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19 mars 2015 4 19 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
Aviation safety over conflict zones/threats to civilian aviation


19-03-2015 - SEDE


The Subcommittee will hold an exchange of views on aviation safety over conflict zones and territories controlled by the military and threats to civilian aviation by military aircrafts with representatives of Eurocontrol and ICAO (tbc).


When: 24 March 2015


Further information Draft agenda and meeting documents

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:50
photo Hungarocontrol

photo Hungarocontrol


09.04.2014 Emilie Drab journal-aviation.com


Depuis le 3 avril, les avions civils peuvent de nouveau survoler le Kosovo, après que l’OTAN a donné son accord. Le trafic aérien sera contrôlé par l’agence hongroise Hungarocontrol, alors que l’espace aérien restera sous contrôle de l’agence internationale.


Cela va permettre aux compagnies de la région d’emprunter des routes plus directes, leur faisant réaliser des économies et améliorant leur rentabilité. L’OTAN estime que 180 000 vols annuels seront affectés par la décision.


Le survol du Kosovo par des avions civils était interdit depuis 1999, lorsque l’organisation a pris le contrôle de son espace aérien. Des vols étaient toutefois autorisés vers Pristina.

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 05:50
Team Focused on Military Implementation of Single European Sky launched in EDA


Brussels - 09 April, 2014 European Defence Agency


A new cell focusing on the military implementation of SESAR - the European air traffic control modernisation programme – has been established within the EDA.


The Single European Sky (SES) aims at realising the optimisation of the airspace organisation and management in Europe through a combination of technological, economic, and regulatory efforts. SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) is the technical pillar of this. SESAR involves developing a new ATM system to handle more traffic with greater safety and at a lower cost. Its new technologies and procedures will also seek to reduce the environmental impact of flying. Although SES regulations primarily apply to civil aviation, military could be affected whenever flying out of dedicated and restricted airspaces.  


EDA’s responsibilities in SESAR deployment

The SESAR programme is now reaching its deployment phase and EDA has various responsibilities regarding the military implications of the project. Since 2010, EDA has been tasked to support participating Member States in the identification of the military operational and financial risks expected with the implementation of SESAR. It has now been assigned a specific role to coordinate military views (CIR 490/2013) - by gathering input and requirements from Ministries of Defence (MODs).  EDA could also enable MODs to access EU funds for collaborative projects.


How the new team operates

The new team called the SESAR Cell will provide in-house expertise and will coordinate with MODs to ensure that the military views and requirements are taken into account in the implementation of SESAR. The EDA will also work closely with the European Commission, the SESAR Joint Undertaking (responsible for SESAR Development), NATO and EUROCONTROL.  A Management Committee - comprised of representatives from the 22 participating Member States will monitor the progress of the cell.


More information

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3 avril 2014 4 03 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
Airbus Defence and Space delivers new Air Traffic Control Network to German Air Force Flight Safety Authority


Munich,  02 April 2014 Airbus DS


Worldwide first "Mode S"-based Cluster improves efficient use of Airspace


The Airbus Defence and Space business line Electronics has concluded the delivery of the worldwide first air traffic control network based on the latest “Eurocontrol” standard Mode S to the flight safety branch of the German Air Force. This Mode S based network guarantees the automatized guidance of civil and military aircraft in an area of 1,700 x 1,500 km. Thus, flight safety and the efficiency of airspace utilization can be increased considerably. After a five year fully operational observation period, the system has been handed over to the in-service support and the initial procurement project is concluded. Two more Mode S based clusters are already operational and in the observation phase.

"Air traffic control authorities all over the world are faced with continually increasing air traffic density," said Thomas Müller, Head of Airbus Defence and Space Electronics. "Together with military air traffic, this situation requires a high-performance guidance system ensuring safety, comprehensive data exchange and efficient allocation of airspace."

Under the project ”Ramos”, Airbus Defence and Space Electronics has equipped six long-range surveillance radars with so-called MSSR (MSSR = Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar) 2000 I secondary radar systems. These secondary radars provide an overview of the air situation based on interrogations and automatic replies from individual aircraft. MSSR 2000 I is the only secondary radar certified according to the latest air traffic control standards, both civil and military.

The MSSR 2000 I systems establish a Mode S Cluster which is safely guiding all aircraft in the area. Within this area, each individual aircraft which is equipped with a Mode S transponder can be identified and tracked automatically without the necessity of individual radar target acquisition, enabled by autonomous target data handover from one radar station to the other. This avoids the risk of single tracks getting lost while handing over from one air traffic control cell to another. Furthermore, the cluster allocates air traffic control tasks automatically, i.e. if one secondary radar fails, others within the cluster take over immediately.

In the military field, MSSR 2000 I is used for automatic friend-or-foe identification (IFF), thus avoiding the erroneous engagement of friendly forces. It is capable of the new Mode 5 military standard which is to be introduced in all Nato countries. MSSR 2000 I is deployed on German naval vessels and used by the armed and naval forces of numerous states worldwide. For civil air traffic control purposes it is in service in such countries as Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria and the Philippines.


About Airbus Defence and Space

Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus Group formed by combining the business activities of Cassidian, Astrium and Airbus Military. The new division is Europe’s number one defence and space enterprise, the second largest space business worldwide and among the top ten global defence enterprises. It employs some 40,000 employees generating revenues of approximately €14 billion per year.

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16 décembre 2013 1 16 /12 /décembre /2013 17:50
Galileo achieves its first airborne tracking



December 16th, 2013 By EuropeAerospace - defencetalk.com


ESA’s Galileo satellites have achieved their very first aerial fix of longitude, latitude and altitude, enabling the inflight tracking of a test aircraft. ESA’s four Galileo satellites in orbit have supported months of positioning tests on the ground across Europe since the very first fix back in March.


Now the first aerial tracking using Galileo has taken place, marking the first time ever that Europe has been able to determine the position of an aircraft using only its own independent navigation system.


This milestone took place on a Fairchild Metro-II above Gilze-Rijen Air Force Base in the Netherlands at 12:38 GMT on 12 November.


It came as part of an aerial campaign overseen jointly by ESA and the National Aerospace Laboratory of the Netherlands, NLR, with the support of Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, and LVNL, the Dutch Air Navigation Service Provider.


A pair of Galileo test receivers was used aboard the aircraft, the same kind currently employed for Galileo testing in the field and in labs across Europe. They were connected to an aeronautical-certified triple-frequency Galileo-ready antenna mounted on top of the aircraft.


Tests were scheduled during periods when all four Galileo satellites were visible in the sky – four being the minimum needed for positioning fixes.


The receivers fixed the plane’s position and, as well as determining key variables such as the ‘position, velocity and timing’ accuracy, time to first fix, signal to noise ratio, range error and range-rate error.


Testing covered both Galileo’s publicly available Open Service and the more precise, encrypted Public Regulated Service, whose availability is limited to governmental entities.


Flights covered all major phases: take off, straight and level flight with constant speed, orbit, straight and level flight with alternating speeds, turns with a maximum bank angle of 60+ , pull-ups and push-overs, approaches and landings.


They also allowed positioning to be carried out during a wide variety of conditions, such as vibrations, speeds up to 456 km/h, accelerations up to 2 ghorizontal and 0.5-1.5 gvertical, and rapid jerks. The maximum altitude reached during the flights were 3000 m.


NLR’s Fairchild Metro-II is something of a satnav veteran, having previously performed initial European GPS testing back in the 1980s and the first tests of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, EGNOS, which sharpens GPS accuracy and monitors its reliability over Europe for high-accuracy or even ‘safety-of-life’ uses.


The definition and development of Galileo’s in-orbit validation phase were carried out by ESA and co-funded by ESA and the EU.


The Full Operational Capability phase is managed and fully funded by the European Commission. The Commission and ESA have signed a delegation agreement by which ESA acts as design and procurement agent on behalf of the Commission.

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21 juin 2013 5 21 /06 /juin /2013 07:50
EUROCONTROL and European Defence Agency Strengthen Military Dimension of European ATM
Paris | Jun 20, 2013 European Defence Agency
EUROCONTROL and the European Defence Agency (EDA) have strengthened in front of the aerospace & military community their ongoing relationship, defining a joint list of key priorities for the implementation of the Single European Sky in the military aviation sector. Areas of action include remotely piloted aircraft systems, coordination of SESAR deployment and satellite telecommunications.

The overall aim of the agreement, which was signed on 19 June at the Paris Air Show Le Bourget by Mr Frank Brenner, Director General of EUROCONTROL and Mme Claude France Arnould, Chief Executive of EDA is to ensure improved coordination and cooperation between civil and military air traffic resulting in the construction of a Single Sky in Europe for both military and civil air transport.

Under the terms of the arrangement, the two Agencies will cooperate closely in the following areas:

• Support to Single European Sky implementation, on operational aspects, (training, certification, development of an Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Concept, considering ground ATM and airborne side, etc.);
• Military coordination in SESAR Deployment;
• Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

This cooperation may also extend to radiofrequency spectrum management, satellite-based applications and research and technology aspects.

“As a civil-military organisation, EUROCONTROL is fully committed through this new promising collaboration to increasing our collaboration with EDA to help the military community to be fully integrated in the Single European Sky. These arrangements also set up an optimum environment for the implementation of SESAR technology”, declared Frank Brenner, Director General of EUROCONTROL;

“This agreement will bring together the expertise of EUROCONTROL in civil military ATM coordination and EDA’s in developing and improving military capabilities. We share the common goal to support our respective Member States’ Ministries of Defence and to enable their air forces to keep their combat readiness while training and operating in a reshaped environment”, said Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency.

The two Agencies have been working together since 2008 and have, in particular been focusing on supporting their respective Member States on relevant military matters regarding Single European Sky implementation, including its technological pillar SESAR.
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3 juin 2013 1 03 /06 /juin /2013 11:50
source Eurocontrol

source Eurocontrol

03.06.2013 CESA


En 1999, la Commission européenne met en lumière dans un communiqué l’urgence d’une réforme de la gestion du trafic aérien. Les nombreux retards, de nature opérationnelle et logistique, décriés par les compagnies aériennes et les passagers menaçant de s’accentuer grandement dans les cinq prochaines années, la Commission se penche sur le sujet. En cause, une saturation de l’espace aérien liée à la nécessité d’assurer la sécurité des vols, les techniques utilisées ne pouvant garantir la sécurité que d’un nombre limité d’avions dans un espace donné « sur base parfois de méthodes artisanales » . Pour répondre à ces nouveaux besoins, la création d’un Ciel unique européen est lancée. Quels en sont les teneurs et les enjeux ? (I) Si l’espace militaire et l’entraînement des forces restent une prérogative des États, l’utilisation de l’espace aérien est une préoccupation partagée par les civils et les militaires qui doivent travailler ensemble. Mais les préoccupations et les enjeux de ces deux « mondes » semblent parfois très éloignées. Avec le développement de l’Europe de la Défense, se pose ainsi la question de la mise en place d’un ciel militaire européen tenant compte de toute la spécificité de l’aviation militaire, notamment française, à travers l’exemple du drone Harfang (II).

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