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17 mai 2017 3 17 /05 /mai /2017 09:50
EDA Defence Industry workshop looking at the long-term outlook for RPAS

16.05.2017 source EU Defence Agency

EDA has opened a call for submissions from defence industry representatives on the topic of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS). This call is in response to the agreement between EDA defence ministers to develop a more structured and regular dialogue with industry. In this domain, the EDA has developed an approach that is supported by Member States and invites defence industry representatives and research institutes to respond to the call for papers (attachment below). Submissions must be sent to the EDA by the 16th of June 2017.

The aim of the process is to enrich the CDP long-term view with industry inputs on the long term perspective of the industrial and technological outlook for specific capability areas. This will not be a forum for discussing the commercial aspects of current systems but a dialogue intended to explore the long-term (20 years ahead) aspects of military warfare focused on Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS).

The EDA will hold a one day workshop on the 12th of September 2017. Selected industry representatives will be invited to share their views of long-term outlooks focusing on the questions listed in the questionnaire. Speakers will be selected based on this call for papers, which will be evaluated by the EDA. Submissions are sought from as wide as possible a range of industries involved in aspects of development related to RPAS. Though responses to all questions in the questionnaire are encouraged, submitters may develop answers to specific questions in greater detail based on their area of expertise. This will allow thematic discussion panels to be formed. Submissions will be judged on their innovativeness and relevance as well as ability to stimulate discussion on the future role of RPAS in the military context. Participation in this call for papers is open to companies of any size as well as academic, semi-governmental research institutes and associations or grouping of industrial suppliers.


How to submit

Download the call for papers here: Annex to EDA201705069 - CDP Industry Questionnaire

Send your completed files to cps@eda.europa.eu with a copy to aleksandrs.bucens@eda.europa.eu

Deadline for submissions is the 16th of June 2017

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17 mai 2017 3 17 /05 /mai /2017 07:50
Union Européenne : Conseil des Affaires Etrangères (Défense) le 18 mai 2017


16.05.2017 Conseil de l'Union européenne


Le Conseil, présidé par Mme Federica Mogherini, haute représentante de l'Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, débutera à 10 heures. Les ministres de la défense feront d'abord le point sur la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie globale de l'UE dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense et devraient adopter des conclusions.


Ils examineront les progrès réalisés dans la mise en oeuvre des décisions en matière de sécurité et de défense arrêtées au sein du Conseil des affaires étrangères en mars. Celles-ci comprennent la future mise en place d'une capacité militaire de planification et de conduite (MPCC) établie à Bruxelles, pour appuyer les missions militaires PSDC à mandat non exécutif, la possibilité d'instituer une coopération structurée permanente (PESCO) et d'introduire un examen annuel coordonné en matière de défense (CARD) piloté par les États membres, le renforcement des outils de réaction rapide de l'UE, y compris les groupements tactiques de l'UE et l'adoption d'une approche plus stratégique à l'égard des partenariats en matière de PSDC. Les ministres devraient également se pencher sur la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action européen de la défense, à la suite d'une présentation faite par Mme Bienkowska, membre de la Commission.


Le Conseil abordera également la question de la coopération entre l'UE et l'OTAN. Le Secrétaire général de l'OTAN, M. Jens Stoltenberg, participera à ce débat.


Au cours du déjeuner, les ministres débattront de la lutte contre le terrorisme avec les ministres de l'intérieur. Le déjeuner sera co-présidé par la Haute Représentante et Carmelo Abela, Ministre des affaires intérieures et de la sécurité nationale.


La session du Conseil sera précédée par une réunion du comité directeur de l'Agence européenne de défense (AED).

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21 mars 2017 2 21 /03 /mars /2017 13:50
News Review for Industry - March 2017 edition - EU Defence Agency

News of the News


EDA organised a “Jumbo” workshop on 28 February and gathered Member States and industry representatives from 4 EDA networks on Defence Market & Industry issues, to discuss proposals to improve EDEM transparency, EDTIB competitiveness and to promote cooperation in defence procurement



As announced in President Juncker's 2016 State of the Union speech, the European Commission presented a White Paper on the Future of Europe, which forms the Commission's contribution to the Rome Summit of 25 March 2017. Please, download the document here !

Places to be


Maritime and Defence Dual-Use Conference 2017 will be organised by Marine South East, UK and the European Commission in Southampton, 4-5 April 2017. Registration is still open.


Second European Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference 2017 “European priorities - challenges and opportunities for a large EU network of Test & Evaluation Centres“ on 25-27 April 2017 in Vienna, Austria. Registration is still open until 7th April 2017.


Dual-Use Conference 2017 – Drones & Space will be organised by CenSec (Center for Defence, Space & Security) in DK and the European Commission in Aarhus on 4-5 May 2017. Registration is still open.


EDA is organizing a workshop on “European opportunities for Defence-related clusters” on 28 March, at EDA premises. Further to a plenary session focusing on current and forthcoming European opportunities for defence-related clusters, there will be a dedicated Cluster2Cluster session. You can register still by sending an e-mail to esi@eda.europa.eu

Hot Spot


Blueprint for cooperation on skills in the defence sector is the recently published Commission brochure on defence skills policy presenting the new framework for strategic cooperation between key stakeholders for addressing sector-specific skills gaps.


The European Defence Agency (EDA) has just completed a project aimed at increasing the accuracy of artillery systems used by Member States’ Armed Forces. Read the article and factsheet on EDA website page!


EDA Publications

EDA 2016 Annual Report is now available on the EDA website and can be downloaded here. “2016 was a seminal moment for European defence and a defining year for the European Defence Agency (EDA). The events that shaped 2016 added a new sense of urgency and determination to see Europe delivering on its potential in defence. …”

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14 février 2017 2 14 /02 /février /2017 11:50
News review for Industry - European Defence Agency


source European Defence Agency

If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu

News of the News

EDA Study on the Impact of REACH & CLP European Chemical Regulations on the Defence Sector: the study concluded that considering the complexity of defence supply chains and long lifecycles of military equipment, REACH (and associated CLP) regulation, as they stand now, may impact the actual operability of Member States’ Armed Forces. Review the EDA webnews and download the full report here!!



EDA just released the executive summary of a late 2016 study on Response strategies to the cost escalation of defence equipment. Four interesting recommendations to EDA and Member States are formulated.

Places to be

EDA and European Space Agency (ESA) are pleased to announce a joint Workshop on Space and CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) threats on 7 March 2017, at ESTEC in Noordwijk (The Netherlands). You can register through the dedicated webpage.



EDA is organizing a workshop on “European opportunities for Defence-related clusters” on 28 March 2017, at EDA premises. Further to a plenary session focusing on current and forthcoming European opportunities for defence-related clusters, there will be a dedicated Cluster2Cluster session. You can register by sending an e-mail to esi@eda.europa.eu.


The European Commission published its 2017 “Sector Skills Alliances” call for proposals, with a new Lot 3 dedicated to six pilot sectors: defence, automobile, maritime technology, space, textile and tourism. Falling under the EU’s Erasmus+ instrument, the call is the first Commission action to implement the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills, part of the wider initiative known as the “New Skills Agenda for Europe”, adopted in June 2016. The call is available following this link ! A Sector Skills Alliances Infoday will be organized on 16 February 2017.

Hot Spot

European Defence Matters, Magazine issue 12: The latest European Defence Matters magazine is now available with a special focus on the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) presented by the European Commission in November 2016. Check it out HERE.



Southampton, 4-5 April 2017, organised by Marine South East, UK and the European Commission: This workshop will promote SME engagement in the Solent region’s dual use strategy, while stimulating consortium-building and investment in dual-use innovation. It will focus on two technology themes: marine autonomous systems and satellite surveillance & data analytics. Register now !



High industry attendance at Vienna seminar on EU funding for defence R&T projects: EDA’s Deputy Chief Executive, addressed on 24 January 2017 Austrian security and defence stakeholders at a seminar in Vienna on EU funding opportunities for defence research (R&T) projects. The event was jointly organised by the EDA, the Austrian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) with the support of the Austrian Defence & Security Industry (ASW).



EDA organises the next Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) 2017 in Vienna. TECD 2017 will focus on T&E requirements in support of CDP Priority Actions, in the wider context of the implementation of the EU Global Strategy (EUGS). The conference addresses T&E Experts, Industry working with government and decision makers of EU Defence Test centres. Download conference flyer here ; Link to registration page

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15 septembre 2016 4 15 /09 /septembre /2016 12:50
News review for Industry - EU Defence Agency Edition 11 – September 2016

15.09.2016 source EU Defence Agency


Outcome of EDA studies


EDA has commissioned a study on “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” with the objectives:

-      to reach a common understanding of the European Defence Supply Chain,

-      to propose improvement of access to information & business opportunities,

-      to develop & implement the Defence Supply Chain Networks (DSCN) to reinforce the link between EDA and Industry,

-      to identify & analyse potential incentives & measures for suppliers to open their supply chains,

-      and to provide recommendations based on identification of best practices for funding mechanisms along the supply chain.

The Executive Summary of the study is available on the EDA website.



INEA CALL 2015 results in € 53.5 million for military SESAR projects: With the July approval by EU Member States, 14 military projects on SESAR deployment will receive a total of € 53.5 million in EU funding under the 2015’s call for proposals of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) published by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA-call). In its role of military coordinator for SESAR deployment, EDA had supported Member States to identify and prepare bids for this call.

Tool of the Month


All companies belonging to the National Defence Industries Associations (NDIAs) in Europe and ASD can be found in the ASD/NDIA catalogue which was a deliverable of “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” EDA study. This ASD/NDIA catalogue is now available on EDA website and be downloaded.



Thinking of organising a B2B event? EDA has just published ToRs for B2B as another deliverable of the commissioned “Support to the Implementation of the Supply Chain Action Plan” study. Do not hesitate to upload it from the EDA website and use it. EDA welcome any feedback from your experience.

General Information


EDA Military Airworthiness Conference 2016: it is still time to register here to the MAWA conference which will be held on 5th and 6th October 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal.



If you want to know more about what EDA does in regards to Operation Support, do not hesitate to read the updated dedicated Operations Support factsheet and browse in the CSO Platform.

Hot Spot


RPAS have been earmarked as one of four capability development priorities by the December 2013 European Council. EDA, which has been working on the RPAS thematic for the past 6 years and has divided its work in the field of RPAS into five main areas which are described in the attached factsheet.




The DTEB Plenary Group will conduct the Test and Evaluation Community Days (TECD) Conference in Vienna from 25th to 27th April 2017. The Conference is hosted by the Austrian Armament and Defence Technology Agency (ARWT). Latest information and will be regularly updated on http://www.eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/portals/dteb

Publications of information are regulated in accordance of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18/12/2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies on the free movement of such data.

If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu


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8 juillet 2016 5 08 /07 /juillet /2016 14:50
EDA News review for industry - July/August 2016

source European Defence Agency

News of the News



Great success for Pilot Project on defence research: EDA has received 21 submissions in response to the “Call for Proposals for the Pilot Project on defence research” coming from 20 countries, covering all the activities and involving a wide diversity of stakeholders such as large groups, Intermediate Size companies, SMEs, Research & technology organisations, academia. The objective is to award grant agreements for a total value of €1.4 million for two technological development projects and one R&D project.

General Information

EUGS: At the European Council on 28 June 2016, Federica Mogherini (Head of the Agency, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission) presented to the Heads of State and Governments the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS) on foreign and security policy.




The 2015 version of the Common Military List of the European Union was published on 21st June 2016 in the Official Journal

Support to Industry


EDA ‘COSME platform’ is now online: If you are a defence-related Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) or a defence-related cluster, you might have access to EU COSME Programme opportunities. Seek your opportunities through the following link: www.eda.europa.eu/cosme



EDSTAR: Two technical domain will start to be explored in September 2016: Range Interoperability and Blast Effects. Interested industries are invited to participate by registering to philippe.cambraye@eda.europa.eu. The old EDSIS and EDSTAR platform engine will soon be modernized to be more user friendly.





EDA and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) cooperation yields first concrete results: Joint efforts by EDA and the EEN to support dual-use SMEs led to a first concrete result when the Dutch SME IC3D Media, presented by EEN, was allowed to participate in the EDA’s R&T expert cell (CapTech) dedicated to ‘System of systems, Battlelab and Modelling & Simulation’.




On 21 June, EDA gathered for the first time the newly selected SME Senior Advisers, Mr Francisco González Mené and Mr Dušan Švarc. Their role is to counsel EDA regarding future activities and identify new potential ideas and concrete initiatives in support of the defence-related SMEs.

Outcome of EDA studies


Read the Executive Summary of the short study on Industrial Analysis for opportunities derived from the collaborative database (CODABA) in the field of CBRN Individual Protection equipment.



Your Opinion is interesting for EDA

Market survey on Role 1 and/or 2 services: To inform various stakeholders, EDA launches a market survey to better understand the range of commercially available solutions, which could fulfil possible future requirements for Role 1 and/or 2 services for EU military operations and civilian missions. Do not hesitate to respond to the survey.

Feedback from EDA meetings


Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS): In June, for the first time, industry representatives attended a plenary meeting of the CF SEDSS in Dublin, aiming at building up a European Defence Energy Network. As their contributions were much appreciated, it is foreseen to invite industry representatives again for specific topics of the next plenary meeting in November 2016. Please find all relevant information on the EDEN website, including how to register for participating to the Consultation Forum and attend next meeting.


More than 70 representatives from Member States, industry and EU institutions gathered on 28 June for the workshop “Opportunities for Dual-Use Technologies – Components” organised by the European Defence Agency, the European Commission, the ECSEL JU. Importance of cooperation between defence, space & civil research has been highlighted.

Industry Network


DSCN: Numbers of NDIAS participated to the Defence Supply Chain Network (DSCN) meeting in EDA on 27 June 2016 to discuss EDAP and PA. Following presentations from EC, EDA and industry representatives a lively debate followed to discuss the industrial views related to these two major initiatives. Interesting information was shared such as EDA informing industry on the Member States’ preferred topics for the Technology Demonstrator and Critical Defence Technologies types of projects of the PA that were forwarded to EC. All NDIAs are members of the permanent network and have received the presentations given on that day.




Publications of information are regulated in accordance of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18/12/2000 on the

protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies on the free movement of such data.

If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu

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9 juin 2016 4 09 /06 /juin /2016 08:50
EDA News Review for Industry - June 2016


Edition 8 - June 2016 source EU Defence Agency


General information


Aggregated defence data 2014 and 2015 (estimated) are now available: The EDA collects defence data on an annual basis. The Ministries of Defence of the Agency’s 27 Member States provide the data. EDA acts as the custodian of the data and publishes the aggregated figures.


Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …



EU Defence Test and Evaluation Base Plenary Group– prepares TECD 2017 in Vienna: The next DTEB PG meeting will take place 23rd June in Wiener Neustadt, Vienna, Austria (back to back with a European Land Robotic Trial). The DTEB PG prepares the call for contributions for the Test & Evaluation Community Days Conference 2017 (TECD 2017). This call and information about the Conference will be published on EDA Website.



EDA in cooperation with The European Commission (EC), and the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) is organizing a workshop on opportunities in the field of critical electronic components on June 28, 2016. The objective is to find areas of cooperation and to pave the way for increased opportunities for dual-use research in the future. Registration is now available


News about Innovation



4th ENNSA Ammunition Safety Workshop in Switzerland: The primary objective of the event, which took place at the Armasuisse Test Centre in Thun, was for ammunition safety experts to discuss results from a European ammunition safety test (Round Robin Test) and to provide an overview of the military test centre capabilities. First test results of the Round Robin Test demonstrated the importance and added value of EU T&E networking.


Defence Research & Technology conference report available now: The Netherlands EU Presidency, with EDA, published a report summarizing the main findings of the 25/26 April conference on “Setting priorities for R&T in Europe to prepare the future together”. The conference saw 150 participants discussing emerging & critical technologies, innovation in defence as well as strategic agenda setting for R&T in Europe


Hot spot on specific Industry issues



Industrial analysis of opportunities derived from the collaborative database (CODABA) in the area of Field Camp Solutions (FCS): the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.




Industrial analysis of CDP priority actions in the field of Protection of Forces in theatre (C-IED and C-CBRNE (explosives) capabilities in Operations): the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.




Industrial analysis of opportunities derived from the Collaborative Database (CODABA) in the field of Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) equipment: the executive summary of the study commissioned by EDA is now available on the EDA website.


Request for Industry viewpoint



EDA Study on REACH and CLP impact on the Defence Sector: Contractor consultation with industry launched, with deadline for inputs: 30 June 2016. Individual industry and associations are encouraged to actively participate to the survey.



Publications of information are regulated in accordance of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18/12/2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies on the free movement of such data.

If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu

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12 mai 2016 4 12 /05 /mai /2016 14:50
May edition of the EDA News Review for industry

source European Defence Agency

          Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …


2nd conference of the Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector (CF SEDSS): CF SEDSS has successfully started in January 2016. EDA is now inviting experts from national administrations, industry and academia to register for the 2nd CF SEDSS conference taking place in Dublin on 8 - 9 June. Work in the three parallel WGs will continue: Energy Management, Energy Efficiency focusing on buildings, & Renewable Energy.




EDA in cooperation with European Commission, and the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) is organizing a workshop on opportunities in the field of critical electronic components on June 28, 2016. If you want to register, please follow the link.

          Tools of the Month

EDSTAR: Four new technical domains will be implemented: Obsolescence, Water Purification, Test & Evaluation, Certification of Ammunition. Respective expert Groups will deliver reports on identified standard best practices in May. Four other technical domain are planned to be launched: Automatic Identification Technique, Range Interoperability Camouflage, Blast Effects. Industries are kindly invited to participate by registering to philippe.cambraye@eda.europa.eu and aisatou.doucoure@afnor.org.

          News about Innovation


Executive Summary of the Industrial analysis for the prioritised action of cyber defence of the Capability Development Plan: EDA just released the executive summary of the study undertaken by RAND Europe which aimed to assess the extent to which European industry could cater for current & emerging cyber defence requirements. This assessment also identified the scale of critical dependencies on industries outside Europe.




Another ESIF-funded dual-use R&T project: Work underway in the EDA and the EC to explore dual-use synergies on R&T with the support of existing EU funding instruments has led to a tangible result with the recent announcement that a €2.2 million dual-use research project led by a Polish SME will be co-funded by the European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF).

          Hot spot on specific issues

“2015 was a year of consolidation for the EDA. Fresh into the Agency’s second decade and in my first year as Chief Executive, it was the right moment to reengage with our Member States. In a series of visits to Europe’s capitals, I discussed with Ministers of Defence and high-level defence officials their ideas and expectations towards the EDA. …” Jorge Domecq, CE of EDA, introduction to the EDA Annual Report 2015 published in April 2016.




Future requirements for camp management services: Based on support to CSDP activities, and to better understand the range of commercially available solutions which could fulfil possible future requirements for camp management services and associated risks / limitations, EDA is conducting a market survey. Its objective is to identify service providers of ‘turnkey’ solutions (not manufacturers of assets or supply providers). Operators are invited to submit their answer to the survey by 15 June 2016.

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15 avril 2016 5 15 /04 /avril /2016 12:50
News review for Industry - EU Defence Agency

Edition 5 - April 2016 EU Defence Agency


          Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …

Ammunition Safety Test House Workshop in Thun (CH): The EDA - European Network of National Safety Authorities for Ammunition (ENNSA) G is organising an Ammunition Test House Workshop on 27 April 2016, hosted by ARMASUISSE in Thun, in Switzerland. Interested ammunition safety experts from government and industry may register for participation in the workshop and as ENNSA working group members.

          Tools of the Month

Guide to VAT exemptions for EDA ad-hoc projects and programmes: Following the adoption of the EDA revised Council Decision in October 2015, cooperative programmes run in EDA and benefiting from EDA added-value are eligible for VAT exemption. Find out how to apply VAT exemption for your future EDA projects by consulting this guide.

          News about Innovation

EDA role in Research & Technology: The aim of R&T at EDA is not only to contribute to the development of future defence capabilities but also to meet current needs and be prepared to overcome unexpected threats through innovation, technology push, maturation of technologies and mitigation of risks. This guide will walk you through the different R&T activities managed by EDA.



PA Coordination meeting: On 8 April 2016, EDA organised a PA Coordination meeting gathering Member States and representatives of industry and RTO associations to discuss potential topics for the PA work programme and to analyse areas of convergence between Member States and industry/RTOs proposals. Industry and RTO associations presented their proposals for the PA topics to EDA and Member states. These proposals will be further assessed with all pMS.

          Hot spot on specific issues

Public consultation for the evaluation of Directive 2009/81/EC on public procurement in the fields of defence and security: The objective of this public consultation is to collect views and input from stakeholders and citizens for the evaluation of Directive 2009/81/EC. The outcome of this consultation in aggregated form will contribute to the report that is to be presented in the second half of 2016. You have up until 08/07/2016 to submit your responses.



The future of EU defence research: The Policy department of the DG for External Policies of European Parliament just released the report requested by the European Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Security and Defence in March 2016.



In theatre MEDEVAC Services survey: Shortfalls on assets and equipment arising from the force generation have led to outsourcing some key services for in-theatre rotary wing MEDEVAC in EUTM Mali or the EULEX Kosovo. To understand the range of commercially available solutions which could fulfil possible future requirements for in-theatre helicopter MEDEVAC services and their associated risks or limitations, EDA is conducting a market survey. Its objective is to identify service providers of ‘turnkey’ solutions. Operators are kindly invited to participate by submitting their answer by 6 May 2016.


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16 mars 2016 3 16 /03 /mars /2016 11:50
News review for Industry  Edition 3 - March 2016

source EDA

News review for Industry         Edition 3 - March 2016

Business Opportunities

Call for Tender for the EDA Study on the impact of REACH and CLP European Chemical Regulations on the defence sector (governmental and industrial stakeholders).

Places to be: workshops, events, exhibitions …

Test & Evaluation Community Days conference in Vienna: The European DTEB Community meets every three years at the European Test & Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD). Europe’s government Test Centres, T&E Directors, and European Defence Technology Industry Base (DTIB) representatives meet to exchange information, learn from each other and initiate new T&E Projects, and create strategic networks. The next TECD is envisaged to take place in 2017 in Vienna. More details will be released soon.




EDA R&T conference on 25 & 26 April 2016: During the Netherlands Presidency of the EU, the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the European Defence Agency (EDA), will organise the seminar “Setting priorities for Research and Technology (R&T) in Europe to prepare the future together”. Keep posted on the EDA website for further information

Tools of the Month

Handbook for Defence Related SMEs: The objective of this handbook is to provide defence-related SMEs with simple, smart and short advice on how to get easier access to the defence market. The content covers four main areas: Access to Defence Procurement, Access to Defence Supply Chain, Access to Finance and Support to Innovation.

News about Innovation


Report of the Group of Personalities on the Preparatory Action for CSDP-related research: In 2015, the European Commission invited key personalities from European industry, government, the European Parliament and academia to advise it on establishing a Preparatory Action on Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)-related research ….



Enhanced RPAS Automation (ERA) project: The European Defence Agency (EDA) and an industrial consortium led by Airbus Defence and Space have launched a new project to contribute to the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) into common airspace in Europe.

Hot spot on specific issues


Informal meeting with energy industry representatives and EDA Energy and Environment Working Group (EnE WG) on 31 March 2016: Industry representatives are invited to highlight their products of interest to Energy in Defence and to offer solutions to existing challenges facing the Defence Sector with a focus on Deployed Camps for this initial meeting. The main objective of is to examine the benefit that can be derived for the EnE WG from engaging in a structured way with industry and to create an industry group which would participate in future selected meetings.


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31 janvier 2016 7 31 /01 /janvier /2016 12:50
photo Armée de l'Air

photo Armée de l'Air


28/01/2016  Armée de l'air


Le 22 janvier 2016, sur la base aérienne de Wunstorf, en Allemagne, la direction de la sécurité aéronautique d’État (DSAÉ) a remis à son homologue allemande, le Luftfahrtamt der Bundeswehr (LufABw), un certificat de reconnaissance dans le cadre de la navigabilité appliquée à l’A400M.


La tenue de cette cérémonie à Wunstorf, qui accueille l’école commune de formation des mécaniciens d’A400M, permet d’illustrer les objectifs poursuivis au travers de cette certification. En effet, l’agrément de formation (147) récemment délivré à cette école par le LufABw, confère désormais l’employabilité des stagiaires formés en Allemagne comme en France.


Outre la réduction de la charge d’audits et de surveillance afférente, le champ des gains potentiels ouvert par l’adoption d’exigences communes de navigabilité, dénommées EMAR**, et par la reconnaissance entre les deux autorités chargées de la navigabilité, est très large. Il est en effet le socle qui a permis l’établissement de l’école commune de formation de Wunstorf. De plus, il accroît l’interopérabilité pour la maintenance des A400M, car les mécaniciens formés pourront intervenir indifféremment sur des A400M français ou allemands. Enfin, il rend la fongibilité des pièces de rechange possible, ce qui le cas échéant permet l’abaissement des coûts d’exploitation par mutualisation du stock de pièces de rechanges et optimisation de la logistique.



La navigabilité des aéronefs recouvre tout un ensemble d’exigences de sécurité qui s’appliquent à la conception, la production et la maintenance aéronautiques. La conformité à ces exigences est sanctionnée par la délivrance d’agréments et de certificats divers dont la pérennité fait l’objet d’une surveillance régulière exercée par l’autorité de navigabilité compétente. La vocation de la navigabilité est de garantir qu’un aéronef conçu, produit, exploité et maintenu selon ces exigences, offre techniquement l’assurance d’être conforme au haut niveau de sécurité requis, lorsque in fine il est déclaré « bon pour le vol ».



Les agréments de navigabilité́ EMAR (European Military Airworthiness Requirements) résultent d’un travail de convergence des normes nationales de navigabilité militaire conduit par les États membres de l’Agence européenne de défense (AED). Appliquées communément à l’A400M par plusieurs nations, dont la France, le Royaume-Uni, l’Espagne et l’Allemagne, ces références partagées offrent à chacun les garanties de sécurité aéronautique pour lesquelles elles ont été conçues, tout en offrant un vaste champ de coopération, de mutualisation, et d’interopérabilité.

Partager cet article
15 janvier 2016 5 15 /01 /janvier /2016 15:50
EDA News review for Industry Edition 1 - January 2016


source European Defence Agency


The EDA News Review for Defence Industry gathers relevant information of EDA & EC activities / actions. This one-page document, with embedded web links, will be sent to you regularly through an e-mail campaign. Do not hesitate to re-forward the document to your members & stakeholders.



Business Opportunities


CSO Platform: On 19 November, EU operations/missions and the CSDP structure’s experts participated in an EDA seminar to be informed about the potentialities of the EU Contractor Support to Operations platform (CSOp).


European Commission

Call for proposals Erasmus+ 2016: Public / private bodies active in fields of education & training can apply (by 26/02/2016) for funding to carry out actions addressing skills needs & gaps relevant for defence.

Places to be : workshops, events, exhibitions, …


Modelling & Simulation (M&S) Platform for SME: It is time for European SMEs specialized in the M&S to register to the new M&S SME Platform and attend the Kick-off-Meeting on 25 February 2016.



EDSTAR: A survey is conducted within Europe to evaluate whether EDSTAR fulfills the expectations of the European Defence Community in terms of Best Practice Standards and Best Practice Recommendations, but also to give the Community the opportunity to provide advices for improving the tools.

1/ Survey Short version (2 min): https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EDSTAR_Survey_2015_short

2/ Survey Long version (10 min max): https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EDSTARSurvey2016

Tool of the Month


Access to EU funding: The table helps you to find in a couple of clicks the right EU funding instrument for your company and projects.

News about Innovation

European Commission



On 14 December the European Commission (EC) organised the first meeting of an expert group under the name "as-if Programme Committee" relating to the launch of the Pilot Project (PP) and Preparatory Action (PA) in the field of Defence Research. As to the Pilot Project, in compliance with the delegation agreement signed with EC on 16/11/2015, EDA had provided options for the work plan. Thanks to this upstream role of EDA, the "as-if Programme Committee" converged quickly on one preferred topic for each of the two activities of the PP (one relating to disruptive technologies, one related to certification and standardisation). EDA is now preparing the calls for proposals with the objective to issue them by early February 2016.

Hot spot on specific issues


The Seville Declaration was adopted by the Conference on Dual-Use technologies in the framework of RIS3 in Europe participants organised on 27/28 October by Andalusia Region, European Commission, and supported by EDA. It recommends actions for EC, EDA, pMS & Regions to support dual-use technologies and markets.


Publications of information are regulated in accordance of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18/12/2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions & bodies on the free movement of such data.

If you want to subscribe to the News Review, or if you want to stop receiving the News review: News4Ind@eda.europa.eu


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19 décembre 2015 6 19 /12 /décembre /2015 12:50
EDA and OCCAr strengthen cooperation


Brussels - 17 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

On 16 December 2015, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Jorge Domecq and Director of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) Tim Rowntree signed a revised guidance document defining the terms of cooperation between the EDA and the Executive Administration (EA) of OCCAR as well as between the EDA and OCCAR Member States.


Compared to the Interface Document on EDA-OCCAR relations formulated in 2013, the new publication develops concepts of cooperation in a more detailed and pragmatic manner. Referring to the Policy Framework for Systematic and Long-Term Defence Cooperation, the two organisations will introduce greater synergies in terms of project or programme management. New areas described in the document include different models of how EDA cooperative projects can be taken forward by relying on the OCCAR-EA cooperative programme management expertise as well as how OCCAR programme activities could be entrusted to the EDA. In addition, the Interface Document describes how, within the frame of an existing OCCAR managed programme, OCCAR may benefit from EDA tools, services and expertise.


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19 décembre 2015 6 19 /12 /décembre /2015 12:50
EDA initiates a project on lightweight land vehicles


Brussels - 18 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain and Germany as the lead nation have initiated a new project under the auspices of the European Defence Agency (EDA) the aim of which is to investigate opportunities and challenges of lightweight constructions for Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicles (the L-AMPV project).


Governmental experts from participating Member States and ten industrial and research entities involved in the project execution (coordinator KMW, Airborne, Camattini Meccanica, CEIIA, IABG, IVECO, Scania Netherland, Tecnalia, TNO and UROVESA) convened for a kick off meeting held at the European Defence Agency on 16 December 2015. 

The L-AMPV project is addressing a problem identified by military users referring to Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicles currently in-service being far too heavy; this reduces off-road mobility and/or leaves insufficient room for additional equipment or protection enhancements. 

Consequently, the project aims at (i) delivering detailed information (material, weight, size and price) of vehicle components/parts currently used; (ii) determining the items which contribute most weight and (iii) recommending how to reduce the weight of these parts taking into account the need for the solution to last throughout the life-cycle of the system.

The overall objective of this Research and Technology (R&T) project is firstly to investigate opportunities and challenges of lightweight constructions for Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicles, including new construction techniques for the vehicle parts, in order to define a proposal for a technology demonstrator, which could be the basis for a follow-on project.

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19 décembre 2015 6 19 /12 /décembre /2015 12:50
Helicopter Tactical Procedures on the agenda


Budapest - 17 December, 2015 European Defence Agency


Hungary hosted the sixth Helicopter Tactics Symposium of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP). Held in Budapest on 7-9 December 2015, the event continues to be a major venue for European helicopter crews to discuss and share experience in helicopter tactical procedures. 


Over sixty helicopter tactics instructors and experts coming from ten countries, as well as representatives of the Helicopter Tactics Course (HTC), Helicopter Tactics Instructor Course (HTIC), Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC), and NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ), gathered at this annual HEP event to bring the common tactical knowledge base up-to-date.

Briefings and discussions covered the latest tactical lessons from the helicopter operations in Iraq, Syria, Mali and Afghanistan. The panel discussions, divided between attack and support helicopter operators and planners, brought an insight to the latest developments in night vision goggles (NVG) training, Electronic Warfare (EW), tactics used to land on different types of landing zones, use of sensors and technologies applied in Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) and helicopter self-defence aids used by the Member States. Reflecting on several comments coming out of discussions, new proposals to update the HEP Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), the capstone tactics manual for multinational helicopter operations, were submitted.

The aims and objectives of the upcoming HEP exercises were briefed in detail, including Cold Blade 2016 (Finland, environmental training in extreme conditions), Black Blade 2016 (Belgium, Special Operations Forces exercise) and Fire Blade 2017 (Hungary, live-fire, urban operations).

The HEP Member States fully realise that the multinational dimension is key to the development of the helicopter capabilities of European countries. Therefore, the well-established HEP community calls for a wider extension of proven exchanges of operational experience, such as the ones conducted during the Helicopter Tactics Symposiums. 


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17 décembre 2015 4 17 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
Personnel Recovery Course hosted by European Personnel Recovery Centre

Poggio Renatico - 15 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

The fifth edition of the Personnel Recovery Controller and Planner Course (PRCPC), a project initiated and supported by the European Defence Agency (EDA), was organised and hosted for the first time by the newly established European Personnel Recovery Centre (EPRC).

The course was successfully conducted from 23 November to 4 December 2015 in Poggio Renatico Air Base, Italy. It was organised by the European Personnel Recovery Centre (EPRC) at the request of six Member States contributing to the project.

All in all, nineteen students from eleven countries including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States benefitted from the knowledge and experience of a cadre of instructors from Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States. 

The main focus of the course was to train staff officers in supporting their commanders in Personnel Recovery related issues. The course is designed for personnel who man personnel recovery positions in tactical operation centres (TOCs), personnel recovery coordination cells (PRCCs) or joint personnel recovery cells (JPRCs). 

Personnel Recovery (PR) is a vital element of modern operational planning as it provides a security net for deployed personnel. Most importantly, it boosts morale and acknowledges national as well as European Union responsibilities to effect the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel deployed in the context of Crisis Management Operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). 

The next EU PRCPC will take place in Karlsborg, Sweden, from 29 February to 11 March 2016 and will be organised by the Swedish Armed Forces. 


The EDA PRCPC project was established on 30 May 2013 as an EDA Category B project under the lead of Sweden. As of today, it includes six contributing EU Member States (cMS): Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden. On 31 May 2015, the cMS agreed to extend the PRCPC Cat B project until 30 May 2017. The EPRC is a potential candidate for the continuation of the project. 

The EPRC closely cooperates with the European Defence Agency. It was created on 8 July 2015 by seven nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom) with the aim of improving the four phases of Personnel Recovery (Preparation, Planning, Execution and Adaptation) by developing/harmonising the Personnel Recovery Policy, Doctrine and Standards through clear lines of communications with partners/stakeholders (nations and international organisations), and providing assistance in support of education and training, exercises and operations.


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17 décembre 2015 4 17 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
Searching for CBRNe ID threats


Korneuburg - 16 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

From 23 November to 11 December 2015, the European Defence Agency (EDA) in cooperation with Austria as host nation, organised the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear explosives Improvised Devices Search Pilot Course (CBRNe ID Search Course), to enhance pMS’ knowledge on all aspects of C-IED.    


The event took place at the “AbwehrSchule” CBRN School in Korneuburg, Austria. A total of sixteen students attended the course which included a mixture of military and police Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), CBRN and Search specialists from the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Latvia, Czech Republic and Spain. A mixture of military and civilian CBRNe Search expertise ensured a wide range of operational experience was available during the course.

Practical training provided the most effective means of learning for this course and students were able to participate in immersive scenarios as commanders, searchers, EOD and Sampling and Identification of Biological, Chemical and Radiological Agents (SIBCRA) specialists in a joint CBRN response team. A variety of instructional methods were employed to achieve this learning: demonstrations, individual skills practice, group mini-tasks and full tactical tasks for teams provided a structured approach to learning. Differentiation was applied where required to compensate for language difficulties or adaptation of existing skills from SIBCRA to Search.

All practical exercises were recorded using photos and videos; this enabled every day to be concluded with a video debrief to ensure students understood the details of each phase even if they were involved in a separate aspect of the task. 

The various scenarios provided a range of operational complexities which highlighted the different operational capabilities, policies and procedures each pMS had. As a result, the course provided much opportunity for sharing best practice, and  a seminar was held to facilitate discussion about the range of capabilities.

A Distinguished Visitors Day was hosted by Austria on 10 December 2015. Several Defence Attaches and other visitors participated in the event and took the opportunity to visit the CBRN School for briefings on the course design and contents. Visitors also had the chance to visit a live “vessel search” demonstration in the Danube river.

The EDA intends to hold a CBRNe ID Search seminar during 2016 to define and exploit concepts on this area of expertise.


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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 19:50
Leclerc-VBCI (Nexter- photo G. Belan) - LEOPARD 2 A5 (KMW)

Leclerc-VBCI (Nexter- photo G. Belan) - LEOPARD 2 A5 (KMW)

09/12/2015 Communication au Conseil des Ministres


Déclaration franco-allemande à l’occasion de l’accord de coopération stratégique entre Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et Nexter Systems.


Communiqué de presse

Le ministre de la Défense et le ministre de l’Economie, de l’Industrie et du Numérique ont présenté une communication relative à une déclaration franco-allemande à l’occasion de l’accord de coopération stratégique entre Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et Nexter Systems.

Les conseils des ministres français et allemands ont adopté cette déclaration cette semaine, de manière coordonnée. C’est un rapprochement historique entre deux pays qui se faisaient hier la guerre et qui ont décidé aujourd’hui de lier leurs industries de défense.

Le rapprochement des deux groupes français et allemand du secteur de la défense terrestre, Nexter Systems, détenu à 100% par l’Etat à travers GIAT Industries, et KMW, détenu par la famille Bode-Wegmann, a été scellé le 29 juillet 2015 par un accord entre leurs actionnaires.

Cette alliance stratégique, qui doit entrer en vigueur avant la fin de l’année, donnera naissance à un leader européen de l’armement terrestre, représentant un chiffre d’affaires de près de 2 milliards d’euros, un carnet de commandes de 9 milliards d’euros et un effectif de 6 000 salariés.

Cette opération conduit au transfert au secteur privé de la majorité du capital de Nexter Systems, autorisé par la loi n°2015-990 du 6 août 2015 pour la croissance, l'activité et l'égalité des chances économiques.

Elle est associée à la mise en place de protections des intérêts essentiels des deux nations, notamment en termes de sécurité d’approvisionnement et de préservation des compétences technologiques critiques.

A l’occasion de ce rapprochement, la déclaration franco-allemande présentée ce jour réaffirme la volonté des deux Etats d’intensifier leur coopération bilatérale conformément aux objectifs en matière de construction de l’Europe de la défense rappelés dans les conclusions du conseil européen de décembre 2013 et de juin 2015. Le maintien des technologies clés des industriels, dans une optique permettant le renforcement de la base industrielle et technologique entre nos deux pays, dans une logique extensible par la suite au niveau européen, y tient une place importante.

Cette déclaration prévoit également la recherche d’objectifs communs en matière de définition des besoins militaires et opérationnels, d’harmonisation des procédures de qualification et d’acquisition. Elle ouvre la voie au renforcement de la coopération des deux Etats en soutien à cette première grande opération de consolidation des industries de défense en Europe depuis une décennie.


Déclaration franco-allemande à l’occasion de l’accord de coopération stratégique entre Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et Nexter Systems


Depuis des décennies, l’amitié franco-allemande rend possible une coopération étroite et exemplaire entre nos deux pays.

La France et l’Allemagne souscrivent aux conclusions du Conseil européen des 25 et 26 juin 2015 en faveur du renforcement de la politique de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC) et souhaitent y apporter une contribution importante.

Les changements et les évolutions intervenus récemment dans le contexte international de la politique de sécurité posent des défis majeurs à la politique de sécurité et de défense européenne.

La France et l’Allemagne ont ensemble pour responsabilité essentielle de relever ces défis et souhaitent intensifier encore davantage leur coopération dans ce domaine.

Les étroites relations franco-allemandes portent également depuis plus de quarante ans sur la coopération dans l’industrie de la défense. Fondée sur les traités franco-allemands, cette coopération a contribué de manière décisive à l’édification d’une base industrielle et technologique européenne dans le domaine de la défense et doit servir, à l’avenir également, au maintien de notre capacité commune de défense.

L’étroite coopération franco-allemande dans le domaine de la défense permet de préserver notre capacité de défense dans l’intérêt de la paix, de la liberté, de la sécurité et de la stabilité. En ce sens, nos deux gouvernements soutiennent la décision des sociétés Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et Nexter Sytems en faveur d’une coopération stratégique. À cette occasion, nous déclarons ensemble :


I. Coopération industrielle franco-allemande

La France et l’Allemagne sont déterminées à renforcer la sécurité et la défense européenne par le biais d’une coopération bilatérale et européenne toujours plus étroite et de rester ensemble un élément moteur de la politique européenne de défense.

L’agenda franco-allemand 2020 prévoit un programme ambitieux pour l’intensification de nos relations, avec notamment un dialogue sur les questions industrielles de défense.

La coopération industrielle franco-allemande se manifeste également dans le fait que nous accompagnons l’industrie et ses responsables, éventuellement avec la participation d’autres partenaires européens, pour créer des sociétés et des groupes transnationaux qui figurent parmi les leaders industriels et technologiques dans leur domaine.

De telles décisions relèvent de la responsabilité des entreprises. Cette coopération doit également servir à consolider et à poursuivre le développement de la base industrielle et technologique de l’industrie européenne de défense et de sécurité. Il convient également de renforcer les conditions cadres et les instruments qui permettent d’améliorer la compétitivité au plan international.


II. Consultations régulières sur les questions stratégiques militaro-industrielles

L’étroite coopération entre la France et l’Allemagne requiert un processus régulier de consultation sur les questions de stratégie industrielle dans le domaine de l’armement, qui permette de défendre les intérêts respectifs de chaque pays dans une logique de consolidation et de modernisation industrielles.

Nous mènerons ce débat stratégique à la lumière des changements intervenus dans l’industrie de défense et sur la base des contacts noués avec cette même industrie dans nos deux pays.

Dans le cadre des consultations franco-allemandes régulières, nous discuterons de décisions importantes relatives aux technologies à usage militaire et à l’industrie de défense, également dans la perspective de projets de consolidation industrielle.

Dans le même temps, nous réaffirmons notre engagement en faveur des technologies industrielles clés localisées en France et en Allemagne. Le but commun est le maintien et le développement de ces technologies clés et de ces compétences dans nos deux pays en tenant compte des aspects liés à la politique de l’emploi.


III. Coopération dans le développement et l’acquisition d’équipements de défense

Nous sommes convaincus qu’en matière de préparation et de conduite de programmes d’armement communs, il est nécessaire de progresser dans l’harmonisation de nos analyses du besoin pour nos capacités nationales ainsi que dans la convergence industrielle et technologique nécessaire en la matière.

La France et l’Allemagne se fixent pour objectif la recherche de projets communs en matière de formation, d’armement, de doctrine d’emploi et d’interopérabilité. Nos deux pays rechercheront également une convergence accrue dans la définition des besoins militaires et opérationnels, l’harmonisation des procédures de qualification des matériels militaires et systèmes d’armes ainsi que la garantie d’une concertation continue entre les prescripteurs et les fournisseurs afin de promouvoir le développement de projets communs franco-allemands et européens.

Ce faisant, nous aspirons à poursuivre l’association aux projets communs de partenaires de coopération et de fournisseurs en tenant compte de la compétence technologique et opérationnelle et de l’efficacité économique et en nous appuyant le cas échéant sur l’Agence européenne de défense (AED).

La France et l’Allemagne procéderont à des échanges de vues continus sur les compétences technologiques clés à préserver et à renforcer en Europe. Ce dialogue n’exclut pas la coopération avec d’autres partenaires.


IV. Initiatives communes d’acquisition

Nous poursuivons l’objectif de mettre en œuvre conjointement de nouveaux programmes d’acquisition. La définition et le développement de projets d’armement en commun contribueront à une meilleure intégration dans le domaine des capacités militaires et renforceront la capacité d’action européenne.

Un développement et une acquisition conjoints et le plus standardisé possible conduiront à moyen et long terme à une coopération plus étroite ainsi qu’à une consolidation des industries de la défense en Europe.

Pour les projets communs, nous voulons développer et améliorer les structures existantes, notamment l’OCCAR, afin de réduire les coûts et d’améliorer la compétitivité internationale. Notre action coordonnée doit garantir le maintien des compétences de l’industrie d’armement en Europe.

Les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et entreprises de taille intermédiaires (ETI) constituent des partenaires indispensables des systémiers. En conséquence, nous nous  engageons à faciliter leur accès aux chaines communes de création de valeur.


V. Coopération au sein de la nouvelle co-entreprise KMW / Nexter

Le maintien d’importantes capacités industrielles en Europe peut requérir une restructuration transfrontière accrue de l’industrie de défense et de sécurité.

La coopération stratégique entre Krauss-Maffei Wegmann et Nexter Sytems est selon nous une étape importante vers une intensification de la coopération franco-allemande, le but étant de préserver et de renforcer la compétitivité de nos industries et leurs capacités technologiques ainsi que le potentiel d’innovation européen dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense terrestre.

Nous espérons ensemble que la création d’une nouvelle co-entreprise, dotée d’une structure actionnariale européenne stable, tiendra compte de nos aspirations en matière de développement et de technologie.

S’agissant des décisions concernant l’avenir de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et des technologies clés de la co-entreprise, la France et l’Allemagne engageront des consultations en temps utile en vue de parvenir à un consensus.

Afin d’accroître l’efficacité économique de la co-entreprise, nous examinerons les possibilités d’améliorer  les conditions cadres et les instruments qui renforcent la compétitivité au plan international.

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 08:50
EDA and Ukraine sign administrative arrangement

Picture credit: The European Union; From left to right: Mr Stepan POLTORAK, Minister of Defence of Ukraine; Ms Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Mr Jorge DOMECQ, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency.


Brussels - 07 December, 2015 by European Defence Agency


Federica Mogherini, in her capacity as Head of the European Defence Agency, and Stepan Poltorak, Minister of Defence of Ukraine signed today an Administrative Arrangement between the EDA and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence.


The conclusion of the Administrative Arrangement follows a mandate provided by the EDA Steering Board on 3 December 2015. The European Council approved the Administrative Arrangement on 30 November 2015.

The Administrative Arrangement formalises the relationship between EDA and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, enabling Ukraine’s potential participation in EDA’s military-technological projects and programmes. Cooperative areas remain to be further defined but initial identified areas are standardisation, training, logistics and Single European Sky.


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6 décembre 2015 7 06 /12 /décembre /2015 12:50
Discussion on defence cooperation in European Parliament


Brussels - 03 December, 2015 European Defence Agency


This week, Chief Executive Jorge Domecq updated the European Parliament’s security and defence subcommittee on the outcome of the recent EDA Ministerial Steering Board, the current security situation, the future of the European Defence Agency (EDA) and the Global Strategy.


Against the background of the atrocious terrorist attacks in Paris, Mr. Domecq emphasised the need to further develop European defence integration, “We need the right capabilities, a sound European armament policy supporting our defence industries, enhanced civil-military synergies and EU-NATO relations to make a quantum leap.”

In his update, Mr. Domecq stressed that the upcoming Global Strategy as well as the European Commission’s European Defence Action Plan were opportunities to address crucial elements for defence cooperation, the development of capabilities as well as strengthening of the European Defence and Industry Technological Base to safeguard Europe’s strategic autonomy.

Mr. Domecq also briefed Members of Parliament on the progress of the four capability programmes (air-to-air refuelling, cyber defence, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and governmental satellite communications) as well as on future cooperative programmes recently approved by Ministers of Defence (deployable bio-laboratory, Medevac and anti-tank weapons).

Other initiatives in which the Agency has made progress in recent months include incentives for defence cooperation and mainly the VAT exemption for EDA projects, barter mechanisms, hybrid warfare. The Agency continues to working closely with the European Commission on the Preparatory Action on defence-related research as well as on facilitating access to EU instruments and funds for European companies working on dual-use technologies. Chief Executive Domecq also gave an update on the Agency’s work on wider EU policies and mainly on SES/SESAR, REACH and Energy.

He concluded his intervention by discussing the future role and direction of the Agency. The EDA is at the service of Member States and he insisted that there are five areas where Member States could and should make greater use of the Agency: 1) to use the Capability Development Plan as a real tool for defence planning, 2) systematic use of enablers, 3) the Preparatory Action on CSDP-related research should be the catalyst for greater engagement in cooperative defence R&T, 4) systematic harnessing of civil-military synergies, 5) using the EDA to make better use of available EU funding.


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6 décembre 2015 7 06 /12 /décembre /2015 11:50
BaToLUS project, Battle Damage Tolerance for Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structures

BaToLUS project, Battle Damage Tolerance for Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structures

Brussels - 03 December, 2015 European Defence Agency

The BaToLUS project, Battle Damage Tolerance for Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structures, brought about a successful development of new rapid prototype modelling capabilities.


The BaToLUS project involved major European aeronautical industries, top-rated European research institutes and also small European enterprises. The European Defence Agency (EDA) led cooperation brought together a "critical mass" for an effective scientific dialogue, thus allowing the Nations to benefit from synergies in their respective industrial capabilities.

Compared to more conventional combat aircraft designs, extremely lightweight structures exhibit different distributions of strength and stiffness. Within the BaToLUS project, cost-efficient alternatives to a well-defined baseline configuration have been developed by improved structural design, aiming to offer increased tolerance against battle damage, whilst supporting the original requirements and keeping potential penalties small. 

Thanks to BaToLUS, new rapid prototype modelling capabilities have been developed. Also, a generic design process, which includes “Vulnerability Load Cases", and novel high-fidelity simulation methods have been demonstrated. A large number of structural concepts for vulnerability reductions have been identified, assessed and – for two of them – implemented and tested. Operational evaluation with respect to impacts on cost, weight and capabilities were considered at an overall platform level, together with vulnerability analysis taking into account the demonstrated structural performance and aerodynamic damage characterisation.

The main objectives of the project have been: (i) defining a UAV design and development process for vulnerability reduction to be integrated in the design process, (ii) demonstrating an improvement of the current UAV modelling, simulation and design capabilities, and (iii) providing a guideline on the costs associated with the development of a vulnerability-improved UAV.

The BaToLUS project was managed and funded by Germany, France, Sweden, and the UK in the frame of the European Defence Agency, and carried out by Airbus Defence & Space Germany (project leader), Airbus Group Innovations France, BAE Systems, CEA Gramat, Dynamec Research AB, Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik - Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI), Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (IABG), ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab, and SAAB Aerosystems.


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17 novembre 2015 2 17 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
Outcome EDA Steering Board

Brussels - 17 November, 2015 European Defense Agency

Ministers of Defence today met in the European Defence Agency (EDA) Steering Board, under the chairmanship of Federica Mogherini as the Head of the Agency. The EDA presented progress on the four capability programmes and initial roadmaps for potential future cooperative programmes: Biological Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (Bio-JDEAL), medical evacuation and anti-tank weapons. Minister of Defence also discussed the three year planning framework detailing the Agency’s work plan and priorities for 2016-2018 as well as the resources required to support this.


Three Year Planning Framework and 2016 General Budget

Federica Mogherini in her capacity as Head of Agency invited the Steering Board to approve the 2016 EDA General Budget of €33.5m. 

Approval of the EDA budget requires unanimity. Despite very positive feedback by Member States on the work and support by the Agency, there was no unanimity on the increased budget. Instead, the budget will remain at this year’s level – €30.5m (zero growth).


Implementation of Key Taskings and Next Steps

Ministers of Defence welcomed the progress achieved in the four capability programmes: Air-to-Air Refuelling, cyber defence, governmental satellite communications, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems.

Given the increasingly volatile and challenging security environment in and around Europe it is equally important that other critical capability priorities as identified in the Capability Development Plan also be addressed. Potential future cooperative activities require guidance to avoid fragmentation, focus future investment and give clarity to defence industry.

Ministers of Defence have today adopted the initial roadmaps for potential future cooperative programmes as proposed by the Agency: Biological Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (Bio-JDEAL), Medevac and Anti-Tank Weapons.


Bio-JDEAL: The proliferation of biological agents means the biological threat to Member States’ forces employed on operations remains real. Furthermore, the use of biological weapons or devices, particularly by non-state actors, can have a disproportionate effect on morale. Enhancing CBRN capabilities in operations has been outlined in the Agency’s Capability Development Plan as a priority action.

In order to counter these threats and assess the risk of exposure, a biological laboratory which could be deployed at short notice by a Member State would be able to:

  • Conduct unambiguous in-theatre biological threat identification;
  • Provide threat information to Command, enhancing the protection of EU forces and local populations and thus limiting casualties;
  • Maintain Member States’ freedom of movement and action.

Following today’s approval, the roadmap foresees start of the expert group’s work still this year with a view to producing a Common Staff Target by the end of 2016 and a possible project launch by the end of 2017.

So far, eight Member States (Luxembourg, Slovakia, Rumania, Germany, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy) and Norway have expressed interest in this project.


Medevac: Effective medical evacuation is a fundamental requirement for any military operation. Cooperation, interoperability, as well as common training, is paramount for Member States to constitute reliable MEDEVAC capabilities. As with the previous proposal, enhancing this capability is a priority action of the Capability Development Plan which was endorsed by Member States.

Following Minister’s endorsement, the work will start with a study on “Interoperability in Forward Aeromedical Evacuation with Rotary Wing” which will be launched this year. Based on the outcome of the study, the Agency will make proposals on possible interoperability activities and training.

This work builds on interest shown by seven Member States (Luxembourg, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Austria, Finland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy.


Anti-tank weapons: Anti-Tank capabilities are still of fundamental importance in the context of National security strategies. Some Member States still have in service equipment designed in the late 1970s which will become obsolete in the near future; they will need to consider upgrade or replacement of their systems. Others are willing to address the anti-tank weapon gap by developing new capability requirements potentially through joint procurement programmes.

To move ahead quickly, the Agency will together with Member States evaluate possible urgent requirements for commercial off-the-shelf solutions still in 2015. This project represents also a quick win opportunity for Pooling & Sharing.

Anti-tank is a domain where work will build on interest shown by nine Member States (Estonia, Rumania, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Greece, Latvia) and Norway.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
Approval of EMAR M


Soesterberg - 03 November, 2015 European Defence Agency


The 12th October 2015 saw the Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAWA) Forum meet a major milestone with the approval for publication of EMAR M on Continuing Airworthiness Management. This document was the final EMAR to be drafted, and its approval means that the full suite of European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) are now available on the EDA website.


The approval of EMAR M marks a significant achievement for the MAWA Forum following the Defence Ministers’ Political Declaration in November 2009 “...for the timely development and early implementation of the harmonised European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) into national regulations.” 

With the full suite of EMARs approved (EMAR 21, EMAR 145, EMAR 66, EMAR 147 and now EMAR M),  pMS are able to implement these harmonised requirements into their national airworthiness regulations. 

The harmonised EMARs are the key to unlocking the potential benefits available to pMS in a wide range of aviation related initiatives in pooling and sharing activities including collaboration on multi-national projects, the use of common spares pools, rationalised base maintenance and common type training.


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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
VAT Exemption: New Incentive for Defence Cooperation


Brussels - 04 November, 2015 European Defence Agency


Member States can as of now profit from VAT exemption for projects run by the European Defence Agency (EDA). The recently adopted revised Council Decision defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the EDA includes the clause that cooperative defence projects and programmes are exempt from VAT as long as the Agency adds value to the initiative. 


The VAT exemption is a strong incentive to European defence cooperation: it generates an attractive business case for cooperative projects and programmes in the framework of the EDA. We will soon propose roadmaps for potential future cooperative programmes for which Member States will be able to benefit from the VAT exemption and thus achieve considerable savings”, comments Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency.

With the entering into force of the revised Council Decision on 13 October, the new provision can be applied immediately for any new EDA initiative meeting the Decision’s conditions. VAT exemption is not linked to the nature of the activity. It can thus be applied to any project and programme where the Agency adds value ranging from technical expertise, pooling demand, building a multinational capability or synergies with EU wider policies, promoting interoperability to full administrative and contractual management of a cooperative initiative. Member States are and remain the end-users of the capability. 


Concrete savings

While the VAT exemption should not be the driver for defence cooperation, tight defence budgets limit investment in research, innovation and capabilities. Any breathing space is appreciated. By incentivising defence cooperation financially, we will be able to do more and better together”, says Jorge Domecq.

One of the projects the VAT exemption will be immediately applied to is the EU SatCom Market, an EDA project where the Agency provides for satellite communication services for currently eleven Member States and the Athena mechanism. The EDA is responsible for procurement and contract tasks, manages orders as well as payments and provides technical advice as needed and thus adds clear technical and administrative value to the project. As a consequence, each order – which comes from Member States individually or by groups – benefits from VAT exemption. 

One Member State has for example recently submitted an order of about 1.3 million Euros for one year of services. Due to the VAT exemption, this Member State will not have to pay VAT for a corresponding value of 273 thousand Euros which represents about three months of free services.


Legal basis

The Council Decision defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the EDA (Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835) was adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council on 12 October 2015. It foresees that VAT exemption applies to activities where the role of the Agency in administering projects or programmes in support of Member States brings an added value. 

The legal basis for VAT exemption are Protocol No 7 of the EU Treaties on the privileges and immunities of the European Union and Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax.

The VAT exemption is compliant with EU law; and is not market distorting.



The European Defence Agency was set-up in 2004 to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the European Union’s defence capabilities for the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This means running and supporting cooperative European defence projects; supporting research and technology development; boosting the European defence technological and industrial base; and working on wider EU policies.


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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
EDA Defence Procurement Gateway: User Experience Survey


source IHS Global Ltd. (On behalf of EDA)


The European Defence Agency invites all users of its Procurement Gateway to participate in a user experience survey. The gateway features defence related business opportunities and information. It aims at providing easy access to defence related information for European government officials, as well as industry representatives and researchers.

The survey will allow the Agency to better understand the needs and expectations of gateway users. It only takes a couple of minutes to be completed and all data shared will be of course treated with complete confidentiality and anonymity.

Share you user feedback, help us improve!


Submit your response


For any questions regarding the study, please contact EDA stakeholders and / or Aman Pannu (Aman.Pannu@ihs.com) and Daniel Smith (Daniel.Smith@ihs.com).


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