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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 15:50
Airbus Plots Return to UAV Market

The Airbus DS Atlante long-endurance tactical UAV seen during its first flight on Feb 28, 2013 in Spain. Airbus says it is so far the only UAV designed to fly both military and civilian missions.(Airbus photo)


March 07, 2014 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Defense-Aerospace.com; published March 07, 2014)


Airbus Plots Return to UAV Market, Enhances Medium Transports

MADRID --- Airbus Defense and Space is preparing to return to the UAV market, three years after it was forced out by the reluctance of the French and German governments to financially support any of the unmanned aircraft projects which it had developed.

“We are revisiting our strategy on unmanned aerial vehicles with a vision to leadership,” Antonio Rodríguez Barberán, Head of Military Aircraft sales at Airbus Defence and Space, told Defense-Aerospace.com. “We are planning to be there, even if it takes some years.”

This is a major shift in company policy, as Airbus Group decided in 2011 to freeze its UAV activities after having invested over 500 million euros in several programs without having convinced its domestic customers that they were worth supporting. Corporate strategy, at the time, was to sit out until European governments decided which programs, and which companies, they would support.

This approach was not very successful, however, as Airbus was frozen out of two major market segments: Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE), where France preferred buying Reaper unmanned aircraft from the United States, with Germany and the Netherlands to follow shortly, and the High Altitude Lone Endurance (HALE) segment, where its EuroHawk program was abruptly cancelled by the Germen government because of cost and regulatory failings. The company was left with only smaller UAVs, a segment where competition is rife and margins small.

Airbus has now changed tack because “it’s time for a proper aircraft manufacturer to get involved, to certify UAVs to civilian standards – and I mean FAR 23 and FAR 25 – so they can be used in unsegregated airspace,” Rodriguez said. At present, UAVs can only be used in segregated airspace, under military air regulations, and so are severely limited in their operational usefulness.

While it has no immediate plans to resume large-scale investments in the UAV sector, Airbus DS does not see financing as a major obstacle. “We know there is a market, and if there is a market there is money,” Rodriguez said. He adds that for Airbus this is a decade-long project, which will eventually bring it a leading role: “Airbus is not here to be a subcontractor,” he says, making clear that the company is not aiming for a subordinate role in ongoing European UAV programs.

While waiting for the MALE market to mature, and for the dust to settle in the combat UAV (UCAV) segment, Airbus is finalizing development of its own tactical UAV, Atlante, which is significantly smaller than the MALE and HALE segments it previously pursued.

Weighing about 550 kg, Atlante has been developed in Spain, and from the outset the goal has been to fly in segregated civilian airspace, i.e. over populated areas, and it is intended to be certified for that operational environment. “The key word here is ‘certification’,” Rodriguez says, adding that, of course, “it has to offer value for money.”

Atlante first flew in February 2013,

Light Transport Aircraft Sector Gliding Along

While its UAV strategy matures, Airbus DS continues to improve its transport aircraft product line. It recently agreed with Indonesian partner IPT Nurtanio, also known as Indonesian Aerospace, to develop a modernized version of the C-212 light twin turboprop transport, and it also is refining the performance of the C-295, its very successful medium twin. Most of the effort is on refining the airframe design, for example by adding wingtip extensions, and on increasing engine power ratings, which together add 1,000 ft. to the aircraft’s ceiling in One Engine Inoperative (OEI) conditions.

The C295’s Pratt & Whitney engines are already at their power limit, so they have no more growth potential, so these refinements, together with a major upgrade of the aircraft’s avionics, will suffice to keep them competitive for years to come, says Rodriguez. The avionics upgrade will make it easier for the aircraft to operate in a civil environment.

A new design may well be necessary in 10 or 15 years, he adds, but for now it is still very premature.

The current line-up is quite profitable for the company, and currently accounts for average sales of about 20 aircraft per year, worth about 700-800 million euros including 100-150 million euros for related services.

Over the past 10 years, Airbus has sold 157 of the 306 light/medium turboprops sold world-wide, and so has a market share of over 50%, and this should increase as additional orders will be announced this year, one of them “by Easter.”

Compared to the Alenia C-27J Spartan, its direct competitor, the C-295 is simple, offers substantially lower fuel costs and “can be maintained with a hammer and a screwdriver,” Rodriguez says. Specifically, he says that maintenance costs are 35% lower, fuel consumption is 50% lower and, in terms of life-cycle costs, “it can save one million euros per plane, per year.”

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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 14:55
Défense : Laurent Collet-Billon est prolongé de deux ans à la tête de la DGA



06/03/2014 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


L'actuel délégué général pour l'armement a été renouvelé. Il était arrivé en 2008 à la tête de la direction générale de l'armement (DGA).


Cette fois-ci, c'est officiel. L'actuel délégué général pour l'armement, Laurent Collet-Billon, est prorogé jusqu'au 31 janvier 2016 inclus, selon un arrêté du Journal officiel du 21 février.


Ingénieur général de l'armement de classe exceptionnelle, diplômé de l'école nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, Laurent Collet-Billon a commencé sa carrière dans la DGA en 1974 à l'atelier industriel de l'aéronautique (AIA) de Bordeaux, puis a exercé, à partir de 1977, plusieurs responsabilités de direction de programmes. Le conseil des ministres du 2 mai 2001 le nomme au poste d'adjoint au délégué général pour l'armement et directeur des systèmes d'armes. En juillet 2006, Laurent Collet-Billon rejoint Alcatel comme conseiller pour les affaires de défense et de sécurité du groupe.

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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 13:40
Photo zn.ua

Photo zn.ua


06.04.2014 Oleg Nekhaï  - La Voix de la Russie


Les chantiers navals ukrainiens More ont envoyé à la Chine le navire de débarquement Bizon. Le navire a été expédié d'urgence depuis le port de Théodosie en Crimée. L'information n'a pas été confirmée officiellement, de toute évidence à cause de la situation compliquée dans la région.


Le contrat avec la Chine prévoit la construction en Ukraine de deux navires dont le premier a été livré en mai 2013. Pour le moment les entreprises ukrainiennes liées aux ventes d'armes traversent une période difficile. Il est peu probable que l'instauration à Kiev d'un pouvoir nouveau impulse la coopération militaro-technique. Il semble, au contraire, qu'elle va la freiner. La direction de la société d'Etat Ukrspetsexport a été déjà remaniée en 2011-2012 et il n'est pas exclu qu'on verra prochainement arriver des personnes nouvelles, loyales, note le directeur du Centre de la conjoncture stratégique Ivan Konovalov :


« Il est évident que les responsables de la coopération militaro-technique d'Ukraine seront remplacés, car c'est une des branches peu nombreuses qui rapporte des dividendes réels au trésor ukrainien. D'autant plus que tous les dirigeants sortants ont été désignés par le président Ianoukovitch. En plus, les succès de l'Ukraine dans ce domaine ne sont pas si grands. Seule la vente de chars Oplot à la Thaïlande est une des peu nombreuses transactions complètement réussies. »


Pour le reste, il s'agit de ventes de matériel périmé, car l'Ukraine a reçu une immense quantité d'armements et de matériel de guerre après la désintégration de l'Union soviétique. Il y a des progrès dans les constructions aéronautiques bien que tout se réduise à un petit nombre d'avions construits par l'entreprise d'Etat Antonov. La société Motor Sich fonctionne d'une façon stable. Elle produit des moteurs d'hélicoptère demandés en premier lieu sur le marché russe : la moitié, voire davantage, des hélicoptères russes est équipée de ces moteurs. Etant donné que la société a un contrat de 5 ans avec la Russie que celle-ci n'a aucune intention d'annuler, on peut espérer que Motor Sich continuera de bien tourner. Pour ce qui est des autres entreprises du complexe militaro-industriel d'Ukraine, tout dépend, selon Ivan Konovalov, de la réaction de l'Occident :


« Si les partenaires occidentaux souhaitent soutenir les sociétés ukrainiennes avec à leur tête des dirigeants nouveaux et aident à conclure des contrats avantageux, la situation s'améliorera légèrement. Cependant le scandale du contrat irakien, lorsque des véhicules de transport de troupes ont été restitués à l'Ukraine, atteste que même si un contrat est conclu, les entreprises ukrainiennes ont souvent du mal à l'honorer. Les clients formulent de très nombreux reproches concernant la qualité. »


La Chine est prête à acheter du matériel à l'Ukraine, mais la façon de la partie ukrainienne d'exécuter des contrats suscite de nombreuses questions. La coopération militaro-technique entre les deux pays se développe dynamiquement dans le domaine du matériel naval. Ce dernier est fourni à la Chine, mais les livraisons ne sont pas importantes. En plus, la partie chinoise insiste depuis longtemps, tout comme dans ses relations militaro-techniques avec les autres pays, sur l'octroi de technologies de pointe.


Les choses s'arrangent dans la coopération avec le Pakistan. Un contrat de fourniture de plus de 100 moteurs pour le principal char d'assaut de l'armée pakistanaise Al-Khalid a été signé récemment. Ce char a été développé dans le cadre d'un projet international avec la participation du Pakistan, de la Chine et de l'Ukraine. Cependant le Pakistan, tout comme la Chine, attend des produits nouveaux. L'Ukraine compte au total 700 entreprises du complexe militaro-industriel, mais 10 seulement sont plus ou moins rentables. Les autres possèdent une faible base technique et sont déficitaires. Il y a peu de nouveautés. Dans ces conditions l'Ukraine ne peut entretenir la coopération militaro-technique qu'en vendant ce qui a été produit à l'époque de l'URSS.


La situation politique instable peut présenter un grave obstacle à la coopération. On distingue mal qui va réaliser cette coopération car d'importants contrats militaires sont conclus au niveau des accords intergouvernementaux. La question est de savoir avec quel gouvernement les accords seront conclus ? La légitimité du cabinet des ministres en place à Kiev suscite des doutes importants.

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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
photo Dassault

photo Dassault

Dassault Aviation et la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) ont obtenu le prix "Laureate Awards" pour le programme européen de drone de combat Neuron


07/03/2014 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Le célèbre avionneur tricolore et la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) ont obtenu le prix "Laureate Awards" pour le programme européen de drone de combat Neuron lors d'une cérémonie organisée par le magazine américain Aviation Week.


Lors d'une cérémonie organisée jeudi à Washington DC par le magazine américain aéronautique et spatial Aviation Week, Dassault Aviation et la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) ont été déclarés vainqueurs des Laureate Awards dans la catégorie défense pour le programme européen de drone de combat Neuron.

Ce prix, qui honore les valeurs et l'esprit pionnier de l'industrie aérospatiale et de défense en général, récompense les défis technologiques relevés et les solutions industrielles d'avant-garde imaginées pour développer la première grande plate-forme aérienne furtive en Europe, le démonstrateur technologique Neuron.


Le Neuron Lancé en 2003

Lancé par le gouvernement français en 2003, ce programme, dont la maîtrise d'oeuvre a été confiée à Dassault Aviation, vise à démontrer la maturité et l'efficacité des solutions techniques qui préfigureront l'avenir de l'industrie de l'aviation de combat au cours des vingt prochaines années.

"La nécessité de mettre au point des technologies stratégiques, de conserver des compétences de pointe dans des domaines où l'industrie française a acquis un savoir-faire d'excellence, et de fournir une charge de travail aux bureaux d'études, a fait du nEUROn l'un des programmes phares du secteur de la défense", a expliqué Dassault Aviation dans un communiqué.


Vol inaugural en décembre 2012

photo Dassault

photo Dassault

Le succès du vol inaugural du Neuron, le 1er décembre 2012, a validé "l'aptitude de l'industrie française à préparer l'avenir des systèmes aériens de combat avec ou sans pilote à bord", a précisé Dassault Aviation. Il illustre également la volonté de la France de rester un acteur de premier ordre dans l'édification de la défense de demain.

Notifié à Dassault Aviation par la DGA en 2006 ainsi que les contrats de partenariats industriels pour un coût de 400 millions d'euros, le programme Neuron associe la France, l'Italie, la Suède, l'Espagne, la Grèce et la Suisse. Sous la maîtrise d'oeuvre de Dassault Aviation, le programme a été construit "pour fédérer les compétences et les savoir-faire" d'Alenia Aermacchi (Italie), Saab (Suède), EADS-Casa (Espagne), HAI (Grèce), Ruag (Suisse) et Thales (France).

Le drone de combat Neuron de Dassault "oscarisé" à Washington
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7 mars 2014 5 07 /03 /mars /2014 12:35
Livraison du dernier Tigre UHT destiné aux opérations allemandes en Afghanistan

Cette douzième livraison constitue le dernier rétrofit prévu dans le programme ASGARD pour le Tigre UHT. Photo Airbus Helicopters


6 mars Aerobuzz.fr


Airbus Helicopters a livré (6 mars 2014) à l’armée allemande le dernier des 12 hélicoptères d’appui Tigre UHT optimisés en vue d’accomplir différentes missions en Afghanistan : appui des troupes au sol, protection des convois et reconnaissance aérienne.


Cet appareil destiné au 36e régiment d’hélicoptères de combat est le dernier des trois tranches de quatre hélicoptères d’appui Tigre UHT modifiés en configuration ASGARD (Afghanistan Stabilization German Army Rapid Deployment) dans le cadre d’un programme lancé fin 2011 par Airbus Helicopters et le ministère allemand de la Défense. La configuration ASGARD comprend l’installation de filtres anti-sable et d’une protection balistique supplémentaire, ainsi que l’intégration d’un enregistreur de données de missions et des moyens de communication optimisés pour les interventions multinationales.


Livraison du dernier Tigre UHT destiné aux opérations allemandes en Afghanistan

Les forces armées allemandes ont déployé leurs premiers Tigre UHT en configuration ASGARD en décembre 2012, les opérations débutant un mois plus tard à Mazar-e-Scharif. Photo Bundeswehr


À ce jour, les hélicoptères Tigre en configuration ASGARD ont accompli plus de 1 000 heures de vol au sein des forces armées allemandes, démontrant leur haute fiabilité, leur efficacité en mission, en particulier en appui des troupes au sol.

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6 mars 2014 4 06 /03 /mars /2014 08:50
photo Richard Seymour

photo Richard Seymour


Wed, 05/03/2014 Thales


Watchkeeper, the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) developed by Thales for the British Army, has been given a Release To Service by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD).


Watchkeeper is the first UAS to be awarded a full Release To Service (RTS), and is the only UAS of its type allowed to fly in UK airspace. The RTS follows rigorous safety and airworthiness reviews to ensure the system can be operated safely by the British Army.  It will support British Army operations by allowing training on the system in the UK.


Watchkeeper is a high-performance, multi-sensor, all-weather UAS that can remain airborne for more than 16 hours in a single mission. The tactical UAS will be deployed by the British Army for life-saving surveillance and intelligence capabilities in support of military operations and is unarmed.


Crucially, Watchkeeper is certified to the same safety standard as manned aircraft.

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6 mars 2014 4 06 /03 /mars /2014 08:30
Armed On the Ground



30/1/2014 Ami Rojkes Dombe - israeldefense.com


Unmanned Ground Vehicles fitted with Remotely Controlled Weapon Stations are a part of the future battlefield. “Our goal is to adapt the stations to a wide range of UGV types,” says Yizhar S., in charge of land systems marketing at Rafael


Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) on the battlefield are an established fact. If, until a few years ago, anyone doubted the feasibility of this technology, he should look to the Order of Battle of the US Army to understand the global trend – in 2004 the US Army had about 150 UGVs, and today their ORBAT consists of tens of thousands. For the Israeli industries, it is a developing global market. According to various forecasts, it is expected to reach a turnover of about $12 billion by 2019.

One of the derivatives of this market consists of ‘shooter’ UGVs. Admittedly, this is a problematic technology, to say the least, in terms of ethics and safety, but as far as operational aspects are concerned, a UGV fitted with a Remotely Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) is the ‘Silver Bullet’ in the eyes of many. The ability, on the one hand, to initiate offensive action, including fire, while on the other minimizing the risk to human life to zero, is attractive not only to field commanders and warfighters, but also to the politicians, who identify in this technology a breakthrough political tool.

“The development of weapon stations for UGVs is one of the objectives of Rafael’s business strategy,” says Yizhar S., in charge of land systems marketing at Rafael. “Over the last few years we gained extensive experience in this field, from a layout of stationary weapon stations on towers, which includes between four and six weapon stations controlled from a distance of several kilometers through optical fibers, to weapon stations fitted to such unmanned vehicles as the Protector USV.

“As the development processes for the sea and land theaters take place at Rafael under the same division, the knowledge we gained through the development of the Protector USV is used in the development of ground vehicles as well. Admittedly, there is a difference between the environments and the conditions under which the vehicles are operated, but as far as the aspects of steering, safety and control are concerned, both environments are similar. On land it is a little more difficult to steer the vehicle, owing to the changing terrain conditions, but we have already found solutions for these challenges.

“One should bear in mind that this technology precedes most of the world in this field. We are currently participating in one of the world’s first projects involving the mounting of a weapon station on a UGV used by IDF. In the context of this project, we examine the feasibility of arming several vehicles, commanded remotely using cameras and other sensors. It is another phase in the development of the technology, pursuant to the last five years during which the IDF have been employing stationary Sentry-Tech weapon stations.”


Adapting Weapon Stations to UGVs of Various Sizes

Another challenge Rafael is addressing calls for the dimensions of the weapon stations to be reduced so that they may fit UGVs of various sizes. “Our weapon stations are basically suitable for standard vehicles,” explains S. “For small UGVs whose load carrying capacity is limited – and most of them belong in this category – the weapon stations need to be smaller. We have an idea for the development of a station for small firearms such as a handgun, but it will be a relatively long development process. Once completed, Rafael will have a diversified range of weapon stations in various sizes, which would provide solutions for a diversified range of ground platforms at different price levels.

“As far as the technological aspect is concerned, Rafael’s advantage stems from the ability to control the weapon station and from its safety standards. We are world leaders in this field, mainly owing to the requirements of the IDF, which are a highly advanced military regarding the field of weapon stations, compared to other armed forces. Even the Americans do not rush to adopt such stations owing to the safety issue. We have passed the safety tests of the IDF for the sea environment as well as for the land environment. All that remains are technological challenges with which we would be able to cope.”

The technological complexity notwithstanding, there is still no structured regulation around the world for the field of shooter UGVs. He explains that in Europe and the US they seldom address this issue owing to the safety aspects. Asia and South America are still untapped markets for this field, so at this point there is not a lot of demand for these vehicles.

“This technology will remain the domain of very few countries in the future as well,” says Yizhar S. “The target audience for these vehicles will be relatively limited, owing to safety considerations. At the same time, as long as there is demand in the IDF, we will continue to develop this field. In the world of HLS it is not likely that shooter UGVs will enter service with police forces and we would see them on city streets. In the end, what you have here is an unmanned, armed vehicle that you want to deploy in an urban environment teeming with people. There is still a lot of apprehension around this issue.”

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6 mars 2014 4 06 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
Boeing fait voler son Challenger 604 de surveillance maritime



05/03/2014 Par Guillaume Steuer - air-cosmos.com


Annoncé en 2012 à l'occasion du salon de Farnborough, le projet Boeing MSA (Maritime Surveillance Aircraft) prend forme. L'avionneur américain annonce avoir procédé le 28 février au premier vol de certification d'un jet d'affaires Challenger 604 dont la cellule a été modifiée pour recevoir des capteurs et un système de mission dérivés de ceux du P-8 Poseidon de patrouille maritime.


C'est la société Field Aviation, chargée de ces travaux de modification, qui a mené ce vol inaugural de quatre heures. Celui-ci s'est déroulé depuis l'aéroport international de Toronto. Boeing souligne que le calendrier serré de ce programme est rendu possible par des techniques de prototypage rapide mises au point dans son bureau Phantom Works, en charge des technologies avancées.


La modification la plus visible apportée à la cellule du démonstrateur Boeing MSA concerne l'intégration d'un radôme ventral, qui doit accueillir un radar de surveillance maritime à balayage électronique actif fourni par Selex ES. L'appareil emportera également une boule optronique Flir Systems.


Selon Boeing, ces essais en vol devraient durer environ deux mois. A l'issue de cette campagne, l'appareil rejoindra Seattle pour entamer les essais du système de mission. Ce dernier inclut également des capteurs d'écoute électronique (ESM), d'écoute des communications (Comint) et d'identification AIS, équivalent naval de l'ADS-B aérien.


D'après l'avionneur américain, les avantages du bizjet par rapport aux solutions existantes sur base d'avions turbopropulsés sont nombreux : vitesse de croisière accrue, meilleur champ de vision des capteurs grâce à une altitude de travail plus élevée, endurance et génération électrique supérieures, confort des opérateurs…


Interrogé fin 2013 par "Air&Cosmos", Boeing disait vouloir « démontrer les capacités du MSA à des clients potentiels dès 2014 ». Selon l'industriel, « trente à trente-six mois » seraient nécessaires pour livrer un appareil à compter de la signature d'un contrat. La société s'abstient évidemment de tout commentaire quant à l'identité des clients en question. Mais il est probable que l'Inde, ayant déjà fait le choix du P-8 et qui cherche une capacité complémentaire plus « légère », figure en haut de la liste des prospects de Boeing.

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6 mars 2014 4 06 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
Raytheon awarded minehunting sonar contract

The AN/AQS-20A system is towed undersea to simultaneously scan the water column for anti-shipping mines forward of, to the sides, and beneath the vehicle. Sophisticated sonar, electro-optical sensors, and high-precision location information are used to provide high-resolution images of mines and mine-like objects.


Tewksbury MA Mar 05, 2014(SPX)


Raytheon has been awarded $35.5 million to provide the U.S. Navy with AN/AQS-20A minehunting sonar systems and equipment. The system leverages advanced sonar technologies to support the Navy's critical minehunting missions, ensuring safe access and passage for military and civilian vessels on the world's oceans and waterways.


Deployed from the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) as the variable depth sonar for the AN/WLD-1 Remote Minehunting System (RMS), the AN/AQS-20A system is towed undersea to scan the water in front, below and to the sides of the vehicle for anti-shipping mines.


"An essential component of LCS, AN/AQS-20A advances the capability of the ship's mine countermeasure arsenal," said Kevin Peppe, vice president of Seapower Capability Systems for Raytheon's Integrated Defense Systems business.


"Enhanced to optimize detection - in both range and accuracy, AN/AQS-20A provides the Navy with the advantage they need to safely detect and effectively identify these undersea threats."


This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $199,692,601. The majority of the work will be performed at Raytheon's Portsmouth, R.I. facility with support and contributions from other Raytheon business areas as well as a host of large and small business supplier partners.



AN/AQS-20A is a critical element of the U.S. Navy's mine countermeasure capability, and the only minehunting sonar sensor developed, tested and certified for Remote Multi Mission Vehicle (RMMV) deployment. It is the most advanced and capable mine warfare sensor system, fully integrated with and effectively operated from the RMMV, now successfully deployed from LCS 2.


The AN/AQS-20A system is towed undersea to simultaneously scan the water column for anti-shipping mines forward of, to the sides, and beneath the vehicle. Sophisticated sonar, electro-optical sensors, and high-precision location information are used to provide high-resolution images of mines and mine-like objects.


End-to-End Mine Countermeasure Capability

Raytheon provides both a modern minehunting and mine neutralization capability to the U.S. Navy, which are two of the components in the mine countermeasure mission package for the Littoral Combat Ship class.


Supporting mine-clearing operations in both deep-ocean and littoral waters, AN/AQS-20A minehunting sonar detects, localizes and identifies bottom, close-tethered and volume mines; and the AN/ASQ-235 Airborne Mine Neutralization System (AMNS) reacquires and neutralizes mines found by the AN/AQS-20A. AMNS consists of a helicopter-based control console as well as a launch and handling system equipped with four unmanned Archerfish neutralizer vehicles that destroy mines via remote control from the operator in the MH-60S helicopter.


The advanced technologies of these systems deliver a comprehensive, end-to-end solution - detection to neutralization - enabling the Navy to safely and effectively execute its mission with reduced risk to its ships and crews.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 20:30
Le Koweït acquiert des batteries de missiles Patriot supplémentaires


03/03/2014 Romain Guillot - journal-aviation.com


Raytheon a confirmé l’annonce du Pentagone du 28 février concernant l’acquisition par le Koweït de deux batteries de missiles de défense antiaérienne Patriot supplémentaires.


Le contrat, qui comprend des équipements de rechange, est estimé à 655 millions de dollars.


À l’instar des kits de modification contractualisés à la fin de l’année dernière, le nouveau contrat koweïtien concerne la version PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability-3).


Les livraisons s’étalent jusqu’en avril 2018.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 19:20
Field Aviation Completes First Test Flight of Boeing’s Maritime Surveillance Aircraft


March 5, 2014. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from Field Aviation:


TORONTO, ONTARIO, March 5th, 2014 – Field Aviation, a Field Aerospace company, has successfully completed its first test flight of Boeing’s Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) demonstrator. The demonstrator is a Boeing owned Challenger 604 and is the prototype platform upon which Boeing will develop its MSA program based on the Bombardier Challenger 605.


Field Aviation, Boeing’s teammate on the MSA program has carried out modifications to the airframe and systems which include the design, manufacture and installation of provisions for Search Radar, retractable EO/IR camera, ESM, Comint and other communication systems.


Following the arrival of the aircraft at Field Aviation’s Toronto facility in early 2013, a baseline flight of the aircraft was carried out to acquire and benchmark flight and handling characteristics prior to any modifications being carried out.


The first post modification flight took place at Toronto Pearson International Airport (CYYZ) on Friday, February 28th. The nearly four hour flight was conducted to verify that the handling qualities of the aircraft had not been affected by the airframe modifications. Field Aviation test pilot Craig Tylski reported that there were no issues with aerodynamic performance throughout the envelope and the external shapes on the aircraft did not affect the handling or control of the aircraft whatsoever.


Following this first fight, the MSA demonstrator has been flown to a Boeing facility in Yuma, AZ, where Field Aviation will continue working towards completion of its flight test program, leading to FAA and Transport Canada certification. Upon flight test completion, Field Aviation will deliver the modified MSA demonstrator to Boeing in Seattle for integration of the MSA’s sensors and communications subsystems.


Field Aviation is internationally recognized for its uniquely engineered products and services including the modification of aircraft for special mission purposes. These capabilities have made Field Aviation a world leader in the adaptation of commercial aircraft for special mission roles. Special mission aircraft modified by Field Aviation are serving governments throughout the world providing a range of essential services.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:30
Sikorsky And Turkey Sign Deal On Building Variant of Black Hawk Helicopter


March 5, 2014. David Pugliese Defence Watch


News release from Sikorsky:


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), has signed agreements with the Turkish government and key Turkish aerospace contractors that license Turkey’s aerospace industry to manufacture 109 T-70 helicopters (Turkish variants of Sikorsky’s S-70i™ International BLACK HAWK helicopter) for operation by the Turkish Government, and to assemble 109 S-70i™ helicopters for Sikorsky.


The agreements license the transfer of certain manufacturing technology to Turkish industry, and provide for the potential to produce up to a total of 600 aircraft, including both T-70 units for Turkish indigenous use and S-70i™ aircraft for export over the next 30 years. The agreements are subject to requisite export approvals.


“This program is unprecedented in Sikorsky’s 90-year history,” said Sikorsky President Mick Maurer. “We have signed contracts that collectively will raise our already strong supplier and customer relationships in Turkey to levels that we expect will endure for decades. We are very pleased that these agreements also will potentially open additional markets for the world’s leading utility military helicopter while strengthening Turkish industry’s position as a world-class aerospace provider.”


Under the program, known as the Turkish Utility Helicopter Program, Sikorsky has signed agreements with the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) and two Turkish defense contractors, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) and Aselsan A.S. TAI is the prime contractor for T-70 licensed production and assembly in Turkey for multi-mission use by the Turkish government. The aircraft will be assembled in Turkey by TAI and will include components supplied by Sikorsky and other American and Turkish companies. Aselsan will develop a new cockpit avionics system that will be featured in the T-70 aircraft.


Turkey’s Defence Industry Executive Committee has reported a total program value of $3.5 billion, inclusive of the work to be performed by Sikorsky, TAI and other TUHP suppliers. In addition to the work with TAI and Aselsan, Sikorsky will expand the manufacturing capability of Alp Aviation, which is 50 percent owned by Sikorsky.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 18:20
Cobham subsidiary producing more transmitters for Navy



LANSDALE, Pa., March 5 (UPI)


A U.S. subsidiary of Britain's Cobham Plc is to manufacture low-band transmitters under a $21.8 million contract modification from the U.S. Navy.


In addition to the low-band transmitters, of LBTs, Cobham Defense Electronics will manufacture a variety of antennas and adapter interface modules for AN/ALQ-99 tactical jamming systems to be used by the U.S. Navy and the Australian military.


"Cobham is proud of our longstanding and successful partnership with the U.S. Navy on this critical program," said Jill Kale, vice president of Cobham Defense Electronics. "As we continue to satisfy the Navy warfighter's current needs, we look forward to providing the next generation of integrated RF solutions for U.S. Navy air and maritime operations."


Cobham Defense Electronics, which is located in Pennsylvania, said it will manufacture eight LBTs for the U.S. Navy and eleven for Australia; eleven vertically polarized antennas for the Navy and six for Australia; 17 high-band horizontally polarized antennas for the Navy and seven for Australia; and six Band -2 adapter interface assemblies for Australia.


The low-band transmitter helps protect strike aircraft, ships, and ground troops by disrupting enemy radar and communications. It is used on U.S, Navy EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G aircraft and Marine Corps EA -6B aircraft.

AN/ALQ-99 system on EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

AN/ALQ-99 system on EA-6B Prowler Aircraft

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:55
centre RetT photo Thierry Mamberti Safran

centre RetT photo Thierry Mamberti Safran


Paris, le 5 mars 2014 Safran


Safran, leader mondial dans les domaines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, de la Défense et de la Sécurité, va recruter 160 collaborateurs pour son nouveau centre de R&T et d’Innovation, qui ouvrira en fin d’année à Paris-Saclay (Yvelines).


Ce site développera les nouvelles technologies destinées à l’ensemble des activités du Groupe. Safran recherche donc des ingénieurs chercheurs (jeunes diplômés et profils expérimentés) spécialisés en Matériaux avancés et Procédés, Capteurs et Systèmes de capteurs, Traitement du signal et de l’information, Algorithmie avancée, Modélisation, Mécanique des Structures et des Fluides, Propulsion ou encore Systèmes Aéronautiques.


Le Groupe, fortement impliqué dans le domaine de la responsabilité sociétale, accordera une attention particulière à la promotion de la diversité des origines et des parcours ainsi qu’au recrutement de femmes.


Les nouveaux embauchés rejoindront un Groupe composé de plus de 66 000 salariés, dont la vocation est d’imaginer les nouvelles technologies de demain. Safran, qui propose une grande diversité de métiers et de réelles perspectives d’évolution, cherche plus particulièrement à renforcer ses équipes en Recherche et Technologie*. Le nouveau centre de Paris Saclay permettra à Safran d’accélérer ses percées technologiques dans les domaines des Systèmes avancés aéronautiques, du Numérique, et des Matériaux et Procédés et Capteurs.


Ingénieurs chercheurs, soyez les inventeurs de demain et rejoignez Safran à Paris Saclay. Consultez les offres disponibles et postulez en ligne : http://www.safran-group.com/site-safran/talent/nous-rejoindre-801/centre-de-r-t/


* La Recherche & Technologie (R&T) fait partie de la Recherche et Développement (R&D) : elle se situe en amont et regroupe l’ensemble des activités d’études, de recherches et de démonstrations technologiques qui assurent à Safran la maîtrise des savoir-faire lui permettant de développer des produits innovants avec un risque, un délai et un coût réduits. En 2013, les dépenses en R&D du Groupe ont représenté 1,8 milliard d’euros, soit 12 % de son chiffre d’affaires. La R&D mobilise plus de 20 % des effectifs du Groupe, dont plus de 450 docteurs et 150 doctorants.



Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie, équipementier de premier rang dans les domaines de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (propulsion, équipements), de la Défense et de la Sécurité. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 66 200 personnes pour un chiffre d’affaires de 14,7 milliards d’euros en 2013. Composé de nombreuses sociétés, Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l’évolution des marchés, le Groupe s’engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2013 des dépenses de 1,8 milliard d’euros. Safran est une société cotée sur NYSE Euronext Paris et fait partie de l’indice CAC 40.


Pour plus d’informations, www.safran-group.com / Suivez @SAFRAN sur Twitter

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:50
photo Geoffrey Lee

photo Geoffrey Lee

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Spanish Ministry of Defence; issued March 4, 2014)

(Issued in Spanish; unofficial translation by Defense-Aerospace.com)


Twenty-Five Thousand Hours of Eurofighter in Air Force


The Air Force’s fleet of Eurofighter EF-2000 aircraft has completed its first 25,000 flight hours during the month of February, to which three units equipped with this weapon system have contributed: 11 Wing at Air Base Morón de la Frontera in Seville, 14 Wing at Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete and the Armaments Logistics and Experimentation Center (CLAEX) at Torrejón de Ardoz air base in Madrid.


The Eurofighter, which in the Air Force carries the designation C.16, entered service in our Armed Forces in October 2003. Since then, it has been assigned to the 11th Wing, operating mainly from Morón Air Base, in order to fulfill its primary mission of interception and air defense.


Since May 2012, it also has been operated by 142 Squadron of 14 Wing, as has the CLAEX, where it is operated for the development of operating software and weapons integration.


The C.16 fleet operated by Wing 11 and Wing 14 reached full operational capacity in January 2008 and, since then, is part of a select group of Air Force aircraft that monitor and protect our national sovereign airspace 24 hours day, seven days a week.


The primary mission of the Eurofighter units is to provide the Air Force with the required defensive and offensive air capability, to meet both national missions, as well as commitments arising from the Spanish participation in international organizations. It is equipped with latest-generation precision weapons that allow the Eurofighter to launch bombs and guided weapons with centimetric accuracy. Combined with the vast potential of its radar and air-to-air armament against aerial threats, the possibilities of this weapon system are multiplied.


The Air Force, which has 41 Eurofighter, reached this milestone with the assurance that the performance of these first 25,000 hours of flight confirms the operational and industrial success of the Eurofighter program, which has enabled the European aerospace industry and its Armed Forces to design, build and operate one of the best fighter planes that have plied the skies.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Y-20 Flight Tests Going Well, China Says

Flight-testing of China’s Y-20 four-engined strategic transport aircraft is progressing well, according to the PLA, and has already set new national records for flight testing. (PLA photo)


March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: China Military Online; published March 4, 2014)


Test Flight Frequency of Y-20 Heavy-Duty Transport Aircraft Sets New Record


BEIJING --- The Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft is now still at the test flight stage, and its test flight frequency and time already set new records in the test flight history of China, according to Tang Changhong, chief designer of the Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft, on March 3, 2014 in Beijing.


Although the commissioning time for Y-20 cannot be disclosed, Tang Changhong said it is hoped that it can be commissioned as early as possible. However, it is important to ensure that there is no risk of failure at all in the aircraft test, and the aircraft can only be put into use under the very precise conditions. The test to date is going on very smoothly. He disclosed that the training of the test flight pilots for large transport aircraft is now underway.


Tang Changhong introduced that according to the current test flight status, all the expected goals have been achieved, and the original design goals for some limit requirements including flight height and flight speed, especially the requirements that the aircraft should possess good anti-bumping performance and be more comfortable have also been achieved.


The Y-20 heavy-duty transport aircraft is the new-generation military transport aircraft independently developed by the Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group under the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). Its maximum take-off weight is estimated to be 220 tons, and its maximum payload is 66 tons, which is among the top ten world’s most powerful aircraft in transport capacity.


China declared to launch its large aircraft development project in March 2007. And the Y-20 took off for the first time from China’s Yanliang base at 14:00 on January 26, 2013 for a flight period of one hour. The successful first flight of the Y-20 marked that China has its own large aircraft.


According to the estimation from foreign media, China needs at least 300 Y-20 aircraft, and at the same time, China may also export the Y-20. In this regard, Tang Changhong said that Russia has made more than 800 IL-76 aircraft, and the number of large aircraft in the U.S. is also very large. But different countries have different national conditions, China’s civil and military aviation transport is just at its beginning stage; its perfect transport system is not yet built up, which is now far behind that of developed countries. “Therefore, I believe that through the hard-working, China will have a very big room for development in the future. We also hope to establish cooperation relations with other countries,” Tang said.


As for the guess that China will develop super large transport aircraft after developing the Y-20, Tang Changhong expressed that China currently has no such plan. He pointed out that from the design perspective, the emerge of large transport aircraft not only represents an aircraft model, but more importantly represents the accumulation of a batch of basic technologies, design capabilities and production capabilities. It is actually an upgrading of the industrial level, which will make more contributions to China.


When will the brother series of Y-20 be launched? Tang Changhong replied that: “The present main work is still to carry out the test flight on Y-20’s basic stability, the brother series is not yet considered. Some plans on China’s large transport aircraft are still under discussion, which cannot be disclosed.”


Tang Changhong expressed that Y-20 with a maximum payload of 66 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 220 tons is a very large heavy-duty transport aircraft. He took the example of the U.S. large aircraft’s application and said that the U.S. large transport aircraft have played very important roles in the national construction in the U.S. Therefore, China’s Y-20 not only aims at military application, but also more focuses on civil applications including construction material and equipment transportation, earthquake relief and emergency rescue.


“The performance of Y-20 is very high. It can adapt to relatively hard conditions and can land at small airports in mountain areas. In its design, the adverse weather conditions of frigid zone, high heat area and plateau as well as the runway situation are fully considered,” he said.


Tang Changhong, a Xi’an native, graduated from the major of aerodynamics at the Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1982. He successively participated in the development of the aircraft models including “Flying Leopard” fighter, Y7-200A, MPC-75 and AE-100, as well as the research on major pre-research subjects. He is now the chief designer of the First Aircraft Design Institute under the First Group Company of the AVIC and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
CRS Reports on Littoral Combat Ship Program

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Congressional Research Service; dated February 25, 2014)


Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress

On February 24, 2014, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that the Department of Defense (DOD) intends to truncate the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program to 32 ships—a reduction of 20 ships from the previously planned total of 52 LCSs.

Through FY2014, a total of 20 LCSs have been funded. Under the Navy’s FY2014 budget submission, LCSs 21 through 24 were scheduled to be requested for procurement in FY2015.

As a successor to the LCS program, Secretary Hagel announced on February 24 that the Navy is to submit “alternative proposals to procure a capable and lethal small surface combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate. I’ve directed the Navy to consider a completely new design, existing ship designs, and a modified LCS.”

DOD’s desire to truncate the LCS program to 32 ships and begin work on a new ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate raises several potential oversight questions for Congress, including the analytical basis for DOD’s plan to truncate the LCS program, and the analytical basis and acquisition–process foundation for DOD’s plan to succeed the LCS program with a program for a ship generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate.

The LCS is a relatively inexpensive Navy surface combatant equipped with modular “plug-and-fight” mission packages for countering mines, small boats, and diesel-electric submarines, particularly in littoral (i.e., near-shore) waters. Two very different LCS designs are being built.

One was developed by an industry team led by Lockheed; the other was developed by an industry team that was led by General Dynamics. The Lockheed design is built at the Marinette Marine shipyard at Marinette, WI; the General Dynamics design is built at the Austal USA shipyard at Mobile, AL.

The 20 LCSs procured or scheduled for procurement in FY2010-FY2015 (LCSs 5 through 24) are being procured under a pair of 10-ship, fixed-price incentive (FPI) block buy contracts that the Navy awarded to Lockheed and Austal USA on December 29, 2010.

The LCS program has become controversial due to past cost growth, design and construction issues with the lead ships built to each design, concerns over the ships’ survivability (i.e., ability to withstand battle damage), and concerns over whether the ships are sufficiently armed and would be able to perform their stated missions effectively. Some observers, citing one or more of these issues, have proposed truncating the LCS program. In response to criticisms of the LCS program, the Navy has acknowledged certain problems and stated that it was taking action to correct them, disputed other arguments made against the program, and (until February 24, 2014) maintained its support for completing the planned program of 52 ships.

Click here for the full report (90 PDF pages) hosted by the Federation of American Scientists.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 13:35
Sagem wins order from Nexter Systems to supply 37 SIGMA 30 pointing systems for CAESAR gun export contract


Paris, March 05th, 2014 Sagem


Sagem (Safran) has won a new order from Nexter Systems to supply 37 SIGMA 30 navigation and pointing systems for CAESAR guns, to be delivered to an Asian customer.


Sagem’s SIGMA 30 system gives long-range artillery system immediate, high-precision firing capability, since they do not need GPS.


Drawing on Sagem’s proven expertise in navigation systems and inertial sensors, the SIGMA 30 features large digital ring laser gyro technology. Its performance characteristics make it a perfect solution for today’s artillery. Enabling deployment in distributed configurations, the Sigma 30 system enhances the mobility and protection of support forces. It is mounted on the cannon, and offers totally independent operation, protected from enemy countermeasures.



Sagem wins order from Nexter Systems to supply 37 SIGMA 30 pointing systems for CAESAR gun export contract

The SIGMA 30 system contributes to the excellent operational results of CAESAR guns deployed by the French army in today’s most demanding theaters, including Afghanistan and, most recently, Mali, for Operation Serval.


The contract announced today consolidates Sagem’s partnership with Nexter Systems for the CAESAR gun, by bringing the advantages of latest-generation inertial systems to the company’s entire range of combat vehicles, whether in production or under development. All CAESAR artillery systems now in service, more than 250 units, are equipped with the SIGMA 30 navigation and pointing system. They are produced at Sagem’s Montluçon plant.


In addition to CAESAR guns, Sagem’s SIGMA 30 system outfits 40 other artillery systems, including: PzH2000 (Krauss Maffei Wegmann), MLRS M270 (Airbus Defense), Nora (SDPR), Archer (BAE), and the 2R2M mobile mortar (Thales).


Sagem has developed proven expertise in all inertial technologies (mechanical, laser, fiber-optic, vibrating), with more than 60 years of experience on both civil and military navigation systems operating in all environments around the world.


* * * *


Sagem , a high-tech company of Safran, holds world or European leadership positions in optronics, avionics, electronics and safety-critical software for both civil and military markets. Sagem is the No. 1 company in Europe and No. 3 worldwide for inertial navigation systems (INS) used in air, land and naval applications. It is also the world leader in helicopter flight controls and the European leader in optronics and tactical UAV systems. Operating across the globe through the Safran group, Sagem and its subsidiaries employ 7,500 people in Europe, Southeast Asia and North America. Sagem is the commercial name of the company Sagem Défense Sécurité.

For more information: www.sagem.com

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 12:55
Eurosatory et UAV Show s’associent
Eurosatory et UAV Show s’associent


4 mars Aerobuzz.fr


En 2014, Eurosatory et UAV Show jouent la complémentarité. Les entreprises de la filière drones vont ainsi avoir la possibilité d’exposer en statique leurs matériels dans le cadre du plus grand salon mondial de l’armement (16-20 juin 2014 à Paris-Villepinte) et de les présenter en vol, quelques semaines plus tard, à l’occasion de la troisième édition du salon des drones (9-11 septembre 2014 à Bordeaux-Aéroparc). C’est évidemment un plus que propose Eurosatory à 1.400 exposants et à ses 53.000 visiteurs. Mais c’est aussi une fabuleuse rampe de lancement pour UAV Show qui, dès sa création, a fait le pari de montrer les drones en vol. En 2012, lors de la précédente édition, une vingtaine de machines avaient été présentées sur la zone aérienne réservée du Camp de Souge. En 2014, les démonstrations dynamiques devraient prendre une autre dimension.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 12:50
Inde: enquête sur un contrat avec Rolls-Royce


04/03/2014 Par Lefigaro.fr (AFP)


Le ministère indien de la Défense a demandé l'ouverture d'une enquête sur l'achat de moteurs d'avions de combat auprès du motoriste britannique Rolls-Royce dans le cadre d'un contrat estimé à 1,6 milliard de dollars US.


Le Bureau central des enquêtes (CBI) va enquêter sur des soupçons de pots-de-vin pour la fourniture de moteurs à l'entreprise publique indienne Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) entre 2007 et 2011, a précisé un responsable du ministère. "Il y a eu un rapport interne (conduit par HAL) qui laisse deviner des trous dans le contrat. Le CBI se penche sur le dossier", a ajouté ce responsable sous couvert d'anonymat.


Ces moteurs étaient destinés à des avions de combat développés par HAL et qui servaient d'appareils de formation aux forces aériennes et maritimes indiennes. Un porte-parole de Rolls-Royce a indiqué que le groupe allait "coopérer pleinement" avec les autorités indiennes, a rapporté l'agence de presse du pays, Press Trust of India (PTI).

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
La marine américaine commandera moins de F-35 que prévu


04/03/2014 Capital.fr (AOF)


Sale temps pour Lockheed Martin. La marine américaine devrait en effet ne commander que 36 exemplaires du chasseur F-35 conçu par le géant de l'aéronautique et de la défense, qui a dû supprimer plusieurs milliers d'emplois au cours des derniers mois, au lieu des 69 initialement prévus. C'est en tout cas ce qu'a déclaré un responsable du ministère de la Défense sous couvert d'anonymat. Ces appareils seront livrés entre 2015 et 2020.


Publiés fin janvier, les résultats du quatrième trimestre de Lockheed Martin ont notamment révélé un bénéfice net de 488 millions de dollars, ou 1,5 dollar par action, contre 569 millions (1,73 dollar par action) un an auparavant, soit un repli de 14,2%. Le chiffre d'affaires du groupe a, lui, reculé de 4,7% à 11,5 milliards de dollars.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
DoD Proposes $154 Billion for New Weapons, R&D in 2015

The Pentagon released its fiscal 2015 budget proposal Tuesday.


Mar. 4, 2014 - By MARCUS WEISGERBER – Defense News


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to cut weapon purchases slightly in fiscal 2015, but still plans to invest $153.9 billion for new aircraft, ships, satellites, ground systems and other equipment.


The US Defense Department’s modernization investments — which includes procurement and research-and-development accounts — fell only 3.6 percent despite federal budget caps. The numbers were disclosed in DoD’s $496 billion 2015 budget proposal, which the Obama administration sent to Congress on Tuesday.


Research-and-development accounts in DoD’s base budget were not hit as deeply as expected, falling $1.7 billion, or 2.6 percent from the 2014 enacted spending levels.


Defense leaders for the past year have stressed their desire to protect research-and-development funding, despite defense spending cuts.


Procurement fell a little steeper, falling $3.8 billion, or 4 percent, below the 2014 enacted level.


Moreover, the White House’s “opportunity, growth and security” initiative, which is separate from the Pentagon’s 2015 base budget, includes nearly $4 billion for procurement of military aircraft.


If Congress approves the extra proposal, it would boost Pentagon modernization spending close to the $159.7 billion enacted by Congress in 2014.


The additional proposal includes procurement money for:


■ 26 Boeing Apache helicopters ($600 million).


■ 28 Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopters ($500 million).


■ 2 Boeing Chinook helicopters ($100 million)


■ 8 Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft ($1.1 billion).


■ 10 Lockheed Martin C-130J aircraft ($1.1 billion).


■ 2 Lockheed F-35 joint strike fighters ($300 million).


■ 12 General Atomics MQ-9 UAVs ($200 million).

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4 mars 2014 2 04 /03 /mars /2014 19:50
First Tranche 3 Eurofighter for Italy emerges


Mar. 4, 2014 by Craig Hoyle - FG


London - Italy’s first Tranche 3 production example of the Eurofighter Typhoon has been rolled out from Alenia Aermacchi’s Turin-Caselle final assembly line, ahead of being handed over within the next few months.


“The Italian single-seat aircraft number 64 is now ready for engine tests, and will be delivered within the first half of this year,” the Eurofighter consortium says.


Italy’s air force is to receive 21 aircraft under the four-nation programme’s Tranche 3A production phase, with a further combined 91 to be accepted by Germany, Spain and the UK.


The Italian air force has a current active fleet of 71 Eurofighters, and is also yet to receive its last three examples in the Tranche 2 configuration, according to Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database.


The emergence of the second aircraft in the new standard – which follows a lead Royal Air Force example flown for the first time by a BAE Systems test pilot last December – comes days after Germany’s defence ministry confirmed it will not proceed with the Eurofighter programme’s previously expected Tranche 3B activity. This was to have delivered the last 124 aircraft from an originally-planned umbrella contract for 620 of the type signed by the partner nations. Italy, Spain and the UK also plan to halt their acquisition of the Typhoon on the completion of their 3A order.

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4 mars 2014 2 04 /03 /mars /2014 19:20
Final Upgraded CF-18 Delivered

Group photo of The Countermeasures Warning and Control System ALR-67 (V3) Mod line. Photo taken in on the floor of 1 Hangar on 21 January 2014 by Corporal (Cpl) Audrey Solomon, Imagery Technician, 4 Wing Cold Lake


March 4, 2014 By Captain John-Alec Bossence - RCAF / Defence Watch


The fighter force has achieved another significant milestone with the delivery of the final ALR-67 (V3) modified CF-188 Hornet from Boeing International. The milestone was marked at a ceremony held on January 21 at 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta.


As part of the CF-188 defensive electronic warfare suite project, the objective of the ALR-67 (V3) modification sub-project was to upgrade the CF-188 Electronic Warfare self-protection equipment to improve the CF-188 survivability in a modern theatre of operation against both air-to-air and air-to-ground threats.


After a competitive process, the ALR-67 (V3) aircraft modification contract was awarded to Boeing who sub-contracted the work to L-3 Military Aviation Services (MAS). The work was performed through a dedicated modification line at 4 Wing Cold Lake, with modifications to the first aircraft starting in March 2011. Each aircraft required 14 work days in the modification line to incorporate the new advanced capability.


The close-knit fighter community came together to complete the modification line ahead of schedule. The combined efforts from L-3 MAS, 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron, 410 Tactical Fighter (Operation Training) Squadron, Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment and 1 Air Maintenance Squadron (1 AMS), all from 4 Wing, and 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron from 3 Wing Bagotville, Quebec, were essential for the completion of the modification line. They all contributed to the preparation, configuration, transportation and logistical requirements to have every aircraft delivered to the Cold Lake modification line on time to meet the induction schedule and deliver aircraft on or ahead of schedule.


On January 21 the last of 75 aircraft was delivered and 1 AMS held a closing ceremony with representatives from Boeing, L-3 MAS and 4 Wing Cold Lake to recognize and congratulate the participants for this unique and outstanding success.

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4 mars 2014 2 04 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
La Darpa rejoue Mission Impossible : ce composant s'autodétruira dans 10 secondes...



14 février 2014 par  Jacques Marouani - electroniques.biz


La Darpa, l'Agence américaine pour les projets de recherche avancée de défense, a octroyé ces deux derniers mois pour plus de 17 millions de dollars de contrats à des industriels pour qu'ils acceptent de mettre au point des composants électroniques destructibles à distance ou dégradables dans l'environnement.


"Ce message s'autodétruira dans dix secondes". Beaucoup d'entre nous se souviennent avoir entendu ces mots au début de la série américaine "Mission impossible" ! Passer de la fiction à la réalité, et intégrer des composants électroniques éphémères, capables de s'auto-détruire afin d'éviter qu'ils ne tombent dans les mains ennemies, c'est la mission que le Pentagone a proposé aux fabricants. L'objectif est de garder bien secrètes les données contenues dans ces composants.


La Darpa, l'Agence américaine pour les projets de recherche avancée de défense, a ainsi octroyé ces deux derniers mois pour plus de 17 millions de dollars de contrats à des industriels pour qu'ils acceptent de mettre au point des composants électroniques destructibles à distance ou dégradables dans l'environnement.


Lors d'opérations militaires, les appareils ou composants électroniques sont "souvent retrouvés éparpillés sur le champ de bataille et peuvent être saisis par l'ennemi, reprogrammés ou étudiés pour compromettre l'avantage technologique du département de la Défense", expliquait la Darpa en lançant le projet début 2013.


"La Darpa cherche un moyen pour que l'électronique ne dure pas plus longtemps que nécessaire. La décomposition de ces composants pourrait être déclenchée par un signal envoyé par une commande ou des conditions environnementales, comme la température", explique la responsable du programme, Alicia Jackson, citée dans un communiqué.


Les applications sont potentiellement "révolutionnaires", selon l'Agence. Elles pourraient aller de différents capteurs, capables de collecter et de transmettre des données pendant un temps déterminé, à des outils de diagnostic médical insérés dans le corps et biodégradables.


Le 31 janvier dernier, la Darpa a octroyé un budget de 3,5 millions de dollars au groupe informatique américain IBM pour qu'il mette au point un composant à base de verre, doté d'un micro-détonateur ou d'une couche de métal réactif, qui serait activé par un signal radio pour le briser. Le même jour, le Centre de recherches de Palo Alto (Californie), une filiale de Xerox, a obtenu 2,4 millions de dollars pour un projet similaire de détonateur électrique baptisé Dust (poussière). Dans les jours et semaines qui ont précédé, c'est le géant anglo-américain de la défense BAE Systems qui s'est vu décerner 4,5 millions de dollars, tandis que l'Américain Honeywell a obtenu 2,5 millions pour des projets semblables. La société SRI International a pour sa part obtenu un contrat de 4,7 millions de dollars pour son projet Spectre visant à mettre au point une batterie auto-destructible.

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