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4 mars 2015 3 04 /03 /mars /2015 13:35
A scaled mock-up of Hyundai Heavy Industry KSS-500A submarine.

A scaled mock-up of Hyundai Heavy Industry KSS-500A submarine.


04.03.2015 by Maki Catama - aseanmildef.com


BANGKOK, -- Having previously Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) origin South Korea filed a class submarine Type-209 to consider the Thai Navy, on this occasion the South Korean company that others are HHI also offers submarine to the Royal Thai Navy.


It should be noted that the Type-209 submarines / Mod proposed by DSME is proposed also to the Thai Navy by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) from Germany. Thailand hopes that the submarine offered no physical form and is used by the Navy. From this side of the Type-209 / Mod-made DSME actually quite satisfy, but it is impossible to compete with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems with hull Type-209 submarines are the same although the respective copyright.


On the other hand HHI has proposed submarine HDS- 500 to the Thai navy has been no information regarding its use by the South Korean Navy, also does not appear on the site information HHI. The new submarine is being developed and was offered as an alternative to the Navy other countries, but have yet to find customers, as well as artificial Amur Russia.


Since 2011 the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) , which is regulated by the Defense Advanced Research belongs to the South Korean government has launched a program KSS-500A submarine, a small submarine that can replace class submarines Dolgorae small classes in South Korea last year also reported that the HHI developed a small submarine. Maybe submarine HDS-500RTN developed from KSS-500A, if this is true then it is a great option for the smallest submarine fleet RTN today.


This boat may have a weight of 510 tons with roaming capabilities are  continuous as far as  2,000 nautical miles for 21 days, the maximum speed of 20 knots and a maximum depth of 250 meters, this ship has a crew of about 10 people.

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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
Gumdoksuri Class, the Yoon Young-ha (PKG 711)

Gumdoksuri Class, the Yoon Young-ha (PKG 711)

03.09.2013 Portail des Sous-Marins


La marine nationale sud-coréenne a pris livraison de son 10e destroyer doté de missiles guidés et construit dans un chantier naval coréen, qui se joindra aux missions de patrouille pour protéger les zones côtières du pays, a fait savoir ce mardi l’Administration du programme d’acquisition de défense (DAPA).


Référence : Yonhap News (Corée du Sud)

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