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6 décembre 2015 7 06 /12 /décembre /2015 12:25
Helibras Successfully Concludes H225M Integration Tests with Exocet Missile

Armed with two AM-39 Exocet long-range anti-ship missiles, the Airbus H225M Caracal is arguably the most powerful naval strike helicopter presently in service, and will give the Brazilian navy an unprecedented anti-ship firepower. (Airbus HC photo)

December 3, 2015 (Issued in Portuguese; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com)

(Source: Helibras; issued December 3, 2015)

Helibras this week concluded the first phase of the integration tests of the AM39 Exocet missiles and the naval mission system developed especially for operational version of the H225M helicopter of the Brazilian navy. During the three weeks of activities in the laboratory, the team successfully completed several simulated firing of the missile.

This phase of testing was performed to validate the connection between the Naval Mission system and the missile launchers, to test different modes of operation, to verify the control logic and check the test instrumentation that will be used during the flight trials.

In early 2016, bench analysis will resume for the missiles to be flight-tested on the prototype aircraft, in Brazil. These activities are being coordinated by teams of Helibras Engineering Center and Airbus Helicopters professionals as well as MBDA, maker of the AM39 Exocet missile, Atech and Airbus Defence and Space.

"This was another stage planned in our schedule of work and shows the commitment of Helibras to the H-XBR program, as well as the increased training of its professionals and its plant in Brazil," said Richard Marelli, Helibras vice president of Operations.

The successful integration of the systems also demonstrates the maturity of the development of H225M and of the Naval Mission Systems for the Navy of Brazil, which has a completely new layout, designed in Brazil by Helibras, together with the customer, Airbus Helicopters and partner companies

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20 novembre 2014 4 20 /11 /novembre /2014 11:55
photo Marine Nationale

photo Marine Nationale


18 Novembre 2014 Marine Nationale


La frégate La Fayette a procédé à un tir en salve de deux missiles Mer Mer 40. Evénement peu courant, ce tir a pu se dérouler dans les meilleures conditions grâce à une préparation fine de tout l’équipage.


Après un blanchiment de la zone par un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2, et dès la fenêtre de tir ouverte, la messe fut dite et le compte à rebours tenu.


Les deux missiles partis en salve ont atteint leur objectif, montrant le savoir faire intact de la Marine à mettre en œuvre et entretenir un système d’armes complexe pour des conflits de haute intensité.

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29 septembre 2014 1 29 /09 /septembre /2014 04:55
Tir de missile mer mer 40 pour la frégate Primauguet


28 Septembre 2014 Marine nationale


Le 27 septembre 2014, la frégate anti-sous-marine Primauguet a procédé à un tir de missile anti navire de type Mer Mer 40. Un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 avait auparavant "blanchi" la zone (vérification de l'absence de navires et d'aéronefs).

Tir de missile mer mer 40 pour la frégate Primauguet
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30 juin 2014 1 30 /06 /juin /2014 18:55
« Latouche-Tréville » et Super-Etendard : concentration des feux


30 Juin 2014 Source : Marine Nationale


La frégate anti-sous-marine Latouche-Tréville et un Super-Etendard Modernisé (SEM) ont réalisé un tir coordonné de deux missiles Exocet, un MM40 et un AM39, sur une cible CRABBE, le 28 juin 2014. Ce genre de cible possède une signature radar comparable à un bâtiment de surface.


Une phase de blanchiment a débuté avec le concours d’avions de patrouille maritime. La cible est mise à l’eau par le Latouche-Tréville.


A 14h00, le bâtiment est au poste de combat. Au même moment, le Super-Etendard porteur du SM39 et deux Rafale Marine décollent de Landivisiau pour rallier la zone.


A 15h00, la cible ayant été classifiée hostile, le Latouche-Tréville fait feu et le MM40 se dirige vers son objectif, immédiatement suivi du missile AM39 tiré par le SEM. Quelques minutes plus tard, les aéronefs survolent la position de la cible et rendent compte de sa destruction. Mission accomplie !

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2 décembre 2013 1 02 /12 /décembre /2013 08:55
Premier tir MM40 de la FDA Forbin

28.11.2013 Marine Nationale

La frégate de défense aérienne Forbin a réalisé son premier tir MM40 au sein du Zonex Méditerranée, avec le concours d’un Atlantique 2 de la 23F, du CROSS La Garde et de la chaîne sémaphorique pour le blanchiment de la zone. Le missile a été suivi par les senseurs du bord et ceux de l’ATL2 durant toute sa phase de vol. Il a ensuite atteint à la seconde près la cible désignée.
© Marine nationale

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26 juin 2013 3 26 /06 /juin /2013 10:50
source defenseindustrydaily.com

source defenseindustrydaily.com

June 26, 2013: Strategy Page


There was recently a SINKEX (sinking exercise) in which Norway fired one of their locally made Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) at a decommissioned 2,100 ton Oslo class frigate. The NSM, fired from a smaller missile boat, hit the frigate, did a lot of damage but did not sink it. If the frigate had been loaded with fuel and ammo, the NSM would have started fires and probably put the ship out of service and possibly caused it to go down.


Despite the many lightweight (under a ton) anti-ship missiles on the market, NSM still gets sales because it is effective, reliable and affordable. It is also offered for use on ships, aircraft and on trucks (as part of a mobile coastal defense system). The 409 kg (900 pound) NSM anti-ship missile has a 125 kg (275 pound) warhead and a range of 185 kilometers. NSM uses GPS and inertial guidance systems, as well as a heat imaging system (and a database of likely targets) for picking out and hitting the intended ship. Norwegian manufacturer Kongsberg allows buyers to easily install their own radar and control systems.


Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile

Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile

There is lots of competition, the main ones being the U.S. Harpoon and similar missiles from Russia and China. The Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile is similar to the American Harpoon but lighter (610 kg/1,340 pounds, compared to 728 kg/1,600) and has less range (130 kilometers compared to 224 for the latest version of Harpoon). The Kh-35 (also known as the SS-N-25 or Switchblade) can be fired from helicopters, aircraft, ships, or shore batteries.


China sells a lot of C-801 and C-802 anti-ship missiles. The C-801 is 5.81 meters (18 feet) long, 360mm in diameter, has a max range of 42 kilometers and weighs 636 kg (1,400 pounds) each. The C-801 is similar to the French Exocet, and is believed to have been based on that missile.


The C802A is a 6.8m (21 foot) long, 360mm diameter, 682kg (1,500 pound) missile, with a 165kg (360 pound) warhead. The C802 has a max range of 120 kilometers, and moves along at about 250 meters a second. The French Exocet missile is the same size and performance, but costs twice as much (over a million dollars each, but the manufacturer is known to be flexible on pricing.)


Exocet MM40 Block 3 firing. MBDA Michel Hans

Exocet MM40 Block 3 firing. MBDA Michel Hans

The new Exocet MM Block 3 has twice the range (180 kilometers) because of their turbojet engine. This is a 670 kg (1,500 pound) missile that has been around for over three decades, has been proven in combat and is known to be reliable. The C802 is known to be less capable than the Exocet, but it looks similar.


Russia pioneered the use of larger (up to three ton) supersonic “carrier killer” anti-ship missiles. The most common example is the Yakhont which is an 8.9 meter (27.6 foot) long, three ton missile with a 300 kg (660 pound) warhead. Russia has been building missiles like this since the 1970s but they are only popular with the few nations that have a need to destroy American aircraft carriers.

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14 juin 2013 5 14 /06 /juin /2013 11:55
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23 mai 2013 4 23 /05 /mai /2013 16:55
Assemblage d’un missile Exocet. Photo MBDA

Assemblage d’un missile Exocet. Photo MBDA

19 mai 2013 Par Olivier Fourt  -Lignes de défense


Dans la Chronique Défense de ce dimanche 19 mai, Olivier Fourt nous conduit aujourd’hui dans le centre de la France, à la découverte de l’usine dans laquelle sont fabriqués les célèbres missiles Exocet. Pour la première fois, une radio a été autorisée à effectuer un reportage sur le site de la chaine d’assemblage. Une zone placée sous haute surveillance où ces missiles antinavires très perfectionnés sont l’objet de toutes les attentions.

L’usine ou naissent les missiles « Exocet » (02:59)
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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 12:25
"Etranges Affaires" enquête sur les missiles Exocet dans la guerre des Malouines

07.05.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


Le deuxième numéro de la série documentaires "Etranges Affaires" est en cours de post-production et sera diffusé sur France 3 en juillet. Il est consacré à l'affaire des Exocet français aux mains des Argentins, lors de la guerre des Malouines.


Le 4 mai 1982, un missile Exocet lancé par un Super Etendard de l’aéronavale argentine coule un destroyer de la Royal Navy venue reconquérir les îles Malouines. Le couple Super Etendard-Exocet, fabriqué par les Français, va être l'objet d'une guerre secrète entre Britanniques et Argentins.


Comme le précédent numéro de la série consacré à l'affaire des Vedettes de Cherbourg, le deuxième épisode d'"Etranges Affaires" est un documentaire hybride de 52 minutes qui associe archives, témoignages et animation. L'enquête est menée par Sasha Maréchal (interprétée par la comédienne Ina Mihalache) et Patrick Pesnot (dans son propre rôle). Les témoins clés en Argentine, au Royaume-Uni et en France décryptent le rôle des armes françaises pendant la guerre des Malouines. De l'attaque du destroyer Sheffield à l'opération Plum-Duff menée par les forces spéciales britanniques, le film propose un regard inédit sur cette affaire qui agita les relations entre Margaret Thatcher et François Mitterrand.


Ce deuxième opus d'"Etranges Affaires" est une coproduction Vivement Lundi !/Antoine Martin Productions avec la participation de l'unité documentaire de France 3, en association avec France 3 Nord-Ouest.

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9 mars 2012 5 09 /03 /mars /2012 08:55
MBDA’s arsenal on display at DefExpo

The Fire Shadow launched at Vidsel in Sweden in 2010.

Photo Vidsel Test Range / RFN


March 8, 2012 Saurabh Joshi  - stratpost.com


The French defense company MBDA is planning to display a wide range of weapons systems from its product line at DefExpo, including the Mistral VSHORAD, the Mistral ATAM for the Indian Army’s Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv Mk IV WSI (Weapons System Integrated), as well as their PARS 3 LR anti-tank guided missile system, which is also being considered for the Dhruv.


MBDA is proposing the Mistral as a solution for India’s VSHORAD requirement to replace the existing Igla systems. MBDA says, the Mistral missile has a 96% kill probability over 4, 000 firings and can be effective against ‘a host of air threats, ranging from cruise missiles and combat jets flying at supersonic speeds to pop-up helicopters’. It is operated by 39 customers in 27 countries and can be fired from launchers mounted on tripod, vehicle, naval platform and helicopters.


A company statement quoted MBDA India country head, Loïc Piedevache, as saying, “Our stated strategy in India is to link and to work with local industry and to advance technology transfer wherever feasible. So should Mistral MANPADS be selected, we are exceptionally well positioned to get local production capability of the Mistral missile up and running as soon as required. This could of course be a single Mistral production line in India for both the Dhruv’s air–to-air Mistral ATAM system which is currently being integrated and for the surface to air requirement”.


The PARS 3 LR on the Eurocopter Tiger. Copyright: MBDA


The fire-and-forget PARS 3 LR is being pitched to service the air-to-ground requirement of the Dhruv helicopter. MBDA says the system has been ‘developed for engaging mobile and stationary targets equipped with the latest generation of armor protection, field fortresses, bunkers and other high-value targets.’


While the German Army’s Eurocopter Tiger helicopters operate a quad launcher for the PARS 3 LR, the Indian requirement is for a twin-launcher, currently being designed with Indian industrial partners. Piedevache says, “We are already working closely with an Indian company on the design of a specific PARS launcher for the Dhruv. Should we get the go ahead, another Indian partner will be lined up to carry out launcher production”.


A full-scale model of MBDA’s Medium Range Air Defense missile, ASTER 30, will also be on display. The missile, which is operationally deployed on ground and naval platforms in three countries, is said to offer ‘high-level tactical and strategic mobility and with its high rate of fire is capable of countering the most demanding of saturating threats’.


ASTER 30-SAMP/T firing in 2008. Copyright: MBDA


The company says the ASTER 30 can pull up to 60 G plus an additional 12 G lateral acceleration ‘automatically commanded by the missile in order to achieve a direct hit on the target’. The French Air Force used it to successfully intercept a ‘target representative of a ballistic missile’ last November.


The company is also putting up a model of its response to the Indian Army Request for Proposal for Loitering Munition, the Fire Shadow. Ordered by the British Army, the MBDA says it can be ‘targeted by a range of ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) systems, for example a forward observer with binoculars or a sophisticated system such as a UAV and is surface launched from a highly mobile launch unit’.


The Fire Shadow is a platoon or company level precision weapon that brings the human element into the picture, targeting ‘time-sensitive ground targets’ in the ‘absence of readily available air-support’. , The system satisfies the requirement to have man-in-the-loop control in the complex battlefield in the fog of war, ‘where the target might only make fleeting appearances before taking cover’.


MBDA says the Fire Shadow can fly directly to the target and carry out its precision strike at ranges of greater than 100km. ‘However, what makes Fire Shadow special is that should the intended target disappear, or should the operator decide to delay the attack until further target information becomes available, the weapon can be positioned to loiter over the suspected target area for around six hours. An operator remains in permanent control of Fire Shadow from a control centre using special software that provides real-time situational awareness, vital for complex urban scenarios where collateral damage could be an issue’.


Exocet MM40 Block 3 firing. Copyright: MBDA / Michel Hans


MBDA will also be showing off the anti-ship missiles like the entire Exocet family, which includes surface, submarine and air-launched variants, with the latest variant, the Exocet MM40 Block 3 with its 170 km range and littoral land attack capability. The Exocet SM39 has already been ordered for India’s Scorpene submarines. MBDA has sold around 4,000 of this family to global customers.


A little smaller, the French company’s Marte MK2/S, with its active RF seeker for maritime targets at ranges of 30 to 40 kilometers, though suitable for fixed-wing aircraft depending on altitude, has been optimized for the NH90 helicopter, which is competing in the Indian Navy tender for Multi Role Helicopters (MRH).


Besides these, also on display will be the MICA, already being purchased by the Indian Air Force (IAF) for the Mirage 2000 upgrade, the ASRAAM, on offer for the IAF’s Jaguar aircraft, the Dual Mode Brimstone and the Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missile which earned a name for themselves in the Libya operations, last year, in addition to the Meteor BVR (Beyond Visual Range) air to air missile

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9 septembre 2011 5 09 /09 /septembre /2011 12:05


photo David Monniaux


September 9, 2011 W. Alibrandi, Forecast International - defpro.com


NEWTOWN, Conn. | Microturbo's TRI 40 and TRI 60 engines power several missiles and one target drone.


MBDA's SCALP EG and SCALP Navale are in production, and exports are playing a large role in the company's future. Saudi Arabia has purchased the Storm Shadow for its Tornado fighters, and the sales of Rafale fighters and FREMM frigates should boost demand for this missile.


MBDA is planning to upgrade the SCALP EG with an enhanced version to meet France's and the U.K.'s requirements for long-range and strike missiles. The new missile's range could exceed 1,000 kilometers.


France's Exocet anti-ship missile is one of MBDA's most popular products. The Block 3 Exocet has greater range than the solid-fuel-propelled Block 2 and can also engage land-based targets. Sales to Middle East countries have been a large source of business for MBDA.


Saab Bofors' RBS15 is an anti-ship missile that has been purchased by Sweden, Germany, Poland and Thailand. Several other navies are considering the missile, which may provide a near-constant stream of contracts from 2011-2020.


Composite Engineering's BQM-167 Skeeter drone is powered by the TRI 60, and has been purchased by the U.S. Air Force and Navy. The USAF is replacing its legacy BQM-34 and MQM-107 drones with the Skeeter.

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5 septembre 2011 1 05 /09 /septembre /2011 05:40



05/09/2011 Source : La Tribune


Le comité ministériel d'investissement du ministère de la Défense a approuvé le lancement de quatre programmes qui ont été confiés au missilier.


MBDA a décroché au coeur de l'été le jackpot au moment où la France entre dans une période de disette budgétaire sévère. Avant la grande trêve estivale, le dernier CMI (comité ministériel d'investissement) du ministère de la Défense a approuvé fin juillet, selon nos informations, toute une série d'investissements dans de nouveaux programmes de missiles et dans la modernisation de certains grands programmes de MBDA (37,5 % EADS, 37,5 % BAE Systems et 25 % Finmeccanica). Soit un volume financier de l'ordre de 600 à 650 millions par an pendant une dizaine d'années. Ce qui va donner au missilier européen une belle visibilité en termes de charges de travail pour ses bureaux d'études et pour l'exportation avec des nouveaux produits dans des gammes où la France a déjà fait ses preuves.


Successeur du Milan


Après une très longue réflexion, le ministère de la Défense a finalement retenu pour le programme MMP (missile moyenne portée), successeur du Milan, qui a été l'un des grands best-sellers français à l'exportation, la solution proposée par MBDA (munitions) et Sagem (postes de tir) au détriment des propositions de « francisation » des missiles Javelin de l'américain Raytheon et Spike de l'israélien Rafael. Le développement de ce programme est estimé entre 150 à 200 millions d'euros. C'est une belle victoire pour le PDG de MBDA, Antoine Bouvier, qui s'est beaucoup battu pour ce programme majeur pour sa stratégie à l'exportation. Ce programme pourrait être notifié par la Direction générale de l'armement avant la fin de l'année 2011 et lancé en 2012. Le CMI a également décidé de lancer le programme ANL (antinavire léger), l'un des programmes majeurs de la coopération franco-britannique, qui s'inscrit dans l'accord de défense signé entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne en novembre 2010. Enfin, le ministère de la Défense va moderniser en 2012 une nouvelle version d'un des best-sellers de MBDA, le missile antinavire Exocet ainsi que le missile Aster 30 Block 1 NT (nouvelles technologies), fabriqué par MBDA et Thales. Ce missile disposera d'un autodirecteur bénéficiant de la technologie devenue mature en bande Ka qui apportera un potentiel de croissance pour les performances contre les cibles balistiques jusqu'à 1.000 km de portée, sans régression sur les performances contre cibles conventionnelles. M. C.

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