HMS Illustrious is due to retire from service with the Royal Navy in 2014 and it is the Disposal Services Authority’s (DSA) intention to host an Industry Day in January 2014 to establish the level of interest in purchasing the vessel for ‘further use’ only, ensuring bidders are aware of the following:
the vessel must be retained intact in the UK
all or part of the vessel must be developed for heritage purposes
All interested parties wishing to attend the viewing day will need to complete an industry day application form.
The closing date for returning the industry day application form to the DSA is Tuesday 10 December 4:00pm GMT.
MOD is looking for ideas on how best to preserve the legacy of the Royal Navy's Invincible Class aircraft carriers.
The last of the ships, HMS Illustrious, is due to retire in late 2014 after 32 years of distinguished service that has seen her involved in operations around the world.
Following the announcement last year that the 22,000-tonne ship will be preserved in some form, MOD is now inviting private companies, charities and trusts who are interested in buying her to come forward with ideas for her future use.
HMS Illustrious is currently the UK’s high readiness helicopter and commando carrier, able to deploy Merlin, Chinook, Sea King, Lynx or Apache helicopters. She is currently in the Mediterranean as part of the Royal Navy’s Cougar 13 deployment of the UK’s Response Force Task Group.
The ship, which is 210 metres long, the equivalent of 18 double-decker buses, was involved in the First Gulf War and the conflict in Afghanistan in 2001, and supported evacuations from Sierra Leone in 2000 and Lebanon in 2006.
MOD wants HMS Illustrious to remain in the UK and bids for her future use must be viable and include plans for part or all of the ship to be developed for heritage purposes.
HMS Illustrious, like her 2 sister ships Invincible and Ark Royal, has provided an invaluable service to this country over more than 3 decades. This competition will provide the opportunity for organisations to put forward innovative and viable proposals to honour the role and history of this iconic class of ship and all those who served on board them.
Once proposals are received, an industry day will be held next year to discuss the ideas further. It is expected a final decision will be made after the ship is decommissioned and handed over to the Disposal Services Authority.
The UK’s new Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers, which will replace the Invincible Class ships, are currently under construction. HMS Queen Elizabeth, which is almost complete, will begin sea trials in 2017 before undertaking flight trials with the F-35 Lightning II aircraft in 2018.
HMS Illustrious met up with the FS Somme today, a tanker from the French Navy, to conduct a Replenishment At Sea (RAS). This is where two ships sail at extremely close quarters, pass lines between the two of them, and then pump fuel across. Even though Lusty only sailed a few days ago, it is always prudent to take the opportunity to top up the tanks when possible. This was also a useful training evolution for both ships companies, and once again demonstrated interoperability between the Royal Navy and the French Navy.
HMS Illustrious is currently deployed on Cougar 13. Cougar is the annual deployment of the UK Armed Forces Maritime Response Force Task Group to the Mediterranean and East of Suez. The deployment serves to protect the free, safe and lawful use of the sea and to promote UK interests by developing international partnerships. Cougar allows the UK’s maritime assets to exercise with multinational forces in the Gulf region, enhancing our interoperability.
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