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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 16:50
A109 en vol au-dessus du paysage portugais Photo Ritchie Sedeyn

A109 en vol au-dessus du paysage portugais Photo Ritchie Sedeyn


29.07.2014 Karen Bral – Mil.be


L’exercice international d’hélicoptères Hot Blade était organisé dans la ville portugaise d’Ovar du 16 au 30 juillet. Pour le pilote et capitaine Vincent Valkenberg, il s’agissait de bien plus que cela.


« Le climat portugais nous permet de nous entraîner dans un environnement chaud, poussiéreux et à haute altitude », explique le capitaine Vincent « Valky » Valkenberg. « Ce n’est pas évident de se poser dans une telle situation. Dans ces régions sablonneuses, il y a énormément de poussières et nous devons pratiquement atterrir à l’aveuglette. Ce n’est pas quelque chose que nous pouvons faire en Belgique. »


Le fait que les armées européennes s’entraînent de manière régulière et conjointe est connu, mais au niveau opérationnel, la collaboration est également une réalité. « Au Mali, nous avons travaillé avec les Français dans le cadre de l’opération Serval », explique Vincent. « Le climat était chaud et les lieux désertiques. Un exercice comme Hot Blade a donc du sens. »


Durant la manœuvre, les pilotes A109 ont principalement escorté des hélicoptères de transport. « Nous surveillons l’espace aérien pendant que nos collègues acheminent les troupes au sol », précise le pilote. « S’ils tombent sous le feu, nous sommes prêts à intervenir. C’est pourquoi, nous décollons toujours avec un tireur à bord. De plus, nous pouvons également protéger les troupes au sol en territoire ennemi. »


« Des exercices comme Hot Blade sont précieux pour nous », conclut Valky. « Il n’y a pas de meilleure préparation que de s’entraîner dans des conditions difficiles avec des scénarios complexes mais réalistes. »

Vidéo : Wim Cochet

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20 juin 2014 5 20 /06 /juin /2014 07:50
EDA Newsletter: June 2014


19.06.2014 Latest news - by European Defence Agency


EATT14: European Air Transport Training 2014 BeginsEATT14: European Air Transport Training 2014 Begins

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One Month to go Until Hot Blade 2014One Month to go Until Hot Blade 2014

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Update on the State of Cyber Security and Cyber Defence in the EUUpdate on the State of Cyber Security and Cyber Defence in the EU

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Coming Soon: Military Airworthiness Conference 2014Coming Soon: Military Airworthiness Conference 2014

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5 février 2014 3 05 /02 /février /2014 18:50
EDA Multinational Exercises in 2014


Brussels - 04 February, 2014 European Defence Agency


Multinational training exercises increase interoperability among participating Member States; they are an efficient way to prepare armed forces for CSDP operations. This year, the European Defence Agency is organising in close cooperation with the respective host nations, contributing Member States and Air Transport Organisations four training exercises in the areas of Air-to-Air Refuelling, transport aircraft and helicopters.


First European Air Refuelling Training

While the fighter community has trained to operate together for years, the same cannot be said for Air-to-Air Refuelling. From 31 March to 11 April 2014, EDA together with the European Air Transport Command and the Netherlands are organising the first multinational Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) training opportunity in support of the Dutch Frisian Flag exercise. To this date, the Netherlands (KDC-10), Germany (A310) and Italy (KC-767) have confirmed to send their tankers to the flying event which will be an excellent opportunity to train dedicated AAR scenarios embedded in a highly recognised fighter exercise. The Air-to-Air Refuelling  planning cell will be split between Eindhoven and Leeuwarden air base to foster overall air refuelling planning and tanker operations.


Third European Air Transport Training

Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Norway will participate in the third edition of EDA’s European Air Transport Training flying event with ten transport aircraft of four different types; Greece will  support the training with fighters and AWACS. Taking place from 16 to 27 June 2014 at the International Airport in Plovdiv in Bulgaria, the training offers participants a unique opportunity to plan and execute missions within a multinational framework and achieve flexible training objectives. The crews will be trained in a variety of airlift disciplines. The aim is to increase interoperability, to consolidate existing qualifications or to regain them in a short period of time and with dedicated assets.


European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course

The new European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course (EAATTC) aims at achieving a higher level of interoperability between airlift crews from different nations; at increasing harmonisation of advanced tactical training that will lead to higher effectiveness and survivability in operations; at sharing knowledge and providing cost efficient airlift training in Europe. Based on an agreed syllabus Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway will participate in the first course with eight aircraft of five different types. The flying event will be hosted by Spain at Zaragoza airbase from 22 September to 03 October 2014. This permanent training event is developed in close cooperation with the European Air Transport Command and EDA Member States; it is similar in set-up to the advanced airlift tactics training course that has been offered in the US since 1987.


Hot Blade 2014

Between 16 and 30 July, the Ovar Air Base in northern Portugal will host the third sequel of the successful series of Hot Blade exercises, powered by the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP). Currently, some 30 helicopters, four fast jets, three transport aircraft and one Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance platform have been committed by Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom. Additional to Portuguese ground forces, 450 ground troops from the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom are scheduled to participate as well allowing for a more integrated mission planning and execution. So far, roughly 50% of participant to one of the previous helicopter exercises organised in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Belgium have later been deployed to operations. 


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5 février 2014 3 05 /02 /février /2014 17:50
Exercise “Hot Blade 14” in Extensive Preparation


Ovar, Portugal - 24 January, 2014 European Defence Agency


During the second half of July 2014, the Ovar Air Base in northern Portugal will host the third sequel of the successful series of Hot Blade exercises, powered by the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP).


The Main Planning Conference (15-17 January in Ovar) proved an increased interest in participation in Hot Blade 14 by the HEP member states.  A total of 30 helicopters, four fast jets, three transport aircraft and one Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance platform have been committed by Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom. Moreover, beside the participation of Portuguese ground forces, which have supported the  last two Hot Blade exercises, Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom are intending to send more than 450 troops to be part of the joint missions. Due to such a high number of ground troops participating, an integrated mission planning process will be introduced for the first time to enable seamless coordination and integration of the ground forces into the individual scenarios for the benefit of common exercise success.

As in the last year, the crews will be supervised and supported by the experienced mentors – instructors/graduates from the European Helicopter Tactics Instructor Course, which will be executed in March and May this year for the second time. In total the several hundred sorties and almost 1000 flying hours planned, promise a continuation of the unique multinational helicopter training opportunity provided by the Helicopter Exercise Programme.


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