20 mars 2014
King Air 350ER. (Hawker Beechcraft)
19 mars Aerobuzz.fr
L’achat de Beech Holdings, maison-mère de Beechcraft Corporation, par Textron Inc. est bouclé. Les marques Cessna et Beechcraft sont désormais réunies sous la même entité baptisée Textron Aviation qui pèse 4,6 Md$ (chiffre d’affaires cumulé 2013). Si une synergie sera mise en place au niveau notamment des supports clients, les marques Cessna, Beechcraft et Hawker resteront distinctes. Le catalogue de Textron Aviation est impressionnant. Il réunit en effet les deux familles de biréacteurs d’affaires Citation et Hawker, la gamme des biturbopropulseurs King Air et les monoburbopropulseurs Caravan, ainsi que les avions à pistons Cessna et Beechcraft (mono et bimoteurs). Sans oublier les avions d’entrainement militaire Beechcraft T-6 et AT-6.
17 mars 2014
T-6C Texan II. (Beechcraft)
Mar 14, 2014 ASDNews Source : Textron Inc
Integrates Cessna, Beechcraft and Hawker Aircraft Brands Into New ''Textron Aviation'' Business Segment
Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) today announced it has closed its acquisition of Beech Holdings, LLC, the parent of Beechcraft Corporation, and that it will bring together its Cessna business and Beechcraft to form a new segment called Textron Aviation. Cessna and Beechcraft together produced about $4.6 billion in revenues during 2013.
The acquisition brings together three iconic brands, each pioneering many of general aviation’s most notable advances in the past century. Cessna, Beechcraft and Hawker bring 200-plus years of combined aviation experience to the market and an installed customer base of more than 250,000 airplanes worldwide. Going forward, Textron Aviation intends to share and leverage best practices across all operations to further its position as an aviation authority. Scott Ernest, who has served as Cessna’s President and CEO since 2011, will lead the Textron Aviation segment as CEO.
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