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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
Indian Navy plans integrated coast battery at Sagar Islands



Dec 03, 2013 brahmand.com


KOLKATA (PTI): In a strategic move in its defence and strengthen surveillance capabilities, the Indian Navy is in planning for a full-fledged coast battery at the Sagar Islands on West Bengal's coast.


"There used to be a coast battery at Diamond Harbour, but was shut down after Haldia port expanded. Since then, the strategic coast line all along the Sunderbans and adjoining areas is lying vacant," said Naval Officer-in-Charge, West Bengal, Commodore Ravi Ahluwalia said.


"We urgently need a coast battery in the area, especially at Sagar Island, given the rapid rise of naval acquisitions of Bangladesh and movement of foreign ships including fishing trawlers from neighbouring countries," Ahluwalia said.


Land-based Naval Coast Batteries primarily perform a defensive role against attacking warships and hostile incoming aircraft. The Navy is looking toward acquiring anti-ship cruise missiles, requiring the missile to minimally, perform a pop-up terminal phase manoeuvre.


"Land has already been identified at the Sagar Islands and the process of acquisition is underway. Once that is done, we will be building all infrastructure to host P-series missiles or missiles mounted on Mobile Autonomous Launchers (trucks). We are eager to have land-to-ship missiles and surface-to-air missiles from this coast battery," said Ahluwalia.


"Post 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, communication has been a major challenge for both the Navy as well as the Coast Guard. The Sagar Island coast battery would also have its own radar system as well as examination anchorage for physical verification of ships and mid-size boats to ensure maritime security and be prepared for hostile situations," he added.


The Navy is also eager to partly fund the Sagar Island deep water port along with the KoPT for securing confirmed berthing facilities to meet any eventuality and feed the requirements for its planned Sagar Island coast battery.


Expressing hope that the proposed Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project which would connect Kolkata port with Sittwe port in Myanmar by sea and then link Sittwe to Mizoram via river and road transport for faster and cheaper cargo movement to the northeastern states to be completed by 2016, the NOIC said. The coast battery system would be crucial component for surveillance mechanism for the project, he said.


"Our coast battery system would also be a major base for the proposed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which is in the pipeline to take off from its planned primary base from Behala in Kolkata. With increased shipping and fishing activities and with the extremely difficult terrain of the Sunderbans Delta region, we need to have a very firm aerial surveillance mechanism in place with UAVs, which would also have its operational area over the seas.


"The naval headquarters and the AAI are presently finalising on the land availability aspect and once that is in place, we would be setting up our infrastructure very soon," Ahluwalia said.


Stating that BSF's border outposts along the riverine Indo-Bangla border stretch was not adequate and the marine police stations in between Budge to Sagar Islands needs to be immediately augmented, the NOIC said the Navy needs to play an increased role in maritime security specially in the Sunderban Delta region.


Ahluwalia added that the Navy would soon hold a recruitment drive especially at Sagar Islands as part of its move to set up a naval services selection board at Diamond Harbour, which is slated to come up by next year aiming to increase recruitment from the east and northeastern states.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 20:35
L’épage du sous-marin indien INS Sindhurakshak

L’épage du sous-marin indien INS Sindhurakshak



3 décembre 2013, portail des Sous-Marins


La marine indienne espère voir à nouveau le sous-marin Sindhurakshak opérationnel à nouveau, a déclaré mardi son chef, l’amiral D.K. Joshi.


Le chef de la marine indienne a indiqué que 5 compagnies avaient soumis des propositions pour renflouer l’INS Sindhurakshak. Sur ces 5, 2 ont été retenues et invitées à présenter une offre commerciale. « Le processus d’appel d’offres devrait se terminer d’un jour à l’autre, » a-t-il indiqué. « Nous espérons le remettre en état après qu’il ait été renfloué, » a-t-il ajouté.


Le chef de la marine a expliqué qu’un comité sera formé « au moment où le sous-marin sera renfloué » pour vérifier son état. « Le comité sera constitué d’architectes navals et d’ingénieurs maritimes. Une expertise de la coque sera effectuée. Selon leurs conclusions, une décision sera prise sur l’avenir du sous-marin, » a-t-il déclaré.


Référence : Daily News & Analysis (Inde)

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 13:35
MBDA ne signera pas le mégacontrat SRSAM en Inde en 2013

Le mégacontrat SRSAM (Short Range Surface to Air Missile), un missile sol-air de nouvelle génération, est actuellement dans les mains du Bercy indien


03/12/2013 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Selon des sources concordantes, MBDA ne signera pas en 2013 le mégacontrat SRSAM (Short Range Surface to Air Missile), un missile sol-air de nouvelle génération, co-développé et coproduit en Inde avec Bharat Dynamics Limited. Un contrat estimé à 1,8 milliard d'euros pour MBDA


Encore raté. MBDA ne signera pas en 2013 le mégacontrat SRSAM (Short Range Surface to Air Missile), un missile sol-air de nouvelle génération, co-développé et coproduit en Inde avec Bharat Dynamics Limited, selon des sources concordantes. Deux ans que les négociations sont pourtant terminées, depuis décembre 2011 exactement. 

Le contrat n'est pas encore notifié. Il doit être approuvé successivement par le ministère de la Défense, puis par celui des Finances et enfin par le CCS (Cabinet Committee on Security), présidé par le Premier Ministre. Le CCS réunit également les ministres indiens de la Défense, des Finances, de l'Intérieur et des Affaires étrangères. Il est actuellement dans les mains du Bercy indien.


Un contrat de 1,8 milliard d'euros pour MBDA

En février dernier, lors de la visite de François Hollande, New Delhi avait annoncé avoir "conclu des négociations sur le missile SRSAM". Un contrat de l'ordre de 6 milliards de dollars (4,5 milliards d'euros), dont 1,8 milliard reviendra à MBDA, qui attend depuis des années ce très beau contrat. En tant que sous-traitant de MBDA, Thales gonflera son carnet de commandes d'environ 400 millions d'euros. Selon nos informations, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, sera en Inde en janvier, quelques mois avant la tenue des élections législatives.

Le programme SRSAM s'appuie sur le travail effectué par le DRDO (Défense recherche et développement organisation) et sur un transfert de technologies de MBDA pour combler les lacunes de l'industrie indienne. A terme, il est prévu la production d'environ 2.000 missiles SRSAM  par Bharat Dynamics Limited. Ce système de défense anti-aérienne répondra aux besoins de l'armée de l'Air et de la Marine.

En Inde, le missilier a également bon espoir de vendre des missiles air-air Asraam en vue d'armer les vieux Jaguar de l'armée de l'air indienne et d'équiper les Rafale indiens.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
BARAK Naval Point Defense Missile System  photo Rafael

BARAK Naval Point Defense Missile System photo Rafael



TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 2 (UPI)


India, long one of the biggest markets for Israel's defense industry, is expected soon to finalize the purchase of the Barak anti-aircraft missile built by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and is reportedly considering the company's Spike ant-tank missile as well.


Meantime, India's state-run Defense Research and Development Organization is getting ready to collaborate with Israelis companies to produce man-portable high-tech battlefield systems for Indian troops, a market with a reported potential of $3 billion.


Israel Aerospace Industries, flagship of Israel's defense sector, won a $1.1 billion contract with the Indian navy in 2009 to provide the advanced Barak-8 tactical air-defense missile for its warships.


The Indian army is jointly funding a project to adapt the Barak-8 into a multi-purpose weapons system.


The sale of the actual missiles was put on hold by Indian authorities because of an investigation into alleged corruption involving Israel Aerospace Industries, the prime contractor and the flagship of Israel's defense industry, and the then Indian defense minister, George Fernandes.


He has been indicted following the probe by India's Central Bureau of Investigation, but the agency has not released any findings regarding state-owned IAI.


In March 2012, India blacklisted Israel Military Industries, then state-owned and now being privatized, barring it from bidding on Indian defense contracts for 10 years on suspicion of involvement in a 2009 corruption scandal.


India's leading arms purchasing authority, the Defense Acquisition Council, announced Nov. 11 that it had referred the Barak deal to an internal committee for evaluation.


However, the U.S. weekly Defense News reported that the CBA is likely to close the case against the Israeli company and proceed with the Barak purchase.


The Indian navy, which is being heavily expanded to counter China's growing naval power, has been pressing the Defense Ministry to clear the Barak missile purchase because it had three warships equipped with the Barak system that have no missiles.


The navy had requested the purchase of some 300 Baraks to arm the Brahmaputra-class guided missile frigates Ranvir, Brahmaputra, Betwa and Beas at a cost of around $100 million.


These warships are intended for anti-surface warfare in the Indian Ocean, a strategic shipping route that carries much of China's oil supplies from the Persian Gulf.


The supersonic Baraks, with a range of around 44 miles, are designed to shoot down aircraft and missiles.


New Delhi is also reported to be considering the acquisition of Rafael's Spike anti-tank guided missile, or the U.S. FGM-148 fire-and-forget Javelin built by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.


Defense News says both systems will be discussed by Indian's Defense Acquisition Council when it convenes next.


The weekly reported that purchasing the Spike was put on hold in April. But the Indian army, currently short of advanced anti-tank guided missiles, is now pressing hard to purchase a third-generation variant in a deal that would include 8,356 missiles and 321 launchers.


Other sources reported that plans to acquire 6,000 man-portable Javelins were put on hold because Washington was reluctant to agree to a transfer of technology so India could build up its indigenous defense industry and manufacture the missiles in large numbers.


The Pentagon finally agreed to a deal in September, probably spurred by the need to boost arms exports amid major cuts in domestic defense spending.


It's not clear what provisions regarding technology transfer IAI has made with New Delhi, but exports are as crucial for Israel's defense industry as they are for the Americans.


Israeli electronics companies are currently understood to be consulting with India's Defense and Research and Development Organization to manufacture a range of systems for battlefield management, command and control, sensors and weapons for New Delhi's Futuristic Infantry Soldier As A System program, known as F-INSAS.


The DRDO and the Israelis have agreed to jointly develop portable command-and-control, or C2, systems for the Indian army.


This will include an encrypted computer and monitor able to operate in the India's diverse weather conditions, ranging from the heat and humidity of the southern regions to the icy storms of the northern mountains bordering longtime rival Pakistan.


The C2 system is being designed to eventually link up 1.1 million Indian soldiers deployed across the vast Asian subcontinent.

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2 décembre 2013 1 02 /12 /décembre /2013 08:40
INS Vikramaditya : dimension géopolitique du « marché de la décennie »


30 novembre, Sergueï Tomine - La Voix de la Russie


L'histoire de la modernisation et du transfert à l'Inde du croiseur porte-avions Admiral Gorchkov transformé en porte-avions Vikramaditya n'était pas brève. En 2004, année de la signature du contrat sur Admiral Gorchkov, personne à Moscou et à New Delhi ne supputait que sa réalisation s'étalerait à près de dix ans et qu'outre des reports de sa date d'exécution, les relations entre les deux pays seraient pendant un certain temps assombries par l'absence du financement, le renchérissement du contrat et des travaux complémentaires non prévus.


Pour l'heure, tous ces problèmes sont dans le passé. La partie russe a démontré sa volonté d'aller à la rencontre du partenaire, et la partie indienne a eu assez de retenue et de tact pour ne pas exacerber les tensions. En fin de compte un bâtiment tout à fait nouveau, équipé des instruments de navigation les plus modernes et capable d'embarquer 30 aéronefs, plus particulièrement les avions MiG-29K et les hélicoptères Ka-27 et Ka-31 se dirige vers les côtes indiennes.


Tous ont gagné. Moscou a confirmé se réputation de partenaire clé de l'Inde dans le domaine de la coopération militaro-technique. Des pertes d'image qui paraissaient imminentes ont été évitées. Ceux qui disaient que Moscou aurait tenté de remettre à l'Inde un patouillard rouillé se sont tus. Tout comme ceux qui accusaient l'Inde de tricher dans le différend sur le prix et de vouloir obtenir presque gratuitement un porte-avions modernisé.


Le contrat Vikramaditya dépasse le cadre de sa simple livraison à la marine indienne. La Russie s'occupe également de la formation de l'équipage indien. En plus, elle créera une infrastructure du stationnement de Vikramaditya en océan Indien. Etant donné que le navire restera fonctionnel pendant 30 ans, on peut dire avec certitude que Vikramaditya est non seulement le présent, mais aussi le futur de la coopération russo-indienne dans le domaine militaro-technique.


L'Inde a actuellement de nombreuses tâches à affronter eu égard à la protection des voies commerciales maritimes, à la nécessité d'assurer l'accès aux ressources et à la défense des intérêts de la diaspora indienne en Asie. Dans ce contexte, l'accent de la construction militaire doit être porté sur la composante navale. En d'autres termes, l'objectif stratégique devient la transformation de l'Inde ayant reçu le porte-avions Vikramaditya en une grande puissance navale.


Le fait de s'être dotée d'un porte-avions de pointe place la marine indienne dans une catégorie de poids tout à fait différnete. Cela lui permettra de relever un défi ambitieux : contribuer à ce que l'Inde ait des avantages stratégiques dans la région asiatique. Telle est la dimension géopolitique du marché qui a permis de transformer Admiral Gorchkov en Vikramaditya.

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28 novembre 2013 4 28 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
US-2i amphibious aircraft acquisition process underway


November 26, 2013 Saurabh Joshi - stratpost.com


The India-Japan Joint Working Group (JWG) have held preliminary meetings to initiate the process for acquisition of the ShinMaywa US-2i amphibious aircraft for the Indian Navy.


The Indian Navy plan to acquire the Japanese ShinMaywa US-2i amphibious aircraft faces unique challenges in terms of the process being evolved to effect the purchase.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, during his visit to Japan last May, had issued a joint statement along with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe which mandated the setting up of a Joint Working Group (JWG) between the two countries to explore the potential for cooperation between the defense and aviation industries between the two countries, as well as to figure out the mechanism and modalities for the acquisition of the aircraft by the Indian Navy.

The statement said, among other things:

The two Prime Ministers welcomed the expanding defense relations between the two countries based on the Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation between India and Japan. The two Prime Ministers expressed satisfaction that the first bilateral exercise between the Indian Navy (IN)and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF)was held in June 2012 off the coast of Japan and decided to conduct such exercises on a regular basis with increased frequency. They decided to establish a Joint Working Group (JWG) to explore modality for the cooperation on the US-2 amphibian aircraft.

The two sides have held preliminary meetings of the JWG recently, since the meeting between the two prime ministers – said to be the result of the priority accorded to the process by Abe.

The navy is understood to be keen on acquiring at least 15 of the aircraft. The last amphibious aircraft operated by the navy were the light transport Short SA.6 Sealand aircraft, which were inducted in the 1950s and phased out a decade later. Since then, the Indian Navy has never operated any amphibious aircraft.

A Beriev Be-200 at the Singapore Airshow in 2012 | Photo: StratPost

A Beriev Be-200 at the Singapore Airshow in 2012 | Photo: StratPost

The Indian Coast Guard, briefly, considered the acquisition of the Russian Beriev Be-200 amphibious aircraft as part of a process to acquire Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance aircraft (MRMR), which was subsequently cancelled in 2011.

There are two reasons why this process is significant. First of all, it represents a change in Japanese policies, traditionally informed by its pacifist constitution, in place since the end of the Second World War, which barred the export of military technologies.

While Japan barred the export of military equipment to communist countries, countries subject to a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) arms embargo and countries that could be involved in international conflicts since 1967, it extended the bar on export to all countries in 1976, with the United States being the only exception.

Japan continues to ban such exports and only allows the export of dual-use equipment, under which category the US-2i falls. Even then, the Japanese allowance remains a significant relaxation on its part.

Secondly, there is no close competitor to the aircraft in terms of features and performance, and the Indian Navy and defense ministry would have to evolve a process under the Defense Procurement Procedure (DPP) to make sure the single vendor bar does not apply to the acquisition process for the aircraft and/or put together a government-to-government purchase process with Japan, on the lines of the mechanism with Russia and the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route with the United States.

While this process is getting underway, defense ministry sources expressed mild concern that, while the objectives of the JWG include ‘cooperation on the US-2 amphibian aircraft’, this could end up with the long term objectives of potential industrial cooperation holding up the more immediate objective of aircraft acquisition. They pointed to the inclusion of India’s National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) as part of the JWG and said care should be taken that the objective of cooperation on civilian aircraft development should not delay the more immediate objective acquisition process.

That said, movement on this could be expected in December, with at least two meetings – a second preliminary meeting as well as defense minister-level talks on the issue.

US-2i potential

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who visited Japan earlier this year, expressed India’s interest in acquiring the aircraft as part of what was seen as a growing proximity between the two countries, both of whom have had territorial disputes with China.

India has been bolstering its airlift capabilities in the northern and north-eastern regions in a bid to provide better logistical support to the Indian Army, at a time when serial intrusions across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China by the Chine People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have created much controversy. The Indian Air Force (IAF) recently made the Daulat Beg Oldie Advanced Landing Ground (ALG), just southeast of the Karakoram Pass, operational for its C-130J Super Hercules aircraft.

Interestingly, the US-2i could also operate from Pangong Tso lake (and possibly other water bodies in the region), divided by the LAC between the two countries in the Chushul sector, should the need arise, if the Indian Navy were to acquire it.

Speaking at the first Naval and Maritime Expo (NAMEXPO) held in Kochi in September, Commodore Sujeet Samadar, retired from the Indian Navy, who heads the company in India, told StratPost that although the aircraft has never operated at such heights before, it is qualified for such operations. Specifically asked if the aircraft could operate from Pangong Tso lake, Commodore Samadar said he could see no reason why it could not

“The boundary layer control system has unique features and it’s been designed for a particular performance, mostly at sea level. But the extension of the systems onboard allows it to carry out high altitude operations. At the moment, I think, that is what I can say. It can carry out high altitude operations, certainly.”

The aircraft can operate in rough waters up to sea state 5 with three meter high waves. It can take off in 280 meters and land in 330 meters with a maximum take off weight of 43 tons. It has a range of 4,500 kilometers and a top speed of 560 kilometers per hour. The aircraft’s boundary layer control system generates additional lift to allow the aircraft to take off and land in short distances. Its spray strip and spray suppressor prevent splashed water from reaching its engines.

Sources in the defense ministry have also indicated a level of interest in the IAF in the capabilities of this aircraft and the possibilities it could offer for air support in the region.

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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
India Pushes Russia For Greater Inclusion In Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Development


November 27, 2013 By Ankit Panda - thediplomat.com


India wants a greater stake in the development of a Sukhoi T-50-variant Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft.


India and Russia have been long-term collaborators on defense technology. The two countries together produced the supersonic BrahMos cruise missile — the fastest cruise missile in production. The relationship hasn’t always been balanced in India’s favor, however, and this has come to light recently with India’s stake in the development of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft, based on the Russian Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA).

According to Defense NewsIndia has conveyed its displeasure to Russia over its “low level of participation in the joint development of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA), despite being an equal financial partner in the project and placing an order of more than US $30 billion for the new planes.” The joint effort is a major component of India’s continued air force modernization. According to RIA Novosti, India currently bears 50 percent of the costs of development.

In a visit to Moscow earlier this month, Indian Defense Minister A. K. Antony pushed Russia to increase India’s share of the development work to 50 percent, in line with its financial equity in the project. Antony, speaking at the 13th meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation, stressed the necessity for the two longterm partners to cooperative equally in “all the phases — design, development and production — in the execution” of the FGFA project.

New Delhi’s push for equitable inclusion in military technical cooperation with Russia is related to its long-unachieved strategic goal of developing self-sufficiency in indigenous military production. India is the world’s largest importer of weapons technology. Indeed, Defense News cited a Russian diplomat in New Delhi as saying that part of the reason that the Russians limited India’s share in the FGFA project is due to “India’s capabilities in military aircraft research and industrial infrastructure.”

The agreement to jointly develop the FGFA was signed between the Indian and Russia Air Forces in 2007, with the final design, research, and joint development contract expected to exceed more than $10 billion. Although that contract is yet to be signed, Defense News reports that “In December 2010, Rosoboronexport, India’s state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics and Russian aircraft-maker Sukhoi signed a preliminary design development contract worth $295 million.”

The Indian Air Force is likely to order around 200 units of the single-seat, twin-engine fighters. The Sukhoi T-50 possesses a supersonic cruising ability which, combined with its ultra-manuverability, makes it a potent addition to the Indian Air Force. The jet is expected to increase the versatility of the Indian Air Force. As part of India’s stake in the development of the aircraft, it is expected to be able to specifically tune the units it purchases to the specific needs of its air force.

Antony’s visit to Moscow came just a couple days after India inducted the INS Vikramaditya — formerly the Russian Admiral Gorshkov. India’s naval modernization, which has reached new heights in recent years, has largely been dependent on its cooperation with Russia as well. In his recent visit, Antony also addressed a prospective nuclear submarine lease from Russia to India.

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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
New Carrier Steaming to India Without Air Defense System

India's aircraft carrier acquired from Russia will initially lack its air defense system, based on the Barak-8 missile. (Georges Seguin/Wikimedia)


Nov. 26, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — After a five-year delay in acquiring a Russian aircraft carrier, the Indian Navy will have to wait further before the vessel is equipped with its proposed air defense system.


The Indo-Israeli joint project for the Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM) system for the carrier has been hit by technical snags, meaning the Admiral Gorshkov, now renamed Vikramaditya, which was formally received by Defence Minister A.K. Antony Nov. 15, will arrive in India without an air defense system. The system is based on the Israeli Barak missile.


An Indian Navy official admitted the carrier initially will have no air defense system. The carrier, however, will have an advanced electronic warfare jamming system and will be protected as part of a carrier group, the official added. It also will be equipped with an AK-630 rapid-fire gun system to destroy incoming missiles and aircraft.


“The main weaponry of the ship would be the ship-based aircraft, i.e. aircraft and helicopters with their integral weapons,” an Indian Navy spokesman, P.V. Satish, told Defense News.


However, a Navy source said the weaponization would include the fitting of a variety of guns, primarily of 20mm and 30mm.


The LRSAM, which is being jointly developed by India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), is facing technical snags, an Indian Navy spokesman said, but gave no details. The joint development program was conceived in 2007, and LRSAM was to be ready for the Vikramaditya in 2014.


The LRSAM will have a multifunctional acquisition radar, one 3-D S-band guidance radar, one command-and-control system and four launchers, each carrying eight missiles.


IAI can independently install an air defense system, but there have been disputes regarding technology transfer.


The Indian Defence Ministry said it has expressed its concern to Israel about the delay. IAI executives here declined to comment

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26 novembre 2013 2 26 /11 /novembre /2013 12:35
INS Vikramaditya photo RIA Novosti Sergei Mamontov

INS Vikramaditya photo RIA Novosti Sergei Mamontov


MOSCOU, 26 novembre - RIA Novosti


Le porte-avions modernisé Vikramaditya (ex-Admiral Gorchkov), livré à la Marine indienne il y a dix jours, est parti pour l'Inde, a annoncé mardi à RIA Novosti un porte-parole du chantier naval chargé de moderniser le navire.


"Le navire a quitté Severodvinsk pour naviguer ensuite en mer Blanche où il fera le plein de carburant. Sa prochaine escale est la ville de Mourmansk", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Outre l'équipage indien, près de 180 techniciens russes se trouvent à bord du navire. Leur mission est de surveiller le fonctionnement des mécanismes, de conseiller l'équipage et de parer d'éventuelles défaillances. Une fois arrivés en Inde, une partie de spécialistes russes regagneront la Russie tandis que les autres resteront pour assurer la maintenance du porte-avions prévue par garantie.


La Russie et l'Inde ont signé en 2004 un contrat prévoyant la modernisation du porte-avions soviétique Admiral Gorchkov pour la Marine indienne. La livraison de ce navire, rebaptisé par l'Inde Vikramaditya ("fort comme le Soleil"), a été ajournée plusieurs fois en raison de différends financiers. Un avenant au contrat a été signé en 2010. Aux termes de ce document, Moscou s'est engagé à livrer le porte-avions fin 2012. Les défaillances d'équipements fournis notamment par des pays membres de l'OTAN, constatées lors des essais en mer à l'automne 2012, ont amené les chantiers navals russes à reporter la livraison à 2013.

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21 novembre 2013 4 21 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Iran Deploys Submarine to India & Sri Lanka


November 21, 2013 By Zachary Keck - thediplomat.com


A submarine-escorted naval fleet set sailed from southern Iran for Mumbai and Colombo on Wednesday.

As if Asia’s waters weren’t crowded enough with subsurface vessels, Iran has deployed one of its heavy submarines to South Asian waters as part of a larger naval fleet, according to the semi-official Fars News Agency, which has close ties with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

On Wednesday afternoon, Fars quoted Admiral Siyavash Jarreh, the Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy for Operations, as saying, “The (Iranian) Navy will dispatch the ultra-heavy Tareq-class submarine, ‘Younus’ as part of the Navy’s 28th flotilla of warships to the countries of East Asia.”

The report said that the 28th flotilla left a southern port in Iran hours after Jarreh made the announcement. Fars also reported that Admiral Jarreh had said Iran’s Alborz destroyer and Bandar Abbas helicopter-carrier warship would be accompanying the Younus submarine on the voyage.

Despite Jarreh’s claims that the 28th flotilla was headed to East Asia, the Fars report quoted him as saying, “The Navy’s 28th Flotilla will berth at Mumbai and Colombo ports during its voyage.” In other words, the 28th flotilla seems to be headed to South Asia — India and Sri Lanka in particular.

The purpose of the voyage is unclear, although Fars referred to it as a “crucially important extraterritorial mission of the Iranian Navy.”

Tasnim News Agency, which was established last year to report on the Arab Spring, also carried a report on Jarreh’s comments. It quoted Jarreh as saying that the flotilla’s mission is to make its “mighty and constant” presence felt in international waters. Jarreh apparently added that the flotilla would also “convey the message of peace and friendship” along the way.

The Iranian Navy seems to keep a flotilla constantly deployed, although most of them do not venture farther than the Gulf of Aden and Mediterranean Sea. Still, the trip itself is not unprecedented for Iran’s navy. Indeed, according to Indian news reports, the Bandar Abbas itself made a port call in India back in 2006. Iran’s regular naval forces, rather than the IRGC Navy, are in charge of these longer deployments, which have included port calls in China and Russia.

The more frequent deployments around the Gulf of Aden do not usually have a submarine escort, at least one that is usually announced. However, the inclusion of the Tareq-class submarine on this mission could very well just be due to the fact that it has little other purpose. Iran has three such Tareq-class submarines, which are really 877EKM Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines that Iran purchased from Russia in the late 1980s and 1990s. Although it reportedly paid about US$600 million for each of them, they are uniquely unsuited to Iran’s maritime environment. Specifically, the Persian Gulf’s shallow depth means the heavy submarines cannot operate in most of it.

The three heavy submarines have long been based in Iran’s Bandar Abbas port and are operated by Iran’s regular Navy. Some reports have suggested that Iran is building port facilities for them at its Chabahar Port, which is located in the deeper waters of the Gulf of Oman. Voyages east to the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean are thus some of the only occasions in which the Tareq-class submarines can be utilized.

The naval fleet’s voyage to South Asia comes as the P5+1 and Iran are holding another round of negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. This week also saw Iran claim to launch a new strategic drone.

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21 novembre 2013 4 21 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
The Indian Army's BrahMos missiles mounted on mobile autonomous launchers

The Indian Army's BrahMos missiles mounted on mobile autonomous launchers


19 November 2013 army-technology.com


The Indian Army has successfully test launched an advanced variant of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan, India.


Launched from a mobile autonomous launcher (MAL), the BrahMos Block III variant followed the prespecified trajectory and successfully pierced the designated ''concrete structure at bull's eye'', Press Trust of India reported.


Unnamed BrahMos officials were quoted by the news agency as saying: ''The Block III variant of BrahMos with deep penetration capability is fitted with a new guidance system, and the launch by the army has successfully validated the deep penetration capability of the supersonic cruise missile system against hardened targets.''


Two regiments of the Block III variant, which has demonstrated its supersonic steep dive with precision strike capability in mountain operations, has already been inducted by the army in its inventory, whereas induction of the third regiment is currently underway.

"The launch by the army has successfully validated the deep penetration capability of the supersonic cruise missile system against hardened targets."


Developed by BrahMos Aerospace, a joint venture between India's DRDO and Russian NPO Mashinostroyenia, BrahMos is a 290km range stealth supersonic cruise missile, designed for launch from land, ship, submarines and air platforms.


Based on the Russian-built P-800 Oniks / Yakhont supersonic anti-ship cruise missile, the missile has a speed of Mach 2.8, which equates to nearly three times the speed of sound, and can carry a conventional warhead of up to 300kg.


Powered by a solid propellant rocket, BrahMos features a liquid-fuelled ramjet to sustain supersonic cruise, and is capable of intercepting surface targets by flying as low as 10m above the ground, even in mountainous terrain and hills.


The BrahMos is already in service with the Indian Army and Navy, while flight tests of the air-version are expected to be soon carried out by the Indian Air Force (IAF).

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20 novembre 2013 3 20 /11 /novembre /2013 19:35
Océan-Indien source euro-synergies

Océan-Indien source euro-synergies


20 novembre 2013 Portail des Sous-marins


L’avenir du monde se décidera-t-il dans l’océan Indien comme le pensait Mahan ? La France peut y déployer une capacité militaire permanente grâce aux commandements organiques FAZSOI et ALINDIEN, héritiers d’une longue présence française dans cet océan. Cependant, l’ascension de l’Inde et de la Chine, toutes deux puissances nucléaires, la situation politico-économique difficile des États riverains et les rivalités croissantes ne risquent-elles pas de mettre en péril la stabilité actuelle de cet océan et d’imposer une redéfinition du rôle de la France ?

Cette “Brève-Marine” est disponible à cette adresse.

Élaborées par le Centre d’études supérieures de la Marine (CESM), les Brèves Marines vous fournissent régulièrement de l’information privilégiée sur l’actualité et les enjeux de la Marine nationale.

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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 12:35
1st Indian Pilot To Land On Vikramaditya

November 19, 2013 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist

In these pictures seen here on Livefist for the first time, is Commodore Surendra Ahuja, who on September 3 became the first Indian pilot to be 'trapped' on the Vikramaditya in a MiG-29KUB. This wasn't a solo flight, however: Cmde. Ahuja was flying with MiG Test Pilot Sergei Rubnikov, who was captain of the aircraft during this flight. The first solo landing by an Indian pilot on the Vikramaditya is likely to take place in Feb/March next year by a pilot from the INAS 303 squadron.


Cmde. Ahuja, currently posted to Naval HQ, was in Russia for 80 days (from early Aug to mid Oct 2013) for Aviation Facilities Complex Delivery Acceptance Trials - most of the flying happened north of Murmansk (north of the Arctic Circle) -- which is why pilots flying at the time had to use immersion suits. Cmde. Ahuja was also, incidentally, the first "new mould" Indian pilot certified in tailhook landings.

1st Indian Pilot To Land On Vikramaditya
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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
INS Vikramaditya Commissioned in Indian Navy


Nov. 18, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Nov. 16, 2013)


Marking a new high in India-Russia strategic cooperation, the Defence Minister Shri AK Antony today commissioned the completely refurbished 44,500 tonne carrier Admiral Gorshkov into the Indian Navy as INS Vikramaditya at an impressive ceremony at sub zero temperature in the wind-swept Sevmash Shipyard in the beautiful city of Severodvinsk in Russia. Snowflakes kept falling as the ceremony was held.


Speaking at the event, Shri Antony said INS Vikramaditya would significantly enhance the reach and capability of the Indian Navy. He said, the country has a rich maritime history and the Indian Ocean has guided our fate over the centuries.


“India’s economic development is dependent on the seas and safeguarding the nation’s maritime interests is central to our national policy. Aircraft carriers have been part of the Indian Navy’s force structure since our independence and have effectively served the country over the past five decades or so. The induction of ‘Vikramaditya’ with its integral MiG29K fighters and Kamov-31 helicopters, not only reinforces this central policy, but also adds a new dimension to our Navy’s operational capabilities. The meaning of ‘Vikramaditya’, which literally translates into “Strong as the Sun” is complemented by the Ship’s motto –“Strike Far, Strike Sure”,he said.


Reflecting the mood at the ceremony, Shri Antony said, ‘the event realizes the vision of capability-based transformation of the Indian Navy that was conceived more than a decade ago’. Calling it a Red Letter Day in the history of India- Russia cooperation, Shri Antony said this relationship remains a matter of the highest priority for both nations for our mutual benefit and as a factor of global peace and stability.


“The successful culmination of Project 11430 truly symbolizes the time-tested Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership between our two great nations. The Project has propelled the strategic partnership between our nations to a new level. The relationship between our two countries based on mutual trust and belief has withstood the test of time and the result is for the entire world to see in the form of ‘Vikramaditya’. As the ship sails into its home waters in the Indian Ocean Region, INS ‘Vikramaditya’ will be a befitting tribute to our long-standing relationship”, he said.


Describing the Project 11430 as a unique one, Shri Antony said, it was a challenging task for both the Russian and the Indian sides and congratulated the entire team for converting the ‘Dream Project’ into a reality. “The transformation of INS ‘Vikramaditya’ is an engineering marvel, which has tested the professionalism, capability and perseverance of the Indian Navy and the Russian industry, especially the Sevmash Shipyard”, he said and expressed confidence that all possible support would be extended by Russia to ensure that the ship serves India effectively and efficiently for the duration of its expected operational life cycle.


Speaking on the occasion, the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral DK Joshi said the INS Vikramaditya will bridge the time-gap that may come up between the INS Viraat and the Indigenously built aircraft carrier Vikrant.It will also help achieving our medium term goal of operating two aircraft carriers.


A large number of dignitaries including the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Mr Dmitry Rogozin and Defence Minister Mr Shoigu, the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral DK Joshi, the Indian Ambassador to Russia Shri Ajay Malhotra, the Defence Secretary Shri RK Mathur, the DG Acquisition Shri SB Agnihotri were present on the occasion.


Mr Rogozin said INS Vikramaditya symbolises the close friendship between India and Russia and expressed confidence that it will grow in the coming years.


About INS Vikramaditya


INS Vikramaditya, the floating airfield has an overall length of about 284 meters and a maximum beam of about 60 meters, stretching as much as three football fields put together. Standing about 20 storeys tall from keel to the highest point, the sheer sight of this 44,500 tonne mega structure of steel is awe inspiring. The ship has a total of 22 decks.


With over 1,600 personnel on board, INS Vikramaditya is literally a ‘Floating City’. With a capacity of over 8,000 tonnes of LSHSD, she is capable of operations up to a range of over 7,000 nautical miles or 13000 kms.


To enable this 44,500 tonnes floating steel city to cut through the choppy seas with speeds of up to 30 knots, she is powered by 08 new generation steam boilers generating a total output power of 180,000 SHP. These boilers power four enormous propellers, each greater in diameter than twice the height of an average male. Such a four propeller - four shaft configuration is another first in the Indian Navy.


The power generation capacity onboard is about 18 megawatts enough to cater to the lighting requirement of a mini city. An extensive revamp of sensors including fitment of Long range Air Surveillance Radars, Advanced Electronic Warfare Suite makes the ship capable of maintaining a surveillance bubble of over 500 kms around the ship.


The ship has the ability to carry over 30 aircraft comprising an assortment of MiG 29K/Sea Harrier, Kamov 31, Kamov 28, Sea King, ALH-Dhruv and Chetak helicopters. The MiG 29K swing role fighter is the main offensive platform and provides a quantum jump for the Indian Navy’s maritime strike capability. These fourth generation air superiority fighters provide a significant fillip for the Indian Navy with a range of over 700 nm and an array of weapons including anti-ship missiles, Beyond Visual Range air-to-air missiles, guided bombs and rockets.


The ship is equipped with state of the art launch and recovery systems along with aids to enable smooth and efficient operation of ship borne aircraft. Major systems include the LUNA Landing system for MiGs, DAPS Landing system for Sea Harriers and Flight deck lighting systems.


The heart of the operational network that infuses life into the combat systems onboard the ship is the Computer aided Action Information Organisation (CAIO) system, LESORUB-E, with the capability to gather data from ship’s sensors and data links and to process, collate and assemble comprehensive tactical pictures. This state of the art system has been specifically designed keeping in mind the essential requirement on the carrier for fighter control and direction.


One of the most prominent equipment fitted on the super structure is the Resistor-E radar complex. Resistor-E is the automated system designed for providing air traffic control, approach/landing and short range navigation for ship borne aircraft. This complex along with its various sub-systems provides navigation and flight data to ship borne aircraft operating at extended ranges from the mother ship. The precision approach guidance system aids the fighters on approach to be directed down to a distance of 30 meters short of flight deck.


INS Vikramaditya also boasts of a very modern communication complex, CCS MK II, to meet her external communication requirement. Installation of Link II tactical data system allows her to be fully integrated with the Indian Navy’s network centric operations.

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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
Boeing delivers maritime patrol aircraft to India


SEATTLE, Nov. 18 (UPI)


Boeing reports it has delivered the second of eight P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft ordered by India.


The aircraft, the Indian Navy variant of the P-8A Poseidon being developed for the U.S. Navy, will now undergo flight trials in India, the company said.


"With two aircraft at Naval Station Rajali now, the Indian Navy will get a good feel for the P-8I's interoperability with other aircraft," said Leland Wight, Boeing P-8I program manager. "Acceptance trials on the first aircraft are progressing well and its availability for testing has been excellent, in large part due to Boeing's worldwide 737 support capabilities."


The P-8 platform is based on Boeing's 737 commercial aircraft and is assembled using the 737 in-line production process. It features open system architecture, advanced sensor and display technologies. Boeing partners in its production include CFM International, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Spirit AeroSystems, BAE Systems and GE Aviation.


Boeing said the first P-8I, delivered to the Indian Navy in May, recently completed testing of its weapons capabilities.

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18 novembre 2013 1 18 /11 /novembre /2013 20:40
Vikramaditya Done, Russia Wants To Help With New Vikrant


November 17, 2013 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


SEVERODVINSK: The INS Vikramaditya will sail to India later this month with a 183-member Russian 'guarantee team' on board, that will remain in Karwar for a period of one year to smoothen the induction process and help the ship and crew settle into operating from home base.


"The guarantee specialists will be in India for one year. We are currently negotiating contract obligations for the post-guarantee period," Igor Ponomarev, vice president of Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation said yesterday at a press conference here in Severodvinsk. Ponomarev is the balding man whose hand appears to be touching the green microphone.


"Russia is committed to being involved through the 40 year life of the Vikramaditya. We will provide design support as well," says Sergey Vlasov, DG Nevskoye Design Bureau, and personally one of the original designers of the Admiral Gorshkov. He's the man looking down with a smile.


Vlasov is a genial sort of guy: smiling and gracious. I had a chance to chat with him about the entire experience. While Sevmash refurbished the ship, it was Vlasov's Nevskoye Bureau that inputted on how the entire refurbishment process was to be carried out. Without Nevskoye (Russia's oldest design bureau for surface ships), Sevmash was dead in the water.


"This has been the most complicated and unusual project ever for us. Vikramaditya isn't a repaired ship. Everything except her hull is new," he told me, repeating the one thing everyone in the city tells you about the ship.


Asked about challenges working with the Indian government and navy, Vlasov smiles. "When we were preparing documentation, the Indians would approach us every six months with queries. We were not contractually bound to share a lot of data demanded, but we did so because of the open and friendly relations between us."


He also points out he hopes the Russian Navy will take cues on crew comfort on what the Indian Navy asked for in the Vikramaditya. "The Indian Navy asked for modifications that paid great attention to crew comfort. I hope the Russian Navy will learn some lessons from this!"


I asked Vlasov about the Vikramaditya's conspicuous lack of air defence weapons. He shook his head and said, "The Indian Navy hasn't gotten back to us with a decision on this. It is not standard for a ship of this size and class to have no air defence weapons. But such ships don't travel alone. We have been verbally asked about integration of Israeli weapons with the systems on the Vikramaditya, but we've received no formal request. I anticipate some problems in the integration of Israeli weapons, but nothing we cannot resolve." Vlasov indicates that the integration of Kashtan and AKA 630 missile/gun systems can be integrated quickly if the Indian Navy takes a call.


Ponomarev of USC was candid on the Vikramaditya programme: "We underestimated the initial scope of work. There were difficult and serious discussions, in one case, six rounds in a single year. We should have been more careful and specific in identifying the scope of work. But it happens all over the world. It's a normal occurance in shipbuilding."


Chief commissioning officer for Sevmash on the Vikramaditya, Igor Leonov, the guy who knows perhaps more about what the ship can do now than anyone else, fends off blame. "After 2004, a huge number of systems were asked for by the Indian side, which had to be accommodated. Many more modifications were demanded over what was contracted."


The USC is rendering assistance on the Project 71 indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant, being built at the Cochin Shipyard. "We are providing some help, and are ready to render any further assistance or technical help necessary, but a decision will need to be taken by India. I doubt the US or EU would share as much technology as we have and would."


Ponomarev reveals that Russia has offered India three more improved Talwar-class frigates, an offer currently under study by the Indian Navy. A 10-year life extension of the Kilo-class submarines is also on the table by the Zvezdochka Shipyard here in Severodvinsk.


Also had a brief chat with Igor Vilnit, DG of Rubin Design Bureau, the prestigious design house that has created Russia's formidable submarines. A man of few words, he said, "The Amur 1650 is on offer to India (for the Project 75I competition). I hope India will choose it."

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18 novembre 2013 1 18 /11 /novembre /2013 20:35
Russia Passes Refitted Aircraft Carrier to India After 5-Year Delay


Nov. 18, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: RIA Novosti; published Nov. 16, 2013)


SEVERODVINSK, Russia --- Russia handed over to India its aircraft carrier renamed INS Vikramaditya on Saturday after a much-delayed refit and cost escalations that led to disagreements between Moscow and New Delhi.


The Indian Navy finally received its modified carrier – formerly known in Russian as Admiral Gorshkov − at the Sevmash shipyard in the northern town of Severodvinsk.


The ship was first scheduled to be delivered in 2008, but the deadline was repeatedly postponed over the period.


The official ceremony was attended Saturday by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Indian Defense Minister AK Antony, who arrived in Russia on Friday for a four-day visit.


The commissioning papers were signed by deputy director of Russia’s arms exporter Rosoboronexport Igor Sevastyanov and the ship’s Indian captain Suraj Berry.


The Vikramaditya will be escorted to India by a group of warships to secure its safe sail to its base in base in the Arabian Sea through a classified route because it does not have any air defense systems on board, according to Indian website Zee News.


The warship is expected to reach India by February 2014, Russian officials said earlier.


Renamed after a legendary Indian king, the warship was originally as a Project 1143.4 or modified Kiev class aircraft carrier commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1987. It was decommissioned in 1996 after cuts to the Russian Navy fleet.


The refurbishments of the vessel lurched from one crisis to another since the $947 million deal was signed with Russia in 2004 for its purchase and refit.


The delays pushed up the cost of its refurbishing to $2.3 billion, sparking acrimony between Russia and India over the contract.

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18 novembre 2013 1 18 /11 /novembre /2013 17:35
Revealed: When A NATO Aircraft Snooped On Vikramaditya


November 18, 2013 by Shiv Aroor – Livefist


Got my hands on a series of photographs of an incident last year that both the Indian Navy and Russian Navy have kept under wraps until now: a NATO P-3 Orion that flew in to snoop on the Vikramaditya as it conducted trials in the Barents Sea. It wasn't just any reconnaissance mission -- the aircraft dropped sensor buoys to snoop. Russians on board summoned a MiG-29K from shore to chase away the intruding P-3, after which a the incident was raised diplomatically. But all very hush hush.


My full report for India Today and more photographs here.

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17 novembre 2013 7 17 /11 /novembre /2013 12:35
La Russie remet à l'Inde le porte-avions Vikramaditya


SEVERODVINSK, 16 novembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie a remis samedi à l'Inde le porte-avions modernisé INS Vikramaditya (ex-croiseur lourd soviétique Admiral Gorchkov) lors d'une cérémonie organisée aux chantiers navals russes Sevmach de Severodvinsk (nord).


Le directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport) Igor Sevastianov et le commandant du porte-avions INS Vikramaditya Suraj Berry ont signé l'acte de réception du navire en présence du vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine et du ministre indien de la Défense Arackaparambil Kurian Antony.


Le Vikramaditya est doté d'un pont d'envol adapté aux chasseurs MiG-29K/KUB, de nouveaux radars, systèmes de navigation et autres équipements. Le navire quittera les eaux territoriales russes fin novembre pour arriver en Inde fin janvier ou début février 2014.


En 2004, la Russie et l'Inde ont signé un contrat prévoyant la modernisation du porte-avions soviétique Admiral Gorchkov, rebaptisé par la partie indienne Vikramaditya ("fort comme le Soleil"). Au terme de ce contrat, la Russie s'est engagée à effectuer des travaux de modernisation pour 750 millions de dollars et à fournir de l'aviation embarquée pour le même montant. Le navire devait être livré en 2008, mais sa remise à l'Inde a été ajournée à plusieurs reprises en raison de différends financiers. Le coût final du contrat atteint 2,3 milliards de dollars.


Aux termes de l'avenant au contrat signé en 2010, la livraison du bâtiment de guerre devait avoir lieu le 4 décembre 2012. Or, lors d'un essai en mer en septembre 2012, des défaillances ont été constatées, y compris dans le groupe propulseur du navire, amenant les chantiers navals russes à reporter la livraison à 2013.

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15 novembre 2013 5 15 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
INS Vikramaditya - photo Indian Navy

INS Vikramaditya - photo Indian Navy


14.11.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


Le ministre indien de la Défense A.K. Antony se rendra en Russie du 15 au 19 novembre, afin notamment d’assister à la cérémonie de réception du premier porte-avions indien, le Vikramaditya, qui aura lieu le 16 novembre à Severodvinsk.


L’accord final pour l’acquisition de l’ex-Amiral Gorskhov de la marine russe avait été signé en 2004. Il devait initialement être livré en 2008, mais le programme de modernisation du bâtiment et des dysfonctionnements techniques ont repoussé de quasiment 5 ans la date de réception initiale.


L’INS Vikramaditya bénéficie de l’architecture STOBAR (Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery) et va pouvoir embarquer des MiG-29K, ainsi que des hélicoptères Ka-28 et 31, des Sea King, des ALH et des Chetak. Long de 284 mètres et possédant un déplacement de 44 500 tonnes en charge, le porte-avions embarque environ 1 600 personnels.

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14 novembre 2013 4 14 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
La marine indienne va former les sous-mariniers vietnamiens



14 novembre 2013, Portail des Sous-Marins


La coopération entre le Vietnam et l’Inde s’élargit constamment alors que les 2 pays augmentent leurs relations dans le domaine de la défense.


En particulier, la marine vietnamienne a demandé à son homologue indienne de former son personnel sur les sous-marins Kilo commandés à la Russie.


La Russie a livré le 1er des 6 sous-marins, le Ha Noi, au Vietnam le 7 novembre dernier. Le sous-marin avait été commandé en 2009.


De son côté, la marine indienne souhaite vendre au Vietnam son missile supersonique BrahMos.


Signe des excellentes relations entre les 2 pays, la marine indienne a reçu le privilège de jeter l’ancre dans le port de Nha Trang lors d’une visite d’amitié. Peu de marines en ont bénéficier.


Selon la presse locale, la coopération pourrait aussi d’étendre à la construction navale.


Référence : Naval Today (Etats-Unis)

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13 novembre 2013 3 13 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
India Expected to Approve Barak Missile Buy


Nov. 12, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — India is likely to proceed with the purchase of Barak missiles from Rafael despite a probe of alleged corruption involving prime contractor Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and former Indian Defence Minister, George Fernandes, an Indian Defence Ministry source said.


India’s top weapons purchasing authority, the Defence Acquisition Council, said at a Nov. 11 meeting that it had referred the missile purchase to an internal committee for evaluation.


India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had charged Fernandes in a $326 million deal involving the purchase of Barak anti missile systems from IAI, contracted in 2000. So far, the CBI has not released any findings on the probe.


But the Defence Ministry source said the CBI is likely to close the case against IAI, and described the internal inquiry is only a formality.


The Navy has been demanding the purchase of Barak missiles, but the Defence Ministry has been holding back because of the alleged kickback case. Currently, three of the Indian Navy ships that have the Barak air defense system on board have no missiles.


The Navy had given a proposal to the Defence Ministry early this year to procure about 300 Barak missiles for the warships Ranvir, Brahmaputra, Betwa and Beas at a cost of around $100 million.


The Barak under purchase is an anti-aircraft, anti-missile system with a range of 70 kilometers, a warhead of 52 kilograms and speed of Mach 2.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Indian Navy Launches INS Vikrant


Nov 8, 2013 ASDNews Source : GE Marine


    LM2500s to Power CountryaEUR(tm)s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

    Gas Turbine Modules Produced by HAL in India


GE Marine announces that four GE LM2500 gas turbines will soon power the Indian Navy’s INS Vikrant, providing 80 megawatts for the country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier.


Similar to the INS Vikrant itself, the ship’s propulsion plant -- four LM2500 gas turbine modules -- were manufactured in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.’s (HAL) Industrial & Marine Gas Turbine (IMGT) Division. Through its license with GE, HAL assembled, inspected and tested the LM2500 gas turbines and module enclosures for INS Vikrant. The IMGT Division’s Bangalore facility provides comprehensive support including inspection, spare parts, maintenance, equipment overhauls and assembly for industrial and marine gas turbines under license.


Read more

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6 novembre 2013 3 06 /11 /novembre /2013 13:55
L'absence de ventes de Rafale fait peser une menace sur les effectifs de la filière aéronautique militaire française

L'absence de ventes de Rafale fait peser une menace sur les effectifs de la filière aéronautique militaire française


06/11/2013 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Le groupe électronique anticipe une vente du Rafale en Inde seulement après 2014. Sa filiale Thales Systèmes Aéroportés (TSA) prépare un plan de départs volontaires via le dispositif de Gestion active de l'emploi (GAE).


L'absence d'une vente du Rafale à l'export pèse de plus en plus sur les industriels de la filière aéronautique militaire. Notamment sur Thales et particulièrement sur sa filiale Thales Systèmes Aéroportés (TSA), qui s'achemine à nouveau vers un dispositif social de Gestion active de l'emploi (GAE). Un dispositif qui n'est pas à proprement parler un plan social mais qui facilite les départs volontaires, la mobilité interne, la formation et les mises à disposition permanente (en clair, des préretraites). Le quatrième plan en quatre ans !


Ce plan concernerait plus de 200 personnes qui pourraient ainsi quitter TSA sur une période de 12 à 18 mois, selon nos informations. Certains estiment qu'il pourrait même aller au-delà de 400 personnes au sein de la filiale de Thales, régulièrement en sous-charge d'activité en raison de la mévente du Rafale à l'export. En tout cas, l'intersyndicale rencontre ce mercredi matin la direction de TSA pour faire un point complet sur le GAE sur les plans qualitatif et quantitatif.


Elancourt, le site le plus touché


Le dispositif, qui reste donc encore à affiner entre la direction de TSA et les organisations syndicales, concernera essentiellement le site d'Elancourt dans les Yvelines ainsi que dans une moindre mesure les deux autres sites de TSA, Brest et Pessac (Gironde). Pour autant, ce plan pourrait être arrêté ou suspendu si un contrat export du Rafale se débloquait rapidement.


Il n'empêche. La tendance est à la réduction des effectifs. Depuis six ans, TSA a régulièrement perdu des salariés, qui étaient entre 3.700 et 3.800 fin août 2007. La direction prévoit que les effectifs s'élèveront en août 2014 à 2.800. Soit une réduction de 27 %.


Thales ne croit pas à une signature rapide d'un contrat Rafale en Inde


Comment interpréter ce nouveau GAE chez TSA ? Très clairement, Thales ne croit plus à la signature rapide d'un contrat en Inde. "Nous n'y croyons pas même, si nous pensons que le Rafale finira par se vendre en Inde", expliquent plusieurs sources contactées en interne. D'où le GAE de TSA. Même si le PDG de Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier - et il est parfaitement dans son rôle - fait tout pour parvenir à signer un contrat avant les élections législatives en Inde.

"Avec nos partenaires indiens, qu'ils soient le ministère de la Défense ou industriels, nous faisons tout pour que le contrat soit prêt avant les élections, a indiqué lundi Eric Trappier sur BFM. Ensuite, il reviendra au gouvernement indien de décider s'il souhaite signer avant les élections ou ne pas en faire un problème électoral et le signer après".


Pour sa part, le ministre indien de la Défense, A.K. Antony, a récemment reconnu que la signature du contrat prendrait encore du temps.


Et le Qatar ?


L'Inde a choisi le Rafale en janvier 2012 et poursuit les négociations pour l'achat de 126 appareils, dont 108 à assembler par ses propres industriels. Dassault espérait récemment encore signer avant la fin de l'année. Le patron de l'avionneur a dit rester "tout à fait optimiste sur une finalisation rapide", estimant possible de boucler ce document complexe, qui comprend des licences de fabrication pour tous les équipements de l'avion, pendant l'année budgétaire 2013 qui court en Inde jusqu'à fin mars prochain.


En revanche, une signature rapide pourrait intervenir à Doha. C'est dans le domaine du possible. Et le GAE de TSA pourrait tomber à l'eau. Ce qui ferait le bonheur des salariés de TSA et bien au-delà, de toute la filière aéronautique militaire en souffrance depuis des années en raison de l'absence d'une vente à l'export du Rafale.

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31 octobre 2013 4 31 /10 /octobre /2013 18:35
photo Livefist

photo Livefist


30/10/2013 latribune.fr


Le ministre indien de la Défense a reconnu que la signature du contrat portant sur l'achat de 126 Rafale au constructeur français Dassault Aviation prendrait encore du temps. A.K. Antoiny a refusé de fixer une échéance. Selon des informations que La Tribune avait déjà publiées, le contrat devrait ne pas être conclu avant 2015.


Les avions Rafale ne sont pas près d'atterrir en Inde. A.K. Antoiny, le ministre indien de la Défense a déclaré, ce mercredi 30 octobre, que le contrat portant sur l'acquisition de 126 Rafale au constructeur français Dassault Aviation ne serait pas conclu rapidement. "Comment puis-je fixer une échéance?", a-t-il répondu à un groupe de journalistes qui lui demandaient s'il serait signé d'ici le mois de mars prochain. "Le processus est en cours", a-t-il précisé.


En 2012, le pays a choisi l'avionneur français pour renouveler son parc d'avions de défense. Selon des informations publiées par La Tribune, le 11 octobre dernier, le contrat devrait a priori ne pas être conclu avant 2015. "Il reste entre 12 et 18 mois de travail" pour signer un contrat en bonne et due forme, expliquait alors une source proche du dossier.


> Rafale en Inde : les industriels visent un contrat signé... en 2015.


Le ministère de la Défense français parie toujours sur 2014


Le ministre indien a précisé qu'il ne pouvait pas s'immiscer dans le travail du Comité de négociation de contrat (CNC) en charge du dossier. Après le passage devant le CNC, le contrat devra encore passer "quatre ou cinq mécanismes" de filtre avant d'être étudié par les ministres de la Défense et des Finances et d'être enfin validé par le cabinet du gouvernement.


Les élections législatives qui auront lieu dans le pays en 2014 vont encore paralyser les négociations. Pourtant, le ministre français de la Défense s'était dit optimiste, début octobre, sur la signature d'un contrat en 2014, reconnaissant alors pour la première fois qu'il ne serait pas signé cette année.

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