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14 octobre 2015 3 14 /10 /octobre /2015 06:50
Les Challenger 2 devraient enfin faire l'objet d'un programme de modernisation visant à étendre leur durée de vie jusqu'à l'horizon 2035 - photo UK MoD

Les Challenger 2 devraient enfin faire l'objet d'un programme de modernisation visant à étendre leur durée de vie jusqu'à l'horizon 2035 - photo UK MoD


13 octobre, 2015 par Nathan Gain (FOB)


Moderniser ou remplacer, tel est le dilemne face auquel de trop nombreuses armées modernes se retrouvent confrontées en ces temps d’économies (forcées). Un choix cornélien qui n’épargne personne, mêmes les plus grandes armées actuelles ; à l’image d’une armée britannique sur le point de déterminer l’avenir de son parc de chars Challenger 2. Face à un programme d’achat jugé économiquement inenvisageable, le ministère de la défense britannique semble en effet s’être résolument tourné vers ce qui semble avoir toujours été son plan A, à savoir la prolongation de la durée de vie des Challenger. La date de sortie de service de ceux-ci devrait donc être déplacée de 2025 à 2035. « Toutes les options, allant de ne rien faire du tout à l’achat d’un nouveau tank, ont été étudiées durant la phase de concept du projet « CR2 Life Extension Project ». En l’état, il est très peu probable que l’armée [britannique] choisisse la solution consistant en la fabrication et l’achat d’un nouveau char de combat. Une décision définitive sera bientôt prise concernant les Challenger 2, et la phase d’évaluation du projet « CR2 LEP » devrait en conséquence commencer début 2016, » a récemment déclaré un porte-parole du ministère de la défense britannique.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:55
Le Salon Milipol Paris - 17-20 Nov. 2015


source : Rémi Thuau, Préfet, Président des salons Milipol


Milipol Paris, inscrit dans la lignée des 18 éditions précédentes, s'affirmera une nouvelle fois en 2015 comme le premier salon mondial de la sécurité intérieure.


Fort d'un rayonnement encore accru en 2013 avec une augmentation sensible du nombre d'exposants et de visiteurs étrangers, Milipol Paris 2015 accueillera tous les acteurs clé. Donneurs d'ordre, fournisseurs et experts seront présents pour échanger autour des nouvelles problématiques de sécurité et découvrir les nouvelles technologies.

Les préoccupations des pouvoirs publics seront abordées : lutte contre le terrorisme, protection des citoyens, sûreté urbaine, sécurité de proximité et défense contre les risques majeurs seront au cœur du débat.

Les entreprises les plus performantes du secteur y présenteront leurs produits et leurs innovations ; parmi les équipements présentés, les nouveaux systèmes d'information, d'observation et de surveillance, de prévention et d'alerte tiendront une place privilégiée.

L'équipe de Milipol donnera à nouveau le meilleur d'elle-même pour vous accueillir et faire de l'édition 2015 une réussite.



Milipol Paris, le salon international de la sécurité intérieure des Etats est réalisé sous l’égide du Ministère français de l’Intérieur, en partenariat avec la Police Nationale, la Gendarmerie Nationale, la Direction Générale de Sécurité civile et de la Gestion des Crises, le Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances avec la Direction Générale des Douanes, la Police Municipale


Les secteurs du salon Milipol Paris

Protection des données - Systèmes d'Information et de Communication / Intelligence Économique - Veille Industrielle / Intégrateur de systèmes / Analyse et Gestion des Risques / NRBC / Sécurité Civile / Police technique et scientifique / Maintien de l'ordre / Lutte anti-terroriste - Forces spéciales / Protection des sites industriels et sensibles / Lutte contre le trafic organisé / Sécurité des lieux publics - Sécurité urbaine / Sécurité des transports / Sécurité portuaire et aéroportuaire - Contrôle des frontières / Sécurité routière / Sécurité bancaire et fiduciaire / Secteur pénitentiaire / Secteur pétrole et gaz

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
Rheinmetall KZO UAV - ILA 2010

Rheinmetall KZO UAV - ILA 2010


13 October 2015 by defenceWeb


Tunisia, Mali, Nigeria, Jordan and Iraq have been identified as potential recipients of up to €100 million in funding from Germany aimed at helping partner countries improve their security situations.


Defense News last week reported that the German government has set up a €100 million fund to help partner countries in Africa and the Middle East. The fund will become operational in the 2016 financial year.


Katrin Suder, state secretary of the German Ministry of Defense, said in Berlin last week that the initiative is designed to help partner countries prevent crises and stabilize their overall security environment. The money will be used to procure equipment and services for tasks like border protection, small arms controls or the clearing of minefields.


The secondary purpose of the fund is to support the German defence industry, as the money will be used primarily to buy equipment and services in Germany. The fund will be jointly managed by the German Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, the fund is still awaiting final approval as part of next year’s budget by parliament, with approval possibly being granted in the next few weeks.


Wolfgang Hellmich, chairman of the defence committee of the German Bundestag, expects delivery of German surveillance unmanned aerial vehicles Tunisia, Defense News reports.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:45
Info RFI: des bombes françaises refont surface aux mains de Boko Haram

Photo publiée par l’armée nigériane montrant une sous-munition de type GR-66 récupérée dans une cache attribuée à Boko Haram. Une arme achetée à la France par le Nigeria dans les années 1980.


13-10-2015 Par Nicolas Champeaux, Olivier Fourt - RFI


Un double attentat-suicide a fait au moins neuf morts, dimanche matin, dans la région de Mora, dans l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun, en proie aux attaques des islamistes nigérians de Boko Haram. Selon une source sécuritaire et un responsable local, ce sont deux femmes kamikazes qui étaient porteuses des charges. Des explosifs qui, depuis quelque temps, attirent l'attention des services de sécurité camerounais et nigérians. En effet, à plusieurs reprises déjà, ce sont des grenades issues de bombes à sous-munitions françaises « Beluga » qui ont été retrouvées sur les candidats aux opérations suicides.


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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:45
An Acmat Bastion operated by Togo - photo EMA

An Acmat Bastion operated by Togo - photo EMA


13 October 2015 by defenceWeb


The 62 armoured personnel carriers ordered last month by the United States Department of Defence for five African nations are Bastion vehicles manufactured by French company Acmat.


On 25 September the US Department of Defence said that Mack Defense of Allentown, Pennsylvania, would supply 62 APCs to United States Africa Command partner nations. Mack Defense on 6 October told IHS Jane’s that all the vehicles are Bastion APCs – Acmat is owned by Renault Trucks Defense which along with Mack Defense is part of the Volvo group.


The vehicles will be manufactured in France with an estimated completion date of 30 December 2016. Mack Defense said 32 vehicles will be delivered to Somalia in 2016, 17 to the Ugandan contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and another 13 to AMISOM's Somali contingent. Tunisia will receive four, Cameroon 15 and Ethiopia 12 before the end of 2016. All the countries will also receive at least one spares kit.


However, these figures add up to 93 in total, so it is not clear from which contract the remaining 31 vehicles will be coming from.


The Bastion range of tactical armoured vehicles features STANAG 4569 protection and can carry ten to 12 people. They are based on the VLRA TDN-TDE platform for easy maintenance and logistics. The Bastion APC is configured for troop transport while the Bastion Patsas is a semi-open-top design developed with French Special Forces for reconnaissance and assault.


In Africa, Acmat customers include Angola, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and Kenya. In June last year Togo’s armed forces received 30 Bastion vehicles.


Also on 25 September the US Department of Defense announced it had awarded Oshkosh Defense LLC a $21 774 963 modification to an existing foreign military sales contract for Djibouti, Jordan, Kenya, Tunisia, Uganda and Ethiopia for an additional 84 Medium Tactical Vehicle trucks and 59 B-kits (supplemental armour). The estimated completion date of the truck contract is 28 February 2017.


Oskosh offers its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles in a variety of configurations, such as five ton tractor, 8.8 ton Load Handling System, 4x4 and 6x6 cargo, ten ton dump truck and five ton wrecker.


One of the other contracts awarded late last month include the delivery of one Insitu Scan Eagle unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system (comprising multiple aircraft) to Kenya and another to Cameroon. In-country work will be carried out in Nanyuki in central Kenya and the Cameroonian port city of Doula. Both contracts are expected to be completed by September 2016.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
CH-4B UAV source AeroHisto

CH-4B UAV source AeroHisto


October 10, 2015 AeroHisto - Aviation History


On Saturday morning of October 10th, 2015, Iraqi Defence Minister Mr. Khaled al-Obeidi visited al-Kut Air Base and oversaw the launch of the first official flight of Iraqi CH-4B drone that will be used against ISIS. Iraq ordered CH-4B UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to China, probably after the visit of Chinese foreign minister in February 2014. According to Aero Histo sources, the first batch was received on January 23rd, 2015. First pictures of three units were seen in March.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
Rebels say US-made missiles turning tide against regime


Oct 13, 2015 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Beirut - American-made anti-tank missiles are turning the tide against the Syrian regime and allied forces in a major battle in the country's centre and northwest, rebel groups said Tuesday.


Non-Islamist opposition factions say they are using the US-made TOW missiles to halt a Syrian army advance that is backed by Russian air strikes in the provinces of Hama and Idlib.


The deliveries are distinct from ammunition packages that a US-led coalition airdropped to Arab rebel groups in northeastern Syria late Sunday to bolster the fight against the extremist Islamic State group.


"These rockets have played an important role in stopping the fierce attack by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally," said Asaad Hanna, spokesman for the non-Islamist Division 101.


"We are using the (TOW missiles) more now to turn up the heat on the front lines," Hanna told AFP.


According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, non-Islamist groups in central Syria have been receiving increased amounts of TOWs in the past four days.


Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said that rebel commanders were telling their units to "attack any soldier you see using TOW missiles as we have a blank cheque" with supplies so plentiful.


In 2014, rebel groups vetted by the US received TOW missiles for use in the provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, and Latakia.


Ahmad al-Shuhub, spokesman for the Fursan al-Haq rebel brigade, told AFP the current support was coming from the US-led military based in Amman.


Shuhub said the missiles had allowed the rebels "to respond to the Syrian army's advance".


And Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Saoud, spokesman for Division 13, said the TOW missiles "have determined the battle".


"Whatever we are want, they are giving it to us," Saoud said, adding that his group's situation in terms of ammunition and weapons "is fantastic".


"The TOW missiles are the central and vital player in determining the battle between us and Russia, Iran, and Syria."


According to the Observatory, Division 13's base in the northwestern province of Idlib was targeted by Russian strikes last week.


Russia began its air war in Syria on September 30, saying it was targeting the Islamic State group and other "terrorists".


The strikes have been concentrated in Hama and Idlib, often striking Islamist and other rebels instead of IS.


Russian air support in northern parts of Hama province has helped a Syrian army ground operation retake some villages in the area.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin

12 oct. 2015 by Lockheed Martin


The U-2 Dragon Lady goes through Lockheed Martin Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) every 4,800 flight hours or every seven years. PDM involves the complete disassembly, inspection, repair and reassembly of the entire aircraft; ensuring its longevity and ability to fly at today's record-high operational rates. This thorough maintenance allows Lockheed Martin to collect data on airframe integrity, confirming that nearly 80 percent lifespan remains on the aircraft. The U-2 collects critical targets no other platform can, flying faster, deeper and with greater reliability compared to any high-altitude ISR aircraft since the SR-71.

Learn more: http://lockheedmartin.com/us/products...

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
Sailors replace 20mm dummy ammunition, left, with tunsten 20mm rounds on a Phalanx weapon. Photo by PH1 Tina M. Ackerman/ U.S. Navy

Sailors replace 20mm dummy ammunition, left, with tunsten 20mm rounds on a Phalanx weapon. Photo by PH1 Tina M. Ackerman/ U.S. Navy


DULLES, Va., Oct. 12 By Richard Tomkins   (UPI)


Orbital ATK is producing medium- and large-caliber ammunition under multiple U.S. Army contracts.


Orbital ATK is to produces medium- and large-caliber ammunition for the U.S. military and allied nations under a U.S. Army contracts worth $105 million. The orders from the U.S. Army Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems are for 20mm, 25mm and 30mm tactical and target practice ammunition for air, sea and land weapons platforms and 120mm tactical and training ammunition for the Abrams Main Battle Tank. "We are committed to being the partner of choice for the production and development of ammunition for a wide variety of combat systems," said Dan Olson, vice president and general manager of Orbital ATK's Armament Systems Division of the Defense Systems Group. "Our contributions to the soldier are to provide a continuous supply of ammunition for training and tactical use, and to develop ammunition that provides a distinct combat advantage for those defending their nation's security."

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
The U.S. Marines' G/ATOR radar system. Photo Northrop Grumman

The U.S. Marines' G/ATOR radar system. Photo Northrop Grumman


BALTIMORE, Oct. 12 By Richard Tomkins   (UPI)


A capability to detect and target ground-based weapon threats by the U.S. Marines' G/ATOR radar system is to be developed by Northrop Grumman.


The U.S. Marine Corp has tapped Northrop Grumman to develop and test a ground weapon locating capability for its AN/TPS-80 radar system. The AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar, or G/ATOR, is a ground-based active electronically scanned array radar system from Northrop Grumman with a scalable open system architecture and a compatibility with other U.S. command-and-control systems. Under the software upgrade contract, which is worth more than $58.7 million, Marines operators of the C/ATOR system will have a common hardware solution with the ability to switch between air surveillance, air defense, ground weapon locating, and air traffic.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:20
Defense Intelligence Agency Awards Leidos Prime Contract


RESTON, Va., Oct. 6, 2015 /PRNewswire


Leidos (NYSE: LDOS), a national security, health and engineering solutions company, was awarded a prime contract by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to provide enhanced solutions for information technology (IT) requirements. The multiple-award indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity has a one-year base period of performance, four one-year options, and a total contract value of $6 billion for all awardees, if all options are exercised. Leidos is one of 25 large businesses eligible to compete for task orders under the contract. Work will be performed in Springfield, Va. and at DIA locations worldwide.

The DIA provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community in support of U.S. military planning, operations and weapon systems acquisition.  Under the contract, Leidos will provide worldwide coverage for IT requirements and technical services supporting the government through system design, development, fielding and sustainment of global intelligence and command and control (C2) assets vital to the security of the United States. Leidos will focus on improving integration, information sharing, gaining efficiencies and information safeguarding through a common IT approach.

"This E-Site contract will build upon our successful SITE contract performance.  We look forward to maintaining our current worldwide coverage of IT requirements and technical support services for the government by continuing to provide innovative, adaptive and secure services and capabilities in support of the DIA and the intelligence community," said Leidos Group President, Sam Gordy.


About Leidos

Leidos is a science and technology solutions leader working to address some of the world's toughest challenges in national security, health and engineering. The Company's 19,000 employees support vital missions for government and the commercial sector, develop innovative solutions to drive better outcomes and defend our digital and physical infrastructure from 'new world' threats. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Leidos reported annual revenues of approximately $5.06 billion for its fiscal year ended January 30, 2015. For more information, visit www.Leidos.com

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 14:30
La France conclut 10 milliards d'euros d'accords avec l'Arabie saoudite

Manuel Valls a annoncé la conclusion de dix milliards d'euros d'accords entre la France et l'Arabie saoudite, et notamment la commande de 30 patrouilleurs rapides.  photo DCNS


13/10/2015 Par latribune.fr (AFP,Reuters)


Le Premier ministre Manuel Valls, en visite à Ryad, a annoncé la conclusion de 10 milliards d'euros d'accords, dans divers secteurs, avec l'Arabie saoudite. La France est déjà le troisième investisseur dans le royaume saoudien, avec lequel un "partenariat spécial" a été conclu lors du dernier sommet du Conseil de coopération du Golfe, le 5 mai dernier



La France mise sur le naval


Dans celui de l'armement, 30 patrouilleurs rapides français seront commandés d'ici la fin de l'année par Ryad, ont encore indiqué les services du Premier ministre, en faisant par ailleurs état de l'ouverture de négociations exclusives dans le domaine des satellites, de télécommunications et d'observation (plusieurs milliards d'euros).

Des annonces ont également été faites dans les infrastructures, pour la gestion du réseau d'eau de Ryad (3 milliards d'euros), pour son métro (1 milliard), la distribution de l'énergie dans la nouvelle cité économique de Jeddah (1 milliard).



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Lire Défense : les neuf dossiers en suspens entre la France et l'Arabie Saoudite


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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 11:30
AS332 C1e (Crédits  Airbus Helicopters)

AS332 C1e (Crédits Airbus Helicopters)


13/10/2015 Par Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


La visite en Arabie Saoudite du Premier ministre Manuel Valls pourrait être l'occasion d'une annonce de Ryad portant sur une intention de commandes d'une trentaine de Super Puma AS332 C1e. Huit autres dossiers sont en attente d'une décision du royaume.


Accompagné du ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, le Premier ministre Manuel Valls, est depuis lundi soir en Arabie Saoudite, qui souffre actuellement de la faiblesse du prix du baril et de son effort de guerre au Yémen. Un royaume où beaucoup de dossiers de défense avec la France sont en suspens depuis des mois pour certains, des années pour d'autres. A priori, la visite de Manuel Valls ne devrait pas faire l'objet de signature de contrats dans le domaine de la défense. A défaut, peut-être les Saoudiens pourraient-ils annoncer leur volonté d'acheter de nouveaux hélicoptères après les 23 appareils H145 fabriqués en Allemagne pour une valeur d'environ 500 millions d'euros.

Selon des sources concordantes, les Saoudiens seraient prêts à acheter à Airbus Helicopters une trentaine de Super Puma AS332 C1e, un appareil lancé en 2012 et acheté par la Bolivie fin 2013. Ce qui serait pour la filiale hélicoptériste d'Airbus une bouffée d'oxygène tant les commandes ont dû mal à se concrétiser en 2015 en dépit de belles annonces restées vaine pour l'heure au Qatar, au Koweït et en Pologne. Le groupe Airbus pourrait également en profiter pour faire avancer la vente de deux avions-ravitailleurs A330 MRTT supplémentaires, que l'Arabie Saoudite veut acheter. "Ils vont les acheter, c'est prévu", explique-t-on à La Tribune. La seule question, c'est de savoir quand. En revanche, l'A400M (il serait question d'une dizaine d'exemplaires) doit faire face à une forte concurrence avec l'avion de transport russe, l'Antonov.


Thales et Airbus, une offre commune pour quatre satellites

Les deux constructeurs de satellites Thales Alenia Space (TAS) et Airbus Space Systems ont conclu un accord global pour faire une offre commune en Arabie Saoudite pour la vente de quatre satellites (deux d'observation et deux de télécoms). Ce qui n'était pas le cas encore au début de l'été. Un appel d'offres sur lequel la France a longtemps cru qu'elle serait plus ou moins exemptée de concurrence par Ryad qui devrait annoncer une décision en 2016. Depuis les Américains ont débarqué en force sur cette campagne. Airbus Space Systems et TAS espèrent dupliquer en grande partie la très belle offre qu'ils avaient proposé avec succès aux Emirats Arabes Unis (EAU) dans le cadre du programme Falcon Eye s'agissant des satellites d'observation pour l'Arabie Saoudite. Comme à Abu Dhabi, c'est le gouvernement français qui pilote largement ce projet auprès de Ryad.

Par ailleurs, le serpent de mer Mark 3 (Crotale NG) entre l'Arabie saoudite et la France est toujours bien vivant. Et l'on évoque à nouveau un besoin saoudien pour lutter contre les attaques à la roquette. Depuis de très longues années, Thales espère signer un contrat d'une valeur totale de 4 milliards d'euros pour équiper la défense anti-aérienne de courte portée du royaume, qui est composée de systèmes de missiles Shahine (Crotale amélioré, monté sur châssis AMX 30). Thales est le fournisseur attitré du Royaume depuis près de trente ans de sa défense anti-aérienne (contrat Al Thakeb en 1984). Un contrat jamais signé, mais toujours remis sur la table des négociations par la France, qui soutient le groupe d'électronique contre vents et marées au grand dam d'Airbus et de MBDA.


La France mise sur le naval

La France a plusieurs dossiers dans le naval sur le feu, notamment la vente de patrouilleurs. Un dossier qui n'en finit pas de changer de cap. Quatre chantiers navals (Piriou associé à DCNS au sein de Kership, CMN, Ocea et Couach) se livrent depuis près de deux ans une guerre impitoyable en coulisse où tous les coups sont permis. Longtemps la France a pensé que l'offre de Kership qu'elle soutenait, tenait la corde, face à Ocea. Puis ce fut le tour de Couach, que l'on donnait gagnant et qui est aujourd'hui exclu de l'appel d'offres. Selon nos informations, Kership, Ocea et CMN ont déposé tous les trois une proposition pour livrer entre 25 et 30 patrouilleurs de 30 mètres. Soit un contrat estimé à 600 millions de dollars sans les armements (missile anti-navire Marte de MBDA).

Ryad serait en outre intéressé par dix corvettes Gowind de 2.500 tonnes, identiques à celles que DCNS a vendu à l'Egypte. La forte coopération entre les marines saoudienne et égyptienne serait un vrai atout pour la France. Mais l'Espagne, qui développe la corvette Avante 1800, se montrerait aussi très intéressée par les besoins de la marine saoudienne. Les industriels français craignent beaucoup les relations très étroites entre Ryad et l'ancien roi d'Espagne, Juan Carlos. C'est lui qui avait notamment permis en 2011 au consortium Al-­Shoula, formé de plusieurs compagnies saoudiennes et espagnoles (Talgo, Renfe, ADIF, OHL), de souffler ce contrat à Alstom, notamment. A plus long terme, DCNS espère vendre six frégates FREMM très fortement armées à Ryad (Sawari 3).


Le contrat Donas freiné

Le contrat Donas est l'un des dossiers les plus compliqués du moment entre la France et l'Arabie Saoudite, qui souhaite revoir la liste des équipements qui sont livrés à l'armée libanaise pour des raisons de sécurité. Les livraisons sont donc ralenties entre Paris et Beyrouth. En 2014, l'Arabie Saoudite avait signé pour le compte du Liban 31 contrats pour un montant de 3 milliards de dollars (soit environ 2,6 milliards d'euros) avec les groupes français, par l'intermédiaire d'ODAS, qui intervient essentiellement dans le royaume. Sur ces 3 milliards promis par Ryad, 2,1 milliards sont consacrés à l'achat de matériels et 900 millions à leur entretien.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 07:40
AN-26 taking off from Kharkiv Airbase April 2014 photo Ukraine MoD)

AN-26 taking off from Kharkiv Airbase April 2014 photo Ukraine MoD)


WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 By Ryan Maass (UPI)


Ukrainian state-owned arms trading company Ukrspetsexport will collaborate with Kazakhstan Aviation Industry to create a functioning service center for An aircraft in Astana. The service center will provide maintenance services for the An-26, An-72, and An-74 aircraft. Interfax-Ukraine reports the agreement was signed during Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's visit to Kazakhstan, following the fifth meeting of the Ukrainian-Kazakh intergovernmental commission. The agreement's aim is to improve cooperation between the countries in the aviation market.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 07:30
Emad ballistic missile  (YouTube)

Emad ballistic missile (YouTube)


TEHRAN, Oct. 12 (UPI)


Iranian state media reported the first successful test of the country's new long-range strike missile, the Emad, on Sunday. Iran's defense ministry has released photos of the missile's launch, but no details of the new weapon's capabilities. CNN reports the Emad (Pillar) is a surface-to-air missile designed by Iranian experts. It is the country's first missile that can be precision-guided to reach its target. Iran's state media, IRNA, said the Emad is "capable of scrutinizing the targets and destroying them completely."

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 07:20
Marines load ammunition into an Abrams tank. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. John M. McCall.

Marines load ammunition into an Abrams tank. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. John M. McCall.

Marines load ammunition into an Abrams tank. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. John M. McCall.


DULLES, Va., Oct. 9 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


Orbital is to develop a new 120mm multi-purpose round for tanks under a first-phase development contract from the U.S. Army.


Next-generation, multi-purpose 120 millimeter ammunition is to be developed for U.S. Abrams tanks by Orbital ATK. The U.S. Army contract for first-phase development work is worth $16 million. "Our ammunition innovations like advanced kinetic energy penetrators and airbursting munitions are providing combat overmatch for our warfighters -- which is our company's mission," said Dan Olson, vice president and general manager for Orbital ATK's Armament Systems division, of the Defense Systems Group. "Our ability to innovate comes from a long history of creating new capabilities for existing systems through our expertise in fuzing, warheads and platform integration." Orbital ATK said the 120mm Advanced Multi-Purpose, XM1147 High Explosive Multi-Purpose with Tracer cartridge will replace four existing rounds, including those for defeating armor and breaching reinforced walls.

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
Selex ES delivers air defense radars to Poland


ROME, Oct. 9 By Richard Tomkins   (UPI)


Radars to strengthen NATO air defense have been installed in Poland by Selex ES.


Three installed air defense fixed radar systems were officially delivered to Poland this week by Selex ES for use in NATO's air defense network. The RAT 31 DL radars are set up at three strategic locations in northeast and southeast Poland under a contract issued by the NATO Communications and Information Agency under NATO's Security Investment Program.

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
A26- photo Saab Kockums

A26- photo Saab Kockums


Boulogne-Billancourt, October 12th, 2015 - par Sagem


Sagem (Safran) has been selected by Swedish shipyard Saab Kockums, winning this major contract against an international field of competitors, to supply the optronic masts for four submarines to be deployed by the Swedish navy.

The contract provides for Sagem Series 30 optronic surveillance masts to outfit two future A26 class submarines and two Gotland class submarines, already in service, along with initial logistic services and options for additional systems.

Saab Kockums' selection of Sagem's optronic mast was based on its high-performance optronic sensors, easy integration in the ship's combat system, and a human-machine interface that allows for optimized operation of its high-definition imaging functions.

Using modern non-penetrating technology for the subs' pressure hulls, Sagem's optronic masts feature a compact design and highly integrated multi-sensor architecture. They meet the Swedish navy's most demanding stealthiness requirements.    

The optronic surveillance masts to be delivered to the Swedish navy are based on Sagem's Series 30 family, already produced for the Scorpène class submarines built by French shipyard DCNS for the international market, and the future Suffren class nuclear attack submarines for the French navy (Barracuda program). Sagem's optronic masts were ordered by the South Korean shipyard DSME in 2014 for its KSS-III ocean-going submarines.  

With this latest contract, Sagem confirms its position as the international benchmark in submarine optronic systems. The clear technology leader in this critical segment, Sagem develops and produces, in France, a complete family of attack periscopes, optronic masts and radar masts for submarines. Sagem develops its family of masts at its R&D center of Massy, assembles these masts at its plant in Dijon, and makes the infrared imagers in Poitiers.

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11 octobre 2015 7 11 /10 /octobre /2015 11:50
Polish Air Force Acquires Missiles for the MiG-29; Ukrainian Contractors May Place Their Offers Too

A German air force MiG-29 fires an R-27 radar-guided missile. The Polish air force is looking to buy 40 such missiles to maintain the capabilities of its own MiG-29s, and says it will allow Ukrainian suppliers to compete. (Luftwaffe photo)

Oct 09, 201 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Defence24.com Poland; posted Oct 09, 2015)


Poland’s Armament Inspectorate announced that it has begun a procedure to acquire radar guided R-27R1 missiles, used as the main armament of the Polish MiG-29 fighters. Ukrainian manufacturers are allowed to submit offers as well.

The procedure concerns procurement of 40 R-27R1 missiles. This type of weaponry is the basic armament of the MiG-29 fighters used by the Polish Air Force. The missile is a semi-active radar-guided weapon used against airborne targets at close and medium ranges, in any weather conditions, by day and night, in any direction. This type of missiles requires the launch aircraft to continuously track the target with its radar.

According to the available information, R-27R1 missiles are tailored to destroy airborne targets at distances beyond 50 km, however, the maximum range is dependent on the manoeuvres implemented by the target (approaching, going away, manoeuvring). The Armament Inspectorate notes that the missiles should belong to “Category One”, and they should be manufactured not more than one year before initial delivery.

The manufacturer is required to guarantee the usability period for the R-27R1 missiles of at least 96 months (if missiles are hermetically sealed) and for another 60 months, once the weapon is unpacked.

The acquisition procedure is going to be realized in line with the Public Procurement Law. The procurement may be realized by contractors whose seat is located within the territory of the European Union, European Economic Area or within the territory of a country with which the Polish, or the EU authorities, concluded an agreement regarding the defence and security procurement. The Armament Inspectorate notes that, besides the companies from the above-listed states, potential contractors from Ukraine may also submit their offers.

R-27R1 missiles, as well as other derivatives of the R-27 missile, are being offered by the Ukrainian Artem company which supplied the missiles, referred to by NATO as AA-10 Alamo, to India.

Procurement of the missiles shows that Poland is willing to maintain the full scope of capabilities of the MiG-29 jet fighters. This class of missiles is not usually used in the Air Policing operations, whether in Poland of in Baltic Air Policing. In case of the MiG-29 fighters participating in the Baltic Air Policing operation, they were always armed with the short range R-60MK or R-73E missiles.

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11 octobre 2015 7 11 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
India to Make South Korean K-9 Artillery Guns In $750M Deal


October 9, 2015 defencetalk.com


Indian engineering major Larsen & Toubro (L&T), in partnership with Korea’s Samsung Techwin (STW), has bagged a Rs 4,875-crore ($750 million) order for supplying the Indian Army with 100 self-propelled (SP), tracked howitzers.

Business Standard has learnt the defence ministry has written to L&T and STW informing them that their gun – called the K-9 Vajra – has cleared army trials conducted in 2013 and 2014. Simultaneously, the ministry has written to the other vendor in contention, Russia’s arms export agency, Rosoboronexport (RoE), rejecting the gun it offered, the 2S19 MSTA howitzer.

The K-9 Vajra consist of a 155-mm, 52-calibre howitzer, mounted on a tracked vehicle. It is highly mobile and can keep up with tank columns in the open desert. The Indian army wants this gun for its mechanized strike corps, which launches rapid thrusts deep into enemy territory. The strike corps’ T-90S tanks currently outpace their artillery guns, which are towed by wheeled vehicles. This constrains the tank spearheads to fight without artillery support at key moments in the advance. With the K-9 Vajra mounted on a tracked vehicle that keeps up with tanks, the armour spearheads would be assured of heavy fire support.

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11 octobre 2015 7 11 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
INS Astradharini will be sued to carry out the technical trials of underwater weapons and systems. Photo Indian Navy.

INS Astradharini will be sued to carry out the technical trials of underwater weapons and systems. Photo Indian Navy.


9 October 2015 naval-technology.com


The Indian Navy has commissioned its first indigenously built torpedo launch and recovery vessel, INS Astradharini, at the Naval Base in Visakhapatnam, India.


Designed by NSTL, M/s Shoft Shipyard and IIT Kharagpur, the new vessel features a catamaran hull form that minimises power consumption.


The 50m-long vessel will be capable of operating at high-sea states, cruising at a maximum speed of up to 15k.


In addition, the vessel features a large deck area with torpedo launchers for deploying and recovering several of torpedoes during the trials.


During the ceremony, vice-admiral Satish Soni said the new vessel offers additional thrust to the nation's ongoing endeavours at indigenisation and achieving the nation's goal of self-reliance in underwater weapons development.


INS Astradharini also features modern power generation and distribution, navigation and communication systems.


The vessel will be deployed to carry out the technical trials of underwater weapons and systems developed by NSTL, a naval systems laboratory of DRDO.


In addition, the vessel replaces Astravahini, which was decommissioned in July this year.


Recently, the Indian Navy commissioned its indigenously-designed new warship, INS Kochi, at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai.


Claimed to be the largest-ever warship to be built in the country, INS Kochi is the second ship of the Kolkata-class (Project 15A) guided missile destroyers.

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11 octobre 2015 7 11 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
Russia will sign contract on Mi-35 deliveries to Afghanistan in October


Oct 9, 2015 By Dylan Vosman - defence-blog.com


Russia will sign contract on Mi-35 deliveries to Afghanistan in October. The Afghan government intends to buy Mi-35 attack helicopters from Russia in a bid to boost the capabilities of the Afghan Air Force. The Afghan Air Force received the first six Armed MD-530s last month with the NATO Train, Assist, Advise Command-Air and 438th Air Expeditionary Wing, saying that the armed MD-530s will increase the Afghan Air Force aerial fires capability. Armed Mi-17s and MD-530s give the Afghan Air Force six times the number of armed aircraft for Fighting Season 2015 as compared to last fighting season, which only employed five Mi-35s.

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10 octobre 2015 6 10 /10 /octobre /2015 11:40
Sukhoi delivers new batch of Su-34 to Russia


8 October 2015 airforce-technology.com


Sukhoi has delivered a new batch of Su-34 frontline bombers to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation as part of the 2015 state defence order.


According to the company, the new aircraft took off from the V.P.Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant's airfield.


Sukhoi, the subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation, has secured contracts to deliver Su-34s for Russia up to the year 2020, guaranteeing a stable work load for the company.


Powered by a twin Lyulka AL-31FM1 turbofan engine, the Su-34 aircraft has an increased flight range of up to 4,000km, a maximum speed of up to 1,900km/h and an 8 tonne payload.


A two-seat derivative of the swing-wing Su-27 fighter, the Su-34 features a new weapon system and an air refuelling system, the company stated.


With a range of airborne munitions, including high-precision types, the aircraft is capable of engaging a range of land-based, sea and airborne targets in all weather conditions and any visibility levels.


In addition, it features a long-range aiming system, a modern on-board communication, an information exchange system and a complex survival system.


It also has an armoured cockpit and an active safety system, in addition to the new computers to manoeuvre and perform accurate bombing when under enemy attack.


The transfer of Su-34 aircraft comes after Sukhoi delivered a batch of Su-34 and Su-35S fighters to the Russian Air Force in July.

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10 octobre 2015 6 10 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
Yuan class submarine (photo : pixnet)

Yuan class submarine (photo : pixnet)

08.10.2015 Defense Studies

The Thai Navy will rework funding pattern for the purchase of three Chinese submarines and resubmit the proposal to the cabinet for approval.

The purchase proposal was on the cabinet agenda last week but withdrawn amid a report the Defence Ministry wanted the navy to spread payments for the submarines over 10 years rather than seven, Thai media reported.

Thai Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon on Tuesday denied reports that the navy's submarine procurement project was being suspended or stalled.

Gen Prawit said he had asked the navy, which plans to buy three Chinese submarines valued at 36 billion baht, to rework its funding plan. The proposal would be submitted to the cabinet for consideration "when the time is right".

There were reports last week that Thailand might prefer frigates in place of submarines. Newly appointed Royal Thai Navy Chief, Admiral Na Areenij had said that the navy would propose an ‘alternative’ if the submarine plan was stalled or cancelled. Local media interpreted this to mean that that the navy would propose the purchase of frigates.


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10 octobre 2015 6 10 /10 /octobre /2015 11:35
Scorpene photo DCNS

Scorpene photo DCNS


09.10.2015 Pacific Sentinel

Jakarta is interested in bolstering its deterrence capabilities.


Indonesian defense official have expressed interest in purchasing French-built Scorpene-class 1000 diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK) IHS Jane’s Navy International reports.


Representatives of the French shipbuilder DCNS, the company offering the boats, confirmed Indonesian-French government-to-government talks at this year’s Pacific 2015 International Maritime Exhibition currently taking place in Sydney, Australia.


“The talks are going on at the government-to-government level, mostly to discuss the needs of the Indonesian Navy,” according to a DCNS representative interviewed by IHS Jane’s Navy International.


“So far, what the Indonesians have identified is the need for a complementary submarine fleet that can fill in the gaps of their new ocean-going submarines, and they are considering the Scorpene 1000.”


Read the full story at The Diplomat

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