14 octobre 2015
The XM-25 carries a magazine of five 25mm grenade rounds and a fire-control system that lets the soldier instantly program how far the grenade will travel before it explodes. (Photo: Heckler & Koch)
October 12, 2015 By Kyle Jahner – Defense News
The maker of a new grenade launcher that can fire rounds that explode when they pass walls or barriers is "finalizing development" of a weapon it believes will give soldiers a serious edge.
XM25 carries a magazine of five 25mm grenade rounds and a fire-control system that lets the soldier instantly program how far the grenade will travel before it explodes. That means a soldier can engage an enemy hiding behind a target — only he doesn't need to hit something to ruin the enemy's hiding place and his day. According to XM25 maker Orbital ATK spokesman Jarrod Krull, in spring the Army will conduct qualification testing and contract validation. If the weapon fulfills the Army's requirements, the Army could see fielding in early 2017, Krull said — assuming budget decisions also line up in the weapon system's favor. "It provides combat overmatch; the ability to engage the target in defilade (shielded)," Krull said.
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14 octobre 2015
photo 92e RI - Armée de Terre
12 octobre 2015 Par Christophe Forcari – Liberation.fr
Deux députés ont vu rouge après l'appel d'offres réservé à des entreprises européennes visant à remplacer le fusil d'assaut français. Sauf que plus aucun industriel hexagonal n'est capable de produire les fameux fusils.
Le prochain fusil d’assaut de l’armée française ne sera pas de fabrication hexagonale. Le «clairon», surnom donné à l’arme de dotation du fantassin, ne sonnera plus la charge. Et le coup de gueule lancé par les deux députés français, Philippe Meunier (Les Républicains-Rhône) et le communiste Jean-Jacques Candelier (Nord) dans une lettre adressée au ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, n’y changera rien. «Nous comptons sur votre sens de l’Etat pour revenir sur votre décision d’acheter un fusil d’assaut étranger afin de consolider notre filière nationale de l’armement terrestre du "petit ou gros calibre"», lui écrivent les deux élus. Encore faudrait-il que la filière existe encore.
Suite de l’article
31 mars 2015
G36K A2 mit EoTech Visier, dem LLM01, Sturmgriff und SMPG (Quelle Heer-Kommando Spezialkräfte FMZ)
31 Mar 2015 thelocal.de
Weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch denied on Monday evening that the G36 rifles it supplied to the Bundeswehr (German army) lose their accuracy when they are too hot.
"Unfortunately we first learned of the Bundeswehr's statements about the G36 rifle through press questions," the company said in a statement. They maintain that the G36 is a "globally recognized, technologically leading assault rifle" and that "the results currently being published contradict totally the comprehensive and laborious testing that Heckler and Koch conducted itself in light of the rumours". "Heckler & Koch does not recognize the negative results supplied by the Bundeswehr on the G36 rifle".
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