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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Mi-17V-5 photo US Navy

Mi-17V-5 photo US Navy



MOSCOU, 21 mars - RIA Novosti


La Russie poursuivra sa coopération avec l'OTAN dans la réparation d'hélicoptères pour l'Afghanistan malgré l'adoption de sanctions américaines et européennes contre Moscou, a déclaré vendredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine.


"Il faut poursuivre la réalisation de ce projet, bien que nos partenaires de l'OTAN aient l'intention de geler la coopération", a indiqué M.Poutine lors d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité russe.


La Russie et les pays occidentaux financent conjointement les travaux de réparation d'hélicoptères de fabrication russe et soviétique pour l'Afghanistan et la formation de personnel technique et de pilotes pour ces hélicoptères.


Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a rappelé pendant la réunion que la première étape de ce projet avait été un succès et que les participants au projet avaient noté son utilité.


Washington a adopté des sanctions à l'encontre de hauts responsables et hommes d'affaires russes suite à l'adhésion à la Russie de la république de Crimée, jusque-là appartenant à l'Ukraine. Les chefs de diplomatie des pays membres de l'UE ont aussi convenu de lancer des sanctions contre les officiels russes et ukrainiens, coupables, selon eux, de "miner l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine".

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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 17:30
M-346 israélien photo Alenia Aermacchi

M-346 israélien photo Alenia Aermacchi



20.03.2014 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com



Alenia Aermacchi a organisé une cérémonie officielle de roll-out ce 20 mars afin de dévoiler le premier M-346 « Lavi », destiné à l’armée de l’air israélienne.


Ce premier exemplaire devrait être livré à l’été 2014 selon l’industriel italien. L’assemblage final avait débuté le 7 novembre 2013 en Italie.


Israël a commandé 30 exemplaires de cet avion d’entraînement en 2012 pour remplacer ses TA-4 Skyhawk.

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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 12:55
L. Maury named Vice President  in charge of Thales's new “Critical Information Systems and Cybersecurity” Business Line

20/03/2014 Thales Group


Laurent Maury has been appointed Vice President in charge of Thales's new “Critical Information Systems and Cybersecurity” Business Line. This new Business Line — part of the Secure Communications and Information Systems Global Business Unit — has critical mass (close to 5,000 people, revenues of €500 million) and reflects Thales's efforts to strengthen its leadership in the rapidly expanding market for critical information management and cybersecurity solutions.

Laurent Maury began his career in 1987 as an engineer in the Radio Frequency Laboratory at Dassault Electronique. He then joined the Space and Electronic Warefare division as a systems bid manager. In 1996, he was promoted to Deputy Director, Export Marketing and Sales for this division. 

In 1998, Laurent joined Sextant Avionique as Director of Strategy and Development for the company's Trainer & Fighter Aircraft business. 

In 2001, he joined Thales's Defence & Security C4I Systems Activities as Director of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance business. In 2005, Laurent assumed responsibility for Customer Service (France) for this business, then in 2006 he was appointed Vice President of the Customer  Service and Support business line. 

From December 2005, Laurent was Vice President in charge of the Critical Information Systems business line. 

Laurent Maury, 53, is a graduate of the ENSEEIHT engineering school in Toulouse (École nationale upérieure d'électronique, d'électrotechnique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications), Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse and the CHEAr centre for advanced weapon studies (Centre des hautes études de l'armement).

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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 12:35
SU-30MKI photo g4sp

SU-30MKI photo g4sp


20 mars Aerobuzz.fr


New Delhi déplore le manque de fiabilité de ses 275 avions de combat polyvalents Su-30MKI. Les militaires mettent en cause le calculateur principal du système d’arme qui ne parvient pas à assurer le traitement de ses tâches. Du coup les écrans des deux cockpits deviennent soudainement vides. L’appel à l’aide des autorités indiennes est semble t-il resté lettre morte à Moscou. Cette panne est d’autant plus gênante que le Su-30MKI est considéré comme le fer de lance des forces armées indiennes. L’appareil polyvalent caractérisé par un radar « Bars » très performant et une avionique mêlant des équipements indiens, russes et occidentaux est appelé à devenir le porteur du missile d’attaque supersonique à longue portée Brahmos.

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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 12:30
Minimization, Improved Accuracy & C3


18/3/2014 Avigdor Klein - israeldefense.com


Brig. Gen. (Res.) Avigdor Klein, formerly the IDF Chief Armored Corps Officer, wishes to point out a few facts before the IDF proceed along the path leading to the purchase of a new self-propelled gun system

Almost no military organization intends to purchase a new self-propelled gun system. That is a fact. There are many reasons for it – from the costly maintenance of the arsenal (compared to the rocket launching systems adapted to providing accurate combat fire support) to the fire support needs that have changed. Accuracy and collateral damage restrict the use of tube artillery offering statistical performance, and a warhead adapted to the target and improved accuracy are required.

Modern armed forces are switching to tactical combat fire support within closer ranges, based on accurate mortars and rockets, and gradually minimize their self-propelled gun arsenals while upgrading the remaining ones. The trend is to provide more support to urban warfare operations.

Another fact – almost no military organization has purchased a new tracked self-propelled gun system. In recent years, the need for maneuvering in difficult traffic ability terrain has decreased (range will compensates for such needs, if they arise). The vehicle is problematic as far as civil infrastructure (roads, bridges and water conduits) is concerned. Its spare parts and maintenance are costly; it is restricted with regard to long journeys (e.g. between fronts) owing to the increased wear sustained by the track and suspension system in such journeys; it is costly owing to the high fuel consumption of the platform (owing to weight). Additionally, this vehicle requires specialized training for operation, servicing and driving (it is not similar to civilian vehicles), thereby necessitating a large crew per platform (for overcoming emergency malfunctions). Moreover, self-propelled guns do not enable rapid mobilization between fronts and theaters and necessitate a supporting arsenal of dedicated transporters.

A third fact – no military organization has purchased or upgraded an existing self-propelled gun system into a fully automatic system, as reducing the number of crewmen can be achieved through other improvements. Additionally, the required operational rate of fire can also be achieved through other improvements. For example, the modular propellant arsenal is not yet sufficiently mature to support, with the required degree of reliability, a responsible operational layout. Experience has shown that frequent cleaning of the breechblock, as well as clearing of malfunctions during actual firing are required, which necessitate that the turret remain manned. Primarily, however, a fully-automatic system will be costly relative to the expected operational benefit, and military authorities prefer to invest the budgets required for such upgrading in more suitable fire layouts.

So, what do the armed forces of friendly countries do? First of all, they reduce their arsenals. The armed forces of NATO have reduced their self-propelled gun arsenals to a minimum, and now rely on other fire layouts. At the same time, they have been addressing the aspects of range and accuracy. These armed forces are making serious efforts to improve the combat fire performance by making it more accurate (the M982 Excalibur extended range artillery shell already exists, other systems are still under development) and increasing its range (45, 47 and 52 caliber barrels).

At the same time, ammunition manufacturers are hard at work developing reliable modular propellants and shells offering extended range and improved accuracy. Gun manufacturers are improving the ability of their guns’ breechblocks/chambers to fire shells using more “aggressive” propellants.

In the context of this upgrading trend, manufacturers are also hard at work developing longer barrels. The efforts of developing, manufacturing and purchasing modern artillery systems by most armed forces focus on wheeled systems with long-barreled guns – 47 or 52 caliber barrels.

Most armed forces also place the emphasis on incorporating the combat support elements into a fast, reliable combat network, and then basing their fire processes on maximum automation, all the way to the actual trigger pull. Additionally, they address the entire fire cycle chain – from the Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) to the individual gun. Most armed forces also invest – having reduced their self-propelled gun arsenals – in extending the service life of the remaining arsenals, while introducing ammunition management systems that handle the ammunition from the logistic echelons to the chamber. When purchasing does take place, however scantily, it usually involves wheeled guns (Czech Republic, Sweden and Slovakia). The towed gun market is still attractive and still used by the “Western Club”, notably the USA.

But above all – nobody is purchasing any new tracked self-propelled gun system of any kind!

The fire support needs of armed forces generally and ground combat teams in particular in recent times have indicated drastic changes with regard to everything we knew in the past. There is a growing demand for immediate availability, for accuracy rates that are often uncompromising (selective and accurate engagement of pinpoint targets with minimum collateral damage), for extended ranges (in order to minimize relocating maneuvers and movement through threatened areas) and for diversified structure destruction and kill capabilities. These needs stem from the blurred nature of the enemy, the short exposure intervals of the enemy targets and mainly from the fact that the enemy often chooses to operate in a civilian environment.

Budget constraints alone necessitate that the remaining funds be invested in the most vital needs. Additionally, we should also address such considerations as the incomplete maturity and technological reliability of the aforementioned fully-automatic self-propelled gun system with no crewmen in the turret. We should ask ourselves whether we alone think differently when we opt for a new tracked and fully-automatic self-propelled gun system.

It is this writer’s opinion that the IDF units need organic close fire support, so the self-propelled gun system has a right to exist, not “at sufferance” but owing to an actual need. I urge the reader to bear in mind that in most western armed forces, the self-propelled gun system is associated, almost organically, with the brigade level – and this fact determines the system’s tactical designation. I expect that in the IDF, too, the designation and role of the brigade will intensify and change as it gradually evolves into an autonomous formation that may be mobilized between theaters, more intensively than today. Anyone who shares my view will agree that the examination of the type of self-propelled gun system and the type of chassis assigned to carry it should be based on a forward-looking, system analysis and the needs of the brigade: mobility between theaters and fronts and flexibility in particular.

I would recommend to the IDF Artillery Corps and the builders of the IDF ground force to invest in a new and modern weapon system from the category of the divisional, theater/regional fire layouts (including accurate rocket systems). I would mark the most essential things that need to be done in order to keep the existing or new self-propelled gun arsenal, so that in determining its contents and quality, the elements I have outlined are taken into consideration, including the integration of the self-propelled gun system with the introduction of mortars on the one hand and rockets on the other hand, so as to provide the much-desired operational flexibility.

In any case, a relevant and effective system should be selected, based on the criteria of range, accuracy, ammunition, auxiliary systems for ammunition management and operation and autonomy – “network self-propelled gun”.

A fully-automatic, tracked self-propelled gun system without crewmen in the turret? Absolutely not!

Third International Fire Conference on the topic "Network-Based Employment of Fire in a Dynamic Environment", which will take place on May 19th-22th. The conference is produced by IsraelDefense and the Israel Artillery Association in cooperation with the IDF Land Army HQ and IDF Artillery Corps.
For the conference website and registration Click Here

. Gen. (res.) Avigdor Klein is the owner of Avigdor K. Engineering Systems Ltd. Among the many positions he served in during his military career was that of the IDF Chief Armored Corps Officer.

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21 mars 2014 5 21 /03 /mars /2014 12:25
Airbus Group highlights commitment to Latin America at FIDAE


Santiago de Chile,  20 March 2014 Airbus Group


  • Airbus Group showcases its cutting-edge products and technology at the show
  • First Latin American show where Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters participate under the new brand name

Airbus Group will have a major presence at the 18th edition of the FIDAE air show from the 25-30 March 2014 at Arturo Merino Benitez Airport. The Group, which is taking part in the show for the first time under its new name, will feature its three Divisions: Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters (Chalets D4-D8).

“FIDAE is the biggest and longest-running air show in Latin America and a key event for the Airbus Group. Furthermore, we now have the opportunity to present our new brand and organisation to our customers and audiences in Latin America,” said Jean-Pierre Talamoni, Corporate Vice President of International at Airbus Group.

With more than 1,400 employees located at 17 sites across seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru), Latin America is a region where Airbus Group continues to expand its presence, generating revenues in 2013 of about $5 billion. According to Jean-Pierre Talamoni, “The Group has always aimed to be a partner of choice here, and our four decades of experience in the market reinforce this position by delivering key solutions to our customers’ needs.”

Latin America is one of the Group’s longest standing markets and sourcing partners, with an order backlog of about $60 billion. Agreements with some of the region’s leading universities and research centres also help making Latin America a research and skills partner for Airbus Group.


Airbus Group

Airbus Group is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2013, the Group – comprising Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters – generated revenues of € 59.3 billion and employed a workforce of around 144,000.

(The legal name change from European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V. (“EADS N.V.”) to Airbus Group N.V. is subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting.)

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 18:40
Russian Navy’s first Project 11356 frigate floated out


17 March 2014 naval-technology.com


The Russian Navy's first Project 11356 frigate, Admiral Grigorovich, has been floated out by the Yantar shipyard in Russia's Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad.


RIA Novosti cited Russian Navy deputy commander rear admiral Viktor Bursuk as saying that the Project 11356 vessels are ideal for conducting missions in the Black Sea or Mediterranean, where Russia maintains a permanent naval task force.


The vessels could also be deployed for anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden, between Somalia and Yemen, Bursuk added.


Under two contracts with the Russian defence ministry, a total of six frigates are scheduled to be delivered to Russia's Black Sea Fleet between 2014 and 2017.


The Admiral Grigorovich was laid down in December 2010. Four more vessels of the same class are in various stages of construction at the shipyard.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 17:55
 Tir d'un missile Aster 30 depuis une batterie SAMP/T photo DGA

Tir d'un missile Aster 30 depuis une batterie SAMP/T photo DGA


20/03/2014 par Guillaume Steuer – Air & Cosmos


C'est une question à plusieurs centaines de millions d'euros : comment MBDA va-t-il faire évoluer son offre dans la défense sol-air moyenne portée au cours des années à venir ? La réponse est à chercher, en premier lieu, du côté des partenaires européens du programme que sont la France et l'Italie. "En France, l'objectif est de lancer le programme Aster 30 Block 1 NT en 2014", rappelait le 18 mars Antoine Bouvier, pdg de MBDA, lors de la présentation des résultats 2013 de sa société.

Qu'est-ce que l'Aster Block 1NT ? Une évolution de l'Aster 30 Block 1 actuel, c'est à dire le missile mis en oeuvre par les batteries de défense sol-air terrestres SAMP/T, en service en France et en Italie. Le Block 1 NT (pour nouvelles technologies) sera ainsi doté, entre autres, d'un nouvel autodirecteur fonctionnant en bande Ka, alors que l'actuel émet en bande Ku.

Concrètement, cela doit permettre au missile de détecter et de poursuivre des cibles plus rapides ; en matière de défense contre les missiles balistiques, cette amélioration permettra d'intercepter des engins de plus longue portée, soit environ 1.500 km. Plus généralement, le programme Aster Block 1NT vise également à traiter toutes les obsolescences dont pourraient être frappés les différents composants de l'Aster 30 actuel.


Environ 300 millions d'euros cette année.

Dès la fin 2008, la DGA avait attribué à MBDA et Thales un plan d'études amont d'environ 30 M€ pour travailler sur ce sujet. Le lancement du programme à proprement parler avait en revanche été retardé à plusieurs reprises. Mais cette fois-ci, c'est la bonne, explique-t-on chez MBDA. "La loi de programmation militaire (LPM) 2014-2019 prévoit bien la notification d'un contrat dès cette année", affirme ainsi Antoine Bouvier.

La documentation budgétaire associée au projet de loi de finances 2014 révèle en effet que 270 M€ devraient être engagés cette année dans ce programme, afin de couvrir "le traitement des obsolescences des munitions" et "une amélioration de performances face aux missiles balistiques de théâtre".

Mais le contexte budgétaire contraint invite à trouver d'autres partenaires pour financer ce chantier. "Il n'y pas aujourd'hui de conditions liées à un client export sur le programme Block 1NT", tempère toutefois Antoine Bouvier. Est-ce à dire que l'Aster Block 1NT sera financé uniquement en franco-français ? "Nous tâcherons de nous inscrire dans la perspective du programme Aster, c'est à dire celle d'une coopération franco-italienne pour le missile", nuance le pdg de MBDA. "Nous nous efforcerons de placer ce développement dans un cadre franco-italien, mais ce sera évidemment conditionné par les budgets italiens", ajoute le dirigeant.


La piste britannique.

D'autres pistes de coopération existent, à plus ou moins long terme, pour faire évoluer la famille Aster. "Dans la feuille de route d'évolution de l'Aster, il y a plusieurs grands domaines", souligne Antoine Bouvier. "L'un est lié au missile lui-même avec le nouvel autodirecteur de l'Aster 30, mais nous avons également des perspectives de feuille de route navale", précise le pdg du missilier européen.

Lors du récent sommet franco-britannique de Brize Norton, Londres s'est en effet dit favorable à "un dialogue bilatéral dans le domaine de la défense antimissile balistique", étudiant la possibilité d'utiliser ses destroyers Type 45 (déjà équipés d'Aster 30) pour mener cette mission, avec un missile et des capteurs améliorés.

Dernier client en date du missile Aster 30, Singapour pourrait également jouer un rôle dans de futures évolutions du missile. "L'acquisition par Singapour de l'Aster 30 terrestre va nous permettre de renforcer notre coopération sur le long terme avec la société locale ST Engineering", expliquait MBDA à "Air&Cosmos" lors du salon de Singapour le mois dernier.


Coupes claires.

En France, la LPM 2014-2019 a entériné des coupes importantes dans le programme Aster : alors qu'il était initialement prévu de commander 575 Aster 30 à MBDA, cette cible a été abaissée à 200 missiles seulement, tandis que celle des Aster 15 a été réduite de 200 à 140 exemplaires. Sept missiles Aster 30 seront livrés au client français en 2014, et 25 en 2015, date à laquelle est prévue la dernière livraison d'Aster 30.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 17:40
Representatives from Germany visiting KAMAZ


March 20, 2014 by Rostec


Representatives of the German Mahr GmbH company, a global manufacturer of the metrology equipment, have arrived at KAMAZ enterprises on a working visit.

Ulrich Kaspar, CEO of Mahr GmbH and Nadeem Suwanee, chief sales officer of Mahr GmbH, have come to Naberezhnye Chelny along with their Russian service partner Alexander Loktev, CEO of the Technopolis Group.

The guests are scheduled to visit the engine and automobile plants of KAMAZ, where the Mahr equipment and measuring instruments are installed.
After this, negotiations will be held in the KAMAZ general directorate on further cooperation between the two companies.

The German Mahr GmbH company is a world leader in the production of metrology equipment. Its instruments are specifically designed for use in industrial workshops, as well as for research and development.

Mahr GmbH supplies equipment to both world-famous and domestic industrial enterprises, including KAMAZ, AVTOVAZ, Airbus, Bosch and others.

KAMAZ, a division of the state corporation Rostec, is a Russia’s largest trucks manufacturer. KAMAZ includes more than 150 organizations located in Russia, the CIS, and other foreign countries, including 12 major automobile manufacturing plants and assembly facilities in Vietnam, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Navantia delivers first batch of LCM-1E crafts to RAN



12 March 2014 naval-technology.com


Navantia has delivered the first four new medium-sized fast landing craft (LCM-1E) to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).


The delivery is a part of a contract signed by Navantia in September 2011 to develop 12 new LCM-1E high-speed landing craft for RAN in support of two new Canberra-class landing helicopter dock (LHD) amphibious assault ships.


Being acquired under the joint project 2048 phase three from Navantia, the high-speed landing craft allow RAN to transport troops and equipment over shore where there are no fixed port facilities.

"Powered by two engines MAN of 806kW and two waterjet propellers, the LCM-1E craft feature radar navigation, global positioning system, gyro needle / magnetic and HF communications equipment, VHF and UHF."


The first four fast landing crafts have departed from Navantia facilities in Puerto Real, and are expected to arrive at their intended destinations around mid-April, while the remaining eight units are currently under construction and will be delivered to the Navy in groups of four during the next months.


Powered by two engines MAN of 806kW and two waterjet propellers, the LCM-1E craft feature radar navigation, global positioning system, gyro needle / magnetic and HF communications equipment, VHF and UHF.


Being built by Navantia in collaboration with BAE Systems, the 27,000t LHD have a range of 190nm, a length of 23.3m and can cruise at a speed of 22k.


The ships will be used to embark, transport and deploy forces, along with their equipment and aviation units as well as to perform out / support humanitarian missions.


The LHDs are armed with 6mm x 12.7mm machine guns, Nulka active missile decoy system, anti-torpedo towed defence system (Nixie) and four 20mm automated guns.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 17:30
Israel AF Christens Hermes 900 UAV

March 20, 2014 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Israel Air Force; issued March 20, 2014)


Star Is Born: A Name Is Chosen for the "Hermes 900" UAV


The Hermes 900 UAV, manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit Systems, received its official Hebrew name in the IAF: "Kochav" (star in Hebrew). The Kochav UAV strengthens the UAV arm of the IAF and is designed for HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) reconnaissance missions


The UAV arm of the IAF continues to expand: this week, a Hebrew name for the "Hermes 900" UAV was chosen: "Kochav" (star, in Hebrew).


The Israeli-built UAV serves at the Palmachim airbase and takes part in all kinds of reconnaissance missions and special missions.


The Kochav UAV, which is manufactured by the Israeli company Elbit System, has joined the UAV Division of the IAF. It possesses a wide range of capabilities, including the ability to carry out missions in all weather conditions.


The Kochav has innovative UAV capabilities: automatic takeoff, landing and braking capabilities. Additionally, it has another operational advantage over older aircraft, as it can carry multiple payloads, allowing it to perform several missions during a single flight.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
EA-18G Growler photo US Navy

EA-18G Growler photo US Navy


17 Mar 2014 By Jon Hemmerdinger - FG


Washington DC - The US Navy has confirmed it wants to buy additional Boeing E/A-18G Growler aircraft – a move the service says will protect the nation’s industrial base and provide it with the electronic warfare capability it will need in the coming decades.


“I see a growing Growler need,” Chief of Naval Operations Adm Jonathan Greenert told lawmakers during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on 12 March. “We are at the minimum requirement as we know it.”


“Today we have the minimum numbers [of Growlers] in each squadron,” adds USN secretary Ray Mabus.


The navy, which did not immediately respond to a request for additional information, currently has five Growlers per squadron, Mabus says. “Looking in the future, we don’t think electronic attack is going to get any smaller,” he adds.


The comments come days after news that the USN is seeking to include 22 additional Growlers in its “unfunded” requirements request for fiscal year 2015. That document, which must be approved by military leaders, includes items that were not in the military’s FY2015 budget request, released earlier this month.


In his committee testimony, Greenert calls the request a “hedge and risk-reduction” effort, adding that the navy is “very mindful of the industrial base”.


The US government is also “working on things like foreign military sales to keep that [Boeing] line in business”, Greenert adds.


Boeing’s Super Hornet and Growler production line in St Louis, Missouri will run out of work in the third quarter of 2016, if the company does not receive additional orders from the US government or foreign militaries.


The manufacturer says its twin-seat Growler can provide the electronic jamming capability needed to ensure other fighters – like Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter – are most effective.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:50
Dutch maritime NH90s suffer corrosion


Mar. 20, 2014 by Anno Gravemaker – FG


Last year, the Royal Netherlands Air Force deployed one of its NH Industries NH90s for the first time aboard a navy vessel, during anti-piracy operation Atalanta in the Gulf of Aden.


After an inspection conducted following the mission, it was concluded that the amount of wear and tear and corrosion to the helicopter was much higher than anticipated. The same problems were noted on another aircraft deployed to the Caribbean.


Assisted by the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory, the air force has come to the preliminary conclusion that the problems seem to be caused by design and assembly failures, and incomplete maintenance instructions. A further investigation is being conducted, with the results expected to be made public in late April.


NH Industries has acknowledged the problems and started its own investigation into possible solutions. The company expects to be able to present its first temporary modifications by the end of March, consisting of technical improvements and a corrosion prevention programme. Further improvements should follow later in the year, based on the results of additional studies.


Information about the Dutch corrosion issue has also been shared with the NATO helicopter management agency and other NH90 partner countries. France has also reported two cases of corrosion.


Meanwhile, Italy has recently started naval operations with its NFH-variant aircraft.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:40
Croatian defence ministry

Croatian defence ministry


18 Mar 2014 By Igor Salinger - FG


Croatia's defence ministry says the current turmoil in Ukraine “has nothing to do” with a roughly five-month delay in returning its Mikoyan MiG-21bisD fighters and UMD-model trainers that are being overhauled in Odessa, instead citing “technical problems”.


These include issues with integrating new navigation and communication equipment from Czech supplier CLS, along with “digital to analogue signal conversion”.


Being performed under a €13.9 million ($19.3 million) deal forged through Ukraine's Ukrspecexport organisation, the project includes the overhaul of the seven aircraft and the provision of five additional single-seat examples, which are being refurbished and equipped to Croatian air force specifications.


Assistant defence minister and former air force commander-in-chief Viktor Koprivnjak says the service's original five aircraft are “finished, except for a problematic navcomm device”, while its two UMDs are “about 95%” complete. A solution to the issue is believed to have been found, a military source says, meaning the first fighters could be returned in the coming weeks.


The air force on 21 February took delivery of its first two Mil Mi-8MTV/-17 transport helicopters to have been overhauled under a co-operation agreement between repair facilities in Sevastopol, Motor Sich in Ukraine and a technical facility in Velika Gorica, Croatia.


A second batch of four helicopters scheduled to undergo the same process this year are unlikely to be sent to the same facility in Crimea, due to tensions in the region, although a final decision will not be made for around two months.


Meanwhile, the Croatian defence ministry has signed a deal to train 16 student pilots from Oman for 150h each, using its Pilatus PC-9s. Also involving two Omani flight instructors, the activity will be performed at the air force flight academy in Zadar.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:35
photo Israel Aerospace Industries

photo Israel Aerospace Industries


18 Mar 2014 By: Arie Egozi– FG


The Indian air force is evaluating the purchase of additional Israel Aerospace Industries Harop loitering munitions, as deliveries continue under a previous order placed in 2012.

The ground-launched Harop has some of the same capabilities as a tactical unmanned air vehicle, and features a high performance electro-optical/infrared camera. Once airborne, the system searches for, detects and attacks time-critical land- or sea-based static or moving targets, with claimed "pinpoint accuracy". IAI says the weapon can be employed across a variety of scenarios, including low and high intensity conflicts, urban warfare and counter-terrorist operations.

Such activities are monitored by an operator in a mission control shelter, who can approve or abort an engagement in real time to avoid collateral damage. Strike activities can also be conducted using a second Harop simultaneously, with this unit providing a video-based battle damage assessment, before being used to perform a follow-on attack or returning to loitering mode.

"After launch the Harop knows to stay in the air for several hours at a time, and to do so at different altitudes, up to 10,000ft [3,050m]," Boaz Levy, general manager of IAI's Missile and Space Systems division says in an article about the Harop posted on the Israeli air force website. "The ability to change altitudes opens up the possibility of synchronising the time and direction to the target," he adds.

The Indian armed forces have used a previous version of the system, Harpy, for some years.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:30
Elbit Systems: Net Income Increased

19/3/2014 IsraelDefense


The company released its annual reports. Despite a decline in revenues in the last quarter of 2013, the annual net income rose compared to 2012. Machlis: "The results show growth in revenues and backlog”


Elbit Systems reported its consolidated results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2013. According a press release, the net income in the fourth quarter of 2013 was $42.9 million (5.3% of revenues), as compared to $57.2 million (6.8% of revenues) in the fourth quarter of 2012. The non-GAAP net income in the fourth quarter of 2013 was $53.5 million (6.6% of revenues), as compared to $67.9 million (8.0% of revenues) in the fourth quarter of 2012.


However, the net income attributable to the company's shareholders for the year ended December 31, 2013 was $183.4 million (6.3% of revenues), as compared to $167.9 million (5.8% of revenues) in the year ended December 31, 2012. The non-GAAP net income in the year ended December 31, 2013 was $210.8 million (7.2% of revenues), as compared to $206.3 million (7.1% of revenues) in the year ended December 31, 2012.


Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2013 were $2,925.2 million, as compared to $2,888.6 million in the year ended December 31, 2012.


The leading contributors to the Company's revenues in 2013 were the airborne systems and C4ISR systems areas of operations. The increases in the airborne systems and C4ISR systems areas of operation were primarily due to increased revenues in Israel for avionic systems, command and control systems and maintenance services sold to the Israel Ministry of Defense ("IMOD"). The decrease in the land systems area of operations was mainly due to a decline in revenues for fire control and life support systems in Israel and North America.


The operating income for the year ended December 31, 2013 was $239.4 million (8.2% of revenues), as compared to operating income of $203.1 million (7.0% of revenues), in the year ended December 31, 2012. The non-GAAP operating income in 2013 was $278.6 million (9.5% of revenues) compared with $252.3 million (8.7% of revenues) in 2012.


Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis, President and CEO of Elbit Systems, commented: “I am pleased with our 2013 full year results that show growth in revenues and backlog, as well as a continued trend of controlling operational costs. The record backlog provides us good visibility into 2014 and beyond. Our continued focus on maintaining an efficient operation, while taking advantage of synergies across the various parts of our organization, resulted in solid year over year improvements in our margins.


Recently, we implemented some organizational changes to enhance our market position in the areas of cyber and intelligence systems as well as commercial avionics systems. We consider both of these areas as growth engines for the Company and complementary to our traditional defense-based business lines. Looking back on last year, I believe Elbit Systems is well positioned financially, with diversification across our range of markets and business lines. We look forward to the opportunities ahead in 2014”.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
photo Ruag Aviation

photo Ruag Aviation


17 Mar 2014 By: Craig Hoyle - FG


London- Operators of Boeing’s legacy F/A-18 could benefit from a collaboration agreement between two European firms currently responsible for providing national support for the type.


Signed by Finland’s Patria ­Aviation and Switzerland’s Ruag Aviation, the pact will “study the impacts of the worldwide F/A-18 ‘sundown’ programmes”, the companies say.


Combined, their home air ­forces operate 94 of the aircraft – approximately 25% of the global fleet of A- to D-model Hornets, excluding US Navy and Marine Corps examples – and plan to keep them operational until 2030 to 2035.


“It’s definitely the right point in time to bring the industries together,” says Daniel Brunner, Ruag Aviation’s general manager for jets and missiles.


“This agreement allows Patria and Ruag to start working on similar issues. Instead of each nation trying to solve a problem individually, we can co-operate and share,” he says.


Reaching the signature phase took around two years, following a suggestion by the nations’ ­defence ministries.


“The co-operation between ­Patria and Ruag casts a strong foundation to secure the sustainment of the ageing F/A-18 fleets, and will utilise both companies’ resources to the maximum ­benefit of our customers,” says Lassi Matikainen, president of Patria Aviation.


Practical near-term examples include the exchange of personnel, which Brunner says will enable the companies to respond to periods of over- or under-capacity, and sharing lessons learned through their provision of technical and logistics support. “We have identified a number of opportunities,” he adds.


The non-exclusive agreement also defines the parties’ roles and responsibilities with regard to pursuing additional business ­opportunities.


“It would be easy to co-operate with other air forces,” says Brunner, who notes that the initiative is being advanced following intensive discussions between the partners and Boeing. “We need to, and we want to, work with the OEM [original equipment manufacturer],” he stresses.


Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database records 381 A- to D-model F-18s as being in operation with the air forces of Australia, Canada, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland. This total includes 61 F-18C/Ds flown by the Finnish air force and 32 of the same mark operated by its Swiss counterpart.


“All could benefit” from the currently bilateral effort to reduce through-life support costs on the type, says Brunner.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
Global Hawk Block 40 - photo USAF

Global Hawk Block 40 - photo USAF


SAN DIEGO – March 19, 2014 – Northrop Grumman Corporation


Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) delivered a Global Hawk Block 40 Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to the U.S. Air Force at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., ahead of schedule, Feb. 14.


This is the second aircraft delivered as part of Global Hawk's Lot 10 contract, joining a Block 30 system delivered four months early in November of last year. Two additional aircraft, a final Block 30 and Block 40, will arrive later this year, completing Global Hawk's Lot 10 contract.


"Global Hawk program performance excellence is a core focus of our efforts. Delivering Global Hawk to our Air Force partners early is a good indicator of our solid performance," said Mick Jaggers, director, Global Hawk, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. "We look forward to continuing the reduction of Global Hawk's total mission costs while providing unparalleled capabilities."


A total of 42 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft are currently in use around the world with 32 in the Air Force inventory. A contract for three more aircraft (Lot 11) is expected this summer.


These additional aircraft will support increased operational flight hours without adding to the fixed support costs. As our fixed support costs remain constant and flying hours increase, Global Hawk's cost per flight hour will continue to decrease. The operationally proven Global Hawk program has exceeded 109,000 flight hours; and the cost per flight hour has declined significantly as the system has matured. The Air Force reports that the total cost per flight hour was $23,800 in fiscal year 2013, a decrease of almost 30 percent since 2012.


The Global Hawk performs vital intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. The Global Hawk Block 40 is equipped with a multiplatform radar technology insertion program (MP-RTIP) active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar with air-to-surface capability that provides wide-area surveillance of stationary and moving targets.


The Global Hawk's MP-RTIP sensor allows military commanders to gather near real-time imagery and detections of moving targets. The system completed an early operational capability demonstration in April 2013 for the Air Force to verify its ability to support antiterrorism operations, battlefield surveillance, and support of command and control operations.


Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in unmanned systems, cyber, C4ISR, and logistics and modernization to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:50
MBDA rebondit grâce à ses exportations


19/03 Par Alain Ruello - LesEchos.fr


Le missilier a signé pour 4 milliards de contrats en 2013.


Tirant hier le bilan de l'année 2013, MBDA s'est félicité d'avoir atteint tous ses objectifs. Le missilier européen, filiale d'Airbus Group, MBDA et Finmeccanica, peut ainsi effacer la mauvaise passe de 2012 et s'assurer d'un plan de charges suffisant sur le moyen terme.


Le chiffre d'affaires est ressorti à 2,8 milliards d'euros, en léger retrait par rapport aux 3 milliards de 2012. La faute au décalage de commandes des mois précédents, le vote en France de la loi de programmation militaire (« Les Echos » du 20 mars 2013). Ce décalage a été en grande partie compensé depuis puisque les prises de commandes ont atteint les 4 milliards - l'objectif étant de dépasser 3 milliards.


MBDA a finalement accroché l'année dernière les grands contrats espérés plus tôt, comme le missile moyenne portée en France, le « Sea Ceptor » au Royaume-Uni, ou encore le Meteor en Allemagne. Mais c'est à l'export que les affaires ont été particulièrement heureuses, avec 2,2 milliards de commandes. Au passage, le record de 1,4 milliard est pulvérisé.


La bonne surprise est venue de Singapour, qui a retenu les missiles Aster 30 pour moderniser sa défense anti-aérienne. « La décision a été relativement rapide », indique-t-on au sein du missilier. MBDA a aussi fait mouche à Séoul en plaçant ses Taurus sous les ailes des F15 sud-coréens. « Pour la deuxième année d'affilée, les prises de commandes à l'export ont été supérieures à celles de nos clients nationaux », a résumé son PDG, Antoine Bouvier. Et encore, MBDA espérait que New Delhi mette enfin en oeuvre le très gros contrat SR-SAM de défense sol-air (il a été signé depuis des mois). Avec l'élection législative à venir, l'industriel veut croire que ce n'est que partie remise.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:50
Indra Will Provide the Army With Seven New Victrix Simulators



Mar 19, 2014 ASDNews Source : Indra


With this new order, the Armed Forces will have 22 simulators for preparing international missions. The system developed at the Centre of Excellence in LeA3n has proven to be an effective training tool


The Ministry of Defence has awarded Indra a contract to provide seven new Victrix shooting simulators that will be installed at various Army barracks and bases. The systems, which will be delivered throughout the year, will be combined with actual training to help improve soldier preparedness.


The systems have been developed at Indra's Centre of Excellence in León and will join 15 other simulators that Indra delivered to the Army in previous years. These systems have proven to be effective training tools. Indra is one of the leading simulator manufacturers in the world and it has delivered 200 simulators in 23 countries for more than 50 customers.


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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:40
KRET to double its income

March 19, 2014, Rostec

KRET has embraced a program of action for 2014-2016. The concern plans to increase sales proceeds up to 146 billion in two years and to move on from the production of separate components to the supply of integrated electronic complexes for  military and civil purposes.


The 2020 development strategy was embraced by the KRET last year. The concern has set an ambitious goal – to become the leader in the Russian and CIS market of airborne electronic avionics.

“The three-year action program is a sort of a «road map», which makes more specific the tasks and describes the actions of all divisions and services of the concern. Its realization is to allow us to increase the sale proceeds in 2016 by almost two times compared to 2013 and ensure the growth of KRET’s profitability from 6.3 to 11.7 billion rubles during the same time period”, said Nikolay Kolesov, CEO of the KRET.

One of the key KRET’s development areas is to become a transfer from supplying of separate components and systems to sales of the integrated airborne avionics complexes (AA). According to the concern’s plans a share of the complex decisions up to 2016 must exceed 30% of all AA supplies.

KRET plans to continue its cooperations with the leading Russian civil and military aerotechnics manufacturers - United Aircraft and Russian Helicopters. In August 2013, at the International Aviation and Space Show in Zhukovski, the concern has signed new agreements for partnerships with these companies. According to these agreements, KRET has taken responsibility for the whole life cycle of the available United Aircraft equipment, starting from the development of the visual and up to the post-sales service of the end products. Furthermore, KRET is conducting a development of new AA prototypes for the perspective helicopters in terms of agreement with Russian Helicopters.

As a result of the program’s implementation, the sale proceeds of KRET are to grow from 99.7 to 146 billion rubles with a net income of 11.7 billion rubles for the same period.

The  Radioelectronic Technologies group (KRET), a largest Russian holding of the radioelectronic sector, was founded in 2009. It specializes in production of the radioelectronic warfare and complexes, struggle, aircraft equipment for the air vessels, and metering instruments. The group’s enterprises produce also household and medical equipment, control systems and equipment for the FEC, transportation, and machine industry. KRET is a division of the Rostec  state corporations.

Source: Press Release

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:35
 photo US Army

photo US Army


20.03.2014 journal-aviation.com (Reuters)


Cinq élus américains de la Chambre des représentants ont adressé mercredi une lettre au secrétaire à la Défense Chuck Hagel pour le prier d'annuler des contrats d'armement conclus avec la Russie.


"Etant donnés les actes récents de la Russie qui violent la souveraineté et l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine, notamment son soutien au référendum illégal sur la sécession de la Crimée, nous vous invitons vivement à renoncer à ces contrats", y disent les députés des deux bords, qui représentent pour la plupart des circonscriptions où les principaux fournisseurs de l'armée américaine sont implantés.


Le Pentagone a commandé en juin 30 hélicoptères russes Mi-17 pour équiper les forces afghanes, ce qui représente un investissement de 572 millions de dollars. Sous la pression du Congrès, il a renoncé en novembre à en acheter d'autres, sans remettre en cause les commandes antérieures. (Warren Strobel, Jean-Philippe Lefief pour le service français)

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
U.S. gains additional protection against ballistic missiles


TEWKSBURY, Mass., March 19, 2014 /PRNewswire


The U.S. will soon have another system to defend against ballistic missiles. Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) delivered its ninth AN/TPY-2 ballistic missile defense radar to the Missile Defense Agency, six months ahead of schedule.


AN/TPY-2 is an integral element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.  It is a mobile X-band radar that helps protect civilians and infrastructure in the U.S., deployed warfighters, and allied nations and security partners, from the growing ballistic missile threat.  U.S. public intelligence estimates indicate there are more than 6,300 ballistic missiles not controlled by the U.S., NATO, China or Russia, with that number expected to reach almost 8,000 by 2020.

"Delivering this ninth radar is crucial because our nation's enemies continue to improve and proliferate their ballistic missile technology and tactics," said Raytheon's Dave Gulla, vice president of Integrated Defense Systems' Global Integrated Sensors business area. "The AN/TPY-2 consistently demonstrates its ability to pace the evolving threat, and test after test has proven it effectively defends against every category of ballistic missile."

The radar will be integrated into the U.S. Army's fourth Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile defense battery, serving as the "eyes and ears" of the system by searching, detecting, tracking and discriminating threats, and guiding the intercepting missile. Raytheon serves as one of MDA's prime contractors for THAAD.

Raytheon is currently under contract to provide three additional AN/TPY-2 radars for the MDA, and is in the process of building two radars for a U.S. ally in the Arabian Gulf.


About AN/TPY-2

AN/TPY-2 is a high resolution, mobile, rapidly deployable X-band radar capable of providing long range acquisition, precision track, and discrimination of all classes of ballistic missiles. The AN/TPY-2 may be deployed globally in either terminal or forward-based mode.

The AN/TPY-2 radar has two modes. In forward-based mode, the AN/TPY-2 cues the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), by detecting, discriminating and tracking enemy ballistic missiles in the ascent phase of flight. In terminal mode, it serves as the fire control radar for the THAAD system.

  • AN/TPY-2 has performed flawlessly in both terminal and forward-based mode in all major tests.
  • On Sept 10, 2013, two AN/TPY-2 radars – one terminal and one forward-based – achieved all test objectives in FTO-01, the U.S. military's first operational test of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.
  • The forward-based AN/TPY-2 extended the battlespace during FTM-15 by enabling a Standard Missile-3 to launch on remote and intercept a separating Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile.
  • Raytheon has delivered nine AN/TPY-2s to the Missile Defense Agency. Some of those radars are currently helping defend the U.S. and its allies in the European, Pacific and Central Command area of responsibilities.


About Raytheon

Raytheon Company, with 2013 sales of $24 billion and 63,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 92 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as cyber security and a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
King Air 350ER. (Hawker Beechcraft)

King Air 350ER. (Hawker Beechcraft)


19 mars Aerobuzz.fr


L’achat de Beech Holdings, maison-mère de Beechcraft Corporation, par Textron Inc. est bouclé. Les marques Cessna et Beechcraft sont désormais réunies sous la même entité baptisée Textron Aviation qui pèse 4,6 Md$ (chiffre d’affaires cumulé 2013). Si une synergie sera mise en place au niveau notamment des supports clients, les marques Cessna, Beechcraft et Hawker resteront distinctes. Le catalogue de Textron Aviation est impressionnant. Il réunit en effet les deux familles de biréacteurs d’affaires Citation et Hawker, la gamme des biturbopropulseurs King Air et les monoburbopropulseurs Caravan, ainsi que les avions à pistons Cessna et Beechcraft (mono et bimoteurs). Sans oublier les avions d’entrainement militaire Beechcraft T-6 et AT-6.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
Finmeccanica veut accélérer son recentrage sur la défense



20/03 par Pierre de GASQUET Correspondant à Rome Les Echos


Après deux exercices lourdement déficitaires, le groupe de défense italien a renoué avec les bénéfices en 2013.


L'heure du recentrage a sonné pour le groupe de défense italien. Un an après la chute de son ex-numéro un, Giuseppe Orsi, mis en examen dans une affaire de corruption internationale en Inde, le groupe italien a annoncé hier un retour modeste aux bénéfices avec un résultat positif de 74 millions d'euros pour 2013 (contre une perte de 792 millions d'euros un an plus tôt). Mais il reste encore fortement pénalisé par les pertes de sa filiale de transport ferroviaire AnsaldoBreda (environ 570 millions d'euros en 2013). A la veille de la décision du gouvernement sur le renouvellement de son mandat, l'administrateur délégué de Finmeccanica, Alessandro Pansa, cinquante et un ans - ex-directeur financier promu en février 2013 en pleine « tourmente » -, a lancé un plan de réorganisation inspiré du modèle d'Airbus.


« Avant de raisonner sur les noms, nous devons réfléchir sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises publiques », a lancé récemment le nouveau chef du gouvernement, Matteo Renzi. Pour le groupe de défense (détenu à 30 % par le Trésor), dont le cours a rebondi de 74 % en un an depuis la nomination du « superpréfet » Gianni De Gennaro (ex-chef de la police) à sa présidence, c'est un signal d'encouragement. Malgré la restructuration de la branche d'électronique de défense (Selex) et la vente partielle d'Ansaldo Energia à la Caisse des dépôts italienne, le développement du groupe reste encore largement freiné par le poids de sa branche transports.


Pôle ferroviaire en vente


Au centre des interrogations : l'avenir du pôle ferroviaire déficitaire AnsaldoBreda (450 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires et 2.400 salariés), spécialisé dans la construction de trains à grande vitesse et de matériel roulant urbain. «  Avec 450 millions de chiffre d'affaires, AnsaldoBreda doit faire face à des concurrents qui font dix fois ses revenus en moyenne [Siemens, Alstom, Bombardier]  », a souligné récemment Alessandro Pansa. Parmi les acquéreurs potentiels figurent les deux groupes chinois China CNR Corp. et Insigma, qui se sont déclarés fin février. Mais le groupe italien souhaite aussi valoriser sa participation de 40 % dans Ansaldo STS (signalisation ferroviaire) en cédant les deux activités à un seul et même repreneur. Le groupe est aussi confronté à la menace de coupes significatives dans le programme d'achat des F35 à Lockheed Martin, dont il est le sous-traitant. Une nouvelle réduction de moitié de la commande (de 90 à 45 avions) pourrait se traduire par un impact négatif de 200 à 300 millions d'euros sur son chiffre d'affaires.


Parallèlement, Finmeccanica discute avec Airbus, Safran et Thales en vue de la restructuration du capital de la société aérospatiale Avio Spazio, dont il détient déjà 15 %. Sans cacher sa préférence pour Airbus ou Safran, qui développent déjà les lanceurs d'Arianespace, le groupe italien se donne jusqu'à l'été pour faire une offre conjointe au fonds britannique Cinven, qui détient 80 % d'Avio Spazio. Compte tenu de ses capacités d'investissement limitées, le renfort d'un partenaire industriel de poids sera crucial.

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