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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 08:30
Chinese S-300 (HongQi 9 [HQ-9]) launcher during China's 60th anniversary parade, 2009. photo Jian Kang

Chinese S-300 (HongQi 9 [HQ-9]) launcher during China's 60th anniversary parade, 2009. photo Jian Kang


19.03.2015 sputniknews.com


La Chine a vendu à la Turquie des systèmes de défense antimissile qui aideront cette dernière à déployer son propre bouclier intercepteur.


La Chine a confirmé avoir vendu à la Turquie des systèmes de défense antimissile de sa conception, a annoncé jeudi le quotidien China Daily, citant la déclaration faite mardi 17 mars par un représentant de la China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) sur les ondes de la chaîne de télévision CCTV.


Le représentant de la CPMIEC a fait savoir notamment que la Turquie recevrait des systèmes sol-air FD-2000 — HQ-9 dans une version destinée à l'exportation. Il s'agit de la première livraison d'un système de défense antimissile chinois à un pays membre de l'Otan.


Selon la CCTV, le système chinois surpasse pour ses performances des armes similaires telles que le Patriot américain, le S-400 russe et le Samp-T franco-italien. D'après les analystes turcs, Ankara a choisi le système chinois en raison de son efficacité et de son prix.


Grâce au contrat avec la Chine, la Turquie pourra mettre en place sa propre capacité de défense antimissile balistique.

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15 novembre 2013 5 15 /11 /novembre /2013 08:30
Chinese S-300 (HongQi 9 [HQ-9]) launcher during China's 60th anniversary parade, 2009. photo Jian Kang

Chinese S-300 (HongQi 9 [HQ-9]) launcher during China's 60th anniversary parade, 2009. photo Jian Kang


November 15th, 2013 defencetalk.com (AFP)


Turkey is hoping to finalise negotiations to acquire its first long-range anti-missile system from China in six months’ time, the head of the country’s procurement agency said Thursday.


“The immediate goal for us is in about six months to come to a reasonable level in our contract negotiations and to understand whether it’s possible to implement this program,” Murad Bayar, head of undersecretariat for defense industries, told reporters in Istanbul.


In September, Turkish decision-makers gave the greenlight to begin contract negotiations with the China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation (CPMIEC), which is under US sanctions for selling arms and missile technology to Iran and Syria.


CPMIEC, which makes the HQ-9 missile system, beat competition from a US partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, Russia’s Rosoboronexport, and Italian-French consortium Eurosam for the deal, estimated at $4 billion (2.9 billion euros).


Bayar said if negotiations with the Chinese company that made the top of the Turkish list failed, the authorities would then evaluate the other bidders.


“If there are difficulties that we may have not foreseen, if this is not possible then we will go down” the list, he said.


The decision to go with CPMIEC irritated Turkey’s NATO allies, particularly the United States, which voiced “serious concerns” and sent delegations for expert-level discussions with Turkish authorities.


NATO has said the missile systems within the transatlantic military alliance must be compatible with each other.


Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, has defended its decision to enter into talks with the Chinese company, but said it is open to new bids should the negotiations collapse.

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1 octobre 2013 2 01 /10 /octobre /2013 07:30
US Concerned by Turkey’s Choice of Chinese Missile

Sept. 30, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Reuters; published Sept. 28, 2013)


U.S. Concerned About Turkey's Choice of Chinese Missile System (excerpt)

The United States said on Saturday it had expressed serious concerns to Turkey over its decision to co-produce a long-range air and missile defense system with a Chinese firm under U.S. sanctions.

Turkey, a member of the NATO military alliance, announced this week that it had chosen the FD-2000 missile defense system from China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp, or CPMIEC, over rival systems from Russian, U.S. and European firms.

CPMIEC is under U.S. sanctions for violations of the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act.

"We have conveyed our serious concerns about the Turkish government's contract discussions with a U.S.-sanctioned company for a missile defense system that will not be inter-operable with NATO systems or collective defense capabilities," a State Department spokeswoman said.

"Our discussions on this issue will continue." (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Reuters website.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Sources in Turkey say that the reasons for choosing the Chinese missile over its competitors include its reportedly 25% lower acquisition cost and much lower running costs; the possibility of incorporating Turkish systems and subsystems; and the fear that US-supplied missiles might be incapacitated if used against Israeli missiles.)

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