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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 16:55



05/12/2012 SEA


Pour compléter les capacités de modes opératoires demandées par l’OTAN, le SEA, à la suite de différents retours d’expérience, souhaite se réapproprier un savoir-faire mis en sommeil : celui de pouvoir charger et décharger un navire en opérations à partir d’un quai ou d’autres configurations de terrain.


Cette capacité OTAN se nomme en anglais : « ship to shore ». Les homologues américains (DLA-E) du SEA disposent de cette capacité avec des infrastructures particulièrement adéquates et ont proposé de faire partager leur savoir-faire. Afin d’appréhender ces modes opératoires, un détachement de huit personnels militaires de la base pétrolière interarmées (BPIA) s’est rendu à Norfolk, Etat de Virginie, du 8 au 15 septembre dernier.


S’inscrivant dans la continuité de la coopération entre DLA/E (Defense Logistics Agency/Energy) et le Service, cette mission a eu pour objet de permettre au détachement du SEA d’observer les modes opératoires et de connaître les procédures de chargement et de déchargement de navires pétroliers. Accueillie par l’IC2 Nodet, en poste à l’état-major de l’OTAN de Norfolk, la délégation française a visité les sites pétroliers américains accompagnée du commander Bruce Kong, de DLA/E en poste à Fort Belvoir (Washington DC), représentant le général Giovanni K. Tuck, du lieutenant Anthony Urech, 2e adjoint du dépôt de Craney Island et d’un personnel appartenant à la société LB&B, contractant civil exploitant le dépôt.


Le 1er jour a été consacré à la visite du dépôt de Craney Island, plus grand dépôt pétrolier américain du monde. Puis, les déplacements suivants ont permis de découvrir la base navale de Norfolk, la base de garde-côtes de Yorktown, une base amphibie et la base aéronavale de Virginia Beach, sur laquelle ils ont pu assister à un show aérien. Ces visites, toutes très intéressantes, ont permis au personnel d’avoir une vision globale des infrastructures pétrolières de l’ensemble des sites et ont été l’occasion à chacun de poser toutes les questions qu’il souhaitait.


Approche d'une barge à Craney-Island

Pour mette en place cette capacité technique, des équipes spécialisées de la BPIA seront formées régulièrement dès l’année 2013 avec le concours du personnel civil des dépôts marine de Brest et Toulon déjà rompu à ces techniques.

Pour finir, cette mission a été une réussite tant sur le plan humain que sur le plan technique. Les interlocuteurs américains sont intéressés par une prochaine visite des sites du SEA, en particulier le Commander Bruce Kong, de DLA Energy et M. Bill Campbell, chef du dépôt de Craney Island.


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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 13:25



Dec 4, 2012 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


Lockheed Martin received a $5.1 million Foreign Military Sale contract from the U.S. Air Force to support integration of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) onto the Finnish Air Force (FiAF) F-18C/D aircraft.


The contract is for the first phase of a six-year effort of software development and aircraft integration support. Additional contract awards are expected for remaining phases of integration support, missile procurement and post-production support. Finland is the second international customer for JASSM, following the Commonwealth of Australia, which became the first export customer in February 2006.


“JASSM plays a critical role in giving allied warfighters the operational flexibility, reliability and effectiveness necessary to complete their missions,” said Alan Jackson, director of strike systems in Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. “The team has worked hard to be able to deliver this vital and affordable capability to our allied partners.”


JASSM integration will coincide with the FiAF Mid-Life Two upgrade of their F-18 aircraft. The U.S. Navy will lead the integration effort in coordination with the U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin and the FiAF. Integration activities will take place at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division in China Lake, Calif.


The award aligns with the recent JASSM Production Lot 10 procurement contract to employ economies of scale, reducing cost for both the U.S. Government and Finland. JASSM on the F-18C/D enables Finland to fulfill its regional defense role, as well as its European community and North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Partnership for Peace responsibilities.


The contract award follows several recent JASSM program milestones, including the Lot 10 contract award, certification of JASSM on the Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 and successful integration on the U.S. Air Force F-15E.


JASSM is an autonomous, air-to-ground, precision-guided standoff missile designed to meet the needs of U.S. and allied warfighters. Armed with a penetrator and blast fragmentation warhead, JASSM cruises autonomously, day or night in all weather conditions. The missile employs an infrared seeker and enhanced digital anti-jam Global Positioning System to find specific points on targets.


The stealthy JASSM is integrated on the U.S. Air Force’s B-1, B-2, B-52, F-16 and F-15E. Internationally, JASSM is certified on the F/A-18A/B for the Royal Australian Air Force. Future integration efforts will focus on the U.S. and international versions of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft and other international platforms.


Produced at the company’s manufacturing facility in Troy, Ala., Lockheed Martin has assembled more than 1,100 JASSMs for testing and operational use toward a total objective of 4,900 JASSM missiles.

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3 décembre 2012 1 03 /12 /décembre /2012 20:38


Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology,

Philip Dunne, is shown Dreampact Ltd's compact

heat-sensing video camera – Picture MOD 2012


3 Dec 12 UK MoD - An Equipment and Logistics news article


The Ministry of Defence has held its first 'Marketplace' event today to give small British businesses the chance to pitch their innovative ideas to some of the world's biggest defence companies.


Organised by the Ministry of Defence's Centre for Defence Enterprise, the event gives small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a unique opportunity to engage with big business and offer up ideas and technology that could be used by the Armed Forces in the future.


SMEs were joined at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London by academics and researchers from two of the country's leading universities - University of Bristol and Lancaster University - who also had products to pitch to industry representatives.


Among the technologies on show at the event were:

    Blue Bear Systems Research Ltd's 'Morphing Wing' - based on the dynamics of a bird's wing, this is designed to enable the next generation of unmanned aerial vehicles to be faster, more agile and have greater stability and duration

    Dreampact Ltd's compact heat-sensing video camera - a handheld camera that can also be mounted on a rifle to allow more effective surveillance operations in pitch darkness, bad fog or dust.


The Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

    "Today's 'Marketplace' provides a shop window for small and medium-sized enterprises in the most practical sense, helping those which have received research and development funding from the MOD to access their full potential for commercial applications in the UK defence sector and the export market.

    "Encouraging this technological innovation is vital to our national security and the country's economic growth. We remain committed to providing our Armed Forces with the very best equipment available, which is why we will continue to invest over £400m a year in Science and Technology."


Jono Byrne, Head of the Centre for Defence Enterprise, said:

    "Today we have broken fresh ground in developing the Department's engagement with small and medium-sized enterprises and academia. Over half of our contracts go to small and medium-sized enterprises and academia and it is vital that we are able to bring these Centre for Defence Enterprise-funded innovators, their ideas and capabilities, into the defence supply chain.

    "We are delighted with the response and support we have had from prime contractors as they too understand the benefits such a concept can bring. This is only the start for the 'Marketplace' and, like all good innovation, I look forward to further improvement; for example, making use of online tools and involving investment companies as well as defence companies."


Mike Kurth, Managing Director of Boeing Defence UK, said:

    "We are delighted to attend the inaugural 'Marketplace' event and look forward to seeing the areas of technology the Centre for Defence Enterprise has identified in support of our Armed Forces. We see the 'Marketplace' as a fantastic opportunity to engage with small and medium-sized enterprises that have relevant innovation and technology for potential work in the future."


The Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) is committed to finding new revolutionary ideas and working to make them a reality in the future. Since 2008 the CDE has received more than 4,000 proposals for funding, resulting in around 600 contracts valued at over £35m.

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3 décembre 2012 1 03 /12 /décembre /2012 20:33


A Royal Air Force technician attaches a Paveway IV

laser-guided bomb to the underside of a Tornado

GR4 aircraft – Picture MOD 2008


3 Dec 12 UK MoD - An Equipment and Logistics news article


Hundreds of manufacturing jobs in the British defence industry have been secured by a £25m contract for Paveway IV precision weapons for the RAF.


The MOD has agreed to purchase additional Paveway IV bombs from Raytheon UK. These weapons are to be carried by our Tornados in Afghanistan and will also provide a key capability to be carried by the Typhoon and Lightning II aircraft.


The contract announced today will sustain around 450 jobs at Raytheon UK's plants. It will secure 300 highly skilled defence sector jobs in Glenrothes, Scotland, and 150 in Harlow, Essex.


It will also sustain a number of jobs at Raytheon's subcontractors - Portsmouth Aviation Ltd, Exelis in Brighton, Chemring in Ardeer and Thales in Basingstoke, Hampshire.


Paveway IV proved highly effective during the 2011 air campaign over Libya. Its global positioning system technology gives the UK the capability to conduct 24-hour precision attacks against a wide range of targets. Aircrew also have the ability to reprogramme the weapon during a mission, offering capability to attack a wider range of targets.


Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

    "This highly sophisticated UK-developed and manufactured weapon is the backbone of the RAF's precision bombing capability. This contract to boost the MOD's weapon stocks will sustain hundreds of skilled jobs in the defence manufacturing sector in both Scotland and England.

    "By balancing the Defence Budget, we are able to commit with confidence to equipment programmes which help to safeguard our national security."


Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, Air Vice-Marshal Baz North, said:

    "Paveway munitions have long been a success story for the Royal Air Force in terms of their precision bombing capability. The ability to operate in any weather means that we are able to support operations 24/7. Paveway IV weapons are a real asset, not only to the Royal Air Force, but also to Defence as a whole."


In total, the MOD has this year awarded contracts worth more than £100m to Raytheon for orders of around 1,600 Paveway IV bombs.

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3 décembre 2012 1 03 /12 /décembre /2012 20:25



Dec. 3, 2012 - By ANDREW CHUTER  - Defense News


LONDON — Raytheon UK has secured an order to top up Royal Air Force stocks of Paveway IV precision-guided bombs, the Ministry of Defence announced Dec 3.


In a second success, the U.K. arm of Raytheon also revealed today it has won a launch order from the British for a new GPS anti-jam system for land vehicles.


The 25 million pound ($40 million) bomb deal brings Paveway IV purchases this year to around 1,600 at a cost of more than 100 million pounds as the RAF replenishes stocks run down principally during the 2011 campaign in Libya.


The precision-guided bomb is currently fitted to British Tornado strike aircraft and is slated to eventually be integrated with Typhoon and F-35 combat jets.


The MoD said in a statement the deal would secure hundreds of jobs at Raytheon UK and its suppliers.


Raytheon’s anti-jam deal sees the British acquiring a new lightweight GPS anti-jam capability for multiple vehicle platforms to meet an urgent operational requirement. The U.K. operation has previously delivered more than 7,000 anti-jam units to the British and U.S. air and naval forces.


The number of systems and the cost of the new land systems order have not been revealed. Delivery will be completed within six months.

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3 décembre 2012 1 03 /12 /décembre /2012 19:52



Dec 3, 2012 ASDNews Source : MoD Sweden


This is truly a milestone event, and it marks an important step forward in ensuring both our future military capability and industrial opportunities for the Norwegian defence industry, said State Secretary of Defence Eirik Øwre Thorshaug after he Thursday officially unveiled the first completed fuselage for the new Joint Strike Missile, developed by Kongsberg for the F-35.


The JSM is derived from the Naval Strike Missile (NSM), also developed by Kongsberg, which is already operational with the Royal Norwegian Navy. The new missile, the JSM, offers superior capabilities against well defended naval targets, and is capable of being carried internally on the F-35. This allows the aircraft to maintain its low observability while carrying a powerful long range strike capability. The unveiling on Thursday signals that the fuselage design effort has been completed, and that preparations for further testing can continue.


- We have defined a modern and capable anti-surface capability as a key requirement, and as a result we initiated the development of the JSM. We have also received indications that several other partner nations are interested in the capability offered by this missile, and we are making every effort to see that it becomes available to the F-35 user community in the future, said state secretary Thorshaug.


Missile development is carried out in partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, and in close cooperation with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. This ensures that the development process is supported by the combined efforts of one of the world’s most advanced missile technology clusters, which has previously generated products such as the Penguin missile, the NASAMS air defence system and the NSM.


There is a world of difference between an F-35 carrying the JSM and one without it, says Brigadier General Morten Klever with the Norwegian F-35 program, who as a fighter pilot participated in the integration of the Penguin missile on the F-16. – We need the ability to defeat heavily defended high-value targets without having to resort to saturating the target with less capable weapons, an option few can rely on in today’s environment. The JSM, with its long range, high manoeuvrability and accuracy, low signature, and advanced guidance provides just the capability we need, Brigadier General Klever concludes.


The year 2013 will be very important to the JSM development programme, as it will undergo a Critical Design Review during the summer of 2013, after which preparations will begin for its final stage of development and full integration on the F-35.

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2 décembre 2012 7 02 /12 /décembre /2012 12:30



30.11.2012 BAE Systems PLC - army-guide.com


BAE Systems received a $37.6 million contract from the Letterkenny Army Depot to provide spare parts and kits for 250 Medium Mine Protected Vehicles, a 6x6 state-of-the-art wheeled military vehicle.


“Over the past several years, we have worked closely with the Letterkenny Army Depot on a variety of programs for our U.S. military,” said Robert Houston, vice president and deputy general manager of Weapon Systems and Support at BAE Systems. “Our partnership on the MMPV program will not only increase the capabilities of the vehicle, but also help to strengthen our partnership with the Letterkenny Army Depot.”


The MMPV has a V-shaped hull that provides superior blast protection against symmetrical, asymmetrical and unconventional explosives hazards. The wheeled vehicle also has a large modular interior, high mobility chassis and extensive equipment options and is an ideal platform for any mission in an explosive hazard environment. Soldier-friendly features include large ballistic windows, a 360-degree situational awareness suite and a rear ramp for the deployment of remotely operated unmanned ground vehicles for use in route and area clearance missions.


The spare parts and kits will be assembled by the existing workforce at the BAE Systems facility in Anniston, Alabama.

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1 décembre 2012 6 01 /12 /décembre /2012 17:40



Nov 30, 2012 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) detected, tracked, intercepted and destroyed an air-breathing target in its first-ever intercept flight test today at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. The test achieved all criteria for success.




MEADS is a next-generation, ground-mobile air and missile defense system that incorporates 360-degree radars, netted and distributed battle management, easily transportable launchers and the hit-to-kill PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) Missile. The system combines superior battlefield protection with new flexibility to protect forces and critical assets against tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and aircraft.


The MEADS test configuration included a networked MEADS battle manager, lightweight launcher firing a PAC-3 MSE Certified Missile Round and a 360-degree MEADS Multifunction Fire Control Radar (MFCR), which tracked the MQM-107 target and guided the missile to a successful intercept.


“Today’s successful flight test further demonstrates MEADS’ ability to identify, track, engage and defeat targets attacking from any direction using a single mobile launcher,” said NATO MEADS Management Agency General Manager Gregory Kee. “MEADS is proving its capability to defend our warfighters and key assets against a growing 21st century threat."


The test exploited the MEADS capability for full-perimeter, 360-degree defense with the PAC-3 MSE Missile performing a unique over-the-shoulder maneuver to defeat the target attacking from behind the MEADS emplacement.


“MEADS provides advanced capabilities that detect, track and intercept evolving threats from farther away and without blind spots,” said MEADS International President Dave Berganini. “Today’s successful intercept proves MEADS’ advertised capabilities are real. Its digital designs and modern hardware and software ensure high reliability rates and dramatically reduced operational and support costs."


The MFCR is an X-band, solid-state, active electronically scanned array radar which provides precision tracking and wideband discrimination and classification capabilities. For extremely rapid deployments, the MEADS MFCR can provide both surveillance and fire control capabilities until a surveillance radar joins the network. An advanced identify friend-or-foe subsystem supports improved passive threat identification and typing.


Using its 360-degree defensive capability, the advanced MEADS radars and PAC-3 MSE Missile, MEADS defends up to eight times the coverage area with far fewer system assets and significantly reduces demand for deployed personnel and equipment, which reduces demand for airlift.


MEADS successfully completed its first flight test on November 17, 2011, against a simulated target attacking from behind. A PAC-3 MSE Certified Missile Round was employed during the test along with the MEADS lightweight launcher and battle manager.

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1 décembre 2012 6 01 /12 /décembre /2012 08:35

2010 JSM bilde Mediafoto source kongsberg.com


Nov. 30, 2012 by Dominic Perry – FG


London - Norway's deputy defence minister Eirik Øwre Thorshaug is to meet with officials from Lockheed Martin and the F-35s Joint Program Office in the first week of December, as Oslo seeks further assurances over the integration of the Kongsberg Joint Strike Missile (JSM) on to the stealthy fighter.


Oslo has committed to acquiring an initial four examples of the F-35A conventional take-off and landing variant of the Joint Strike Fighter, but securing the ability to field Kongsberg's "fifth-generation" munition was a pre-requisite for its order. It could eventually acquire up to 52 aircraft to replace its fleet of Lockheed F-16s, in a procurement exercise worth a total of NKr61.2 billion ($10.8 billion).


Although Norway has received what Thorshaug describes as "good signals on the political level" in its efforts to ensure integration, largely in the form of a letter from US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, he acknowledges the process "is not finished".


"We are pushing and leaning forward in that respect, towards both [Lockheed] and the US government," he said during an event in Kongsberg to mark the unveiling of the first JSM fuselage. "We will not rest or hesitate in bringing this issue to our partners or important US ally.


"For the Norwegian government it is crucial to get the JSM integrated, mainly because we need to be operationally capable in relation to our national defence needs."


The Royal Norwegian Air Force views the JSM, with its range of about 150nm (277km) and ability to target and attack heavily armed naval vessels, as a key asset for defending its lengthy coastline.


However, Kongsberg also sees a potential market for the highly manoeuvrable missile, which can also neutralise land targets, with other F-35 partner nations worth a minimum of NKr20-25 billion. Harald Ånnestad, company president, says it has already held initial discussions with Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and South Korea over possible sales.


But Ånnestad is so confident about the weapon's performance and lack of a direct competitor, he believes the USA will also purchase the JSM for its F-35s, rather than spend valuable funds on developing a rival. "The market window is wide open for our missile," he says.


Additionally, Kongsberg will offer the munition for deployment on legacy fighters, principally Boeing's F/A-18, in the 2015 timeframe, although Ånnestad acknowledges nations will have to fund the integration work themselves.


Kongsberg aims to complete the JSM's critical design review by mid-2013, thereby securing a further contract from the Norwegian government to move into the next development phase.


This envisages flight testing and qualification using either Norwegian F-16s or US Navy F/A-18s in 2014, says Pål Bratlie, executive vice-president of Kongsberg's missile systems division. Integration work with the F-35 will then begin, aiming for deployment when aircraft with the Block 4 software upgrade begin to roll off the production line around 2020.


The JSM is derived from Kongsberg's Naval Strike Missile. Bratlie says changes to the munition's shape - partly driven by the need to fit inside the F-35's internal weapons bays - have helped the JSM to gain about 50nm in range over its sibling. It will also be enabled for land as well as naval warfare, he says. Additional modifications were required to allow it to cope with the extreme changes in temperature experienced between carriage in the weapons bay and deployment, he adds.


"There's nothing else on the market now, or in development, that has the same capability as the JSM," he adds.

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1 décembre 2012 6 01 /12 /décembre /2012 08:10

AGS Advanced Gun Systems


30.11.2012 Mer et Marine


BAE Systems a récemment mené avec succès une campagne de tirs du LRLAP (Long Range Land Attack Projectile), une munition propulsée et guidée de 155mm destinée à l’artillerie principale des futurs destroyers américains du type Zumwalt (DDG 1000). L’objectif de ces essais était de déterminer les performances de la propulsion dans différentes ambiances (températures chaudes et froides), tout en testant les capacités de la tête de l’obus et de son guidage par GPS. « Les tests ont démontré la capacité de tir précis à longue portée à l’aide d’une fusée, le guidage des projectiles par un système de positionnement par satellite fournissant l’effet désiré sur les cibles. Toutes les exigences des tests ont été respectées ou dépassées », se félicite BAE Systems.



Une portée de 140 km et une cadence de 10 coups par minute


Long de 2.2 mètres pour un poids de 104 kg, le LRAP devrait afficher une portée de 74 milles, soit près de 140 km (60 milles dans un premier temps). Ce projectile doit permettre aux futurs destroyers américains d’atteindre depuis la mer des cibles situées à l’intérieur des terres, en intervenant par exemple dans une préparation d’artillerie préalable à une opération amphibie ou en soutien de la progression en territoire ennemi des troupes débarquées. Le LRLAP sera mis en œuvre par l’AGS (Advanced Gun System), chaque Zumwalt disposant de deux tourelles de 155mm, avec une cadence de tir de 10 coups par minute et un total de 600 munitions réparties en deux soutes.

Le 28 novembre, BAE SYSTEMS a annoncé la notification, par l'US Navy, d'un contrat de 80.3 millions de dollars en vue de fournir les deux AGS du troisième destroyer du type Zumwalt, s'ajoutant à une première commande de 149 millions de dollars en octobre 2011. La réalisation des six canons destinés au DDG 1000 a été confiée aux sites de BAE à Louisville et Cordova, aux Etats-Unis.


Un canon AGS tirant une munition LRLAP (© BAE SYSTEMS)


Test de tir d'une  munition LRLAP (© BAE SYSTEMS)


Le premier DDG 1000 en cours de construction


Compte tenu de leur coût très élevé, seuls trois bâtiments du type DDG 1000 seront réalisés. La tête de série, le futur USS Zumwalt, devrait être mise à flot en 2013, sa livraison intervenant au plus tôt en 2015. Les deux suivants, qui seront baptisés USS Michael Mansoor et USS Lyndon B. Johnson, doivent être opérationnels en 2016 et 2018. Longs de 185 mètres pour un déplacement de plus de 14.500 tonnes en charge, ces destroyers furtifs disposeront, en plus de leurs tourelles de 155mm, de 80 cellules de lancement vertical pour des missiles de croisière Tomahawk, des missiles antinavire Harpoon, ainsi que des missiles surface-air SM-2/SM-3 et ESSM. L’armement sera complété par deux tourelles de 57mm, de l’artillerie légère et des tubes lance-torpilles. Ils pourront, de plus, mettre en œuvre un hélicoptère et des drones.


Le futur USS Lyndon B. Johnson (© US NAVY)

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1 décembre 2012 6 01 /12 /décembre /2012 00:18

Defense Logistics Agency


Nov. 30, 2012 - By MARCUS WEISGERBER  - Defense news


The U.S. government’s suspension of contracts to oil supplier BP is not expected to hinder U.S. military operations even though the company provides the Defense Department 10 percent of its fuel.


Fuel purchased from BP is used in a diverse group of military equipment, including tanks, trucks, planes and ships.


“My understanding … is that we don’t see any harm perpetually,” said Brett Lambert, deputy assistant secretary of defense for manufacturing and industrial base policy, in a Nov. 29 interview.


“It goes back to the argument that this is a global marketplace,” he said. “So there are plenty of providers that are out there on which to draw upon.”


The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the arm of the Pentagon that purchases most of its fuel, uses a competitive acquisition process. The agency anticipates receiving offers from other suppliers while BP is prevented from filling future requirements, Mimi Schirmacher, a spokeswoman for DLA, said in an email.


Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency temporarily suspended BP from being awarded new government contracts. The government is punishing BP for its “lack of business integrity” surrounding the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.


Last month, BP pleaded guilty to numerous counts of misconduct or neglect stemming from the disaster in which an estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil were spilled and 11 people were killed when an oil rig exploded. The company also agreed to pay $4.5 billion in fines stemming from the incident, which is considered the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.


The suspension of BP does not impact government contracts already in place.


Currently, DLA has 17 contracts with companies named in the EPA suspension, according to Schirmacher. The value of all current BP or affiliate contracts at the time of the suspension is approximately $2.3 billion.


In fiscal 2012, DLA Energy purchased about 121 million barrels of fuel. Of that, about 10 percent was purchased from BP.


In 2011, DLA awarded 22 contracts to BP in 2011, totaling $1.4 billion, according Schirmacher. That year, oil bought from BP accounted for 10.35 percent of DoD’s total fuel purchases. In 2010, DLA awarded 20 contracts to BP or its affiliates valued at about $1 billion.


DLA purchases fuel through a competitive acquisition process, with awards going to the lowest priced, technically acceptable bid. Some contracts are year-to-year while others are for as many as four years.


The large bulk petroleum purchases are recompeted each year and are for a period of 12 months with a 30-day carryover, Schirmacher said. Smaller awards, such as for a specific military installation, are recompeted every four years.




Zachary Fryer-Biggs contributed to this report.

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30 novembre 2012 5 30 /11 /novembre /2012 19:02



30.11.2012 Romandie.com


BERLIN (Sipa-AP) -- L'armée américaine va supprimer 160 emplois civils en Europe, afin de mettre en oeuvre son plan de réduction du nombre de soldats sur le continent, ont annoncé les militaires américains dans un communiqué publié vendredi.


Le ministère de l'Armée de terre américaine devrait réduire le nombre de postes fédéraux tenus par des civils, d'ici septembre 2013 tout en continuant "à transformer les forces civiles pour mieux répondre au besoin des militaires", précise le communiqué.


Quelque 4.700 soldats de l'armée de terre et civils locaux sont employés par les Etats-Unis en Europe.


Le Pentagone réduit actuellement les effectifs de ses brigades armées basées en Allemagne et devrait également abandonner ses brigades de combat militaire permanentes stationnées en Europe, l'une en Allemagne et l'autre en Italie.

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30 novembre 2012 5 30 /11 /novembre /2012 13:58



30 November 2012 army-technology.com


Lockheed Martin has successfully conducted the medium extended air defence system's (MEADS) first ever intercept test flight against an airborne target at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, US.


The system successfully detected, tracked, intercepted and destroyed the MQM-107 target, validating its capability for providing full-perimeter, 360° defence against emerging battlefield threats.


MEADS test configuration included a networked MEADS battle manager, lightweight launcher that fired a patriot advanced capability-3 (PAC-3) missile segment enhancement (MSE) missile round and MEADS multifunction fire control radar (MFCR), which tracked and guided the weapon to its target.


Nato MEADS Management Agency general manager Gregory Kee said: "Today's successful flight test further demonstrates MEADS's ability to identify, track, engage and defeat targets attacking from any direction using a single mobile launcher."


During testing, the PAC-3 MSE missile also conducted an over-the-shoulder manoeuvre to intercept the target attacking from behind the MEADS emplacement.

"Today's successful flight test further demonstrates MEADS's ability to identify, track, engage and defeat targets attacking from any direction using a single mobile launcher."


MEADS International president Dave Berganini said the missile offers advanced capabilities that are capable of detecting, tracking and intercepting evolving long-range threats.


"Today's successful intercept proves MEADS's advertised capabilities are real," Berganini added.


Designed by MBDA Italia, the MEADS is a next-generation, ground-mobile air and missile defence system developed to protect troops and critical assets against threats, such as tactical ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the battlefield.


Itended to replace the ageing Patriot missile systems in the US and Germany, as well as the Nike Hercules system in Italy, the system can provide enhanced area coverage with fewer system assets, lowering requirement for deployed personnel and equipment.


The programme is managed by MEADS International, which is a joint project between German LFK, MBDA Italia and US-based Lockheed Martin.

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30 novembre 2012 5 30 /11 /novembre /2012 08:30

UK F-35B


Nov. 29, 2012 - By ALAN DRON Defense News


LONDON — The quality of aircrew training among NATO’s European members is holding up despite the strains on defense budgets from the continent’s ongoing financial crisis, a senior British analyst said.


The most recent theater to expose the levels of competence of NATO’s European members was the 2011 Arab Spring revolt in Libya, as the West backed anti-Gadaffi rebels in their campaign against the Libyan leader’s armed forces.


There were some problems, notably the rapid diminution of precision guided weapon stocks in what was a relatively limited campaign. However, countries were “able to turn up and slot into a very ad hoc coalition,” said Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at London’s International Institute of Strategic Studies. “Once they sorted out the politics and command structure, the actual operations went reasonably well. They did more than muddle through.”


The average annual training figure for NATO air arms is 170 hours. Some, notably the U.S., comfortably exceed this, meaning other nations come in below the average figure.


“Some countries are closer than others in hitting the NATO target,” Barrie said. “Standards do vary. But generally in NATO countries people make real efforts to keep up their standards as much as they can.”


Actual operations can replace training sorties “up to a point,” Barrie said, but the risk is that campaigns such as Afghanistan and Libya can skew pilots’ capabilities towards a relatively narrow spread of skills.


This can be a risk for air forces that want the ability to move from COIN to full-blown, high-intensity conflicts. The tendency to focus on one particular area of operations in a crisis is a particular problem for medium-sized air arms that do not have the resources available to train for other roles while engaged on actual operations.


Although defense budgets have shrunk, so have the inventories of aircraft and pilots. This means that the smaller amount of money available is generally still able to cover training for admittedly smaller numbers of pilots.


The increasing sophistication of simulators means that a greater proportion of training syllabi can be carried out in them, with the attendant substantial savings in costs.


“The interesting question is how far you can go with synthetic training,” Barrie said.


For example, the U.K. Royal Air Force and Royal Navy plan to conduct 50 percent of their training on Lockheed Martin’s forthcoming F-35 on simulators.


“If you hit a problem in a simulator you can wipe your brow and walk away. But in a fast jet blasting down a Welsh valley at 200 feet, you can get yourself into a real mess,” Barrie said.


“As always, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. They may find they can do even more — or they may find you actually need to put the men or women in the cockpit, otherwise the veracity just isn’t there.”

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29 novembre 2012 4 29 /11 /novembre /2012 17:40

Sikorsky S-70i BLACK HAWK helicopter. Photo Sikorsky


29 November 2012 defenceWeb (Reuters)


The U.S. defense budget is under intense pressure as automatic spending cuts loom, but Sikorsky Aircraft says the longer-term outlook for military helicopters remains bright given several new programs getting started in the United States and strong overseas demand.


Samir Mehta, president of Sikorsky military systems, said in an interview that he is confident that two of the biggest opportunities for his company - a U.S. Air Force competition for new search and rescue helicopters and a U.S. Navy competition for new presidential helicopters - will survive, even if the Pentagon is forced to make additional budget cuts.


Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin Corp Boeing Co and other weapons makers are anxiously waiting to see if Congress will avert an additional $500 billion in defense spending cuts that are due to start taking effect on January 2. Those slashes would occur on top of $487 billion in cuts already on the books, Reuters reports.


Both cuts would phase in over 10 years. Many executives say they expect some additional cuts to military spending, even if a deal is reached to avoid the automatic budgets reductions under "sequestration."


Stratford, Connecticut-based Sikorsky, a unit of United Technologies Corpis the maker of the UH-60 Black Hawk and other helicopters.


Most defense companies expect revenue to come under pressure in coming years after more than a decade of growth in military spending. However, they do not forecast sudden declines in January, since most weapons deals stretch over many years.


S-97 Raider Sikorsky Concept


The 87-year-old Sikorsky is also investing heavily to develop its new S-97 Raider helicopter in hopes that the U.S. Army will decide later this year to buy a new helicopter to replace its aging OH-58 Kiowa Warriors, rather than upgrade the existing fleet. The Kiowa Warriors are made by Bell Helicopter, a unit of Textron Inc.


"It's very easy to be focused on the short term in the next two to three years, and say, 'Boy, the meteor's coming at us and we're headed for really tough times,' but if you look at this industry over the next 20-30 years, it's going to be vibrant," Mehta told Reuters in an interview at the company's sprawling headquarters on Tuesday.




Mehta said Sikorsky and other helicopter makers were also gearing up for what U.S. Army officials are calling "Future Vertical Lift," a massive program that would replace many of the Black Hawks and Boeing Apache helicopters now in service.


"I know there's short-term pressure but ... the life cycle of an aviation development program will outlive whatever short-term crisis we happen to be in at the time," he said.


Mehta, a trained lawyer who began his career at United Technologies' Otis Elevator unit, said the lingering uncertainty about future budgets was frustrating, but his company was focused on continuing to deliver those helicopters already on order to the U.S. military on time and on budget.


"There's no shield against sequestration, but hopefully when they go through the process - if they go through the process ... they'll look at performance as a key determining factor of whether or not you'll be specifically targeted," he said.


Pentagon officials have said that weapons programs that are over budget or behind schedule will be increasingly vulnerable to cuts as budget pressures mount.


Mehta said Pentagon officials also seemed to appreciate Sikorsky's investment of its own funds to develop its new X2 helicopter, which is considered the fastest helicopter ever built, and a larger military prototype, the S-97.


Sikorsky, which together with Boeing dominates the U.S. military helicopter market, spent $50 million to develop the X2 - which uses two rotors and a rear propeller to overcome the aerodynamic limitations of conventional helicopters - and "healthy multiples" of that sum on the S-97, Mehta said, although he declined to give specific numbers.


He said the company would continue work on the S-97, which is expected to have its first flight in the fourth quarter of 2014, even if U.S. Army officials decide not to launch a competition to replace the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior armed scout.


In the longer term, the S-97 could be a contender for the Army's next-generation helicopter program, or future vertical lift, which some see as the "Joint Strike Fighter" of military helicopters, Mehta said, referring to the massive and lucrative next-generation strike aircraft weapon systems for the United States and its allies.


The speed, maneuverability and agility of the new helicopter will provide "game-changing" capabilities to the U.S. military, Kevin Bredenbeck, chief test pilot for Sikorsky, told Reuters in a separate interview.




Steve Engebretson, who heads Sikorsky's armed aerial scout effort, said the company was confident that it could price the new helicopters at a cost in the "mid-teens" of millions - just slightly more than the Army would likely spend to upgrade the OH-58 helicopters it is using now. But he said the new aircraft would give the Army far more capabilities than it has now.


X3 par Pierre Bayle

Eurocopter X-3 - photo Pierre Bayle


Other helicopter makers, including Europe's EADS (EAD.PA), which has a new helicopter called the X3, and AgustaWestland, a unit of Italy's Finmeccanica SpA (SIFI.MI), have also urged the Army to launch a new development program.


Army officials are expected to reach a decision about the issue in coming weeks, although the decision will still need approval by top Pentagon acquisition officials.


Mehta said he did not expect the Air Force and Navy to back off their new helicopter competitions, both of which come after failed earlier programs, given the increased age of the current fleets, which is driving up maintenance costs, and the Pentagon's increased focus on affordable programs.


He said Pentagon officials also recognized that they could not continually ask industry to invest time and money to prepare bids for competitions only to see programs get cancelled.


"They've taken a really pragmatic, cost-effective approach," he said. "That provides us with a little more confidence that they won't back away from these programs once they've started."


Sikorsky also sees strong growth in international markets in coming years, especially in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, Mehta said, noting that a majority of the helicopters in use around the world were over 20 years old.


"There's a practical aspect to this, which is that people need to recapitalize and replace their fleets, whether it's the (U.S. Department of Defense) or even international militaries."


(Editing by Matthew Lewis)

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29 novembre 2012 4 29 /11 /novembre /2012 13:20

Leclerc source UsineNouvelle


29.11.2012 Sergyi Way - Category : Term of the day


A bore evacuator (also called a fume extractor) is a device on the gun barrel of an armoured fighting vehicle which helps prevent poisonous propellant gases from venting back into the vehicle's fighting compartment when the gun breech is opened to load another round.


Bore evacuators are most often used on large-calibre tank guns and self-propelled guns. Without bore evacuators, hot gases and other combustion residue leaks into the tank's interior, depleting oxygen levels and filling it with a foul odour that can easily induce nausea and distract the crewmen from their tasks. The evacuator is a reservoir that holds the super-heated, high-pressure propellant gases produced by the firing of a shell, then releases them as the shell exits the barrel. When not in use, the atmosphere inside the barrel remains the same as the surrounding environment; thus it is the same, or nearly so, inside the evacuator. As the shell passes through, an opening into the bore takes in the gases, containing them until the shell has exited, then releases them back into the barrel. The openings are angled toward the muzzle, so the stream of still fairly high pressure gas drags both combustion gas in the barrel and fresh air from the open breech toward the muzzle. This reduces the chances of these explosive propellants flowing backwards into the turret, causing combustion as they mingle with oxygen, though this can still happen if the evacuator is poorly designed, poorly maintained, or damaged.

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29 novembre 2012 4 29 /11 /novembre /2012 08:10

USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) source naval-technology.com


November 28, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: BAE Systems; issued Nov. 27, 2012)


BAE Systems has received an $80.3 million modification contract award from the U.S. Navy to deliver two Advanced Gun Systems (AGS) for the latest in the Zumwalt class destroyer fleet, the DDG 1002.


AGS Advanced Gun Systems


This contract marks the third destroyer to receive AGS applications and brings the total funding of the initial contract for this ship, first awarded in October 2011, to $149 million.


“This contract demonstrates the progress made on the DDG 1000 program with the integration of AGS technology onto now a third DDG 1000 destroyer,” said Dave Johnson, director of the DDG 1000 program for BAE Systems. “The AGS is critical in supporting the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps’ expeditionary and joint operations against a wide range of littoral and deep inland targets.”


The AGS is a 155mm, vertically loaded gun mount that is capable of storing, programming and firing the Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP). It is a fully automated weapon system that can fire 10 rounds per minute with ranges greater than 60 nautical miles.


The AGS rounds are drawn from a fully-automated, below-deck weapon handling and storage system holding up to 300 rounds. By eliminating the need for personnel in the magazine, the AGS design supports the U.S. Navy's goals to significantly reduce overall crew requirements and increase crew safety.


BAE Systems designed, built and integrated four AGS’ to date for the first two DDG 1000 destroyers in the Zumwalt class fleet. Under this contract, work will be complete by January 2018 and performed at BAE Systems’ Louisville, Kentucky and Cordova, Alabama facilities.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 19:40

UH-60 Black Hawk source asdnews


November 28, 2012. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


The Czech military is interested in the purchasing Black Hawk helicopters that are to replace its Russian-built helicopter fleet, Czech media are reporting. The maintenance costs of the Russian helicopters are considered too high, according to the reports.


“We will opt for smaller, multipurpose machines to be used for the transportation of the wounded and a small number of people as well as fulfilment of supportive tasks including fire,” Czech chief of staff Petr Pavel told the daily Lidove Noviny. It is expected 20 to 30 helicopters will be purchased.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 18:55



Nov 28, 2012 by Craig Hoyle – FG


Four contractors have been invited to tender for an initially two-year requirement to provide the UK with a maritime unmanned air system capability to be deployed from Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels.


Boeing Defence UK, Cassidian, Lockheed Martin UK Integrated Systems and Qinetiq have been asked to contest the urgent operational requirement (UOR) deal for a contractor-owned, contractor-operated service, the Ministry of Defence says.


The companies are required to reply to a mid-November invitation to tender by 18 December, with the MoD expecting to issue a contract to one of the bidders in early February 2013.


The selected supplier must be capable of providing two "task lines" until 31 May 2015, according to a notification published on 26 November. Each of these should be able to deliver 300h of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services using unmanned aircraft per month, with additional provision to potentially also be sought if needed to support surge operations.


The MoD, which has previously estimated the deal as worth £40 million ($64 million), says bidders must submit proposals based on the use of a commercial off-the-shelf system able to satisfy the regulatory needs of the UK Military Aviation Authority.


On introduction, the maritime UAS will be launched from and recovered aboard a Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel, with the MoD also later requiring the system to be employed from the RN's Type 23 frigates.


The selected reconnaissance asset should offer an 8h endurance when operating 32nm (59km) away from its launch platform, and carry at least an electro-optical/infrared sensor payload.


Boeing is likely to offer a solution based on the use of its ScanEagle design, but it is unclear which systems its rival bidders will propose for the requirement.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 17:40



SAN DIEGO, Nov. 28 (UPI)


MEADS International has selected a U.S. provider of computer systems to supply servers for the mobile air defense system being designed to replace the Patriot.


California's Z Microsystems said it will supply its ZX series of rugged servers and workstations, specifically modified to meet requirements of the Medium Extended Air Defense System. Each unit is compact and lightweight, features enhanced military options and has been thoroughly tested.


"Z Microsystems' engineers are consummate professionals in the design of systems that mitigate the risk, cost and failure caused by harsh environmental conditions," said Bob Kopas, vice president of Military Programs at Z Microsystems.


"We welcome this type of opportunity to provide a COTS product that meets precise environmental and operational requirements in a realistic timeframe."


MEADS is being developed by MBDA in Germany and Italy and Lockheed Martin in the United States.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 12:30



Nov 28, 2012 ASDNews Source : BAE Systems PLC


BAE Systems has received an $80.3 million modification contract award from the U.S. Navy to deliver two Advanced Gun Systems (AGS) for the latest in the Zumwalt class destroyer fleet, the DDG 1002.


This contract marks the third destroyer to receive AGS applications and brings the total funding of the initial contract for this ship, first awarded in October 2011, to $149 million.


“This contract demonstrates the progress made on the DDG 1000 program with the integration of AGS technology onto now a third DDG 1000 destroyer,” said Dave Johnson, director of the DDG 1000 program for BAE Systems. “The AGS is critical in supporting the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps’ expeditionary and joint operations against a wide range of littoral and deep inland targets.”


The AGS is a 155mm, vertically loaded gun mount that is capable of storing, programming and firing the Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP). It is a fully automated weapon system that can fire 10 rounds per minute with ranges greater than 60 nautical miles.


The AGS rounds are drawn from a fully-automated, below-deck weapon handling and storage system holding up to 300 rounds. By eliminating the need for personnel in the magazine, the AGS design supports the U.S. Navy's goals to significantly reduce overall crew requirements and increase crew safety.


BAE Systems designed, built and integrated four AGS’ to date for the first two DDG 1000 destroyers in the Zumwalt class fleet. Under this contract, work will be complete by January 2018 and performed at BAE Systems’ Louisville, Kentucky and Cordova, Alabama facilities.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 12:15

batteries Li-SO2 US Army


VALDESE, N.C., Nov. 26 (UPI)


The U.S. Defense Logistics Agency has given a North Carolina battery maker a five-year contract for lithium sulfur dioxide batteries.


Saft said its BA 5590 batteries are long-lasting and lightweight and will be used by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps in portable systems such as radios and surveillance equipment.


The contract is an indefinite-quantity award with a maximum value of as much as $98 million. Orders will be demand-based.


"The heritage of these field-tested batteries has been demonstrated for more than 20 years," said Thomas Alcide, general manager of Saft's Specialty Battery Group. "Saft is proud to be able to provide superior quality and performance at the best value to our military clients."


Saft said a full 100 percent of U.S. military needs for lithium sulfur dioxide batteries are covered under the award.


The company expects to receive its first orders under the contract next year.

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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 08:40



Corporal Rob Hughes mans a 12.7mm M3M Browning machine gun fitted to a Lynx Mk9A helicopter from 847 Naval Air Squadron during a gunnery shoot on the ranges surrounding the US Naval Air Facility at El Centro – Picture MOD 2012


27 Nov 12 UK MoD - A Training and Adventure news article


After a gruelling month-long training package in the hot and arid deserts of Arizona, 847 Naval Air Squadron personnel, along with their Lynx Mk9A aircraft, have made the 6,000-mile (9,700km) return journey to RNAS Yeovilton in Somerset.


Why did 847 Naval Air Squadron go all the way to the US Naval Air Facility at El Centro in Arizona? Well, it replicates many of the climatic and geographical features that the squadron will encounter in Helmand province, Afghanistan, and provides excellent value in terms of training.


Like El Centro, the base at Camp Bastion is high above sea level and the air can be extremely hot and dusty in the summer and also extremely cold when operating in the mountainous regions in the winter.


The locality in which the Lynx Mk9A helicopter will be operating will no doubt challenge both aircrew and ground crew alike, from the battle-hardened helicopter instructors to, in particular, the inexperienced aviators and engineers.


El Centro also provided easy access to a number of outstanding firing ranges, unlike anything available in the UK, where the air door gunners were able to hone their airborne gunnery skills with the 0.5-inch (12.7mm) M3M Browning machine gun, a weapon that has a long range, very good accuracy, and uses a variety of multi-role ammunition.



A Lynx Mk9A helicopter from 847 Naval Air Squadron flying over the desert training areas surrounding the US Naval Air Facility at El Centro – Picture MOD 2012


The squadron also managed to squeeze in some mutual training with 45 Commando Royal Marines who were also conducting pre-deployment training at the base.


However, it was not all about work. A very welcome fringe benefit of operating at El Centro is its close proximity to San Diego which proved to be an excellent run ashore and enabled all to recharge some very weary batteries.


Returning the aircraft and support equipment to the UK proved to be a challenge for the squadron engineers.


Fitting all four aircraft into the hold of the Antonov 124 looked to be an extremely difficult and daunting task, but with considerable precision and skill they managed to gently manoeuvre their treasured aircraft into the available space.



Royal Navy Lynx Mk9A helicopters from 847 Naval Air Squadron being loaded onto a Russian Antonov 124 cargo plane for transportation back to the United Kingdom – Picture MOD 2012


Lieutenant Commander Spence, a Senior Pilot in 847 Naval Air Squadron, said:

    "The training in the USA has now provided the squadron with the essential fighting skills required when they deploy to Afghanistan in January 2013 and we have all appreciated the quality of the training that El Centro provided.

    "The challenging conditions at the base tested many of the Junglies' skills and, from an aircrew perspective, were able to understand how they and their aircraft performed in the intense hot and dusty environment."

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27 novembre 2012 2 27 /11 /novembre /2012 17:35


USS Florida


24 novembre 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS

Dans la nuit du 19 au 20 mars 2011, des sous-marins ouvrent la voie à une offensive aérienne. Plus de 120 missiles de croisière Tomahawk s’abattent sur la Libye, dont 93 lancés par le seul USS Florida qui exécute là les premiers tirs en opération depuis un sous-marin nucléaire stratégique reconverti en lanceur de missiles de croisière. Cet événement, peu médiatisé, marque cependant une évolution des extraordinaires capacités de combat de ce type de bâtiment.


Cette “Brève-Marine” est disponible à cette adresse.


Élaborées par le Centre d’études supérieures de la Marine (CESM), les Brèves Marines vous fournissent régulièrement de l’information privilégiée sur l’actualité et les enjeux de la Marine nationale.

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26 novembre 2012 1 26 /11 /novembre /2012 17:35

Ground Combat Vehicle - pic1 BAE Systems


November 25, 2012. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


BAE Systems has released details outlining the features of its hybrid Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV).


More from the company’s news release:


A joint venture between BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman with other partners, the GCV proposal is part of a US Army competition to replace the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, which entered service in 1981.


The BAE/Northrop Grumman GCV is one of a number of proposals intended to replace the Bradley within seven years. Like the Bradley, the GCV is an armored troop transport intended to quickly move soldiers into a combat zone and provide support fire. This particular design was created from the ground up and is intended to be upgradable, with a projected service life for the technology of up to 40 years.


The GCV carries three crew and nine squad members inside its steel-core hull and boasts an integrated electronic network capability and embedded intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance equipment. However, the centerpiece of the vehicle is its simplified drive train. The GCV is propelled by an Hybrid Electric Drive (HED) developed by the partnership. It puts out 1,100 kW of electricity, has fewer components, and lower volume and weight than current power plants. Being an electric drive, it generates high torque at start, smoother low-speed operation and can run silently – an advantage in night operations.


More details:


The drawback of the GCV in its current design is that it’s almost twice as heavy as the Bradley – it weighs  70 tons (63.5 tonnes) compared to the Bradley’s 30.4 tons (27.5 tonnes). This is due in part to the GCV carrying three more squad members, but mostly to the need to provide full protection for crew and squad, according to BAE. This meant extra armor – enough to provide more protection than a RG-33 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle, the company has noted.


The budgeted cost for the GCV is set at US$13 million per vehicle.

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