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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
CSDP newsletter nr. 2


source EEAS

Towards the European Council on defence and security


In view of the European Council in June, the EU is preparing its response to the deteriorating security situation in our neighbourhood. Ukraine and Libya at the top of the agenda

The EU Defence Ministers gathering on 18 February and the Foreign Ministers meeting (Gymnich) on 6-7 March in Riga prepared the ground for formal decisions in the next Foreign Affairs Council on 16 March and in the European Council in June. "The meeting we are having," – stated the HR/VP on 18 February in her remarks – "is particularly important as it comes in times where our security is threatened, both at our Eastern borders and at our Southern borders".

During the discussion, Defence Ministers underlined that it is important that in June the Heads of State and Governments discuss the EU response to the security challenges with the objective of reviewing the European Security Strategy.

Concerning Ukraine, on 6 – 7 March the 28 Ministers for Foreign Affairs stressed the necessity for immediate implementation of the Minsk Agreement, which calls for a ceasefire and withdrawal of illegal weapons. They also agreed that, in order to monitor the implementation of the Agreement, OSCE capacity must be strengthened. “We insisted on the fact," - said Federica Mogherini in her remarks – "that we need to have more effective humanitarian support and access to the West and also to the East of Ukraine”. The EU is already financially supporting Ukraine and cooperation is getting closer also on security sector reform. The EU recently launched EUAM Ukraine, a CSDP Advisory Mission which is supporting the government to implement the reform of the Civilian Security Sector.

The Ministers also addressed developments in Libya. “The very fact that the talks are taking place and are moving forward is definitely a very positive sign” – said Federica Mogherini. The EU is investing a lot in this process. On 9 March the EU hosted in Brussels a meeting of Libyan businessmen from all across the country. After the event, Federica Mogherini congratulated “the large number of business people who were present for showing their commitment to dialogue.” Without a secure and stable environment, there can be no economic development in Libya. “The EU" – continued the HR/VP – "stands ready to support other initiatives that can accompany the political dialogue with the involvement of Libyan civil society.” “A meeting of Libyan municipalities will also be hosted by the EU in Brussels" – she said -. "All possible support, all possible forms of support, including also missions or operations could be explored in the coming days.”

The new Head of EUPOL Afghanistan: "we can have impressive results"


Pia Stjernvall, the new Head of EU Police Mission in Afghanistan is an experienced Finnish diplomat. She will lead the Mission in a challenging environment and ensure that it will fulfil its promises to the Afghans. Below some extracts from her interview.

What are your thoughts today on 16 February as you start your tour as Head of Mission?

“[…] we have a great team of dedicated experts at EUPOL and I’m very much looking forward to working with them as well as our colleagues in Brussels and international partners here in Afghanistan.”


The security situation in Afghanistan is volatile and there are still open positions in the cabinet. How do you see the possibilities of EUPOL to work efficiently in this situation?

“[…] I’m happy to tell that we are fully operational: our advisers have begun their work with their Afghan counterparts. However, the key issue is the interests of the Afghans. We should never forget that we are here to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable and effective civilian police working together with the justice system and ultimately improving the safety of the population. Whatever the plan, whatever the action, we must always ask ourselves and also our Afghan counterparts: does it serve this goal, does it benefit the Afghans? If the answer is “yes”, we will have impressive results.

What will change now that you are in charge of the mission?

“[…] As a leader I believe that any efficient organisation needs not only strategies but also a sound organizational culture which gives all the staff members chance to enjoy their work and be creative without fear. If you don’t enjoy your work you will not deliver results either.”

Read the full text of the interview

Three months of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine


The new EU crisis management Mission started its activities three months ago. Its mandate is to provide support to the Ukrainian government on the Civilian Security Sector reform. The Mission operates in the context of tightening EU-Ukraine relations and in a politically challenging environment.

EUAM Ukraine, was launched on 1 December 2014 under the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The Mission will provide advice to the Ukrainian authorities on the Civilian Security Sector Reform.

During its first meeting on 15 January 2015, the EU-Ukraine Association Council acknowledged the importance of intensifying EU support to the political and economic reform process in Ukraine.

“The advisors are at the heart of the Mission” – said the Head of Mission Kálmán Mizsei. “We will work in Kyiv and in the oblasts”. The Mission currently counts 55 members, but will step up to 174 in the coming months. In the first three months EUAM Ukraine got more and higher level recognition as an actor in the civilian security sector reform.

The reform process currently wraps itself in a difficult environment subscribed by the critical situation in the East and the overall precarious economic situation. Nevertheless the political will to move forward is there. The assistance requests that Kiev sent to the Brussels indicates that Ukrainian authorities are committed to the Civilian Security Sector reform. On the other side, with EUAM the EU is showing its readiness to support and be actively involved.

The overall European effort to Ukraine is to be seen in the context of the Association Agreement. There is no other Eastern Partnership country, with which the EU has such close ties as with Ukraine. The agreement is unprecedented in terms of number of areas covered and level of commitments. The common ground of such close political relations is common values and principles: democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law.

New Head of Mission for EUPOL COPPS

The EU Police Mission in the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS) has a new Head of Mission: Rodolf Mauget. Under his command, the EU Mission will support the Palestinian State building.

On 17th February the Political and Security Committee appointed Rodolf Mauget as Head of EU crisis management Mission, EUPOL COPPS. “I am honoured," - explained Rodolf Mauget – "to have been appointed by the Political and Security Committee as the next Head of the EUPOL COPPS CSDP Mission in the Palestinian territories.

I have had the good fortune to serve this region for the past 10 years and trust that my experience and understanding of the challenges and issues likely to be faced, will ensure that the excellent support to and relations with our Palestinian counterparts in the Ministry of Interior, the Police and the wider Criminal Justice institutions continues at pace. Having served here as Deputy Head of Mission, supported by an outstanding EUPOL COPPS team, I already enjoy the full cooperation of the EU family, plus Canada, Norway and Turkey, together with our other international community partners, and I look forward to continuing and developing these relationships, which will be key as we embrace the opportunities and challenges that a new mandate would provide, beyond June of this year.” 

EUPOL COPPS is a European Union Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) civilian mission, based in the West Bank. Established in 2006, it forms part of the wider EU efforts to support Palestinian state building, in the context of peace and based on a two-State solution. The EU Mission assists the Palestinian Authority in building its institutions, for a future Palestinian State, focused on security and justice sector reform.

Federica Mogherini visits EUFOR ALTHEA

Federica Mogherini visited EUFOR Althea headquarters at Camp Butmir, as part of her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On 25 February, the HR/VP Federica Mogherini visited EUFOR Althea headquarters at Camp Butmir, as part of her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The HR/VP was welcomed by a guard of honour and then attended a brief on EUFOR’s Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina given by the Head of Mission, Major General Johann Luif. 

 The Senior National Representatives of all 22 Troop -Contributing Nations were also in attendance.

Read more: http://eeas.europa.eu/csdp/missions-and-operations/althea-bih/news/20150226_en.htm

EU supports Afghan women

On the International Women's Day, Federica Mogherini announces new opportunities for Afghan women in the EU institutions as well as a new programme for civil society.

On 8 March, the International Women Day, the HR/VP Federica Mogherini announced a number of new initiatives to promote Afghan women in leadership positions and gender equality in Afghanistan.

"The last thirteen years have been a time of change for Afghanistan. Positive change." – said Federica Mogherini -.

"Girls go to school. Women go to vote and are elected. […] We have to continue improving Afghan lives and in particular Afghani women lives. […] Afghanistan needs women leaders: judges, politicians, economists, opinion leaders. Women to look up to. Women leaders are needed to address the legacy of discrimination against Afghan women; to ensure that their constitutional rights are respected; that their value in society is recognised; that horrific violence for outdated notions of honour is brought to an end. These new programmes will help prepare a new generation of Afghan women to take up leadership positions in the Afghanistan of tomorrow."

The EU will offer several training programmes to young Afghan women. This offer will include internships in various EU institutions, training on public administration at the dedicated European institutes and longer term intakes, as part of a new exchange programme. In the next five years, in response to specific requests, dozens of Afghan women will be able to benefit from these programmes.

Read more: http://www.eupol-afg.eu/node/550

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Réflexions Tactiques 31 - L'armée de Terre française et l'Europe de la défense

12/02/2015  - CDEF


Date de publication : janvier 2015. Aujourd'hui, la relance pragmatique de l'Europe de la défense fait partie des ambitions françaises définies dans le Livre blanc sur la défense et la sécurité nationale, ambition complémentaire de son engagement dans l'Alliance atlantique.


L'armée de Terre française et l'Europe de la défense (format pdf, 21 MB).

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20 juin 2014 5 20 /06 /juin /2014 07:50
EDA Newsletter: June 2014


19.06.2014 Latest news - by European Defence Agency


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One Month to go Until Hot Blade 2014One Month to go Until Hot Blade 2014

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Update on the State of Cyber Security and Cyber Defence in the EUUpdate on the State of Cyber Security and Cyber Defence in the EU

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Coming Soon: Military Airworthiness Conference 2014Coming Soon: Military Airworthiness Conference 2014

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16 mars 2014 7 16 /03 /mars /2014 20:45
L'Europe abandonne la Centrafrique


15/03/2014 Par Jean Guisnel Défense ouverte Le Point.fr


Malgré les promesses, seules la Géorgie et la Moldavie, qui n'appartiennent pas à l'UE, sont prêtes à renforcer les troupes françaises.


La troisième conférence de génération de forces de l'opération Eufor/RCA s'est tenue jeudi 13 mars à Bruxelles. Elle s'est terminée par un aveu d'échec, au moins provisoire. Le général français Philippe Pontiès, qui commande cette mission décidée le 20 janvier par l'Union européenne, n'a pu que constater l'évidence : elle ne peut toujours pas démarrer, alors que les premières troupes devaient être déployées sur le terrain à la fin du mois de février. Un diplomate européen cité par l'AFP confirme : "Il manque encore des moyens logistiques indispensables." Le diable est dans les détails : pour constituer la force, il ne "manque" qu'une dizaine de camions, quatre équipes médicales avec leurs quatre ambulances, ainsi que des moyens du génie et de transport aérien ! En réalité, c'est la volonté politique qui fait défaut. Ahurissant aveu de faiblesse d'une Europe à 28 États, comptant des centaines de milliers de soldats, incapable de déployer dix camions ! Pendant ce temps, la France demeure le seul pays européen déployant des troupes en Centrafrique, dans le cadre de l'opération Sangaris.


Soldats sans munition


Cette dernière compte désormais officiellement 2 000 hommes, mais il faut y ajouter des troupes non comptabilisées, dont au bas mot plusieurs dizaines d'hommes du COS (Commandement des opérations spéciales). La force africaine Misca devrait atteindre les 6 000 hommes dans quelques semaines, mais manque de troupes entraînées, de matériels adaptés et de beaucoup d'autres choses. Concrètement, seuls deux pays ont confirmé jeudi leur accord pour l'envoi de troupes et aucun n'appartient à l'Union européenne ! Il s'agit de la Géorgie, pour 150 hommes, et de la Moldavie, pour un nombre indéterminé. Une source militaire à Paris lève les bras au ciel : "Seule l'Europe centrale et orientale est prête à bouger. Pour le reste, c'est démentiel : un pays veut bien envoyer des soldats, mais pas d'officiers. Un autre une poignée d'hommes, mais sans arme. On a aussi le modèle des hommes et des armes, oui, mais sans munition, ou encore d'accord, mais pour trente jours, pas un de plus !"


Fiasco politique


Vendredi, les ministres de la Défense et des Affaires étrangères Jean-Yves Le Drian et Laurent Fabius ont exprimé une forme d'exaspération sous la forme inhabituelle d'un communiqué commun de sept lignes stigmatisant l'incurie européenne sur le thème "le compte n'y est pas". Le ton est on ne peut plus ferme : "Si un effort supplémentaire n'est pas réalisé très rapidement, il ne sera pas possible de lancer, comme prévu, cette opération indispensable la semaine prochaine. L'Union européenne doit assumer ses responsabilités en matière de sécurité internationale. La France appelle vigoureusement ses partenaires à s'en donner les moyens."


À Bruxelles, on se dit que la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères prévue le 17 mars pourrait débloquer la situation, tout en n'y croyant qu'à moitié. En réalité, seules l'Ukraine et la situation en Crimée seront regardées à la loupe. À Paris, ce diplomate admet que "pour les Européens, la Centrafrique, c'est la France. Aucune raison de s'en mêler". Une source dans la capitale belge se désole : "Personne ne peut prendre le risque de faire capoter cette initiative, mais le processus actuel ne doit pas continuer indéfiniment. À un moment il faut agir !" Pour l'heure, les militaires européens ne peuvent comptabiliser que "de petites choses au compte-goutte, ici et là". En clair : l'Eufor/RCA est très mal partie...

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