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10 janvier 2012 2 10 /01 /janvier /2012 08:45


Photo: Lockheed Martin

Jan 9, 2012 By Andy Nativi - aerospace daily and defense report

ROME — The Italian government is ushering in a new round of defense cuts in which, for the first time, the fate of Rome’s participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program will be seriously threatened.

The newly launched defense review not only has sweeping implications for Italy’s defense ambitions but also rings in a further belt-tightening in Europe among countries that are just beginning to come to grips with the scale of their budget and debt problems.

In Italy, much of the work on the military review remains to be completed. Nevertheless, a sharp reduction in the number of F-35s Italy will buy is virtually certain, military officials say. At least a third of the 131 fighters slated for procurement will likely fall under the budget ax, with some minority parties arguing for an outright program termination.

Rome is one of the largest international buyers of the F-35 — after the U.K. drastically cut its procurement objective in its 2010 spending review. Italy plans to spend €13 billion ($16.7 billion) to buy and sustain both the F-35A conventional-takeoff-and-landing and the F-35B short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing versions, though it has not ordered any aircraft yet.

Other major procurement projects are also under scrutiny, but the F-35 has received the lion’s share of attention because of the size of the planned outlays.

Although Italy assessed its spending needs in 2010 in light of an era of fiscal austerity, the change late last year to a technocratic government, led by Mario Monti, specifically put in place to handle the country’s financial problems more aggressively, has put military spending back in the crosshairs. The government, although not elected, enjoys broad support in the parliament to carry out sweeping reforms.

Also potentially affecting the JSF debate is the fact that the government is very much focused on budget considerations rather than foreign policy ambitions. Cancelling the 22 navy F-35Bs would leave the service without fighters to put on its aircraft carrier after the AV-8B Harriers are retired. While that would crimp the ability to project forces, those considerations may not hold much sway with the Monti government. Such a move would likely cause the Italian air force also to drop plans to buy 40 F-35Bs and focus instead entirely on the F-35A.

On the other hand, working in the JSF’s favor is that even at reduced numbers, the F-35 procurement would allow Italy to capitalize on the €2.5 billion it spent or pledged to the development and construction of a JSF final assembly and check out (FACO) facility at Cameri air force base. Work on the FACO is progressing quickly to be ready by 2014 to meet original JSF production schedules.

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9 janvier 2012 1 09 /01 /janvier /2012 13:00


January 9th, 2012 DEFENCE TALK (AFP)

British Defence Minister Philip Hammond voiced concern on Thursday about possible cuts or delays in the US F-35 fighter program as London plans to equip a future aircraft carrier with the stealthy aircraft.

In a visit to the US capital, Hammond said he wanted to hear from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about the potential effect of a new US military strategy and budget plan on the future of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

"One of the things I hope to understand in the meetings I am to have later today is what, if any, impact the announcements being made today will have on the Joint Strike Fighter program," Hammond told an audience at the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank.

Hammond's visit coincided with the unveiling of a revised American military strategy that calls for a "leaner" force as the Pentagon plans for $487 billion in cuts over the next decade.

At the Pentagon's presentation Thursday, officials gave no details as to possible changes to the F-35 program, which has been plagued by cost overruns and delays due to a spate of technical problems. US officials have acknowledged that the pace of production will likely be scaled back but have yet to offer specifics.

After Hammond's meeting with his American counterpart, the Pentagon issued a statement confirming the two discussed the US strategic review but made no mention of the F-35 jet.

The Pentagon said the two defense chiefs signed an agreement on "carrier cooperation" that will allow the United States to help Britain train crews and pilots as the country's new aircraft carrier will not be ready for years.

"Since the British currently are regenerating their carrier capability, it also provides a framework for the US to assist our close ally in developing a robust and modern carrier force," press secretary George Little told AFP in an email.

Britain, one of a group of countries supporting the F-35 program, is counting on the Joint Strike Fighter to fly from its future aircraft carrier, the Prince of Wales.

The Pentagon has commissioned the construction of three versions of the plane, including one designed to land on an aircraft carrier.

"We are committed to purchasing the carrier variant," Hammond said at the Atlantic Council event.

"But of course, if there is any slippage in the program, any reduction in the US numbers required could have impacts on availability and on unit costs," said Hammond, citing pressures on Britain's defense budget.

"As you may know we are already under some pressure from public opinion in the UK over the fact that we are going to build and launch carriers some years before we have any aircraft to fly off with," he said.

"Really, it's a caricaturist's dream -- a carrier with no jets to fly on them. So the prospect of any further delays to the carrier variant would be of concern to us."

At an estimated $385 billion, the F-35 is the Pentagon's most expensive weapons program ever.

The program calls for building 2,443 of the fighters, with each plane costing $113 million in fiscal year 2011 dollars.

Manufactured by defense giant Lockheed Martin, there are plans for three models: a standard variant of the aircraft, an F-35A, a short take-off version, the F-35B, and a fighter designed to fly from aircraft carriers.

Britain has scrapped plans to buy the short take-off F-35B and reportedly plans to buy 138 F-35 fighters.

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9 janvier 2012 1 09 /01 /janvier /2012 08:55


Avion d'entrainement américain T-45 Goshawk
crédits : US NAVY

09/01/2012 MER et MARINE


En déplacement aux Etats-Unis, Philip Hammond, ministre britannique de la défense, a signé le 5 janvier avec son homologue américain, Leon Panetta, une lettre d'intention en matière de coopération autour des porte-avions. L'accord prévoit que les Américains apportent leur aide aux Britanniques dans le domaine de la formation et de l'entrainement des pilotes. Fin 2010, Londres a, en effet, décidé d'abandonner le concept des bâtiments dotés d'un tremplin pour la mise en oeuvre d'avions à décollage court et appontage vertical, au profit d'un porte-avions doté de catapultes, d'une piste oblique et de brins d'arrêt. Cette décision se traduit par l'abandon, pour la Grande-Bretagne, de la version F-35B du Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), auquel doit se substituer, au sein de la Fleet Air Arm, le F-35C, qui sera également déployé sur les porte-avions américains.

Les porte-avions britanniques devaient disposer du F-35B (© : THALES)

Le futur porte-avions britannique à catapultes (© : THALES)

Coopération avec les Etats-Unis et la France

Cette « communalité » de moyens justifie le rapprochement entre Londres et Washington, une voie évoquée dès l'an dernier par le gouvernement britannique. Ce dernier avait également affirmé son souhait de se rapprocher des Français, seuls à disposer avec les Etats-Unis d'un porte-avions à catapultes. A l'avenir, les avions de combat et de guet aérien embarqués français et britanniques pourront donc opérer sur les porte-avions de la Marine nationale et de la Royal Navy. Cette capacité sera très intéressante pour renforcer l'interopérabilité des deux forces de projection des deux pays, et maintenir les niveaux d'entrainement et de qualification des pilotes lors des arrêts techniques du porte-avions français ou de son homologue britannique (la Royal Navy ne conservera qu'un porte-avions sur les deux en construction, le premier gardant le design initial avec tremplin. Le HMS Queen Elizabeth, prévu pour être livré vers 2015/2016, ne servira que de porte-hélicoptères en attendant l'arrivée vers 2018 du HMS Prince of Wales, dont les plans ont été modifiés pour l'embarquement d'avions catapultés).

Malgré la perspective d'une coopération franco-britannique, qui pourrait se traduire à terme par le déploiement d'un corps expéditionnaire binational, le rapprochement sur ce sujet avec les USA est indispensable pour la Royal Navy. En effet, les Américains sont aujourd'hui les seuls à disposer de moyens de formation pour l'aviation embarquée sur porte-avions à catapultes. Même les Français, après le retrait du service, en 1994, de l'avion école Fouga Zéphyr (version embarquée du Fouga Magister), ont décidé d'envoyer leurs pilotes de chasse suivre leur formation initiale aux Etats-Unis, où ils réalisent leurs premiers appontages et catapultages sur les porte-avions de l'US Navy à bord d'avions d'entrainement T-45 Goshawk.

T-45 Goshawk à l'appontage (© : THALES)

Le futur F-35 britannique (© : ROYAL NAVY)

Inquiétudes autour du programme JSF

En dehors de la lettre d'intention en matière de porte-avions, Philip Hammond a profité de sa visite aux Etats-Unis pour exprimer l'inquiétude de la Grande-Bretagne au sujet du programme JSF, qui accumule les retards et les surcoûts. Londres craint, en effet, que les restrictions budgétaires devant être imposées au Pentagone (487 milliards de dollars sur 10 ans) n'impactent le F-35. Alors que l'opinion publique anglaise s'interroge sur la volte-face du gouvernement concernant le passage du F-35B au F-35C, ce qui privera la Royal Navy d'une aviation embarquée jusqu'en 2018 au moins, Philip Hammond estime qu'un nouveau retard dans le programme, ou une réduction du nombre d'appareils devant être acquis par les forces américaines aboutissant au renchérissement du coût unitaire des avions, serait « inquiétant ».

Evidemment, il y a bien une solution de secours, qui consisterait pour Londres à abandonner le F-35 pour adopter le Rafale de Dassault Aviation. Mais une telle décision, qui n'est pas forcément à exclure si le programme JSF tourne au vinaigre, constituerait une décision politique majeure de la Grande-Bretagne par rapport à son partenaire historique. Et il faudrait, pour Londres, assumer les conséquences de ce revirement face aux Américains.

Rafale au catapultage sur le Charles de Gaulle (© : MARINE NATIONALE)

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8 janvier 2012 7 08 /01 /janvier /2012 17:55

BPC Mistral photo Marine Nationale

photo Marine Nationale

8 janvier 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS

Si l’on en croit la Marine française, c’est le plus important entraînement amphibie de ces dix dernières années. Toutes mers confondues. Du 24 janvier au 13 février, les forces armées américaines organiseront l’exercice Bold Alligator au large de la côte Est des États-Unis. La Marine et l’armée de terre y participeront. Comme 20 000 militaires américains du corps des Marines et de l’US Navy, porte-avions USS Entreprise compris !

Référence : Var Matin

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7 janvier 2012 6 07 /01 /janvier /2012 18:25


Le HMS Ocean et le BPC Mistral au large de la Libye

photo Royal Navy - source Mer et Marine

7 janvier 2012 by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (BRUXELLES2)


L’accord franco-britannique a pris un nouveau coup de canif. Lors d’une visite à Washington, le jour même où Obama annonçait une nouvelle orientation stratégique pour les armées américaines, les ministres de la défense britannique et américain ont signé, jeudi (5 janvier), une « déclaration d’intention sur la coopération en matière de projection de la puissance maritime et la coopération dans les portes-avions« .


Un accord qui va servir de cadre au renforcement de la coopération et l’interopérabilité dans l’utilisation des portes-avions entre Londres et Washington, explique-t-on des deux cotés de l’Atlantique. « Un exemple de coopération utile entre proches alliés pour permettre dans une période d’austérité d’avoir la capacité nécessaire pour maintenir notre avantage militaire mondial », a précisé le porte-parole du Pentagone, George Little, après la rencontre. « Cela donne des bases (solides) à la marine US pour assister la Royal Navy dans le développement de la prochaine génération des portes-avions» a-t-il ajouté. « Les Etats-Unis sont le partenaire militaire le plus proche pour les Britanniques » a précisé, de son côté, Philip Hammond, le ministre britannique de la Défense. Les deux nouveaux porte-avions britanniques doivent, en effet, entrer en service en 2016 et 2018 ; ils emporteront le nouvel avion de combat F-35 (JSF). Mais dans ce laps de temps, la marine britannique est sans porte-avions et ne dispose que de portes-hélicoptères.


Commentaire : La coopération en matière de porte-avions était justement un des points de l’accord franco-britannique qui devait permettre aux seconds de pallier l’absence de porte-avions pendant ces quelques années. Certes un exercice, annoncé comme une démonstration de force majeure, est attendue pour la fin 2012 entre les deux marines en Méditerranée avec l’engagement coté français du Charles de Gaulle et coté britannique du HMS Ocean et du HMS Illustrious, comme le rapporte Mer et Marine. Mais c’est à peu près tout. Les Britanniques restent ainsi fidèles à leur idéal de double alliance, avec les Américains d’un coté et avec les Européens de l’autre. Mais la première l’emporte toujours sur la seconde. Le ministre britannique de la Défense l’a justement rappelé à Washington.


Lire également : Les 13 points de l’accord franco-britannique sur la défense

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7 janvier 2012 6 07 /01 /janvier /2012 12:45
Pressure on Europe to bolster military as US shifts to Asia

Jan 6, 2012 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Brussels - As the US military turns its gaze to Asia, cash-strapped Europe is under pressure to modernise its armed forces despite the economic crisis so it can police its own neighbourhood.


By declaring that the US military posture in Europe must "evolve," the new doctrine unveiled by President Barack Obama on Thursday hints that Washington will reduce its footprint on a continent it has protected for decades.


The trans-Atlantic bond, sealed over two world wars and the Cold War, is likely to remain strong, but the defence cuts and strategic shift to counter China adds urgency to calls for Europeans to beef up their forces.


"This speech is not a surprise to us," said Claude-France Arnould, the head of the European Defence Agency, which is in charge of developing ways for Europe's armed forces to pool military resources.


"The Americans are asking Europeans to cooperate more between themselves in order to develop their military capacity on a greater scale," she told AFP.


The United States has scolded Europeans for cutting military spending for years. With the eurozone debt crisis forcing governments to slash budgets, the Americans and NATO are encouraging them to spend "smarter" together.


The Libyan air war exposed the huge gap in capabilities.


While the Europeans carried out most NATO bombings, the United States provided 75 percent of all air-to-air refuelling aircraft and surveillance flights that were vital to the operation.


NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has identified aerial tankers and drones as key needs but admits the cost of sophisticated military equipment is rising faster than inflation and gross domestic product.


Citing the lessons of Afghanistan and Libya, British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond this week criticised fellow NATO allies, saying the contribution of some of its members "falls short of what our collective defence requires."


"Too many countries are failing to meet their financial responsibilities to NATO, and so failing to maintain appropriate and proportionate capabilities," he said in a speech in Washington on Thursday.


"Too many are opting out of operations or contributing but a fraction of what they should be capable of," he said. "This is a European problem, not an American one."


The United States, which accounts for 75 percent of spending at NATO while the remaining quarter is shared by the 27 other allies, has warned Europeans that they cannot rely on the US military forever.


European military budgets have fallen seven percent in five years to reach 194 billion euros ($247 billion) overall in 2010. This compares to Washington's nearly $700 billion defence budget.


But the US share "is likely to drop significantly," said David Reeths, Europe director at security experts IHS Jane's A&D Consulting.


"Considering the low and dropping level of European investment in their militaries, it's hard to imagine that this would not also have a negative impact on the overall readiness and military effectiveness of NATO," he said.


The new US military strategy does not indicate how many troops may be withdrawn from Europe, but they are already way down from Cold War levels.


Some 300,000 US troops were posted across Europe at the end of the Cold War. Two decades after the Berlin Wall fell, they now number fewer than 100,000, mostly spread across Germany, Britain and Italy.


"While the report itself is intentionally vague, reading between the lines, it is clear that we must be prepared for a major reduction in US forces stationed or otherwise present in and near Europe," Reeths said.


Despite the shift to Asia, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said Washington was committed to NATO's Article 5, a pledge that any attack on one alliance member was an attack on all allies.


The United States still has strategic interests in Europe as it puts it closer to hotspots in the Middle East and allows it to keep an eye on Russia, said Lisa Aronsson, expert at the Royal United Services Institute in London.


"The focus on Asia doesn't necessarily mean less attention to the Middle East or Europe or Latin America," she told AFP.


"The US is a global power with global interests and there's been too much focus on South Asia and Iraq, so I think this is the right course and Europeans should welcome it."

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6 janvier 2012 5 06 /01 /janvier /2012 08:50


L'EDA-R 1 en manoeuvre, hier à Toulon



06/01/2012 MER et MARINE


Le nouvel engin de débarquement amphibie rapide (EDA-R) de la Marine nationale embarquera peut-être à bord du bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) Mistral pour l'exercice Bold Alligator, qui se déroulera du 24 janvier au 13 février au large des côtes américaines. Le Mistral appareillera lundi de Toulon pour mettre le cap sur les Etats-Unis. D'ici là, on saura si l'EDA-R 1 se joindra à lui. Livré le 24 novembre, le nouveau catamaran de débarquement français subit actuellement une phase de vérification des capacités militaires. Hier, il était notamment en manoeuvre, en rade de Toulon, avec des éléments de l'armée de Terre, dont des véhicules (camion, char AMX10 RC). Suivant les essais menés d'ici la fin du week-end, la marine décidera, ou non, d'engager l'engin durant Bold Alligator. Si ce n'est pas le cas, le Mistral partira pour les Etats-Unis uniquement avec les traditionnels chalands de la flottille amphibie.



Pour Bold Alligator, le Mistral va embarquer un état-major armé par la cellule amphibie de la Force aéromaritime française de réaction rapide (FRMARFOR) et un groupe tactique de l'armée de Terre. Ce dernier sera principalement composé d'éléments du 21ème Régiment d'infanterie de marine et d'autres unités de la 6ème Brigade légère blindée, ainsi que des hélicoptères de l'aviation légère de l'armée de terre (ALAT). En comptant l'équipage du BPC Mistral, l'état-major du FRMARFOR et le groupe tactique de l'armée de terre, la participation française à Bold Alligator s'élèvera à plus de 650 personnes, 70 véhicules et 6 hélicoptères (4 Puma et 2 Gazelle).

Le BPC Mistral, à droite (© : MER ET MARINE - JEAN-LOUIS VENNE)

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6 janvier 2012 5 06 /01 /janvier /2012 08:45



Jan. 5, 2011 DEFENSETECH


The UK’s new defense (or should I say defence) secretary, Philip Hammond, today acknowledged that he is worried that further cuts or slowdowns to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program will hurt Britain’s ability to rebuild its aircraft carrier fighter force later this decade.


Remember, the UK decided to buy nearly 100 F-35C carrier variant JSFs for its new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers. However, it recently retired its fleet of Harrier jump jets, leaving the Royal Navy without carrier strike aircraft for the first time since before World War II. (As Hammond acknowledged today, a Royal Navy with aircraft carriers but no jets to fly from them is “a caricaturists dream.”) Britain plans to by the F-35Cs by the end of the decade. The problem is, the Pentagon is slowing the F-35 program yet again and will likely delay the delivery of 120 or more jets.


Hammond, on his first official visit to Washington, said he would be signing an agreement today on how the UK will rebuild its naval strike fighter fleet in the face of budget cuts and an F-35 slowdown.


“One of things I’ll begin to understand later on today in the meetings I’m having will be what, if any, impact the announcements being made today will have on the Joint Strike Fighter program,” said Hammond.


The announcements he was referring to are the Pentagon’s unveiling of its 21st Century security strategy, a document that will guide weapons buys and cuts going forward.


He then gave a clue as to what the future of European defense will look like as the U.S. withdraws more troops from the continent and refocuses on Asia. Basically, Britain and France are going to have to field aircraft carriers to ensure the continent has that kind of power-projection capability at the ready since America will be focused elsewhere.



(Keep in mind that the UK and France have signed an agreement that calls for interoperability and even some joint-manning among France’s carrier, the De Gaulle and the Royal Navy’s two new Queen Elizabeth class ships.)


“We are committed to purchasing the carrier-variant and the regeneration of our carrier strike force is at the heart of our defense strategy. We believe it will bring a big gain for NATO and potentially be a big relief to U.S. efforts in the European sphere. We’ve worked with the French to ensure that we will have a European carrier capability [that’s] always available.


But of course, we are concerned that any slippage in production or any reduction in U.S. numbers will have an impact [on cost] and with budgets very tight, we’ll be watching very close any movement in the predicted unit costs.”

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6 janvier 2012 5 06 /01 /janvier /2012 08:30


crédits : MAERSK LINE


06/01/2012 MER et MARINE


Au terme d'un accord avec les autorités US, la compagnie danoise Maersk Line a versé un dédommagement de près de 32 millions de dollars au gouvernement américain. Le litige portait sur une surfacturation de plusieurs prestations de livraisons de conteneurs à l'US Army en Afghanistan et en Irak entre 2001 et 2009. Il était notamment reproché à Maersk d'avoir "facturé des services au-delà des tarifs prévus contractuellement, surévalué le poids des containeurs transportés et négligé de retrancher des rabais accordés par des sous-traitants".

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6 janvier 2012 5 06 /01 /janvier /2012 07:55



January 5th, 2012 DEFENSETECH


The UK’s defense secretary, Philip Hammond (in the suit above), made his first official visit to Washington, DC, today for a round of talks with the Pentagon to discus the United States’ future defense strategy. I was lucky enough to catch a talk he gave this morning downtown at the Atlantic Council before he headed across the Potomac to meet with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.


One of the most timely and interesting things Hammond said had to do with Iran; a country more and more people think we’re in a shadow war with. Remember, Iran just told the U.S. not to send an aircraft carrier back into the Persian GUlf and the White House recently announced that it will cut Iran’s central bank off from the world financial system if Tehran doesn’t quit working to build a nuclear bomb.


While Hammond left open the door for talks with Iran over its nuclear program, he essentially said that the UK and the West won’t back down from its pledge to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon — something he thinks Iran is going all out to achieve. The only way to combat this is by making it too painful for Iran to develop “illegal” nuclear weapons.


“My working assumption is that they are flat out,” said Hammond in response to an audience question about whether sanctions would only accelerate Iran’s efforts to build a bomb. “I would be very surprised  if somebody in Tehran is listening to people in Washington or London or Berlin or Paris and says, ‘you know what, I’m going to call up the guys down at the centrifuges to turn up the speed and go a bit faster.’ I think they’re going as fast as they can. Our working assumption has to be that Iran has settled on a course which it will only be deterred from if the price of achieving the goal that they have set becomes too high. That is what we’re in the process of doing by stepping up the pressure on oil revenues, on the operation of the central bank, of the economy, that generally is about raising the price and causing the regime to think about the price that it will pay in order to achieve the goal that it appears to have set for itself.”


Still, Hammond kept the tough talk to economic pain, saying he does not favor a preemptive military strike against the Middle Eastern country. This echoed his earlier comments where he said that the UK is ready to talk with Iran about ending its WMD program.


“We have a strategy of pressure and engagement. Pressure is clearly mounting, the sanctions announced have clearly rattled Tehran, the Iranian economy is very fragile” and the proposed sanctions that would isolate Iran’s central bank from the international financial system “is ratcheting up pressure on the regime,” said Hammond. “At the same time, we have to be prepared to engage if the regime is prepared to back down from the position that it has adopted over the illegal acquisition of nuclear weapons.  So we hope there will be a peaceful outcome. Part of ensuring a peaceful outcome is to make our resolution very clear; you don’t, in my judgement, deal with regimes like the Iranian regime by backing away, you stand firm while making it clear that there is scope for a peaceful resolution if they choose to take the opportunity.”


One has to wonder if sanctions, even those as tough as the ones that will cut it off from global markets will be enough to deter Iran if Western nations are unwilling to conduct a military strike against the Tehran’s nuke program. When asked if he thought Iran would try to bait the UK or US into armed conflict, Hammond said:


“I think, certainly on our side, and the U.S. side, that precautions are being taken that [ensure] any response to any provocation is very measured so that there isn’t an accidental escalation. Of course, what we cannot answer for is whether there is a [similar] plan on the other side.”

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5 janvier 2012 4 05 /01 /janvier /2012 19:04


photo Marine Nationale


5 janvier 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Du 24 janvier au 13 février 2012, la marine et l’armée de terre participeront ensemble à l’exercice amphibie Bold Alligator 2012, organisé par les forces armées américaines.


Le bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) Mistral appareillera de Toulon le lundi 9 janvier à 9h pour rejoindre la côte Est des Etats-Unis, avec à son bord un état-major armé par la cellule amphibie de la Force aéromaritime française de réaction rapide (FRMARFOR) et un groupe tactique de l’armée de terre. Ce dernier sera principalement composé d’éléments du 21ème Rima et d’autres unités de la 6ème Brigade légère blindée, ainsi que de l’aviation légère de l’armée de terre.


Constituant le plus important entraînement amphibie de ces dix dernières années, Bold Alligator 2012 réunit plus de 20000 militaires américains du corps des Marines (USMC) et de l’US Navy, ainsi que 4 LHD (bâtiments amphibies US) et le porte-avions USS Entreprise, accompagnés de leurs frégates d’escorte et de chasseurs de mines.


Ouvert pour la première fois aux partenaires internationaux, Bold Alligator 2012 verra une forte implication des capacités militaires françaises en matière d’amphibie. En comptant l’équipage du BPC Mistral, l’état-major du FRMARFOR et le groupe tactique de l’armée de terre, la participation française s’élève à plus de 650 personnes, 70 véhicules et 6 hélicoptères.


L’envergure de Bold Alligator 2012 traduit l’importance de la coopération internationale et de l’intéropérabilité dans la résolution des crises actuelles. La participation active de la France démontre quant à elle la capacité à s’insérer de façon autonome à une opération alliée de grande ampleur et l’intérêt de la marine et de l’armée de terre de développer ensemble les savoir-faire amphibies à l’éclairage des engagements actuels. Elle fait aussi la démonstration des excellents liens de coopération entre les deux pays.


Une centaine de marines britanniques et autant de hollandais participeront également à la manœuvre, ainsi que des observateurs italiens, néo-zélandais ou encore australiens, insérés dans les états-majors américains.


Les BPC constituent aujourd’hui des outils privilégiés en matière d’opérations amphibies, permettant la projection et le soutien de forces aéromobiles et terrestres depuis la mer, sous la conduite d’un état-major embarqué.


Source : Marine Nationale (Force aéromaritime française de réaction rapide)

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4 janvier 2012 3 04 /01 /janvier /2012 13:57



04/01/2012 Opérations - Sources : EMA


Le 22 décembre 2011, le général William Kurtz a présidé la cérémonie de remise des brevets du 101e  stage désert organisé par les forces françaises stationnées à Djibouti (FFDj). Il était accompagné du général Glasgow, adjoint du commandant de la CJTF-HOA (Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa ) et du colonel Ducret, commandant le 5e  RIAOM (régiment interarmes d’outre-mer).


Du 13 au 22 décembre 2011, 138 stagiaires appartenant au 5e  RIAOM, au groupement de soutien de la base des forces françaises de Djibouti, à la base aérienne 188 et à la CJTF-HOA ont suivi le stage désert organisé par le centre d’entrainement au combat et d’aguerrissement de Djibouti (CECAD).


Au cours de ce stage, ils ont pu acquérir les savoir-faire nécessaires milieu désertique pour la vie sur le terrain (s’abriter, se protéger, s’alimenter et s’hydrater).




Ce stage a également permis d’accroître la connaissance mutuelle entre militaires français et américains.


La base américaine, qui comprend près de 3900 militaires, est implantée sur le camp Lemonnier aux abords de l’aéroport international de Djibouti en face de la base aérienne 188. Les FFDj et la CJTF-HOA travaillent au développement des coopérations comme l’utilisation des champs de tir, l’entraînement (participation à l’exercice CASEX 2011, accueil de stagiaires au CECAD), et la gestion du trafic aérien des chasseurs.

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3 janvier 2012 2 03 /01 /janvier /2012 12:45



03 January 2012 by defenceWeb


BAE Systems Land & Armaments has received two contract awards totaling more than US$150 million to provide RG31 and RG32M vehicles to the United Arab Emirates and Sweden. The company adds the manufacturing work will be done in South Africa.


"These awards mark a significant success in our land business," said Chris Chambers, vice president and general manager of tactical wheeled vehicles for BAE Systems. "The RG31 and RG32M have consistently delivered superior levels of protection from mines, improvised explosive devices and other threats to many customers world-wide and mark a standard of operational effectiveness."


The US Marine Corps Systems Command in September awarded General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada an US$87.3 million contract to modify 425 RG-31 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles. 70% of that work was to be carried out in South Africa, while the remainder was to be carried out at Trenton in the US. Work was expected to be completed by the end of July next year.


The RG31 is a mature, combat proven mine protected armored personnel carrier designed, developed and manufactured by BAE Systems in South Africa. In total, over 2166 RG31 vehicles have been delivered. The RG32M, which is extensively in service with the Swedish Armed Forces, has various military and non-military applications to fulfill a wide spectrum of command, liaison, scouting, patrol and peacekeeping roles.


The BAE Systems Land Systems OMC’s RG-31 was the first mine-resistant vehicle deployed by American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 4x4 RG31, with its a V-shaped hull, was introduced in the mid-1990s and is superficially similar to the South African Army's Mamba. It is certified to protect its crew from rifle and light machine gun fire, anti-tank land-mine detonations and improvised explosive devices. In its standard troop carrying configuration the Mk 5E variant can carry up to ten troops (a driver plus nine others), although it can be configured for many other roles. The vehicle is equipped with a remote-controlled weapon station armed with a 7.62mm or 12.7mm machine gun.


According to the Wikipedia, the vehicle, in various marks, has been used by the Canadian Forces; Colombia; France, the Netherlands; Rwanda; Spain; United Arab Emirates; and the US: Special Operations Command, US Army and the USMC. In addition the United Nations operates 30.

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3 janvier 2012 2 03 /01 /janvier /2012 08:10



Le SNA Astute

crédits : ROYAL NAVY


03/01/2012 MER et MARINE


Le mois dernier, au large des côtes américaines, le sous-marin nucléaire d'attaque HMS Astute, premier d'une nouvelle série de SNA destinée à la Royal Navy, a réalisé avec succès ses premiers tirs de Tomahawk. Arrivé aux Etats-Unis en octobre, afin de préparer ces tirs de qualification, le bâtiment a mis en oeuvre plusieurs missiles de croisière dans le golfe du Mexique. Durant ces tests, deux variantes du Tomahawk ont été testées : Le Block III, programmé et contrôlé depuis les ordinateurs du bord, et le Block IV, contrôlé par satellite. Tous deux pourront être tirés par les SNA du type Astute. Longs de 5.5 mètres pour un poids de 1.3 tonnes, ces engins affichent une portée de 1600 kilomètres.

Les actuels SNA britanniques, du type Trafalgar, sont déjà équipés du Tomahawk, opérationnel depuis 1999 au sein de la Royal Navy. Le missile américain a été utilisé par la Grande-Bretagne contre des cibles terrestres en Afghanistan, en Irak et plus récemment en Libye.


Tir de Tomahawk depuis le HMS Astute (© : BAE SYSTEMS)
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2 janvier 2012 1 02 /01 /janvier /2012 17:45

Arms of Lithuania.svg


January 2, 2012 defpro.com


Minister of National Defence Rasa Jukneviciene and a delegation from January 3 to January 8 will conduct a work visit in the United States of America (USA) where formal meetings with the new US Secretary of Defence Leon Edward Panetta and other top-ranking US defence officials will be arranged. It is the third National Defence Minister’s visit in the United States. The aim of the visit is to shed some light on the security situation in the Baltic region, and to discuss perspectives of collaboration in defence and security areas.


“My view is that Lithuania’s partnership with USA in defence area is a key condition for fortifying and preserving Lithuania’s statehood, therefore I am really moved about the opportunity to look into the most important security points for our region together”, said R. Jukneviciene.


In the meetings with the US officials regional security challenges, US-Lithuanian defence cooperation, NATO Air policing, accreditation of the NATO Centre of Excellence, the upcoming NATO Summit in Chicago, and transfer of responsibility in Afghanistan will be addressed.


Minister of National Defence will also meet with Alexander Vershbow, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs to L.E. Panetta, who is expected to be assigned as NATO Deputy Secretary General in spring, with Deputy


Secretary of State William J. Burns, and with Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Europe Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall.


Moreover, R. Jukneviciene and her delegation will take part in a series of discussions with scientists who work on security and defence in Washington and Chicago: a discussion will be arranged in the Atlantic Council and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Lithuanian Minister will also conduct meetings with Maj Gen Wesley Craig, the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania and Commander and the Pennsylvania National Guard and the Lithuanian-American Community.

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2 janvier 2012 1 02 /01 /janvier /2012 12:40


photo US Navy


January 1, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


After two decades of resisting calls from the troops for the Swedish 84mm Carl Gustav portable recoilless rifle, the U.S. Army has relented and ordered about a hundred Carl Gustav launchers. After watching U.S. Army Special Forces use this weapon in Afghanistan and Iraq for the last decade, the army brass reconsidered. This weapon has been around for over 60 years and is used by several dozen countries. It is simple, but very effective.


The Carl Gustav was adopted by SOCOM (first for the Ranger Regiment) in 1990. The Carl Gustav is basically a lightweight 8.5 kg (19 pound) recoilless rifle. It is 1.1 meters (3.6 feet) long. The barrel is rifled and good for about a hundred rounds. Range is 500-700 meters (depending on type of round fired.) The 84mm projectiles weigh about 2 kg (4.4 pounds) each and come in several different types (anti-armor, combined anti-armor/high explosive, illumination and smoke.) The anti-armor round is very useful in urban areas and against bunkers.


The army had earlier adopted the single shot version of the Carl Gustav (as the AT4), but the Special Forces showed that the Carl Gustav is better because you get more shots for less weight (the AT4 weighs about 6.8 kg each). It's easier to carry one Carl Gustav, at 8.5 kg, and a bunch of rocket propelled shells at about 2.2 kg (5 pounds (with packaging) each.

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24 décembre 2011 6 24 /12 /décembre /2011 13:20



24.12.2011 DRS Technologies - army-guide.com


PARSIPPANY, N.J. -- DRS Technologies, Inc., a Finmeccanica Company, announced that it received a follow-on FY11 Reset contract valued at up to $22.8 Million from TACOM Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC), Warren, MI.


This contract is to provide the Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS) with Reset services for M1200 Armored Knight Systems for use by the U.S. Army Field Artillery units.


This order is a follow-on award to the inaugural FY10 M1200 Reset program where more than 80 M1200 Armored Knights were successfully Reset and deployed to Field Artillery units.


This work will be executed by the company's DRS Sustainment Systems Inc. (SSI) business unit at its facilities in St. Louis and West Plains, Missouri with completion expected in April 2013. As part of the contract, DRS SSI has entered into cooperative relationships with Textron Marine and Land Systems (TMLS) for the Reset of the M1200 Armored Security Vehicle ASV) chassis and Raytheon for the Reset of the Fire Support Sensor Subsystem (FS3).


Additionally, DRS will also provide logistic fielding and training services for operation and maintenance of the M1200 system.


The M1200 Armored Knight is used as a precision targeting fire support vehicle developed specifically for the Combat Observation Lasing Teams (COLT) in both the heavy and medium divisions by the US Army Field Artillery Units. The Armored Knight system increases force protection over legacy systems by combining DRS-SSI fire support Mission Equipment Package (MEP) into a modified Armored Security Vehicle (ASV) chassis which uses the Fire Support Sensor Subsystem (FS3) as its primary optical sensor. Armored Knight provides the COLTs with an automated enhanced surveillance, target location/designation, self-location/command, and control/communications package.


"We are proud to provide critical support of this equipment,” says Joe Matteoni, vice president and general manager of DRS SSI. “This ensures the continued use of a premier Fire Support Platform that our soldiers use for their mission."

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23 décembre 2011 5 23 /12 /décembre /2011 08:50



22.12.2011 BAE Systems - army-guide.com


ARLINGTON, Virginia –- BAE Systems Land & Armaments has received two contract awards totaling more than $150 million to provide RG31 and RG32M vehicles to the United Arab Emirates and Sweden.


“These awards mark a significant success in our Land business,” said Chris Chambers, vice president and general manager of Tactical Wheeled Vehicles for BAE Systems. “The RG31 and RG32M have consistently delivered superior levels of protection from mines, improvised explosive devices and other threats to many customers world-wide and mark a standard of operational effectiveness.”


The RG31 is a mature, combat proven mine protected armored personnel carrier designed, developed and manufactured by BAE Systems in South Africa. In total, over 2,166 RG31 vehicles have been delivered.


The RG32M, which is extensively in service with the Swedish Armed Forces, has various military and non-military applications to fulfill a wide spectrum of command, liaison, scouting, patrol and peacekeeping roles.

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23 décembre 2011 5 23 /12 /décembre /2011 08:40




22.12.2011 Spartan Chassis- army-guide.com


CHARLOTTE, Mich. -- Spartan Chassis, Inc., a subsidiary of Spartan Motors, Inc., has received a multi-million dollar subcontract award from defense contractor BAE Systems to support the production of advanced tactical vehicles and spare parts under the International Light Armored Vehicle (ILAV) Program.


"We appreciate our ongoing relationship with BAE Systems," said Tom Gorman, Chief Operating Officer of Spartan Motors, Inc. "This opportunity—which is smaller in volume with greater product variation—is in direct alignment with our strategic and operational strengths of leveraging our expertise, speed and agility to produce reliable vehicle solutions."


Under the terms of the ILAV program, the Michigan-based custom chassis manufacturer will produce 10 ILAVs in two different configurations and supply ILAV spare parts. These mine protected vehicles, provided to the United States Government as part of a Foreign Military Sales contract with BAE Systems, are scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2012 and delivered to Iraq in the second quarter of 2012.


Spartan has a proven history of building ILAVs for BAE Systems since 2006 and has delivered over 700 of these vehicles to Iraq, Yemen and United States military customers. The ILAV features a 4x4 v-shaped hull and has five variants which include: International Light Armored Vehicle (base vehicle), Interrogator Arm, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Joint Surrogate Vehicle and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Training.


In addition to this new award, Spartan also continues its ongoing support of MRAP prime contractors and the U.S. Government by providing spare/replacement parts for many of the vehicles built at Spartan during the MRAP program.

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 22:48



22.12.2011 DEFENSETECH

So, Finnish Authorities yesterday found 69 Patriot air-defense missiles and another 160 tons of explosives on a ship bound for China. What!?


The British-flagged merchant ship Thor Liberty apparently left Emden, Germany with the missiles and stopped in Finland to pick up anchor chains when Finnish customs inspectors found the weapons — in crates marked as fireworks — during a routine sweep of the ship.


No one seems to know how 69 of the U.S.’ prized air defense missiles ended up on a ship bound for China  but this kind of movement can only happen with the approval of someone in high places.


Keep in mind that Germany has a bunch of Patriot missiles and has sold its older Patriots to South Korea during times of high tension with North Korea. Finnish authorities couldn’t say if the ship was planning on making any stops before it arrived in China. It’s plausible the missiles found aboard the Thor Liberty are a German shipment bound for South Korea but you’d think we’d have heard about the deal; you’d also think they wouldn’t be “badly stored” and marked as fireworks.


Update: Germany is now saying that the missiles are part of a legit arms transfer to South Korea. No word on why it was done in such a shady manner.


Here’s the AP quoting a Finnish customs official:


“We have impounded the explosives and missiles and asked the Defense Ministry to transport and store them,” Lounatmaa said. “At this stage we don’t know where it (the cargo) was loaded on the ship or if the Thor Liberty planned a drop before its port of destination in China.”

Detective Superintendent Timo Virtanen of the National Bureau of Investigation said dock workers found the explosives — picric acid — badly stored on open pallets instead of in closed containers. They alerted inspectors who found the missiles in containers marked as holding fireworks.

Remember, the numerous versions of the Raytheon-made Patriot missiles are used by the U.S. and its allies to defend ground targets against all manner of aircraft and ballistic missiles.


Finnish officials have confiscated the deadly cargo and are investigating if this a breach of the country’s export laws.

I could kind of understand when that rogue shipment of Russian tanks was discovered in Africa, they were apparently going to help south Sudanese rebels. But this is on a different level. Who in China needs U.S-made air defense missiles besides the PLA (so that it can reverse engineer them)? Maybe this is some sort of counter-espionage project aimed at supplying China with faulty, obsolete versions of the missiles. Who knows. This one will be interesting to follow.

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 18:05



photo Darkone


Dec. 22, 2011 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Finnish Broadcasting Corp. YLE; posted Dec. 22, 2011)


Wednesday's seizure by Finnish Customs officials of a cargo of explosives and high-tech missiles aboard a Manx-flagged ship has aroused a number of questions. Not only is the final intended destination of the 69 American-made Patriot missiles still unclear, it is being asked why such a valuable cargo was poorly packed and shipped with faulty documents.


The Patriot missiles, purchased from Germany, were on their way to Asia via the Finnish port of Kotka. Finnish Customs and the National Bureau of Investigation are trying to determine who ordered the weapons, who sold them and exactly where they were headed.


Their journey was interrupted when a spot check of the cargo aboard the M/S Thor Liberty showed that the shipment lacked a permit from the Ministry of Defence that is required for the export or transit of military materiel.


Customs and police turned their attention to the vessel after being informed by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (TraFi) that it had received advance information that it was possibly carrying explosives.


Arms shipments transit Finnish territorial waters regularly, but few ships with such cargoes sail without the proper documentation.


"Exceptional incident"


"This incident is exceptional because of the amount of the materials and the type. Personally I cannot remember a case of this magnitude in recent years," head of Finnish customs anti-crime unit Petri Lounatmaa told YLE.


The transport of explosives back and forth across the Gulf of Finland has raised safety concerns. Emergency Services in Kotka set up a one-kilometre restricted zone around the vessel while its cargo was being handled by officials. Even so, the ship had already carried 150 tonnes of improperly secured explosives across the Gulf of Finland without informing anyone.


"When this huge amount of explosives are being transported and safety measures are not observed, it does indeed arouse suspicious and concerns," says Lounatmaa. (ends)



Finland Seizes Unauthorised Shipment of Patriot Missiles


(Source: STT Finnish government news; issued Dec. 22, 2011)


The Finnish government said Wednesday it had ordered the Defence Forces to seize 69 US-made Patriot surface-to-air missiles from MS Thor Liberty, a ship detained in port in Kotka in southeastern Finland since last week.


The government also revealed that the missiles had been listed as fireworks on the manifest. The ship lacks permits to enter a Finnish port with arms cargo.


Päivi Räsänen (cd), the Finnish interior minister, said she believed the incident was unique in Finnish history.


Räsänen confirmed that the missiles were in the possession of the military and that about 150 tonnes of military-grade explosive propellant remained onboard.


"My understanding is that the fate of the missiles is undecided," Räsänen said.


Räsänen added that Finnish authories had contacted their counterparts in Germany where the missiles had been loaded.


The government believes the missiles were to be shipped to South Korea and the propellant to China.


The Finnish police and Customs have launched an investigation into the incident, with the captain and first officer questioned suspected of arms export and seaworthiness offences.

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 17:55



Picture is of 8 Dec 1979, it shows the launch of USS Phoneix (SSN-702). Far right ist Ohio (SSBN-726), left of her Michigan (SSBN-727). only partially visible USS Florida (SSBN-728). US Navy photo


Dec 22, 2011 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued December 21, 2011)


General Dynamics Electric Boat Corp., Groton, Conn., is being awarded a $191,312,737 modification to previously awarded contract (N00024-09-C-2100) for continued engineering, technical services, concept studies, and design of a common missile compartment for the United Kingdom Successor SSBN and the Ohio replacement SSBN.


This contract action will be incrementally funded with $23,068,087 to be obligated at the time of award.


Work will be performed in Groton, Conn. (93 percent); Quonset, R.I. (3 percent); Newport News, Va. (2 percent); and Newport, R.I. (2 percent), and is expected to be completed by December 2012. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.


The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 17:35



Dec 21, 2011 by Roddy Thomson AFP - ASDNews


HELSINKI - Finland has launched a probe after 69 surface-to-air Patriot missiles were found in a ship bound for the Chinese port city of Shanghai, police said.


"An investigation found 69 Patriot missiles, explosive material and propelling charges," a police statement said.


The missiles, produced by US firm Raytheon, were discovered following a customs search on the British-registered Thor Liberty, owned by Danish firm Thorco, at the port of Kotka, about 120 kilometres (75 miles) from Helsinki.


Finnish customs are investigating the case as one of illegal export of defence material.


"There are grounds for customs to open an investigation into crime concerning the export of these items to third countries," head of Finnish customs anti-crime unit Petri Lounatmaa told AFP.


Finnish law requires permission from defence officials to move such material across the country's borders.


Lounatmaa noted that Finnish police, who are part of the investigating team, will investigate any other possible misconduct in the case.


A team of customs, police and defence force experts conducted a detailed probe of the ship's cargo Wednesday when routine checks by Finland's traffic safety authority revealed a load of 150 tons of improperly packed nitroguanidine -- a low-sensitivity explosive with a high detonation speed.


Following the discovery, police and customs are now conducting further investigations to determine the reason for the military cache.


"We have started questioning the crew...As the investigation continues decisions will be made about possible arrests," Lounatmaa explained.


The customs official said that there were roughly 32 crew members on board the vessel, and that questioning could continue into Friday.


Thorco managing director Thomas Mikkelsen expressed surprise, telling AFP from Denmark that he was unaware of the case.


Another company official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the ship had been detained in Finland and said the missiles could have been loaded on to the vessel by mistake.



photo US DoD

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 12:55



21/12/2011 François Gauthier – ElectroniqueS


Le groupe Thales annonce l'acquisition de l'américain Tampa Microwave, spécialiste des technologies de communications satellites.


Le groupe français d’électronique de défense Thales vient d'annoncer le rachat de la société américaine Tampa Microwave, concepteur et fabricant de terminaux de communications tactiques par satellites (SATCOM), notamment dans les bandes X, Ku et Ka. Le montant de la transaction n'a pas été dévoilé.


Cette acquisition est conditionnée à l'autorisation des autorités de régulation américaines et devrait être finalisée lors du premier trimestre 2012.


Installée en Floride, à Tampa, la société éponyme fondée en 1983, va devenir une filiale de Thales Communications Inc., la filiale américaine de Thales qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec le département américain de la Défense (DoD).


Cette acquisition va permettre à Thales "d'accroitre ses compétences vis à vis des demandes du DoD pour des technologies large bande (voix, données, vidéo) au niveau tactique", selon Michael Sheehan, président et CEO of Thales Communications cité dans un communiqué.

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22 décembre 2011 4 22 /12 /décembre /2011 08:05



Dec 21, 2011 By Sakthi Prasad, Ludwig Burger and Maria Sheahan/Reuters - AviationWeek.com


BENGALURU and FRANKFURT - Germany’s Siemens named Stanley McChrystal, a former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, to head a new unit aimed at winning U.S. government contracts.


The appointment of McChrystal, who was fired by President Barack Obama last year after disparaging remarks in a magazine interview, comes at a time when Siemens is eager to improve relations with Washington, D.C., following a bribery scandal settled in 2008.


McChrystal, a retired four-star general in the U.S. Army, will become chairman of the board of directors at Siemens Government Technologies, Siemens said in a statement Dec. 19.


He will be joined by former Army Lt. Gen. John Sylvester and retired Lockheed Martin and General Electric executive Robert Coutts, who will serve as board members, Siemens said.


Obama fired McChrystal, then commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, in July 2010 over remarks he and his aides made in a Rolling Stone magazine article that disparaged the president and other civilian leaders.


The U.S. is Siemens’ biggest single market, accounting for almost 20% of group revenue in the company’s last fiscal year.


Its image there was tarnished by a U.S. investigation of allegations that for years it paid bribes to win contracts, which ended in a $1.4 billion settlement with U.S. and German authorities in 2008 and prompted its CEO to step down.


Three years later, the past is still coming back to haunt Siemens. Last week, U.S. prosecutors charged eight former Siemens executives with paying $100 million in bribes for more than a decade to officials in Argentina to help win a $1 billion contract to produce national identity cards.


The company set up Siemens Government Technologies—based on an existing business called Siemens Government Services—this year to win federal military and civilian contracts.


Its products include security systems based on face recognition from closed circuit television or iris-scans, as well as data networks, power plant and transmission equipment, competing with General Electric.

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