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11 janvier 2013 5 11 /01 /janvier /2013 15:13



11 janvier 2013 14h53 Romandie.com (AFP)


PARIS - Le ministre français de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian s'est entretenu par téléphone de la crise malienne vendredi avec le secrétaire américain à la Défense Leon Panetta, et devait faire de même en fin de journée avec ses homologues britannique et allemand.


C'est le ministre lui-même qui en a fait l'annonce lors d'un déjeuner avec des journalistes au siège du ministère à Paris. Il a interrompu le déjeuner pour parler avec M. Panetta, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP. M. Le Drian a précisé qu'il devait s'entretenir en fin de journée avec ses homologues Philip Hammond (Grande-Bretagne) et Thomas de Maizière (Allemagne).


Un responsable malien a assuré de son côté que des militaires européens, incluant des Français, étaient présents au Mali pour repousser toute avancée des islamistes vers le Sud.


L'armée malienne a déclenché vendredi matin une offensive contre les islamistes pour reprendre la localité de Konna, dans le centre, conquise la veille par les jihadistes. La contre-offensive, qui implique notamment des avions de pays amis, selon un officier de l'armée malienne, est conduite depuis Sévaré, localité à environ 70 km au sud de Konna, où l'armée dispose d'un poste de commandement opérationnel.


Le président François Hollande, qui doit s'entretenir mercredi à Paris avec le président malien Dioncounda Traoré, a indiqué vendredi que la France répondrait strictement dans le cadre de l'ONU à la demande d'aide de Bamako.


Dans une déclaration adoptée jeudi soir par ses 15 pays membres, le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a d'ailleurs demandé un déploiement rapide de la force internationale au Mali devant la grave détérioration de la situation sur le terrain.


Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Guido Westerwelle a toutefois appelé vendredi à intensifier les efforts politiques pour résoudre la crise au Mali. Il n'y aura pas de solution uniquement militaire du problème du Mali, a-t-il mis en garde.

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11 janvier 2013 5 11 /01 /janvier /2013 12:20

BAE TRIGR target location system US Army


Jan 11, 2013 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


    TRIGR laser target locator modules help soldiers determine target coordinates quickly and accurately in the battlefield


BAE Systems has been awarded a $7 million firm-fixed-price contract to supply the Army with additional TRIGR laser target locator modules. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to procure the innovative units, which help soldiers determine target coordinates quickly and accurately in the battlefield.


The TRIGR system weighs less than 5.5 pounds and provides mission-critical capability in a single, lightweight package, combining functions of several pieces of equipment carried by the soldiers. Removing weight from soliders’ packs makes their jobs easier, enabling them to complete their missions day or night, even in poor visibility conditions, faster and with greater precision.


Work under this contract will be performed in Nashua, New Hampshire, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 17, 2014. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

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10 janvier 2013 4 10 /01 /janvier /2013 12:20

US Air Force KC-46 Tanker Programme


Jan 10, 2013 Source : US Air Force


The Air Force announced Altus Air Force Base, Okla. and McConnell AFB, Kan., as candidate bases for the KC-46A formal training unit (FTU) today.


Altus AFB, Fairchild AFB, Wash., Grand Forks AFB, N.D., and McConnell AFB, are candidate bases for the first active-duty led KC-46A main operating base (MOB 1).


Forbes Air Guard Station, Kan., Joint-Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., Pease Air Guard Station, N.H., Pittsburgh International Airport Air Guard Station, Pa., and Rickenbacker Air Guard Station, Ohio, are candidate bases for the first Air National Guard led KC-46A main operating base (MOB 2).


"The KC-46A will have enhanced refueling capacity and capabilities, improved efficiency, and increased capabilities for cargo and aeromedical evacuation as compared to the KC-135R, making it a vital component to maintaining our global reach for years to come," said Gen. Mark Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff.


The major commands will conduct detailed, on-the-ground site surveys of each candidate base. They will assess each location against operational and training requirements, potential impacts to existing missions, housing, infrastructure, and manpower. Additionally they will develop cost estimates to bed down the KC-46A for each candidate base. Once the site surveys are completed, the results will be briefed to the secretary of the Air Force and chief of staff of the Air Force to select preferred and reasonable alternatives for the FTU and two operating locations. The Air Force plans to announce KC-46A preferred and reasonable alternatives and begin the Environmental Impact Analysis Process in spring 2013.


"Bringing the KC-46A online is an important step in recapitalizing a tanker fleet that has been a leader in air refueling for more than five decades," Welsh said. "This new age aircraft will achieve better mission-capable rates with less maintenance downtime, improving our ability to respond with rapid, global capability to assist U.S., joint, allied and coalition forces and better support humanitarian missions."


Welsh went on to explain that the 179 planned KC-46A aircraft are just the first phase of a 3-phase effort to replace more than 400 KC-135 and 59 KC-10 aircraft. The first phase of tanker recapitalization will complete deliveries in fiscal 2028. He went on to emphasize the importance of continuing KC-135 modernization efforts.


"I want to stress that the KC-135 units not replaced with the KC-46A will continue to fly the KC-135R for the foreseeable future," Welsh said. "Throughout tanker recapitalization, the Air Force is committed to ensuring continued support of combatant commander requirements."


"We are committed to executing a deliberate, repeatable and standardized basing process," said Kathleen Ferguson, Air Force principal deputy assistant secretary for installations, environment and logistics. "In this process, the Air Force uses criteria-based analysis and military judgment in its decision making."


"We look forward to the next phase when preferred and reasonable alternatives are announced and our candidate base communities have an opportunity to participate by providing input for the environmental impact analysis," Ferguson added.


The KC-46A will provide improved capability, including boom and drogue refueling on the same sortie, worldwide navigation and communication, airlift capability on the entire main deck floor, receiver air refueling, improved force protection and survivability, and multi-point air refueling capability.


The FTU and MOB 1 will begin receiving aircraft in fiscal 2016. MOB 2 will receive aircraft in fiscal 2018.

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9 janvier 2013 3 09 /01 /janvier /2013 08:50




Jan. 8, 2013 By MARCUS WEISGERBER – Defense news


U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will travel to Europe next week where he will discuss the war in Afghanistan and cooperative efforts with defense leaders in four countries.


“This trip provides an opportunity to meet with allies on NATO cooperation, as well as discuss the mission in Afghanistan,” Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said during a Jan. 8 briefing. “These nations combined have provided thousands of troops to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan.”


Panetta is scheduled to visit Lisbon, Madrid, Rome and London during the weeklong trip.


“He wants to see our foreign counterparts to reaffirm our very strong commitment to trans-Atlantic defense alliances,” Little said. “This is a trip that is about trying to drive even deeper relationships with very close allies. There is a lot of work to be done with our European allies.”


The trip could be Panetta’s last as defense secretary, as he plans to retire in the coming months. President Barack Obama has nominated former Sen. Chuck Hagel to replace him at DoD.

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9 janvier 2013 3 09 /01 /janvier /2013 08:20

Rafale photo2 Sirpa Air


09/01 Alain Ruello, Les Echos


Face au coût prohibitif du F-35, Ottawa sonde les concurrents de Lockheed Martin. L'avionneur français est prêt à répondre à un appel d'offres.


Persuadé que le jeu en vaut la chandelle, Dassault va répondre à la demande d'information du Canada sur le Rafale. Mieux, si Ottawa décide de lancer un appel d'offres plutôt que de confirmer son intention d'acheter de gré à gré des F-35 à Lockheed Martin, l'avionneur français participera à la compétition. «  Il y a un coup à jouer. Le Canada est potentiellement le premier pays qui pourrait remettre en cause le F-35. Nous ne pouvons pas ne pas l'accompagner», assure aux « Echos » Eric Trappier, qui remplace aujourd'hui Charles Edelstenne au poste de PDG de Dassault.


La confiance affichée dans les chances du Rafale d'équiper un jour l'armée canadienne en surprendra plus d'un. De par sa proximité avec Washington, on imagine mal Ottawa acheter autre chose qu'américain pour un armement aussi stratégique.


C'est d'ailleurs ce que le gouvernement conservateur du Premier ministre Stephen Harper a décidé en 2010, en jetant son dévolu sur le F-35. Il s'agissait de remplacer 78 CF-18 vieillissants de Boeing par 65 exemplaires de l'avion furtif que Lockheed Martin vante comme le seul de cinquième génération. Sachant qu'Ottawa finance, avec sept autres pays, une partie du programme, il n'était pas illogique qu'aucun avion concurrent n'ait été envisagé.


Les choses en seraient restées là si le coût du F-35 n'en finissait pas d'exploser, au point que le programme est considéré comme le plus coûteux de tous les temps en matière d'armement. Au Canada, les critiques se sont faites de plus en plus virulentes pour dénoncer le manque de transparence d'un achat jugé déraisonnable. Cédant à la pression, Ottawa a commandé à KPMG un rapport indépendant pour faire le point sur le projet. Le verdict est tombé le 12 décembre, et il a fait l'objet d'une bombe.


Selon le cabinet d'audit, l'achat et la maintenance de 65 F-35 coûteront aux contribuables 46 milliards de dollars canadiens sur quarante-deux ans. Très loin des 16 milliards affichés en 2010 par le gouvernement ! Ce dernier s'est défendu en expliquant qu'il n'avait pris en compte que le prix d'achat des avions sortis d'usine, et sur vingt ans seulement. L'explication a fait pschitt...


Confiance de l'avionneur


Obligés de lâcher du lest, la ministre des Travaux publics, Rona Ambrose, et le ministre de la Défense, Peter MacKay, ont annoncé qu'ils allaient étudier des alternatives au F-35. Joignant l' acte à la parole, ils ont écrit à Boeing, EADS, Saab, et Dassault pour savoir ce qu'ils auraient à proposer. Au siège de l'avionneur français, à Saint-Cloud, son PDG peaufine sa réponse. «  Nous sommes prêts à expliquer ce que peut être une offre Rafale, ses capacités opérationnelles, et une coopération industrielle », assure Eric Trappier.


On en est cependant pas encore là car les autorités canadiennes n'ont pas précisé quand elles souhaitaient une réponse, et surtout ce qu'elles en feront. Pour nombre d'observateurs, il n'est donc pas certain que cette demande de renseignements signifie l'abandon de l'option F-35. Pour autant, Dassault estime que le Canada va sérieusement étudier ce que les concurrents de Lockheed Martin ont à proposer, à la différence des Pays Bas, et, surtout, du Japon. Quand, il y a quelques années, les militaires nippons sont venus lui faire miroiter la possibilité d'un appel d'offres ouvert, Charles Edelstenne les avait éconduits poliment, persuadé que ses visiteurs n'avaient qu'un but : se servir du Rafale comme d'un lièvre pour que Lockheed Martin baisse ses prix.


Bien que très prudent, Eric Trappier pense que ce ne sera pas le cas au Canada, où «  il y a un vrai problème politique par rapport au prix » du F-35. «  Il y en a un qui y croit, c'est Boeing, alors pourquoi pas nous ? Moi j'y crois », poursuit-il, convaincu que le Rafale constitue «  une des meilleures alternatives », comme l'a confirmé sa sélection par l'Inde. A l'en croire, ses équipes suivent le dossier depuis plusieurs mois et préparent des partenariats avec des entreprises locales.

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8 janvier 2013 2 08 /01 /janvier /2013 17:20



Jan 8, 2013 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


The U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) has selected BAE Systems to provide software and systems engineering services under an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.


BAE Systems’ global team of experts will offer systems and software engineering support for CECOM’s Software Engineering Center (SEC). The SEC provides essential lifecycle maintenance and support to ensure interoperability and function of the U.S. Army’s Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. BAE Systems has been selected as one of the prime contractors on the five year, multi-award IDIQ. The total value of all task orders that will be released under the IDIQ is estimated at $7 billion.


“Our team offers C4ISR domain expertise and the global footprint necessary to execute CECOM’s software and systems sustainment mission,” said DeEtte Gray, president of BAE Systems’ Intelligence and Security sector. “From evaluating software capabilities for enterprise cloud computing systems, to integrating mobile cybersecurity solutions for tactical battlefield communications, we are committed to supporting the daily mission of U.S. Army CECOM.”

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8 janvier 2013 2 08 /01 /janvier /2013 13:50



4 Jan 2013 By Craig Hoyle - FG


London - The UK's urgent requirement to field a maritime unmanned air system capability from later this year appears to have narrowed to a fight between Boeing and EADS company Cassidian, with two other potential contractors understood to have opted against tabling bids.


Boeing Defence UK is offering the Boeing/Insitu ScanEagle for the initially two-year requirement, while Cassidian has confirmed pitching the AAI Aerosonde. Also invited to tender for the deal last November, Lockheed Martin UK Integrated Systems and Qinetiq both decided not to submit proposals before an 18 December deadline, says an industry source.


The Ministry of Defence has previously outlined a goal to contract a bidder for the maritime UAS deal by early February. Its requirement is for a contractor-owned and contractor-operated system to initially be launched from and recovered to Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels, before also later being flown from the RN's Type 23 frigates.


An aircraft endurance of 8h is sought while carrying a surveillance payload including at least an electro-optical/infrared sensor and while operating 32nm (59km) from the launch vessel. A commercial off-the-shelf system is mandated, due to the short programme schedule.


The urgent operational requirement deal seeks an initial single "task line" capable of providing 300h of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance cover per month, with a second line to be added later. The contract will run until at least 31 May 2015.


Cassidian says its Aerosonde proposal requires no deck alterations to UK ships, includes a small logistical support footprint and is backed by the provision of experienced UAS operators. It also claims to be able to offer "more interoperability options through Astrium with the other services," referring to the UK's military satellite communications infrastructure.


Confirming its withdrawal from the process, Qinetiq says that while it believed its industry team had come up with "the most capable solution" for the deal, "following discussion with the MoD on the nature of their requirement we feel that it is not possible to meet the timescales demanded without introducing unacceptable levels of programme risk to the user. Hence, we have reluctantly decided not to proceed at this time".


Lockheed was unavailable for comment.

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8 janvier 2013 2 08 /01 /janvier /2013 12:20

Barack Obama Crédits photo Susan Walsh AP


08/12/2013 IRSEM


Retrouvez sur ce lien l'interface de notre Lettre de l'IRSEM n°10 - 2012, à consulter et télécharger.

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7 janvier 2013 1 07 /01 /janvier /2013 16:20

RQ-4 Block 10 Global Hawk KQ-X programme


4 janvier Aerobuzz.fr


L’avionneur américain Northrop Grumman ne sera pas présent au salon du Bourget 2013. La firme américaine explique qu’elle souhaite faire des économies qui lui permettront d’être plus présente en Australie et au Moyen Orient.

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21 décembre 2012 5 21 /12 /décembre /2012 17:50

RAF Reaper photo UK MoD


Dec. 21, 2012 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Dec. 20, 2012)


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., Poway, Calif., (FA8620-10-G-3038 0080) is being awarded a $42,940,780 cost-plus-fixed-fee and firm-fixed-price contract for contractor logistics support for the United Kingdom Royal Air Force Phase 1 and 2 for MQ-9 operations.


The locations of the performance are Poway, Calif.; Creech Air Force Base, Nev.; Waddington, United Kingdom and Afghanistan. Work is expected to be completed by March 31, 2015.


Contract involves Foreign Military Sales to the United Kingdom.


The contracting activity is AFLCMC/WIIK, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

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21 décembre 2012 5 21 /12 /décembre /2012 08:55

MQ-9-Reaper source info-aviation


Dec. 19, 2012 - By PIERRE TRAN  - Defense News


ISTRES, France — French defense officials were in the United States recently for talks on a possible procurement of the Reaper medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV, a defense official here said Dec. 19.


The French officials were in “Washington D.C. last week” for discussions on the General Atomics’ Reaper under the Foreign Military Sales program, the official told journalists at a press conference for the French-led Neuron UCAV demonstrator program.


NEURON assemblage-60ea9 Photo Dassault


France’s previous administration shelved the Reaper in favor of the Israeli Aerospace Industries’ Heron TP for an interim MALE UAV. But the arrival of the Socialist government in June led to a rejection of the Heron TP selection and a fresh look at the U.S.-built drone.


The interim MALE UAV is intended to fill a capability gap until a new generation air vehicle is built with Britain under a cooperative program, which French officials say is open to other European partners.


The official was speaking after a high-profile presentation of the stealthy, swept-wing Neuron air vehicle, which made a 10-minute autonomous flight at the flight test center of the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) procurement office.


Neuron 01 dec 2012 photo2 dassault-aviation.com


Dassault Aviation is the prime contractor on the Neuron, while the DGA is the lead agency for the six countries signed up to the program — France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.


Dassault chief executive Charles Edelstenne highlighted the European cooperation aspect of the 405 million euro ($538 million) program, half of which came from France.


The cooperative program drew on four conditions, he said. The conditions were a strong political and budgetary commitment from the six countries; a clear and simple program management structure with one government agency and one prime contractor; industrial contributions based on established competence; and finally use of a single common industrial language on a cooperative virtual platform.


The competences developed on the Neuron will feed into work on a next generation combat aircraft, whether manned or unmanned, and which would be a European cooperative project, Edelstenne said.


Italy is keen to continue work on any follow-on program, while Germany shows no real signs of interest for the time being, the defense official said.


Dassault leads the industrial partners Alenia Aermacchi for Italy, EADS CASA for Spain, Hellenic Aerospace Industry for Greece, Ruag for Switzerland, Saab for Sweden.


France launched the Neuron project in 2003. The other countries signed up later, and a contract was signed in 2006.


The Neuron air vehicle will now undergo a two-year flight test campaign, with flights in France, Sweden and Italy, including weapons launch.

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21 décembre 2012 5 21 /12 /décembre /2012 07:50

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter source defpro.com


December 20, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Norwegian Ministry of Defence; issued Dec. 19, 2012)


“The F-35 program is of vital importance to both the United States and Norway in ensuring that we fulfil our future operational requirements. I am therefore very pleased and reassured by the recent process in the development of the F-35, “says Norwegian Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, who Monday met with US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta at the Pentagon.


“We have a long standing defence relationship with the United States, both through organizations such as NATO but also on a bilateral basis. It is based on a common commitment to work for a more stable and peaceful world and finding areas where we can work together to promote our common security. I find meetings like this to be essential in developing our relationship further, and I believe today has been very useful in this regard.”


The meeting addressed several important issues, including developments in Afghanistan and the opportunities for US and Norwegian forces to work and exercise more closely together. The F-35 and future integration of the JSM, however, were central to the discussions as Norway is about to begin preparations for the order of the main body of the procurement.


“Our goal is to introduce a bill to Parliament early 2013 which allows us to receive the first aircraft to Norway in 2017. We have already ordered two aircraft for training purposes that are to be delivered in 2015, followed by another two in 2016, but these are to be based in the US. This new order is therefore a new major milestone for us.


“Since we are at this critical juncture I have also taken the opportunity to reiterate to Secretary Panetta the vital importance to Norway of securing integration of the JSM onto the F-35 in order to ensure that we meet our future operational needs. We truly appreciate his offer of support, but it is critical that the process moves forward. We had very good discussions today on this subject,” says Ms Strøm-Erichsen.


“Norway’s support for the F-35 program remains as strong as ever, and we look forward to seeing this through to the end. Our cost estimates remain stable and we are confident in our choice. I understand that some partner nations are currently making an effort to ensure that their respective fighter procurement processes are as comprehensive and as well structured as they can be, and this is to be expected – this is after all a major investment. We have no doubt, however, that this is a necessary investment and that it will help strengthen the ability of our Armed Forces to contribute to Norwegian security for several decades to come,” concludes Ms Strøm-Erichsen.

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21 décembre 2012 5 21 /12 /décembre /2012 07:24





Maintenance and repair services for security systems for customers of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be provided by Siemens Government Technologies.


The services include maintenance and repair of electronic security, access control points, utility monitoring and control and physical security systems at domestic and overseas U.S. facilities.


"Siemens is a trusted technology partner for smart, safe and secure buildings and installations," said Judy Marks, president and chief executive officer of Siemens Government Technologies Inc. "We are excited to extend our offerings through this contract and we are committed to delivering mission success affordably and efficiently for our government customers."


Work will be performed under a multiple awardee Army Maintenance Services contract, which has a one-year base period and four option years. The shared contract has an overall value of $315 million.


Siemens Government Technologies noted it has extensive experience in the area of managed services and is a prime contractor for federal government organizations such as the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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19 décembre 2012 3 19 /12 /décembre /2012 17:55

Centaur optionally-piloted aircraft source Aurora.aero


18 Dec 2012 By Dominic Perry - FG


London - Swiss defence procurement agency Armasuisse has taken delivery of the first production example of Aurora Flight Sciences' Centaur optionally piloted aircraft.


Based on a Diamond Aircraft DA42 modified by Aurora at its facility in Manassas, Virginia, the twin turboprop arrived at Emmen air base in Switzerland on 28 November.


From January, Armasuisse will use the Centaur as a flying testbed in a manned configuration. Unmanned sorties are due to follow from March after the successful completion of "hybrid" system trials in Virginia and Switzerland. Armasuisse says these will include the aircraft being remotely-controlled by a crew in a ground control station, while also having a safety pilot onboard.


Technologies to be tested on the Centaur include new sensors and the sense-and-avoid equipment required to operate as a UAV within Swiss airspace.


Armasuisse is the launch customer for the Centaur.

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18 décembre 2012 2 18 /12 /décembre /2012 08:50



ATHENES, 17 décembre - RIA Novosti


La Bulgarie s'est déclarée prête à accueillir sur son territoire un contingent militaire américain permanent, rapporte lundi le quotidien bulgare Troud.


Les autorités bulgares estiment que la présence des militaires américains dans le pays aidera à renforcer la sécurité dans la région ainsi qu'à améliorer la formation des soldats bulgares, écrit le journal au terme de la visite du ministre bulgare de la Défense Aniou Anguelov aux Etats-Unis.


Les Etats-Unis utilisent actuellement trois sites militaires bulgares, dont le polygone de Novo Selo près de Sliven (est), ainsi que les bases aériennes de Bezmer près de Yambol (sud-est) et de Graf Ignatievo près de Plovdiv (sud) en vertu d'un accord conclu en 2006. Depuis cette date, Washington a investi près de 60 millions de dollars dans la reconstruction du polygone à Novo Selo.


L'accord de 2006 prévoit également le stationnement de 2.500 militaires américains en Bulgarie avec la possibilité d'augmenter leur nombre jusqu'à 5.000 pour un délai de trois mois.


Pour le moment, aucun document officiel sur l'élargissement de la présence militaire américaine sur le territoire bulgare n'a été signé, indique le Troud.

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 12:50



December 7, 2012: Strategy Page


The U.S. has found a solution for the problem they have been having, for over two years, with rocket motor problems in their AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles (and Sparrow missiles, which use a motor from the same manufacturer). The solution was to find another supplier who could produce rocket motors that worked. That turned out to be Norwegian ammunition manufacturer Nammo which has delivered 125 rocket motors so far and will soon be delivering a hundred motors a month. The former supplier, ATK, is still fixing the problem it had, which was the result of changing the formula for the rocket propellant several times to comply with environmental regulations. This led to their rocket motors becoming unreliable. It took over two years to sort all this out.


AMRAAM entered service two decades ago as a successor to Sparrow. Until recently, there have never been problems with the rocket motors. But as a result of the rocket problem, and the inability to fix it, no AMRAAM missiles have been delivered for two years. The AMRAAM solid fuel rocket motors problem was discovered during testing that the air force performs on a few of every new batch of missiles. The problem is that when rocket motors are exposed to very cold conditions (as would happen when an aircraft is flying at a high altitude) they become unreliable. The air force is withholding over half a billion dollars in payments until the reliability problem is fixed. ATK, the rocket motor manufacturer (for both the AMRAAM and Sparrow) insisted that it was building the rocket motors the same way it had for three decades. Recently it was discovered that the slight changes for environmental reasons had gradually changed the performance of the rocket motor. ATK makes rocket motors for all American air-to-air missiles, including Sidewinder.


AMRAAM has been around for a while and undergone several upgrades, without problems appearing in components that are often unchanged for decades. But there have been many upgrades, including a lot of new stuff. Thus, it was always suspected that some of the ingredients of the solid fuel (a slow burning explosive) rocket had changed and chemists scrambled to find out what change did what.


AMRAAM entered service in 1992, more than 30 years after the first radar guided air-to-air missile (the AIM-7 Sparrow) appeared. AMRAAM was designed to fix all the reliability and ease-of-use problems that cursed the AIM-7. But AMRAAM has only had a few opportunities to be used in combat but over half of those launched have hit something. The AIM-120D version entered service five years ago, has longer range, greater accuracy, and resistance to countermeasures. So far AMRAAMs have spent nearly 2 million hours hanging from the wings of jet fighters in flight. Some 2,400 AMRAAMs have been fired, mostly in training or testing operations. That’s about a quarter of those produced.


AMRAAM weighs 172 kg (335 pounds), is 3.7 meters (12 feet) long, and 178mm (7 inches) in diameter. AMRAAM has a max range of 70 kilometers. These missiles cost about a million dollars each. They are complex mechanical, electronic, and chemical systems and each of them, on average, suffers a component failure every 1,500 hours.


There were similar rocket motor problems with Sparrow missiles. The Taiwanese Air Force took all of its AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles (and a variant used for surface-to-air missions) out of service because of this. The missiles can now only be used if there is a war. This is because early last year the Sparrows began failing when tested. Taiwan bought over 1,100 Sparrows in the early 1990s, and most of them are still in service (although with a lot of upgraded or refurbished components). The manufacturer, Raytheon, warned all other users (over 15 nations) to limit use of their Sparrow missiles until the problem could be fixed. ATK also makes the rocket motors for Sparrow.


The most current version of Sparrow (AIM-7P) weighs 230 kg (510 pounds), is 200mm (7.9 inches) in diameter, and 3.7 meters (12 feet) long. Max range is 50 kilometers and it is still manufactured mainly as a surface-to-air missile. Sparrow costs less than half as much as an AMRAAM. Over 50,000 Sparrows, of all types, have been built and over 20 percent of those are still in service.


The air force and the navy have had an increasing number of incidents where their suppliers of high-tech weapons and equipment screwed up. Cancelling orders and taking manufacturers to court has not eliminated the problems. The military accuses the manufacturers of having a bad attitude, feeling that if there are problems it's easier to cozy up to members of Congress than it is to fix the technical problems. So far, that seems to be working, while the weapons and equipment don't.

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 12:25



Dec 11, 2012 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


BAE Systems has received a $35 million order from the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for the production of tactical vests equipped with body armor.


Improved Outer Tactical Vests (IOTV) include both soft-armor ballistic inserts and hard-armor plates, which provide Soldiers with lighter weight, advanced features and increased mobility in the field.


"This tactical vest is a necessary and life-saving piece of equipment for the Soldier,” said Eric Gavelda, director of Warfighter Protection at BAE Systems’ Protection Systems business. “The vest helps shield vital organs and protect against a variety of battlefield threats. Our ultimate goal is to help our warfighters return home safely to their families.”


The IOTV is the most widely deployed bullet and fragmentation protection soft armor system for the Department of Defense. Since 2007, BAE Systems has produced more than 800,000 outer tactical body armor vests for U.S. troops serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.


DLA Troop Support ordered the vests as part of a four-year contract issued in March, which could reach a cumulative value of $267 million. BAE Systems has thus far received a total of $83 million under the contract. Production will occur at the company’s Jessup, Pennsylvania facility, and this order is scheduled to be complete by October 2013.

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 11:50

Centaur optionally-piloted aircraft source Aurora.aero


Dec 7, 2012ASDNews Source : Aurora Flight Sciences


Aurora Flight Sciences announced today that it delivered the world's first production Optionally-Piloted Aircraft (OPA) system to Switzerland's Department of Defence. The Centaur OPA, flown by an onboard crew in FAA Normal Category, departed the Manassas Regional Airport in Virginia on November 26 for delivery to armasuisse at the Emmen Military Airfield in Switzerland. It arrived at Emmen on November 28.


The Centaur OPA is a new type of aircraft that can be flown in both manned and unmanned configurations. A third flight configuration, the hybrid mode, allows for control from the ground with a safety pilot onboard the aircraft. The capability to fly both manned and unmanned missions creates a system with optimal flexibility for the operator. The hybrid flight mode facilitates flight operations that are identical to an unmanned aircraft by utilizing a safety pilot to watch for other aircraft or take over control in an emergency.


Armasuisse is the official procurement agency of the Swiss Department of Defence and operates its own Flight Test Center. Upon installation of the OPA equipment and site preparation of Aurora's Ground Control Station in January 2013, armasuisse will use Centaur as a flying test bed. Initial projects include new sensors as well as sense and avoid equipment required to operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the entire Swiss National Air Space (NAS). The Swiss are leaders in the development of UAS operations in complex and dense airspace. Following hybrid mode flight tests in Virginia and Switzerland, armasuisse will have the ability to operate Centaur unmanned in March 2013.


The Centaur OPA's unique design with its hybrid flight mode make it an ideal platform for research and development. Centaur is based on the successful Diamond Aircraft DA42MNG, a four-seat twin-engine heavy fuel aircraft specifically designed to deploy airborne sensors. Centaur is the world's first OPA to retain its FAA and EASA Normal Category Airworthiness Certification in the manned flight mode with the ability to provide its full functionality for unmanned flight. The conversion between manned and unmanned flight modes only takes four hours to complete. Centaur is able to carry its own ground control station, making it the world's first self-deployable unmanned aircraft system.


"Centaur is an ideal platform for Switzerland's initiative to develop new technologies that will enable UAV operations in the Swiss National Air Space," said Dr. John Langford, Aurora Flight Sciences' Chairman and CEO. "Coupled with our recent selection by the US Navy for the AACUS program and by DARPA and Raytheon for the PCAS program, Centaur establishes Aurora as the industry leader in Optionally-Piloted Aircraft technology."

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 11:25

UH-72A Lakota LUH


December 1, 2012: Strategy Page


The U.S. Army has bought another 34 twin engine UH-72A ("Lakota") Light Utility Helicopters, for $5.4 million each. Additional electronics and anti-missile systems add several millions to the cost per chopper. With the new order the army has bought 312 of the 345 UH-72As it plans on getting. Most have already been delivered.


Built by European firm EADS, the UH-72A is a militarized version of the EC145, a helicopter long popular with law enforcement agencies, including the FBI. The EC145 was introduced eight years ago and has been very popular with its users. The UH-72A purchase is a side effect of the cancellation of the Comanche scout helicopter eight years ago (mainly because of constantly increasing costs). Comanche was perceived as too expensive and complex. The UH-72A mainly replaces the few remaining UH-1 (“Huey”) helicopters, which are being retired because of old age.


The UH-72A has about the same capacity as the UH-1, despite its smaller size. The 3.6 ton UH-72A has a top speed of 260 kilometers an hour and a max range of 660 kilometers. Average endurance per sortie is about two hours. The helicopter has a crew of two and can carry up to eight passengers or about three-quarters of a ton of cargo or weapons. The UH-72A has been popular with its users and has had a readiness (for flying) rate of 90 percent.


There is also an AAH-72X armed scout version in development, which can carry about a ton of weapons (machine-gun pod, plus guided and unguided rockets) and sensors and is competing to become the new armed scout helicopter and replace the Vietnam era OH-58D. The AAH-72X is basically an armed version of the new UH-72A, with added electronics to make it an all-weather aircraft and more aware of its surroundings. This is part of a second attempt to obtain a new scout helicopter. An earlier (2005) competition had been won by the ARH-70 but that contract was canceled after the manufacturer increased the price by 70 percent (to $14.5 million per helicopter). The AAH-72X has an inside track because the military is pleased with the UH-72A.

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 09:54

Apache helicopters land on board HMS Illustrious- photo MOD


04 Dec 2012 By James Kirkup - telegraph.co.uk


The British Army’s fleet of Apache attack helicopters could be cut back or even scrapped outright, defence sources have admitted.


Britain’s Apache gunships have been in use since 2001, seeing action in Afghanistan - where current pilots include Prince Harry - and in Libya.


Despite the helicopters’ successes on the frontline, defence sources suggested that the Army Air Corps fleet of 66 Apaches could eventually be cut to around 50 aircraft fit for operations.


Britain’s American-made AH-64D helicopters face becoming redundant because the US has decided to stop using the AH-64D model and adopt a newer variant, the AH-64E.


That means essential technical support for the British Apache fleet will be withdrawn from 2017.


As a result, ministers must decide whether to upgrade some or all of the British helicopters to the new US standard, or to replace them outright.


Defence officials and Army officers are finalising their assessment of the technical options in an exercise entitled the Apache Capability Sustainment Programme, or AH CSP.


Officials are due to present ministers with a list of detailed options in the New Year, with final decisions expected in 2014.


Colonel Andrew Cash, the commander of the army's attack helicopter force, set out the options for the Capability Sustainment Programme in a recent public lecture.


“The AH CSP is designed to address the sustainment issue that this raises, and provide the required capability, training and support out to 2040,” said Col Cash, the commanding officer of 16 Air Assault Brigade.


“The technical options are being evaluated, and I expect a decision on the way ahead for assessment by early next year," the commander told the Royal Aeronautical Society.


Listing the options for the programme, he said: "Do nothing; do the minimum; technology insertion based on the current airframes; update to the US AH-64E standard, or this standard but with UK-specific equipment; or an entirely new replacement attack helicopter.”


Some analysts have suggested that the UK could decide to replace its US-made Apaches with the European-made Tiger helicopter, which is currently used by the French and German armies.


Military sources said that the Tiger would be strongly opposed by British commanders, who regard it is inferior to the Apache. That means the Ministry of Defence is likely to focus on an Apache upgrade programme.


However, modernising existing aircraft is often extremely costly, and insiders expect that the MoD will be unable to afford to upgrade all 66 Apaches.


The MoD has refused to say how many of the Apaches will be upgraded, leaving open the possibility that some of the fleet will be left unmodified and effectively redundant from 2017.


The MoD said: "There are no plans to remove the Apache capability, on the contrary we plan to update and upgrade the fleet. The number required after 2017 will be taken according to operational requirements.


“Decisions regarding the future structure of the Apache fleet will not have an impact on the current operations of the Apache fleet.”

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11 décembre 2012 2 11 /12 /décembre /2012 09:25

155mm M109A6 Paladin US Army


ELGIN, Okla., Dec. 7 (UPI)


BAE Systems is expanding its work at Elgin, Okla., to complete low-rate initial production of the Paladin Integrated Management self-propelled howitzer system.


The U.S. Army's PIM LRIP award, slated for the third quarter in 2013, follows successful design and development work at BAE Systems' York, Pa., facility and recent user tests in Arizona.


BAE Systems said that as part of the PIM LRIP program, employees at the Elgin facility will complete final integration, assembly and testing of 72 PIM systems -- including vehicle chassis -- for the 155mm weapon.


The company's facility is in the Fort Sill Industrial Park, home of the U.S. Army field artillery.


"This is a great opportunity for the company to work even closer with the Artillery Center of Excellence and local industry in the Elgin-Lawton area," said Mark Signorelli, vice president and general manager of vehicle systems at BAE Systems.


"Being this close to Fort Sill allows us to access a highly skilled and experienced artillery workforce, while enabling a time and cost-saving transition of the PIM vehicles from production to verification."

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10 décembre 2012 1 10 /12 /décembre /2012 17:50



10 December 2012 naval-technology.com


The Danish Government has selected the US Navy's MH-60R Seahawk multi-mission maritime helicopter for its maritime helicopter replacement programme.


A $686m agreement has also been signed by the government to formally procure nine MH helicopters as well as comprehensive logistics support through the US foreign military sales programme.


Air, ASW, Assault and Special Mission Programs programme executive officer rear admiral Paul Grosklags said: "Danish pilots and crew will be able to fly with the confidence that these aircraft have been proven operationally capable at sea and have the full logistics support already in place to ensure they are ready and able to fly anytime, anywhere in the world."


The Sikorsky-built MH-60R helicopter is integrated with sensors which include surface radar and a forward looking infrared camera, and is also fitted with tactical data links to help support the host ship during over the horizon operations.


Capable of deploying from frigates, destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers in littoral zones, the advanced maritime helicopter MH-60R Seahawk can also be used to support missions, such as combat search and rescue, vertical replenishment and airborne mine countermeasures.


The Royal Danish Navy will use the aircraft to support anti-surface warfare missions as well as anti-piracy operations, while protecting and defending Danish interests in the North Atlantic during international deployments.


The US Navy's MH-60R helicopter team comprises Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin, GE, Raytheon and CAE.


Delivery of the aircraft to the Danish defence ministry is expected to take place by 2018.


The aircraft was also selected by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in 2011.

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10 décembre 2012 1 10 /12 /décembre /2012 11:50



07/12/2012 Armée de l'air


Du 3 au 7 décembre 2012, la 4e édition du séminaire « Workshop » réunissant l’armée de l’air française, l’US Air Force (USAF) et la Royal Air Force (RAF) s’est déroulée sur la base aérienne 942 de Lyon Mont-Verdun.


Ce Workshop trilatéral a rassemblé une cinquantaine d’officiers supérieurs français, anglais et américains, experts dans le domaine du commandement et de la conduite des opérations aériennes. Parmi eux, le général Philippe Montocchio pour la France, le général Bergeson pour les États-Unis et l’Air Commodore Sampson pour le Royaume-Uni, sous l’encadrement du général Patrick Charaix, commandant les forces aériennes stratégiques.


Trois groupes de travail – stratégique, opérationnel, technique – ont été mis en place ainsi qu’un groupe d’officiers généraux chargés de discuter des problématiques politico-militaires. La synthèse de ces travaux a été présentée le 6 décembre, par visio conférence (VTC), entre les trois centres de commandement et de conduite des opérations aériennes de Lyon Mont Verdun (France), Ramstein (US), et High Wycombe (UK). Puis, le 7 décembre, aux chefs d’état major des trois armées de l’air par VTC sécurisée depuis Paris.


Ces réflexions contribueront à une meilleure préparation des trois armées de l’air, seules forces aériennes occidentales disposant d’un spectre complet de capacités cohérentes dont celle d’entrer en premier sur un théâtre d’opérations aériennes. Les investissements trilatéraux d’aujourd’hui concourent à établir une confiance mutuelle, véritable pierre angulaire des réussites opérationnelles de demain. Le responsable de l’initiative trilatérale au sein de l’armée de l’air est le colonel Olivier Erschens, directeur adjoint du centre d’études stratégiques aérospatiales (CESA) et chef de la division stratégie.


Genèse des "Workshops" trilatéraux


D’après le colonel Cyril Carcy, officier d’échange français auprès du Strategic Studies Group de l’US Air Force, « Le partenariat trilatéral qui unit l’armée de l’air à l’USAF et à la RAF, au niveau stratégique, a été initié par les trois chefs d’état-major dès 2010, afin de renforcer la connaissance et la confiance mutuelles des trois armées et de mieux répondre aux défis communs auxquels nos forces aériennes ont et auront à faire face. »


Les « Workshops » ont donc pour objectif de développer les échanges, les visions et la culture stratégique commune des trois armées de l’air en identifiant les divergences organisationnelles et en proposant des initiatives pour accroitre la coopération. L’organisation d’un quatrième « Workshop » à Lyon Mont-Verdun s’inscrit dans la lignée des précédents (Paris en 2011, Grande-Bretagne et Etats-Unis en 2012) et porte en particulier sur la conduite des opérations aériennes et le partage de l’information.


Au delà de ces séminaires, l’opération en Libye et les exercices communs ont contribué à renforcer la confiance entre les trois Nations. Mais l’opération Harmattan a également mis en exergue des axes d’amélioration, en particulier dans les domaines du partage de l’information et de la gestion des cibles en coalition. Les « Workshops » constituent des jalons qui permettent d’alimenter d’autres travaux (tribunes, articles, réflexions doctrinales) et de poursuivre la dynamique trilatérale au meilleur niveau. Afin d’assurer cette mission, les colonels Emmanuel Caboche et Cyril Carcy ont chacun été insérés au sein des armées de l’air britannique et américaine en tant qu’officier d’échange.



La 4e édition a rassemblé une cinquantaine d’officiers supérieurs français, anglais et américains

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6 décembre 2012 4 06 /12 /décembre /2012 08:50

Foxhound light protected patrol vehicle in Afghanistan. Pho


HARLOW, England, Dec. 5 (UPI)


Raytheon UK reports it has been contracted by Britain's Ministry of Defense for a new GPS Anti-Jam Antenna System for use by land vehicles.


The award was issued under an Urgent Operational Requirement. It is the first for the company's GPS Anti-Jam Land product family.


Delivery of the systems to the Defense Ministry will be completed within six months, Raytheon said.


"Raytheon UK has a track record of on-time delivery for GPS AJ systems, having delivered over 7,000 units for air and naval capabilities in the U.K. and U.S.," said Bob Delorge, chief executive, Raytheon UK.


"Many of the military platforms used in operations are protected by the proven Raytheon GPS anti-jam technology and the first order for our Land GPS AJ product family marks a significant success."

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6 décembre 2012 4 06 /12 /décembre /2012 08:25



03 December 2012 Thales



Arlington VA, 30th November 2012 – Thales, a global technology leader for the Defence, Security, Transportation, Aerospace and Space markets will participate in I/ITSEC 2012, the world’s largest modelling, simulation and training conference, held at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida from 3rd to 6th December 2012.

Covering the range from training equipment to turnkey training services, the Thales ethos is to act as a partner, understanding the changes that must be made in order to adapt our training solutions. Thales is committed to providing a service quality that guarantees performance and system availability in five areas which will be on show at I/ITSEC 2012 :


Firstly, Directed-Fidelity® delivers customized, targeted training solutions to customers based on an end-to-end analysis. Through close work with customers to discover their key requirements, Thales Directed-Fidelity® aims to blend the best mix of live and synthetic training to ensure that all individuals are optimally trained.


Thales’s sophisticated Combat Training System, designed for combined land forces, links together various simulators to perform the full spectrum of military operations in a digitized battlespace environment. Thales is a key provider of Land Forces Training Systems, from Armored Vehicle gunnery and driving to Small Arms training and live training within Combat Training Centers, which will be demonstrated on Thales’s stand 1000.


The Helicopter Mission Training zone will display Thales’s range of training devices for high-value mission and tactical training. The outstandingly realistic visual displays and faithful replications of cockpits within the Thales system resemble the exact flight crew environment, resulting in a superior training system which can be used from ground school to pre-deployment.


Reality H, Thales’s high fidelity Helicopter Full Flight Simulator, will also be on show on the Thales stand this year. This mission-orientated training system is already in service around the world, providing improved operational efficiency and high quality training supported by a powerful image generation system, full instructor control and high accuracy motion and controls.


Thales is a major leader in the area of Mission Training for complex missions such as Air Tanker training, Land Forces operations or Urban operations. As an illustration, Thales will be displaying its capabilities in Synthetic Environments for Mission Training via video on the stand.


Thales endeavours to be the partner of choice in the provision of the finest training services and simulation equipment, to introduce innovative new solutions in all our fields of operation and to ensure our customers benefit from the best solutions.

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