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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:40
Almaz-Antey Unveils S-350E Vityaz Air Defense System

The S-350E Vityaz launcher carries 12 missiles in vertical-launch pods. These launchers can carry a variant of the 9M96 active radar homing missile, as well as shorter range missile is likely to be a variant of the 9M100 enabling the system to effectively engage air-breathing or ballistic missile targets at ranges of 30-120 kilometers. Photo: Bill Sweetman, Aviation Week


August 27, 2013 defense-update.com


The Russian company Almaz Antey introduced today the newest air defense system from Russia, the S-350E . The new system was displayed today for the first time in public at the MAKS 2013 airshow. The photos on this page were posted by Bill Sweetman of Aviation Week. “S-350 Vityaz is a highly mobile system, smaller than the S-400, but using that system’s 9M96E2 missile” sweetman posted in the Ares blog. The system is carried in three modules – the 50K6E command post, the 50N6E radar (photo below) and the 12-round 50P6E launcher (shown above). A single command post can control two radars and up to eight launchers, and engage up to 16 aircraft or 12 missiles at a time.

The Vityaz (50R6) system developed by Almaz-Antey is expected to replace the earliest variants of the S-300 family, namely S-300PS and PMU PS-1A to be phased out of service by 2015. Early deployment of Vityraz systems could begin next year, if testing proceeds as planned. The S-350 was unveiled in June 2013 at the company’s Obukhov State Plant in St. Petersburg and. According to Almaz Antey president, Vladislav Menshikov, the new system is expected to be ready for testing in the fall of 2013.

The system boasts advanced all-aspect phased array radar, a new mobile command post and a launcher carrying 12 vertical-launch missiles, which will use a variant of the 9M96 active radar homing missile. Similar missiles are used by the S-400, the newer generation of the S-300, which is currently being deployed in Russia and offered for export.

A unique feature introduced with Vityaz launchers is the capability fire short-range missiles, in addition to the medium-long range capability of the 9M96. The shorter range missile is likely to be a variant of the 9M100. According to some analysts, the range of the new system will likely be 30-120km. According to these analysts, the system would evolve to offer air defense with some limited tactical anti-missile capabilities. Moscow aims to create a multi-layered grid to cover Russia’s airspace, defending against threats ranging from drones, to conventional manned aircraft, to cruise and ballistic missiles. Such system could employ S-500, S-400, S-300E, as well as the shorter-range Pantsir systems.

The S-350E is based partially on the design of the South Korean KM-SAM Chun Koong system which Almaz-Antey helped designed. The Russian company developed three radar units for the KM-SAM, and is also believed to have helped the Korean missile manufacturer design the MK-SAM effectors. The Russian military closely followed the Korean development and in 2007 decided to back the development of a Russian derivative that eventually evolved into the Vityraz system.

The Russian MOD plans to buy at least 30 Vityaz systems before 2020, following the completion of the developmental testing.

Almaz-Antey Unveils S-350E Vityaz Air Defense System

The mobile 50N6E radar is part of the S-350E Vityaz air defense system. The S-350E is based partially on the design of the South Korean KM-SAM Chun Koong. Photo: Bill Sweetman, Aviation Week

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:40
photo Rostec

photo Rostec

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 27 août - RIA Novosti


Trois chasseurs russes de 5e génération T-50 (PAK FA) ont effectué mardi leur premier vol en groupe lors du salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013, qui se déroule du 27 août au 1er septembre à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.


Un seul chasseur T-50 avait participé à l'édition précédente du salon MAKS en 2011.


Le spectacle aérien prévu dans le cadre de la 1ère journée du MAKS-2013 comprend également des vols de chasseurs MiG-35, MiG-29OVT, d'un avion de combat et d'entraînement Iak-130, et de chasseurs Sukhoi Su-30SM et Su-35S.


Les groupes de voltige aérienne russes Russkie Vitiazi (Preux russes) et Striji (Martinets) clôtureront le programme des vols de mardi.


Le chasseur de 5e génération T-50 a été conçu pour remplacer les MIG-29 et les Su-27 en service dans l'armée russe. Les livraisons de T-50 à l'armée commenceront en 2016.


Le T-50 est doté d'un radar unique à balayage électronique actif et possède une faible signature radar et thermique, une vitesse de croisière supersonique et un niveau élevé d'intégration des systèmes de commande. Le T-50 conjugue les caractéristiques d'un avion de frappe et d'un chasseur classique. Le premier décollage du chasseur T-50 remonte au 29 janvier 2010. L'avion a été présenté pour la première fois au public le 17 août 2011, lors du Salon aérospatial MAKS-2011 à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:40
MAKS-2013: Rostec et EADS signent un accord-cadre

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 27 août - RIA Novosti


Le holding public russe de hautes technologies Rostec et le groupe aérospatial européen EADS coopéreront dans la production d'avions à hélice propulsive en Russie conformément à un accord signé mardi au salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013.


Les deux groupes se sont également entendu de mettre au point des biocarburants pour l'aviation et des équipements militaires.


Le document signé par Rostec (ex-Rostekhnologuii) et EADS ouvre la voie à la coopération de Cassidian, la division défense d'EADS, avec les entreprises de Rostec. Cassidian envisage de signer un contrat sur l'achat de détecteurs à Rostec et de lancer une coentreprise de détecteurs de missiles et rayons laser.


"Rostec collabore avec le groupe EADS depuis des années. La signature d'un accord cadre est un résultat d'une coopération fructueuse entre les sociétés de Rostec avec plusieurs divisions du consortium européen. Nous sommes persuadés que cette coopération permettra de réaliser beaucoup de projets dans les hautes technologies", a déclaré le directeur général de Rostec Dmitri Chougaïev.


Le salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013 se déroule du 27 août au 1er septembre à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:35
Indian Minister’s Statement Undermines AW101 Bribery Charges

India’s defense minister says that changes to the VIP helicopter RFP were approved and recommended, thereby undermining allegations that bribes were paid to secure them. (AW photo)


August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Press Information Bureau India; issued August 26, 2013)


VIP Helicopter Deal


After issuance of Request For Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of 12 VVIP/VIP helicopters, certain changes, with the approval of the competent authority in terms of Defence Procurement Procedure-2006, have been made in technical requirements on the basis of the recommendation of the stakeholders to meet the requisite standards of operational safety and security.


The contract for procurement of 12 VVIP / VIP helicopters was signed with M/s Agusta Westland, U.K. on 8th February 2010. Three helicopters have so far been supplied by the vendor.


In view of allegations of irregularities in this procurement, Ministry of Defence has entrusted enquiry into the matter to CBI. The CBI, on conclusion of preliminary enquiry, registered a regular case on 12th March 2013 against 13 persons and 6 firms.


The CBI investigation is in progress. Further operation of the Contract has been put on hold.


This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Dr. M. Thambidurai and others in Lok Sabha today.



(defense-aerospace.com EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a very surprising statement.

By saying that changes made to the helicopter RFP after it was issued were recommended by “stakeholders,” and that they also were approved by the “competent authority,” Antony clearly undermines the credibility of ongoing investigations by India’s Central Bureau of Investigation and by Italian magistrates.

These investigations have focused on persistent but as yet unproven allegations that changes to the RFP requirements were made surreptitiously and illegally to favour Agusta Westland’s AW101, in exchange for bribes paid to Indian officials.

No evidence has yet been discovered to bolster these allegations. Two former Indian air force commanders have been investigated and one charged in India. The CEOs of AgustaWestland and Finmeccanica, its corporate parent, were jailed in Italy and are now under trial.

If the Indian customer, in the person of Defense Minister A.K. Antony, now says the changes to the RFP were both approved and required for safety reasons, there is no longer any plausible reason for bribes to have been paid.

Yet, as Antony notes, the CBI’s preliminary enquiry did lead to its registering “a regular case on 12th March 2013 against 13 persons and 6 firms.”

Again, this is difficult to reconcile with the fact that the changes to the RFP were both approved and required on safety grounds.

Clearly, more explanations are needed. Until they are forthcoming, it probably is worth noting that the one person who comes across as a prudent steward of public funds and a guardian of public propriety in the above statement is, perhaps not coincidentally, Antony himself.)

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:20
AN/AVR-2B fitted to US Army MH-60

AN/AVR-2B fitted to US Army MH-60

August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued August 26, 2013)


Goodrich Corp., Danbury, Conn., was awarded a firm-fixed price, no option, multi-year contract with a cumulative maximum value of $208,502,000 for the procurement of Army/Navy Piloted Aircraft/Visual and Visible Light/Receiving, Passive Detecting (AN/AVR-2B) Laser Detecting Sets (LDS) and associated parts and services. Performance location and funding will be determined with each order.


This contract was a non-competitive acquisition with bid solicited and one bid received.


The U.S. Army Contracting Command – Redstone Arsenal (Aviation), Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-13-D-0147).

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:20
Wyle receives U.S. Army task order

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Aug. 27 (UPI)


Wyle says it will conduct sustainment engineering and logistical analyses for ground combat systems and vehicles for the U.S. Army.


The U.S. engineering company said the work will be done under a new $39.9 million task order award from the Defense Technical Information Center's Reliability Information Analysis Center.


The support work will specifically be performed for the Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support and the Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems, both of which are part of the U.S. Army's Tank Automotive Command Life Cycle Management Command.


The task order involves detailed quantitative investigations and analyses of maintenance practices, as well as logistics structured reliability and maintainability engineering to enhance sustainability initiatives.


Included will be engineering analyses to support the development, integration, sustainment, and demilitarization of ground combat systems, combat service support systems, tactical wheeled vehicles and force projection equipment.


Information on the task order's timeline and other contractual details were not disclosed.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:50
BAE Completes 2,000 Miles of Hybrid GCV Mobility Testing Ahead of Schedule

27.08.2013 BAE Systems


BAE Systems’ Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) Hybrid Electric Drive (HED) system successfully completed 2,000 miles of testing on a fully integrated “Hotbuck” mobility platform, a significant milestone for the U.S. Army’s GCV program. The Hotbuck is a stationary, state-of-the-art test stand that simulates real-life environments and terrain and puts actual miles on the HED system. Under BAE Systems’ own rigorous timeline, the testing was completed four months ahead of schedule.


“This testing achievement is a significant advancement in the overall GCV program. With actual hardware to show, this puts the BAE Systems team ahead of schedule both now and in the next phase of the program, saving the customer development time and money,” said Mark Signorelli, vice president and general manager of Armored Combat Systems at BAE Systems. “Our primary objective was to test our hybrid electric technology over time against realistic environments, and the successful completion of the testing is a testament to the quality and maturity of the technology.”


Developing and testing actual hardware was not a program requirement for the Technology Development (TD) phase, but BAE Systems chose to take the initiative to demonstrate the fuel efficiency and performance of a hybrid system for the Army’s next infantry fighting vehicle.


The Hotbuck integrates HED components that will be used in BAE Systems’ GCV offering including the traction drive system, thermal systems, engines, generators, controllers and software. Conducted at the BAE Systems Santa Clara, California facility, the 2,000-mile advanced testing precisely replicated conditions at two well-known military test tracks. The results of the tests further validated the performance, efficiency and maturity of the HED technology applied in BAE Systems’ GCV design, marking a significant milestone for the TD phase of the program.


The HED system in BAE System’s GCV offering will contribute to: the availability of high torque at any ground speed resulting in greater agility, greater acceleration and maneuverability than a comparable mechanical system; up to 20 percent less fuel consumption than a conventionally powered GCV, reducing overall costs and the number of fuel convoys; availability of electrical power to incorporate new battlefield technology for the next 30 to 40 years; and 40 percent fewer parts than a comparable mechanical drive system, requiring less maintenance and decreasing vehicle lifetime cost.


BAE Systems was awarded a contract for the TD phase of the GCV program in August 2011. TD phase work is scheduled to be complete by June 2014.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Le chasseur de 5e génération T-50

Le chasseur de 5e génération T-50

MOSCOU, 26 août - RIA Novosti


Les constructeurs aériens russes ont entamé la conception d'un avion de chasse de sixième génération, a fait savoir à RIA Novosti l'ex-commandant en chef de l'Armée de l'air russe, le général Piotr Deïnekine.

"La conception de drones à long rayon d'action nécessite des études supplémentaires, d'autant que la sixième génération d'appareils de combat sera le plus probablement sans pilote. Nous travaillons activement sur ce sujet", a annoncé le général à la question de savoir pourquoi la Russie développait, avec un retard important sur les Etats-Unis, le chasseur de 5e génération T-50 et ne procédait pas à la conception de la sixième génération de chasseurs en omettant la cinquième.

Selon M.Deïnekine, il est incorrect de comparer la Russie aux pays de l'Otan capables d'acheter des appareils US de cinquième génération.

"Nous devons faire nous-mêmes ce travail important, et il est peu probable que nous soyons en mesure de sauter une génération", a indiqué le général.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:40
New Sukhoi-30SM jet fighter to be presented at MAKS air show

MOSCOW, August 19 (Itar-Tass


Aircraft corporation Irkut will present a new multi-purpose Sukhoi-30SM jet fighter at the MAKS air show to be held outside Moscow in late August.


The plane has already arrived at the site and will perform aerobatics during the show.


Su-30SM has been developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau for the Russian Air Force and is an advanced version of the Su-30MK combat aircraft family. The Su-30MK series fighters are in service with the Algerian Air Force, Indian Air Force, Indonesian Air Force, People's Liberation Army Air Force, Royal Malaysian Air Force, Ugandan Air Force, Venezuelan Air Force and Vietnam People's Air Force.


The Su-30SM fighter is manufactured by Irkut. The first Su-30SM fighter made its maiden flight in September 2012.


The multi-purpose Su-30SM can be used in counter-air strikes, counter-land and counter-sea missions. It can conduct electronic counter-countermeasures and early warning tasks. The aircraft also acts as a command-and-control platform within a fleet of combat aircraft performing joint missions.


The Russian Defense Ministry and Irkut, a subsidiary of the United Aircraft Corporation, have signed a supply contract for 30 Su-30SM fighter aircraft. “Under the contract, Irkut Corporation will build 30 planes of this type for Russia’s Ministry of Defense by 2015,” a Defense Ministry spokesman said.


Irkut delivered the first two Su-30SM fighters to the Russian Air Force in November 2012. The first batch of aircraft is expected to be delivered by 2015.


The Su-30SM is capable of carrying an advanced weapons payload weighing up to eight tonnes. The aircraft can be armed with a machine gun, bombs, air-to-air missiles, and supersonic anti-ship and land attack missiles.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Kamov Ka-226T photo Livefist

Kamov Ka-226T photo Livefist

Bordes - Moscow / 27 August 2013Safran


Turbomeca (Safran) and Russian Helicopters (a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec) today announced that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the opening of a new Maintenance Centre.


In the frame of this agreement, Russian Helicopters will provide maintenance Level 1 and 2 activities on Turbomeca engines operated by the Russian helicopter operators. The engines covered are the Arrius 2G1 and the Ardiden 3G, respectively powering the Ka-226T and the Ka-62 helicopters.


This Maintenance Center is part of a global common support strategy aimed at providing a highest level of support to all operators flying with Turbomeca engines in accordance with the best practices and standards.


The new Arrius 2G1 engine with performance in the 700 to 800 shp class, has been tailored to perfectly fit the Ka-226T. This new variant is a derivative engine from the existing Arrius 2, which has proven its durability and reliability worldwide with more than 3000 engines already delivered. To address the requirement of public transport, the Arrius 2G1, among other specific devices, is equipped with a FADEC controlling the power delivery to the helicopter. The engine has been certified in 2011.


Designed for 6 to 8 tonnes helicopters to achieve multiple missions, Ardiden 3 engines offer, under all weather conditions, the most increased performances in the range of the 1,750 to 2,000 shp power engines. The modular design and dual channel FADEC, make the Ardiden 3 highly reliable, with the benefit of low operating costs and an exceptional low fuel consumption (more than 10% less than the others engines in the same range). A contract for over 300 engines has already been signed. Ardiden 3G certification is expected in 2014.


The Ka-226T light multi-purpose helicopter may be operated in urban conditions for high-rise construction works, patrolling, as well as for police operations. Coaxial main rotor system ensures Ka-226T great load capacity and flight height advantages. The Ka-226T is capable of reaching higher altitudes than most other helicopters in its class. Thanks to its maximum climb rate of 10 m/s, low environmental impact and small sound signature, the Ka-226T can operate in various climactic conditions and landscapes, including urban conditions and built-up areas.


Built using new technologies and materials, the new Ka-62 is a single-rotor design, with an enclosed tail rotor and an airframe and propeller blades consisting of over 50% polymeric composite materials. The helicopter will also feature a glass cockpit, a five-blade rotor, secondary hydraulics circuit and energy-efficient wheeled landing gear. The Ka-62 is designed for cargo transportation, medevac and search-and rescue operations, and can also be used in the oil and gas sector and for corporate purposes.


Turbomeca (Safran) is a leading helicopter engine manufacturer, and has produced 70,000 turbines since the company was founded. Offering the widest range of engines in the world and dedicated to 2,500 customers in 155 countries, Turbomeca provides a proximity service thanks to its 17 sites, 28 Certified Maintenance Centers, 18 Repair & Overhaul Centers, and 90 Field representatives and Field technicians. Microturbo, the subsidiary of Turbomeca, is the European leader in turbojet engines for missiles, drones and auxiliary power units. For more information : www.turbomeca.com and www.safran-group.com.

Russian Helicopters, JSC is a subsidiary of UIC Oboronprom, which in turn is a part of State Corporation Rostec. It is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia. Russian Helicopters is headquartered in Moscow. The company comprises five helicopter production facilities, two design bureaus, a spare parts production and repair facility, as well as an aftersale service branch responsible for maintenance and repair in Russia and all over the world. Its helicopters are popular among Russian ministries and state authorities (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergency Control Ministry), operators (Gazpromavia, UTair), major Russian corporations. Over 8000 helicopters of Soviet/Russian make are operated in 110 countries worldwide. Traditionally the demand is highest in the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Russia, and CIS countries. Russian Helicopters was established in 2007. In 2012 its IFRS revenues increased 21% to RUB 125,7billion. Deliveries reached 290 helicopters.

UIC Oboronprom, JSC is a multi-profile industrial and investment group established in 2002. It is a part of Russian Technologies State Corporation. Its main tasks include : helicopter engineering (Russian Helicopters, JSC) and engine-building (United Engine Industry Corporation managing company).

Rostekhnologii State Corporation (Rostec) is a Russian corporation established in 2007 in order to facilitate the development, manufacturing and export of high-technology industrial products of military and civil purposes. Today it comprises over 663 companies, which form 8 military-industrial and 5 civil industry holdings. Rostec’s subsidiaries are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply their products to over 70 countries worldwide. In 2012 revenues of the Corporation amounted to RUB 931 billion, net profits were RUB 38.5 billion and total taxation exceeded RUB 109 billion.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Editorial: Is China Building an “Aircraft Carrier in Disguise?”

27 August 2013 By Zachary Keck- Pacific Sentinel


Earlier this month a series of pictures posted on Chinese military forums appeared to show that China was building its first indigenous aircraft carrier, prompting much speculation and commentary including from The Diplomat.
Now some claim that this narrative might have been mistaken.
According to Japan’s Kyodo News, Kanwa Information Center, a private Canadian think tank, has published a report that claims that the pictures do not show an aircraft carrier. Instead, the Kanwa report—which is based on Ukraine military sources— says the vessel under construction is China’s first amphibious assault ship capable of carrying hovercraft and helicopters.
In other words, if the report is accurate, China is building a Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA)-like ship not completely unlike the Izumo-class helicopter destroyer Japan launched earlier this month, which Chinese analysts referred to as an “aircraft carrier in disguise.”  
Kanwa says the vessel is being built at a shipyard on Shanghai's Changxing Island and could be commissioned as early as 2015. It will reportedly displace 35,000 tons, roughly double what China’s three existing Type 071 amphibious assault ships, which displace between 17,000-20,000 tons, according to Sino-Defense. The same source says the Type 071 ships were built by Shanghai-based Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard. The location of Changxing Island, suggests that Jiangnan Shipyard is constructing the new vessel.
Read the full story at The Diplomat
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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Azerbaijan intends to purchase $3 billion modern weapons and military vehicles from South Korea

26 August 2013 Viktoria Dementyeva-APA


Baku.-. Azerbaijan intends to purchase modern weapons from South Korea, said a source in the South Korean parliament, APA reports quoting Hankook Ilbo publication.


According to the source, the intention to purchase modern military vehicles was expressed during the visit of South Korean parliamentary delegation to Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani side has expressed wish to purchase from South Korea two submarine boats, mine vessel, transport ship, T-50 training planes, K-9 self-propelled artillery vehicle, drones worth $3 billion.


These proposals have been given to the government of South Korea, but the Korean side has not given consent to this agreement yet.


According to Hankook Ilbo, Seoul bewares that the sale of weapons will change the balance of forces in the region. Taking into account that Nagorno Karabakh conflict remains unsolved, South Korea Foreign Ministry has called on the Defense Ministry to be cautious and restrained while passing a decision.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
India all set to lease a second nuclear submarine from Russia

27 August 2013 by nayeem sheikh


India is all set to acquire a second nuclear submarine on lease from Russia. The two sides have had preliminary discussions and a serious push is expected when Indian Defence Secretary RK Mathur meets his Russian counterparts during his visit to Moscow next week.


The idea had germinated in the Indian strategic establishment long before the Russian-built electric-powered submarine INS Sindhurakshak got sunk at its moorings in Mumbai naval dockyard on August 14.


Now with the Sindhurakshak practically gone forever and the Indian submarine fleet having been constricted to just 13 – of which only 7 or 8 can be operational at a given time – the Indian idea has acquired a greater steam.  The loss of INS Sindhurakshak seems to have catalysed the Indian defence establishment to come up with ideas that would ensure that India’s undersea warfare capabilities are actually bolstered, and not dented.


Indian Defence Secretary RK Mathur is all set to lead an Indian tri-service delegation to Moscow for the next round of High Level Monitoring Group on Defence. Mathur will be reaching Russia on September 1 for these crucial talks and the issue of taking on lease a second Russian nuclear submarine for the Indian defence forces will be very high on his agenda.


Sources say the Indian defence secretary will be negotiating with his Russian counterparts on many other agendas but his foremost talking point would inevitably veer around the subject of India acquiring the nuclear submarine on lease as it would provide New Delhi an immediate solution to deal with maritime threats in the neighbourhood.


The Russians are positively inclined to the idea of leasing a second nuclear submarine to India, according to sources. Actually, if this idea were to translate into reality, it would be the third nuclear submarine that the Russia would be leasing to India.


The first time it was then Soviet Union which had leased a nuclear submarine (named INS Chakra by the Indian Navy) way back in 1988. The lease at that time was only for three years and the Indians duly returned the vessel after the lease expired.


The second time India got on lease a nuclear submarine from Russia was a couple of years ago when India and Russia finalised the contract for it in 2011 and the Russian Nerpa class submarine was inducted into the Indian Navy last year as INS Chakra. The lease cost a billion dollars to India for a period of ten years.


The third lease, if it transpires (which it should given the political will from both the sides), should also be for a minimum of ten years. However, the lease values may be a bone of contention for the two sides. While the Indians are willing to shell out a billion dollars for taking on lease another nuclear submarine for a period of ten years, the Russians have jacked up the monetary value.


Moreover, the Russians have already conveyed to their Indian interlocutors that India cannot hope to get a nuclear submarine on lease from any other country. From India’s point of view, though the Russian logic seems to be well in place but then other countries like France and the UK may be persuaded to lease a nuclear submarine given India’s standing in the comity of nations currently.


The Indian strategic establishment seems quite upbeat on the idea of acquiring another nuclear submarine. The Indians have even named their probably acquisition as INS Chakra III.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:20
MQ-1C Grey Eagle Sky warrior photo US Army

MQ-1C Grey Eagle Sky warrior photo US Army

Aug. 23, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Aug. 22, 2013)


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., Poway, Calif., was awarded a cost-plus-incentive fee, option eligible, multi-year contract with a cumulative maximum value of $30,481,905 for one MQ-1C Gray Eagle Composite Maintenance System Trainer (CMST) suite of equipment with an option for Interim Contractor Support (ICS) for one CMST suite of equipment.


Performance location will be Fort Huachuca, Ariz., with funding from fiscal 2013 Other Procurement accounts.


The U.S. Army Contracting Command Redstone Arsenal (Aviation), Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-13-C-0127).

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:55
Tous ces produits de défense qui ont la cote et qui permettent de faire briller la France en matière d'exportation

27.08.20123 Propos recueillis par Damien Durand - atlantico.fr


Jean-Yves Le Drian termine ce mardi une visite de deux jours au Qatar. Au menu : la coopération militaire entre les deux pays, et les perspectives de vente du Rafale à l'un des principaux clients de l'industrie française de l'armement.


Atlantico : Malgré les difficultés dans la vente à l'étranger du Rafale, la France reste un exportateur majeur et dynamique dans le domaine militaire. Quels sont les armements français qui s'exportent le mieux ?


Jean-Dominique Merchet * : Ce qui marche bien concernant nos exportations, c’est surtout le naval. La France vend beaucoup de bateaux, quelques frégates et des sous-marins. C’est certes discret, en tout cas moins spectaculaire que les avions. Ce qui se porte aussi très bien, c’est la vente d’hélicoptères, avec la présence importante d’Airbus Helicopter.


Quels sont les avantages et les savoir-faire particuliers qui sont reconnus aux armements français ?


La France fait clairement partie du groupe de tête en termes de niveau technologique. Il n’y a pas de domaine où la France est à la traîne, bien que la concurrence technologique soit très importante. La France est dans le peloton de tête dans tous les segments du haut de gamme.


L’industrie de l’armement en France ne fait pas dans le bas de gamme, et elle a même renoncé à produire certains équipements comme par exemple les armes d’infanterie et les fusils d’assaut. Et elle n’en produira même plus. Mais on ne peut pas dire non plus que la France soit sur un créneau particulier où elle aurait une spécificité, elle est réellement sur tous les secteurs de haute technologie : nucléaire, spatial, missiles, aviation, naval, électronique et autres.


 Quels sont les principaux pays clients de l'armement français ? La carte des clients français s'est-elle redessinée ces dernières années ?


 Cela dépend de la dimension de ce dont on parle. Sur les gros systèmes, c’est clairement des décisions politiques. Et le plus important, c’est bien sûr les avions de combat. Mais on peut aussi parler des satellites. Cet été la France en a vendu aux Émirats Arabes Unis et c’était une décision politique. Ce sont des domaines où l’importance stratégique est telle que l’on ne peut pas acheter à n’importe qui.


Les ventes principales se font en Asie, étant entendu que l’Asie commence ici au Moyen-Orient. L’accroissement des marchés asiatiques ne fait que suivre la nouvelle figure de la mondialisation. La France vend assez peu aux pays européens, soit parce qu’ils achètent américain sur des produits stratégiques (comme les avions de combat), soit parce qu’ils produisent eux-mêmes.


Qu'est-ce que les exportations rapportent concrètement au ministère de la Défense et donc, dans le même temps, aux caisses de l'État ?


Les ventes d’armement contribuent à l’activité économique du pays et d’un secteur de pointe (les exportations ont représenté en 2012 4,8 milliards d’euros, ndlr). Cela nous permet, dans ce domaine, de rester une vraie puissance industrielle. C’est donc une bonne chose pour la balance commerciale, pour l’emploi et donc la croissance du pays. Cependant, les exportations d’armement ont également une caractéristique au regard du droit international : elles sont en effet en principe interdites, et ne peuvent autorisées que par le gouvernement français qui a créé pour cela la commission interministérielle pour l'étude des exportations de matériels de guerre (CIEEMG) qui donne son accord ou non à chaque fois qu’une entreprise française remporte un marché.


Enfin, il ne faut pas négliger que quand vous vendez des armements vous avez deux effets. Primo, il y a des économies d’échelles faisant que plus vous vendez, plus vous réduisez le coût unitaire (les coûts de recherche et développement dans le domaine de l’armement étant considérables), ce qui en bout de chaîne est intéressant pour le budget de la Défense. Secundo, vous avez le cas du Rafale, où un industriel français doit pour des raisons stratégiques – car la France veut rester un pays constructeur d’avions de combat – maintenir en activité sa chaîne de production. Dassault à Mérignac, en fonctionnement minimal, c’est un appareil par mois, onze mois sur douze, soit onze avions par an. Donc, si vous descendez en-dessous de onze avions par an, les gens sont au chômage. S’il y a un marché à l’exportation, la chaîne de fabrication pourra toujours fonctionner sans avoir à utiliser le budget de la Défense pour acheter des rafales pour l’armée française, ce qui permettra de faire des économies. C’est pour cela que le ministère de la Défense espère tant que Dassault aura des contrats à l’export.


Comment la France résiste-t-elle à l'émergence des nouveaux acteurs du marché mondial de l'armement, comme la Corée du Sud, la Turquie ou le Brésil ? Pourra-t-elle se maintenir comme l'un des principaux fournisseurs d'armement de la planète ?


Il y a effectivement l’émergence de ces nouveaux acteurs, mais ils ne jouent pas forcément dans la même catégorie. Il y a quand même assez peu de pays capables de fabriquer des avions de combat ou de vrais sous-marins de qualité. Les émergents ne sont pas encore sur le haut de gamme, même si ils nous font concurrence – et très durement même – sur certains secteurs comme les blindés légers.

Jean-Dominique Merchet * est journaliste à L'Opinion. Il a travaillé pendant vingt ans sur les questions militaires. Auteur du blog Secret Défense, il a récemment publié Une histoire des forces spéciales (Jacob-Duvernet / 2010) et de La mort de Ben Laden (Jacob-Duvernet / 2012).

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:50
Grounded Aermacchi M-346 Returns to Flight

August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Alenia Aermacchi; dated Aug. 22, web-posted Aug. 23, 2013)


VENEGONO, Italy --- The M-346 advanced jet trainer has resumed test flight operations after it was grounded by Alenia Aermacchi following an accident of the company-owned, pre-series aircraft on 11 May 2013.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:35
US Army combat helicopter – AH-64E.

US Army combat helicopter – AH-64E.

26/08 LesEchos.fr (Reuters)


L'armée indonésienne va acquérir huit hélicoptères américains Apache dans le cadre d'un contrat de 500 millions de dollars (374 millions d'euros) comprenant aussi la fourniture de radars et de services de formation et de maintenance, a-t-on appris lundi de source militaire américaine.


La vente des huit appareils AH-64E, fabriqués par Boeing , a été annoncée lors d'une visite à Djakarta du secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel, actuellement en tournée dans le Sud-Est asiatique.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:30
Royal Saudi Arabia Air force F-15SA  Boeing – source Asian Defence News

Royal Saudi Arabia Air force F-15SA Boeing – source Asian Defence News

August 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued August 23, 2013)


Saudi Arabia - Sustainment and Support


WASHINGTON --- The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Aug 22 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Saudi Arabia of follow-on support and services for Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) aircraft and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $1.2 billion.


The Government of Saudi Arabia has requested a possible sale of follow-on support and services for Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) aircraft, engines and weapons, to include contractor technical services, logistics support, maintenance support, spares, equipment repair, expendables, support and test equipment, communication support, precision measuring equipment, personnel training and training equipment, technical support, exercises, deployments and other related elements of program support services, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $1.2 billion.


This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country which has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia needs this follow on maintenance and logistical support to sustain the combat and operational readiness of its existing aircraft fleet.


The proposed sale of this support and services will not alter the basic military balance in the region.


There is no prime contractor involved in this proposed sale. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.


Implementation of this sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government personnel or contractor representatives to Saudi Arabia.


There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this sale.


This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:30
Altay MBT - Photo Savunma ve havacilik

Altay MBT - Photo Savunma ve havacilik

27.08.2013 par Guillaume Belan (FOB)

La Turquie s’est lancée dans un important programme de modernisation de ses forces armées. Avec un budget prévisionnel de 150 milliards de dollars sur 25 ans, « Force 2014 » vise non seulement à moderniser les capacités des armées mais également à assurer l’essor de l’industrie nationale turque. 


La modernisation de l’outil de défense turc, financée à hauteur de 28% du budget alloué à la Défense, révèle la nouvelle politique militaro-industrielle d’Ankara, qui vise à réduire sa dépendance à l’égard des pays étrangers, États-Unis et Israël en tête, tout en développant une politique industrielle sur les marchés à l’export très agressive. Une stratégie qui s’est avérée payante: en 2012, l’industrie militaire turque a réalisé 4,3 milliards de dollars de chiffre d’affaires et a totalisé des exportations pour 1,3 milliard de dollars; lesquelles ont bondi de près de 35 % en l’espace d’un an. L’objectif est désormais d’atteindre les 2 milliards de dollars pour 2016-2017.


L’armée de terre : une priorité


la Turquie a toujours accordé une grande importance à son armée de terre, qui aligne pas moins de 390 000 hommes et femmes, ce qui fait d’elle la deuxième force terrestre otanienne, de par ses effectifs après celle des Etats-Unis. La modernisation de la Türk Kara Kuvvetleri concerne tout les systèmes d’armes, du fusils d’assaut au char de bataille, en passant par le génie. L’industrie nationale est très fortement impliquée dans l’effort de modernisation de la composante terrestre des forces armées turques, devenant de facto, un des grands exportateurs mondiaux de systèmes d’armes. En seulement quelques années…


Les Blindés lourds

Le programme le plus emblématique demeure le développement du char Altay, du nom du général Fahrettin Altay, héros de la guerre d’indépendance turque, dont FOB s’est déjà fait l’écho ici.

Altay MBT - photo Otokar

Altay MBT - photo Otokar

Relevons la participation sud-coréenne à ce programme, basée sur l’expérience accumulée par Hyundai Rotem avec le développement de son char K-2 Black Panther, ainsi celle allemande, qui fournit à la fois le moteur turbo diesel MTU de 1 500 chevaux et le canon Rheinmetall de 120/55 mm produit sous licence par MKEK (Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu). Le programme Altay, qui s’est vu attribué un contrat initial de 500 millions de dollars pour le développement et la réalisation de quatre prototypes, prévoit la livraison à l’armée turque d’un premier lot de 250 chars lourds à partir de 2016. Les besoins exprimés portent sur un millier d’engins, destinés à remplacer, à terme, les quelques 2 300 chars M-48 et M-60 actuellement en service. En parallèle, Ankara maintiendra en service un millier de chars allemands Leopard modernisés (package Next Generation de Aselsan) et M-60T (package « Sabra » de Israel Military Industries).




En ce qui concerne les véhicules de combat d’infanteries chenillés, la Türk Kara Kuvvetleri a déjà mis en service un engin blindé réalisé par FNSS, joint venture créée en 1988 entre NUROL Holding et BAE Systems pour le développement d’une nouvelle famille de véhicules blindés : l’ACV-300. Fabriqué pour l’armée turque à partir de 1992 en plusieurs versions (transport/tourelle de 25 mm/ missile antichar TOW), le blindés a déjà été vendu à l’export (250 à la Malaise et 136 aux Emirats Arabes Unis).


Les véhicules légers

La modernisation de l’armée de terre turque

Même ambitions en ce qui concerne le parc blindé léger à roues. Là aussi, l’industrie nationale (Otokar et FNSS) a développé divers programmes. Le Pars de FNSS, un blindé 6×6 ou 8×8, dont un millier d’exemplaires en été commandés par la Türk Kara Kuvvetleri, ainsi que 50 en version amphibie par le corps d’infanterie de marine rattachée à  la Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri. Même agressivité sur le marché export, grâce à des prix très contenus : 257 engins ont été commandés par la Malaisie dans le cadre d’un contrat évalué à 559 millions de dollars, avec la participation de Thales (relire l’article de FOB sur ce sujet ici)


Kobra II d’Otokar

Kobra II d’Otokar

Quant aux blindés légers 4×4 (classe 8-10 tonnes), les militaires turcs ont exprimé un besoin pour 2700 nouveaux véhicules tactiques blindés. Le grand gagnant est le Kobra d’Otokar, dérivé du “Humvee” américain (avec pourtant de faux airs de VBL !), et a été commandé à plus de 1 200 exemplaires (les premières livraison sont intervenues en 1997). Autre véhicule commandé : l’Akrep (scorpion), un tout-terrain protégé, dérivé du Land Rover Defender 110, réalisé sous licence par Otokar (plus de 10 000 exemplaires produits et largement exportés), dont une version reconnaissance dédiés aux opérations spéciales, appelée Engerek (vipère), commandées à plus de 500 exemplaires.


Un MRAP turc


Kirpi - BMC

Kirpi - BMC

En 2009, suite au retour sur expérience du théâtre afghan et afin de disposer de véhicules capables de faire face aux menaces de type asymétrique, les Türk Kara Kuvvetleri ont commandé 468 véhicules 4×4 MRAP (résistant aux mines) Kirpi (hérisson), produits depuis 2010 par BMC de Izmir, avec l’assistance de l’industriel israélien Hatehof. Ces engins sont destinés pour l’essentiel à remplacer les BTR-60/80 russes, achetés dans les années 90, ainsi que les Dragoon, dérivés des Cadillac Cage Commando V-150. Récemment, les militaires turques ont exprimé également un besoin pour 336 véhicules NBC. Pour ce contrat, deux véhicules « made in » Turquie sont en lice: le 6×6 Edjer (dragon) de Nurol Makina, dont 26 exemplaires en version transport de troupe ont déjà été vendus à la Géorgie en 2007, et le 6×6 ARMA d’Otokar, qui existe également en version 8×8.


Artillerie et missiles

En ce qui concerne l’artillerie, l’armé turque a déjà renouvelé une grande partie de son parc automoteurs avec la mise en service de 248 obusiers de 155/52 mm K-9 Firtina (tempête) d’origine sud-coréenne, commandés en 2001 dans le cadre d’un contrat de 1,2 milliards de dollars et livrés entre 2004 et 2011. Ces automoteurs d’artillerie ont été utilisés au Kurdistan contre le PKK ainsi qu’en représailles contre la Syrie suite à des tirs contre le territoire turc en octobre 2012. Pour ce qui est des pièces tractées et des lance-roquettes, les Türk Kara Kuvvetleri  continuent leur programme de mise en service d’obusiers de 155/52 mm Panter de production nationale et de la version locale fabriquée sous licence du lance-roquettes multiples WS-1 chinois de 302 mm. Le programme national Toros (taureau) pour l’introduction d’un nouveau système lance-roquettes de 230 et 260 mm semble, en revanche, rencontrer quelques problèmes. 


UMTAS anti-tank missile

UMTAS anti-tank missile

Côté missile, l’armée turque souhaitait remplacer ses systèmes antichars (TOW, MILAN, Cobra, Hellfire, etc.). Ici, la modernisation a fait largement appel à l’achat sur étagère, à savoir l’Eryx de MBDA avec un nouveau contrat pour 632 lanceurs signé en 2012, ou bien avec les russes comme le Kornet E (commande pour 80 postes de tir et 800 missiles livrés en 2009-2010). Peut-être afin de laisser le temps à l’industrie nationale de faire son chemin, car l’industrie turque poursuit plusieurs programmes de développement pour le compte de l’armée turque, comme Roketsan avec son système antichar de 160 mm UMTAS/OMTAS. Rappelons que le missilier et munitionnaire national Roketsan a développé également une roquette de 70 mm à guidage laser Cirit (javelot) utilisée, notamment, par l’hélicoptère de combat AT-129.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:25
Mexico Orders Fourth Damen Patrol Boat

Aug. 23, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Damen Shipyards Group; issued Aug. 22, 2013)


Fourth Damen Stan Patrol for Mexican Navy


In the first week of August the Mexican Navy (Secretaria de Marina) and Damen Shipyards Group signed a contract for a fourth Damen Stan Patrol 4207. The Dutch ship design and shipbuilding company will supply the Mexican Navy with the design and material package with which ASTIMAR 1 (the Mexican Navy yard in Tampico) will build the patrol vessel.


In addition, Damen will assist ASTIMAR 1 with technical support in order to optimize the delivery time and quality of the vessel.


The Damen Stan Patrol 4207 is designed to perform patrol duties in coastal areas and the economic exclusive zone. Other clients who operate similar vessels in the region include navies and coast guards of Jamaica, Barbados, the Dutch Caribbean, Honduras, the Canadian Coast Guard and the US Coast Guard. The USCG recently received five Fast Response Cutters for the Sentinel Class, out of a series of 58, which are based on the same Damen Stan Patrol design.


Two previous patrol vessels, ARM Tenochtitlan (PC-331) and ARM Teotihuacan (PC-332) are already deployed by the Mexican Navy.


This Mexican patrol vessel is the fourth of this class to be built in Mexico. As with other clients, Damen puts its DTC-program (Damen Technical Cooperation) to use. This service is offered to both young and experienced shipyards and aims, if and when the client so desires, to develop their shipbuilding capabilities with respect to Damen vessels. With technical, operational and logistical assistance Damen shares its extensive knowledge on shipbuilding with many yards worldwide.



Damen Shipyards Group (est. 1927) operates more than 55 shipyards, repair yards and related companies worldwide. Damen employs 8,000 people in 35 countries, has delivered over 5,000 vessels since 1969 and delivers some 150 vessels annually to worldwide customers. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept and short delivery times, Damen is able to guarantee consistent quality.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:25
Brazil and Turkey Create Groups to Study Defense Development Projects

Joint development of a fifth-generation fighter, and production in Brazil of Turkey’s T-129 gunship, are just two of the defense cooperation efforts that Brazil and Turkey have agreed to explore. (TAI photo)


Aug. 23, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Brazil Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 22, 2013)

(Issued in Portuguese only; edited unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)


ANKARA --- Brazil and Turkey will strengthen bilateral cooperation in defense through the creation of five working groups to study partnerships in the naval, aeronautics, space, command and control and cyber defense fields.


The decision is the result of an official trip this week by Defense Minister Celso Amorim,


Over three days, Amorim and his entourage met with Turkish political, military and corporate executives in Ankara. The decision to create working groups was taken after talks between Amorim and the Minister of National Defence of Turkey, Ismet Yilmaz.


The groups will consist of civil and military representatives of both governments, and should also count on the participation of defense manufacturers from both countries. In the coming weeks, it is expected that dates should be agreed for inaugural technical meetings, which take place in Brazil and Turkey before the end of this year.


Defense cooperation with Turkey is based on the central idea that the two countries -- nations with similar levels of development, with no conflicts of interest and pursuing increasing participation in the international arena -- have much to gain from the development of common projects, both economically and strategically. "Our relationship has already achieved the status of strategic partnership. The defense industry of my country has carried out major projects and we are ready to cooperate," Ismet Yilmaz told Amorim during a meeting at the Defense Ministry in Ankara.


Joint projects


In the naval area, the teams will study the feasibility of exchanging information and the possible joint development of escort ships, like frigates and corvettes. Turkey has designed and built a corvette whose requirements and characteristics are of interest to Brazil. Brazil also has a local corvette design that served as the basis for the construction of a new class of Navy corvettes, the Barroso. This group will also discuss possible cooperation in fields such as sensors electronic warfare.


The aeronautics group will focus on aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) projects. Turkey has undertaken military attack helicopter and UAV projects using nationally-developed avionics, and also has experience in integrating and manufacturing parts and components of civil and military aircraft. Brazil, for its part, is also developing UAVs and, through Embraer, has extensive experience in the manufacture of both civil and military aircraft.


The idea is to discuss partnership opportunities in this segment, essentially for dual-use (civil and military) aircraft, including negotiations on Turkey’s plan, now in initial development, to develop a 5th-generation fighter. In this field, one of the possibilities to be studied is the assembly of Turkish helicopters in Brazil and of Brazilian aircraft in Turkey.


The space group will address the possibility of cooperation on launch systems and satellite (sensing and communications). Command and control will have a central focus on military communications (with possible civilian applications), through a technology called Software Defined Radio (SDR). Brazil is interested in developing this technology, which will, among other things, provide significant gains for direct communications between the Brazilian armed forces, thereby improving their performance, for example, in military operations.


The fifth group will address the area of cyber defense, based on the experience gained so far by the military forces of the two nations. Brazil will send a delegation to attend the International Cyber Warfare and Security that Turkey will organize in November in Ankara.


Other partnerships


Besides the creation of working groups, the two defense ministers also agreed to strengthen partnerships in other areas of defense. Amorim and Yilmaz, who was in Brazil on an official visit last year, agreed to increase cross-enrollment in military schools, so as to foster exchanges between officers and enlisted men of the two nations. "I consider it very important to strengthen this cooperation," said the Turkish minister.


Also discussed was the possibility of opening new spaces in courses in peacekeeping operations and combating terrorism, an area where Turkish forces have extensive experience.


Celso Amorim also held important meetings with some of the leading Turkish political leaders.




The Brazilian delegation included, among others, general officers of the Department of Defense Products (Seprod), the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces (EMCFA) and Navy of Brazil, General Aderico Mattioli, Brigadier Nilson Carminati and Admiral Antonio Carlos Frade Carneiro.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:20
AN/TPQ-53 (Q-53) long-range counterfire radar

AN/TPQ-53 (Q-53) long-range counterfire radar

Aug 27, 2013 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


The U.S. Army awarded Lockheed Martin $206 million in additional orders for the AN/TPQ-53 (Q-53), a long-range counterfire radar that provides soldiers with enhanced 360-degree protection from indirect fire.


This contract is for 19 Q-53 systems, formerly designated as EQ-36. To date Lockheed Martin has delivered 32 initial production systems to the U.S. Army and is currently producing an additional 33 systems, which were awarded in March 2012. This latest contract builds on those 33 systems currently in production.


“The Q-53 radar is helping to save the lives of U.S. forces through its exceptional performance in theater” said Lee Flake, program director for counterfire target acquisition radar programs at Lockheed Martin’s Mission Systems & Training business. “Deployed since 2010, we have listened to feedback from our soldiers to ensure the system meets operational demands and is evolving to stay ahead of global threats.”


Mounted on a five-ton truck, the Q-53 can be rapidly deployed, automatically leveled and remotely operated with a laptop computer or from a fully equipped climate-controlled command vehicle.


Lockheed Martin won the competitive development contract for the Q-53 radar – then known as EQ-36 – in 2007. Responding to urgent need statements from theater and following early program successes, the Army awarded the company an accelerated contract for 12 initial production systems in July 2008 and a contract with options for an additional 20 systems in April 2010. The Army began deploying Q-53 systems to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan in fall 2010. The March 2012 contract for 33 systems was a combination of low-rate initial production orders one and two.


Work on the Q-53 radar contract will be performed at Lockheed Martin facilities in Syracuse, N.Y., Moorestown, N.J., Akron, Ohio, and Clearwater, Fla.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:20
Darpa Issues RFP for Warrior Web Project

Aug. 23, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: DARPA; issued August 22, 2013)


Warrior Web Closer To Making Its Performance-Improving Suit A Reality


Entering its final phase, program seeks proposals that would help combine promising technologies into a comfortable, lightweight undersuit that would help prevent injury and boost endurance


Of the many risks dismounted Soldiers face in the field, one of the most common is injury from carrying their gear—often topping 100 pounds—for extended periods over rough terrain. Heavy loads increase the likelihood of musculoskeletal injury and also exacerbate fatigue, which contributes to both acute and chronic injury and impedes Soldiers’ physical and cognitive abilities to perform mission-oriented tasks. To help address these challenges, DARPA seeks performers for the last phase of its Warrior Web program.


Warrior Web aims to develop a soft, lightweight undersuit that would help reduce injuries and fatigue and improve Soldiers’ ability to efficiently perform their missions. The garment would protect injury-prone areas and promote efficient and safe movement over a wide range of activities (walking, running, jumping, crawling, etc.). Comfortable, durable and washable, the garment would not interfere with body armor or other standard clothing and gear. DARPA seeks to create a working prototype that significantly boosts endurance, carrying capacity and overall Soldier effectiveness—all while using no more than 100 watts of power.


“Many of the individual technologies currently under development show real promise to reduce injury and fatigue and improve endurance,” said LTC Joseph Hitt, DARPA program manager for Warrior Web. “Now we’re aiming to combine them—and hopefully some new ones, too—into a single system that nearly every Soldier could wear and would provide decisive benefits under real-world conditions.”


The program’s successes to date have resulted from development efforts funded under Warrior Web Task A: Warrior Web Alpha. These efforts have focused on developing a mix of core component technologies worn at the ankles, hips, knees and upper body. Task A performers have been exploring ways to directly mitigate factors that cause injury, as well as reduce physical burdens by augmenting the work done by Soldiers’ own muscles. Component systems within Task A include methods for rapid joint stabilization, functional structures, energy injection, regenerative kinetics, load transfer and distribution, and flexible kinetic and kinematic sensing.


The program’s next phase, Warrior Web Task B: Advanced Technology Development, aims to leverage Task A component technology investments and further advance the development of a fully integrated undersuit system. DARPA now seeks ideas and technical proposals for how to best develop and implement the Warrior Web system.


DARPA has scheduled a Warrior Web Task B Proposers’ Day for potential performers on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013.


DARPA seeks proposals in the following technology areas:

-- Integrated advanced control systems across multiple joints

-- Materials, fabrics, structures, sensors, sensor interfaces and human factors associated with developing conforming, assistive wearable technologies

-- Technologies that significantly reduce the potential for acute or chronic injury of a wearer under typical warfighter mission profile situations

-- Technologies that increase physical capabilities and/or endurance of humans during activities such as running, lifting, climbing, carrying a load, marksmanship, etc.

-- Additional assistive wearable technologies for rehabilitation, physical therapy or those intended to help improve quality of life for the aging population


Proposers may submit a point solution technology that addresses a single technology area or an integrated technology solution or suit that addresses multiple areas. Proposals are due at 4 p.m. EDT on Thursday, October 3, 2013.

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26 août 2013 1 26 /08 /août /2013 16:50
A 17 Squadron Typhoon aircraft with Meteor missiles attached

A 17 Squadron Typhoon aircraft with Meteor missiles attached



August 24, 2013 by Think Defence


RAF Typhoon aircraft will be armed with Meteor missiles from later this decade after an agreement was signed by industry and the four Eurofighter nations.


During a short ceremony at the Paris Air Show, Defence Ministers from the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain witnessed a contract being signed between Eurofighter and NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) that will see the missile system integrated onto the aircraft.


The Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air to Air missile, manufactured by MBDA, is a state of the art long range weapon that can be used against a range of targets. The missile will complement the missile systems already in use on the aircraft, giving pilots a greater choice of weapons depending on their mission objectives.

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26 août 2013 1 26 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Safran au salon MAKS 2013

Paris, le 26 août 2013 safran-group.com


Implanté depuis plus de 20 ans en Russie, Safran sera présent à la 20ème édition du salon international de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace russe (MAKS), qui se déroule à Moscou (Zhukovsky) du 27 août au 1er septembre.


Cette année, Safran présentera pour la première fois sur son stand ses solutions innovantes en matière de sécurité. Les visiteurs pourront ainsi observer des systèmes d’identification biométrique (Morpho-Face™-Investigate, reconnaissance faciale ; Morpho Tatoo, identification des tatouages…) et des détecteurs de traces d’explosifs et de narcotiques (Itemiser® DX, StreetLab® Mobile, Mobile Trace®…).


Safran exposera également ses produits phares dans le domaine de l’aéronautique, comme la maquette du moteur SaM146. Produit par PowerJet, joint-venture entre Snecma (Safran) et la société russe NPO Saturn, le SaM146 motorise l’avion de transport régional russe Sukhoi Superjet 100. Deux pièces entièrement fabriquées à l’usine VolgAero (joint venture entre Snecma et NPO Saturn) à Rybinsk en Russie, seront exposées sur le stand : le CFM56-7B booster spool et le TRF (Turbine Rear Frame) qui compose le SaM146. Cette pièce est l’un des éléments principaux qui assure le rattachement à l’avion.


Les visiteurs pourront également voir l’Arrius 2G1 de Turbomeca (Safran) adapté pour l’hélicoptère Ka-226T de Kamov (appareil bimoteur russe équipé d’un double rotor contrarotatif).


Pour la première fois également, l’e-APU de Microturbo (Safran) sera exposé au salon. Ce groupe auxiliaire de puissance offre une solution innovante aux exigences des nouvelles générations d’avions d’affaires et d’hélicoptères, en termes de besoins électriques, de fiabilité et de normes environnementales.


Sur le stand, les visiteurs pourront aussi voir des produits de défense comme la LINS 100RS, la centrale de navigation inertielle produite par ZAO « RS Alliance », une société commune entre Sagem (Safran) et les sociétés russes ZAO « ITT » (Inertial Technologies of Technokomplex) et OAO « Rosoboronexport ». Ce système de navigation à hautes performances fait appel à la dernière génération de gyrolaser.


Le stand Safran, d’une superficie de plus de 100 m², est situé en A2, hall F3, à côté du stand CFM International (joint venture 50/50 entre Snecma et GE).


Il est également possible de suivre l’actualité du Groupe via son compte Twitter - @SAFRAN

* * * * *


Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie, équipementier de premier rang dans les domaines Aérospatial (propulsion, équipements), Défense et Sécurité. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 62 500 personnes pour un chiffre d’affaires de 13,6 milliards d’euros en 2012. Composé de nombreuses sociétés, le groupe Safran occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Pour répondre à l’évolution des marchés, le Groupe s’engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui ont représenté en 2012 des dépenses de 1,6 milliard d’euros. Safran est une société cotée sur NYSE Euronext Paris et fait partie de l’indice CAC 40.

Pour plus d’informations, www.safran-group.com

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