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13 février 2012 1 13 /02 /février /2012 08:30
IMI’s MPR 500 Warhead Approved for use with JDAM

Photo: IMI


February 12, 2012 Tamir Eshel – Defense Update


Israel Military Industries Ltd. announced today that the Boeing Company [NYSE:BA] has approved IMI’s 500-pound Multi Purpose Rigid (MPR 500) Bomb as compatible with their Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance kit.


The combination of IMI’s MPR 500 with Boeing’s JDAM guidance kit substantially enhances operational flexibility while reducing total ownership costs. With increased penetrating power and reduced collateral damage fragmentation, the MPR 500 was designed to defeat targets more commonly found in today’s fighting areana. By delivering IMI’s focused munition with Boeing’s reliable history of precision guidance, the MPR 500 JDAM system is ideal for gardened targets in dense urban areas or in close proximity to friendly troops.


Photo: IMI


IMI’s MPR 500 is a combat-proven 500-poud bomb with improved penetration capabilities and gas the same dimensions as a MK-82.


The bomb can penetrate more than one meter of reinforced concrete or punch through four 200mm thick walls or floors.
Because of its 500-pound size, MPR 500 enhances aircraft carriage efficiency, increasing the number of targets that can be engaged per sortie.


MPR 500 provides concentrated blast effects, utilizing approximately 26,000 controlled fragments. This reduces collateral damage risk within one hundred meters. By creating a straight penetration path through the target, the MPR 500 virtually eliminates the “J Effect”, in which the bomb’s warhead breaks on impact causing it to explode incorrectly.


MPR 500 is being displayed by IMI at the Singapore Airshow.

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13 février 2012 1 13 /02 /février /2012 08:15



12 février 2012 Guysen International news


Israël va-t-il bientôt se joindre à la plus grande alliance militaire du monde ? La porte-parole de l'Otan, Carmen Romero, a indiqué vendredi soir que l'Alliance nord-atlantique examine la proposition d'Israël de joindre à ses forces navales patrouillant en mer Méditerranée, un navire de guerre de la marine israélienne. Selon elle, cette offre est examinée ''conformément aux protocoles et exigences opérationnelles de l'Otan''. Si la proposition israélienne est acceptée, ce sera la première fois qu'un navire de la marine israélienne participera aux actions opérationnelles de l'Otan, malgré l'opposition de la Turquie. Tsahal n'a pas encore commenté l'information.

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13 février 2012 1 13 /02 /février /2012 08:00

Ghadir class submarines source Ria Novisti

source Ria Novisti


12 février 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le commandant de la marine iranienne, le contre-amiral Habibollah Sayyari, a déclaré jeudi que 2 nouveaux sous-marins avaient été mis en service.


Le contre-amiral Sayyari a précisé que les sous-marins appartenaient à la classe Ghadir, et qu’ils avaient été entièrement conçus et construits par des spécialistes iraniens.


Il a souligné que les sous-marins avaient été mis en service lors des commémorations du 33è anniversaire de la Révolution Islamique.


Toutes les parties des sous-marins, la coque, le radar et les équipements de défense ont été conçus et fabriqués par les spécialistes du ministère de la défense iranien.


Leurs capacités de manœuvrabilité les rendent bien adaptés aux conditions météo de l’Iran.


Référence : Islamic Republic News Agency (Iran)

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12 février 2012 7 12 /02 /février /2012 12:30

Arrow anti-ballistic missile launch photo US Navy


ARLINGTON, Va., Feb. 10 (UPI)


The United States and Israel have flight tested the Arrow Weapon System to evaluate and verify the missile system's Block 4configuration.


The test, conducted over the Mediterranean Sea, was a target-only exercise in tracking a target and was conducted by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency and the Israeli Missile Defense Organization.


"The success of the test is the final test before delivery of the Block 4 Arrow Weapon System," the MDA said. "This was a major milestone in the development of the Arrow Weapon System and provides confidence in operational Israeli capabilities to defeat the developing ballistic missile threat.


The first Arrow missile, for theater defense against ballistic missiles, came into service with Israeli forces in 2000. The Arrow was designed by Israel Aerospace Industries and is manufactured by IAI and Boeing.


The United States and Israel signed an agreement for the system's funding in 1998.


The U.S. MDA said that during the test, the AWS' fire control radar tracked a Blue Sparrow target missile and then transferred information to a battle management controller, which prepared a simulated intercept solution.

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12 février 2012 7 12 /02 /février /2012 08:50

Saudi Arabia.svg


Feb 10, 2012 FoxNews


Saudi Arabia would launch a military nuclear program immediately if Iran successfully developed atomic weapons, The Times of London reported Friday.


While Riyadh signed an agreement with the US in 2008 stating that it would only pursue nuclear power for civil purposes, the Saudi government is likely to abandon the deal if Tehran had a nuclear bomb.


"There is no intention currently to pursue a unilateral military nuclear program but the dynamics will change immediately if the Iranians develop their own nuclear capability," a senior Saudi source said.

"Politically, it would be completely unacceptable to have Iran with a nuclear capability and not the kingdom."


In such an eventuality, Saudi Arabia would start work on a new ballistic missile platform, purchase nuclear warheads from overseas and aim to source uranium to develop weapons-grade material.


Officials in the West believe Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have an understanding in which Islamabad would supply the kingdom with warheads if security in the Gulf was threatened.


A Western official told The Times that Riyadh could have the nuclear warheads in a matter of weeks of approaching Islamabad. Other vendors were also likely to enter into a bidding war if Riyadh indicated that it was seeking nuclear warheads.


Both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have denied the existence of any such agreement.


Like the US and many other countries in the West, Saudi Arabia believes that Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons and the kingdom is preparing for a worst-case scenario, the Saudi sources said.


Click here to read more from The Times of London.

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 20:39



11 février 2012 Guysen International News


Selon le journal "Daily Mail", la Grande-Bretagne  va livrer des équipements de défense aux forces de l'opposition syrienne. Cet équipement comprendra entre autres, des téléphones satellitaires et des ordinateurs portables.

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 18:00


photo US DoS


11 fév 2012 par Romain Mielcarek – ActuDéfense


La diplomatie américaine dénonce le déploiement de moyens militaires démesurés contre des infrastructures civiles. Les colonnes de chars syriens ainsi que d’importants dispositifs d’artillerie ont ainsi pu être photographiés par satellite. Des clichés publiés afin de soutenir les négociations occidentales aux Nations unies. Des images qui montrent aussi à quel point Damas dépend de la Russie en matière d’armements.


Le Département d’Etat vient de publier une série de photographies satellitaires de moyens militaires syriens. Ces dispositifs d’artillerie, répartis autour de villes comme Homs, Rancus et Az Zabadani sont à priori utilisés pour faire céder les contestataires. Ils pourraient avoir participé aux bombardements qui ont causé la mort de plus de 6000 personnes, selon les chiffres publiés par l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme basé à Londres.


Les pièces d’artillerie déployées et montrées sur les photographies sont de plusieurs types. Des obusiers sont répartis autour des villes en question. La Syrie dispose de calibres allant de 80 à 180mm. Au moins deux BM-21 Grad, des camions armés de lance-roquettes multiple de 122mm, ont été photographiés près de Homs. Le pays en a acheté 500 à l’Union soviétique. Des canons automoteurs 2S3 Akatsiya sont également visibles. Enfin, sur des images diffusées par l’ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en série, des postes de tir mortiers sont identifiés.


Toute cette artillerie vient soutenir le déploiement de véhicules blindés qui a lancé à plusieurs reprises des raids sur certaines villes comme Homs et Zabadani. La Syrie dispose de près de 5000 chars de conception soviétique et de 3000 blindés de combat d’infanterie de même origine. Damas dispose également, en soutien, d’une armée de l’air alignant entre 400 et 600 appareils selon les sources et une petite centaine d’hélicoptères de combat (dont 36 gazelles françaises).


Les images et les informations diffusées par le Département d’Etat et l’ambassade américaine semblent dénoncer deux choses. D’une part, des armes de guerre de gros calibres sont effectivement utilisées sur des installations civiles, au mépris des vies des habitants. D’autre part, les forces armées syriennes sont totalement dépendantes de la Russie en matière d’approvisionnements militaires. Moscou est le fournisseur d’armes quasi-exclusif de Damas.


Les clichés, pris au cours de la première semaine de février, ont été abondamment commentés par les diplomates américains. Victoria Nuland, la porte parole du Département d’Etat, décrit ainsi des photos « épouvantables qui montrent des colonnes de chars, des incendies, le genre de choses qu’on voit lorsque l’armée conduit une offensive de grande envergure contre la population civile ».

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 17:55



February 11, 2012 FARS worldwide-defence


TEHRAN (FNA) - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) displayed a model of the United States' RQ-170 spy plane, that was downed by the country's Armed Forces in December after violating the Iranian airspace, during the February 11 rallies - marking the 33rd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran


The model has been built by the aerospace unit of the IRGC and was displayed during the pro-government rallies in Tehran on Saturday. The Iranian ralliers took photos with the model RQ-170 spy drone, showing the enthusiasm for the country's power in downing alien stealth aircraft. Iran announced on December 4 that its defense forces had downed the aircraft through a sophisticated cyber attack. The drone is the first such loss by the US. US officials have described the loss of the aircraft in Iran as a setback and a fatal blow to the stealth drone program. The RQ-170 has special coatings and a batwing shape designed to help it penetrate other nations' air defenses undetected. The existence of the aircraft, which is made by Lockheed Martin, has been known since 2009, when a model was photographed at the main US airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The unmanned surveillance plane lost by the United States in Iran was a stealth aircraft being used for secret missions by the CIA, US officials admitted in December. The aircraft is among the highly sensitive surveillance platform in the CIA's fleet that was shaped and designed to evade enemy defenses.

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 17:30

arrow 2 source army-technology.com


Feb 10, 2012 ASDNews Source : Missile Defense Agency (MDA)


The Israel Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency completed a successful test of the cooperative U.S.-Israel Arrow Weapon System (AWS) over the Mediterranean Sea today. Data collected from the flight test will be used to verify functionality of the Block 4 AWS.


This test, designated Block 4 System Verification Flight Test (B4SVFT), was a target-only tracking exercise. During the test, the AWS Super Green Pine fire control radar tracked a Blue Sparrow target, representing potential ballistic missile threats facing Israel. The radar transferred information to the Citron Tree battle management controller, which prepared a simulated intercept solution. Elements of the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) successfully performed interoperability with the AWS and collected data.


The success of the test is the final test before delivery of the Block 4 Arrow Weapon System. This was a major milestone in the development of the Arrow Weapon System and provides confidence in operational Israeli capabilities to defeat the developing ballistic missile threat.


Personnel from the Israel Missile Defense Organization and U.S. Missile Defense Agency conducted the flight test. The main contractor for the integration and development of the Arrow Weapon System is MLM of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). ELTA Industries developed the “Super Green Pine” radar. Tadiran Electronic Systems, Ltd. developed the “Citron Tree” battle management controller.

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 12:35


Ghadir class submarines


MOSCOW, February 10 (RIA Novosti)


The Iranian Navy has commissioned two Ghadir class diesel-electric submarines to boost Iran’s naval capability, official IRNA news agency reported.


IRNA cited Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari as saying that the submarines were built and equipped by domestic manufacturers.


The 120-ton Ghadir class submarines are highly maneuverable and best suited for missions in shallow waters. They are equipped with at least two torpedo tubes and feature elements of "stealth" technology.


With the addition of two new subs, the number of Ghadir vessels in the Iranian Navy has reached 16. The first submarine of this class was commissioned in 2007.


Ghadir class subs have been reportedly designed by Iran on the basis of North Korean Yono class vessels.


In addition to Ghadirs, the Iranian Navy has three Soviet-built Kilo class submarines and a domestically-built Nahang sub.


Iran has recently threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, a major export route for oil supplies from the Middle East, in response to a Western embargo on Iranian oil exports.

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11 février 2012 6 11 /02 /février /2012 09:00


Super Green Pine radar. (Photo IAI)


February 10, 2012 Tamir Eshel – DEFENSE UPDATE


The Israel Missile Defense Organization and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency completed a successful test of the key elements of the joint U.S.-Israel IAI Arrow Weapon System (AWS) today. The test was carried out over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and involved a Rafael Blue Sparrow 2 target missile, launched toward Israel from an F-15 fighter jet. The target missile was detected and tracked by the EL/M-2080 Super Green Pine radar, the primary sensor of the AWS. Intercept solutions were plotted by the Golden Citron battle management controller and transferred to the launch units.


This Block 4 System Verification Flight Test (B4SVFT) was a target-only tracking exercise. In fact, Arrow 2 Block 4 missiles have already been verified through a number of long-range intercept tests over the Mediterranean and Pacific Ocean in 2008, 2009 and 2011.


According to the official announcement, “Elements of the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) successfully performed interoperability with the AWS and collected data.”this probably pertains to the BMDS Raytheon AN/TPY-2 radar station in the Arava valley.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 17:55

An experiment on the Arrow – photo IDF

photo IDF


TEL-AVIV, 10 février - RIA Novosti


Israël vient d'effectuer un test réussi d'un nouveau bloc du système de défense antimissile Hetz-2 ("Flèche"), rapporte vendredi le ministère israélien de la Défense.


"C'est une réussite technique importante et un grand progrès dans la mise en place d'une défense antimissile à plusieurs niveaux", a déclaré à l'issue des essais le ministre israélien de la Défense, Ehoud Barak, ajoutant que cela constituait aussi une preuve de la haute qualité de l'industrie de l'armement de l'Etat hébreu.


Lors des essais menés conjointement par Tsahal et l'Agence de défense antimissile américaine dans le cadre du développement et de la mise en œuvre des programmes antimissiles, le Hetz-2 est parvenu à intercepter, de jour comme de nuit et dans toutes les conditions climatiques, des missiles comparables aux Shihab-3 sol-sol, dont dispose l'Iran et qui peuvent atteindre Israël, lit-on dans le communiqué.


Le système Hetz comporte un radar qui détecte les missiles balistiques tirés vers Israël, et transfère ces informations à un centre de contrôle, qui déclenche alors le lancement d'un missile après avoir analysé et calculé la trajectoire du missile balistique à intercepter.


Les Etats-Unis ont assuré le financement de la première génération du Hetz à hauteur de 80%. Depuis 1991, son développement est financé à parts égales par les Etats-Unis et par Israël.


Ce futur système de défense antimissile, sorte de "parapluie" antimissile au dessus de l'Etat hébreu, est présenté comme l'un des plus perfectionnés au monde, capable de détruire des engins balistiques à longue portée lancés du Liban, de Syrie ou d'Iran. A présent, deux composantes du réseau défensif à quatre niveaux, notamment le Hetz-2 et l'Iron Dome ("Voûte d'acier"), sont déjà opérationnelles. Les deux autres, le Hetz-3 et le David's Sling ("Fronde de David"), sont encore en cours de tests.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 17:50


source Asian Defence


10 February 2012 naval-technology.com


The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy has been equipped with two new domestically-built light Ghadir-class submarines to further expand its capability to defend territorial waters, the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says.


The delivery is also intended to improve and bolster Iran's military maritime defence capability amidst rising tensions with the West over its nuclear programme.


Habibollah Sayyari added that the two new submarines are capable of simultaneously firing missiles and torpedoes, and will be deployed within the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf.


The Ghadir-class submarines are equipped with sonar-evading technology, can remain hidden from advanced radars, swift detection and location vessels and are designed for coastal operations in shallow waters, especially in the Gulf.


The 29m-long and 2.75m-wide diesel-electric propelled submarine has a displacement capacity of 120t when submerged, can cruise at a maximum speed of 11kts and is capable of firing the Hoot supercavitating rocket torpedoes.


Claimed to be designed and produced by Iranian experts, the country began manufacturing its domestic Ghadir submarine in 2005 and it was first unveiled in 2007.


In November 2011, the nation inducted three submarines belonging to the same class into its naval fleet.


Iran does not disclose the total number of submarines in its naval fleet, however, it is believed that it comprises of 12 light and three Russian-made submarines, as reported by The Associated Press.


The country has been developing its own tanks, armoured personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes as a part of an arms development programme initiative since 1992.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 13:50

TA-50 breaking formation photo KAI

photo KAI


KAI flew its T-50 at the 2010 Singapore air show, but lost out there to the rival M-346


Feb 10, 2012 by Arie Egozi  - Flight Global


Tel Aviv - A meeting between "government-level" figures from Israel and South Korea is planned during the Singapore air show, with the parties to discuss the former's requirement for a new fleet of advanced jet trainers.


Speaking on 9 February, a South Korean source said officials from the country will use the meeting to express their anger at what they have defined as an "unfair" competition between the Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 and Alenia Aermacchi M-346.


The South Korean government will demand that Israel's defence ministry issue a formal request for proposals before making a selection, and that the latter is made according to the "known and fair practice", the source said.



As reported previously by Flightglobal, the value and types of Israeli-made defence systems that will be purchased by Italy or South Korea will play a major role in the selection of a new trainer to replace the Israeli air force's Douglas A-4 Skyhawks. Israel has determined that the M-346 and T-50 are both capable of meeting its performance requirements.


Italy has already indicated that it could purchase airborne early warning and control system aircraft from Israel Aerospace Industries in exchange for an Alenia Aermacchi victory, with sources saying that it has made a written commitment.


South Korea has said it intends to purchase different Israeli-made defence systems, but is not yet ready to sign an official commitment.


KAI flew its T-50 at the Singapore air show in 2010, but lost out to the M-346 in the nation's advanced jet trainer contest. Alenia Aermacchi will deliver 12 of the aircraft as Skyhawk replacements for the Republic of Singapore Air Force.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 13:15



February 10, 2012 defpro.com


Israel Aerospace Industries' (IAI) Heron Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) was recently demonstrated successfully and according to the plan, this time in Greece, as part of a demonstration held by the European Union (EU) agency, Frontex.


During the demonstration a number of IAI payloads were employed successfully to detect potential targets, for monitoring anti-smuggling and other illegal activity operations in both the ground and maritime arenas. Among the payloads demonstrated were IAI's Tamam Division Multi-mission Optronic Stabilized Payload (MOSP), and ELTA's, an IAI group and subsidiary, Maritime Patrol Radar (MPR). Heron UAS' successfully demonstrated precise ISR capabilities and Automatic Takeoff and Landing (ATOL) which allow Heron full operational activity in difficult weather conditions.


Frontex, a specialized and independent EU body, is tasked with coordinating operational cooperation between Member States in the field of border security. The demonstration took place at the Hellenic Air-Force base Aktio, in the presence of representatives from various European countries' Border-Police and Coast-Guard forces as well as the Hellenic Coast Guard.


IAI's Heron is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAS With a wingspan of 16.6 meters and a takeoff weight of 1,250 kg, the Heron UAS can reach an altitude of 30,000 feet with an endurance of up to 40 hours (depending on the mission and payload configuration). Heron is a multi-mission UAS able to carry a wide variety of sensors. It can operate at least five different payloads simultaneously, to provide real-time information over a wide area for an extended period of time.


The Heron UAS is in operational use with over 18 customers worldwide including the Brazilian Federal Police. Its impressive capabilities for monitoring anti-smuggling and other illegal activities were demonstrated to the Australian Customs and the Spanish Guardia Civil.


"Demonstrations like the one in Greece help Frontex understand whether there are possibilities for a civilian use of such technologies. Our main interest is their potential use for border control and for search and rescue operations at sea, as saving human lives is one of our priorities", said Edgar Beugels, Head of Frontex Research and Development.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 13:15



February 10, 2012 defpro.com


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) was awarded $35 million contracts to supply the ELM-2022A advanced multi-mode airborne maritime surveillance radar to two foreign customers.


The radar, a product of Elta Systems Ltd., IAI's group and subsidiary, supports a wide range of military missions such as anti-surface warfare and anti-submarine warfare as well as paramilitary missions including: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) protection, littoral warfare, fisheries areas protection, search and rescue.


Two foreign customers selected the ELM-2022A multi-mode airborne maritime surveillance radar for their Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), based on the radar excellent performance and proven track record. Over a hundred ELM-2022A radars are operational on different platforms around the world.


An Elta executive said: "ELTA Systems is known as a world leader in advanced maritime patrol radar systems. We are very pleased that two additional customers have selected our maritime surveillance radar for their programs, benefiting from the radar unique capabilities and high performance".


ELTA Systems Ltd., a Group and wholly-owned subsidiary of IAI, is one of Israel's leading defense electronics companies and a leader in Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR), Early-Warning Command & Control, Home-Land Security, Self-Protection and Self-Defense, and Fire-Control applications on board both manned and unmanned aircraft.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 12:50



February 9, 2012 defpro.com


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) establishes IAI UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) Academy - a unique solution for training and certification of UAS operators and technicians. The UAS Academy is based on IAI's vast knowledge and experience of four decades in designing, manufacturing and operating UAS, as well as training UAS technicians and operators.


In addition to providing a variety of training services to IAI customers within IAI premises and in other planned locations, the UAS academy redefines the training concept. It provides solutions to the growing need for trained and skilled UAS operation, maintenance and mission crews in various military, para-military and civilian facilities.


The academy places special emphasis on the operational mission training experience and offers a generic and "cross platform" training services in new facilities. Basic and advanced courses are provided as well as recurrent training courses and workshops, special payloads operation courses, seminars for mission commanders and instructors, and qualification maintenance programs. UAS academy addresses all UAS personnel - Internal Pilots, External Pilots, payload operators of all types, technicians, mission-commanders and instructors.


The curriculum includes the wide spectrum of courses required for training and qualification of UAS operators and technicians: Practical flight training, simulations with Semi-Simulators and high fidelity UAS Mission Trainer (UMT) as well as theoretical training.


In addition to reducing costs of operating UAS, training with the academy facilitates the availability of aerial platforms and airspace. Sharing the wide knowledge of working with various customers around the world adds to the training high value.


The academy's training is applicable to a wide range of customers with different experience, knowledge and background - from customers who are establishing basic UAS abilities - to well experienced customers interested in optimizing their training abilities as well as those who intend to shift to the qualification and endorsement model, customary in flight schools worldwide.


Tommy Silberring, general manager of IAI's Malat division said: "I congratulate IAI's Academy for setting the new standard of training in the UAS field, and for providing the best and most extensive training solution for IAI's UAS operators as well as other UAS users. In today's world where the need for UAS has become essential for every county, training by IAI's team of experts will enhance the safety and operational capabilities of UAS operation and mission crews around the world and will become a key element of their success".

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 12:30



09.02.2012 - par Gerard Fredj - israel-infos.net


L'armée israélienne organise à partir de jeudi un large exercice centré sur l'artillerie, qui durera deux jours.


Il s'agit de tester l'efficacité de la 162e division d'infanterie et de son commandement à détecter des cibles ennemies et à la détruire.


Cette division est une des unités numériquement les plus importantes de l'armée, qui comprend de nombreux réservistes mais également des brigades telles que Kfir ou la 401e blindée.


Derrière le prétexte de ces manœuvres, il s'agit pour le commandement de vérifier l'efficacité des unités d'artillerie sur des champs de batilles modernes; durant la seconde guerre du Liban, l'artillerie israélienne avait tiré plus de 170 000 obus, sans parvenir à faire cesser les tirs de roquettes du Hezbollah sur le nord du pays.


Un commandant de l'une de ces unités explique que l'artillerie "est utilisée avec deux objectifs : fournir un soutien aux unités qui opèrent en territoire ennemi et faire taire le feu ennemi, ce que nous n'avons pas su faire en 2006".


L'exercice permettra également de tester le commandement de ces unités, notamment en matière de manœuvres et de détection de cibles.


Il s'agit également de leur permettre de mieux apprécier les conditions dans lesquelles s'utiliser l'artillerie plutôt que d'autres types d'unités.


Une occasion également de tester de nouveaux matériels ultra modernes, et des équipements qui permettront aux unités e continuer à opérer même en cas d'attaque chimique ou biologique.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 08:55

Hermes 900 UAS photo Elbit Systems


09.02.2012 par David Koskas - israel-infos.net


Le constructeur et intégrateur de matériel de défense électronique israélien Elbit Systems a présenté une de ses dernières innovations au salon aéronautique de Singapour.


La principale nouveauté est constituée par une technologie capable de détecter et d'identifier les matériaux à distance, et qui devrait donc porter un sérieux coup aux techniques de camouflage.


C'est Elop, la filiale d'Elbit spécialisée dans l'électro-optique, qui a développé ce système d'imagerie qui, en utilisant différentes longueurs d'ondes, peut assigner une signature spectrale unique à chaque matériau observé.


"Le capteur est idéal pour détecter différents matériaux"', a expliqué le directeur général d'Elop, Adi Dar. Et donc idéal pour sortir d'un champ d'application strictement militaire: des utilisations commerciales et scientifiques sont envisagées, comme l'évaluation des niveaux de pollution ou de la qualité de l'eau.


Elbit a annoncé qu'il avait conçu son nouveau système pour qu'il équipe les drones Hermes 450 et Hermes 900, dont se sert Tsahal.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 08:35

Israeli air force F-16I source Flight Global

source Flifght Global


09.02.2012 - par Gerard Fredj - israel-infos.net


Les responsables chypriotes et israéliens étudient l'éventualité d'autoriser le stationnement d'avions de chasse israélienne.


Le dossier devrait être finalisé durant la visite de Benjamin Netanyahou, vers la fin du mois de février.


Ce déplacement, selon un diplomate israélien en poste à Chypre, devrait permettre "de renforcer les relations et la coopération déjà excellentes" entre les deux pays.


Selon un site internet chypriote, Cypriot OnlyCy.com, Israël aurait fait en septembre dernier une demande officielle pour disposer d'une base aérienne.


D'après des officiels israéliens, cette demande n'en est qu'à "une phase exploratoire, il n'est pas sur qu'elle aboutisse", ajoutant qu'une base "offshore" était aussi une option. Leton reste cependant à la prudence sur le dossier.


En janvier, Israël et Chypre ont signé deux accords de défense, qui ouvrent, selon le ministre chypriote de la défense, Demetris Eliades, "la voie au développement de relations étroites en matière de défense entre les deux pays".

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 08:30



MOSCOU, 9 février - RIA Novosti


La Russie entend faire tout le nécessaire pour empêcher une ingérence militaire étrangère en Syrie, a déclaré jeudi le vice-ministre russe de la Défense, Anatoli Antonov, dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision Vesti 24.


"Quant à la Syrie, nous voyons à quel point les discussions sont âpres à New York et nous cherchons seulement à épauler nos collègues du ministère des Affaires étrangères, engagé dans la résolution de ces problèmes. Il est évident que nous jugeons nécessaire de ne pas admettre d'ingérence militaire dans la situation en Syrie", a dit le général.


Depuis dix mois, le régime syrien fait face à une contestation populaire sans précédent. Selon les Nations unies, la confrontation entre forces gouvernementales et protestataires a déjà fait plus de 5.000 morts. Damas dément ce chiffre et affirme que le pays est en proie à des bandes armées financées depuis l'étranger qui ont tué plus de 2.000 militaires et policiers.


Craignant que le scénario libyen ne soit réédité en Syrie, la Russie et la Chine, pays détenteurs du droit de véto au Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu, ont bloqué le 4 février et pour la deuxième fois l'adoption d'une résolution sur la Syrie.

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 08:20


BAE Systems M113A2 APC


09 Feb 2012 | Ref. 23/2012 BAE Systems


ANNISTON, Alabama – BAE Systems in partnership with the Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) are refurbishing 440 M113A2 armored personnel carriers for Iraq through a foreign military sales contract worth more than $31 million.


“The M113 refurbishment will give the Iraqi Army a capability which is relevant to a variety of threat environments,” said Joe McCarthy, vice president and general manager of Combat Vehicles at BAE Systems. “We have been exporting and doing upgrade work on M113s for decades. This new work builds upon our great partnership with Anniston Army Depot.”


The refurbishment of the M113 vehicles includes replacing old and damaged equipment with updated components and restoring the vehicles to fully mission capable condition. Work on the M113 refurbishment will be completed by April 2012 and is being performed at the company’s Anniston, Alabama facility by the existing workforce.  ANAD is assisting with part of the refurbishment work.


“BAE Systems and Anniston Army Depot have the longest standing Public Private Partnership in the Army,” said U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), “I'm proud of the work that both do and in this tough economy, it’s great to see the leaders of industry and the Army continue to partner and keep our military strong while providing the resources necessary for both the warfighters and our allies to help defend our freedoms.”


According to the ANAD Business Management Office, “the M113 family of vehicle partnering program provides a great example of how to maintain and strengthen the defense industrial base.  It utilizes the strengths of both the organic and industrial base to provide the best product for both the war fighters and our allies. We look forward to continuing to work on future efforts.”


Under a separate effort, BAE Systems will provide materials to ANAD to refurbish 586 M113A2s also bound for Iraq.  In addition, BAE Systems is also providing field service support and equipment trainers to help with fielding the equipment to the Iraqi Army.


The M113 is part of the largest family of armored tracked vehicles in the world and includes more than 80,000 vehicles worldwide with 40 variants.  It can transport 12 troops plus a driver and is capable of amphibious operation, extended cross-country travel over rough terrain and high-speed operation on improved roads and highways.


This award builds upon earlier work BAE Systems has completed in support of foreign military sales to Iraq.  Under separate contracts, BAE Systems has delivered 618 Iraqi Light Armored Vehicles and eight M88A2 Heavy Recovery Vehicles to the U.S. Government in support of Iraq’s Armed Forces.  BAE Systems is also providing training and field service representatives to support Iraq’s fielding of the M88A2s.  Total orders for Iraq security assistance contracts and work directives in 2011 totalled more than $60 million. 

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10 février 2012 5 10 /02 /février /2012 08:00



09/02/2012 Figaro.fr (AFP)


Le ministre israélien de la Défense Ehud Barak a exprimé aujourd'hui ses inquiétudes sur le possible transfert d'armes "sophistiquées" de la Syrie au Hezbollah et au Liban en cas de chute du régime de Bachar el-Assad.


"Il faut être très attentif qu'en cas de chute du régime il n'y ait pas de transfert d'armes sophistiquées syriennes au Hezbollah et au Liban", a-t-il affirmé à la radio militaire.


"Nous suivons cette affaire en permanence avec la plus grande attention", a ajouté le ministre de la Défense sans donner d'autres détails. Il a, par ailleurs, réaffirmé que "le sort du régime de Bachar el-Assad est scellé, sa situation ne fait qu'empirer de semaine en semaine".


"Stocks d'armes chimiques et biologiques"


Le 17 janvier, le prochain chef de l'aviation israélienne le général Amir Eshel, s'était également déclaré inquiet de ce qui pourrait advenir des "énormes stocks d'armes chimiques et biologiques" de la Syrie en cas de chute du régime actuel à Damas. Israël et les Etats-Unis soupçonnent Damas de s'être doté d'un arsenal d'armes chimiques et biologiques, ainsi que de missiles capables d'atteindre n'importe quel point du territoire israélien.


La Syrie est le principal allié de l'Iran, ennemi juré d'Israël, au Moyen-Orient. Les Etats-Unis, la France et l'opposition syrienne ont accusé Téhéran de fournir des armes au régime de Bachar el-Assad. Plus de 6.000 personnes ont été tuées depuis le début de la révolte en Syrie à la mi-mars 2011, selon des militants.

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9 février 2012 4 09 /02 /février /2012 18:35

Dolphin submarine (Photo IDF Spokesperson)

photo IDF


February 9, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


After a year of haggling, Germany has agreed to pay 20 percent of the cost of a sixth Dolphin class submarine for Israel, which was ordered a year ago. The contracts for this sixth boat were recently signed.


Two more Dolphins are under construction, and will arrive in the next two years. The sixth one should arrive in 2015. The first three arrived in 1998-2000. The new Dolphins cost about $650 million each, with Germany picking up a third of the cost on two of them. The first two Dolphins were paid for by Germany, as was most of the cost of the third one. This is more of German reparations for World War II atrocities against Jews.


The three older boats have since been upgraded to include larger fuel capacity, converting more torpedo tubes to the larger 650mm size, and installing new electronics. The fuel and torpedo tube mods appear to have something to do with stationing the subs off the coast of Iran. Larger torpedo tubes allow the subs to carry longer range missiles.


The larger fuel capacity makes it easier to move Dolphins from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. Although Israel has a naval base on the Red Sea, Egypt, until recently, had not allowed Israeli subs to use the Suez Canal. So the Dolphins were modified to go around Africa, if they had to. Currently the Dolphins can stay at sea for about 40 days (moving at about 14 kilometers an hour, on the surface, for up to 8,000 kilometers). Larger fuel capacity extends range to over 10,000 kilometers, and endurance to about 50 days.


The three Dolphins under construction have a fuel cell based (AIP, or Air Independent Propulsion) system which enable them to stay under water for over a week at a time. The Dolphins are also very quiet, and very difficult to hunt down and destroy. The first three Dolphins didn't have the AIP system.


Israel equipped its new Dolphin class submarines with nuclear cruise missiles in 2002. Israel also fitted their 135 kilometer range Harpoon missiles with nuclear warheads. These missiles are fired from the sub's torpedo tubes. The 1,625 ton Dolphins can carry 16 torpedoes or missiles and have ten forward torpedo tubes (four of them the larger 650mm -26 inch- size). The Dolphins are considered the most modern non-nuclear subs in the world. The first three cost $320 million each. All have a crew of 35 and can dive to a depth of more than 200 meters (660 feet). The Dolphin design is based on the German 209 class subs, but has been so heavily modified that it is considered a different class.


The Israelis have developed a cruise missile, which is has a range of 1,500 kilometers and carries a 200 kiloton nuclear warhead. The objective of deploying nukes on subs is to further enhance deterrence to any nation launching a nuclear strike against Israel. If one of the Dolphins is always at sea, even a first strike against Israel would not prevent a nuclear strike by submarine launched nukes.

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9 février 2012 4 09 /02 /février /2012 13:50


MicroFalcon – photo INNOCON


Feb 09, 2012 by Arie Egozi – Flight Global


Tel Aviv - Innocon's MicroFalcon mini unmanned air system (UAS) has completed flight tests under extreme weather conditions, having been operated successfully in a snow storm at -15°C and with a wind velocity of 35kt (65km/h). The demonstration was performed in an undisclosed Asian country as part of a contract.


"The MicroFalcon has demonstrated its long-endurance, wide-area surveillance capability to detect targets in all operational environments, in any type of weather, day and night," said Michael Armon, Innocon chief executive.


The Israeli company's lightest UAS, the MicroFalcon has boxed-type wings and carries a belly-mounted sensor payload, which Innocon said supports its high survivability and fast redeployment time.


Around-the-clock coverage of a target area can be sustained using Innocon's multi-UAS control capability, which allows an operator to monitor two air vehicles using a single ground control station

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