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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:30
USS Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) - photo US Navy.jpg

USS Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) - photo US Navy.jpg


November 8, 2015 By Burak Ege Bekdil and Aaron Mehta - Defense News


ANKARA, Turkey, and WASHINGTON — As the US continues to modify its strategy for Syria, Turkish officials are raising concerns that Washington is moving too slowly to provide its ally with needed military goods. Turkish officials are bristling at what they see as delays in the delivery of weapons and ammo that are needed to fight Kurdish militant groups, with several large orders stuck pending in the system. Among the orders that are held up is a major deal from February 2014 between Sikorsky and the Turkish government for the co-production of 109 utility helicopters. Another is a Turkish request to transfer three Oliver Hazard Perry frigates, two of them floatable and one for spare use, along with a military trailer, to the Turkish military. An official from a state-controlled Turkish defense company said that other US-made equipment and systems Turkey has asked the US to ship include combat UAVs, smart military supplies, frigates and military trailers.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 08:55
Le MCO des embarcations de la gendarmerie confié à LGM


05.11.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

La société LGM, de Vélizy, a remporté un marché d'un montant maximum (avec part à bons de commande) de 13 099 756,52 € (H.T.) sur 5 ans.

Ce marché porte sur le maintien en condition opérationnelle de 32 vedettes de surveillance maritime de la gendarmerie maritime et des embarcations de projection. Ces vedettes et embarcations sont réparties sur 22 sites en métropole et outre-mer.

Selon l'avis, les prestations prévues sont les suivantes:
- prestations de maîtrise d'oeuvre industrielle d'ensemble et de maître de chantier ;
- ingénierie de MCO ;
- suivi en classe ;
- réalisation des prestations d'entretien, pièces et main d'oeuvre comprises, incluant la réalisation des tâches de maintenance préventive et corrective ainsi que la réalisation des modifications (engagement de disponibilité).

LGM est présente dans le domaine naval et gère la maintenance de plusieurs types de navires de la Marine (voir ici).

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 08:40
Protection des avions: un système russe de pointe pour l’Egypte et l’Algérie


09.11.2015 Sputnik


Le complexe de bord de défense (BKO) Président-S est destiné à parer les attaques de missiles sol-air.


La Russie négocie avec l'Egypte et l'Algérie la livraison dans ces pays de complexes de défense embarqués Président –S destinés à protéger les avions et les hélicoptères contre les attaques au missile, a annoncé lundi à RIA Novosti le premier vice-directeur du Groupe de technologies radio-électroniques KRET Igor Nassenkov.

"Actuellement, nous négocions la livraison de complexes Président-S à l’Egypte et à l’Algérie", a indiqué le responsable lors du Salon aérospatial Dubaï Airshow —2015.

Le complexe de bord de défense (BKO) Président-S est destiné à parer les attaques de missiles sol-air. Le complexe détecte automatiquement le lancement d’un missile et active l’utilisation d’interférences passives et actives dans les gammes infrarouges et radios, brouillant ainsi les systèmes d’autoguidage du missile et le redirigeant vers de fausses cibles.

Le système Président-S a été réalisé sous la forme de blocs qui peuvent être placés tant à l'intérieur que sur les accroches externes du fuselage des avions et hélicoptères civils et militaires.

Le prototype du complexe a été présenté pour la première fois en juin 2010 au Salon Eurosatory-2010 à Paris. La production industrielle a été lancée en juin 2015.

"Ces dernières décennies, dans les guerres locales et les conflits, la plupart des avions et hélicoptères perdus (80-90%) ont été détruits par des systèmes Sol-air à très courte portée (SATCP) dotés de têtes de guidage optiques. La discrétion, l’autonomie et la simplicité relative d’utilisation, la commodité de transport, le prix relativement bas par rapport à un complexe de missiles antiaériens avec systèmes de guidage radar ont permis la prolifération des SATCP dans le monde entier, y compris dans les pays du Proche-Orient et d’Afrique. C’est pour cela qu’il existe aujourd’hui dans le monde un risque élevé d’attaques de missile pour les aéronefs civils. Le complexe Président-S est capable de protéger efficacement n’importe quel appareil volant contre ce type d’attaque", a souligné le responsable.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 08:20
The ALFS integrated dipping sonar system enables the MH-60R to accomplish assigned undersea warfare missions. (Photo credit Lockheed Martin)

The ALFS integrated dipping sonar system enables the MH-60R to accomplish assigned undersea warfare missions. (Photo credit Lockheed Martin)

06.11.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Bon an, mal an Raytheon Company et Thales Underwater Systems, Brest, produisent une vingtaine de sonars de type AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS). Les deux firmes sont associés pour la production de ce sonar qui équipe les hélicoptères MH-60R de l'US Navy.

La dernière commande en date porte sur 22 sonars (20 pour l'US Navy et 2 pour la marine saoudienne). 59% du marché sera réalisé à Brest par TUS. Montant de ce marché: 65,8 millions de dollars.


L'avis du Pentagone:

"Raytheon Co., Integrated Defense Systems, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, is being awarded a $65,801,757 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-13-C-0012) for the procurement of 22 MH-60R full-rate production Lot XIII Airborne Low Frequency Sonar systems for the Navy (20), and the government of Saudi Arabia (2), including associated program management support. Work will be performed in Brest, France (59 percent); Portsmouth, Rhode Island (37 percent); and Johnstown, Pennsylvania (4 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2018. Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Navy) and foreign military sales funds in the amount of $65,801,757 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This modification combines purchases for the Navy ($59,819,779; 91 percent), and the government of Saudi Arabia ($5,981,978; 9 percent) under the Foreign Military Sales program. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity."

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8 novembre 2015 7 08 /11 /novembre /2015 17:35
photo USAF

photo USAF


07 November, 2015 by James Drew - FG


Dubai   - Australia still hopes to acquire an armed, long-range unmanned air vehicle in a similar class to the General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Reaper, but moving forward with a “recommended project” depends on the outcome of a pending force structure review.


That review, the Defence White Paper, takes into consideration the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) request for a medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) UAV, but is awaiting examination and release by the country’s new prime minister Malcolm Turnbull.

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8 novembre 2015 7 08 /11 /novembre /2015 14:30
Shadow M2 - photo Textron Systems

Shadow M2 - photo Textron Systems


07 November, 2015 by James Drew - FG


Dubai - Textron is determined to arm its “Version 2” and next-generation “Mark 2” Shadow tactical unmanned aircraft with its lightweight Fury weapons even without serious interest from the US Army, which is more keen to diversify the weaponry available on its General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-1C Gray Eagles.


The all-digital RQ-7B V2 Shadow entered service with the army in late 2014, and Textron expects to deliver 20-25 systems annually, each consisting of four aircraft and two ground stations, over the next five years as the service replaces legacy platforms. Meanwhile, Textron continues to market the new Shadow “M2” air vehicle domestically and abroad, touting its more powerful engine, payload capacity, endurance and potential satellite communications capability for beyond-line-of-sight reconnaissance missions. The M2 and Textron’s Aerosonde small UAV are both on display at this year’s Dubai air ahow, along with the Fury miniature munition that Textron hopes will arm modern RQ-7 variants as well as other manned and unmanned platforms.

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8 novembre 2015 7 08 /11 /novembre /2015 12:20
Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES – photo Insitu

Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES – photo Insitu


November 6, 2015 Robert Beckhusen – War is Boring


Say goodbye to the ScanEagle's 4,000-pound ground catapult


Here’s one way to find a new use for an old drone — stick it underneath another drone which serves as a flying mothership. Insitu, a Boeing-owned company which manufactures the tiny ScanEagle surveillance drone, recently showed off a video of a quadcopter carrying the ScanEagle into the air and launching it … like a flying aircraft carrier. The ScanEagle then heads back to its quadcopter and snags a retrieval line. The whole system, known as the Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES, is a drone-carrier drone.

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7 novembre 2015 6 07 /11 /novembre /2015 16:55
« Faire preuve d’initiative et d’audace » - photo État-major des armées

« Faire preuve d’initiative et d’audace » - photo État-major des armées


06/11/2015 Sources : État-major des armées


Déterminé à faire progresser la cohérence entre les besoins des militaires engagés au combat et les moyens dont ils doivent disposer, le général d’armée Pierre de Villiers a réuni à Balard les industriels de la défense pour leur présenter un retour des expériences tirées des opérations en cours afin d’améliorer la réponse industrielle aux besoins des forces.


S’inscrivant dans une logique « gagnant-gagnant », le chef d’état-major des armées a fait part aux industriels de sa conviction « qu’il est toujours possible de mettre en œuvre des solutions innovantes et pragmatiques, dès lors que nous unissons nos volontés dans l’objectif commun de donner la primauté à l’opérationnel ». Conçu comme un « trilogue » Armées – DGA – Industrie, ce séminaire était co-présidé par M. Collet-Billon, délégué général pour l’armement.


« Faire preuve d’initiative et d’audace » - photo État-major des armées

« Faire preuve d’initiative et d’audace » - photo État-major des armées

Repère :

Le séminaire RETEX Armées – DGA – Industrie est organisé chaque année et rassemble, autour du CEMA, du DGA et des présidents directeurs généraux des principales entreprises de défense, les acteurs du débat capacitaire.

L’objectif du séminaire 2015 était de réfléchir ensemble à une meilleure prise en compte de l’environnement de mise en œuvre des équipements militaires (soutien logistique, maintien en condition opérationnelle, partages Etat-industrie, ressources humaines,…)

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
Swedish Air Force Gripen fighter aircraft - photo Saab

Swedish Air Force Gripen fighter aircraft - photo Saab


Nov 6, 2015 ASDNews Source : Saab AB


Defence and security company Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) to provide support and maintenance for Gripen during 2016 on behalf of the Swedish Armed Forces. The contract value is SEK154 million.In 2012 Saab signed a contract with FMV for performance-based support and maintenance of the Gripen fighter.

This latest order for services in 2016 is confirmation of an option held under that 2012 contract. The order includes support and maintenance operations with a focus on technical support, publications and component maintenance to support the continued operation of Gripen.

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
BAP Jules Verne (A 620) - photo Marine Nationale

BAP Jules Verne (A 620) - photo Marine Nationale


05/11/2015 Sources : Marine nationale


La Marine a attribué le marché de déconstruction des ex-transports de chalands de débarquement Orage et Ouragan, de l’ex- bâtiment de transport et de soutien Bougainville, de l’ex-bâtiment atelier polyvalent Jules Verne, de l’ex-remorqueur ravitailleur Rari et des ex-bâtiments de transport légers Francis Garnier et Jacques Cartier à l’entreprise Galloo Gent du groupe franco-belge Galloo. Les travaux de déconstruction seront réalisés à Gand en Belgique.


Les départs de l’ex-bâtiment atelier polyvalent Jules Verne et de l’ex-remorqueur ravitailleur Rari, respectivement de Toulon et de Brest vers Gand, devraient intervenir au printemps 2016, après obtention des autorisations de transfert transfrontalier de déchets et de transfert de produits liés à la défense.


Dans le strict respect de la protection des travailleurs et de l’environnement, la Marine met en œuvre une politique éco-responsable de déconstruction et de valorisation de ses bâtiments retirés du service actif.

RR Rari (A634) - photo Marine Nationale

RR Rari (A634) - photo Marine Nationale

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 17:35
Artillery: South Korea Does What The Americans Cannot


November 3, 2015: Strategy Page


South Korea recently sold a hundred of its locally designed and made K9 155mm self-propelled howitzers to India for about $7.5 million each. South Korea has already sold 350 K9s to Turkey and 120 to Poland. While superficially similar to the American M109 the K9 is a heaver (46 tons versus 28 for the M109), carries more ammo and has twice the range (up to 56 kilometers in part because of a barrel that is a third longer). There is more automation on the K9, so it has a crew of five versus six on the M-109. South Korea thus joins Germany in their effort to build a suitable replacement for the elderly M109 design. To get the Indian sale South Korea had to agree to have the K9s assembled in India from South Korean components. This sale gives South Korea an edge in obtaining an even larger contract to supply India with several thousand towed 155mm howitzers. Because of corruption and political problems the Indian Army has not been able to buy any new artillery since the 1980s. The chief competitor for the Indian contract was Russia which offered its similar 42 ton 2S19. The K-9 won on the basis of technical capabilities, field tests and a South Korean reputation for quality and reliability.


The K9 and 2S19 are examples of the kind of system the United States sought to build to replace its 1960s era M109. The United States sought to build the 56 ton Crusader to replace the M109s. Crusader was very similar to the K9 but was too complex and expensive and the heavier weight was seen as a disadvantage for a country that has to ship its armored vehicles overseas to use them. For South Korea, Turkey and Poland that is not a problem and more heft (and protection for the crew) is an advantage.


One American innovation K9 users will probably adopt is the GPS guided Excalibur shell. This smart shell entered service in 2008 and changed everything. Excalibur has worked very well in combat, and this is radically changing the way artillery operates. Excalibur means 80-90 percent less ammo has to be fired to destroy a target and this results in less wear and tear on SP artillery, less time needed for maintenance, and less time spent replenishing ammo supplies and more time being ready for action.


Because of Excalibur (and other precision munitions) since 2001 operations in Iraq and Afghanistan provided very little work for the M109. The lighter, towed, M777 has proved more useful, especially when using the Excalibur shell. Currently, the army plans to keep newly upgraded versions of the M109 around until 2050. The army plans to acquire at least 551 upgraded M-109s by 2027, reflecting the impact of the Excalibur shell, and the number of older M109s that are still fit for service. The M109 was a solid design, which is pretty clear from how difficult it's been to come up with a replacement. So, in the end, the army replaced the M109 with another M109 upgrade and is still seeking a replacement for that.

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 17:30
photo Rafael

photo Rafael


November 4, 2015: Strategy Page


Israel is offering for sale a laser weapon that can shoot down artillery and mortar shells as well as rockets and small UAVs. Called Iron Beam it has a range of 2,000 meters and is expected to enter service in Israel by the end of 2015. There is a lot of action on Israeli borders for a system like Iron Beam and it will soon become evident if Iron Beam is the first effective laser air defense weapon or not.


Each Iron Beam firing unit consists of a radar and control system and two lasers. These three elements can be stationary or mounted (and used) in trucks. This is the first C-RAM (counter-rockets, artillery and mortars) system using lasers to be offered for sale. There have been several attempts to develop systems like this since the 1990s but this one is the first to actually hit the market.


The first non-laser system similar to Iron Beam was developed by the United States in 2006. This was a C-RAM version of the Phalanx ship-mounted missile defense system. The C-RAM Phalanx was intended to protect large bases in Iraq and Afghanistan from mortar and rocket attack. The original Phalanx was a 20mm cannon designed to defend American warships against anti-ship missiles. Phalanx does this by using a radar that immediately starts firing at any incoming missile it detects. The C-RAM Phalanx system has its software modified to detect smaller objects (like 82mm mortar shells). This capability came about when it was discovered that the original Phalanx could take out incoming 155mm artillery shells. This capability is what led to the 2006 C-RAM Phalanx.


The first C-RAM was sent to Iraq in late 2006 to protect the Green Zone (the large area in Baghdad turned into an American base). It was found that C-RAM could knock down 70-80 percent of the rockets and mortar shells fired within range of its cannon. It took about a year to develop C-RAM, and another version, using a high-powered laser, instead of the 20mm gun, was soon in development. The laser powered version is still in development.


 Other modifications included linking Phalanx to the Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar and Q-36 Target Acquisition Radar. When these radars detect incoming fire, C-RAM Phalanx points toward the incoming objects and prepares to fire at anything that comes within range (about 2,000 meters) of its 20mm cannon. Phalanx uses high explosive 20mm shells that detonate near the target spraying it with fragments. By the time these fragments reach the ground, they are generally too small to injure anyone. The original Phalanx used 20mm depleted uranium shells, to slice through incoming missiles. Phalanx fires shells at the rate of 75 per second. Another advantage of C-RAM Phalanx, is that it makes a distinctive noise when firing, warning people nearby that a mortar or rocket attack is underway, giving people an opportunity to duck inside if they are out and about.


Iron Beam eliminates the risk of shells not going off in the air and falling to ground or the small chance of anyone (especially children) being hit by the small fragments and injured. Perhaps the best thing Iron Beam has going for it is the impressive track record of Israel in developing anti-aircraft weapons. The Israeli Iron Dome anti-rocket system has been heavily used since 2011 and Israeli work on its Arrow anti-ballistic missile system is considered world-class.

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 17:30
Electronic Weapons: Transparent Armor


November 3, 2015: Strategy Page


Israel and the United States have developed a new VR (Virtual Reality) feature that enables pilots and armored vehicle crew to look through any part of the aircraft or vehicle to see what is outside. This was first applied to the "look and shoot" helmet displays used by F-35, F-15, F-16, Eurofighter Typhoon and F-18 pilots. F-35s are getting the latest model (the U.S.–Israeli HMDS, Helmet-Mounted Display System) of these smart helmets and that will include the new VR feature. These new helmets can display graphics in real time and the VR feature enables the helmet display to show what is beneath the aircraft (via cameras on the fuselage beneath the cockpit) when the pilot looks down with this VR feature turned on. This can be very useful in combat, ground attack or simply landing. This feature proved particularly effective when operating at night. HMDS is also closely integrated with the very capable F-35 avionics and thus will enable to the F-35 to be the first modern jet without a standard HUD (mounted above the cockpit instruments in front of the pilot).


The ground vehicle version takes advantage of the fact that a growing number of vehicles have numerous day/night vision vidcams mounted on the outside. These allow the crew to look at a display and switch between different cameras. That can take time. Even if it’s only a few seconds that can be too long in combat. Thus some or all the people in the vehicle can be equipped with a monocle or goggles that use the VR feature. The monocle is useful if the VR system in the vehicle does not have the data display feature. This is standard in modern pilot helmet visors. This VR capability is believed to be more useful for crews of armored vehicles where there is a lot more going on outside the vehicle that is the case with aircraft.


Other features the armored vehicle monocle or tablet will adapt from pilot helmets is the "look and shoot" helmet displays that include information displayed on the visor and sensors in the helmet. This enables the pilot to look at the target (either another aircraft, or something on the ground) and fire a weapon (missile) that will go after the target being looked at. Recent upgrades allow the pilot to also put "head up display" (HUD) information on the helmet visor visual system. This is a big advantage in air combat, where it's always been a problem having to look down at some display or instrument reading, and take your eyes off the surrounding air space. This makes it safer for pilots (especially when flying on the deck, at high speed) and in combat. Another recent enhancement allows each pilot to customize what information is shown on their helmet visor. A tank or IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) crew could use the same tech, especially for the remotely controlled weapons on the turret or even the main gun of a tank.

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
photo Italian Air Force

photo Italian Air Force


05/11/2015 par Guillaume Belan - Air & Cosmos


Rome pourrait bien devenir le second pays export à armer ses drones Reaper, après le Royaume-Unis. Ce 3 novembre, la Defense Security Co-operation Agency (DSCA) américaine a accepté d'exporter à l'Italie les kits d'intégration d'armements pour 6 de ses drones MQ-9 Reaper. Cette acceptation fait suite à une demande italienne pour l'achat de 156 missiles AGM-114R2 Hellfire II de Lockheed Martin, 30 bombes guidées laser GBU-12, 30 GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), 30 GBU-49 guidées laser, 30 GBU-54 laser JDAM. Le contrat pourrait s'élever à 130 millions de dollars.

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6 novembre 2015 5 06 /11 /novembre /2015 08:50
Xtract®2. Photograph: TSG Associates.

Xtract®2. Photograph: TSG Associates.


5 November 2015 Ministry of Defence, Defence Equipment and Support and Philip Dunne MP


Stretchers that weigh just 1.5kgs are amongst some of the innovations from Northern Powerhouse companies that have been praised by the MOD.


Speaking at the Northern Defence Industries (NDI) annual conference, Defence Minister Philip Dunne highlighted the invaluable and innovative work being carried out by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s) across the UK’s Defence industry.


As part of his key note speech, the Defence Minister revealed that £1.4 million has been invested this year in 7,500 Xtract®2 stretchers from Yorkshire based TSG associates. Designed by Gulf-war veteran Colin Smart and his company, the stretchers weigh just 1.5kg, compared to the weight of a standard stretcher of around 10kgs, and are capable of carrying three times the weight of an average soldier.


Xtract®2 Photo TSG Associates

Xtract®2 Photo TSG Associates

Following his speech to the NDI, Mr Dunne paid a visit to Merseyside-based ship engine specialist James Troop & Co to review progress of a £2million deal to replace the generator sets on seven Royal Navy Mine Hunters.


With the generators now in place on all seven ships James Troop will focus on training naval personnel on engine maintenance as well as providing on-going technical and spare parts support.


Defence Minister Philip Dunne said:

    We recognise that the UK’s defence contractors, whatever their size, are a vital source of innovation in our supply chain, and in the last year, the MOD has done business with over 5,400 Small and Medium Enterprises, worth over £800 million.

    By harnessing this expertise, whether from a veteran with front line experience or from one of the UK shipping industry’s oldest companies, we are securing highly skilled UK jobs and ensuring our Armed Forces have the very best possible equipment available.


The MOD and the Government have recently reiterated our commitment to SMEs. We launched the Defence Growth Partnership (DGP) Innovation Challenge in March this year, while also setting up Supply Chain Champions, giving companies an easier “in” to the defence industry. They have also appointed an SME champion to be a voice for innovative SMEs across the country and are encouraging Prime contractors to open up their supply chains, to help bring innovative design and technology into the defence sector.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
photo Airbus DS

photo Airbus DS


04 November 2015 by Guy Martin - defenceWeb


European defence giant Airbus Defence and Space is developing a passive radar system that will soon be available to customers.


Active radars have been around for decades but they have their disadvantages, according to Frank Bernhardt: Head of Programme: Passive Radar at Airbus Defence and Space Electronics. By emitting a signal, active radars give away their positions and although there are various ways in which they can try and avoid detection, this is a significant drawback. Other limitations are emitting radiation that can interfere with other signals or can violate health and safety rules (such as emitting in a built-up area).

The idea of passive radar technology has been around since the 1930s, with Robert Watson-Watt performing experiments in 1935. However, it was not until some 20 years ago that technology (especially computer power) matured enough for passive radar to become viable.

The first passive radar systems were bistatic – in other words, the transmitter and receiver were in different places. Modern passive radar uses any transmitter of opportunity to detect disturbances and reflections in electromagnetic signals in order to determine the position of an object. Bernhardt said that FM radio signals and digital video broadcasting signals are the main passive radar sensors as they are strong emitters good for air surveillance.

Bernhardt said that the resurgence of passive radar has come about because of the availability of advanced processing technology that requires huge computing power. Another driver is the fact that there are a lot more emitters out there, providing many more signals to work with – if there are no electromagnetic signals in the atmosphere, passive radar obviously cannot work.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
M 1126 Stryker ICV with 30mm cannon and M2 Machine Guns for Lithuania


Nov 5, 2015 ASDNews Source : Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)


The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Lithuania for Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of $599 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on November 4, 2015.

The Government of Lithuania has requested a sale of eighty-four (84) M 1126 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV) with the ATK 30mm cannon, the XM813 30mm cannon or a European variant with the Remote Weapon Station and eighty-four (84) M2 Flex Machine Guns. Additionally, they have requested the ICV-30 package, including contractor logistics support, support equipment, spare parts, armaments, two (2) AN/PRC-152 Radios per vehicle, one (l) AN/PSN-13 DAGR per vehicle, one (l) VIC-3 per vehicle, training aids/devices/simulators & simulations (TADSS), translated technical manuals with laptop computers, training, Foreign Service Representatives (FSRs), OCONUS Contractor vehicle deprocessing services and technical assistance. The total estimated value of MDE is $462 million. The overall total estimated value is $599 million.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 17:25
Haiti: La surveillance des frontières confiée à une firme israélienne


27.10.2015 haitinews509.net


La sécurité des frontières haïtiennes va être assurée par une firme israélienne HLSI. Un protocole d’accord a été signé le vendredi 23 octobre entre le Gouvernement Haïtien, représenté par Wilson Laleau, Ministre de l’Économie et la firme israélienne HLSI, représentée par sa vice-présidente Mme Eva Peled, en présence de Ronald Décembre, Secrétaire d’État aux Finances, de Max Antoine, Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Technique des Frontières (CTF), d’Hérold Etienne, Directeur Général du Ministère des Finances, de Victor Saint-Louis, Directeur Général des Douanes, de Miradin Morlan, Directeur Général des Impôts (DGI) et de Me Lesy Etienne, Directeur Général adjoint chargé des affaires juridiques du Ministère des Finances.


Cet accord sur le renforcement de la gestion des frontières porte notamment sur :

    La restructuration et la modernisation de 9 postes douaniers ;

    L’acquisition de matériels et équipements ;

    La surveillance frontalière (aérienne, terrestre et maritime) ;

    Le Renforcement des capacités des employés.


« La gestion frontalière constitue un gros défi pour l’Etat Haïtien qui  perd chaque jour   beaucoup  d’argent  et qui n’arrive pas  à contrôler le trafic qui s’y fait », a précisé le Ministre Wilson Laleau .


L’objectif  visé par ce protocole  d’accord  est  la modernisation des postes douaniers, la reforme au niveau des douanes et la  surveillance continue des frontières.


La date du début des opérations n’a toutefois pas été communiquée.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
Northrop Grumman Long Range Strike Bomber concept

Northrop Grumman Long Range Strike Bomber concept

Nov 05, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Fortune; published Nov 04, 2015)


The Air Force’s New Bomber Faces A Pentagon Budget Battle (excerpt)


As Congress seeks billion in defense cuts, America’s new $100 billion stealth bomber looks for space in the Pentagon’s long-term spending plan

The battle over who will build the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation stealth bomber came to a close last week, but a new conflict is already developing at the Pentagon. A defense budget passed Friday has Congress and military planners seeking $5 billion in defense cuts, as the Air Force prepares to squeeze another costly development program into a Pentagon budget already packed with big-ticket weapons buys.

Last week’s award of the Long Range Strike Bomber program, or LRS-B, to Northrop Grumman over a joint bid by defense giants Lockheed Martin “LMT” and Boeing “BA” marks what is expected to be the Pentagon’s last major combat aircraft program for a decade. But as defense planners embark on a slew of much-needed modernization programs over the next decade, money remains scarce—and could grow scarcer still.

With limited funds to go around, the LRS-B program could find itself competing for funds with myriad Pentagon programs amid tightening budgets. The U.S. Navy has embarked on a major program—starting in the early 2020s—to replace its fleet of Ohio-class nuclear submarines, a key component of the nation’s nuclear deterrent. The U.S. Army is engaged in a multi-billion dollar effort to upgrade its ground vehicles and plans to develop and buy a whole new fleet of helicopters in the 2020s. Meanwhile, the Army, Navy, and Marines are all engaged in the $400 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.

Within the Air Force alone, the LRS-B will join a number of major new and ongoing programs. In the next several years, the service plans to begin replacing its fleet of E-8 ground surveillance aircraft known as JSTARS, its aging Vietnam War-vintage T-38 jet trainers, and its land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles.

A new combat rescue helicopter and a replacement for Air Force One are in the works. Meanwhile, Air Force brass have also prioritized ramping up production on both the F-35 and the KC-46 aerial refueling tanker—made by Lockheed and Boeing respectively—at the same time the LRS-B is trying to get off the ground. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Fortune website.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
Sikorsky Completes VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program Milestones


Nov 5, 2015 ASDNews Source : Sikorsky Aircraft


Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation announced today the successful completion of the VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program Preliminary Design Review (PDR), completion of the integration and performance testing of mission communications system (MCS) components, and Sikorsky’s acceptance of the second S-92A™ aircraft for the program. Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX).

 “Completing these three milestones on or ahead of schedule is a fantastic accomplishment. We are committed to executing this program on-time and within budget. These achievements keep this program moving forward,” said Spencer Elani, Sikorsky program director, VH-92A. 

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 13:50
photo Bundeswehr

photo Bundeswehr


5 nov. 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 09/2015 15E30501


Seit der Eingliederung des Systems Mantis in die Bundeswehr im Jahr 2012 werden unterschiedlichste Szenarien durchgespielt. Unter anderem wird der Überschuss mit Mörsern durchgeführt, um die Effektivität des Systems zu testen. Mit Drohnen wird überprüft, ob Mantis den Unterschied zwischen Freund und Feind erkennt.


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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 13:50
Patrolvessel KV Nordkapp (W 320) in the Adventfjord, Spitsbergen photo Prillen

Patrolvessel KV Nordkapp (W 320) in the Adventfjord, Spitsbergen photo Prillen


11/04/2015  Oliver Austin - DefenceIQ


This November, Norwegian Navy’s Nordkapp-class offshore patrol boats are to be fitted with the SIGMA 40 laser-gyro navigation systems, developed and manufactured by France-based Sagem.


The standalone system is designed to guarantee high-precision navigation even in the harshest environments. The Royal Norwegian Navy is said to have opted for SIGMA 40 because of its sustained performance under the country’s specific maritime conditions, including fjords, inclement weather and ice. The system also offers long-term resistance to shocks, complying with with shock resistance specifications in the military standard MIL-S 901 D.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
Weapons: Czechs Rearm To Face Russia


November 5, 2015: Adam Szczepanik – Strategy Page


Last week the Czech Republic approved an emergency $50 million order for new weapons. This was caused by the recent tensions between NATO (which the Czechs belong to) and Russia (which the Czechs fear). One of most significant parts of that order consists of 2,600 CZ 805 BREN assault rifles in different variants, in addition to 800 underbarrel grenade launchers, thousands of sights, and other related equipment.


This rifle, produced locally in Czech Republic since 2009, was already in the process of slowly becoming new standard rifle for Czech army and also select police units, replacing the 1950’s era VZ.58 assault rifle. This was cold war era 7.62x39mm weapon weighing 3.1kg (6.83 pound). It was 845mm (33.26 inch) long with a 30 round magazine and side folding stock.  Although it resembles the AK-47 in appearance it shares no common parts with it, even their magazines are not interchangeable. It is capable of single shots and fully automatic fire. While quite popular and well regarded for its quality and compact dimensions, this rifle was starting to show the limitations of its aged design, in addition to incompatibility with NATO standard ammunition and accessories.


Priced at approximately $3400, the new, modular CZ 805 in the most common A1 configuration, is a 5.56x45mm weapon firing NATO standard ammo. The  3.6kg (7.93 pound) rifle is  670-910mm (26.3-35.8 inch) long and has an adjustable stock (folded\fully extended). It is a gas-operated rifle and is fed from 30 round magazines made of translucent polymer that is compatible with STANAG and G36 magazines, including 20, 30 and 100 round ones.


The assault rifle has fitted a Picatinny rail on the top of receiver with more rails running on the sides and the bottom of the forend. Thanks to this the CZ 805 will accept a wide variety of additional sighting equipment, like red-dot or telescope day sights, night sights, laser sights, in addition to folding iron sights which are meant for use when proper sights are unavailable. The rifle has an ambidextrous safety/fire selector switch that can be set to single shots, two round bursts and fully automatic fire.


So far the only variants of the modular weapon are the A1- full length assault rifle, and A2 - shorter barreled carbine one. The variants can be easily switched once the parts become available thanks to quick change barrels.  Further planned variants include a long barreled DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) one and a heavy barreled SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon).  Versions in different calibers are also planned, including 7.62x39mm, and 6.8mm SPC.  There is also a heavy B variant planned, designed to use heavier, full power rifle rounds, like 7.62x51NATO and .300 Winchester Magnum, but its development is not continuing because of lack of prospective buyers.


CZ 805 G1

CZ 805 G1

The underbarrel grenade launcher ordered for the CZ 805 BREN is CZ 805 G1, also Czech produced, and was designed with this rifle in mind, as the shared designation suggests.  This 2.23 kg, 413mm (16.25 inch) long, 664mm (26.14 inch) with stock, single shot, rear loaded, single shot 40x46mm grenade launcher can be mounted on a rifle’s underbarrel rail or used as a standalone weapon. The rear loading allows it to use grenades of all lengths, which allows it to fire all kinds of anti-vehicle, anti-personnel, specialist and non-lethal rounds.


Even though not as compact as the weapon it is replacing, the CZ 805 is a long due technological step forward for the Czech Army, and it is already having some success on the international market too. The CZ 805 is already being used by the Slovak Army (which used it in combat in the Afghanistan War), Mexican Federal Police, Egyptian Police, Moldovan internal troops, in addition to Czech Army and law enforcement. A civilian, semiautomatic variant of the rifle is also a major possibility for increasing its sales.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 12:20
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin


Nov 2, 2015 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin


The Q-53 has been successfully deployed in combat since 2010


 When troops need to set up and quickly track incoming threats, they rely on battlefield-proven 360-degree protection provided by the Lockheed Martin AN/TPQ-53 (Q-53) counterfire target acquisition radar . The U.S. Army announced that it will buy an additional seven Q-53 systems valued at $85 million, ensuring that the Q-53 continues to be the radar of choice to keep troops safe from persistent insurgent attacks. Additionally, Lockheed Martin was selected in June to upgrade 19 of the U.S. Army’s Q-53 radars. The high-performing hardware and software is constantly evolving to accommodate technical advances in capabilities and address global threats.

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5 novembre 2015 4 05 /11 /novembre /2015 08:50
Specialist Engine Facilities for Typhoon Jets at RAF Lossiemouth


Nov 2, 2015 ASDNews Source : Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom)


The Defence Infrastructure Organisation has awarded contracts worth a combined GBP15 million for 2 new projects at RAF Lossiemouth to support the station's Typhoon aircraft.


RAF Lossiemouth is an RAF fast jet main operating base and is home to squadrons operating both the Typhoon and Tornado jets. The station is also the Quick Reaction Alert (Interceptor) North base, meaning that it provides crews and jets to intercept unidentified aircraft in UK airspace.

The contract for an Installed Engine Test Facility, at a value of just over £9 milion, has been awarded to Henry Brothers. This building will house aircraft undergoing testing following the repair or replacement of an engine. The enclosed facility will be very specialised, featuring technology to keep the aircraft in place while the engine is running and an instant fire suppression system. It will also include soundproofing technology to reduce engine noise to a safe level and deaden sound waves which could otherwise damage the aircraft.

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