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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:55
Achats de matières et de services : Thales se dote de l’outil Ivalua Buyer


10 avril 2014 par  Didier Girault - electroniques.biz


Ivalua Buyer est un outil d’achats collaboratif. Son utilisation devrait permettre une meilleure coopération entre les 1350 acheteurs du groupe ainsi qu'une optimisation des achats de celui-ci.


Les achats de Thales représentent 5,7 milliards d’euros par an. Ils sont réalisés par quelque 1350 professionnels. Et, dans le cadre d'un plan d’optimisation des achats lancé en 2010, les responsables de cette activité chez Thales viennent de choisir la solution d’achats Ivalua Buyer.


Grâce à cet outil logiciel, Thales compte mieux faire coopérer ses différents acheteurs disséminés partout dans le monde. « Nous souhaitions un outil nous permettant de développer une approche collaborative à l’intérieur de la communauté achats afin d’apporter le meilleur niveau de services à nos clients » annonce ainsi Renaud Larramendy, directeur des outils, process et méthodes achats chez Thales.


Dans la pratique, Thales a retenu pour son Ivalua Buyer, les modules fonctionnels suivants : SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) ou Référentiel fournisseurs – avec la gestion des coordonnées, des informations concernant les fournisseurs et les activités avec ceux-ci, des documents légaux et des risques - ; Tableau de bord des achats ; Evaluation de la performance achats (incluant l’élaboration de plans de progrès en liaison avec les fournisseurs, ainsi que la gestion des litiges) ; et E-sourcing (pour l’aide à la constitution des dossiers achats ainsi qu'à la sélection des fournisseurs).

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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Ukraine: le groupe de DCA russe Almaz-Anteï prêt à relocaliser sa production


MOSCOU, 10 avril - RIA Novosti


Le premier producteur de missiles sol-air russe Almaz-Anteï, qui a placé des commandes en Ukraine, est prêt à transférer sa production en Russie, a déclaré jeudi à Moscou Oleg Botchkarev, vice-président de la commission pour l'industrie de défense russe auprès du gouvernement.


Le consortium public russe "Almaz-Anteï pourra transférer sa production entièrement en Russie malgré certaines difficultés. Nous sommes prêts à le faire, si l'Ukraine arrête de produire certains éléments de nos produits", a indiqué M.Botchkarev devant les journalistes.


"L'essentiel sera alors de préserver les biens intellectuels de la Russie", a-t-il ajouté.


Fondé en 2002, le consortium public russe Almaz-Anteï conçoit, produit et modernise des armes de défense antiaérienne (missiles sol-air S-300, Anteï, Bouk, Tor et missiles mer-air), des radars militaires et civils, des systèmes de télécommunications, ainsi que des équipements pour le secteur énergétique et les transports.

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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Ukroboronservice to boost Ukraine defences with BTR-80 upgrade



10 April 2014 army-technology.com


Ukraine's state enterprise Ukroboronservice is upgrading five BTR-80 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) at its own expense, in a bid to strengthen the country's defences.


Ukroboronservice director Sergey Mykytyuk said the company will upgrade four BTR-80 units and one similar vehicle, and then transfer them to the Ukrainian Army.


"Being under the difficult conditions for the state we, as special exporters, will contribute as much as possible to [the] army's rearmament and defence-industry development," Mykytyuk said.


Carried out by Kyiv Armoured Plant specialists, the work on the first four units is scheduled to be completed within two months, while more time is required for the overhaul of the fifth.


Decisions regarding the usage of the vehicles are expected to be made by the management of military structures, according to the company.


Manufactured by the Arzamas machinery construction plant of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, the BTR-80 8x8 APC is designed for troop transport, close-fire support, reconnaissance, and combat support and patrol missions.


It is currently used by units that are incorporated with the Ukrainian Land Forces and Naval Infantry of Naval Forces.


Ukraine is currently battling a pro-Russian uprising in the eastern part of the country, including in the cities of Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv, where activists have seized government buildings and called for a referendum on secession from the country.


Having already lost the Crimean peninsula to Russia last month, the country has vowed to resolve the crisis, either through talks or by force, in the next two days.

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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:40
Chrysanthemum-S to cross Red Square

April 10, 2014 by Rostec


Chrysanthemum-S, the world’s only anti-tank missile system, which can hit targets without optical visibility in smoke, fog, and snow, will participate in the Victory Day parade on Red Square, as reported by the press service of the Kolomna Machine-Building Design Bureau, which developed the unique technology.


Chrysanthemum-S is not just a modern Russian anti-tank missile system, but also one of the world’s most powerful. Its radar and optical-laser channels allow it to detect, identify, and destroy targets in poor weather conditions. The simultaneous operation of the two channels lets the system identify separate targets and automatically launch rockets.

This technology was first introduced to the Russian army in 2005. Originally, Chrysanthemum-S was conceived of as an anti-missile system, but it evolved into its current multipurpose form. The system can target lightly armored vehicles, engineering structures, low-speed and low-flying airborne targets, boats, and low-tonnage ships.

The system utilizes two kinds of supersonic missiles, one of which has a tandem warhead with cumulative effects, considered the most powerful of all existing anti-tank missiles, capable of piercing the armor of all tanks.

Testing of the equipment took place in Kolomna outside of Moscow on test-site of the Machine-Building Design Bureau. Industry representatives practiced firing the system at various targets: tanks, helicopters, concrete forts, and enemy troops.

Currently the Chrysanthemum-S is being prepared to take part in the 69th Victory Day parade. The two-month training is taking place at the grounds of the Taman Guards Division in Alabino, Moscow region, which has a scale model of Red Square, complete with bleachers and markings. The dress rehearsal of the Victory Day parade will take place on April 28, after which equipment and personnel will travel to Moscow, where two more daytime and one nighttime rehearsal will take place.

Besides the Chrysanthemum-S, the famous OTRK Iskander-M will also represent KBM on Red Square. This year, a mechanized column of 14 Typhoon-K (KAMAZ-63968) cars will for the first time also cross the country’s main square.

The NKP Machine-Building Design Bureau (NKP KBM, Kolomna, Moscow region) is part of the state corporation Rostec’s holding company Vysokotochnye Kompleksy. During its existence, the bureau has produced more than 40 different kinds of weapons, including PTRK Malyutka, Storm-S and Storm-V, PZRK Strela-2 and Igla, TRK Tochka and Tochka-U, and OTRK Oka.

The holding company Vysokotochnye Kompleksy was created to unite the scientific and technical potential of a group of specialized companies. The holding company focuses on creating new military and special equipment in the field of high precision and combat zone tactical weapons systems.


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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:30
British defence minister in Saudi talks


April 08, 2014 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Riyadh - British defence minister Philip Hammond held talks in Riyadh Tuesday, just weeks after BAE Systems announced an agreement with Saudi authorities on the spiralling costs of a multi-billion-dollar fighter deal.


Saudi state media gave very few details of what was discussed in Hammond's meetings with his counterpart Crown Prince Salman and National Guard Minister Prince Mitab bin Abdullah.


His talks with Salman focused on "cooperation between their friendly states and means of developing and strengthening it," the official SPA news agency said.


British contractor BAE Systems announced on February 20 that it had reached a new pricing agreement with Saudi Arabia for the deal it struck in 2007 to supply 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets.


BAE gave no figures for the new value of the deal, which was originally put at �4.5 billion. The costs had risen sharply with less than half of the planes delivered.


The February agreement was a boost for BAE after the United Arab Emirates pulled out of talks with the British government to purchase Typhoon Eurofighters last December.


BAE, hit by government cutbacks to military spending, is looking to push on after the collapse in late 2012 of a planned mega-merger with European aerospace giant EADS, now renamed Airbus Group.


BAE builds the Typhoon in cooperation with Airbus Group and Italian defence firm Finmeccanica.


A previous arms deal between BAE Systems and Saudi Arabia was mired in allegations of corruption.

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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
photo  Bath Iron Works

photo Bath Iron Works


10 avr 2014 Marine & Océans (AFP)


WASHINGTON - La Marine américaine s'apprête à baptiser samedi l'USS Zumwalt, premier d'une nouvelle classe de destroyers aux formes futuristes qui ne sera finalement développée qu'en trois exemplaires en raison de son coût de développement et d'une réévaluation des besoins.


Le navire, dont la construction a débuté en 2009, doit entrer en service en 2016. La cérémonie de baptême, au cours de laquelle une bouteille de mousseux sera brisée sur la coque comme le veut la tradition, se déroulera sur le chantier naval de Bath, dans le Maine (nord-est), précise l'US Navy dans un communiqué.


Le Zumwalt, nommé en l'honneur d'un ancien chef d'état-major de la Marine américaine, a été conçu comme un navire multi-missions axé sur des capacités de bombardement terrestre et naval grâce à deux canons de 155 mm. Il est également doté de 80 tubes de lancement de missiles, adaptés notamment pour les missiles Tomahawk.


Il comprend de nombreuses technologies nouvelles, notamment en matière de propulsion, qui lui permettent d'opérer avec un équipage réduit à 158 hommes contre 276 pour les destroyers de la classe Arleigh-Burke, en service depuis le début des années 1990.


Il est également plus gros, jaugeant plus de 15.000 tonnes, contre moins de 10.000 pour les Arleigh-Burke.


L'US Navy compte actuellement 62 destroyers de classe Arleigh Burke, dont 25 sont équipés du système de défense antibalistique (BMD) et constituent le fer de lance du bouclier antimissile américain.


Le Zumwalt, qui sera suivi du Michael-Monsoor et du Lyndon-Johnson, en est en revanche dépourvu.


L'US Navy comptait à l'origine se doter de 24 destroyers de la classe Zumwalt. Elle n'en aura finalement que trois après avoir réévalué en 2008 les types de menaces auxquelles elle s'attend à faire face dans les décennies à venir.


Mais cette décision est également dû au dérapage des coûts de développement du navire, une inflation aggravée par la baisse du nombre de navires finalement décidée: le Zumwalt coûtera plus de 4 milliards de dollars, contre environ 1,5 milliards pour un destroyer de la classe Arleigh-Burke.

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 19:55
Deuxième tir de qualification du MDCN

Deuxième tir de qualification du MDCN



10/04/2014 DGA


La direction générale de l’armement (DGA) a réalisé avec succès le deuxième tir de qualification du missile de croisière naval (MdCN) le 8 avril 2014.


Ce tir, effectué sur le site de Biscarrosse (Landes) du centre DGA Essais de missiles, est représentatif d’un tir à partir d’une frégate. Il a notamment permis de démontrer les capacités de vol en haute altitude du missile.


Cette réussite, qui vient une nouvelle fois confirmer la très haute technicité de ce missile, est le fruit d’un travail intense et coordonné de nombreux acteurs étatiques (le service de la qualité et les centres d’expertise et d’essais de la DGA, et la Marine Nationale notamment) et industriels (MBDA France).


Le MdCN équipera à partir de fin 2014 les frégates multi-missions (FREMM) et les sous-marins Barracuda à l’horizon 2018.


Doté d’une portée de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres, le MdCN est destiné à frapper des objectifs situés dans la profondeur du territoire adverse. Il est complémentaire du missile de croisière aéroporté Scalp dont il est dérivé. Embarqué sur des bâtiments de combat positionnés, de façon prolongée, à distance de sécurité dans les eaux internationales, ostensiblement (frégates) ou discrètement (sous-marins), le MdCN est adapté à des missions de destruction d’infrastructures de haute valeur stratégique.


La DGA a notifié le marché MdCN à la société MBDA fin 2006.

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:30
1st C-130J Super Hercules 'Shimshon' Arrives In Israel


Apr 9, 2014 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


Israel’s first Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] C-130J Super Hercules airlifter arrived at Nevatim Air Base today.  Along with senior Israeli officials, Chairman, President and CEO Marillyn Hewson attended the ceremony and made remarks.


Israel ordered its C-130Js through a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) contract with the U.S. Government. This is the first ferry of the C-130Js currently on order for the IAF, which has operated legacy C-130s since 1971.


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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
L’US Air Force réceptionne ses premiers missiles JASSM nouvelle génération


09.04.2014 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


L’US Air Force a réceptionné le mois dernier un premier lot de missiles JASSM-ER (Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile - Extended Range) de série. Les missiles air-sol de longue portée ont été livrés sur la base aérienne de Dyess, au Texas.


Parmi les améliorations apportées par Lockheed Martin, une portée accrue, le missile pouvant aller « plus de 2,5 fois » plus loin que son prédécesseur.


Le JASSM-ER est pour l’instant uniquement prévu pour le bombardier B-1B, mais des études sont en cours pour pouvoir éventuellement l’intégrer aux F-15E, F-16 et B-52.

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
Boeing Phantom Badger Certified for V-22 Transport


Apr 8, 2014 ASDNews Source : The Boeing Company


    Versatility offers more deployment options to warfighters


After a series of successful tests, the U.S. Navy last month certified that the Boeing [NYSE: BA] Phantom Badger combat support vehicle can be transported inside a V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. That is another step toward providing warfighters with more options to deploy the versatile vehicle.


The tests included form-fit checks, pressure tests and structural evaluations exceeding four G-forces.


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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
EM Railgun Blitzer, lors d'essais sur la base navale de Dahlgren, en Virginie photo General Atomics

EM Railgun Blitzer, lors d'essais sur la base navale de Dahlgren, en Virginie photo General Atomics


09 avril 2014 Usinenouvelle.com


L'innovation technologique industrielle revêt de multiples formes, y compris militaires. L'US Navy le prouve encore avec ces trois technologies spectaculaires qu'elle teste en vue d'un déploiement prochain.


La marine de guerre des Etats-Unis travaille depuis de nombreuses années au développement de technologies de combat avancées au travers de son bureau de la recherche navale. Plusieurs de ces projets d'envergure s'apprêtent à se concrétiser dans les mois ou les années à venir.


Visionner les vidéos sur Industrie & Technologies

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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 07:55
crédits 234architecture

crédits 234architecture

April 9, 2014 Thales

Thales is playing a major role in the 30-year programme to design, construct, operate and maintain the French Ministry of Defence's new headquarters in Paris. Thales's role covers the overall design of the defence engineering side of the project, operation and maintenance of the new information and communication systems and responsibility for the site security systems. The design & build portion of the Balard project is a huge undertaking — and the task of protecting the site and its information and communication systems is no less critical.


The French Ministry of Defence, Thales's largest customer, signed a public-private partnership agreement with Opale Défense to finance, design and construct the Balard headquarters as well as operate the complex and provide maintenance services for 30 years. Thales's involvement begins at the design & build phase of the project, led by Bouygues Bâtiment Île de France, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction.

Located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, the Ministry's new headquarters will include the offices of the Minister for Defence and his special advisors, the Joint Staff of the French armed forces, the Chiefs of Staff of the three armed forces, the French defence procurement agency (DGA) and other key military departments and administrative services.

From the handover date, Thales will operate and maintain these systems for a further 27 years. The Group is also responsible for the continuing evolution of the installed networks to ensure that they always incorporate the latest technologies and offer the highest levels of security. Thales will also guarantee the highest levels of availability for the communication and security networks and provision of 24/7 technical support.

Thales is now operating and supporting the critical information systems and security systems for the 2,000 users who have already moved into the new facility.

By 2015, Thales will have a dedicated local team of around 100 people in place at the site.


Key objectives of the project:

  • Deliver the high-grade security required for the Ministry's sensitive and classified data, combined with best-in-class continuity of service.
  • Ensure the resilience of networks and communications against the most critical physical and cyber attacks.
  • Integrate with the Ministry's broader information and communication system policy, including interoperability with legacy and future systems.


Building on its proven strengths and extensive experience in network security and protection of critical sites, Thales is stepping up to these challenges.

Key points
  • 145,000 m² of purpose-built facilities and 135,000 m² of redeveloped space.
  • Capacity for up to 10,000 military and civilian personnel.
  • Two conference centres and a media centre for press conferences.
  • 1,000 km of fibre optic cables.
  • Highly secure information and communication networks.
  • A highly secure site protection, security and surveillance system.

"With this project, Thales is further consolidating its established strengths and expertise in network security and critical site protection, delivering the high-grade security the ministry requires, ensuring resilience against the most critical physical and cyber attacks and integrating with the ministry's broader information and communication system policy, including interoperability with legacy and future systems."

Rémi Gille, Vice President in charge of Thales's network and infrastructure systems activities


Surveillance and protection of the Balard complex

Balard is a strategic site and will benefit from the highest levels of protection and security: security systems, access control, intrusion detection and videosurveillance.

The new headquarters is a complex and sensitive site, making security a major concern at all times.

As a defence facility housing a huge number of personnel, the Balard project needed to ensure that security considerations were an integral part of the design, management, operation and maintenance of the site.



  • June 2009: launch of consultations and competitive bidding procedure.
  • February 2011: Opale Défense consortium selected for a 30-year programme covering the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the Ministry of Defence's future headquarters.
  • January 2014: main structural work completed.
  • February 2015: handover of buildings.
  • Thales to operate information and communication systems for 27 years.
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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
TenCate Advanced Armour selected as supplier for GDELS EAGLE V 4X4 for Germany


Apr 8, 2014 ASDNews Source : TenCate


The TenCate armour systems to be supplied, represent a very weight-efficient way of significantly increasing the survivability of the people inside the vehicles and represent cutting-edge technology and engineering. The solutions are engineered to fit the EAGLE V perfectly to ensure maximum protection and minimum weight.


Steen Tanderup, Managing Director TenCate Advanced Armour EMEA & APAC, states: “We are very pleased to be selected as supplier for GDELS for this project. The EAGLE V for the German Army is a great match for TenCate lightweight protection solutions, and we are proud to contribute to the exceptional performance of the vehicle”.


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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Alion Wins $17.7M Contract to Help Department of Defense (DoD) Defeat Emerging IED Threats and Hazards


McLean, VA — April 8, 2014 — Alion Science and Technology


Technology Solutions Company to Support DoD’s Countermine Division with R&D, Testing and Engineering Expertise


Alion Science and Technology, a global engineering, technology and operational solutions company, has been awarded a $17.7 million task order to provide the Department of Defense (DoD) with engineering and science and technology expertise to help defeat improvised explosive device (IED) threats against troops in theater and throughout the world.

Alion will support conception, prototyping, improving and experimenting with technologies, devices and systems, bringing next-generation capabilities to counter IED hazards. This includes improving Warfighters’ situational awareness, enabling Soldiers to better identify, defeat and bypass explosive threats.

“The services we will provide under the task order will enable the DoD to detect and neutralize explosive hazards wherever our forces are deployed,” said Terri Spoonhour, Alion Senior Vice President and Distributed Simulation Group Manager. “This will ultimately save lives and ensure our units accomplish their critical missions.”

The DoD develops systems for military applications that detect and neutralize mines, mine fields and unexploded ordnance. Technology development focuses on personnel protection, handheld detectors, wide area detection, mechanical clearance, vegetation clearance and mine awareness.


WSTIAC, operated by Alion, is one of nine Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Centers (IACs) sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). The IACs house libraries of information that are focused on specific technology areas, in addition to providing technical expertise in these areas. DTIC is headquartered at Fort Belvoir, VA, and serves the DoD by providing access to scientific and technical information for DoD personnel and contractors, including researchers, designers and engineers. WSTIAC’s work is sponsored by the DTIC, ATTN: DTIC-I, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Ste. 0944, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218.


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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
ATK source firetrench

ATK source firetrench


Apr 9, 2014 ASDNews Source : Alliant Tech Systems, Inc (ATK)


    ATK Will Deliver Ammunition and Ammunition Services to U.S. Allies


ATK (NYSE:  ATK), a world-leading producer of ammunition, precision weapons and rocket motors, announced today that it has received international contracts from U.S. allies totaling $186 million for ammunition that spans multiple calibers as well as ammunition services that will increase allied defense capabilities.


"Partnering with our allies to help maintain their defense capabilities aligns directly with our core business competencies and international growth strategies," said Mike Kahn, Senior Vice President and President ATK Defense Group. "ATK is uniquely positioned within the defense industry to deliver these products and services, given the company's expertise in design and manufacturing of a wide variety of military munitions."


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10 avril 2014 4 10 /04 /avril /2014 06:50
La Suède annule l’achat de 2 sous-marins à Kockums


9 avril 2014. Portail des Sous-Marins


Le gouvernement suédois a annulé l’achat de 2 sous-marins et la modernisation de 2 autres, dans le cadre d’un contrat signé avec Kockums AB, une filiale de ThyseenKrupp.


Selon la télévision suédoise, le ministère suédois de la défense est convaincu que la compagnie Kockums n’est désormais plus capable d’accomplir le travail.


Les mêmes sources indiquent que la Suède a toujours besoin de 2 sous-marins neufs et de moderniser 2 autres. Le ministère de la défense a donc demandé à Saab une étude préliminaire pour déterminer si l’entreprise serait capable de faire le travail.


Pour cela, Saab a déjà commencé à recruter des ingénieurs de Kockums, pendant que ThyseenKrupp propose des primes à son personnel pour l’inciter à rester dans l’entreprise.


Les experts estiment que le gouvernement suédois pourrait appuyer en sous-marin un rachat de Kockums AB par Saab.


Des sources officielles du ministère de la défense ont manifesté leur mécontentement devant l’absence de réponse de TKMS à certaines de ses demandes, comme par exemple la fixation d’un prix ferme pour l’achat des 2 nouveaux sous-marins du modèle A26 et la modernisation des 2 Gotland en service.


Référence : Info Defensa (Espagne)

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9 avril 2014 3 09 /04 /avril /2014 20:55
Thales : plus de 2 000 utilisateurs des systèmes d'information et de communication sécurisés à Balard

SIC sécurisés à Balard photo Thales / Philippe Coni


09.04.2014 Arnaud Bivès - Boursier.com


Le nouveau ministère de la Défense, localisé sur le site de Balard à Paris, a accueilli ses premiers résidents. Le cap des 2 000 utilisateurs des systèmes d'information et de communication sécurisés par Thales est franchi. Le groupe assure également l'exploitation de ces systèmes sur une période de 27 ans.


Thales assure d'ores et déjà les services d'exploitation des systèmes d'information critiques et de sûreté pour 2 000 utilisateurs qui ont déjà emménagé dans leurs nouveaux locaux.


Le groupe joue un rôle majeur dans la conception, la construction, l'exploitation et la maintenance sur une durée de 27 ans du nouveau siège du ministère de la Défense. Il réalise la conception générale de l'ingénierie de défense du projet et l'exploitation des systèmes d'information et de communication du nouveau ministère, ainsi que des systèmes de sûreté du site.


"Si le projet architectural est de grande envergure, la sécurisation du site et de ses systèmes d'information et de communication sont également des missions hautement critiques", explique Thales.

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9 avril 2014 3 09 /04 /avril /2014 07:30
Iraq Buys 12 Mothballed L-159s from Czech AF


April 7, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Xinhua; published April 8, 2014)


Iraq to Buy 12 Mothballed L-159s from Czech Military


Representatives from Iraqi Defense Ministry have signed a purchase contract with Aero Vodochody on buying 12 mothballed L-159 combat planes from the Czech military on Sunday.


Penta Investments that owns Aero Vodochody confirmed the news on Monday.


The mothballed L-159s should be delivered to Iraq by September 2014 at a cost of 200 million U.S. dollars, said Martin Danko, spokesman for Penta Investments.


Former Czech chief-of-staff Jiri Sedivy said that Iraq needs combat aircraft for the training of pilots who would later fly U.S. F-16 fighter jets.


Iraq showed interest in the new Czech combat aircraft for the first time in 2012, when it signed a preliminary agreement with the then Czech Defense Minister Alexandr Vondra on buying 28 L-159s.


The Czech Defense Ministry's spokesman Jan Pejsek said that the Ministry has not yet officially received information on the signing of the contract between Aero and Iraqi officials.


Czech military bought 72 L-159s with only one third of them in use. The military has been trying to sell the redundant L-159s for several years.

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9 avril 2014 3 09 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Pratt, Pentagon Open F-35 Engine Price War


April 8, 2014 Source: Defense-Aerospace.com


PARIS --- Having canceled the GE/Rolls-Royce F136 alternate engine program for short-term savings, the Pentagon finds itself powerless to force Pratt & Whitney to reduce the cost of its own F135 engine, now the single-source powerplant for the entire F-35 program.


While many in Congress tried to block cancellation of the F136 program for several years, arguing that competition had very effectively reduced fighter engine acquisition costs in the past, the program was eventually killed in December 2011 when GE and Rolls-Royce finally decided to stop funding the project in the hope the Pentagon would restore funding. At the time, the Pentagon opted to cut F136 funding as part of a program-wide campaign to reduce the F-35’s ballooning costs.


Pratt & Whitney’s single-source, monopoly position is so strong that the F-35 Joint Program Office cannot even force the company to reveal the true cost of the engines, Rear Adm. Randy Mahr, deputy program manager of the F-35. “I can’t force somebody to go ahead and report something that by law they are not” required to report, he told Aviation Week at the Sea Air Space 2014 conference in Washington, DC on April 7 (see below).


The most recent F135 production contract, announced Oct. 23, 2013, covers 38 engines for Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lot 7 and is worth $1.1 billion, or an average cost of $28.9 million per engine. More precise cost figures are not available.


At the time, Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, F-35 Program Executive Officer, said that "The engine price has been going down and that trend will continue." He added that "I've met with Pratt & Whitney's senior leaders and they are working closely with the supply chain to continue to bring down the cost to the government."


Six months later, Bogdan’s comments appear very optimistic. The following two stories show that Pratt & Whitney is dragging its heels in reducing engine costs, and that the company, which now holds an unassailable monopoly position on F-35 engine production, is virtually immune to Pentagon pressure.

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9 avril 2014 3 09 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
New unmanned maritime system promises affordable, persistent surveillance of coastlines


04/08/2014  Defence IQ


Ultra Electronics USSI has signed a strategic partnership with Liquid Robotics, a manufacturer of hybrid wave and solar propelled Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (UMVs), for the joint development of a revolutionary and cost effective surveillance system for the global maritime security market. The new product leverages the Liquid Robotics Wave Glider, the world’s first wave powered ocean robot, with Ultra Electronics USSI’s acoustic sensing and signal processing to provide a persistent, best of breed, surveillance capability.


This solution helps address the critical need for affordable, long duration, maritime surveillance of the world’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Exclusion Economic Zones (EEZs), ports and coastlines.


“Countries around the globe are losing valuable natural resources and economic opportunity without the ability to persistently patrol their coastlines, MPAs and EEZs,” said Bill Vass, CEO of Liquid Robotics. “This strategic partnership will bring to market a powerful solution with the ability to help close this gap globally.”


Liquid Robotics’ innovative propulsion and energy systems are designed to help customers explore portions of the world’s oceans in conditions that previously were too challenging or costly to operate. Potentially this means the military can use the vessels to monitor vast areas of water around the globe without utilising manpower and at negligible cost.


Bill Vass, President and CEO at Liquid Robotics, spoke to Defence IQ last year to discuss the company’s technology and how it can be exploited for military applications. The Wave Glider can be used for a range of different missions, but primarily the technology is a sensing platform.


“It can be used for battlespace softening … it can be used for protecting a fleet by listening for submarines or torpedoes, it can be used for anti-mine, it can be used for obviously reconnaissance, for providing security for specific areas, to patrol a specific location and provide an alarm if an acoustic, video or radar event occurs,” Vass explained.


Looking ahead, Vass expects countries to begin increasing their reliance on autonomous vehicles to enhance border security.


“Any country like Canada that has a small Navy and a large shoreline, or Australia or New Zealand or India or Brazil or South Africa, are all great targets for us … it’s a lot cheaper having robots patrolling your coastline than it is to have ships, from an economic perspective they can have many more points of presence at a much lower cost.”


The Brazilian Armed Forces patrol 4.4 million square kilometres of territorial waters and has a maritime salvage area which is one and half times the size of its land mass. With vast petroleum and gas deposits, as well as valuable mineral reserves, the Blue Amazon – which is what the Brazilian Navy calls the area of sea that it’s responsible for – is a vital strategic and economic resource for the South American giant. Notwithstanding the World Cup this year and the Olympics in 2016, Brazil is working towards increasing its surveillance management capabilities.

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9 avril 2014 3 09 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Raytheon Moving Out On Air Missile Defense Radar

Raytheon's air missile defense radar is meant to increase detection range, according to the company. (Raytheon illustration)


Apr. 8, 2014 - By CHRISTOPHER P. CAVAS – Defense News


NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. — With a temporary work stoppage lifted, Raytheon is working to develop its air missile defense radar (AMDR) for the US Navy’s future Aegis destroyers.


“We’re two months into the contract, but we’re more than two years into technical development,” Tad Dickinson, Raytheon’s AMDR program manager, said at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space Exposition outside Washington.


The company already has built a test array structure, a roughly 14-by-14-foot array to check fittings of the components of the electrically scanned radar, which will replace SPY-1 radars used on today’s Aegis ships.


The S-band AMDR will have more than 30 times the sensitivity of the SPY-1, and is designed to dramatically increase the fidelity of the system to track ballistic missile targets.


Raytheon beat proposals from Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to win the AMDR contract. Work was temporarily halted when Lockheed filed a protest, but the work stoppage ended in January when the protest was dropped. Raytheon and Lockheed will both work on AMDR, which will be integrated into the Lockheed Aegis system.


Raytheon is working toward the program’s first critical design review, scheduled for November. The system is intended to be installed in the yet-to-be-named DDG 124, a destroyer to be funded in 2016. Delivery of the first set of AMDR radars is scheduled for 2019, Dickinson said.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 17:35
IAF, HAL to Work On Joint Plans


April 8, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited; issued April 7, 2014)


HAL Proposes Single Agency to Deal with Foreign OEMs


The Indian Air Force and HAL have decided to work on joint plans on various fronts for better understanding of issues so that both contribute effectively in India’s defence preparedness. The entire board of HAL and senior officials flew down from Bangalore to interact with the top commanders of IAF at the conference held at the Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhavan) in New Delhi yesterday.


“Hand-holding is important considering the challenges involved in manufacturing and operational fronts”, said the Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal, Arup Raha . On his part, HAL Chairman, Dr. R.K. Tyagi, mooted the idea of putting up single group or team to deal with foreign OEMs on all matters as these OEMs work with Air Force, Army, Navy and other multiple Government agencies. "Normally these OEMs work with two or more agencies. There is greater cohesion, understanding and mutual benefits when these OEMs are dealt from one platform”, he said.


Senior IAF, MoD and HAL officials took part in the performance review with focus on challenges related to several fleets such as MiG (21, 27, 29), Su-30 MKI, Mirage, Jaguar, Hawk, Kiran, Pilatus, Avro, Dornier, Chetak/Cheetah and Cheetal, ALH, RPA, Lakshya, etc. HAL supports 80% of the IAF inventory.


The discussions also focused on indigenisation, quality and delivery timelines that are often demanding due to factors related to supply chain, transfer of technology and shortage of skilled manpower in the aviation/aerospace sector.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 17:35
Australia in Talks to Buy Japanese Submarines to Upgrade Fleet

One of Japan's hi-tech Soryu class submarines (photo : kure-news)


08 April 2014 Defense Studies

ALMOST 72 years after Japanese midget submarines attacked Sydney Harbour killing 21 sailors, Australia could buy Japanese subs for its $30 billion replacement program.

Possible access to Japanese technology and even a so-called “military off-the-shelf” deal to buy the boats is on the agenda during high-level defence talks in Tokyo between Prime Minister Tony Abbott and senior Japanese officials.

Mr Abbott’s talks follow a top-secret mission to Japan in February by the nation’s defence purchasing guru and head of the Defence Materiel Organisation Warren King to open negotiations with Japan’s defence agency for possible access to its Soryu Class submarines.

Defence Minister David Johnston has also met Japanese officials to discuss submarines and senior navy officers have been on board the Japanese boats to examine technologies such as the Swedish-designed air independent propulsion (AIP) system.

The AIP system allows the diesel-electric vessels to remain submerged for long periods of time without the need for fresh air for diesel power-plants.

When asked yesterday what aspects of the Japanese boats might be included in an Australian design, a senior government source replied: “Everything.”

When pressed on whether that included buying the boats off-the-shelf from the Japanese the answer was an emphatic “yes”.


Soryu class cutaway (image : goo)

At a submarine conference in Canberra tomorrow Senator Johnston will tell Defence and industry that “all bets are off” when it comes to options for the future Australian submarine fleet.

He will also debunk the myth that Australia needs 12 submarines and will make it plain that the government is not a job-creation agency for local shipbuilders.

That means shipbuilder ASC would need to prove its credentials as a competitive and skilled shipyard.

Japanese officials have visited the ASC shipyard at Port Adelaide, where the navy’s six Collins Class boats were built.

The Japanese vessels cost about $600 million each, or less than half the price of an Australian-made alternative.

The 4200-tonne (submerged) Soryu submarines would be an ideal fit to replace the ageing 3400-tonne Collins boats.

It is understood the Japanese technology could also be used to extend the life of the Collins boats beyond the late 2020s.

Senator Johnston will also urge Defence to get moving quickly so a decision can be taken by March 2015.
He will point out that it took Singapore just 10 months to move from concept to decision for its new submarine.


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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 17:30
Airbus Defence and Space receives radar contract extension in the Middle East

The Spexer 2000 security radar improves the surveillance of borders substantially. Photo: Airbus DS


Munich,  08 April 2014 Airbus Defence and Space

Spexer 2000 security radar improves border protection



Airbus Defence and Space has been awarded a contract for the delivery of four of its Spexer 2000 security radars to further improve the surveillance of the borders of a major Middle Eastern country. The contract is an extension to an existing contract for the delivery of more than 40 Spexer 2000 radars, which have been operating successfully for almost two years now.


Thomas Müller, head of the Business Line Electronics at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “Spexer 2000 is using state-of-the-art Active Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) technology, which provides a multi-tasking and multi-mode capability, and increases the detection and target assessment capability substantially. Due to this, Spexer 2000 can replace several conventional radars.”


Spexer 2000 is optimized for the surveillance of borders and other applications which require the monitoring of vast areas over long distances of 40 km. With high Doppler and velocity resolution as well as high clutter suppression, Spexer 2000 is able to reliably detect, track and classify even very small and slowly moving targets such as pedestrians, and also fast objects such as speed boats or low-flying objects such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In addition, a camera mounted on top of the radar can be cued to the radar in order to identify suspicious objects.


This technology ensures a high level of situational awareness providing border guards and security forces with additional reaction time towards illicit intrusions. The radar is qualified according to several military standards and provides a very high availability and MTBCF (mean time between critical failure), combined with a low false alarm rate and reliable performance even in severe environmental conditions.


Spexer 2000 is part of Airbus Defence and Space’s Spexer security radar family which consists of several radars, each optimized for specific surveillance applications including border, infrastructure, perimeter and coastal surveillance. A specific military version has been developed for the German Army.


About Airbus Defence and Space


Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus Group formed by combining the business activities of Cassidian, Astrium and Airbus Military. The new division is Europe’s number one defence and space enterprise, the second largest space business worldwide and among the top ten global defence enterprises. It employs some 40,000 employees generating revenues of approximately €14 billion per year.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 16:40
KRET is the new face of Radio-Electronic Technologies

08.04.2014 by Rostec

The state corporation Rostec has unveiled a new brand for the concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET). The rebranding will improve capitalization and allow the concern to implement its strategy for international expansion, including integration into world markets and the introduction of an IPO.


The KRET Brand

The rebranding allows the concern to be identified by the same abbreviation of KRET in both Russian and English. This policy coincides with the strategy of its parent company Rostec, who implemented its own name change in late 2012. Given that 75% of its production has military purposes, KRET has become the leader of Russia’s military-industrial complex. The concern has also adopted a policy of increased transparency in communicating with partners, investors, and the media. The new brand gives KRET an image of strength and severity, along with openness and readiness to pursue mutual beneficial partnerships.

As KRET CEO Nikolai Kolesov noted, the rebranding will allow the concern to increase its capitalization in the long term. “An international brand and dual-language site are designed to help implement KRET’s strategy of international expansion, including integration into the world markets and the introduction of an IPO,” he said.


The new brand and dual-language site are designed to help implement KRET’s strategy for international expansion and the introduction of an IPO

Nikolai Kolesov, KRET CEO



KRET’s new logo consists of its abbreviated name graphic design, a stylized image of a pixel grid on which three symmetrical diamonds are visible. This symbolism is the essence of most of the concern’s technology: the transformation of real objects into a digital model.
“Competition in the global market is not possible without a strong, recognizable brand. Yet due to specifics of the dual-purpose enterprise, this resource is insufficiently used in Russia. Still, effective communication with the outside world is a competitive factor in the global market,” noted Vasily Brovko, Rostec communications director. “The rebranding aims to create a modern image of the concern as an innovative company with the strategic resources and objectives to develop unique, high-performance military and civilian technologies of the future that can also reach a new level of business.”



KRET now has a new, multimedia website at www.kret.com. The site advances the concern’s new brand, presenting a multimedia portal for interaction with the outside world. KRET intends to adopt a policy of maximum openness with its partners, investors, and the media, which a new internet forum for feedback will help promote. To make communication with foreign colleagues as efficient as possible, information on the new site will be published in two languages, Russian and English. To increase visibility, the site will also provide videos, photos, and text about all aspects of KRET.

The strategic communications center Apostle, in partnership with SomeOneElse, one of the top creative agencies in the UK, developed the website. This team has also worked on projects for HSBC, Land Rover, BBC, Yota, Universal, and Rolling Stones. Warren Hutchinson, founder and design director of SomeOneElse led the project, which began in 2013 and took more than a year to complete.


This project sets a high standard for companies in the international market for radio-electronic technologies

Steve Haggarty, Apostle art director


“The developers were able to convey in their unique graphic language the product reliability of KRET and the stability of the company, along with its openness to cooperation, innovation, and investment. This project sets a high standard for companies in the international market for radio-electronic technologies,” said Steve Haggarty, art director for Apostle.

As part of its rebranding, the concern will use all digital communication channels, including video blogs and social networks. KRET already has official accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte, and official channel in YouTube.



KRET has adopted a range of initiatives for building effective communication in an effort to implement its development strategy by 2020. The concern’s priorities include creating new products for civil and military purposes, improving the competitiveness of its avionics systems, modernizing its production facilities on a large-scale, and transitioning to a complex supplier model. According to the strategy, KRET’s net profit will grow 4.5 times to 20 billion rubles in 2020, with revenue increasing more than 3 times to 204 billion rubles. By 2020, the projected capitalization of the concern is expected to exceed 237 billion rubles.


The concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) is Russia’s largest holding company in the radio-electronics industry. Founded in 2009, it is now a part of the state corporation Rostec. KRET specializes in the development and manufacture of avionics systems for civil and military aviation, air-based radar, state identification systems, radio warfare complexes, multipurpose measuring instrumentation, electrical connectors and cable systems. Additionally, the concern’s enterprises produce various household appliances, medical equipment, and control systems for energy, transportation, and engineering industries. KRET, which includes 97 enterprises, design bureaus, and production plants located in 28 constituent territories of the Russian Federation, employs more than 66,000 people.

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