroport M'Poko de Bangui, pour six mois, pas plus. À Bruxelles, les diplomates et les politiques avancent en privé une série de maladresses commises à Paris: le péché d'orgueil de l'état-major qui pensait régler l'affaire aussi vite qu'au Mali, une opération lancée en solo qui débouche sur un appel à l'aide juste avant Noël et, pour finir, de grands alliés qui détournent le regard sur ce qui s'impose chaque jour comme un bourbier humanitaire. Un responsable s'interroge: «Qui, aujourd'hui, a vraiment envie d'aller en Centrafrique?»

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8 janvier 2014 3 08 /01 /janvier /2014 12:50
Exelis to provide Estonia with transportable ground control approach radar

VAN NUYS, Calif., Dec. 20, 2013 - Exelis


Exelis has received a contract valued at more than $8 million to provide transportable, precision ground control approach capabilities to the Estonian armed forces. The GCA-2020 radar system will enable Estonia Ämari Air base, one of NATO’s most modern bases, to support NATO exercises, contingencies and humanitarian efforts.

With this contract, Exelis continues to extend its leadership in the growing field of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and analytics to serve the needs of customers in global markets. Most recently, Exelis received an award for a similar solution from the Swedish armed forces.

“This award expands our footprint of radars supporting critical transportation networks across Europe and strengthens our position as the premier supplier of ‘ready-now’ air traffic control solutions,” said Dave Prater, Exelis vice president and general manager of the radar, reconnaissance and undersea systems business. “Exelis is committed to providing our allies with this key component as they continue to modernize their air traffic management infrastructure and capabilities.”

The Exelis GCA-2020 provides the high-performance air navigation services required to meet demanding NATO flight safety standards. The solution provides Estonia with a transportable, solid-state, electronically scanning radar providing three functions — primary surveillance, secondary surveillance and precision approach— in a single integrated unit. The GCA-2020 also provides Estonia with global compatibility and standardization with NATO systems operating at 11 other sites across Europe.

More than 70 years ago, Exelis pioneered the development of air traffic control and 3-D air defense radars for tactical and naval applications and remains the world leader in supplying air traffic control radar systems designed for military use. The GCA-2020 operates daily in environments ranging from the Arctic Circle and the deserts of Northern Africa to the rainforests of Asia and South America.

About Exelis
Exelis is a diversified, top-tier global aerospace, defense, information and services company that leverages a 50-year legacy of deep customer knowledge and technical expertise to deliver affordable, mission-critical solutions for global customers.  We are a leader in timing and navigation, sensors, air traffic solutions, image processing and distribution, communications and information systems, logistics and technical services; and we are focused on strategic growth in the areas of critical networks, ISR and analytics, electronic warfare and composite aerostructures. Headquartered in McLean, Va., Exelis employs about 19,000 people and generated 2012 sales of $5.5 billion. For more information, visit our website at www.exelisinc.com or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 08:50
Cyberdéfense  : Les états-Unis signent un partenariat avec l'Estonie


04/12 Par Les Echos


Le secrétaire d'Etat John Kerry a signé, hier, un partenariat en matière de cyberdéfense avec l'Estonie. Tallinn étant un fer de lance dans ce domaine depuis qu'elle a subi une attaque massive en 2007. « L'Estonie est une alliée fondamentale des Etats-Unis et un leader reconnu sur les questions de cybersécurité et de liberté sur Internet », a indiqué le département d'Etat. L'Otan a organisé la semaine dernière en Estonie un vaste exercice de cyberdéfense.

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 19:50
L'Otan lance son plus important exercice de cyber-défense en Estonie


26/11/13 - 7sur7.be (Belga)


L'Otan a lancé mardi en Estonie un vaste exercice de cyber-défense, le plus important du genre destiné à contrer des cyber-attaques massives et simultanées contre les Etats membres et leurs partenaires.


"Les cyber-attaques sont une réalité quotidienne et elles sont de plus en plus sophistiquées et complexes", a déclaré dans un communiqué Jamie Shea, Secrétaire général adjoint délégué pour les défis de sécurité émergents à l'Otan. "L'Otan doit faire face à cette menace en évolution", a-t-il dit.


Quelque 400 experts des technologies de l'information et spécialistes juridiques ainsi que les représentants des gouvernements participent à cet exercice qui a pour nom de code "Cyber coalition 2013", prévu pour durer trois jours.


Au total, plus de 30 pays européens sont représentés.


La cyber-défense fait partie des quatre secteurs prioritaires identifiés par la chef de la diplomatie européenne Catherine Ashton pour renforcer la défense européenne dans la perspective du sommet de l'UE les 19 et 20 décembre, consacré à la défense dans un contexte de baisse générale des budgets militaires.

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9 juillet 2013 2 09 /07 /juillet /2013 16:50
Estonian Defence Forces sign new Thales naval support contract

Jul 8, 2013 ASDNews Source : Thales Group


Thales UK has signed a contract with the Estonian Defence Forces to provide an additional four years of technical support and maintenance to two former Royal Navy (RN) mine countermeasures vessels (MCMVs) now serving with the Estonian fleet.


The contract provides a framework to achieve cost savings while accessing a wider range of support activities than previously provided.  Thales offers a complete range of services and support packages to suit specific operational and maintenance requirements.


The two former RN Sandown-class vessels – HMS Sandown and HMS Inverness – were decommissioned and sold to Estonia in 2006. The vessels were re-named ENS Admiral Cowan and ENS Sakala.


As part of a programme to return the two ships to operational service, Thales originally signed a contract in 2006 to provide operational support to the ships in service and upgrades to Thales UK’s highly-successful Sonar 2093 system. This new contract now extends the support programme until December 2016.


Estonian Defence Forces sign new Thales naval support contract

Sonar 2093 is a variable-depth sonar system and is designed for the detection and classification of bottom and moored mines. It is optimized for littoral (coastal) and open-ocean waters and is effective against all known mine types.


The system is in service with the RN’s remaining Sandown-class MCMVs, and existing export contracts include Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Italy and the Republic of Korea.


Ed Lowe, head of Thales UK’s naval business, said: “We greatly value our relationship with the Estonian Navy and Defence Forces, and see this new contract as a key to providing their ships with the best and most cost-effective long term support that will enable them to meet their important national and NATO commitments.”


Neeme Kass, Director of the Procurement Service in Estonia, said: “This signed agreement is a result of effective cooperation with Thales and is significant for Estonian Defence Forces because our goal is to establish long-term partnerships with professional companies.”

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20 juin 2013 4 20 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Brussels | Jun 20, 2013 European Defence Agency

In view of the recent publication of the Cyber Security Strategy for the European Union, the Irish Presidency, in association with the Estonian Ministry of Defence and the European Defence Agency, organised a high-level EU Cyber Security conference in Brussels on 20 June.

The conference aimed to advance the debate on European Union Member States’ preparedness to face cyber threats at national level and across the EU as a whole. The growth of cyber attacks on critical private, government and defence networks requires a coordinated response at the EU level and across Member States. To successfully counter this emerging cyber threat, cooperation between national security, defence, law enforcement and technical incident response organisations within and between Member States needs to be encouraged to identify and exploit synergies. The conference brought together key policy-makers across the EU cyber community to highlight preventative measures, the need for cooperation and crisis response procedures to the mounting cyber security challenge.

After keynote speeches delivered by Mr Alan Shatter, Ireland’s Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence and Mr Jaak Aaviksoo, Estonia’s Minister for Education and Research, as well as Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, the first panel concentrated on a strategic view as to how the EU can protect itself against cyber threats. Mr Maciej Popowski (EEAS), Amb Gabor Iklody (NATO), Mme Claude-France Arnould (EDA) and Amb Jean-François Blarel (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) discussed how to develop increased information sharing, early warning, and crisis response as well as closer cooperation between EU and NATO. While the second panel looked at crisis response systems, the third panel discussed cyber resilience in the EU with a view to public and private cooperation. Looking ahead to the European Council in December including defence topics, the final session of the conference dealt with requirements and capability development in cyber security and cyber defence. Topics discussed were cyber defence requirements for CSDP operations, synergies between civil R&D and military R&T as well as cyber security/defence “Dual-Use” capabilities.

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7 juin 2013 5 07 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
Work on Cyber Ranges Initiated

Brussels | Jun 07, 2013 European Defence Agency


On 30 May, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Finland, and the Netherlands signed a letter of intent to work towards the Pooling & Sharing of available and future resources for cyber defence training, exercise and testing. The project, called cyber ranges, aims at maintaining and improving cyber resilience as well as the levels of awareness, insight and expertise of personnel Member States. 
By signing the letter of intent, the Member States confirmed to participate and cooperate in the development of a Common Staff Target which will for example determine the functional requirements for cyber ranges. These requirements will have to be agreed by the EDA Steering Board at a later stage. The initiative on cyber ranges has also been recommended by the recently presented EDA cyber defence landscaping study as a viable opportunity with respect to the practical implementation of Pooling and Sharing.
Cyber ranges are multipurpose environments supporting three primary process: knowledge development, assurance and dissemination. Under the Pooling & Sharing initiative, cyber ranges may consist of three complementary functionality packages: Cyber Research Range, Cyber Simulation & Test Range as well as Cyber Training & Exercise Range. 


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7 juin 2013 5 07 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
Work on Cyber Ranges Initiated

Brussels | Jun 07, 2013 European Defence Agency


On 30 May, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Finland, and the Netherlands signed a letter of intent to work towards the Pooling & Sharing of available and future resources for cyber defence training, exercise and testing. The project, called cyber ranges, aims at maintaining and improving cyber resilience as well as the levels of awareness, insight and expertise of personnel Member States. 
By signing the letter of intent, the Member States confirmed to participate and cooperate in the development of a Common Staff Target which will for example determine the functional requirements for cyber ranges. These requirements will have to be agreed by the EDA Steering Board at a later stage. The initiative on cyber ranges has also been recommended by the recently presented EDA cyber defence landscaping study as a viable opportunity with respect to the practical implementation of Pooling and Sharing.
Cyber ranges are multipurpose environments supporting three primary process: knowledge development, assurance and dissemination. Under the Pooling & Sharing initiative, cyber ranges may consist of three complementary functionality packages: Cyber Research Range, Cyber Simulation & Test Range as well as Cyber Training & Exercise Range. 


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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 20:50
Estonia Completes Military Drills with NATO Allies

TALLINN, May 26 (RIA Novosti)


Estonia completed on Saturday large-scale military drills, which began on May 9 and involved some 5,000 military personnel, including from NATO allies, the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces said.


The Spring Storm (Kevadtorm) drills have been held annually in different parts of Estonia since 2003. This year they were held in northern and central Estonia and involved for the first time units from the UK, Belgium and Poland as well as the Estonian navy.


“Our military servicemen gained experience of cooperation with pilots from Poland, air defense experts from Belgium, infantrymen from Britain, Latvia and Lithuania by participating in joint drills,” Estonian Commander in Chief Gen.-Maj. Riho Terras said at a line-up in the village of Kuusalu.


NATO allies were represented by an infantry company from the UK and Latvia each, a reconnaissance platoon from Lithuania and an anti-aircraft missile platoon from Belgium.


The exercise also involved Polish attack aircraft SU-22, Estonia's training jets L-39, light helicopters R-44, light transport planes An-2 and French Mirage F-1 aircraft, according to Estonian newspaper Postimees.


President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves attended the large-scale military exercise on May 17.


Estonia, as well as two other ex-Soviet republics in the Baltics - Latvia and Lithuania, joined NATO in March 2004.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 20:40
Baltic States Prepare for International Saber Strike Exercise

TALLINN, May 27 (RIA Novosti)


Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are preparing to take part in a large-scale international exercise, Saber Strike, to take place in early June, Estonian TV reported on Sunday.


Saber Strike is a USAREUR (United States Army in Europe)-led theater security cooperation exercise to be conducted in the Baltic States - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania on June 3-14. It will involve approximately 2000 personnel from the three Baltic States, the United States, Finland, Norway, Poland and the United Kingdom, as well as forces from the Polish headquarters of NATO’s Multinational Corps Northeast.


“The main headquarters will be located in Lithuania. Air forces and the Corps Northeast will be deployed in Estonia. Latvia will host the practical part of the exercises,” said an Estonian official charged with planning the exercise, Lt. Col. Tiit Paljak.



On Friday, the Polish Navy landing ships Lublin and Poznan brought 100 metric tons of military equipment to the Estonian city of Paldiski. The two vessels brought 17 vehicles and 50 members of the Polish and German defense forces.


On the same day, a nine-car train arrived in Pabrade railway station in Lithuania, bringing US military equipment from Germany, including vehicles and trucks and a medical support unit.

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5 février 2012 7 05 /02 /février /2012 08:15
Estonia Joins NATO Ground Surveillance Network


TALLINN, February 4 (RIA Novosti)


Estonia will be part of NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) project, the country’s Defense Ministry said.


The North Atlantic Council decided on February 2 to collectively cover the costs for operating the AGS network as a NATO-owned and operated capability.


The AGS will be acquired by 13 Allies (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and the United States), and will be made available to the Alliance in 2015-2017.


The network will include five U.S.-made Global Hawk RQ-4B reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and the associated command and control base stations.


“The AGS core capability will enable the Alliance to perform persistent surveillance over wide areas from high-altitude, long-endurance, unmanned aerial platforms operating at considerable stand-off distances and in any weather or light condition,” NATO said.


The main operating base for AGS will be located at Sigonella Air Base in Italy.

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