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26 septembre 2014 5 26 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
European Security and Defence CSDP basics


26 September 2014  EUISS


This leaflet, produced for the occasion of the EUISS annual conference 2014, goes back to basics on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

Infographics and illustrations, as well as a glossary of terms and relevant actors, present facts and figures about European security – in an easily accessible manner.

With the aim of reaching a broad range of those interested in how the Union operates in this field, printed versions will be made widely available across the EU, and EU Delegations worldwide. 


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19 septembre 2014 5 19 /09 /septembre /2014 16:45
The Ebola outbreak: local and global containment


19 September 2014 Cristina Barrios - Brief - No26 -

Having spread rapidly across several West African states over the summer, the Ebola virus now threatens to undermine the security and economic prospects of the entire region. To date, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported over 2,600 casualties, with an estimated 5,300 people confirmed or suspected of having contracted the disease.

As past experiences with other infectious diseases like avian influenza (bird flu) or the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) have demonstrated, coordinated international action is needed to effectively contain the spread of deadly viruses. But the sluggish pace at which international actors are mobilising is providing a window of opportunity for Ebola to continue its expansion.


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10 septembre 2014 3 10 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
YES 2014 – Version abrégée – français


09 September 2014 EUISS


Le Yearbook of European Security (YES) 2014 de l’EUISS est un recueil de documents et données clés liés à la Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (PESC) et à la Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense (PESD) pour l’année 2013. Cette nouvelle édition de la publication annuelle de l’Institut contient aussi des chapitres sur l’évolution des dépenses de défense à travers l’Europe. Cartes, graphiques et tableaux ajoutent à l’attrait visuel de l’ensemble et apportent un éclairage sur certains enjeux importants de l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne.

YES est un outil destiné à informer experts, universitaires et professionnels, et plus généralement ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur l’Union européenne et les questions de sécurité, en fournissant des analyses originales utilisant des données empiriques et présentant un ensemble de faits et chiffres essentiels.


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3 septembre 2014 3 03 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Strategy matters – EU key documents


29 August 2014 EUISS


Earlier this year, the EUISS published a small compendium of official documents entitled Defence Matters. The aim was to make available in a single, pocket-sized publication the key documents recently produced by the EU on the subject.  Yet, whereas ‘defence’ became a focus of policy attention throughout 2013 (admittedly, after a long hiatus), ‘strategy’ covers a much broader domain, linked as it is to an approach to (rather than a specific area of) policy. Similarly, the spectrum of documents from which to select is much wider and more extensive – as is the relevant time frame.

Nevertheless, it seems appropriate here to offer the busy expert on the go a limited selection of the main types of ‘strategic’ documents released by the EU in order to highlight the developments that have occurred in this domain over the past few years while offering (in the annex) a comprehensive survey of other relevant EU ‘strategies’


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3 septembre 2014 3 03 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
EUISS Yearbook of European Security 2014

This second edition of the Yearbook of European Security (YES) intends to build on the experience of last year while enriching the contents by including a more comprehensive survey of the EU ‘toolbox’ as well as a more targeted analysis of European defence spending. This year’s ‘mapping’ exercise is devoted to identifying and assessing the changes and developments that have occurred in three ‘signature’ countries of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. And, finally, YES 2014 also includes a summary report of the Institute’s own activities over the past year.

YES is an indispensable publication that aims to inform experts, academics, practitioners and, more generally, all those wishing to know more about the EU and security-related matters through innovative, evidence-based analysis and the display of crucial facts and figures.


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25 novembre 2013 1 25 /11 /novembre /2013 12:50
Yearbook of European Security (YES) 2013 – Version abrégée – français
Yearbook - 21 novembre 2013


Depuis sa création, l’Institut d’études de sécurité de l’Union européenne (EUISS) est apprécié pour ses recueils annuels de documents officiels concernant, en particulier, l’élaboration et la mise en oeuvre de la Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense (PESD). Ceux-ci sont destinés aussi bien aux praticiens qu’aux chercheurs de tous niveaux. Ces « Textes fondamentaux » (vols. I-XI) font maintenant partie intégrante de la boîte à outils de la naissante « communauté de sécurité » de l’UE.


Ce Yearbook of European Security (YES) poursuit cette tradition en la complétant par différents instruments d’analyse. Outre une sélection de documents clés publiés dans la version intégrale anglaise (certains de ces documents existent en français et sont disponibles sur le site web de l’Institut), le Yearbook inclut une chronologie de faits pertinents et une sélection de chiffres qui, assemblés les uns aux autres, présentent un tableau complet des réalisations de l’UE dans le domaine de la politique de sécurité au cours de l’année – ou des années – précédente(s) – exceptionnellement, YES 2013 couvre les années 2011 et 2012, afin de compléter la série annuelle lancée en 2001.


Après l’édition exhaustive publiée en anglais au printemps 2013, l’Institut propose ici une version abrégée du Yearbook en français afin d’élargir l’accès aux informations de base sur la Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune et la Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l’Union (et l’action extérieure en général) à un large public de décideurs, praticiens et chercheurs francophones.


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Télécharger les textes fondamentaux 2011 et 2012

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 16:50
EUISS Yearbook of European Security
29 May 2013 EUISS

Since its inception and over the years, the EUISS has come to be appreciated for providing both practitioners and academics at all levels with regular yearly collections of official documents concerning, in particular, the early development and implementation of the Union’s European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). Those ‘Core documents’ (vols. I-XI) soon became part and parcel of the toolbox of the still fledgling EU ‘security community’.

This Yearbook of European Security (YES) intends to build on that tradition while offering its readers a richer menu of food for thought. Alongside a collection of relevant documents, the Yearbook includes a chronology of pertinent facts and a selection of relevant figures that, taken together, are intended to present a more comprehensive picture of what the EU has done (and how) in the security policy domain over the previous year – or years, as YES 2013 exceptionally covers both 2011 and 2012, with a view to completing the annual series launched as far back as 2001.

Furthermore, the Yearbook will offer mental maps, so to speak. This year’s map will cover the way in which (and the extent to which) governments across the world have developed ‘strategic’ thinking, i.e. functions, activities and even permanent centres devoted to analysing long-term trends at the global level and their policy implications. A broad historical overview is complemented by a few case studies, a broad typology of models of foresight conducted in various countries, and some tentative conclusions.


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