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30 octobre 2013 3 30 /10 /octobre /2013 11:55
La perspective d'une finalisation en mars 2014 du contrat du Rafale en Inde s'éloigne


30 octobre 2013 Par Julien Bonnet - Usinenouvelle.com


Le ministre de la Défense indien a suggéré ce mercredi 30 octobre que le contrat de 15 milliards de dollars portant sur l'achat de 126 Rafale de Dassault Aviation ne serait pas conclu rapidement. Le dénouement pourrait intervenir après les élections législatives indiennes, pas avant juin 2014, alors que la Confédération de l'industrie indienne avait évoqué une signature définitive avant mars 2014.


Nouveau rebondissement dans la finalisation du contrat de 15 milliards de dollars portant sur l'achat de 126 Rafale de Dassault Aviation par l'Inde. Le ministre de la Défense indien, Arackaparambil Kurian Antony, a indiqué ce mercredi 30 octobre qu'il restait de nombreuses étapes à franchir.


Un processus lourd pour éviter toute corruption

Le ministre a précisé qu'il ne pouvait s'immiscer dans le travail du Comité de négociation de contrat (CNC) qui étudie actuellement ce contrat qui doit permettre à l'Inde de moderniser sa défense aérienne.

Après le passage devant le CNC, le contrat passera au filtre de "quatre ou cinq mécanismes" avant d'être étudié par les ministres de la Défense et des Finances et enfin d'être visé par le cabinet du gouvernement, a-t-il expliqué, justifiant toutes ces étapes par l'impératif d'éviter toute corruption.

Les chances de conclure ce premier contrat à l'export pour le Rafale avant les élections législatives indiennes au printemps prochain se réduisent fortement. Pourtant, le 17 octobre dernier, Reuters révélait qu'une signature devait intervenir au cours de cette année fiscale, soit d'ici mars 2014.


Risque d'un report de la première livraison à 2017

La date de la signature est d'autant plus importante que le projet de loi de programmation militaire 2014-2019, examiné au Parlement, prévoit que les exportations de Rafale prendront le relais de la commande publique en 2016.

Or, Dassault considère qu'il faudra trois ans à partir de la signature du contrat pour livrer le premier appareil commandé par l'Inde. Une signature après les élections indiennes reporterait la première livraison à 2017.

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18 octobre 2013 5 18 /10 /octobre /2013 11:35
L'Inde bouclera d'ici mars sa commande de Rafale selon l'armée de l'air indienne

17.10.2013 journal-aviation.com


NEW DELHI, 17 octobre (Reuters) - L'Inde bouclera une commande de 126 chasseurs Rafale à Dassault Aviation avant la fin de l'exercice budgétaire en cours, fin mars, a déclaré jeudi un haut responsable de l'armée de l'air.


New Delhi a annoncé en janvier 2012 l'ouverture de discussions exclusives avec Dassault pour ce contrat estimé à 15 milliards de dollars (11 milliards d'euros) après un appel d'offres opposant le Rafale à l'Eurofighter Typhoon, construit par un consortium incluant EADS, BAE Systems et Finmeccanica.


Mais les discussions se sont enlisées depuis, notamment en raison de divergences sur le rôle du groupe public indien Hindustan Aeronautics dans la construction des avions.


Le lieutenant-général S. Sukumar, vice-che d'état-major de l'armée de l'air, a déclaré lors d'une conférence sur l'aéronautique que le contrat serait signé avant la fin de l'exercice budgétaire, selon un communiqué publié par l'organisateur de la conférence, la Confédération de l'industrie indienne.


L'accord initial prévoit que Dassault Aviation livre les 18 premiers avions "clés en main" et assemble le reste en Inde, avec Hindustan Aeronautics comme principal partenaire local.


Dassault a toutefois exprimé des doutes sur la capacité du groupe indien à assurer la fabrication d'un appareil aussi sophistiqué que le Rafale. Hindustan a entamé au début des années 1980 le développement d'un petit avion de combat, un projet qui n'a pour l'instant pas abouti.


Un porte-parole de Dassault s'est refusé à tout commentaire. (Shyamantha Asokan; Marc Angrand pour le service français)

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 11:35
Le premier ministre indien en Russie le 20 octobre

NEW DELHI, 16 octobre - RIA Novosti


Le premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh effectuera le 20 octobre une visite officielle à Moscou pour représenter son pays lors du 14ème Sommet annuel Russie-Inde, a annoncé mercredi la diplomatie indienne dans un communiqué. 

"Le premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh sera en visite officielle à Moscou les 20-22 octobre, pour prendre part au 14ème Sommet annuel Russie-Inde", a indiqué la source avant d'ajouter que le programme du déplacement prévoyait des négociations avec les dirigeants russes "sur le développement du partenariat privilégié et stratégique" entre les deux Etats.  

En outre, le chef du gouvernement indien prendra part à une série d'autres événements.  

Les médias indiens avaient antérieurement rapporté que les négociations entre M.Singh et les autorités russes porteraient en majeure partie sur la coopération militaro-technique bilatérale et sur le projet de construction des 3ème et 4ème blocs énergétiques de la centrale nucléaire de Kudankulam. Les investissements russes dans des projets indiens et la sécurité sont également à l'ordre du jour des rencontres.

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 11:35
Indian Bofors gun's barrel bursts during trials



15th October 2013 newindianexpress.com (PTI)


NEW DELHI - A barrel of the indigenous - version of the Bofors howitzers burst during their trials in the Pokharan range, delaying plans to induct these artillery guns into the Army.


The Defence Acquisition Council had recently approved the procurement of 144 such guns by the Army which are being manufactured by the Ordnance Factory Board, Jabalpur.


During the recent trials of the gun in Pokharan, the barrel of the gun burst when the Army was conducting the user trials for approving the gun for induction in the Army, sources said here.


The OFB has now been asked to carry out a defect identification inquiry (DII) by the Defence Ministry to ascertain the reasons behind the bursting of the barrel during the crucial trials, they said.


The user trials are carried out by the Services for approving the product being tested for induction.


The gun has been performing very well so far but the mishap will delay the user trials for another three to four months, they said.


Defence Minister AK Antony has been taking personal interest in the development of this programme and has asked both the Department of Defence Production and the Army to cooperate fully for making it successful.


The gun design, provided as part of technology transfer, has been gathering dust due to the taint associated with Bofors in the light of the payoffs scam.


If successful, the project would save the country millions of rupees and give the Indian Army much needed firepower.


The Army has failed to procure even a single piece of artillery after the Bofors scandal erupted in 1980s. All attempts to procure howitzers have had to be cancelled due to one reason or another.

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 11:35
HMS Westminster, a Type 23 Frigate

HMS Westminster, a Type 23 Frigate

October 16, 2013 idrw.org (IANS)


An Indian Navy destroyer and a Royal Navy frigate Tuesday began the ninth edition of annual Konkan-13 exercise off India’s western coast, with the focus on asymmetric operations, anti-air warfare and boarding, search and seizure of ships.


The Konkan series of bilateral exercises commenced in 2004 and eight such exercises have been conducted till now, an Indian Navy statement said.


“These exercises provide an opportunity to both the navies to work together at sea and in harbour to build interoperability, and to share best practices among the crew,” it said.


The harbour phase of the exercise would involve professional discussions, interactions and social functions, while the sea phase will have exercises in various surface and air dimensions of naval operations.



INS Delhi (D61)

INS Delhi (D61)

Indian Navy will be represented by INS Delhi, an indigenously built destroyer hosting a Chetak helicopter and accompanied by shore-based aircraft. It is commanded by Capt. Sandeep Mehta.


The Royal Navy would be represented by HMS Westminster, a Type 23 Frigate, commanded by Capt. Hugh Beard.


The thrust of the exercise this year would be on asymmetric operations, anti-air warfare and Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) exercises.


“The cooperation between the two navies is a positive and tangible symbol of commitment in ensuring a positive climate for maritime security and economic development,” the statement said.


“Such exercise between the two navies manifest growing friendship between the two nations, with an aim to maintain peace and stability in the Indian Ocean Region,” it further adds.


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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:35
India clears way to cancel AgustaWestland helicopter deal

15 Oct 2013 By Dean Nelson, in New Delhi - telegraph.co.uk


Corruption allegations give India a way out of deal to buy 12 British-made helicopters


India’s Attorney-General has cleared the way for the country's government to cancel its £480m deal with AgustaWestland for 12 British-made helicopters after allegations of corruption.


The contract was suspended by the government in February this year following allegations that commissions were paid by the Italian-owned company to senior defence officials, including relatives of India’s former air chief SP Tyagi.


The allegations, which have been denied by the former air chief, emerged from investigation in Italy which led to an arrest warrant for Giuseppe Orsi, the chief executive of Agusta Westland’s parent company, Finmeccanica. Investigators allege he paid €30m (£25.4m) to a British man, Christian Michel, to act as a middleman between the company and members of the Tyagi family.


It is alleged the commissions were paid to influence the altitude specifications for the helicopter contract to allow AgustaWestland to tender for its AW-101 VVIP model.


India’s Ministry of Defence believes AgustaWestland is in breach of an "integrity act" included in the contract which bans the use of middlemen or the payment of commissions.


AgustaWestland has denied the allegations and announced last week it has triggered an arbitration clause in its contract in attempt to salvage the deal. It believes that the contract cannot be cancelled before arbitration has been completed.


Its India chief executive Jackie Callcut, today said the company had yet to receive any notification from the Indian government.


“The arbitration process is ongoing… the company has consistently stated that it has found no evidence of any wrong doing, and that to date no proof of wrong doing has been presented to the company. It is also clear that an attempt to cancel the contract will result in a further delay to the helicopters that India urgently needs and are ready for delivery. Meanwhile the quality of the aircraft themselves is not in question,” she said.


The formal cancellation of the contract is expected to lead to legal action by AgustaWestland to recover its losses.


It is understood the Indian government has paid 45pc of the contract price and taken delivery of three of the helicopters. Three more were completed before the contract was suspended earlier this year but have not been delivered, while the remaining six are close to completion at AgustaWestland’s Yeovil factory.

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:35
Bharat Forge Makes a Play To Expand

On the Move: India's Bharat Forge has purchased the gun manufacturing facility from Ruag of Switzerland.


Oct. 15, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


Private Indian Firm Pursuing Overseas Tie-ups


NEW DELHI — A little known name in India’s defense sector — privately owned Bharat Forge — plans to become a major player, especially in the artillery and specialized vehicles segment.


The company, which belongs to the Kalyani Group, has acquired the gun manufacturing facility from Switzerland’s Ruag and has been given permission by the government to set up a joint venture with Elbit Systems of Israel.


The joint venture will be called BF Elbit Advanced. It will develop, assemble and manufacture defense systems, particularly artillery guns, mortar gun systems and ammunition.


Until 2011, private companies in India could not enter the defense sector.


Rajinder Bhatia, CEO of Bharat Forge, said the company has received requests for information (RFIs) for several high-tech projects in the past year, including the low-level quick-reaction missile system; medium-range, surface-to-air missile system; and long-range, surface-to-air missile system. Bhatia said Bharat Forge will concentrate mainly on the gun projects and will not participate in the RFIs offered.


“Kalyani Group has a very focused approach, and we intend participating in certain chosen segments which are aligned to our core competence,” Bhatia said. “Our competence is towards weapon systems which require high-tech manufacturing and in-depth knowledge of metallurgy and materials.”


The company has developed a 155mm/52-caliber gun and has teamed with Elbit Systems to co-develop and co-produce the mountain version of the gun.


The Indian Army has a requirement for a variety of 155mm/52-caliber guns worth more than US $3 billion. Yet, the Army has failed to acquire a single gun from the overseas market.


With Elbit, Bhatia said he sees an opportunity.


“Elbit is a very strong company with a wide ranging portfolio,” Bhatia said. “There are a number of segments like artillery systems, protected vehicles, precision ammunition and other high-end products where we can collaborate with each other.”


Overseas Tie-up


To tap into the $100 billion defense market — and encouraged by the government’s initiative to boost domestic defense companies — Bharat Forge plans several tie-ups with overseas companies, but isn’t ready to name them yet.


Analysts say domestic defense companies will need to partner with overseas companies aggressively to compete in several defense tenders being offered first to domestic firms as part of an unwritten Defence Ministry policy to boost the domestic industry.


“Without a doubt, [Bharat Forge] will need to collaborate with overseas companies for system-level know-how and will most likely get to start a build-to-print facility should they win the contract,” said Rajesh Narayan, a Mumbai-based investment banker. “However, should they aspire for the partnership to evolve into local system integration, they need to forge alliances and partnerships with Indian small manufacturing enterprises.”


Gun Facility


Bharat Forge’s acquisition of Ruag allows it to build self-propelled artillery guns and vehicles at Pune in India.


The facility has been manufacturing artillery systems, including M109 self-propelled tracked systems. The line was upgraded in 2004 to tackle artillery systems for 155mm/52-caliber guns. In addition, the line has also been used to upgrade tank systems from 105mm to 120mm artillery gun systems.


Another Bharat Forge executive claimed the company can manufacture a variety of guns, including 105mm, 130mm and 155mm/52-caliber naval guns. The facility can also upgrade armored systems, the executive added.


Some of Bharat Forge’s ongoing projects include upgrade programs for light multipurpose reconnaissance vehicles, light bulletproof vehicles and light strike vehicles.

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:35
Indo-S. Korean Defense Ties Deepen with Minesweeper Purchase

The Pondicherry-class minesweeper Kozhikode was built for the Indian Navy by Russia. India plans to buy eight mine countermeasures vessels from South Korea to replace its aging ships. (Indian Navy)


Oct. 15, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI – Defense News


NEW DELHI — India’s Defence Ministry has decided to award a US $1.2 billion contract to Kangnam Corp. for eight mine-countermeasure vessels in India’s first big-ticket defense program with South Korea.


The deal has been cleared ahead of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony’s planned visit to Seoul later this year, and will help boost defense ties with South Korea, an Indian MoD official said.


The finalization of the contract was delayed after Italy’s Intermarine, which was competing for the contract, approached India’s anti-fraud agency, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), with issues related to the transparency of the procurement. The CVC cleared the purchase last year, but the MoD has since dragged its feet in deciding to award the contract, the source said.


India is reaching out to friendly nations in the region, including Japan and South Korea, as part of its Look East policy in a bid to contain the rising influence of China, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh.


The Indian Navy is likely to give additional orders to the South Korean company for the countermine ships, since the service has a requirement for more than 24 minesweepers, an MoD source said. The Indian Navy operates 12 aging Pondicherry and Karwar-class minesweepers.


The purchase of the new countermine ships is part of a long-term plan to acquire vessels for littoral warfare, including large landing platform decks, fast attack craft and advanced offshore patrol vessels.


In 2008, India sent bids for the countermine ships to Kangnam, Intermarine, Northrop Grumman, Izhar of Spain and DCN International of France.


The Navy has wanted new minesweepers for more than 13 years, but delays in procurement due to bureaucratic red tape have been holding back the order.


According to the deal, the first two minesweepers will be constructed at Pusan, South Korea, and the remaining six will be built at the Goa Shipyard through technology transfers.


South Korea has become a big-ticket supplier of weapons to India — along with Russia, Israel, the United States and France — and is aggressively tapping India’s $100 billion weapons market.


Samsung has jointly developed a howitzer gun with Indian private-sector company Larsen & Toubro, and it is likely to put up a tough fight against Russia’s Rosoboronoexport in the quest to supply 155mm/52-caliber tracked guns.


The Larsen & Toubro-Samsung team is competing with Rosoboronexport, and with state-owned Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. (BEML), which has partnered with Slovakian company Konstrukha.


The Indian Army wants to buy 100 tracked guns valued at more than $750 million. The tender, issued in 2011, was a rebid of a 2007 tender, which went to India’s Tata Power SED, Larsen & Toubro, BEML and Rosoboronexport.


South Korean firm Doosan has also been given a tender this year for the purchase of 104 self-propelled gun missile systems to replace aging Russian Kvadrat systems.


Indo-South Korean defense ties began in 2005, when the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on defense logistics and supplies.


In 2007, the defense ministers of the two countries met to hash out a defense cooperation plan, which was followed in 2010 by the signing of a declaration of strategic partnership.

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15 octobre 2013 2 15 /10 /octobre /2013 07:35
Le porte-avions Admiral Gorchkov quittera la Russie pour l'Inde le 30 novembre (Moscou)

MOSCOU, 14 oct 2013 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


Le porte-avions Admiral Gorchkov, un bâtiment rénové de l'époque soviétique, a passé avec succès les essais en mer et quittera les eaux russes le 30 novembre pour être livré à l'Inde avec plus de cinq ans de retard, a annoncé lundi un responsable gouvernemental russe.


"Les essais en mer ont été passés avec succès", a déclaré le vice-Premier ministre Dmitri Rogozine, cité par les agences russes.


"Les défauts qui étaient apparus pendant les essais l'année dernière ont été complètement rectifiés", a-t-il ajouté lors d'un entretien avec le Premier ministre Dmitri Medvedev.


M. Rogozine, responsable de l'industrie de la Défense au sein du gouvernement, a ajouté que le navire, qui sera rebaptisé avant sa livraison INS Vikramaditya, quitterait les eaux russes le 30 novembre en direction de l'Inde.


L'Inde avait signé avec la Russie en 2004 un contrat de modernisation de ce navire. Mais sa livraison, prévue au départ à l'été 2008, avait été repoussée de plusieurs années en raison de plusieurs différends financiers, de retards dans la livraison d'équipements ainsi que de problèmes apparus lors de tests.


La facture de l'Admiral Gorchkov a depuis plus que doublé à 2,3 milliards de dollars.


Ces problèmes avaient tendu les relations entre Moscou et New Delhi, un de ses alliés de l'époque soviétique et premier client de son industrie militaire.


La réalisation de ce contrat constitue "une question de prestige pour notre industrie navale", a souligné Dmitri Medvedev.


Construit il y a trente ans, l'Admiral Gorchkov rebaptisé INS Vikramaditya doit combler le vide laissé par le tout premier porte-avions indien, l'INS Vikrant, retiré du service en 1997.


M. Rogozine a relevé que le navire qui serait livré dépassait les exigences techniques prévues dans le contrat, notamment en termes de vitesse.


"J'ai même dit pour plaisanter au ministère indien de la Défense que cela faisait même de la peine de le livrer", a rapporté le vice-Premier ministre.

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11 octobre 2013 5 11 /10 /octobre /2013 16:35
Le Rafale pourrait atterrir en Inde qu'en 2015

Le Rafale pourrait atterrir en Inde qu'en 2015


11/10/2013 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Selon des sources concordantes, les industriels du Team Rafale comptent sur la signature d'un contrat en Inde en 2015. Il resterait entre 12 et 18 mois de travail et les élections législatives au printemps prochain vont ralentir les négociations.


Quand sera signé le contrat Rafale en Inde ? Aujourd'hui, les industriels du Team Rafale (Dassault Aviation, Thales et Safran) comptent désormais sur un contrat pour la fourniture de 126 Rafale à l'armée de l'air indienne en 2015, selon des sources concordantes. Voire fin 2014 mais avec beaucoup de scepticisme. "Il reste entre 12 et 18 mois de travail" pour signer un contrat en bonne et due forme, explique un bon connaisseur du dossier à "La Tribune". Et de rappeler que les contrats d'armement signés en Inde sont très, très lents à sortir à l'image du contrat de rénovation des Mirage 2000 indiens.

En outre, les élections législatives en Inde prévues au printemps 2014 vont paralyser le processus des négociations. Le PDG de Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier expliquait d'ailleurs craindre que l'approche des élections législatives l'année prochaine en Inde et la mise en place d'un nouveau gouvernement issu des urnes retardent la prise de décision à New Delhi.


Un contrat hors norme

"Ce sera beaucoup trop juste pour 2014", constate également une source industrielle. Pour autant, personne ne remet en cause la signature de ce contrat négocié avec Dassault Aviation depuis janvier 2012… mais la lenteur légendaire de l'administration indienne et la masse incroyable de détails qui restent encore à négocier et à coucher sur un contrat hors norme conduisent les négociateurs français à devenir zen et à se mettre à l'heure indienne.

N'en déplaise au ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian. "Concernant le Rafale, je suis optimiste pour la signature avec l'Inde l'an prochain, où un budget a été inscrit", a-t-il déclaré mardi dans une interview aux "Echos". Un objectif qui paraît aujourd'hui un peu trop ambitieux. Car le gouvernement compte sur la signature d'un contrat avant juillet 2014 pour réduire les livraisons des Rafale à l'armée française à partir de 2016, l'export prenant le relais.


Les ambitions de HAL

Ce n'est pas la mort d'un négociateur en Inde, Arun Kumar Bal, "joint secretary" au ministère de la Défense chargé notamment des acquisitions pour l'armée de l'Air, qui va retarder cette négociation, estiment certains interlocuteurs, qui rappellent qu'il était arrivé il y a peu. Ce qui peut ralentir les négociations, ce sont plutôt les ambitions du principal partenaire indien de Dassault Aviation, Hindustan Aeronatics Ltd (HAL). "Ils veulent tout faire mais être responsables de rien", constate un connaisseur de ce dossier.

Ce qui n'est pas réellement nouveau, car, précise-t-il, "ils ont toujours été de redoutables négociateurs". Mais les discussions entre Dassault Aviation et HAL se poursuivent sur qui est responsable de quoi. Enfin, Dassault Aviation, qui veut faire les choses de façon extrêmement propres, souhaite coller au plus près de la proposition qui lui a permis de gagner le droit de négocier en exclusivité avec New Delhi. L'Inde avait demandé des offres basées sur le coût de possession des appareils. Soit sur la durée de vie des appareils.


Le Qatar avant l'Inde

Une chose est sure, Jean-Yves Le Drian ne peut pas compter sur un contrat Rafale en Inde pour réduire la cadence de livraison des appareils à l'armée de l'air à partir de 2016 (26 Rafale doivent être livré lors de la prochaine loi de programmation militaire, dont 11 en 2014 et en 2015). Le projet de LPM 2014-2019, en cours d'examen au Parlement, est en effet bâti sur l'hypothèse que l'exportation du Rafale prendra le relais des livraisons nationales à partir de 2016.

L'avionneur considère qu'il faut trois ans à partir de sa signature pour produire un Rafale. Voire quatre ans pour certains. La précédente LPM avait déjà fait le même pari, mais l'Etat avait dû continuer à prendre livraison de 11 Rafale par an. Reste le Qatar, le propect le plus chaud de Paris... Mais les Américains sont en train de brouiller les cartes à Doha.

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4 octobre 2013 5 04 /10 /octobre /2013 19:35
IAF Chief Sounds First Anxious Note On MMRCA

October 04, 2013 - by Shiv Aroor – Livefist


He's been known to be unequivocally optimistic about the $20-billion M-MRCA fighter competition so far, but IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne sounded anxious and uncertain over the deal, currently still in negotiations.


"We have no back-up plan. We need to get the deal going, or we'll face a big shortfall of fighters in the 2017-22 period," said Browne at his annual press conference ahead of Air Force Day on October 8. "The deal has to work. There's no other option."


The IAF chief rued the death of MoD Joint Secretary (Acquisitions) Arun Bal, saying his demise was tragic and a setback to several acquisition cases, particularly the MMRCA, which he handled directly.


"Negotiations on the MMRCA are still on. Cannot place a timeline on when the deal will be signed," the IAF chief said, marking the first time when he's left the timeframe open. In the past, Browne has commonly put down a specific time by which he said he expected the deal or paperwork to be complete.


Dismissing speculation about exchange rate fluctuations jeopardising high-value acquisitions like the MMRCA, the Chief said such contingencies had been accounted for, and wouldn't impact the acquisition decision.

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3 octobre 2013 4 03 /10 /octobre /2013 16:13
Décès du négociateur indien du contrat Rafale

02.10.2013 journal-aviation.com


PARIS, 2 octobre (Reuters) - Arun Kumar Bal, le négociateur du contrat d'achat des avions de combat Rafale pour le compte du ministère indien de la Défense, est mort mercredi d'une crise cardiaque, lit-on sur le site internet du quotidien India Today.


Le quotidien Les Echos, qui reprend la même information, cite des sources à New Delhi selon lesquelles ce décès porterait un mauvais coup aux espoirs de conclusion rapide des négociations entre l'Inde et le constructeur du Rafale, le groupe Dassault Aviation, tant Arun Kumar Bal occupait un rôle central dans le processus.


L'Inde a présélectionné le Rafale en janvier 2012 au terme d'un appel d'offres très disputé pour une commande évaluée à quelque 15 milliards de dollars portant sur 126 avions et 63 options potentielles.


Le PDG de Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, avait déclaré récemment qu'il espérait une signature de cette mégacommande d'ici la fin de l'année.


Arun Kumar Bal enquêtait également sur les faits de corruption présumés dans l'acquisition de douze hélicoptères à AgustaWestland, la filiale du groupe italien Finmeccanica . (Jean-Michel Bélot, édité par Wilfrid Exbrayat)

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2 octobre 2013 3 02 /10 /octobre /2013 12:35
L’Inde veut des missiles BrahMos sur ses futurs sous-marins

2 octobre 2013. Portail des Sous-Marins


Les compétiteurs occidentaux pourraient devoir affronter une compétition plus acharnée de la part des Russes, dans l’appel d’offres qui sera lancé par l’Inde pour l’achat de 6 sous-marins classiques. Le ministère indien de la défense exige que les sous-marins proposés soient capables de lancer le missile de croisière BrahMos, de conception indo-russe.


La Defence Research and Development Organisation, qui fabrique le missile en commun avec la Russie, a persuadé le ministère d’insérer cette exigence dans l’appel d’offres, qui devrait être lancé vers la fin de l’année.


DCNS, Navantia et HDW vont proposer leurs sous-marins. De leur côté, les Russes ont déjà informé ce mois-ci la marine indienne que les sous-marins de la classe Amur pourraient lancer le missile BrahMos avec peu de modification.


Aucun responsable de DCNS, Navantia ou HDW n’a fait de commentaire sur la capacité de leurs modèles respectifs à lancer le missile.


Référence : Defense News (Etats-Unis)

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27 septembre 2013 5 27 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
INS Sindhurakshak (S63) - photo Livefist

INS Sindhurakshak (S63) - photo Livefist

L'INS Sindhurakshak


COCHIN (Inde), 26 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie réparera et modernisera quatre sous-marins diesel-électriques indiens de classe Kilo pour 150-200 millions de dollars chacun, a annoncé jeudi à Cochin Evgueni Choustikov, directeur général adjoint des chantiers navals russes Zvezdotchka.


"Le coût des travaux sera le même que pour la modernisation de l'INS Sindhurakshak", soit de 150 à 200 millions de dollars pour chaque sous-marin, a indiqué M.Choustikov au premier salon naval international NAMEXPO-2013.


Le responsable avait annoncé mercredi que l'Inde comptait faire réparer et moderniser quatre sous-marins diesel-électriques pareils à l'INS Sindhurakshak que les chantiers navals Zvezdotchka ont remis à l'Inde le 26 janvier 2013. Deux des quatre sous-marins indiens seront réparés et modernisés en Russie et les deux autres en Inde, d'après lui.


"Pour le moment, nos partenaires indiens souhaitent que nous effectuions les mêmes travaux de rénovation et modernisation que ceux réalisés à bord du Sindhurakshak", a précisé M.Choustikov. Il s'agit notamment de remplacer les accumulateurs et les systèmes hydroacoustiques des submersibles. New Delhi n'a pas l'intention de remplacer les armements.


"Les Indiens étudient la possibilité de doter les sous-marins de missiles BrahMos, mais ils n'en parlent que dans les discussions informelles. Nous le ferons si c'est nécessaire, nous en avons les possibilités techniques", a conclu M.Choustikov.


L'INS Sindhurakshak est un sous-marin du projet 877 EKM (version export du projet Paltus/Kilo selon la classification de l'OTAN) construit aux chantiers navals de Saint-Pétersbourg en 1995 sur demande de la Marine indienne. Fin août dernier, le Sindhurakshak a partiellement sombré au port de Bombay (Mumbai) suite à un incendie et plusieurs explosions à bord. La Marine indienne a expliqué l'incident par une erreur humaine lors du chargement de missiles

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27 septembre 2013 5 27 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
BrahMos missile at the MAKS-2013 international air and space show. photo Boris Egorov RIR

BrahMos missile at the MAKS-2013 international air and space show. photo Boris Egorov RIR

26/09/2013 indrus.in (Itar-Tass)


Work on a scaled-down version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile co-produced by Russia and India is in the initial stage and the rocket may be phased into service in 2017, Dr. Sivathanu Pillai, CEO and MD of the BrahMos Aerospace Company, told Itar-Tass on Thursday.


"In order to install a BrahMos rocket on board a fighter plane, it is essential to reduce the rocket's weight. A reduced version got the name of BrahMos-M (mini). After work on a detail design and an initial configuration of the rocket is completed, the development of the rocket proper will ensue," he pointed out.


According to Dr. Pillai, since the project "is in its initial stage, it is difficult to tell when the rocket may be phased into service". "Nevertheless, we expect that it will be adopted in the range of 2017," Dr. Pillai added.


The weight of a prospective rocket will be 1.5 tons and its length will be about six meters. It will be designed for Su-30MKI and MiG-29 fighter planes. However, it will be also fit for other operational combat aircraft or those set to be adopted by the Air Force of India, including Rafale and Mirage-2000 aircraft.


The first launch of an aviation version of BrahMos rocket (BrahMos-A) is slated for June 2014. A Su-30MKI fighter plane armed with it should be ready in September 2015. Only one BrahMos rocket can be mounted on it. In case of the manufacture of reduced versions of the rocket, the Su-30MKI will be able to carry three rockets and it will be possible to put two BrahMos-M rockets on a MiG-29.


The Russo-Indian joint-venture enterprise BrahMos was established in 1998 and got its name in honour of the rivers Brahmaputra and Moskva. The Company is the technological partner of India's first naval and shipbuilding exhibition NAMEXPO-2013, which is being held in the city of Kochi in the southern state of Kerala.

BrahMos mini-rocket may be adopted in 2017
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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 20:35
NSA targets Indian politics, space & n-programmes

September 24, 2013 Shobhan Saxena - thehindu.com


Nation's strategic, commercial interests may have been compromised


RIO DE JANEIRO - The public assertions made by Indian and American officials that no content was taken from India’s internet and telephone networks by U.S.’s National Security Agency (NSA) and that the American surveillance programs just looked at “patterns of communication” as a counter-terrorism measure are far from the truth, if not outright misleading.


According to a top secret document disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and obtained by The Hindu, the PRISM programme was deployed by the American agency to gather key information from India by tapping directly into the servers of tech giants which provide services such as email, video sharing, voice-over-IPs, online chats, file transfer and social networking services.


And, according to the PRISM document seen by The Hindu, much of the communication targeted by the NSA is unrelated to terrorism, contrary to claims of Indian and American officials.


Instead, much of the surveillance was focused on India’s domestic politics and the country’s strategic and commercial interests.


This is the first time it’s being revealed that PRISM, which facilitates extensive, in-depth surveillance on live communications as well as stored information, was used by the world’s largest surveillance organization to intercept and pick content on at least three issues related to India’s geopolitical and economic interests. They are: Nuclear, Space and Politics.


The top-secret NSA document, which carries the seal of “Special Source Operations”, is called “A Week in the Life of PRISM reporting” and it shows “Sampling of Reporting topics from 2-8 Feb 2013”. Marked with a green slug that reads “589 End product Reports’’, the document carries the brand logos of companies like Gmail, Facebook, MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo!, Google, Apple, Skype, YouTube, paltalk.com and AOL on the top of the page.


“End products” are official reports that are distillations of the best raw intelligence.


In a section titled “India”, the document clearly mentions numerous subjects about which content was picked from various service providers on the worldwide web in just one week early this year.


This document is strong evidence of the fact that NSA surveillance in India was not restricted to tracking of phone calls, text messages and email logs by Boundless Informant, an NSA tool that was deployed quite aggressively against India. “As politics, space and nuclear are mentioned as “end products” in this document, it means that emails, texts and phones of important people related to these fields were constantly monitored and intelligence was taken from them, and then the NSA prepared official reports on the basis of raw intelligence. It means, they are listening in real time to what our political leaders, bureaucrats and scientists are communicating with each other,” an official with an India intelligence agency told The Hindu, speaking strictly on condition of anonymity.


But, top ministers and officials have continued to live in denial.


After it was reported by The Guardian on June 7 that the PRISM program allowed the NSA “to obtain targeted communications without having to request them from the service providers and without having to obtain individual court orders”, both U.S. and Indian officials claimed that no content was being taken from the country’s networks and that the programs were intended to “counter terrorism”.


Kerry’s dissembling


During his visit to New Delhi on June 24 to take part in the India-U.S. Strategic Dialogue, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry denied that the American agency programmes were accessing online content. “It does not look at individual emails. It does not listen to people’s telephone conversation. It is a random survey by computers of anybody’s telephone, of just the numbers and not even the names…It takes those random numbers and looks whether those random numbers are connected to other numbers, that they know, by virtue of other intelligence, linked to terrorists in places where those terrorists operate,” Mr. Kerry had said, stressing that only when an “adequate linkage” is formed, the authorities go to a special court to get permission to obtain further data.


Even Indian officials have been repeating these lines since the NSA activities in India were disclosed. Replying to a question in Rajya Sabha on August 26, Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal said the U.S. agencies only “trace origin and destination of the data, but never try to get access to the content, which requires a court approval”. “It would be a matter of concern for government if intrusive data capture has been deployed against Indian citizens or government infrastructure. Government has clearly conveyed these concerns to the U.S. government,” the minister had said, adding that the violation of any Indian law relating to privacy of information of ordinary Indian citizens by surveillance programs was “unacceptable”.


This “unacceptable” line might have been crossed by the NSA millions of times through the PRISM program as, according to the documents disclosed by Mr. Snowden, it is able to reach directly into the servers of the tech companies that are part of the programme and obtain data as well as perform real-time collection on targeted users. “The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other U.S. internet giants,” The Guardian had said in its June 7 report, quoting from a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program.


Foreigners are fair game


Tech firms have denied that they allow unfettered access to the NSA. In strongly worded denials of participation in any government surveillance program, they have claimed they allow access to any data to the agency only when required by law.


Here lies the catch. Contrary to denials by tech firms and claims by India’s communication minister that the U.S. agency “requires a court approval” to look into any online content, the NSA used the changes in U.S. surveillance law that allows for the targeting of any customers of participating firms “who live outside the US, or those Americans whose communications include people outside the US”. This law, known as FISA Amendment Act or FAA, was introduced by President George W Bush and renewed under President Barack Obama in December 2012, allows for electronic surveillance on anyone who is “reasonably believed” to be outside the U.S.


No Indian citizen, government department or organisation has any legal protection from NSA surveillance. In a Joint Statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency on August 21, 2013, it was stated that “FISA is designed to allow the U.S. Government to acquire foreign intelligence while protecting the civil liberties and privacy of Americans.”


So the NSA had no obstacle — technical or legal — in deploying the PRISM tool against India and Indian citizens. Armed with the FAA and with the active cooperation of the world’s biggest internet brands, the NSA was able to tap specific intelligence from India about the issues which have huge implications for its strategic interests in India. While India’s “nuclear” and “space” programmes have clearly significant commercial value for American firms, the surveillance of “politics” has huge implications for its foreign policy objectives in the region.


“If Americans are listening to our politicians and tapping the phones or reading mails of individuals who handle nuclear and space programmes, they have huge advantage over us in all business and diplomatic negotiations. Even before we go to the table, they know what we are going to put on it. It’s not just violation of our sovereignty, it’s a complete intrusion into our decision-making process,” said a senior official of the Ministry of Home Affairs, who admitted in private that the reports about the scale of NSA surveillance have “rattled” the government.


The NSA document also has names of several Asian, African and Latin American countries from where the American agency picked data about subjects ranging from oil to WTO to government policies, making it clear that the NSA spying was focused on commercial and business areas, and not on its stated objective of national security. “If the American intelligence agencies and business corporations are hunting in pairs, we are bound to lose,” added the Indian official.


More than anything, the targeting of India’s politics and space programme by the NSA busts the myth of close strategic partnership between India and US. The document seen by The Hindu is populated with the countries that are generally seen as adversarial by America. When the PRISM program was disclosed first time in June, a U.S. official had said that information “collected under this program is among the most important and valuable intelligence information we collect, and is used to protect our nation from a wide variety of threats.”

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
Les Etats-Unis promettent de fournir des technologies militaires de pointe à l'Inde

2013-09-20 xinhua


Les Etats-Unis ont promis à l'Inde de lui fournir des technologies militaires de pointe, en amont de la visite prévue du Premier ministre indien Manmohan Singh à Washington la semaine prochaine, a rapporté jeudi la presse locale.


Le secrétaire adjoint américain à la Défense Ashton B. Carter, actuellement en visite en Inde, s'est entretenu avec le Conseiller indien pour la sécurité nationale Shiv Shankar Menon, la ministre des Affaires étrangères Sujatha Singh et le ministre de la Défense RK Mathur dans la capitale du pays, où il a souligné la nécessité de mener plusieurs projets militaires de co-développement et de co-production pour raviver les relations stratégiques bilatérales, a rapporté le journal Times of India.


A l'heure actuelle, la Russie est le premier fournisseur de l'Inde en matière de défense.


M. Carter a déclaré que les Etats-Unis cherchent à s'associer avec l'Inde via "l'ensemble du spectre" des capacités de défense et "sans frontière" préétablie, en proposant des installations de fabrication communes pour la prochaine génération de missiles antichar guidés Javelin, précise le Times of India.


L'Inde a prévu de dépenser plus de 100 milliards de dollars dans les acquisitions d'armes au cours de la prochaine décennie.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
Défense : Vietnam et Inde approfondissent leur coopération

Le CEMAA indien Norman Anil Kumar Brown et Dô Ba Ty, chef d'état-major général de l'Armée populaire du Vietnam. (Photo Minh Ly - VNA)


25/09/2013 vietnamplus.vn


L'Inde, pour qui le Vietnam est un des plus importants partenaires en Asie du Sud-Est, souhaite renforcer ses relations avec le Vietnam, notamment dans la défense.


C'est ce qu'a affirmé le chef d'était-major aérien indien Norman Anil Kumar Brown, lors de son entretien avec le général de corps d'armée Dô Ba Ty, chef d'état-major général de l'Armée populaire du Vietnam, en visite officielle en Inde.


M. Norman Anil Kumar Brown, qui est également le président du Comité des chefs d'état-major indiens, s'est déclaré convaincu que cette visite contribuera à une nouvelle avancée du partenariat stratégique entre les deux pays, notamment dans la défense.


Le général Dô Ba Ty a particulièrement estimé les relations d'amitié traditionnelles et les nombreuses similitudes sur le plan culturel et historique entre le Vietnam et l'Inde. Il s'est aussi félicité des réalisations du peuple indien en terme de développement de son pays.


S'agissant de la coopération bilatérale dans la défense, MM. Dô Ba Ty et Norman Anil Kumar Brown se sont déclarés satisfaits de son développement, notamment en suite de la signature du mémorandum de coopération et d'échanges dans la défense.


Ils sont convenus de maintenir les échanges de délégation de tous les échelons, de renforcer le dialogue de défense au niveau vice-ministériel, l'entraide dans la formation aux technologies militaires, ainsi que la coopération entre les forces maritimes et aériennes.


Le général Norman Anil Kumar Brown a affirmé soutenir le Vietnam dans sa préparation pour participer aux forces de paix de l'ONU, ainsi que l'initiative vietnamienne de créer un groupe d'experts en charge du règlement des conséquences des engins explosifs, laquelle avait été avancée lors de la deuxième Conférence élargie des ministres de la Défense de l'ASEAN (ADMM+).


L'Inde est prête à mettre en oeuvre cette initiative de concert avec le Vietnam, a-t-il ajouté.


Le même jour, le général de coprs d'armée Dô Ba Ty rencontré le commandant de l'Armée de terre et le commandant adjoint de la Marine indienne. -

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
La Russie aidera l'Inde à construire le porte-avions Vikrant

COCHIN (Inde), 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie aidera l'Inde à achever la construction de son premier porte-avions de fabrication nationale, l'INS Vikrant, a annoncé mercredi à Cochin Victor Komardine, directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport).


"Nous réalisons une dizaine de projets conjoints avec l'Inde, y compris celui du Vikrant", a indiqué M.Komardine lors du premier Salon naval international NAMEXPO-2013.


Les spécialistes russes sont responsables des équipements aériens du porte-avions INS Vikrant. "Il s'agit notamment des brins d'arrêt, des ascenseurs et des hangars", a précisé M.Komardine.


Destiné à devenir le navire-amiral de la Flotte occidentale de la Marine indienne, l'INS Vikrant sera remis à l'armée en 2018. Le navire a un déplacement de 37.400 tonnes. Il sera équipé de missiles mer-air et de canons à tir rapide, de chasseurs embarqués de fabrication russe MiG-29K/KUB et d'hélicoptères. L'Inde pourrait également y déployer des chasseurs de fabrication nationale HAL Tejas, si elle arrive à créer rapidement une version embarquée de cet avion.


Avec 256 mètres de long et 56 mètres de large, le Vikrant possède un tirant d'eau de 12 mètres. Sa vitesse de croisière étant de 28 nœuds, le navire a une autonomie de 7.500 milles à une vitesse de 18 nœuds. Son équipage comptera 1.400 matelots et 160 officiers.


Selon la Marine indienne, près de 50% des éléments du propulseur du porte-avions et environ 30% des armements du Vikrant ont été conçus en Inde.


Avec ce porte-avions, l'Inde complétera la liste des pays capables de construire ce type de navires. Ces technologies ne sont pour le moment maîtrisées que par la Russie, les Etats-Unis, la France et la Grande-Bretagne.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
India, Nepal joint military exercise begins in Pithoragarh

Sep 25, 2013 brahmand.com


PITHORAGARH, U'KHAND (PTI): Joint exercises in general combat and mountain warfare will form part of the two-week-long 5th Indo-Nepal war games, which began here on Tuesday.


The joint military exercise will also include anti-insurgency operations in hilly terrains and relief and rescue operations at the time of natural disasters.


The military exercise will conclude on October 6, an Indian Army source said.


"Over 900 Indian and Nepali troops are taking part in this exercise being conducted in mountainous terrains of the area shared by the geography of both the countries in this part of Indo-Nepal border," an Indian army spokesman said.


He said the exercise would prove to be another link of cooperation between the two neighbouring countries.


"The joint military exercises between Indian and Nepal began at platoon level, which has now reached at company level. This shows that both the countries are heading towards higher level of cooperation in the direction of sharing military methodology," the spokesman said.


According to Army sources, after having joint exercise at different locations in the state, Army jawans from both the countries will present cultural programmes on the concluding night of October 6.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 17:40
INS Vikramaditya (formerly Admiral Gorshkov) aircraft carrier

INS Vikramaditya (formerly Admiral Gorshkov) aircraft carrier

KOCHI (India), September 25 (RIA Novosti)


A Russian-built aircraft carrier is to be handed over to the Indian Navy on November 15, and will reach India by February 2014, a senior official at the Russian arms exports monopoly said Wednesday.


The Vikramaditya carrier, which is already years past its original 2008 delivery date, was supposed to have been handed over to India in December 2012, but last year’s sea trials revealed that the vessel's boilers were not fully functional.


“We expect that Vikramaditya will dock at a Mumbai port by February,” Viktor Komardin, deputy head of the state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport, said Wednesday at the NAMEXPO-2013 naval exhibition in India.


Komardin said that the carrier would dock at 14 ports on its way to the final destination.


The carrier, renamed the Vikramaditya for India, was originally built as the Soviet Project 1143.4 class aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov.

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 17:35
Indian Navy receives first Hawk Trainer Jet

Dr R.K. Tyagi – Chairman, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited hands over Indian Navy's first Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer to Deputy Chief of Naval Staff - Vice Admiral Pradeep Chatterjee (AVSM NM)


23 September 2013 baesystems.com


The Indian Navy has received the first of 17 Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers, becoming the third naval operator of the Hawk along with the US Navy and the Royal Navy.


The 17 Hawk aircraft ordered by the Indian Navy form part of a contract for 57 aircraft signed in 2010 of which 40 are for the Indian Air Force.  Among its 18 customers worldwide, India is the largest operator of the Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer with 123 aircraft ordered to date, of which over 70 have been delivered to the Indian Air Force. Hawk trainers already in service with the Indian Air Force are performing well.


Adding to the Indian Navy’s fleet of aircraft, the Hawk provides the ideal platform for pilots to transition smoothly to the Navy’s frontline aircraft.  Hawk effectively integrates air and ground based elements offering the most efficient and cost-effective method of training pilots.


We have worked closely with the Indian MOD and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to establish a production line in India where the Hawk aircraft are assembled.  Guy Griffiths, Our Group Managing Director—International said, “The introduction of the Hawk to a new user is a momentous occasion, and further testimony to the aircraft’s global success. This marks another significant milestone in our longstanding partnership with HAL which has established a track record operating a world-class Hawk production capability. We are committed to strengthening our relationship with HAL and exploring long-term sustainable business opportunities, globally.”


Looking forward, Griffiths added:  “We have also submitted our response to HAL’s Request for Proposal for a potential order to supply products and services for the manufacture of 20 additional Hawk aircraft to the IAF, and are now looking forward to partnering with HAL in providing the Indian Air Force’s display team this fantastic aircraft.”


Our Sea Harrier aircraft, which pioneered the short take off and vertical landing for jet aircraft, was bought by the Indian Navy in 1980 and the company continues to support them.

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 12:35
Rosoboronexport to supply Tor and Pantsir to India

September 23rd, 2013 Rosoboronexport


India is going to buy more than fifty short range air defense systems


India has announce a tender to buy more than fifty short range air defense systems. Rosoboronexport probably will submit two Russian systems – Tor-M2E manufactured by PVO Almaz-Antei and the surface-to-air missile system Pantsir-S1.


India already has air defense systems that was supplied by the Soviet Union and later on by Russia. Indian army employs the earlier counterpart of Pantsir which is called Tunguska. The army also has medium range air defense systems S-75 and short range air defense systems S-125, Kvadrat air defense systems which serves as a basis for India’s own improved surface-to-air missile system called Akash.


“India knows how to use Soviet and Russian air defense systems and they will quickly get the hang of the new systems. Of course there was a period when Israeli manufacturers cooperated with Indian military forces and nowadays supply them with short and medium range air defense systems both for Indian navy and land forces. On the other hand Russia offers the cutting edge systems which have already been tested both in Russian army and in other armies as well. Pantsir combines in itself capabilities of a quick-firing long-range missile”, said Said Aminov, editor in chief of Vestnik PVO web-site.


The range of action of Pantsir is 20 km. This characteristic makes Pantsir a one-off system. Nowadays we have made four contracts with Middle East and North African countries to supply this surface-to-air missile system.


“Tor-M2E is also quite effective system. It was exported extensively. Now we offer a container variant. The pilot model with the Indian manufactured undercarriage of this system was presented at MAKS show. Tor can protect against all air weapons including high-precision weapons”, said Said Aminov.


According to Vyacheslav Davydenko, Rosoboronexport’s spokesman not only India but also other countries choose Russian air defense systems. Such systems as Tor-M2E and Pantsir are new and in the immediate future there will be no question as to their improvement or replacement.


Experts say that if there are orders for the supply of more than 52 systems, then it will be possible to consider the licensed production of certain kinds of Russian weapons in India. As a matter of fact the experience of supplying T-90 tanks and multipurpose Su-30 MKI jets show that this can be possible.

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 11:35
photo Saab

photo Saab

Sept. 23, 2013 by Greg Waldron – FG


Singapore - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has placed follow-on orders worth Swedish kronor (SKr) 216 million (US$34 million) with Saab for a self defence system to be deployed on the Dhruv helicopters.


The two orders cover serial production of the system for use aboard Dhruvs operated by the Indian army and air force, says Saab.


“Saab’s Integrated Defensive Aids Suite (IDAS) protects crew and aircraft and enhances the survivability in sophisticated, diverse and dense threat environments,” says the Swedish company. “The system provides a timely warning against different types of threats including radar, laser and missile approach warning; and automatically deploys the appropriate countermeasures.”


The deals follow initial serial production orders dating from 2008. Saab will commence delivery of units covered under the new contracts in 2014.

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
INS Trikand_(F51) photo Brian Burnell

INS Trikand_(F51) photo Brian Burnell

23 September 2013 Pacific Sentinel


Rosoboronexport will participate in NAMEXPO 2013, India’s premiere international naval & maritime exposition and conference to be held in Cochin, India from 23 to 27 September 2013.
Enterprises affiliated with the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) – Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering, St. Petersburg-based Malakhit Marine Engineering Bureau and Sudoexport – as well as the Mars Research & Production Association and the Aquamarin Company will display their products under the aegis of Rosoboronexport, part of the Rostec State Corporation.
“We work closely with our Indian partners in the naval area and hope that the new specialized exhibition will be a good platform to showcase our capabilities. Today, India has set ambitious goals to strengthen the national naval forces and Russia, as its strategic ally, is ready to comprehensively cooperate to effectively implement these plans,” – said Rosoboronexport Deputy Director General Viktor Komardin who leads the Company’s delegation at the exhibition.


Among the models having high potential in the Indian market are the Project 11356 frigates, which have long been successfully operated by the Indian Navy, Amur-1650 diesel-electric submarine and a variety of naval weapon systems.
According to Viktor Komardin, at NAMEXPO 2013, the Russian side is planning to discuss concrete steps to deepen cooperation with India’s state and private manufacturers of naval equipment. In particular, the joint design and construction of new ships is one of the most promising areas of cooperation.
Rosoboronexport will also hold talks with its partners in Southeast Asia, where potential customers are showing great interest in patrol boats and Project 22460E patrol ships, Gepard 3.9-class frigates, Bastion and Bal-E coastal defense missile systems, shipborne SAM and artillery systems, and anti-ship missiles. In addition, the integrated coastal zone surveillance systems in various configurations and their components, in particular the Podsolnukh-E coastal over-the-horizon surface wave radar, have high export potential.
More than 70 warships have been built for India over more than 45 years of Russian-Indian cooperation in the naval sphere. Russia is providing assistance in designing and supplying systems and equipment for indigenously developed ships under construction in India. Among them are the Project 15A, 15B destroyers, Project 17 frigates and Project 71 aircraft carrier. In addition, Sevmash, part of USC, is completing the trials of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya.
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